INTRODUCTION SB Living have been through an extensive design and consultation process in relation to the old Fleetwood Caravan site since August 2014. Since the first Public Exhibition in December 2014, SB Living have been incorporating changes suggested by local residents and various Babergh Council officers into the designs for the scheme where possible and appropriate. SB Living are keen to finalise the design and will be taking account of further comments coming from this second Public Exhibition so that a planning application can be put together. The intention is to submit a planning application within the next few months and, provided a consent is granted, to begin redevelopment of the site later this year. Your views and comments are important to us and will be used to refine the proposals further. Thank you for attending this exhibition. Please review the boards and fill in one of the feedback forms provided. These can be completed now and left in the comments box or posted to Telephone House, 69 - 77 Paul Street, EC2A 4NW. Alternatively, your comments can be emailed to [email protected] All email responses will be acknowledged. For further information and ongoing news on the development, please visit our website at the following address This public consultation exercise will take place on Wednesday 6th May 2015, between the hours of 3.00pm and 8.00pm. Members of the professional team are available to answer any questions you may have. ORCHARD BROOK, LONG MELFORD OPTION PLANS Public Open Space Options Option 1 Public open space could be located close to site access new link to countryside OUTCOMES OF THE LAST PUBLIC EXHIBITION Questionaire Responses Received Orchard Brook ‐ Public Meeting 4th / 5th December 2014 ‐ Questionnaire Responses Received Are you in favour of housing on this site? Option 2 Potential for retirement home within the scheme Of those interested in housing for the elderly ‐ would you prefer Sheltered Housing or a Retirement Home Public open space located close to site access Retirement Home v Sheltered Houses 25% Yes 37% No Sheltered Housing Retirement Home 75% 63% Housing Preference ‐ Mixed / Housing Only? Where do you prefer the location of open space and play areas? 32 24% By Entrance By Coutryside 11 76% 6 OF THOSE IN FAVOUR OF HOUSING ‐ IN FAVOUR OF MIXED USE OF THOSE IN FAVOUR OF OF THOSE AGAINST JUST HOUSING ‐ PREFER NO OTHER HOUSING ‐ PREFER HOUSING USES AND ANOTHER USE 1 Key Key Public Open Space Potential retirement home Link to countryside From the last questionnaire, there was a strong preference for “sheltered housing” or a “retirement home”. Following an extensive investigation of the market during the last few months it is clear that a retirement home would be the only viable option in this location. Option 2 has been therefore been selected. From the survey results, most people preferred Option 1 with Public Open Space located next to the site access (to form the ‘lobby’ into the residential scheme). Option 2 Public open space could be located at southern section of the site Option 1 Potential for sheltered housing within the scheme new links to countryside Our earlier concept design included small business units but this was rejected by Babergh Council officers on the basis that they do not consider this to be a viable use on this site and they have a strong preference for affordable housing most of the public open space located to the southern section of the site over business units. On that basis we have had to remove them from the scheme design. ORCHARD BROOK, LONG MELFORD RETIREMENT HOME L O C AT I O N O P T I O N S C O N S I D E R E D W I T H I N T H E P R O P O S E D S I T E L AYO U T Option 2 : Option 1 : CLIENT Location - south west corner of site. SB2 Long Melford Ltd SCALE 1:500@A1 LA Concluded that the building would be too dominant when 18.02.2015 IM from the south west. Site Layoutviewed Plan (Option 4)from the open countryside 6207 / Sk018 PROJECT Orchard Brook, Long Melford DRAWING TITLE DATE DRAWING NUMBER Stanley Bragg DRAWN CHECKED Site Layout Plan (Option 4) A R C H I T E C T S STANLEY BRAGG ARCHITECTS LIMITED ABBEYGATE ONE, 8 WHITEWELL ROAD, COLCHESTER, ESSEX. CO2 7DF REVISION T: (01206) 571371 F: (01206) 765242 E: [email protected] 3rd FLOOR ELDON HOUSE, ELDON STREET, LONDON. EC2M 7LS T (02036) 675925 Location - in the centre of the site. CLIENT SCALE DRAWN PROJECT DATE CHECKED DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NUMBER REVISION SB2 Long Melford Ltd 1:500@A1 Orchard Brook, Long Melford 20.02.2015 Site Layout Plan (Option 5) 6207 / Sk019 LA IM - SitetheLayout (Option 5 Concluded that building Plan would “fragment” the) proposed surrounding housing layout and would over dominate the rest of the site. Option 3 : Location – north west corner of the site. Concluded that the building would benefit from direct pedestrian access to open countryside and across the Public Open Space to Hall