P H OTO: H E N R I K T RYG G Stockholm events 2015–2016 All events and dates are subject to change. Calendar for international meetings, major public events and trade fairs. http://meetingplanner.visitstockholm.com/Our-Services/Meeting-calendar/ Returning events Ongoing exhibitions & events 2015 Ongoing Changing of the guards every day at the Royal Palace at 12.15pm except for Sundays and Holidays when it takes place at 1.15pm www.mil.se/hogvakten Ongoing Sleeping Beauties, Dreams and costumes, the Russian ballet in Paris www.dansmuseet.se Until 3/5 Denise Grünstein ”En Face”, Art project carried out in the now empty Nationalmuseum building. www.nationalmuseum.se Until 3/5 Earth Matters, When natural and creative forces meet. www.artipelag.se Until 17/5 I Have Been to Hell and Back – Louise Bourgeois sculptures and works on paper and textile. www.modernamuseet.se 30/5-30/8 Beloved Blossoms, enhances the experience of Millesgården in its summer apparel. www.millesgarden.se Until 16/8 Herta Hillfon www.liljevalchs.se Until 16/8 The Glitter and the Gold, jewelry related to Swedish royals from the 16th century until now. www.livrustkammaren.se Until 30/8 Digital Revolution: An Immersive exhibition of Art, Design, Film, Music and Video Games. www.tekniskamuseet.se Until 30/8 Colour Storms, a number of Emil Nolde's most expressive oil paintings, watercolours and prints. www.waldemarsudde.se Until 25/10 Fantasma, Adrián Villar Rojas www.modernamuseet.se Until 15/11 Legacy, 16 Nobel Laureates on inspiration, role models and the value of passing something on. www.nobelmuseum.se Until 17/1 2016 Beer, Swedish brewing history, culture and trends. www.spritmuseum.se Until 3/4 2016 Sex & the Sea, recommended from 15 years. www.sjohistoriska.se Until 6/1 2016 Hedvig Eleonora – The Swedish queen of Baroque. Garden and nature at the Royal court www.kungahuset.se Until 17/5 Constructing Worlds – Photography and architecture in the modern age. www.arkdes.se Until 18/5 Pompeii, combining Carl Milles love for Italy with archeology www.millesgarden.se Until 31/5 Veronica Nygren ”Textile art and radical design” – The works of Ernest Thiels's great-granddaughter. www.thielska-galleriet.se 2 Eddie Izzard with the best of Force majeur performing with Swedish stand-up comedians www.globearenas.se Until 31/5 Bulletproof, Vee Speers. http://fotografiska.eu 2 Until 14/6 Focus on the home, through Pehr Hilleström's paintings we get a notion of the interior in a swedish eighteenth century home. www.sven-harrys.se Lidingöloppet MTB, mountainbike race www.lidingoloppetmtb.se 5 André Rieu at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 8-9 Stockholm Truck Meet www.sthlmtruckmeet.se 28/5-30/8 100 Great Paintings, a selection of highlights from the Nationalmuseum’s collections. www.nationalmuseum.se 8-10 Fitnessgalan, Fitness & Health Expo at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 29/5-27/9 Land Meets Water, European and American photography from 1860 to the present. www.artipelag.se 9 Tough Viking – Scandinavia's largest obstacle race http://toughviking.se MAY 2015 Stockholm events 2015–2016 9 Kungsholmen runt, running event www.kungsholmenrunt.se 13 5 Seconds of Summer at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 14 Nick Cave at Stockholm Waterfront www.livenation.se 21 Ariana Grande at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 22 Celebrate the 80s & 90s with the Hoff at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 22-24 The Archipelago Fair www.skargardsmassan.se 23-24 Gumball 3000 – Stockholm to Vegas www.gumball3000.com 25-26 Vårruset, women running event www.varruset.se 29-31 Elitloppet, Harness Racing Championship