Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 1 Contents From the CEO’s Desk From the CEO’s Desk 1 Important Dates 1 PLH Contact Details 1 Tenant Customer 2 Important Messages for Tenants 3—4 Tenant Programs 5 Our Amazing Ten- 6 Community Announcements 7-12 Healthy Recipes 13 Kids Holiday Fun 14 Attachments Include; 2015 Events Calendar Chill your Power Bill Financial Rights Factsheet Annual Report Welcome to our first edition of this years Tenant Newsletter. Hard to believe it’s the end of Summer and the first quarter of the year is almost over. Please take a moment to read the attached Customer Expectations and Service Charter; This documents explains how we will deliver service to you, our tenants, and what we expect from you in return. Whilst our aim has always been to provide a high quality community housing service for our clients, we are now highlighting the fact in a new stand alone document. If you would like a copy sent to you, please contact the office. It is also available to download on PLH’s website. The Tenant Programs are proving again to be popular. It’s good to see so many of you using these for yourself and family members, particularly the Scholarships, SHEW and Learner Driver programs. The New Events Calendar for 2015 is also enclosed. Take advantage of these forums and social outings and if you need assistance with transport cost or child minding fees, let us know. Please take care with heaters as Winter approaches and ensure your smoke alarm is working. There is also some good information and tips from EWON included with this newsletter. If you have any articles or stories you would like to see published in the newsletter please let us know. Keith Gavin – CEO IMPORTANT DATES: Easter Holidays: Good Friday 3rd April—Easter Monday 6th April; School Holidays: Friday 3rd April—Friday 17th April; Anzac Day—Sat 25th April; 2015 PLH Scholarship Applications open for Round 2 in June; See attached Calendar of Events for Tenant Forums and Social Outings for 2015. PLH CONTACT DETAILS Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9am to 5pm Street Address: Suite 2, Level 1 10 William Street Gosford Phone: (02) 4324 7617 Toll Free: 1300 654 973 WEB: Mailing Address: PO Box 1888 GOSFORD NSW 2250 Fax: (02) 4324 1601 Email: [email protected] After Hours Emergencies: 0409 341 457 Entry via Mall next to R & R Café Take lift to 1st floor — Disability Access friendly Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 2 Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 3 EXTRA RENT PAYMENTS DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO PAY EXTRA MONEY TOWARDS YOUR NON-RENT ACCOUNT? BY PAYING SOME EXTRA MONEY FROM AS LITTLE AS $10 PER FORTNIGHT—ADDS UP TO $130 OVER 6 MONTHS. YOU COULD HAVE A GOOD PART OF YOUR WATER BILL PAID FOR, OR ALL OF IT IN SOME CASES. EITHER WAY YOU’RE STILL AHEAD. The Energy and Water Ombudsman (EWON) Warns against using outdoor gas cookers inside EWON IS WARNING consumers about the dangers of using outdoor gas cookers and barbecues inside their homes and is urging customers struggling with power bills to seek help to stay connected to energy services. If a customer is unable to reach an agreement with their electricity or gas provider about a payment plan or extension, they can contact EWON for assistance on Freecall 1800 246 545 or lodge a complaint online. IMPORTANT MESSAGES FOR TENANTS Contact Us If you have any questions or require further information about your rent or non-rent payments, please call the Accounts department and speak with a staff member. If you are having financial difficulties call today ! WATER METER READINGS FOR THOSE TENANTS IN CAPITAL PROPERTIES, (NOT LEASED THROUGH PRIVATE REAL ESTATE) A REMINDER THAT YOUR 6 MONTHLY WATER METER READING WILL BE CARRIED OUT BY PLH CONTRACTORS IN MARCH / APRIL 2015 REMINDER: IT IS THE TENANT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT WATER METERS ARE CLEAR OF GRASS AND VEGETATION AND EASILY ACCESSIBLE BY OUR CONTRACTORS AND COUNCIL. Where tenants are using these cookers indoors because of a faulty stove or oven, EWON urges them to notify their landlord or real estate agent immediately to report the issue and request a repair. AN EXCEPTION IS IF THE WATER METERS ARE IN COMMON AREA AND THE GARDENS ARE MAINTAINED BY PLH. Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 4 IMPORTANT MESSAGES FOR TENANTS TENANT REFERENCE COMMITTEE The Tenant Reference Committee (TRC) has kicked off the first meeting for the year with 2 new tenant members, Brie and Greg, and a new director, Wal, who has replaced David since his retirement from the Board last year. We welcome you all and look forward to a productive year. Agenda items for discussion included strategies for several new tenant programs, contributions and articles for the tenant newsletter and PLH’s Customer Charter statement. The TRC provides valuable input and feedback to the Board of Directors and helps us to understand the needs of our tenants in greater context. If you would like to discuss any ideas or have any questions for the TRC, please call the office and we will pass your details on otherwise, you can pop into the tenant forums and catch up with members there. Did You Know..? First Lady: On 5 June 1988 at age 34, Kay Cottee sailed her boat, Blackmores First Lady, into Sydney Harbour to greet more than 10,000 well-wishers. Cottee departed for her 46,000 kilometre 189 days earlier, on 29 November 1987 and became the first woman to circumnavigate the world single handed. Wondrous Wildlife: Madagascar, an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa, is home to 22 million people as well as many forms of wildlife. About 75 percent