Page Two April 5, 2015 EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Masses Daily Saturday Sunday SATURDAY, APRIL 4 - HOLY SATURDAY 8:00 PM For Wanda A. Ihrig by Wanda & Fred Ihrig SUNDAY, APRIL 5 - EASTER 7:30 AM For the deceased members of the Lesser Family 9:00 AM For the deceased members of the Clark & Fusco Families 9:05 AM Irene Perrella by Keith & Phyllis Svane 10:45 AM For the deceased members of the Shelton Family 10:50 AM For the inten ons of our parishioners NO 5 PM MASS ON EASTER SUNDAY MONDAY, APRIL 6 8:00 AM For Jeremy Lake by Richard & Peggy Lake 5:30 PM For the Held & McMahon Families TUESDAY, APRIL 7 8:00 AM For Helen Kinney by Mary T. Obzansky 5:30 PM For Vincent Arcieri, Jr. by his wife WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 8:00 AM For the inten ons of Rachel Krzyzaniak by her parents 5:30 PM For Evelyn Blessington by Pat & Debbie Campbell THURSDAY, APRIL 9 8:00 AM For John Obzansky by his wife, Mary 5:30 PM For Irma Peters by Arlene Widmayer FRIDAY, APRIL 10 8:00 AM For the inten ons of Be y Aumente by Claire Hochschwender 5:30 PM For Jerry Connolly by James V. Locascio SATURDAY, APRIL 11 8:00 AM For Ellen Geary by Ed & Doris Souza 5:00 PM For Thomas Nunn by Elena Reid SUNDAY, APRIL 12 7:30 AM For Elizabeth Mengel by Karen Miller 9:00 AM For Joseph Dudek by his wife, Rosie 10:45 AM For John Keller by his wife, Mary Ann 5:00 PM For the inten ons of our parishioners 8:00am & 5:30pm 8:00am, Vigil 5:00pm 7:30, 9:00, 10:45am, & 5:00pm Confessions Saturday 8:30 am - 9:00 am or by appointment Ministry of Religious Educa on Pre-K - 7th grade Confirma on/Youth RCIA/Faith Inquiry Kate Devine Jim Chesnes Jim & Sco y Howell Director of Music & Liturgy Jeanne Clark First Friday Devo on Benedic on & Holy Hour a er 5:30pm Mass Devo on to Mary First Saturday of the month following 8:00am Mass Rosary is prayed every Saturday a er the 8:00 am Mass and with the Legion of Mary Tuesdays a er the 8 am and 5:30 pm Masses Adora on Chapel Open for quiet medita on before the Blessed Sacrament during office hours. Exposi on every Friday. Located across from Parish Office. Charisma c Prayer Group Thursdays at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. Mass & Healing Service 3rd Thursday of each month in church. Hospital/Homebound Visits If someone is in the hospital or homebound and would like a visit, please advise the Parish Office. Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday Saturday & Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm 9:00am - 1:00pm Religious Shop - 624-1752 Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30am - 1:00pm 8:30am - 5:00pm 8:30am - 12:00pm & 4:30pm - 6:30pm New Parishioners Registra on forms are available in the office during the week and in the foyer of the church in the wall rack. Please help keep our Census current by advising us of any changes of address, phone numbers, and family addi ons or dele ons. April 5, 2015 Page Three REV. ARTHUR J. VENEZIA, Masses Daily 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am & 5:00 pm Confessions Saturday, 8:30 am - 9:00 am or by appointment Pastor Rev. Chamindra Williams, Parochial Vicar Msgr. James M. Burke, ReƟred Rev. John Chandler, ReƟred Rev. Daniel B. Devore, AssisƟng Deacon Bill Rich Deacon Frank Bandy 10970 Jack Nicklaus Dr. North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Phone (561)626-1873 Fax (561)626-4383 Parish Web Site: Email us at [email protected] O Lord, How amazing is your love, A love that overcomes, endures and redeems. How astounding is your life, A life that sustains, heals and creates. How awesome is your hope, A hope that promises, restores and inspires. How absorbing is your truth, A truth that releases, changes and