OUR SAVIOUR’S CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 5301 N. Atlan c Avenue Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 (321) 783-4554 Office (321) 868-6743 Fax Email: [email protected] Website: www.oursavioursparish.org Fr. Gerry Burns, Administrator Mass Schedule Saturday : 9:00 am Communion Service ~ Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am~10:15 am~12:15 pm Weekdays: 8:30 am Nursery: Extended Care Bldg. during 10:15 am Sunday Mass Prayer Requests: Call 868-2104 Marriages ~ Call Parish Office 6 months in advance Baptisms ~ Parental attendance at our Baptismal Preparation Program is required (Jan., May, Sept.) We urge parents to attend during pregnancy. To register for Baptism Seminar, please call 783-4554 Parish~783-4554 Marilyn Belawski ~ Parish Secretary Karol Michelfelder ~ Bookkeeper Raonel Barrial ~ Maintenance Department Phil Black ~ Director of Music Ministry Email: [email protected] Yvette Schreurs ~ Bulletin /Religious Ed. Secretary Email: [email protected] Beth Murphy ~ Adult Faith Formation/Senior Needs Email: [email protected] Our Saviour School~783-2330 We are almost there! $5,000. to meet this year’s goal. If you have not yet made your commitment for 2015, please remember that every gift - (regardless of size) - brings us closer to our parish goal of $148,414.00. More importantly, every gift helps to bring the Gospel alive through Catholic education and faith formation; the spiritual development of our clergy; compassionate care for those in need; and advocacy for all people from conception to natural death. Online gifts will be credited toward our parish goal, so please visit www.cfocf.org/oca/give to make your gift. Kenn Hitchcock ~ Principal Email: [email protected] School Web Page:www.oursaviourschool.org Religious Education~783-4554 Director of Religious Education: Marita Borer Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry/High School Pat Koralewicz, High School Email: [email protected] WELCOME TO OUR SAVIOUR’S COMMUNITY The Vine and the Branches Some years ago the CEO of Baxter International, a medical supply company, made a decision that cost his company $189 million. No, he was not a crooked CEO, who financed his own luxurious lifestyle. It was Kraemer’s honesty, his high sense of ethics and his refusal to separate his life from his work that caused him to make such a decision. Executives at Baxter International had learned in 2001 that one of the products they manufactured, a filter for a kidney dialysis machine, may have been defective. Some dialysis patients using the filter had died of unexplained causes. Rather than covering up the situation, Kraemer recalled all the filters and instituted a rigorous investigation into the problem. This cost the company $189 million. He also recommended that his performance bonus for that year be cut, because this situation occurred under his leadership. “I am the Vine you are the branches”. You can take these words to mean branch as in a branch office. We are branches of Jesus - The Vine. We are supposed to reflect his values and his mission. To be true to Jesus, we cannot chop up our lives into little compartments as if one had nothing to do with the other. You and I are Christians seven days a week, all the time. People should be able to tell that from how we act. That’s what the Gospel’s all about. Corpus Christi Procession Thursday, June 4, at 6:00 p.m. Mass on the grass followed by procession to Church for Benediction To Our Saviour’s Bazaar Ladies Group The Religious Education Department greatly appreciates your generous gift of a needed combo DVD / Television. THE SACRAMENT OF will be celebrated on Saturday, May 9th at 11:00am. All are invited for this celebration. A reception will follow in the Parish Center. Becoming a Catholic: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you. Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.” (John 16: 23-24) We are having a brunch on Mother’s Day in the Gym after the 10:15 Mass. All Mothers and their families are invited. The cost is $5.00 per person. If you plan to attend, please call the parish office at 783-4554 by May 6 to make your reservations. Mother’s Day Cards ar e available on the table in the back of the Church. A Novena of Masses will be offered during the month of May for all the Mothers whose names appear on the envelopes that are returned to the Parish Office by May 8th. Gospel for the Li le Ones Families with young children (toddler age through 2nd Grade) are invited. We offer Gospel for the Little Ones at the 10:15am Mass on the second Sunday of each