The Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe Buckingham, PA Fifth Sunday of Lent —March 22, 2015 PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Gentili, S.T.D., M. Div. PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Robert Ianelli, M.A., M. Div. WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Walter J. Quinn, O.S.A., B.S., M.A. PERMANENT DEACON Deacon Robert Brady, M.A. DIRECTOR OF LITURGICAL MUSIC Paula M. Furman, M.S., Ed.D. DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Margaret Szewczak, M.A. DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Gail A. Downing PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Edward Zapisek, B.S. PARISH MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Robert Poleshuk Parish Office Center 5175 Cold Spring Creamery Road Second Floor, Suite Four Doylestown, PA 18902 Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone (267) 247-5374 Fax (267) 247-5402 Website: PARISH RECTORY 3243 Ash Mill Road, Doylestown, PA 18902 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Sunday 5 p.m. 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Church Address Our Lady of Guadalupe Roman Catholic Church 5194 Cold Spring Creamery Road Doylestown, PA 18902 WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. Daily Rosary at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday. “We are a vibrant, WELCOMING PARISH FAMILY dedicated to growing disciples and making church matter.” You are Invited Lent and Easter 2015 Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Bucks County Choral Society Johann Sebastian Bach – Mass in B Minor Sunday, March 22, 4 p.m., OLG Church There is a fee to attend this event. The Message of Divine Mercy Brief Introduction, Monday, March 30 6:30 p.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church OLG L.I.F.E. Teen, The Way of the Cross Tuesday, March 31 St. Martin of Tours Church, New Hope, PA Fast and Abstinence and Other Acts of Penance Lent 2015 The Bishops of the U.S. prescribe as minimal obligation: Sunday Mass All persons who are 14 years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, on all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. All persons 18 years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals are to be light. All faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. All are encouraged to participate in Operation Rice Bowl which aids countless hungry people in the Archdiocese as well as throughout our nation and our world. Vigil Mass is at 5 p.m. on Saturday evening. Mass is celebrated at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. on Sunday. Weekday Mass Mass is celebrated every day at 8 a.m. St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church Sacrament of Reconciliation Available 30 minutes prior to each Mass every weekend. Also, available every Friday evening during Lent at 6 p.m. Stations of the Cross and Benediction Fridays During Lent Beginning Friday, February 20, 6:30 p.m. Devotion to the Blessed Mother Every Wednesday, 7 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, OLG Church Moms in Prayer Every Tuesday, 9 a.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church For more information, please visit the parish website at, download our Parish App or call the Parish Office at 267-247-5374. Sacrament of Reconciliation Available at Our Lady of Czestochowa Did you know…the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available Monday through Saturday, starting at approximately 11:20 a.m. (just before the 11:30 a.m. daily Mass) at Our Lady of Czestochowa on Ferry Road in Doylestown. (Use the entrance for the church on the ground floor). For further information, contact Our Lady of Czestochowa at (215) 345-0600 or see their website :(http:// Page 2 - 131 from the Pastor My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Passion was the definitive act in the life of our Lord. His strength in suffering is a model to us. Just as the sacrifices of Lent pave the way to Easter, so too our strengths are born of our suffering. Please take the opportunity during Lent to renew and refresh your relationship with God. We look forward to seeing you and hope that as we approach the most important liturgical celebration within our faith, we will be replenished and joyfully look to celebrate Easter together as a parish family. Sincerely in Our Lord Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Gentili Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 2016 Mass Intention Mass Cards The 2016 book for Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass intentions for Memorial Mass cards is now open. Please stop by the Parish Office to purchase your memorial mass cards. Reflection Pondering the Word… Anthropologically speaking, one might argue the first covenant God made with Abraham around 2,000 BC, was