Don’t miss the Central Florida Gardening TV Show! M ay 2 0 1 5 C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Spotlighting Fresh From Florida 3 4 5 Butterflies in the Garden 6 CEU Day & Worker Protection Standard Train the Trainer 7 Commercial Pest App Lic.Testing 8 9 Minor Vegetables 10 11 12 13 14 Review & Exams for Ornamental/ Turf & Private Ag App. 15 16 Adopt a Tree Orange and Vision TV Brighthouse channels 488 & 492; Comcast channels 9 & 98; AT&T U-Verse channels 99 Digital channel Over-the-Air 29-2, 29-3; and online at Self‐guided tours are encouraged Monday thru Friday from 8 ‐ 5 Commercial Plant Diagnostic Clinic Tuesdays 1 pm - 4 pm MREC, Apopka Yeast Bread Baking Florida Beef Cattle Short Course 17 18 19 20 21 Minor Vegetables 22 Creating Hypertufa Planters Creating Hypertufa Planters 24 25 Memorial Day Extension Center is Closed 26 Mini-Gardening 27 Allergy and Asthma Awareness 28 Trees 101 El Poder de la Nutricion Vegetal 23 Creating Hypertufa Planters Butterflies in the Garden 29 Trees 101 30 Plant Clinic Residential Horticulture Monday - Friday 8 am - 12 pm, 1 pm - 5 pm Extension Education Center, Orlando Tuesdays 9 am - 12 pm MREC, Apopka Wednesdays 3 pm - 5 pm Leu Gardens 31 JOIN 4-H For a list of clubs and times for meetings visit For more information call 407-254-9200 6021 S. Conway Road, Orlando, FL 32812 Visit us online at an Equal Opportunity Institution For more information call 407-254-9229 or visit May 2015 Calendar of Events 2 Spotlighting Fresh From Florida at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8:45am - 12:30pm. $12. This two-track seminar will focus on Farmer’s Markets. One track for those interested in growing produce for the market, and one track to demonstrate how to get the best from your fresh produce. Class size is limited. Advance registration is required at 5 Butterflies, Pollinators and Other Beneficials in the Garden at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 9 - 10:30am. FREE, or $10 with book. This class will teach how to attract and keep butterflies along with other pollinators and beneficial insects in your garden year round. Please register in advance at 6 CEU Day and Worker Protection Standard Train the Trainer at Mid-Florida Research & Education Center. 8:00am-3:00pm. CEUs available! Registration is required in advance at 7 Commercial Pesticide Applicator License Testing at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8:30am – 12:30pm. Must bring a valid picture ID. Registration required: For more information, contact Chris Weber at 407-254-9214. 9 Minor Vegetables – Expanding the Season at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 9 - 10:30am. FREE. There are many unique vegetables that will do well in Central Florida gardens. Learn the basic information about growing “miscellaneous” (specialty, ethnic, oriental) vegetables that may expand your vegetable gardening season for more great food from your garden. Please go online to register in advance at 13 14 15 Florida Beef Cattle Short Course at the Alto and Patricia Straughn Extension Professional Development Center, Gainesville. $165. This course addresses issues for beef cattle enterprises at an elevated level of management skill with practical applications for every beef cattle producer in Florida and beyond. The course focuses on unique challenges facing our beef industry, beef production issues, urban growth, global competition, changing consumer demands, and economic and environmental sustainability. For information, please contact Dr. Matt Hersom, 353-392-2390, [email protected]. To register, go to: 14 Review & Exams for Limited Certifications for Pesticide Applicator Licenses at the UF/IFAS Extension Osceola County. 8am-4pm. CEUs Available! Registration: Adopt-A-Tree Program at South Econ Park. 8 am For further information call 407-254-9200. Must be a Orange County resident. Bring your utility bill for proof of residency. 16 Yeast Bread Baking at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 9 - 12:30pm. $20. Yeast breads can be easy, nutritious, delicious, and fun. In this repeat of our popular hands-on class, we will make a mixture of sweet and savory breads. Class size is limited. Advance registration is required at Minor Vegetables – Expanding the Season at the Jesse Brock Community Center, Winter Garden. 6 - 7:30pm. FREE. (See May 9 for class description) Please go online to register in advance at 21 22 23 27 26 Creating Hypertufa Planters at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6 - 8pm. $12. Love the look of stone, but not the weight and expense? With a little time and a few supplies, you can make your own planters from hypertufa. All participants will build their own in class to take home. Please go online to register in advance at Creating Hypertufa Planters at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 10 - 12pm. $12. Love the look of stone, but not the weight and expense? (See May 21 for class description.) Please go online to register in advance at Creating Hypertufa Planters at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 9 - 11am. $12. Love the look of stone, but not the weight and expense? (See May 21 for class description.) Please go online to register in advance at Butterflies, Pollinators and Other Beneficials in the Garden at the at the Jesse Brock Community Center, Winter Garden. 10 - 11:30am. (See May 5 for class description.) Please go online to register in advance at Good Health Starts at Home: Asthma and Allergy Awareness at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6 - 8pm. $10. May is National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month. It's a peak season for asthma and allergy sufferers, and a perfect time to educate your patients, family, friends, co-workers and others about these diseases. Advance registration is required at Mini-gardening: Growing Vegetables in Containers at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6:30 - 8pm. $5. Don’t have enough room for a proper vegetable garden site in your landscape? There is no need to give up on growing quality vegetables when you choose the right type and size of container. Please go online to register in advance at: El Poder de la Nutricion Vegetal at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6 - 8pm. $15. Aprenda como agregarle el impulso nutricional que los vegetales proveen a las comidas de su familia. Platos principales como acompañantes serán demostrados en esta clase. Muestras para probar y recetas serán provistas! Regístrese en línea visitando: http://www. 28 Trees 101: Selection, Planting & Maintenance at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 6:30 - 8:30pm. $5.00 per household. Learn which trees grow best in Central Florida, how to properly plant and establish trees, and their maintenance requirements. Please go online to register in advance at 29 Trees 101: Selection, Planting & Maintenance at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 10am - 12pm. $5.00 per household. Proper (See May 28 for class description.) Please go online to register in advance at
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