www.elitloppet.se 30 ASICS Stockholm Marathon www.stockholmmarathon.se 31 25 Paolo Nutini at Cirkus www.cirkus.se 25-28 ÅF Off Shore Race (former Gotland Runt), Skeppsholmen www.ksss.se/en 27 Stockholm Challenge www.stockholmchallenge.se 28 Billy Idol at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 29 Jazz at Skansen www.skansen.se Outdoor summer night clubs open in Stockholm www.visitstockholm.com Stockholm Polo Cup at Stockholm Stadion http://stockholmpolocup.se JULY 2015 Every Monday Jazz at Skansen www.skansen.se Every Tuesday Sing-a-long at Skansen www.skansen.se Prince Bertil Memorial with Gärdesloppet, Historical Motor Parade www.gardesloppet.se 2 Noel Gallagher at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 2-5 Stockholm Street Festival, Kungsträdgården www.stockholmstreetfestival.se 3-7 A Taste of Stockholm/Restaurant Day www.smakapastockholm.se 3 Alice Cooper at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 3-6 Cirque du Soleil – Quidam at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 9 Paul McCartney at Tele2 Arena www.tele2arena.se 12 3-7 Stockholm Early Music Festival, Old Town www.semf.se Stockholm Royal Park Aquathlon www.stockholmaquathlon.com 3/6-Aug Parkteatern, outdoor theatre in Stockholm www.stadsteatern.stockholm.se 14 Robert Plant at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 17 Damian Marley at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 6 Swedish National Day celebrations in Stockholm www.6juni.se, www.visitstockholm.com 19 AC/DC Rock or Bust World Tour https://friendsarena.se 25 6 National Day Gallop http://nationaldagsgaloppen.se Roxette – XXX The 30th Anniversary Tour at Sjöhistoriska www.livenation.se 6 Make Music STHLM, street music festival http://makemusicsthlm.com 27/7-1/8 Stockholm Pride www.stockholmpride.org 30 6-7 Stockholm Outdoor, a festival for everybody interested in outdoor and training at Galärparken www.stockholmoutdoor.se Stockholm Bauhaus Athletics Diamond League, track and field http://stockholm.diamondleague.com 31-2/8 Stockholm Music & Arts http://stockholmmusicandarts.com JUNE 2015 9 Polar Music Prize, global music award www.polarmusicprize.org Popaganda – one day Swedish music festival at Galärparken http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se 10 Marilyn Manson at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se Musik på Slottet, classical concerts, Royal Palace www.royalfestivals.se 12-13 Summerburst, live house music with international DJs, at Gärdet www.summerburst.se 12-17 Modernt o/modernt – reflections of the musical past in the present at Confidencen www.confidencen.se 13 Royal wedding, Prince Carl Philip & Sofia Hellqvist www.kungahuset.se 13 Stockholm SwimRun www.stockholmswimrun.com 14 Sweden-Montenegro, European Championship football qualifiers https://friendsarena.se 15 Jackson Browne at Stockholm Waterfront www.livenation.se 17 Ace Frehley at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 19-21 Traditional Midsummer celebrations www.skansen.se 23 Sing-a-long at Skansen – Premiere www.skansen.se AUGUST 2015 3 Lenny Kravitz at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 3, 10, 17 Jazz at Skansen www.skansen.se 5-9 EuroGames – European Gay & Lesbian Sports Championship at Stockholm Stadium and more arenas www.eurogames.info 8 Stockholm Ultra Marathon www.stockholmultra.se 10 The Offspring at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 11-16 Stockholm Culture Festival www.kulturfestivalen.stockholm.se 11-15 We Are Sthlm, festival for young people in Kungsträdgården http://wearesthlm.se 12-16 Stockholm Film Festival – Summer outdoor cinema at Rålambshovsparken www.stockholmfilmfestival.se Stockholm