the precursor to the development of rule-based civilized society, a way to move from an anarchic tribal mentality (which unfortunately still exists in some places today) to a more fair and just system. It had to be written in stone for the stiff-necked Israelites who seemed quite ready to regress to more primitive behavior at the drop of a hat. Their hearts were not yet ready to be changed, so the law had to be specific and punishment meted out. God promises a new covenant, which Christians know as Jesus Christ, who will forever change hearts. But we still struggle with hardness of heart. What is the key that unlocks the secret to a heart open to God’s law and love? That key is forgiveness. Living the Word… Today’s Provision—Forgiving and Forgetting: “If we carry this Jeremiah oracle toward our common civic life, the mandate that may arise from God is an invitation to a deep breath and a fresh generosity, and a move beyond petty and deep resentment toward embrace of the other… Where there is no forgiveness and no forgetting, society is fated to replay forever the same old hostilities, resentments and alienations… the text from Jeremiah continues to sound… While it was a remnant that received the chance for newness in ancient Israel, it was one significant enough to reorder social reality. The oracle continues to bid for a remnant with such a resolve. It is a bid that invites beyond fate to possibility.” (Walter Brueggemann, © 2015, Elaine H. Ireland Page 3 - 131 March 21, 2015 Dear Friends, As we close in on the date for the World Meeting of Families and the Holy Father’s visit, I often hear two questions: “How can I be involved?” and “How can I help?” Many of our people want to be involved in some way, and of course we need all the help we can get. First, I urge all of you, individuals and families, to attend the World Meeting of Families Congress. Registration for both the Adult and Youth Congress sessions is open on the World Meeting of Families/Philadelphia 2015 website, You’ll find a variety of registration package options, and detailed information about each session. Second, please give serious consideration to hosting a family and opening your home to pilgrims. This is one of our greatest needs. There simply aren’t enough hotel rooms in our region for the many people who will come to Philadelphia later this year. We’ve partnered with Homestay, an international organization with a strong reputation and high level of expertise, to help us with this initiative. They’ve designed an online portal specifically for the World Meeting of Families, where host families can register a room, multiple rooms or a whole apartment or home, to be used by visitors. The website will then be opened to visitors who can search for available rooms and request to stay there for a period of time during the World Meeting of Families. You can learn more by visiting the “Host a Family” page of Third, become a World Meeting of Families/Philadelphia 2015 volunteer. We need more than 8,000 volunteers for a wide range of tasks. Our volunteers will be the face of the Archdiocese to people from around the globe this fall, so this job is vital to our efforts. Volunteer registration will soon open on the World Meeting of Families website, Every volunteer must be at least 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen, and must complete an online background check. On the website you can read more about the different volunteer jobs available and soon begin the registration process. Fourth, the historic events that will take place this year in Philadelphia demand not only a great deal of work, but also the money resources to match. Fundraising falls largely on the shoulders of the host diocese. As I’ve said before, we will not use Archdiocesan or parish funds to pay for expenses. Thanks to business, religious congregation and individual donors across the country, we’ve made good progress in meeting our resource needs. We’re more than half way to our goals. But with a massive effort like World Meeting of Families, we need all the financial help we can get. Every financial contribution, no matter how large or modest, is greatly appreciated. I ask you to please consider helping us reach the goal. Again, every gift matters, and you can learn more about ways to donate by visiting Fifth and finally, please pray for the success of the World Meeting of Families and the visit of our extraordinary Pope Francis. This can be a moment of renewal -- the beginning of new energy and life -- for the whole Church in Greater Philadelphia. Please help God make that renewal happen through your active participation, your generosity and your prayers. I’m grateful for all of your support, and I promise to remember you and your own families in my prayers. World Meeting of Families Prayer Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ, +Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Philadelphia