How To Make Money Everyday Online Through Google Adsense. By Uche Ikechukwu INTRODUCTION Thank you very much for ordering my google adsense report. I truly appreciate your patronage. I strongly believe that you'll find the information contained in it very valuable. Without much ado, let’s get straight down to business. If you are new to google adsense, I'm sure you'll be wondering what the noise is all about. What I'm going to do right away is to explain to you as clearly and briefly as possible what it is all about. Adsense is one of the two (2) advertising concepts developed by Google. The other is called adwords. I'm sure you know what google is. If you haven’t, I’ll strongly advise you to get a copy “Google Cash Profit System”. It is a fully loaded information that will guide you to making massive and unending cashflow nonstop. It is that massive search engine millions of people worldwide go every minute to carry out searches. I bet you've used it before. A few years ago, google began accepting adverts from marketers so they could place their adverts on search results. Such adverts are placed on the right hand side of search results. For example, if you searched for the term “web hosting” on google, two sets of results will be displayed. The first, called the natural organic search result is displayed on the left. Then you'll notice on the right handside of your search that there are small ads coloured blue. Those ads are placed by advertisers. Those advertisers set up their account in such a way that their ads come but only when certain search phrases are searched. What I mean is this. If you are selling an ebook on affiliate marketing, you can determine that your ads should only be displayed when someone searches for the term “affiliate marketing”. Another beautiful thing about this program is that you only pay when your ads are clicked on and not how many times it's displayed. After sometime, a lot of smart internet marketers began to use adwords as a means of advertising their products and services online. It became so competitive (it still is) that google had to satisfy them all. Hence the birth of Adsense. What google did was just to allow website owners display ads from other website owners. Using the “affiliate marketing” example we used earlier, google will place ads by an advertiser on websites related to the theme “affiliate marketing”. So when anytime anyone clicks on those ads, google and the owner of the website where the ad is displayed share the revenue. So if you have a website that talk about “tourism”, google will provide you with ads related to tourism. When your visitors click on those ads, you get paid. The amount you are paid depends on what the advertiser is paying. So your job is cut out. Create a website or a blog, get ads from google, and get people to your site so they can click. Imagine this scenerio. You get paid $1 for a click on your website. What if just 10 people click on your ad every day? That is $10 a day. Now imagine you have 10 of such sites. That's an incredible $100 a day. $3,000 a month. That is good money as far as I'm concerned. The question is: How do you go about achieving this. That is what we are going to be dealing with in the next few pages. Let's roll. THINGS NEEDED TO START AND SUCCEED WITH YOUR OWN ADSENSE CAMPAIGN. Broadly speaking, you'll be needing only three(3) things to start and profit from your own adsense campagn. Let's take a look at them: 1. Your own website or a blog 2. An adsense account. 3. Traffic. That's all. Get those three things in place and the money is yours. Before we go any further, I'll like to make an important point. I know I've made making money with adsense sound so easy. Granted, setting it up easy but making good money with it is a different ball game. You really have to work hard to make it happen. I hope I've not scared you. Don't worry. Just follow the points and advices I laid out in this report and you won't have any problems. Let's move ahead. I mentioned earlier that you need just three things to succeed. A website/Blog, an adsense account and traffic. It's time to deal with them one after the other. YOUR OWN WEBSITE OR BLOG This is quite explanatory. You need to set up your own website or Blog. Infact, you must and you just have to. There is no way to make money with adsense without having your own website or a blog. Infact, google will not approve your adsense application if you do not have an already built website or a blog. “I will not go into how to design a Blog in this manual except you want one built for you. I charge #4500 ONLY for creating a Blog using or better still If you want a fully customized website, then you can contact for more details”. Onward. Let’s keep going….. Alternatively, if you think the task of setting up a website is too daunting and might slow you down, then I suggest you start a blog. If you've never heard of the word blog, it simply means a website that can be easily updated. You can get a free one at or BEFORE YOU BUILD YOUR WEBSITE/BLOG It's important to think about an important factor before you build your website. And that point is for you to decide what topic your website will be about. Is it going to be about Nigerian movies, internet marketing, Californian lawyers or what have you? Before you decide on the theme your website will be about, I want you to consider the following factors. 1. The profitability of the market. 