events 2015–2016 15 Midnight Race Stockholm, running event www.midnattsloppet.com 26 TEGERA Stockholm FIM Speedway Grand Prix https://friendsarena.se 16 DN-konserten, outdoor concert with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra at Gärdet http://info.dn.se 26-27 Traditional Autumn Fair www.skansen.se 29 19-22 Formex, the largest interior design trade fair for Nordic design www.formex.se Cecilia Bartoli, the mezzosoprano at the Concert hall www.konserthuset.se 19,20,22 Bellmanstafetten, running event, Djurgården www.bellmanstafetten.se OCTOBER 2015 21-22 Dans Dakar, dance festival www.dansdakar.se 1 Joe Bonamassa at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 21-23 Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival www.stockholmgospel.se 1-3 Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival www.stockholmbeer.se 22 Stockholm Extreme – multi sport adventure that lasts 24 hours www.arseries.se/stockholm-extreme 2 Nickelback at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se 5-6 Bob Dylan at Stockholm Water Front www.livenation.se 22-23 Vattenfall World Triathlon Championship http://stockholm.triathlon.org 8-11 Hem & Villa Stockholm – The home improvement fair www.stockholmsmassan.se 23-28 World Water Week www.worldwaterweek.org 8-11 24-26 Fashion Week in Stockholm www.fashionweek.se Chokladfestivalen, chocolate festival www.stockholmsmassan.se 27 Raoul Wallenberg's Day, Raoul Wallenberg torg http://raoulwallenberg.se 9-18 Sthlm Jazz Festival www.stockholmjazz.com 12 28-29 Popaganda, pop music festival www.popaganda.se Sweden-Moldova, European Championship football qualifiers https://friendsarena.se 29 Tough Viking – Scandinavia's largest obstacle race http://toughviking.se 17-18 Stockholm Winter Show in Kungsträdgården www.wintershow.se 29 Stockholm Skateathon – skateboard race http://stockholmskateathon.com 19 Brit Floyd www.cirkus.se 19-25 IF Stockholm Open, tennis tournament at the Royal Tennis court www.ifstockholmopen.se Parkteatern (outdoor dance month) www.stadsteatern.stockholm.se Taste of Stockholm http://en.tasteofstockholm.se 20 Ane Brun at Cirkus www.cirkus.se Baltic Sea Festival (Östersjöfestivalen), festival for classical music www.sverigesradio.se/berwaldhallen 21 Imagine Dragons www.globearenas.se Haga Day, in the Haga park http://haga-brunnsviken.org 24/10-1/11 Folklore magics and beliefs – school autumn break at Skansen with magical and mystical nights www.skansen.se 28 A tribute to Dire Straits www.cirkus.se 30-1/11 Comic Con Gamex https://friendsarena.se Stockholm Fashion Week, trade fair www.stockholmfashionweek.com SEPTEMBER 2015 5 Tjejmilen – the world´s biggest sporting event for women runners www.tjejmilen.se 6 Sthlm Bike, morning bike race in the city https://sthlmbike.se 5-8 Mitt kök, food and beverage fair at Stockholmsmässan www.mittkokmassan.se 7 Ö till Ö – the archipelago swimrun world championship www.otillo.se 6-8 Stockholm Photo Fair at Stockholmsmässan http://sthlm.fotomassan.se 8 Sweden-Austria, European Championship football qualifiers https://friendsarena.se 7 Winter marathon – the oldest marathon in Sweden www.vintermarathon.se 12 Stockholm Half Marathon www.stockholmhalfmarathon.se 11-22 Stockholm International Film Festival www.stockholmfilmfestival.se 12-13 Finnkampen, Finland-Sweden Athletics International www.finnkampen.se 13 Whitesnake www.globearenas.se 13 Velothon Majors Stockholm www.velothon-majors.com 14 Madonna at Tele2arena www.tele2arena.se 26-29 Sweden International Horse Show at Friends Arena www.swedenhorseshow.se 27-29 Yearly Christmas Fair at the Royal Mews www.kungahuset.se 16,17, 20, 21 U2 at Ericsson Globe www.globearenas.se NOVEMBER 2015 