month. Children will be called to leave as a group before the Liturgy of the Word and will return before the presentation of the gifts. For questions or more information, please contact Lora Fitzpatrick at 321-4460002 or [email protected]. Our Saviour’s Blood Drive Thank you to all who donated the gift of life at our blood drive last Sunday. You have made a lifesaving contribution that benefits accident victims, cancer patients, surgical candidates, children with blood disorders and many others. If you have never donated blood, please consider doing so at our next blood drive. Is your JOY complete, full? If your answer is “No.” you may be looking for joy in all the wrong places. In prayer to the Father, Jesus says, “…I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves.” I know I long for full, complete joy and this is a continuous process through a journey of faith – through the Risen Jesus Christ. As my relationship with Christ grows & strengthens in love, trust and honor, so does my joy! If you are not Catholic and would like to learn more about living a life of hope, love & joy, we invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 11:30. Contact Johanna Wigman at 321-506-3333 or Jessie Fletcher at 321-961-6174 for more information. Visit our webpage at: http://oursavioursparish.org/rcia/. Stewardship - April 26, 2015 Adult Envelopes Loose Money Total Sacrificial Offering Less School Investment For Parish Use $12,666.00 3,756.00 $16,422.00 -5,000.00 $11,422.00 Thank you for your generous heart and loyal support for the work of Christ through Our Saviour’s parish. Online giving is available for our parish at OURSAVIOURSPARISH.WESHAREONLINE.ORG Planning a trip? Before you leave, visit us online and update your weekly offertory payment into automatic recurring payments. Catholic Communication Campaign May 10, 2015 The essential mission of the CCC is to contribute to the process of evangelization by fostering activities in relation to television, radio, internet, and other media, and through special projects of the Catholic press. An annual collection is taken up in the dioceses, which remit 50% of the funds collected to the National Office. From these funds, grants are made by the USCCB. The remaining portion of the collection is retained by the dioceses for use in local communication projects. MERCY HOUSE THRIFT SHOP Hours: Wednesday –Friday: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Phone: 784-1069 Delivery and pick-up service available Please drop off your donations during business hours only. St. Vincent de Paul Society During 2013, the Orlando Conference recommended we at Our Saviour’s start some new ministries to help the poor and disadvantaged in our community. As reported previously, we have a medical van to care for the medical and dental needs of our clients. We are supplying food for the after school programs at the Cape View Elementary School and arranging for an employment service van to visit every week. Several other programs are being considered and will be implemented if funding is available. SVDP Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Friday: 9:30 to 2:00 Office: 321-799-3677 Every Wed: 9:30 to 2:00 with Med Van 12:30 to 3:30 “Like unto shells that wash upon the beach, the treasures at Mercy House await you.” SVDP members pray for our donors at every business meeting. Items needed for pantry: canned tuna, box of penne pasta Memorial Service First Holy Communion On Monday, May 25 we will have a short service after the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the Memorial Garden to honor the many veterans buried there. Please come and show your gratitude for their service. A limited supply of First Holy Communion cards and gifts are on sale at the Parish Office. ATTENTION PARISH PARENTS OF 2015 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Sunday, May 3rd is our last meeting for this semester We would like to recognize the 2015 High School Graduates from our Parish by featuring them on a “2015 High School Graduates” page in our bulletin. We will also be recognizing and blessing our high school grads at the 10:15 mass on May 17th with a reception to follow. Please go to our website at www.oursavioursparish.org click on Teen Ministry to download the required questionnaire and reception RSVP if you wish to participate and respond by no later Monday, May 4th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. K at 452-39081 or 960-2318. Parish Council Elections Parish Council elections will be held at all Masses on May 24 to fill three seats for a three-year term. If you would like