2. How to get traffic to it. 3. How to get regular content. The Profitability Of The Market It's really important to determine the profitability of a market before going into it. You remember I mentioned earlier on that what you get per click is determined by the amount an advertiser sets per click. For example, if I've got an adwords account running with google and I specify that I want to be paying $0.50 per click. If my ads are displayed on your site, you and google will share that $0.50 So what am I driving at? You see, there are some advertisers that pay as much as $5 a click. Some pay as much as $10. Someone even told me that there are some that pay as much as $20 for a click. Imagine if such ads can be displayed on your site. I'm sure you're wondering why some people pay as much as $20 a click while some pay as low as $0.10. I'll tell you. There are some particular markets that are so competitive because they are very lucrative. The competitiveness has driven the cost up. If you want your ads to be displayed, you just have to increase how much you are paying for a click. You see why I said it's important to analyse your market to determine its profitability. Let me tell you a personal experience. After creating my first adsense site, I was determined to duplicate my success so I created another one without analysing the market. I launched a jokes site called and I promoted it. I sat back waiting for the clicks to come in. The clicks came in actually but the results were disappointing. Some clicks were bringing in as low as $0.05. So 10 clicks only brought in 50 cents! The same 10 clicks on my other websites bring in as much as $5. I simply stopped promoting the website so I could concentrate my efforts on other sites. How can you determine the profitability of a market for free? Here are the ways availaible. * Go to and search for the term “high paying adsense keywords”. Your search result will show you websites that offer free services. Majority of them charge a fee for the service. What they do in most case is offer a few for free and then ask you to buy. What I suggest you do is grab as many free ones as possible. When I carried out a search not too long ago, here are the highest paying keywords I got: 1. Structured settlements 2. Mesothelioma 3. Acne 4. Life Insurance 5. Death Insurance 6. Bextra 7. Asbestos 8. Car Insurance 9. Dental Plans 10. Private Jets 11. Debt Consolidation 12. Credit Cards 13. Rewards Cards 14. Equity Loans 15. Equity Line Credit 16. Loans 17. Mortgages 18. Pay Day Loans 19. Cash Advance 20. Bankruptcy * The second way I suggest you use is just plain common sense! Do you find that ridiculous? Please don't. Really, it's amazing how we don't use common sense in our businesses. Allow me to take you back to the personal experience I had with my jokes site. After I discovered that the cost per click was miserable, I had a chat with my internet marketing buddy, Brenthell Fibs. I complained to him about the low cost per click and what his views were. His answer shocked me. He said he knew from day one that the cost would be bad because he did not think that any sane advertiser will be paying top dollars to advertise related jokes sites. His reply went straight through me. What was I thinking? I didn't use my IQ and I wasted time setting the site up. How To Get Traffic To The Site Before you decide on any theme your website will be about, you have to know where your traffic will come from. By the way, traffic means the people visiting your site. Remember I said earlier that the higher the traffic you get, the higher the chances your ads will get clicked. So you need to get traffic. (We'll talk about traffic later) I mentioned traffic here because you might have searched for some high paying keywords and you're getting excited already. Please hang on. When I searched for high paying adsense keywords earlier today, I came across “Californian lawyers”. The term “Californian lawyers” go for as much as $15 per click. That is really tantalising. But the problem is. Where will I get traffic of people that is interested in Californian lawyers. Remember google provides you with ads related to your website. So if I want google to provide me with ads like that then my site will have to be talking about “California” or “lawyers” or “people in California” etc. My goodness! How will I pull that off. That is too much of a hassle and I decided to forget it. How To Get Regular Content To make good money with adsense, your website must have good content. That is what will attract people in the first place. Not only that, the search engines will rank you better. Search engines love regular and fresh contents. That's why they love blogs. Ask yourself before you decide on the theme of your website whether you can get regular content to upload almost everyday. Using the Californian lawyers example, I knew there was no way I could get regular content to upload on the website. It's just not my thing. You must have a source where you will get content from. I'll advise you to think about the the following points. * If you build a site or blog around your interest, it will be easy to always get fresh contents especially if it's a hobby you're passionate about. What are you passionate about? * Football * Fishing * Sex * Relationship * Religion * Jobs * Self development * Nigerian music * Nigerian politics * Food * Night life * Designer labels. Think deeply and you will come up with something. • If you build a site around your knowledge, it won't be difficult to always come up with contents. For instance, if you're pastor, you can easily come up with biblical articles. If you're a physics student, you should be able to regularly come up with contents related to that and so on. SPECIAL NOTE We've just discussed what you should look out for before you start your own adsense campaign. I believe you picked up a few points. But I Want To Say Something Crazy. DON'T LISTEN TO ME!!! Crazy isn't it? Please let me explain. I've noticed that a lot of people do not start there own adsense campaign simply because they are trying to get things perfect. The secret is to get things going and not to get it perfect. Instead