23-27 Svenskt Trav Kriterium, harness racing www.solvalla.se 24 Weird Al Yankovic at Gröna Lund www.gronalund.se 24-26 Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival www.stockholmbeer.se 27-29 Health, Wellness & Fitness Fair at Stockholmsmässan www.alltforhalsan.se, http://fitnessfestivalen.se 26 Lidingöloppet – international cross-country running www.lidingoloppet.se 28 Christmas Market at Skansen opens www.skansen.se Light festivity in Brunnsparken http://haga-brunnsviken.org Stockholm events 2015–2016 Premiere – Christmas light decorations in the city center of Stockholm www.visitstockholm.com Gran Turismo Expo www.granturismomagazine.se Gingerbread house exhibition at Swedish Center for Architect and Design http://pepparkakshustavling.se DECEMBER 201 5-6 Christmas market at Drottningholm www.svenska-slottsmassor.se 10 Nobel Day, ceremony in the Concert Hall and banquet in Stockholm City Hall www.nobelprize.org MARCH 2016 5-13 Allt för sjön – Stockholm International Boat Fair www.alltforsjon.se 7-13 Tempo Documentary Festival, the largest doc fest in Sweden http://tempofestival.se 11-13 Wilderness and Adventure Fair www.vildmarksmassan.se 18-19 Swedish Bandy Finals www.tele2arena.se 21-24 Nordic Gardens Fair www.nordiskatradgardar.se 21-28 Easter celebration in Stockholm www.skansen.se, www.visitstockholm.com Nobel Prize concert www.konserthuset.se Stockholm Youth Jazz Festival www.youthjazz.se 12-13 Stockholm Dog Fair www.stockholmsmassan.se 13 Lucia celebrations at Skansen www.skansen.se www.visitstockholm.com 13 Lucia celebrations in Stockholm www.visitstockholm.com 24 Christmas Eve at Skansen, free admission www.skansen.se APRIL 2016 31 New Year’s Eve celebrations in Stockholm www.visitstockholm.com, www.skansen.se 30 Spring Salon (Vårsalongen), art exhibition at Liljevalchs www.liljevalchs.se Eldfesten / Chaharshanbeh Soori – light festival – in Kungsträdgården www.eldfesten.info Christmas markets and Christmas concerts, every weekend in December: www.visitstockholm.se Stockholm Film Festival Junior – film festival for children www.stockholmfilmfestival.se JANUARY 2016 20-23 Formex – the largest interior design fair for Nordic design (trade) www.formex.se 22-24 Wedding fair, Grand Hôtel www.brollopsmassan.se Market Art Fair, Liljevalchs www.market-art.se Stockholm Culture Night www.kulturnattstockholm.se Women’s Health Half Marathon www.whhm.se Gröna Lund amusement park opens www.gronalund.com Stockholm Lifestyle Motor Show – performance cars and motor sports www.stockholmsmassan.se Disney on Ice www.globearenas.se Spring Salon (Vårsalongen), art exhibition at Liljevalchs www.liljevalchs.se Walpurgis Night celebrations in Stockholm www.skansen.se, www.visitstockholm.com STHLM Trädgårdsmässa, Garden fair www.sthlmtradgardsmassa.se MAY 2016 Lidingöloppet MTB, mountainbike race www.lidingoloppetmtb.se Stockholm Fashion Week, trade fair www.stockholmfashionweek.com The Archipelago Fair www.skargardsmassan.se Elitloppet, Harness Racing Championship www.elitloppet.se Solvalla skidays http://solvallaskidays.se FEBRUARY 2016 ASICS Stockholm Marathon www.stockholmmarathon.se 2 Audi FIS Ski World Cup City Event at Hammarbybacken www.fis-ski.com 9 Fettisdagen, Shrove Tuesday in Stockholm www.visitstockholm.com 9-13 Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair www.stockholmfurniturefair.com 18-21 Stockholm International Antiques Fair www.antikmassan.se 6 Swedish National Day celebrations in Stockholm www.6juni.se, www.visitstockholm.com Stockholm Design Week www.stockholmdesignweek.com 6 National Day Gallop http://nationaldagsgaloppen.se Vikingarännet Ice Skating Race www.vikingarannet.com 24-26 Traditional Midsummer