to run, please email to [email protected] a brief biography and picture by May 4. For more information please call the parish office and speak to Marilyn. We thank all the members of the council for their dedication to the work of the council in furthering the Mission of Christ in our community. We are deeply grateful to them for their time and hard work serving Our Saviour’s. Our next Baptism Seminar will be held May 4, 11 and 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Attendance is required before you schedule your child’s Baptism. Please call the Parish Office at 783-4554 no later than Monday, May 4. The Single, Separated, Widowed & Divorced (SSWD) group will hold a covered-dish dinner on Friday, May 15, starting at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Please bring a dish to share and canned goods for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody is available at the Parish Office for only $2.00. Forgiveness will unleash a power in your life that is underrated and often ignored. It is underrated mainly because it is underused. We fail to capture the power of forgiveness because we are afraid of it, because we have grown comfortable in our familiar words, or because we are sinfully stubborn. But the power is there waiting for us. This little book, and the eleven real life stories in it, will help you capture that power. Because everybody needs to forgive somebody. Rosary Making Ministry Fundraiser this weekend Please support the Rosary Making Ministry fundraiser this weekend May 2nd and 3rd. Free rosary making kits will be available at the front of the church after all of the Masses and there will also be some beautiful handmade rosaries available for purchase. Because of your continued support we have been able to make and donate over 12,000 rosaries to our parishioners, visitors, and ministries all around the world! Thank you! Discovering Your Money Mindsets All are welcome to join the group. For other details, please call (321) 868-7775. Celiac Do you suffer from Celiac Disease? If you do we have gluten-free hosts available. People needing gluten free hosts should see the Celebrant before Mass. Use this small workbook as a guide to open the lines of communication about finances. Learn how to uncover those unanswered issues in your relationship that are related to money. Jon and Evelyn Bean are the cofounders of Compass Catholic Ministries. They first learned about Biblical financial principles after seventeen years of marriage and five years of major financial struggles. This experience created a passion for teaching others these same principles. They have been married over forty years and live in Orlando Florida. Workbook is on sale at the Parish Office for $10.00. Our Service People Adoration Chapel Hours needed: Sunday: 2:00-3:00 a.m. , 3:00-4:00 a.m. Wednesday: 3:00 - 4:00 a.m. Saturday: 3:00-4:00 a.m., & 4:00-5:00 a.m. Please call Claire at 784-0565 and fill an hour. Prayer Hour for Priests and Vocations meets every Thursday in the Adoration Chapel from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Join us as we pray for our Priests Please pray for our friends who are ill Rudy Barrial Matt Bellina Charles Biederman Helen Blier June Brang Kevin Chioma Denis Clark Frances Delmore Bill Demmer Ann Giers Peggy Graves Betty Gray Walterine Hayes Jack King Nadine Knight Gladys Lime Alice Lom Chris Lyle Jim McWilliams Doris Melanson Lorraine O’Rourke Suzanne Pellegrino Olga Pimentel Natalia Rivero Jennifer Sallows Eileen Stines Mike Storm Christina Sutch Steve Szabo Romey Witek Joan Wozniak John Wozniak Please note that names are updated periodically. THE NOON HOUR PRAYING ONE ‘OUR FATHER’ Please join us in praying one Our Father each day during the noon hour for the intention below: Pray for those who bravely serve our country in the military and those deployed in dangerous locations. Thank God for those who have returned home safely. Joseph Arais Brian Baker Mitchell Baker Joe Baumgarten Ivan DeLaSelva Anthony Doyle Michael Flynn Ryan Gannon Sean Guilfoyle Stephen Guilfoyle Payton Guza Peter A. Irene, Jr. Joshua Johnson Nicholas LaBella Christopher Lehr Christian Meko Joey Messina Eve O’Connor Richard Pattillo, Jr. Scott Plunkett Robert Romano Esther Sablan Scott Shadforth Anthony Shea Russell Slover Corey Sweetman Brandon Sweetman Michael Tiedemann Douglas Wercinski Nicholas Zehr Rebecca Zehr-Marvin If your loved one has returned home from the Military, please contact the Parish Office. Mass for Healing with Anointing Mary’s Guidance Tuesday, May 12th 11:00 a.m. Please come and pray for all in our community who are ill and suffering. Lunch will follow in the Parish Center. READINGS FOR THE WEEK That Mary, Star of Evangelization, may guide the Church in proclaiming Christ to all nations. Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 ADORATION CHAPEL-Open 24/7. Info. call Claire Nicholson 784-0565. ROSARY CENACLE- meets every Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the church. For information-Rosie 452-9553. SECULAR FRANCISCAN GATHERING- meet the third Saturday of each month after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Contact Claire Nicholson 784-0565. SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIESInformation-Dale Conro 784-0765. SUPPORT GROUPS BIRTHRIGHT- Information-call 783-8102. † = in loving memory of Mass Intentions - Monday—Friday will be combined into the 8:30 a.m. Mass Saturday 9:00 a.m. will be included in Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mass Sunday 5:00 p.m. will be included in the 12:15 p.m. Mass Saturday, May 2nd, St. Athanasius; First Saturday 4:00 † Mary Brown and † Theresa Perricone BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT MINISTRYInformation-783-4554. GRIEF SUPPORT-For individual grief support call Joan Throm, Psychologist 208-2590. (RI DISCOVERY)-a self-help group for those with emotional and nervous symptoms-meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the parish office conference room.www.recoveryinternational.org Call Sheila 784-0694 Sunday, May 3rd, Fifth Sunday of Easter; MINISTRIES ELIZABETH MINISTRY- All expectant mothers are invited to enroll for prayer support during their pregnancy. We will ask God’s support for you in this special vocation. Contact Sue Llibre, [email protected] or 453-1357. Monday, May 4th, FAMILY PROMISE-provides temporary shelter for homeless families in Brevard County. Contact Roland 321289-6065 or [email protected]. MERCY HOUSE THRIFT SHOP-784-1069 RCIA-Questions about the Catholic FaithFor information call the church office 783-4554. RESPECT LIFE- meets the second Monday of each month in the Spellman Room at 7:00 p.m. Contact Richie & Jacqui Breed at 806-9754. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETYFor info. contact Angela Raymond at 799-3677. LET’S GET INVOLVED BUNKO- Friday in the Parish Center 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Info. Dee at 784-2390. EXERCISE GROUP- meets every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8:00 a.m. in the parish center. Info. call Carolyn 799-4282. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS- meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. For info. contact Lou Lenhart, Grand Knight 576-3692. OS COMMUNITY CLUB- meets on Thursdays at 11:00 in the B Room. For info. call Arlene Howley at 783-3280. ROSARY MAKING For more information please call Cindy at 449-0361. SINGLE/SEPARATED/WIDOWED/DIVORCEDgroup meets at 5 p.m. in the Parish Center on the third Friday of each month and for lunch at various restaurants on the first Friday of each month. For info contact Sally 868-7775. 8:00 † 10:15 12:15 † † Nuara and Dolci Families Our Saviour’s Parishioners Ron Wing and Ciro Jerry Rivieccio 8:30 † Delores George Tuesday, May 5th, 8:30 † Agnes Ivory and Andrew and Margaret Mawn Wednesday, May 6th, 8:30 † Maureen Sullivan Thursday, May 7th, 8:30 Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart Friday, May 8th, 8:30 Special Intention— Priests and Nuns Around the World Saturday, May 9th, 4:00 † Peter Mulholland and † Nick D’Avanzo Sunday, May 10th, Sixth Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day 8:00 Our Saviour’s Parishioners 10:15 Mother’s Day Novena 12:15 † Carl Gerken and Roseanna Downes Family Promise Thanks & Upcoming Hosting Dates Thanks go out to all those who helped transition two families to independence this April by providing meals and shelter at our Parish Center and helping them find work and permanent housing. St. Vincent DePaul referred one of these great families to us. That dad found a job that same week in landscaping and the mom found work later in the month waitressing. We helped pay for critical car repairs so they could continue to get to work. Knights of Columbus provided an awesome Picnic and the Gym was used a lot by the Children in the evenings. Two of our guest children from the other family asked to join in the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday when they saw the crowd from the playground no less. After joining in and finishing, these two children asked and joined in to do the Stations again a 2nd time. Both families attended Easter Sunday Mass on