of trying to get it perfect so you could earn the big bucks, I suggest you start anywhere. Even if you earn just 10 cents the first day you launch your site to the public, I assure you you'll experience a great feeling. It will prove to you that you can make money online. All you then do is improve on your efforts. YOUR OWN ADSENSE ACCOUNT You need an adsense account to start so we are going to be discussing that in this segment. After you set up your account, you need to sign up for an adsense account. Follow the simple steps and you'll have your ready to go account with a week at no cost to you. STEP 1: Go to STEP 2: Click on the button “Click here to apply” This takes you to a form where you'll be asked for certain details. Be very careful with the details you fill because some of them cannot be edited. Then click on submit. Follow the instruction on the next page. STEP 3: An email will be sent to you asking you to confirm your application. All you have to do is click on the link in the email. STEP 4: Within 2 to 5 days, google will reply you and let you know if your application has been accepted or rejected. If it is rejected, a reason will be given. Correct everything they point out and resubmit. You'll get it right eventually. Side note: Some people have complained that google did not give them any reason for turning them down so they do not know what to do. If that happens to you, simply leave it and make a fresh application. STEP 5: After you're approved, you'll be provided with an HTML code that will be generating your ads. How do you go about it? Well, it’s that simple. Here’s how… Log into your adsense (if you’re building a website), find a feature called “Adsense Setup” and follow the instructions. After you’re done, you’ll be asked to generate a code ready for use on your website. When you’re done, just copy the codes and paste into any area in your website. If you’re not good at it, seek a professional help from a Web designer. Just paste the code on your site and your ads are automatically generated. You will use the same code on all your websites and it will be generating different ads for you. You can adjust the colour of your ads to suit you within your account. What about a Blog? Well, that’s where I’ll come in for you. Just for getting this book, I’ll help you create a blog using Google’s Then you’ll have your blog ready to start making money for you. Next I'm going to list the program policies of the adsense program so you don't run foul of it. Note that I copied it directly from google. Google AdSense Program Policies To uphold the quality and reputation of Google AdSense, all publishers who apply are reviewed according to these program policies. You may notice that some policies are only relevant to publishers who have elected to receive certain Google services. For example, references to "search box" only apply to publishers who have elected to receive Google search services, and policies regarding the placement of Google ads on a site are only relevant to publishers who have elected to receive contextual ads. Please read the policies carefully and assume that they all apply to you, unless the specific policy explicitly states otherwise. Please note that we may change our policies at any time, and pursuant to our Terms and Conditions, it is your responsibility to keep up-to-date with and adhere to the policies posted here. Account Transferability AdSense accounts are not transferable, assignable or resalable in connection with the sale of your site or otherwise. For example, when a site changes ownership or management, the prior owner or manager must cancel the AdSense account for the site, and the new owner or manager may sign up for a new AdSense account in his or her own name. Ad Placement Up to three ad units may be displayed on each Web site page. A maximum of two Google AdSense for search boxes may be placed on a page. A single link unit may be placed on each Web site page, in addition to the ad units and search boxes specified above. Link units are considered to be 'Google ads' for purposes of these program policies. A single referral button per product may be placed on a page up to a maximum of 4 buttons, in addition to the ad units, search boxes, and link units specified above. Referral buttons are considered to be ‘Google ads’ for purposes of these program policies. No Google ad may be placed on any non-content-based pages. No Google ad or Google search box may be displayed on any domain parking websites, pop-ups, pop-unders, or in any email. No Google ad may be placed on pages published specifically for the purpose of showing ads, whether or not the page content is relevant. Elements on a page must not obscure any portion of the ads, and the ad colors must be such that any ad elements, including text and URL, are visible. Clicks on Google ads must not result in a new browser window being launched. Alternate Ads If you have elected to receive contextually-targeted ads, you can make sure that your advertising space is always being used effectively, either by targeted Google ads, or by your own choice of content by specifying an image or ad server of your choice. However, you may not specify Google ads as your alternate ads. Client Software A site or third party cannot display our ads, search box, search results, or referral buttons as a result of the actions of any software application such as a toolbar. No Google ad, search box, or referral code may be pasted into any software application. Web pages displaying our ads, search box, search results, or referral buttons may not be loaded by any software that can trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted websites, modify browser settings, or otherwise interfere with site navigation. It is your responsibility to ensure that no ad