God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! Page 4 - 131 Weekly Intentions 8 a.m. Monday, March 23, Lenten Weekday Margaret L’Heureux Requested by the Zak Family 8 a.m. Tuesday, March 24, Lenten Weekday Regina Whittien Requested by Marese Van Duyne 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 25 The Annunciation of the Lord Marie T. McEntee Requested by Liz McLaughlin 8 a.m. Thursday, March 26, Lenten Weekday Rosina Torsitano Requested by Maria Caperelli 8 a.m. Friday, March 27, Lenten Weekday Gerald Pino Requested by Rita and Romano Valeri 8 a.m. Saturday, March 28, Lenten Weekday Gerald Pino Requested by the Everett Family Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Week of March 22, 2015, Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine In loving memory of Helen D’Aloia Requested by Sara Esopa In memory of Miraflora Neophytos Requested by Mike Broglie and Family Purchase a candle in the OLG Shrine ($10) in honor of your special intention. Call the Parish Office or stop by to reserve your candle. Fifth Sunday of Lent—3/22/15 Jeremiah 31, 31-34 The days are coming when I will make a new covenant with Israel and I will forgive their iniquity. Psalm 51, 3-4. 12-13. 14-15 Create a clean heart in me, O God. Hebrews 5, 7-9 He learned to obey and became for all the source of eternal salvation. John 12, 20-33 The grain of wheat must die to produce fruit. Such dying must be cultivated by obedience and by our covenant with God, rooted in love and forgiveness. Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord—3/29/15 Isaiah 50, 4-7, Psalm 22, 8-9. 17-18. 19-20. 23-24 Philippians 2, 6-11, Mark 11, 1-10 OLG Respect Life Committee Two Great Happenings, ONE NIGHT EVENT Wednesday, March 25, 7 to 9 p.m. Immaculate Conception Church, Jenkintown, PA Friends of FertilityCare is hosting a movie and meet and greet. “NaPro: A Quiet Revolution” explains that there is a viable alternative to birth control to treat women’s health problems and infertility. Dr. Monique Ruberu, the only Ob/Gyn trained in NaPro Technology in the Philadelphia area, will also share her conversion story. To register, contact Barbara Rose, FertilityCare Practitioner at 215-884-2922. Terri's Day! International Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Terri Schindler-Schiavo Tuesday, March 31 This year marks 10th anniversary of Terri's death. Memorial Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput at 5 p.m. All are invited to attend. Following Terri's Memorial Mass, the Life and Hope Network will have its Award Gala at the Union League of Philadelphia. Individual Ticket: $150 Table of 10: $1,500. To purchase a ticket call 215-948-3863. Urgent Legislative Alert from Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Assisted Suicide Bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee Legislation has been introduced in the PA Senate which would legalize assisted suicide in PA. Senate Bill 549 has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee with this urgent message: “I urge you to oppose Senate Bill 549, the assisted suicide bill. The legislation would hurt people with disabilities and the frail elderly.” Contact information for the pro-life members of the Senate Judiciary Committee: Code=39&CteeBody=S Rice Bowl 2015 Join our parish community—and more than 13,000 Catholic communities across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl in the church narthex or the Parish Office. Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. You can submit your Rice Bowl offerings to our Parish Office at the end of Lent, put your offering in the collection basket at any time, submit your gift online ( or send a check to: Catholic Relief Services CRS Rice Bowl P.O. Box 17090 Baltimore, MD 21203-7090 Page 5 - 131 PREP, L.I.F.E. and CYO L.I.F.E. Teen Living in Faith Eternally OLG Website and L.I.F.E. Teen Page To access the L.I.F.E. Teen page of the parish website, go to the home page ( Applicable permission forms and flyers can be found by clicking on the form box at the top of the L.I.F.E. Teen page. There you will also see boxes containing the following information: Ways to get involved, Teen Mass Dates, Photos of Past Events and a link to CYO. A calendar of events is also posted on this page. From the calendar entry, you can access a Sign Up Genius link. Upcoming Events Digging Deeper, Biweekly Teen Discussion Group (Grades 7-12), Next Meeting, Thursday, April 16 7 to 8 p.m., OLG Parish Office (former chapel) Through discussion, we hope to help teens better understand what a powerful tool faith can be in their everyday lives. Future topic ideas will be gladly accepted by teens and parents. Discussion topics include (but will not be limited to): Peer Pressure (4/16/15) The group will not be meeting on 4/2—Holy Thursday. The