celebrations www.skansen.se Sónar Stockholm – International Festival of Advanced music at Münchenbryggeriet www.sonarstockholm.com 28 Sing-a-long at Skansen – Premiere www.skansen.se XL-Galan, indoor athletic sports event www.globearenas.se Spring Salon (Vårsalongen), art exhibition at Liljevalchs www.liljevalchs.se Prince Bertil Memorial with Gärdesloppet, Historical Motor Parade www.gardesloppet.se Tough Viking – Scandinavia's largest obstacle race http://toughviking.se JUNE 2016 A Taste of Stockholm/Restaurant Day www.smakapastockholm.se Stockholm Outdoor, a festival for everybody interested in outdoor and training at Galärparken www.stockholmoutdoor.se Stockholm events 2015–2016 Polar Music Prize, global music award www.polarmusicprize.org Summerburst, live house music with international DJs, at Stadion www.summerburst.se Stockholm SwimRun www.stockholmswimrun.com ÅF Off Shore Race (former Gotland Runt), Skeppsholmen www.ksss.se/en 24-27 Formex, the largest interior design trade fair for Nordic design www.formex.se 27 Raoul Wallenberg's Day, Raoul Wallenberg torg http://raoulwallenberg.se Stockholm Ultra Marathon www.stockholmultra.se Stockholm Challenge www.stockholmchallenge.se Stockholm Culture Festival www.kulturfestivalen.stockholm.se Outdoor summer night clubs open in Stockholm www.visitstockholm.com We Are Sthlm, festival for young people in Kungsträdgården http://wearesthlm.se Stockholm Polo Cup at Stockholm Stadion http://stockholmpolocup.se Stockholm Film Festival – Summer outdoor cinema at Rålambshovsparken www.stockholmfilmfestival.se Make Music STHLM, street music festival http://makemusicsthlm.com Midnight Race Stockholm, running event www.midnattsloppet.com Stockholm Early Music Festival, Old Town www.semf.se Stockholm Skateathon – skateboard race http://stockholmskateathon.com Parkteatern, outdoor theatre in Stockholm www.stadsteatern.stockholm.se JULY 2016 Every Tuesday AUGUST 2016 Sing-a-long at Skansen www.skansen.se Stockholm Street Festival, Kungsträdgården www.stockholmstreetfestival.se Bellmanstafetten, running event, Djurgården www.bellmanstafetten.se Vattenfall World Triathlon Championship http://stockholm.triathlon.org World Water Week www.worldwaterweek.org Popaganda, pop music festival www.popaganda.se Stockholm Royal Park Aquathlon www.stockholmaquathlon.com Tough Viking – Scandinavia's largest obstacle race http://toughviking.se Stockholm Pride www.stockholmpride.org Jazz at Skansen www.skansen.se IAAF Diamond League (DN Galan), track and field www.diamondleague-stockholm.com Parkteatern (outdoor dance month) www.stadsteatern.stockholm.se Stockholm Music & Arts http://stockholmmusicandarts.com Dans Dakar, dance festival www.dansdakar.se Jazz at Skansen www.skansen.se DN-konserten, outdoor concert with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra at Gärdet http://info.dn.se Popaganda – one day Swedish music festival at Galärparken http://kulturhusetstadsteatern.se Musik på Slottet, classical concerts, Royal Palace www.royalfestivals.se Baltic Sea Festival (Östersjöfestivalen), festival for classical music www.sverigesradio.se/berwaldhallen Haga Day, in the Haga park http://haga-brunnsviken.org Fashion Week in Stockholm www.fashionweek.se Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival www.stockholmgospel.se Stockholm Fashion Week, trade fair www.stockholmfashionweek.com Stockholm Extreme – multi sport adventure that lasts 24 hours www.stockholmextreme.se Stockholm Visitors Board [email protected] +46 8 508 285 00 www.visitstockholm.com Follow @visitstockholm on facebook, twitter and instagram gaylesbian.visitstockholm.com youtube.com/stockholm
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