network or affiliate uses such methods to direct traffic to pages that contain your AdSense code. Accounts involved in this type of activity may be permanently disabled. Code Modification Any AdSense ad code, search box code, or referral code must be pasted directly into Web pages without modification. AdSense participants are not allowed to alter any portion of the ad code or change the layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason. Competitive Ads and Services We do not permit Google ads or search boxes accessing Google search services to be published on web pages that also contain what could be considered competing ads or services. If you have elected to receive contextually-targeted Google ads, this would include all other contextually-targeted ads or links on the same page as Google ads. This would also include ads throughout the site that mimic Google ads or otherwise appear to be associated with Google on your site. Although you may sell ads directly on your site, it is your responsibility to ensure these ads do not mimic Google ads. If you have elected to receive Google search services, this would include other search services on the same site and non-Google query-targeted ads. We do allow affiliate or limited-text links. Copyrighted Material In order to avoid associations with copyright claims, website publishers may not display Google ads on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Dialers Your site must not require or prompt an end user to download a dialer in order to view content of the site. Incentives Web pages may not include incentives of any kind for users to click on ads. This includes encouraging users to click on the ads or to visit the advertisers' sites as well as drawing any undue attention to the ads. For example, your site cannot contain phrases such as "click here," "support us," "visit these links," or other similar language that could apply to any ad, regardless of content. These activities are strictly prohibited in order to avoid potential inflation of advertiser costs. In addition, publishers may not bring unnatural attention to sites displaying ads or referral buttons through unsolicited mass emails or unwanted advertisements on third-party websites. Publishers are also not permitted to use deceptive or unnatural means to draw attention to or incite clicks on referral buttons. Labeling Ads Publishers may not label the ads with text other than "sponsored links" or "advertisements." This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads. Language The AdSense ad code for contextually-targeted ads may be placed on pages with content primarily in any of our supported languages. Ads must not be displayed on any page with content primarily in an unsupported language. Prohibited Clicks and Impressions Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include but are not limited to: repeated manual clicks or impressions, incentives to click or to generate impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software. Please note that clicking on your own ads for any reason is prohibited, to avoid potential inflation of advertiser costs. Site Content Site may not include: Excessive profanity Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization Hacking/cracking content Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia Pornography, adult, or mature content Gambling or casino-related content Excessive advertising Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others Pop-ups, pop-unders or exit windows that interfere with site navigation, obscure Google ads, change user preferences, or are for downloads. Other types of pop-ups, pop-unders, or exit windows may be allowed, provided that they do not exceed a combined total of 5 per user session Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank Incentives (monetary or point-based) to users or third-party beneficiaries for online activity including, but not limited to, clicking on ads or links, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or completing surveys Sales or promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, ammunition, balisongs, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products Sales or promotion of prescription drugs Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods Site Functionality Your site must not contain broken links and must be launched, functioning, and easily navigable. Site Responsiveness Sites must respond adequately to support requests and enquiries of their users. Webmaster Guidelines In addition to the standards above, AdSense participants are required to adhere to the webmaster guidelines posted at Some relevant items from the guidelines are included below for your reference: Do not load pages with irrelevant or excessive key words. Do not employ cloaking or sneaky redirects. Do not create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially duplicate content. Avoid hidden text or hidden links. Keep the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100). Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links. So we're back from Google and their Strict Policies. TRAFFIC I defined traffic earlier by saying it is the number of visitors to your website. By now I'm sure you know how important traffic is if you want to make money with google adsense. The more traffic you have the more money you'll get because more people will click on your ads. So how do you get traffic? I'll like to categorize traffic generation into two broad groups. They are: * Free traffic * Paid traffic Let's examine them one after the other. FREE TRAFFIC. Free traffic simply means traffic you don't pay money for. You don't have to pull out money before you get it. I love free traffic. Why spend my money when I can get it for FREE? That's why I use it and I strongly advise you to start with it. I've got some bad new though. To get free traffic, you need to work hard. You need to put in a lot of time and efforts. Here are the free traffic techniques you should use. * Word of mouth This is pretty straight forward. It simply means you should tell people about your website with your own mouth. Although the power of word of mouth marketing is in other people telling other people about your website, you still have the duty of starting the talking. If you don't blow your own trumpet, no one will blow it for you. The way to go about it is simply to tell a few of your friends about your site. Ask them to review it and tell them what they think. Note: Don't tell them you've got adsense on it or ask them to click. You remember that click fraud is an offence and google will ban you for life. That reminds me of what happened to one of my clients. After setting his adsense campaign up, he wanted to test if the adsense links google provided him were working so he clicked on them a few times. I can vouch for the integrity of this chap so I know he wasn't trying to be fraudulent. Within a few days, google banned him. Below is the email he recieved from google. Google AdSense <[email protected]> wrote: Hello Bothwell Chikombora, It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s). We have therefore disabled your Google AdSense account. Please understand that this step was taken in an effort to protect the interest of the AdWords advertisers. A publisher's site may not have invalid clicks on any ad(s), including but not limited to clicks generated by: - a publisher on his own web pages - a publisher encouraging others to click on his ads - automated clicking programs or any other deceptive software - a publisher altering any portion of the ad code or changing the layout, behavior, targeting, or delivery of ads for any reason Practices such as these are in violation of the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions and programme polices, which can be viewed at: Publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed further participation in AdSense and do not receive any further payment. The earnings on your account will be properly returned to the affected advertisers. Sincerely, The Google AdSense Team Because my friend was so innocent, he sent me an email immediately informing me of what happened. I told him to send an email to them explaining what happened. See the email he sent. From: bothwell chikombora <[email protected]> Subject: Re: *Google AdSense Account Disabled (complain) Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 16:40:42 -0700 (PDT) Hello, I received with sadness your email informing me that my adsense Account has been been disabled because invalid clicks have been generated. I state categorically here that there is no truth in this. This is because i never encouraged anyone to click my ads. Even when a close relative asked me how i hope to make money with my site, i made sure i did not reveal my source of revenue was adsense because i don't want anyone clicking them for me. Granted, I once clicked the ads the first day of set up to see if it was working. I reckon this should not be a problem because i wasn't credited for the click which i was happy about. I wiil never practice such fraud. I operate pay per click everytime and i know how precious advertising dollars are. I will greatly appreciate it if my case can be reviewed and my account re activated. Thanking you in anticipation of a swift and favourable response. Yours very truly, Bothwell Chikombora. After sending this email, another one came in from google within two days. I've reproduced here for you. Hello Bothwell, Thank you for your email. As you know, Google treats instances of invalid clicks very seriously. By disabling your account, we feel that we have taken the necessary measures to ensure that invalid clicks will not continue to occur on your site. Due to the proprietary nature of our monitoring system, we're not able to disclose any specific details of these clicks. Publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed further participation in Google AdSense. However, if you can maintain in good faith that the invalid clicks we detected on your ads were not due to your actions or negligence, or the actions or negligence of others working for you, you may appeal the closing of your account. Google reserves sole discretion in considering whether to take any action on an appeal. In order to appeal the disabling of your account, please reply to this email with the details requested below. We're unable to consider appeals that do not contain all of this information: - Your name - Your company's name (if applicable) - Your publisher ID number (located in the AdSense code on your website with the format, pub-################) - Your website's URL - Date your account was disabled - Your website's audience - The source of your website's content - Frequency of content updates - The primary sources of your website's traffic - The number of people involved with the administration of the site - Any relevant information that you believe would explain the invalid click activity we detected If Google decides to evaluate your appeal, we will do our best to inform you quickly and will proceed with appropriate action as necessary. If we have reached a decision on your appeal, subsequent or duplicate appeals may not be considered. Sincerely, The Google AdSense Team My main aim for reproducing the above was to stress the importance of avoiding click fraud. So let's get back to what we were discussing. After telling your friends about it, make sure you ask for their analysis. Allow them to criticise so you can make adjustments. Always ensure that you make the discussion about your website relaxing and fun. You