L.I.F.E. Teen calendar is also used for activities at Saint Martin’s. The calendar will list the dates that this discussion group will be at OLG as well as Saint Martin’s. An additional chaperone (with Protecting God’s Children clearance) will be needed at each session. To sign up to chaperone, use the sign up genius link on the calendar entry you are interested in. Teen Mass and Minute to Win It Sunday, March 22, 9:30 a.m. Mass, OLG Church 10:30 a.m. to noon, Minute to Win It Competition, OLG Parish Office See the directions above to sign up to usher, serve as a gift bearer, join in the games or bring a item to our gathering. Join thousands of other teens from across the country in the National Catholic Youth Conference! November 19 to 21, Indianapolis This is the largest bi-annual gathering of Catholic high school teens in the U.S. The participants experience amazing music, liturgies and workshops; along with endless entertainment. Plan to be revived along with 20,000 to 25,000 other teens! The trip will cost approximately $600 per person. This includes coach bus transportation, the conference, lodging, and some meals. A parent/teen meeting with more details will be held in early spring. We will travel by bus due to the unexpected rate increase in flights. The Passion of Our Lord as never seen before Tuesday, March 31, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Saint Martin of Tours, New Hope Join us for a presentation of the Passion done through pantomime, paraliturgical readings, music and special effects. High School students from New York will be giving the presentation. They have performed extensively on the East Coast. Families are invited to attend this powerful and unique prayer service. Young children may be frightened due to the nature of the presentation. There is no charge but there will be opportunity for a free will offering. Teens Needed to Help with Dinner Before Play There are twenty five teens performing in the passion. Teens from OLG and St. Martin’s are invited to help serve and then share dinner with the performers. If you are planning to be a part of the meal, please sign up via sign up genius. We will also need an additional adult chaperon (with Protecting Gods Children clearance). For more L.I.F.E. Teen Information For general information on L.I.F.E. teen, or more information on our summer and fall trips, please contact Youth Minister, Gail Downing at [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Week of March 28 and 29 Easter Fun at Bush Park, Buckingham Saturday, March 28, 8 a.m. to 12 noon Come out and help make this a super fun morning for area children. Help is needed hiding eggs, running games and crafts. Please contact Mrs. Haus if you are able to help ([email protected]) Time 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11 a.m. Celebrant Monsignor Gentili Father Ianelli Monsignor Gentili Father Quinn Homilist Monsignor Gentili Father Ianelli Monsignor Gentili Deacon Brady Schedule is subject to change. Page 6 - 131 What Medical Forensics Tells us about the Shroud of Turin For almost 125 years, physicians, forensic scientists, and other researchers have been intensely studying the Shroud of Turin to evaluate the textile itself and the body that it held. Images from photographic negatives show various types of wounds and blood flows in great detail. Consider the following information from the Shroud that supports the Gospel accounts of Christ’s crucifixion and the authenticity of the Shroud as the burial cloth for a man in the Roman Empire and thus possibly for Our Blessed Lord: 1. Multiple puncture wounds encircle the man’s head and form a pattern consistent with a crown of thorns; these wounds are most especially visible on the forehead. 2. Abrasions are seen on both the right and left shoulder and across the nape of the neck. These abrasions are consistent with injuries inflicted by carrying the patibulum (horizontal crosspiece) from a Roman cross for crucifixion. Praying for Our Special Intentions Please remember in your prayers the sick, home bound and all the intentions placed in our prayer intention books in the Shrine, Chapel and Church. All of the intentions in the prayer intention books are prayed for at each mass at OLG. In addition we ask that you pray for the following intentions which are part of the OLG Prayer Line. OLG Prayer Line We invite you to join us in praying for the following people: Anthony Anna Lee Ralph Boccuzzi Ruth B. Carolyn Caroline Dominico Campologno Anne Casano Jaila Cook Loretta Dadura Rocco Dilaurentis Betty Demarco Daughter A Daughter B Ronald DiSabatino Dominick Allen Durst Marvin Eidem Peter Giandalia Matthew Giandalia Lauren Heaslip Sean Hogan Rachel E. Johnson Jacob Lambie Jim Kevin Lane Bill and Diane Lane J. Lee Steven K. Lombardo Jean Lomonaco Tom Lamb Anna Claire Mailiff Dr. Ahmed Mazaheri Matt