OFFICIAL PROMENADE CALL for the NINETY-FIFTH (95th) GRANDE PROMENADE GRANDE VOITURE du CALIFORNIA Inc. In accordance with the Constitution of the Grande Voiture du California, the Ninety-fifth (95th) Grande Promenade is hereby called to convene June 22, 2015 in the City of Ontario CA. Housing @ the Holiday Inn, 2155 E Convention Center Way, Ontario CA 91764 Rate is $92.00 + tax Phone 888-722-7022 or 909-2128000 Hotel Reservation cut-off is June 1. All meetings will be @ the Holiday Inn Registration: Sun 3 – 5 pm, Mon 8 am – 4pm, Tue 8 am – 12 pm. Committee Meetings: Mon Jun 22, 9 am – 4 pm, Cheminot 5 pm followed by opening @ 5:45 pm. Business Meeting Tue Jun 23, 9 am Cheminot upon adjournment of Promenade. Banquet & Installation Tue evening PURPOSE The Grande Promenade is called for the purpose of electing Officers for the ensuing year, amending the Grande Voiture Constitution and By-Laws, adopting a balanced budget for the ensuing year, and for the transacting of such other business as may be brought before it. BASIS OF REPRESENTATION Each Voiture Locale in good standing. (having Ten (10) or more paid up members reported for the current year) is entitled to Five (5) Delegates and Five (5) Alternate Delegates for their Charter, and One (1) Delegate and One (1) Alternate Delegate for each Twenty-Five (25) current members, or major fraction thereof. The Grande Promenade Roll Call shall be based upon membership reports received by Grande Voiture Headquarters up to and including May 28, 2015. Any Voiture Locale in arrears with either the Grande Voiture or Voiture Nationale shall be denied representation until all such fees have been paid in full. All Officers of the Grande Voiture shall be ex-official members of the Grande Promenade, and shall be entitled to all privilege and right to vote as fully accredited delegates, if present in person, and the registration fee has been paid. All Sous Grand Officers shall be Alternate Delegates. All Grand Chefs de Gare Passe, present in person, are allowed voice and vote, if duly accredited and registered. All Voiture Locales will be officially notified as the number of Delegates and Alternate Delegates they are entitled to approximately three (3) weeks prior to the Grande Promenade. CREDENTIALS Credentials for Delegates and Alternate Delegates will be mailed to all Voiture Locaux on May 30, 2015. These must be signed by the local Chef de Gare and Correspondant and will be distributed to the Delegates and Alternate delegates by the Correspondant Locale. Credentials for Grand Officers and Grand Chefs de Gare Passe will be mailed directly to them, and shall be signed by the Grand Chef and Grand Correspondant. REGISTRATION FEE for DELEGATES Article II Section 5 of the Grande Voiture By-Laws calls for a registration fee (currently set at Five Dollars ($5.00) per Delegate) (including Grand Officers and Grand Chefs de Gare Passe) who are entitled to vote at the Grande Promenade which shall be charged to each Voiture Locale. This registration fee must be paid prior to the opening of the Grande Promenade so that representation of the delegates may be allowed. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS and RESOLUTIONS Proposed amendments to the Grande Voiture Constitution and By-Laws and all resolutions must be submitted in writing to the Grand Correspondant not later than June 1, 2015 so that proper distribution to committees can be affected. Grand Prom Call PROMENADE COMMITTEES Correspondants Locaux shall, not later than June 13, 2015, submit to the Grand Correspondant a list of all Delegates, Alternate Delegates, Delegation Chair, and Delegation Secretary on the proper form provided by the Grand Correspondant. ALL GRANDE VOITURE ACTIVITIES WILL TAKE PLACE per the following schedule: SUNDAY June 21, 2015 Early Bird Registration 3:00pm – 5:00pm Holiday Inn Lobby MONDAY June 22, 2015 Registration starts at 8:00am. Holiday Inn 9:00am 10:00am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm _________ VAVS Spec Awards Time & Place Voiture Act Youth Sports _________ Carville Star Ritual Public Relations Americanism _________ Rules/Reso Child Welfare Nurses Trng C&BL _________ Mbrshp Ways & Means Loco/Box, Ins Finance These meetings are staggered through out the morning and afternoon so that the Voyageurs will have the opportunity to attend as many as possible. 5:00pm GRANDES CHEMINOTS Meeting. Grand Cheminots & Directeurs shall report any delinquencies or money’s owed in their Programs for the 2015 Year! (Jackets & Ties for Officers) followed by the Official OPENING of the 95rd GRANDE PROMENADE (probably around 5:45PM) TUESDAY, June 23, 2015 9:00am Grande Promenade Business Session followed by election of Officers & Grand Delegates to National Promenade. Grandes Cheminots Meeting following adjournment of Promenade. 6:00pm Social Hour 7:00pm Banquet Herb Marinated Tri-tip or Chicken Marsala $35.00ea. Paid reservations by June 10 payable to “Joe Donovan” and sent to 4660 N River Rd Spc 12, Oceanside CA 92057-5879 (Late reservations $40.00 if available.) Joseph R Donovan Grand Correspondant Gary B Leach Grand Chef de Gare NOTE: Deadlines for hotel and banquet reservations are critical. Remember, our contract is for Sun, Mon, and Tue ONLY! LaFemmes will meet at the Holiday Inn Monday and Tuesday 8AM – 4PM Grand Prom Call
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