can achieve this if your website is not about how to make money. If you're talking about tourism in Nigeria for instance, you'll have enthusiatic analysis more than a site that talks about making money. * Viral marketing. This is another powerful free traffic technique. The term viral was derived from virus that spreads fast. You can create a traffic virus free for your website. One great way to start your own traffic virus is by creating a joke/ article/ quiz or what have you and send it as an email to your friends. At the end of that piece, make sure your signature file that briefly describes your website is present. Then encourage them to pass the piece around. Let me give you an example. After I created my jokes site, I picked a very good joke. At the end of the joke, I included a signature file that says “For more funny jokes like these, visit” Very simple concept. I sent it to my friend and the craze began. My friend sent it to another friend and then to another friend. I bet you've recieved a forwarded message before. Within days, hundreds of people arrived at my site. It doesn't have to be a joke. Just find something related to your site you think people will find interesting. * Forum participation. Another fantastic free traffic technique. I use this everyday for all my websites. Not just the adsense ones. Do you know about forums. If you don't, let me send you to two fora so you will understand me better. ==> and so on…. All you have to do to find suitable forums online is to make a search using any of the search engines like and type in any area of interest plus forums. Here’s what I mean. Maybe you want to write about sports, health or relationship, Walk over to and type in “sports+forums” or “health+forums” or “relationships+forums” (please note the way I typed out those “keywords”). The best way to get traffic from a forum is by posting answers to people's problems. That way, they'll respect you and follow the link in your post as well as in your signature file. I've summarized a few tips for you to follow when you're in a forum. - Help solve people's products - Do not directly post an ad - Do not join issues with anyone no matter how tempting. - Always put your link within or after your message as well as your signature file. I strongly advise you to pick a few fora and actively participate in them. You'll get people to your websites almost instantly. * Business cards/ Fliers/ Stickers I wasn't too sure whether to include this technique under free techniques. I decided to do so when I considered the fact that you do not pay money to put it out. The money involved will be the one you use in printing. The process is straight forward. just print cards, fliers and stickers that talk about your site and place it where people can see it. - You can give your cards to friends - You can stick your stickers on friends' cars and of course yours if you have one. - You can drop your fliers in strategic positions (like a few in some busy offices). Do not stand somewhere handing it out. It makes you look desperate. * Repeat traffic Oh I love this technique. It means getting people who have visited your website in the past to visit again. Imagine if you've spent money or a lot of time getting people to your website. Wouldn't it be good if those people come back over and over again instead of having to spend money and time to bring them again. If you hope people will just remember your website and come back again, then think again. You have to do something to make them come back. Here are a few things you can do. - Provide fresh contents so people can come back regularly to check your site. - A news website - An entertainment site (see - Create a site where people come together like forum or dating site. - Build your own list. I want to talk briefly about that last point in case you do not understand it. It involves asking your visitors to put down their names and email addresses down so you can contact them in future. To achieve this you'll need an autoresponder. I use I urge you to check it out. When you have names stored in your autoresponder, you'll simply email them that you have a new update on your website and that they should check it out. When they come, your adsense will be there and some of those people will click them. I do this every time I upload a new article on my site. It really works. * Search Engine Optimization This means fine tuning your website to the level which it gets ranked highly by the search engines. If your website is about African hotels, then if someone goes to a search engine like google and types in “African hotels” your website will show up in a top result if your site is well optimized. Search engine optimization is a time consuming process I don't advise you to go into at the moment. People employ search engine experts to optimize their websites on a 24 hour basis. So don't bother competing with them. All I advise you to do is to keep on updating your website regularly. That way, the search engines will recognise you as time goes on. * Article marketing Another fantastic free traffic technique. All you have to do is write articles of about 300 to 500 words related to your website and submit to article submission websites. If your website is related to the Nigerian market, I strongly advise you to submit your articles to fast growing article site If it is about any other market, you can submit to the following. - - - - PAID TRAFFIC. Paid traffic simply means advertising you pay money for. The opposite of the one we talked about. With free traffic, you don't spend money but you spend time. With paid traffic, you spend money and not time. There are many ways to spend money to bring traffic to your website but I'll only advise you to do just two. * Newspaper/ magazine advertising. This is a great