Emma Marie McCarty S. Miller Family Ginny Mintz Elma Morrow Nicole O’Neil Anthony Nocco Baby Grace Oddo Dorothy Papst Jim Pellicore Sonya Pereira Mary Reichert Rosemarie Lynne Sharkey Mary Lizzie Stimmell James Sturgis Corporal Brad Thomas Grayson Weidner Craig Wallace Louise Wasserott Joyce Willard To be a member of the “Prayer Team,” send your email address/phone number to [email protected], or call 215-794-7535. Prayer requests are welcome at the same address and phone. This patibulum often weighed between 60 and 100 pounds and was typically laid behind the head and across the shoulders of the condemned man whose outstretched arms were secured to the patibulum with rope as he staggered to his place of crucifixion. Backlit photographs from the Shroud illustrate most clearly that the blood across the shoulders is smeared or smudged from the action of some abrading object in a pattern consistent with patibulum placement. 3. Other injuries are consistent with at least one fall. When a victim carried a patibulum on his shoulders while his arms were restrained as described, he could not protect his face or limbs if he fell to the ground. Several injuries on the front of this man’s body are noted on the Shroud image and are consistent with at least one possible fall. These injuries include: facial trauma, where the man’s: nose appears to have been distorted (and possibly broken) while he was alive. right cheek was distinctly swollen. the skin on the right knee, which is abraded and denuded the right knee itself appears to have been swollen in association with a severe bruise or even a fractured kneecap. Contemplate our Lord’s Passion and infinite love for us when considering the severe suffering for the man of the shroud. For an excellent summary:, or review other information at or the complete scientific analysis (with many images ) http:// Page 7 - 131 Parish Ministries Ladies of OLG Designer Bag Bingo Thanks to everyone who attended Designer Bag Bingo and helped make it a fabulous day! Approximately 245 attendees enjoyed a fun afternoon of bingo (with a chance to win a gorgeous designer bag), door prizes/raffle baskets, desserts and an Irish dance performance by the Fitzpatrick School of Irish Dance. A special thanks to the event sponsors: Brian Trymbiski, Wells Fargo; Shop 65; Frank Dolski, Coldwell Banker; Station Tap House; and Lou Bayne, Leaver-Cable Funeral Home. Over 30 gift baskets were donated by the generous ladies of our parish as well as other supportive businesses in our community—thank you! Personal Items Collection Weekend of April 11 and 12, OLG Church Narthex Travel/personal-size items are being collected to benefit the Sr. Thea Bowman Women’s Center in Kensington (a ministry of the St. Francis Inn). All parishioners are invited to participate. Thank you in advance for your contributions. Thank you for your generous parish’s support of the 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal. Your parish is one of 82 that exceeded its 2014 Appeal goal. Because of your support and others, the 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal achieved its 10 million goal! The need throughout Philadelphia is immense. Last year, your parish came through with exceptional generosity and devotion to help feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, educate the vulnerable and special needs children, and support those in need. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. I humbly ask for your ongoing support in 2015. It is essential to the success of these vital missions. To donate or for more information, see: Travel/personal-size items needed: shampoo/conditioner soap/body wash toothpaste/brush deodorant and lotion The Seven Levels of Intimacy General Group Meeting Sunday, April 19, 1 p.m. (location TBD) Service project will follow for anyone who would like to assist with assembling the toiletry bags. Director of the Thea Women’s Ministry will be the guest speaker. All ladies of the parish are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact Susan MacLeman ([email protected]) if you can join us. Health and Wellness Ministry Easter Food Baskets Baskets (or sturdy box/bag) Collection, All Masses, THIS Weekend of March 21 and 22, OLG Narthex The Easter Food Basket Drive is for both the Doylestown Food Pantry and The Lord's Pantry. If there are any questions, please contact Maureen Sapelli at 215-794-5764 or [email protected]. R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults As a faith community, let's pray for our RCIA catechumens and candidates who will be received at the Easter Vigil. Anyone interested in the process for next year or in discussing the beliefs and practices of the catholic faith may call Linda or John Gray at 215-766-2057 or email [email protected]. True intimacy means sharing who we really are with another person. We have to move