ORMOND BEACH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Home Visitor 105 Amsden Road Ormond Beach, FL 32176-4712 386-441-0300 FAX 441-0301 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: ormondbeachpc.org Breakfast 8:30 a.m. PASTOR: THE REV. DR. R. MICHAEL FOLEY Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Vol:56 No.6 May 2015 Block Party March 21st a team of 80 volunteers organized and hosted the first ever Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church Block Party. It was a great success thanks to the hard work of so many people. There are not enough words to express thanks to all the people who helped make this event such a huge success. We guesstimate that 150 neighbors attended the block party and enjoyed the food, the face painting, the balloon creations, the corn-hole game, the bouncy house, the line dancing and the disc-jockey - as well as the wonderful fellowship around the tables. We were also blessed to have representatives from four of our mission partners – Halifax Urban Ministry, Rose Marie Bryon Children’s Center, Family Renew and New Start to help welcome our guests and tell them about their ministry to this community. We received notes from some of the families that attended the block party. Dear Dr. Foley and Church. Thank you for a great Saturday evening. We met many nice people and hope you had a successful evening. The food was great. Thank you again. Craig Goodman You and the entire church out did yourself for the block party. Mary Yockum We all enjoyed ourselves on Saturday. Randy The idea for this block party originated over a year ago during some strategic planning meetings held by our elders. Members of the session were brainstorming how to reach out to our community and let them know about the ministry of Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church. With that seed planted, the planning for the block party began to take shape. The organizational work leading up to the event began with a food drive in which Ormond Beach Presbyterian members went door to door February 7th inviting our neighbors to contribute food items for Halifax Urban Ministry. On the back of the food drive flyer that we left with the bags was an invitation to the Block Party. The following Saturday, February 14th, we returned to all the neighborhoods that we had dropped off bags and collected the food donations and left a “thank you” card inviting them to come to the block party. Many attended the block party because of this invitation. Many more attended because of the banner hanging between the palm trees on N. Halifax. Enjoy some of the pictures from this wonderful event and feel free to let Bruce Miller, chair of the Outreach Committee that planned this event, that you want to help with the planning for next year’s even better block party. What power, what encouragement we find in this simple phrase. Within this phrase we can discover both promise and possibility. First, God’s promise that “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” Second, with that promise, we discover boundless possibilities. Hear these words again, “Yes You Can”. As we Grow, we are equipped for ministry and we are Sent out into the world to Reach the least, the last, and the lost. “YES YOU CAN!” Both promise and possibility as lifted up in the chorus of the great hymn - Great is Thy faithfulness! “...Morning by morning new mercies I see ; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!” The Easter message is an invitation to discipleship – because He did … Yes You Can! The old life is gone – a new life has begun...rise to new life - A life, that from this day forward, and forevermore – a life of promise! A life of possibility! Yes You Can! Jeff Beebe, Discipleship Discipleship “A life to be lived, not a program to be run” Scheduled the 2016 Merridy Williams Concert for February 14, 2016, in the sanctuary with reception to follow in the HFC which will closed, for set-up April 11 - 13. Scheduled the Ordination installation of Deacons and Elders during the worship hour on May 17. Approved a request that a piano recital of Mary Taylor's students be held at 6:00 PM on May 17 in the sanctuary. Jeff Beebe will close. Approved Homer (Hark) Harkleroad and Gene Schlecht as members of Planning & Staff Committee. Will recognize the National Day of Prayer on 5/3 in the Sunday Bulletin announcements having brochures available in the narthex. Gave permission to Presbyterian Women to have a display