way to bring people to your website. All you have to do is write a compelling advert with a great headline and place in a targeted publication. When I say targeted, what I mean is that you should make sure it is a publication your target audience read. For example, if you have a romance website or blog, it will not be wise to advertise it in a football magazine. The size of your advert will be determined by your budget. As usual, I recommend starting small. You can start with small ads like 2 by 2 and you'll be okay. One thing you should have in mind when writing your small ads is that you should not try to say everything about your site in your ad. If you do that, the text will be so small that people will hardly notice it. That way, you'll only lose money. Your small advert should consist of three major components. a) The headline b) The body c) The call to action. Your headline must be bold and must be arresting. It should be like this: HOTELS IN AFRICA or DESIGN YOUR OWN WEBSITE. The body of your ad comes after the headline. In one sentence try to tell your audience what your site is all about. See an example. “Discover the 7 hidden secrets of passing JAMB the first attempt” The call to action comes next. you have to state what you want your audience to do. You have to tell then to come to your website. You can say something like “For free info, visit It's as simple as that. Banner ads. In the beginning, banner ads were the in thing. Later, surfers developed “banner blindness” and they became less effective. But these days, they are becoming effective over again. Marketers are beginning to use it again. It involved designing a banner and placing it at a cost in high traffic website. If you come across a website that accepts banner ads and you think your banner ad will be appreciated there, you can go for it. These days, Nigeria's newspaper websites are the hot places to place your banners adverts. See the following. - - - Side note: Obviously, there are many other ways of generating both free and paid traffic to your site. I've given you the ones above because I believe they are easy to start with and also not to overwhelm you. Information overload is a big problem that can delay your business. So that's it. You've got everything you need to start and profit from your own adsense campaign. What I'm going to do in conclusion is give you additional tips that have not been covered. Let's get on with it. The first thing I want to talk about is something you must always have on your website. It is a headline. It amazes me how webmasters fail to do this. When a visitor comes to your website or blog, the first thing he wants to know is what your website or blog is all about. If he doesn't find this out in less than a minute, he'll leave and might not return again. That way, you've lost a potential click. Think about the number of websites you've visited in the past and did not come back. The way to let your visitors know what your site is all about is by writing a compelling headline that tells what your site is. Let me give you some headlines and I bet you'll know what the sites are about. - INTERNET MARKETING SOLUTION FOR NIGERIANS - INTERNET PAYMENT SOLUTION FOR NIGERIANS - FREE DATING WEBSITES FOR BLACKS IN THE UK - REVIEW OF PENTICOSTAL CHURCHES IN NIGERIA - HOW TO DISCOVER IF YOUR LOVER IS CHEATING ON YOU. I'm sure if you see any of the above headlines on a website, you'll instantly know what that website is about. Lesson learnt: Write a strong, compelling headline on your website. How To Cash Your Google Adsense Cheques The next thing I want to talk about is how to cash your cheques. I receive emails everyday from people who ask me how they can cash their foreign cheques. They ask about open foreign account and all that. Stop. You don't need any of that. All you need to do is open a domiciliary with a good Nigerian bank and your cheques will be cleared. When I tell people this, they tell me that banks ask for things they cannot provide. Personally, I don't think any bank will ask for an impossible thing. The major things they ask are: - International passport/ Driver's license - References - Some money to deposit at first (my bank asks for N10k) Now tell me if this is an impossibility. Only a unserious person will not be able to provide these. Another point I'll like to point out to you is what is called adsense optimization. It is a way of making sure your ads are clicked by your visitors without telling them. In your adsense account, there is a place where you can edit the colour of your ads as well as the background colour. Always make sure your background is light and the border colour of your ads blend with your website. The aim of doing this is to make the ads look like parts of links on your site and not an external advert. Also, make sure the colour of ads blend with your website. See to see what I mean. The next and last thing I want to talk about is what I call “business duplication” The secret of making money with adsense is not with just one website or blog. It is the ability to create as many sites and blogs as possile. Think about this. If your first adsense site brings you just $5 a day, that will be $150 a month. We need no magician to tell you that if you create 10 of such sites, your daily earnings will be $50 and in a month, you'll be doing $1,500. The secret is creating as many sites as possible. Start with the first, after about 30 days to 60 days when you know how it's done, then create others. That's all. You've been equipped to go out there to earn money with adsense. NOW GO OUT THERE AND BRING IN THE CASH!!! Thanks for reading. Don't hesitate to contact me should you need my assistance. To Your Unequalled Success! Uche Ikechukwu B +234 802 746 0192
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