beyond the clichés in conversation and get beneath the surface which involves taking a risk because in doing this, our weaknesses and imperfections will be made known. Matthew teaches practical ways to share ourselves more deeply with those we love and change the way we approach our relationships forever. Find the CD in the OLG Narthex. Listen, enjoy and pass it on! Easter Tribute If you have a family member who is currently serving in the military, please send their rank, full name and their Division of the Armed Services to: [email protected] by Monday, March 23. We will include their name in the bulletin for Easter. If you have previously sent a name to the parish bulletin, your loved ones name will remain on the list. Please email if you want the name removed or if you have any changes. Page 8 - 131 Upcoming Parish Events These events are sponsored by the OLG 55+ Club. OLG 55+ Club Meetings Second Wednesday of the Month 11 a.m., Conference Room, Parish Office This is a great opportunity to meet other parishioners. For more information, contact Michelene Bolsar ([email protected] or 215 348-4567). COUNTDOWN TO FINAL SIGN UP! Bus is 2/3 full—reserve your spot today Discussion on Pope Francis’ Book “The Joy of the Gospel” Discussion led by Father Robert Ianelli RESCHEDULED FOR Thursday, March 26 7 p.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church Books are available in the narthex and at as paperback and e-book'. WEEKLY COLLECTION “A TITHING COMMUNITY” March 15, 2015 March 16, 2014 $20,386 $20,298 Current Fiscal Year (started July 1, 2014) Average: $20,861 Amount needed on a weekly basis: $23,000 Myrtle Beach Trip 5 Days and 4 Nights, May 3 to 7, 2015 $750 per person. Call for a brochure. Make plans to enjoy a wonderful vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Hotel suites with balcony and beach front view Visit Charlestown, SC Trip includes four breakfasts and four dinners Enjoy a dinner show included with one evening Bus transportation and drivers gratuity included For more information on these events sponsored by the 55+ Club, contact Pat Price at 215-300-2153, Pat Donnelly at 215-598-9763 or Jean Zielke at 215-794-1188. Trip Registration Information Register Now In order to book trips a certain number of registrants are required, so register early to ensure trip will take place. Trips Open to Everyone All community members may attend OLG 55+ Club trips. 30-Day Trip Cancellation In most cases, if you cancel your trip reservation 30 days prior to the day of the trip you will get a full refund. If every family could donate $5 more per week, the Parish would reach its weekly goal. Church in Africa Rice Bowl $3,553 (total) $3,544 (total) THANK YOU The National Catholic Bible Conference is Returning to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia! June 19 and 20 Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA The theme of this year’s conference is “Scripture and the Family of God.” There, you will discover how God is calling you to do more than just believe in him. He is calling you to a life-changing and life-giving relationship with him. You will also have the unique opportunity to glean insight and encouragement from gifted Catholic speakers and biblical scholars, including Jeff Cavins, Mark Hart, Mary Healy, and Edward Sri, Sarah Christmyer, and more! Registrations are currently being taken, with an early-bird special available until April 24. For more information on the conference and to register, please visit or call 1-888-842-2853. Page 9 - 131 Bulletin Deadline Adult Faith Formation We would love to hear from you! The bulletin deadline is the previous Monday at 12 noon. Please email [email protected] or call the Parish Office with questions or to submit a request. The Message of Divine Mercy Sunday, April 5 Easter Bulletin Deadline Monday, March 23, 12 noon OLMC 26th Annual Lunch and Lecture Forgiveness and Reconciliation Sr. Cathy Nerney, SSJ Wednesday, March 25, 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. Cock’n Bull Restaurant, Lahaska, PA RSVP by March 16, Tickets: $25 Brief Introduction, Monday, March 30 6:30 p.m., St. Juan Diego Chapel, OLG Church The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us — all of us. And, he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. This message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God's mercy. For more information visit: Checks made payable to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For tickets, contact Jayne Boccuzzi at 215-794-7897. Mail checks to: Jayne Boccuzzi,1 Garden Path, Doylestown, PA 18901. Real Men Love their Mother! FREE Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bunny Sighting All men are invited to begin an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Blessed Pope John Paul II. Father Gaitley masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp. More