Street, would relate well to the existing surrounding buildings and would also provide a high quality frontage to the public footpath and to the Public Open Space, which will encourage responsible use of those spaces. CLIENT SB2 Long Melford Ltd ORCHARD BROOK, LONG MELFORD PROJECT Orchard Brook, Long Melford DRAWING TITLE Site Layout Plan (Option 6 ) SCALE DRAWN DATE CHECKED 1:500@A1 20.02.2015 DRAWING NUMBER 6207 / Sk020 LA IM REVISION - Site Layout Plan (Option 6 ) Stanley Bragg A R C H I T E C T S STANLEY BRAGG ARCHITECTS LIMITED ABBEYGATE ONE, 8 WHITEWELL ROAD, COLCHESTER, ESSEX. CO2 7DF T: (01206) 571371 F: (01206) 765242 E: [email protected] 3rd FLOOR ELDON HOUSE, ELDON STREET, LONDON. EC2M 7LS T (02036) 675925 P RO P O S E D S I T E L AYO U T P L A N alternative ‘emergency’ access Retirement Home site boundary to be opened up to countryside 2 spaces to replace spaces removed from Hall Street car parking car parking Schedule of accommodation proposed open space. (Pos) - “lobby” into the residential scheme. Retirement Home 2 bed housing 3 bed housing Pos & child play area pedestrian access to countryside. 4 bed housing 3 bed bungalows garages generous gardens and open space across the site. Car Parking no units 2 bed 3 bed 4 bed 3 bed bungalows Visitors Housing Total Retirement Home Manager & Visitors Retirement Total 4 17 5 7 33 34 parking per dwelling 2 2 3 2 0.25 2.4 0.65 TOTAL sub total 8 34 15 14 9 80 17 5 22 102 ‘shared surface’ throughout site individual bin storage for each home Attractive hard and soft landscaping throughout the site CLIENT SCALE DRAWN PROJECT DATE CHECKED SB2 Long Melford Ltd Orchard Brook, Long Melford DRAWING TITLE Site Layout Plan (Option 7) 1:500@A1 10/03/2015 DRAWING NUMBER 6207 / Sk021B JO IM O R C H A RSite D BLayout R O O KPlan , LO N G M7)E L F O R D (Option REVISION B Ample dedicated parking adjacent to each house. PRELIMINARY Stanley Bragg A R C H I T E C T S STANLEY BRAGG ARCHITECTS LIMITED ABBEYGATE ONE, 8 WHITEWELL ROAD, COLCHESTER, ESSEX. CO2 7DF T: (01206) 571371 F: (01206) 765242 E: [email protected] 3rd FLOOR ELDON HOUSE, ELDON STREET, LONDON. EC2M 7LS T (02036) 675925 V I E W S I N T O O R C H A R D B R O O K VIEW 1 VIEW 2 New housing Retirement Home overlooks Public Open Space. Pedestrian entrance from countryside with retirement home building fronting footpath link to Public Open Space. Provides a new footpath link between the country side and Hall Street. Public Open Space. Shared surface View 2 View 1 Examples of Shared Surface Examples of play areas to be located in new Public Open Space ORCHARD BROOK, LONG MELFORD E L E V A T I O N S T U D I E S H O U S I N G OV E R L O O K I N G T H E P U B L I C O P E N S PAC E View A: Plots 19-25 2/3 bed houses View C: Plots 2 & 3 - 3 bed houses View B: Plots 16-18 3 bed houses Feature corner facing new Public Open Space and residential scheme A B Materials Palette : Roofs: Plain clay tiles or slate. D Walls: Facing brickwork / render Windows/ doors: Painted timber doors View D: Retirement living building (maltings type architecture) ORCHARD BROOK, LONG MELFORD C H I G H WA Y S T U D I E S Shared surface for the Orchard Brook scheme Comparison of proposed activity at the site access with St Catherine’s Road Orchard Brook Proposed Scheme Location 600 The site access is wider and less intensively used than St Catherine’s Road. Site Access 110 Vehicle movements per hour at the site access 500 100 400 300 MfS threshold A total of 184 dwellings is estimated to generate the equivalent of 100 vehicles in the AM peak and 91 vehicles in the PM peak. 90 200 80 0 Vehicles Pedestrians Daily The chance of a pedestrian and a vehicle being in the access at the same time is less than 7%. St Catherine's Road 600 The number of vehicles using the access as part of the proposals is thereore well below the threshold of 100 vehicles per hour. 70 Vehicles per hour 100 60 50 40 500 400 30 300 20 200 100 0 Vehicles Pedestrians Daily The chance of a pedestrian and a vehicle being in St Catherine’s Road at the same time is 14%. 10 0 AM (0800 - 0900) PM (1700 - 1800) Site Access How do the proposals compare to other uses….. 60 Comparison of Vehicle Trip Generation at the Site Access of Orchard Brook 50 Number of Vehicles 40 30 20 10 0 Site Proposals: 33 Dwellings & Retirement Accommodation Previous Industrial Use The design guide Manual for Street (MfS) supports shared surfaces where traffic is below 100 vehicle per hour. Previous Proposal: 51 Dwellings Different Site Uses AM PM The proposals reduce the number of private/mixed dwellings by 35% compared to the previous 51 dwelling scheme. The retirement flats have only 25% of the trip generation of standard residential properties and very few trips in the peak periods (0800-09:00 and 17:00 – 18:00). Therefore the overall trip generation for the proposals is reduced. ORCHARD BROOK, LONG MELFORD
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