the beach and were literally surrounded in love by four of our overnight host families during the Mass (Libres, Fitzpatricks, Stelzers, and Schlierfs). The Easter Bunny even made a visit after Mass. In the month of April they went from being homeless to being in our care to moving into a permanent home in Palm Bay through the rapid rehousing support of Steadyfamily and the compassion of Dwight Bell, president of Wings of Grace Ministries. Our next hosting dates are: Setup June 20th, Hosting June 21-28. Setup July 18th, Hosting July 19-26 Setup November 14, Hosting November 15-22 A HUGE thanks goes out to Our Saviour’s School who raised over $2000 and awareness for our Family Promise Box City 2015 event. Over 20 of our students and parishioners attended the fund raising walk, ate at our Soup Kitchen, and spent the night in the rain to show their solidarity with the over 2000 documented homeless children in Brevard. Approximately 150 attended overall and raised over $24,000 for the event graciously held at Holy Name of Jesus in Indialantic. Thanks to Phil Black, Tom, and Cherie for providing some great music! The Saintly Times May 2-3, 2015 $1,000 Club Winners for March are: $60 - John Mazza $100 - Natalie Galloway $1,000 - Tony Schwab Thank you to Natalie Galloway for donating her prize of $100 to the school. Our parishioners are wonderful supporters of our school. Registration: What makes Our Saviour Catholic School so special? We offer Religious Education daily to all students as well as Art, Music, PE, Media, Computer Lab, and Foreign Language for all classes K-8. We have a full Athletic Program and PreK3-Grade 5 students have at least one recess period each day. Grades 2-8 take ONE standardized test per year; Grades 5-8 also take a national Religion test once a year. These tests are used to help students learn, not to determine if they move to the next grade. We have a well-respected reputation for Academic Excellence. Every classroom has a Smartboard with at least five computers. Two high school level classes are offered each year for our eighth graders and qualifying seventh graders. We accept McKay scholarship students and Step Up For Students (Florida Tax Credit scholarships). It goes without saying that we have excellent teachers, many holding multiple Master’s degrees. Our students are happy, smiling, challenged, and loved here. What more could you ask for your child? Middle School: In Middle School, the 6th grade World History class has been creating travel brochures for a visit to an ancient civilization. Their goal is to entice travelers to want to time travel back in history and experience the ancient cultures. The 7th grade Civics class will be reviewing the entire year’s Civics coursework before proceeding on to a section on Economics. The 8th grade American History class will be continuing their study of the Civil War. While the 9th grade World History class will begin studying World War II and how it leads the world into the Cold War, as well as discussing the impact of the Holocaust. This month the National Junior Honor Society will be choosing new officers to serve during the 2015-2016 school year. The Eighth Grade graduating class is currently working on their stepping stones which will be placed within the courtyard area. On May 8th, the class will be attending Gradventure at Universal Studios for their final field trip. Planet Earth: Kinder gar ten was been explor ing the wor ld ar ound us. We ar e investigating plants and animals in celebration of Earth day. We went on a nature walk to find different types of leaves and then looked at them under the microscopes to see the cells of the leaves. We are doing other experiments to see how plants take in water using celery and food coloring…purple celery is so cool! We are learning about the variety of habitats we have on this planet, and the importance of preserving the ecosystems for all God’s creatures. We are writing stories for an informational book on how to take care of the Earth including reducing, reusing and recycling materials. We are also learning about the water cycle and how to save and conserve water. It’s been great fun and we are looking forward to moving into a unit on the oceans and having a touch tank in the classroom. Hands –on learning is AWESOME! Spring Stewardship: Last month we had over twenty students and at least six par ents par ticipate in the event at Holy Name of Jesus. We had a fund raising event called “Penny Wars,” and in three days raised over $2,064 for the Homeless in Brevard County. Our Third Grade class was responsible for almost $600 