of baby items in the narthex on May 3 and Mother’s Day (May 10) for the benefit of the local Pregnancy Crisis News from the Scholarship Committee As this school year winds down and we look forward to the fall semester, the Scholarship Committee reminds our OBPC youth that the deadline for submitting your application for next year's awards in May 15. Please pick up your application from the church office, complete it, and return it to the office by this date. Remember to include your most recent transcript. First time applicants must also provide two letters of recommendation. If you have questions, contact Harriet Barringer. The Amsden Academy has had some excellent programs this spring. We are grateful to our speakers who gave of their time freely to teach and lead these informative discussions, and we are grateful to those who have attended these programs. March 28th – David Morgan presented a Pre-Retirement Seminar. David is a member and Elder of Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church and CEO of REAP – Retirement & Estate Advisors and Planners. April 15th – Christian Dickenson principle of Grace Academy in Ormond Beach presented a program on the 21st Century Learner. He encouraged us to view education as a dynamic process of lighting the fire of imagination and a love for learning in the minds and hearts of our children. April 18th – 30 people gathered in our sanctuary and enjoyed watching the movie The Mission starring Robert DeNiro, Jeremy Irons, and Liam Neeson. OBPC PROPERTY COMMITTEE SIGNS POSTED IN ROOM 12 AND IN FELLOWSHIP HALL We appreciate everyone's help keeping our classrooms and fellowship hall clean. Room 12 and Fellowship Hall have been left unclean after use . Tables need to be wiped down and all food crumbs on tables/floor picked up and coffee cups and empty water bottles into the baskets provided. WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED WITH OPENING & CLOSING ON SUNDAYS? If so, please contact Ken Hinkle for The Landscape Ministry Team wishes to thank Alma More for her gift of two single trunk Crepe Myrtle trees, that have been planted in the parking lot circles. The plants are given in loving memory of her husband Fred More, a long time member of OBPC. Dearest church family, We are grateful for the impression you all made on Grosett “Woody” Blackwood. Good Friday 2013 Woody first entered our Sanctuary, closer he walked with our Lord, he loved the Pastor’s messages, he loved Mid-Week services and serving at H.U.M. He felt loved and accepted here. You are all true disciples; therefore, without hesitation or doubt we are rejoicing, for we are confident he is at home for eternity in God’s Heavenly Kingdom. We thank you for you prayers, cards, food and your messages; they are comforting during this difficult season of our/my life. May God bless you all abundantly , Annie “B” Circle Meetings LAST MEETINGS . Faith Circle—Tuesday May 5th, 2015 10:00 am Library Beverly Taylor 673-1650 Jean Ferry 672-5745 Joy Circle—Tuesday May 5th, 2015 Last meeting dinner out. Please have a wonderful and safe summer; we will see you in September Bible Believers—Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Grodi’s Home 677-0157 7:00 pm Carolyn Williams 672-1051 SUNDAY MORNING ADULT EDUCATION Join us for an ongoing Bible study in room 12, Sunday mornings at 9:10 a.m. Jeff Sidwell is leading a class which utilizes a video series by Ligonier Ministries taught by Dr. R.C. Sproul. There will be a 23 minute video, and then we will discuss and dig deeper for each session. Dust to Glory is an awesome overview of the New Testament. See Jeff Sidwell if you would like to attend the class. Coming in July Kid’s Music Camp at O.B.P.C. Led by Norris Williams and Barbara Larson JULY 13-17, 2015 - 9:00 till noon daily Open to all kids entering grades 3-7 this coming school year. If you would like to help with this event, please contact Tuned for Praise presents in concert Brian Rodriguez, tenor The Backyard Bible Club! Ormond Beach Presbyterian Church will be offering again an exciting program this summer called The Backyard Bible Club! June 16th- home of Will and Carol Akers. July 21st– home and Jeff and Beth King. August 11th– home of Wray and Lynda Bonnick. Assisted by Manuel Rodriguez, tenor Michael Rodriguez, tenor Barbara Larson, piano Sunday, May 3rd Times will be from 5:30pm to 7:30 pm. Please watch for specifics in the Sunday Bulletins and in the June/July issue of the Home Visitor. 