of the species found in Madagascar live nowhere else on the planet . Your tongue is the fastest healing part of your body Fleas can accelerate 50 times faster than a space shuttle All the planets in our solar system could fit inside Jupiter Toilets use 35% of indoor water use Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 5 Tenant Programs / Information Learner Driver Program Education Scholarship Program Round 2 of the 2015 Scholarships will close Friday 12th June 2015… We are very excited to announce that PLH’s Learner Driver Programs now provides 10 lessons (plus 1 free from NRMA driving school) for each student. If you're thinking about studies next year or maybe your child needs a laptop to help them with their schoolwork, why not apply. If you are a tenant between the ages of 16—19 years old living in a Pacific Link property who are applying for or hold a current learners licence, an Australian Citizen or permanent resident and have no outstanding tenancy issues you are eligible to apply for the Learner Driver Program. Applicants must have a tenancy of at least 12 months with a good history i.e. rent payments on time. Also, if you are a previous applicant and would like a top-up to the 10 lessons, please give us a call. Laptop Program We currently have HP PAVN Laptops available for purchase. The model is 11-N034 and costs $498.00 each. Eligible tenants can purchase a laptop interest free for a minimum payment of $20 per fortnight. No Age limit Sport Health Exercise & Wellbeing The SHEW Program offers an amount of up to $250 to assist each eligible child (between 5–12 years of age) living in Pacific Link Housing, with some of the cost associated with sporting, physical activity and exercise. The SHEW Funds can be used to purchase items or services, which will help the tenant in their physical education or activities e.g. arts, dancing, football and swimming etc. For further information contact the office or download a factsheet and application online. Application Forms and Factsheets for all of the above programs are available to download online at or you can contact the office for further information on 4324 7617. Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 6 Our Amazing Tenants In the 12 months that I was a client at Pacific Link Housing, I was lucky enough to be awarded the Sheila Astolfi Scholarship package. In this package, I received a laptop with a wireless mouse and carry bag, a printer, a Wi-Fi modem and a pre-paid internet voucher – I was so excited because it was my first laptop that was my very own! As part of the scholarship package, Pacific Link also paid for me to undertake my Certificate I & II in Business at ET Australia. This opportunity was life changing for me! After receiving the scholarship and completing my Certificate I & II in Business, I then went on to complete my Certificate III. After completing my Certificate III in Business, I was able to secure a full-time position as a Receptionist and Administration Assistant for a local company that provides Domestic Assistance and Social Support services to our elderly community, and I feel very lucky to be working in such an amazing and rewarding industry. I left Pacific Link Housing in mid January 2015 as I secured my own private rental with my partner. Being a part of Pacific Link’s youth housing program and scholarship program has helped me grow as a person enormously, I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for Pacific Link’s amazing community support services. After being so fortunate, I have been inspired to give something back to my community. I am now a member of the NSW RFS, as a Volunteer Fire-fighter. This is something that I find very rewarding, and I particularly enjoy attending community engagement activities. I am also a new member of the Young Labor party, I decided to join Young Labor as I am keen to have input into government policy and I am passionate about advocating for the needs of disadvantaged young people. I strongly feel that Pacific Link should be recognised for the amazing things that they are doing, and deserve our support so that they can continue to create opportunities that offer a better future for the youth of our community! Regards, Sharni Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 7 Community Announcements RSPCA PET CARE—POOPS PROGRAM A pet can mean everything to an older person, especially if they are socially isolated. The RSPCA Pets of Older Persons (POOPs) program helps these people by looking after their pets in times of crisis. The aim is to keep pets and their elderly owners happy, healthy and together in their own homes for as long as possible. RSPCA can assist people 65 years of age or older with temporary foster accommodation and/or emergency boarding of the pet should the owner require medical treatment, respite or other assistance. They also help with veterinary treatment, assist with pet grooming, and conduct home visits to assist with basic pet care. These services are also available to palliative care patients of any age who are socially isolated. As with all RSPCA services, POOPs does not receive any ongoing government funding, so relies on your generosity to continue to help people and their pets. Volunteers for the program are also welcome. For more information, please email [email protected] or phone (02) 9782 4408. The Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) is urging consumers to make use of the online resource, Chill Your Winter Power Bill, to help avoid the stress of power bill shock without missing out on the comfort of winter warmth. Quarterly billing means that many households won’t see how their energy charges add up for several months, but with the colder weather setting in, now is the time to start thinking and acting. Chill Your Winter Power Bill (see attached factsheet) consists of consumer tips, information and referrals laid out in simple steps that consumers can take now to help avoid bill shock, debt and disconnection later. Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) provides a free, fair and independent dispute resolution service for electricity, gas and some water customers in NSW. If you have a problem, contact your energy or water supplier first. If you are not able to resolve the problem, or you are not satisfied with the company's response, you can contact EWON on freecall 1800 246 545 or lodge a complaint online. Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 8 Community Announcements The Indigenous Youth Careers Pathways Program (IYCP) gives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students a head start in their careers through school-based apprenticeships and traineeships. National Youth Week 2015 National Youth Week (NYW) is the largest celebration of young people in Australia. Thousands of young people aged 12-25 from across Australia are involved in NYW each year. In 2015, NYW will be held from 10-19 April. New theme. Check. New design. Check. National Youth Week 2015 is gearing up! It starts with us is the theme for 2015 and was decided by the National Planning Group Young Members. Hand-inhand with the 2015 theme is an awesome new design that is featured on all the NYW promotional material including this website! For information on how you can get involved in activities near or far from you, visit NYW Around Australia for all state/territory contact details. National Youth Week is an opportunity for young people to: • share ideas From our Youth Survey results, we know that starting work is particularly important to young Indigenous Australians. In fact, young Aboriginal people put a higher value on getting a job than their non-Aboriginal peers, although they feel they are less likely to find employment or study further after school. IYCP is an Australian Government program that aims to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who make the transition from school into further education, training or employment. The program combines school studies with paid work and training, helping students to plan a life after high school. Students will learn a trade or occupation at Certificate II, III or IV level while they finish high school. • attend live events • have their voices heard on issues of concern to them • showcase their talents • celebrate their contribution to the community Available to students in Years 11 and 12 (and in some cases Year 10), IYCP helps Aboriginal youth overcome barriers to building a career. • have fun! Contact your local Mission Australia office to find out what Indigenous Youth Careers Pathways Programs are available in your local area. For further information and to find out what events are in your local area visit http:// Call 13 11 24 or search for you local office in the service directory. • take part in competitions Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 9 Community Announcements NSW State Election - 28 March 2015 In this election 93 candidates for the Legislative Assembly will be elected, and in the Legislative Council, 21 of the 42 seats will be contested. This election was preceded by an electoral redistribution which has meant that district boundaries have altered. Two Easy Read Guides focusing on the NSW State Election on 28 March 2015 are now available. 1. Get your name on the Roll 2. How do I fill out my voting papers? These resources are available for download on the NSW Electoral Commission's website. Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 10 Community Announcements Be Inspired 14 - 22 March 2015 The 2015 NSW Seniors Week magazine features NSW Government and Telstra which prostories from our inspiring ambassadors who share vides low cost or free training to older people their wisdom and tips on enriching their lives across NSW. through art, sport, technology, food, fashion, recreation and travel. Tech Savvy Seniors helps older people to access online information, websites and services in orIt also includes an interview with Kathryn Greiner der to enhance their social engagement, interacAO, relevant information from key service providtion and connection with friends, families and ers and sponsors, as well as event highlights across communities. the state. Download here http:// magazine or pick up a copy by visiting one of these selected outlets: Service NSW service centres Telstra retail stores Fone Zone stores Westfield concierge desks NRMA MotorServe service centres your local council or library Helping older people to use technology makes a big difference in people's lives, helping people to stay connected and active. Since the commencement of Tech Savvy Seniors, more than 9,000 people aged over 60 across NSW have attended training and other events to learn to use computers, smart phones, laptops and tablets. To find out more, go to the Tech Savvy Seniors page in the Ages 65+ tab on this website, or visit: The theme of the 2015 concerts will be 'Viva Las Vegas', channelling the big Vegas NSW Seniors Week is your time to shine. With hundreds of events and special offers across the state between 14 – 22 March, there's something new for everyone to try. From art, music, entertainment and technology, to sport, recreation, health and good nutrition, there's a wealth of exThe concerts will be held on Tuesday 17 March periences on offer to stimulate your mind, reinat 4.30pm and Wednesday 18 March at vigorate your body and enrich your life. 10.30am and 2.30pm. A concert for NSW seniors groups at 11.00am on Tuesday 17 March has The 2015 NSW Seniors Week Expo is being held on 17-18 March 2015, in conjunction with already booked out. the Premier’s Gala Concerts at the Qantas Credit Tickets can be booked at Union Arena. Information and giveaways from nswseniorsweek and in person at participating government, community and commercial exhibition stands will Ticketek outlets and Westfield Concierge desks. Tech Savvy Seniors is a partnership between the be available to concert goers. shows, from the years of Frank Sinatra, Elvis and the Rat Pack to more contemporary showstoppers from artists such as Tom Jones, Celine Dion and Elton John," Mr Ajaka said. Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 11 Community Announcements Harmony Day 2015 Celebrations at The Entrance Foreshore Before you sign up to a training course know your rights NSW Fair Trading is running an education campaign to alert consumers about inappropriate conduct by training providers and marketers in relation to marketing VET FEEHELP courses. Date and Time: 29 March 2015 – 10am-3pm Over 5% of the Central Coast’s population was born in a non-English speaking country and almost all of these people speak a language other than English in their homes. This incredible cultural diversity is worthy of celebrating. By participating in these activities, we can learn and understand how all Australians from diverse backgrounds equally belong to our community and make it a better place. Wyong Shire Council and Gosford City Council are committed to the principles of multiculturalism. Both Councils have agreed to host a Central Coast-wide Harmony Day celebration each year. In 2015, Harmony Day celebrations will be held in the Wyong Shire at the Entrance Waterfront. Everyone is invited to come along and celebrate our diversity through dance, art, music, storytelling, cooking and sharing cultural meals. Location: Memorial Park, The Entrance Foreshore The Entrance NSW 2261 Entry is free The campaign aims to provide greater awareness and understanding to NSW consumers about their rights and obligations before signing up for a training course under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The key message of the campaign is a ‘free gift could cost you thousands’. To help consumers understand their rights before signing up for a training course, Fair Trading has produced an Education Kit designed to help educate you, your clients and the wider community. For more information call 13 32 20 Legal Aid NSW produces easy to understand resources to help people with their legal problem. All our publications can be viewed or ordered online. Need more information? Visit Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 12 Healthy Recipes Fried rice Make your favourite take-away dish at home. 10 mins preparation + 15 mins cooking (plus cooking and cooling time for rice) Serves 6 Ingredients 1 cup long grain rice 2 eggs, beaten Olive or canola oil spray 1 teaspoon olive or sesame oil 75g lean leg ham, diced 1 onion, diced 1 red or green capsicum, seeded and diced 2 cups Chinese cabbage, shredded 1 cup green peas, cooked 1 cup sweet corn kernels, cooked 1 cup bean shoots 2 spring onions, diced 3 tablespoons reduced-salt soy sauce 1 tablespoon oyster sauce This recipe contains 13 serves of vegies. Cook rice following packet directions, drain and cool completely. Lightly spray a heated non-stick pan with oil and pour in eggs to make a thin omelette. Cook over gentle heat until set. Transfer to a plate and slice thinly. Set aside. Lightly spray the same pan with oil and cook ham and onion until golden. Add capsicum, cabbage, peas, and corn. Cover and toss well for several minutes. Add remaining ingredients except omelette. Stir until sauce has mixed through. Fold in sliced omelette. Serve hot. Kids Treat A fun snack that everyone will enjoy making. 2 mins preparation + 4 mins cooking Makes 6 cups Ingredients ½ cup popping corn 1 cup dried apricots, chopped 1 cup dried apple, chopped 1 cup sultanas Put the popping corn in a microwave safe dish. Microwave on HIGH (100%) for 4 minutes or cook in a saucepan or electric frypan according to packet instructions. Stand popcorn for 1 minute. Mix remaining ingredients into the popcorn. Autumn 2015 Newsletter Page 13 KIDS HOLIDAY FUN Win a family pass to The Sydney Royal Easter Show! The Sydney Royal Easter Show is Australia’s largest annual event, attracting close to 900,000 people each year. It is a celebration of Australian culture, from our rural traditions to our modern day lifestyles, providing unique experiences for everyone. Visit the Farmyard Nursery and wash or pat a chook, pat a pig or milk a cow at The Dairy Farmers Milking Barn. See Australian Cattle dogs in action at Bonnie Yard Dog demonstrations. Channel Seven LIVE Village For the most exhilarating and thrilling rides in the country head to the Coca-Cola Carnival for fast and furious rides such as the Crazy Spinning Coaster and Extreme My Little Pony Live on Stage Meet and Greet Transformers Bumblebee and Optimus Prime Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Stage Live Light up the kids’ faces with delight in the Kids Carnival with classic family rides including the Carousel, Super Slide and Wave Swinger. To win a Family Pass, colour in the attached “Happy Easter” poster , write your name, age and address on it and return to PLH PO Box 1888 Gosford NSW 2250, Entries close 20th March 2015. The family tickets include; Entry into Show including train/transport, carnival ride tickets and meal vouchers.
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