of the funds raised. Back in February we sold hearts to support our Jimma Water Project in Ethiopia. We raised $1,050 for that event. The students were very supportive of replacing our Candy grams fund raiser and participate in this instead. I am so proud of our student for wanting to help other who are less fortunate than themselves. We also raised $2,719 for the American Heart Association in March. We held a Jump Rope for Life and a Hoops for Life marathon during our PE classes and the students solicited sponsors for this event. Our students have learned the true meaning of Stewardship. Senior Needs Have you been a caregiver and don’t know what to do with yourself now that it is over? The Sunflower house at the Merritt Square Mall offers the Caregiver Life Transitions pr ogr am, it is specifically for individuals who have been car egiver s and are now transitioning to life beyond the caregiver years. The support group offers a place to socialize, make new friends, and become an active member of a larger community. Caregiver Life Transitions also offers counseling, social activities, and classes on self-esteem building, stress reduction, and financial and health issues. As part of this program, the Sunflower coordinates day trips and hosts potluck meals and clubs. Please contact the Sunflower House at (321) 452-4341 for more details about these programs or visit their webpage: http://agingmattersbrevard.org/service/sunflower-house What is a Baccalaureate? The CBHS Annual Baccalaureate Service is a W orship Celebration for the Graduating Class of 2015. The Baccalaureate is a time to acknowledge the Spiritual Contribution to the education of the whole person. The Baccalaureate is a Time of Thanksgiving and Inspiration for the Future. Graduating seniors are encouraged to participate in this worship service, either liturgically, musically or otherwise. If you are interested and able to participate, please contact 2012 Baccalaureate Coordinator, Coleman Todd; Director of Christian Education Cocoa Beach Community Church at 783-3961 or [email protected] On May 17, seniors are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the service and attend in their graduation gowns, no caps or stoles. We ask seniors and their parents to be involved and help promote participation and attendance in your school and churches. MATTHEW T. BURKE, Parishioner HAIR STYLING 3850 N. Atlantic Ave. Cocoa Beach, FL 321-868-7177 1980 N. Atlantic Ave., Suite 109 783-5164 Cocoa Beach STEVE HOSKINS AIR CONDITIONING 321-704-3992 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT PERSONAL FINANCIAL SPECIALIST Member AICPA/FICPA Serving Brevard County Frederick Ho, MD, FACS 1982 - 2013 31st Anniversary Board Certified in Ophthalmology Church members receive 10% off their purchase with this ad. Offer not valid on existing specials. Expires September 30th, 2014 10% OFF REPAIR W/COUPON WWW.STEVENHOSKINSAC.COM Taxes • Financial Planning • Ins. 1980 N. Atlantic Ave. Ste 707 (321) 757-7272 8040 N. Wickham Rd. AUTHORIZED TRANE & AMANA DEALER Cocoa Beach • 784-6130 KIMMI Seaside Realty of Brevard & Space Coast Management www.AtlanticEyeMD.com Master Stylist We are here to assist with selling, buying or managing your property. Family Parishioner Honest, Gentle Experienced Dentistry 321.783.4343 102 W. Central Blvd. • Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 VACATION RENTALS Mary & John Gal Brokers/Owners/Realtors DR. DAVID BOERS DDS DR. LEO MISCH DMD 321-799-1090 Parishioners’ Choice 321.427.9467 direct (Mary) [email protected] www.seasiderealty321.com 321-890-4854 www.spacecoastvacations.com The Face Place 321.799.3889 264 N. GROVE ST. • MERRITT ISLAND 41 N. Orlando Ave Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 Implants and Perio Procedures Open 7 Days a Week for your Convenience State-of-Art Diagnostic - We Do Electrical! www.DavidBoers.com Ask for the Parishioner Discount 780 Mullet Dr. 321-783-5058 • Service • Software • Classes • Notions • Fabrics Mark & Ellen Patton Parishioner/Veteran (321) 338-2959 353 E. Merrit Island Cswy www.sewcentral.net Sensible Options; Reasonable Price PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ Our family is available at all times to serve yours. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH --- Cary Troxel ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made OFFERING FUNERAL AND CREMATION OPTIONS WITH SERVICE, SAVINGS & VALUE TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Ask Divine Mercy Parishioners 544 North U.S. - 1 - Cocoa In the GlobeNet Center 638-1373 see the Family Owned difference 7620 N. Atlantic Ave. Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 321-784-4248 PARISHIONERS’ CHOICE! 888.959.8226 To partner with us for your rebate and for more details visit home-buyer-rebate.com Now Hiring 5675 N. A1A | Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 (In the Publix Plaza next to Beef O’Brady’s) Diabetic Shoes & Foot Care Medicare Covered Shoes/Inserts Hard to Fit Foot Specialist, Diabetic Socks, Footcare Products 190 Fortenberry Rd. 514216 Our Saviour Church (B) 459-3882 General Surgery Dental Ultrasound Echocardiography Merrit Isl. Christine M. Storts, D.V.M. www.jspaluch.com Radiology Internal Medicine Kelly Sloan, D.V.M. 321-784-1190 www.thefatsnook.com 2464 S. Atlantic Ave. Cocoa Beach For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 GARY C. NAWROCKI, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. Jewelry by Rizzo’s $4.72 Watch Battery Complete Family Dental Care (Limit 3) Special w/Bulletin Across From O.S. 5360 N. Atlantic Ave. 783-6242 • • • • • • Call or Text G & L STORAGE (321) 431-2858 452-8080 MARCIE KIERNAN One Mile North of Barge Canal 3545 N. Courtenay Parkway • Merritt Island Catering to Our Saviour’s Parishioners Parishioner/Realtor [email protected] CROWNS COSMETIC DENTISTRY GUM DISEASES ROOT CANALS DENTURES • IMPLANTS INVISALIGN BRACES 4301 N. Banana River Blvd., Cocoa Beach 783-7514 www.cocoabeachdentist.com Parishioner 40 Years FIRST ALUMINUM PRODUCTS SERVING BREVARD COUNTY SINCE 1952 321-452-4911 3625 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Merritt Island Susan’s Birkenstock Plus 520 & A1A White Rose Center Since 1999 799-9858 Imprinted Sportwear & Promotional Products 321-453-7453 6116 N. Courtenay Pkwy. Merritt Island www.spaceshirts.com Parishioner NOLAN’S AUTHENTIC IRISH PUB Non Smoking Serving Pub Grub 204 W. Cocoa Beach Cswy. (1 Block off A1A on SR 520) www.nolansirishpub.net (321) 783-8499 Parishioners 20 years Screen Rooms & More Parishioner Discount Bonded • Insured & Licensed Member of Diocese Catherine Vergara, DDS, PA Creating Smiles 452-6237 MARK D. KABBOORD Broker • Parishioner Ocean Realty. Inc. “Cocoa Beach Specialist” 3201 North Atlantic Ave. Office (321) 783-1234 Cell (321) 960-9266 DAVID KABBOORD CHRISTA ROBBEN, D.C. Catering To Our Saviour Parishioners OSS Graduate & Parishioner 5505 N. Atlantic Ave., Suite 109 Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 www.CocoaBeachChiropractic.com (321) 784-4794 • Fax (321) 783-0747 • Parishioner 3000 N. Atlantic Ave., #104 321-868-2225 409 S. Banana River Blvd. Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 TOM HOSKINS Ocean Animal Hospital AIR CONDITIONING Full Service Facility AND SON, INC. “We treat your pet like they are one of our own” Sales • Service 321.406.1618 • Installation • All Brands L. WAYNE ROBBEN, D.D.S. COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY New Patients Welcome Member of Parish 3000 N. Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach 784-1300 150 E. Columbia Lane, Ste 1 Open: Mon. thru Fri., Sat. by Appt. Dr. Dave Capraro www.OceanAnimalHospital.com (321) 799-1073 Parishioner Rosary By Design Saint Margaret Special* Extraordinary* Handmade Molly A Orduna, Parishioner | Designer ~ Maker Sunday Missal An ideal companion 8597 Cape Canaveral Blvd., Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 for personal prayer. [email protected] | 561 596 1690 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Courtenay Springs Village 1200 S. Courtenay Parkway, Merritt Island, FL 32952 321-452-1233 A Retirement Housing Foundation Community William “Bill” Pickens Charles Sikes Ollie Follweiler Owner, LFD Owner, LFD Owner, LFD family owned family operated since 1978 Beckman-Williamson Funeral Homes & Crematory Viera - Rockledge Cocoa Beach 5400 Village Drive Viera, FL 32955 321.635.1973 101 N. Brevard Avenue Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 321.784.0116 www.beckmanwilliamson.com JOHN J. KABBOORD, JR. ESTATE AND TRUST ATTORNEY HELPING PARISH MEMBERS AND RELATIVES FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS PARISHIONER 50 YEARS 1980 N. Atlantic Ave., Ste. 801 Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 HOME: 784-0114 OFFICE: 799-3388 NO FEE REQUIRED FROM THOSE IN NEED 514216 Our Saviour Church (A) Julie Kabboord Parishioner All Lines of Insurance 321-576-9009 210 McLeod Street Merritt Island, FL 32953 www.jspaluch.com Mention Ad - 10% OFF Entrees (up to 4 entrees) 626 Glen Cheek Dr. 321-799-1616 Port Canavoral Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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