specifically, he weaves their thoughts into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make. Sunday, March 29, 1:30 p.m. Joseph A. Fluehr, III Funeral Home 241 East Butler Avenue and Sandy Ridge Road New Britain, PA All children age newborn to age 10 are invited. The egg hunt will take place— rain or shine! All Parishioners are Invited to Attend The Passion of Our Lord as never seen before Tuesday, March 31, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Saint Martin of Tours, New Hope Enjoy a presentation of the Passion done through pantomime, paraliturgical readings, music and special effects. High School students from New York will be giving the presentation. They have performed extensively on the East Coast. Families are invited to attend this powerful and unique prayer service. Young children may be frightened due to the nature of the presentation. There is no charge but there will be opportunity for a free will offering. Starts Thursday April 9, 7 p.m., Conference Room, Parish Office, Group will meet once a week for five weeks This group is for all men, young and old who want a better relationship with Christ through His mother. Please R.S.V.P. to Meg Szewczak at [email protected] or 267-247-5374. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for Healing After Abortion April 24 to 26, National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA Rachel's Vineyard is an extraordinary opportunity for any person who struggles with emotional and spiritual pain of past abortion(s). The weekend is a unique process designed to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is helpful for those who struggle with forgiving themselves or others. Rachel's Vineyard is a "therapy for the soul" which combines a unique and creative process for psychological and spiritual healing. For more information please call Evelyn at (215) 317-5752. All requests are strictly confidential. Read more about our retreat online at Page 10 - 131 Local Parish News and More Villa Joseph Marie High School's Annual Spring Auction Divorce and Beyond NAUTICAL NIGHTS “Divorce and Beyond” is a program for men and women who are already divorced or have filed for divorce and are working to heal the wounds of divorce. Saturday, March 28, 6:30 p.m. Villa Joseph Marie High School, 1180 Holland Road, Holland Fabulous silent and live auction items include: day in DC with Mike Fitzpatrick, one week in a 3-bedroom condo in Naples, FL, celebration at Maria Hall, front row graduation seats and referred parking, Name that Street – bus loop at VJM, 2016 Masters in Augusta, GA, tickets to Wicked the Musical and back stage tour, trip to Mexico, and much more! The evening will feature a fantastic catered dinner and an open wine and beer bar for $60 per person. Call 215-357-8810 or register online at Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) Peace and Justice Ministry SAVE THE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2015 Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, comes to OLMC to talk about life, death, and social justice. Don’t miss it! Tuesdays April 7, 21, 28, May 5, 19, 26, June 2, 16, 23, 30, and July 7 7 p.m., Saint Bede the Venerable Church, Holland, PA Registration fee is $10. Please send the fee, along with your name, address, phone number and email to: Divorce and Beyond, c/o St. Bede the Venerable Rectory, 1071 Holland Road, Holland, PA 18966. Your fee and information must be received by April 7. For more information, call Helen Love at 267-304-3772. The Butterfly Project Sunday, May 3 3 p.m., Temple Judea, 38 Rogers Road, Furlong This powerful, moving play is based on the book of the same name that was created from the art and poems written by children in the Terezin concentration camp near Prague. Admission is free, but seating is limited so tickets are required. Contact the Temple Judea office at 215-348-5022 for tickets. Pilgrimage to Greece in the Footsteps of St. Paul Join Deacon Jim and Barbara Anne Fowkes, of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Doylestown, on a 12 Day Pilgrimage to Greece from April 12-23, 2016. Following Easter and in preparation for Pentecost next year, come and walk in the footsteps of St. Paul. Find yourself rediscovering the power of St. Paul’s ministry in Greece and on the Greek Isles. There will be an information meeting about this Imagine Tours and Travel pilgrimage on: Information Sessions Saturdays, April 18 and April 25, 2015 3 p.m., St. Mary’s Hall, across the street from OLMC Church For more information, contact Deacon Jim at 215-348-7515 or [email protected]. Support Our Advertisers Please consider using the services of our bulletin advertisers. Their support of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is greatly appreciated! Page 11 - 131
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