3:30 p.m. This is the last concert in our 2014-2015 season. Many thanks to everyone who has helped with these concerts. Watch for details soon about next year’s concert series. Could you spare two hours a week to help cut plastic bags into strips? The strips are then linked together and rolled into a ball. The ball is used to crochet mats for the homeless. It takes five to seven hundred bags to make a mat. We had over 80 large, basketball size balls of “plarn” which we gave to the ladies of the Tomoka Christian Church. They crocheted these up in less than three weeks and need more plarn. Riverside Methodist are also crocheting mats. Several of the mats will be on display in Haddad Fellowship Hall during Coffee Hour. We are told that the mats are used in summer but they are especially needed for the winter. Dorothy Sanders, Miriam Haddad, Dorothy Rich, Carolyn Williams, Dottie Newman and Jewel Johnston will be delighted to have you join them on Wednesdays at 1pm in the Fellowship Center. Deacons in the near future (TBA), will be losing a wonderful member, Dottie Newman. Jim and Dottie are moving to North Carolina. She is the quintessential everything! Dottie invites you to coffee hour every Sunday morning after church, and most often, she has baked many of the cookies and coffee cakes that are on the table. She has been an invaluable member of the Make It and Take It Team, as well as the many other projects that the Deacons have been involved in over the years. We will miss her so much and wish the Newmans our best.. Knowing Dottie we are sure “She will brighten her corner” wherever she goes. 5/3 Acts 4: 5-21 The Power to Speak 5/10 John 15: 9-17 Addicted to Love 5/17 John 17: 20-26 Jesus’ Prayer to the Father 5/24 Acts 2: 1-21 Wind and Fire Pentecost 5/31 John 3: 1-17 Growing Up – Growing Old Trinity Sunday M. Geelhood L. Moore J. Johnston J. Cratty 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 11 R. Alvord A. More P. Alexander J. Morris Rita Elizabeth Fosse Ethel Mowen Fran Thorpe Gerry Galley Bev Schlecht Sandra Morris Kaitlyn Sidwell Marjorie Knies Lorna Mae Waldron Communion Rev. Dr. Jeff Beebe preaching Home Communion B. King Hunter Sharpe, Nathan Sharpe, Alec Sidwell, Kaitlyn Sidwell, Paige Sidwell, Fred Wray, Julie DeRenzio 11 13 14 15 15 15 17 17 Kim Heller Caroline Lane Carol Dunn Barbara Bowden Paige Sidwell Barbara Van Laningham Betty Callahan Kimberly Myer 05/06 05/10 05/10 05/15 05/24 05/26 19 22 23 26 26 27 28 29 31 Jim Newman Cindy Watkins Eula Ossofsky Gordon Cuthbert Edith Gaines Herman Norred Brady Barry Alec Sidwell Miriam Thiems Bob & Carol Mahaffey Mike & Judy Corbett Rev. Mike & Janet Foley Nick & Virginia Tedesco Jim & Pat Whittet Larry & Rhoda Little 32 yrs 35 yrs 1 yr 12 yrs 35 yrs 52 yrs May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:30 Breakfast, HFC 9:00 SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10:00 FELLOWSHIP 10:30 WORSHIP 11:30 Coffee Hour, HFC 3 4 5 6 7 TUNE FOR PRAISE 3:30 CONCERT 9:30 T’AI CHI, 10 10:45 FINANCE—LI B 10:00 JOY CIRCLE, 12 11:00 MIDWEEK SERVICE 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 1:00 STAFF MEETING 1:00 DEACONS MAT PROJ HFC 7:00 MEN’SCHRISTIAN CONVERSATION , LIB Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 7:00 BIBLE BELIEVERS 10 11 12 7:00 AA, 12 6:00 GLORY BELLS 7:15 CHOIR REHERSAL 13 14 11:00 MIDWEEK SERVICE 3:30 CONCERT 17 9:30 T’AI CHI, 10 10:00 AARP GEN.MTG, Sanctuary & HFC 7:00 SESSION, LIB 1:00 STAFF MEETING 18 19 1:00 DEACONS MAT PROJ HFC 7:00 AA, 12 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 7:00 WORSHIP Committee Choir Rm 6:00 GLORY BELLS 20 21 7:15 CHOIR REHERSAL 830 MAKE IT & TAKE IT,HFC 8:30 HUM VOLUNTEERS 9:30 T’AI CHI,10 9:30 PLANNING & STAFF, LIB 1:30 EVANGELISM, LIB 9:00 CHILDRENS MONTESSORI GRAD. PRACTICE-SANCTUARY 1:00 STAFF MEETING 11:00 MIDWEEK SERVICE 1:00 DEACONS MAT PROJ HFC 7:00 MEN’SCHRISTIAN CONVERSATION , LIB 5:15 CHRISTIAN ED., LIB 7:00 AA, 12 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 1:00 DEACONS MEETING 7:15 CHOIR REHERSAL 26 27 28 11:00 MIDWEEK SERVICE 1:00 DEACONS MAT PROJ HFC 9:00 AM 10:30pm CHILDRENS MONTESSORI GRADUATION SANCTUARY & HFC & RM 14 3:30 ROSE MARIE BRYON 10:00 BIBLE STUDY-12 7:00 AA, 12 7:00 MEN’SCHRISTIAN CONVERSATION 7:15 CHOIR REHERSAL 10:00 AARP, Board, 12 6:30 RACING FINGERS, HFC 7:00 OUTREACH, LIB 24/31 25 9:00 CHILDRENS MONTESSORI GRAD. PRACTICE-SANCTUARY OFFICE CLOSED 1:00 STAFF MEETING
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