rebuilds. How we worship you, as we remember the moment when your love conquered. When out of the cave of sorrow Jesus arose to release forgiveness to the world. And each time we encounter this resurrection day we are again lifted to an eternal place. Our sin, brokenness and darkness fall away and your light and peace flood our lives. How we thank you for this incredible celebration we call Easter. Amen. A BLESSED EASTER FROM THE CLERGY & STAFF Each of us has our own unique spiritual journey. Some have chosen pathways separate from Christ and His Church. Whatever the reasons may be, if and when you are ready to consider a return, please know that we extend the Lord’s welcome to come home! You are missed! You are valued! You are one of us! Bap sms Celebrated on the second Sunday of each month at 12:00pm. Instruc ons on the Saturday before the second Sunday at 10:00am. Parents are encouraged to a end instruc on class prior to the birth of their baby. Call the Parish Office to register. The next Bap sm Class is Saturday, April 11th. Marriages Arrangements should be made at least six months prior to the wedding date. Call the Parish Office. Page Four April 5, 2015 This week, April 6th, at a glance… FOR APRIL 11/12 Monday: 8:30 AM Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help 2 PM Yarn and Rose Knitting Group 5 PM Sandwich Making Sat., 5:00 PM - John Gintoli Sun.,7:30 AM - Cecile Vilardo 9:00 AM - Ann Scurry 10:45 AM - David Ancona 5:00 PM - Andy Weir Tuesday: 8:30 AM Legion of Mary 6 PM Kairos Team Potluck Dinner FOR APRIL 11/12 Wednesday: 7 PM Knights of Columbus meeting Thursday: 7:30 PM Charismatic Prayer Group Friday: Saturday: 9 AM - 1 PM Contemplative Prayer 10 AM Baptism Instruction Sunday: 8:30 - 12:30 Knights Breakfast, Coffee, Donuts & Fellowship 9 AM Story Keepers Looking forward to, in the near future: Wyldlife, Mass & Healing Service, St. Paul Ladies Lunch, All Saints Ladies Luncheon, Cardinal Newman, Golf Classic, Caritas V Reunion, Columbiettes Bake Sale, First Communion, Women’s Retreat Sat., 5:00 PM—Mariah Perez & Caroline Morgan Sun., 7:30 AM - Olivia and Sofia Perez 9:00 AM - Bridget and Mallory Forgatch 10:45 AM - Nick Castriz 5:00 PM - Cate and Ma hew Hofmann MOTHER’S DAY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET CARDS for Mother’s living or deceased are available in the Religious Shop and the Parish Office. All Saints Catholic School 1759 Indian Creek Parkway Jupiter, FL 33458 (561) 748-8994 Whether or not we are present at Church, we remain one in the Lord. Please keep the following members of our parish family in your prayers: and... John & Natalie Alberto Susan Andreassi Charlie Augus ne Charles Aviado Dr. Joan Barice Lisa Broadie Darlene Bucar Mary Carroll Cecilia I. Cheves Kimberly Chorniewy Jeannine & Paul Chosson Debbie Clark Rosemary Clark Marty Coolican Beth Conklin Brian Conn David Cross Beverly D’Angelo Robert Dalessio Reva Dessauer Rita Dickson Gina DiDonato Rand Doane James Dougherty David Eisenberg Robert Fanelli, Jr. Jack Frazier Brian Githens Darlene Gober Anna Godino Teresa Gorkowski Mary Gyra Tom Haley Heather Hall Fr. Henry William Hickmon Karen Hopkins Ashley & Samantha Housel Nancy Hutchinson Joan Hyers Henry Inserra Kathleen Israel Margaret Johnson Barbara Kaminski Jay Kaplan Dick Karas Frank Karwa Chuck Kasbee John Keelor Denise Keim Audrey Kelly Richard Kemski Jim Kerley Janice Kilfeather Peggy Lake Marge Lantrip Glenda O’Leary Lavin Rebecca Laughton Mary Lehman Michael Leth Susan Lurz Bob Lombardo Neal Mackey Maria Elena Marlow Meghan McGivney Pat McJury Theo Morgan Jacque Morrow Gregory Mundie Denise Murphy Karen Murphy Marci Nolan Michelle Nowarth June Petrello-Henig Mary Pfeiffer Mike Piotrowski Pauly Poliseo Larry Rachuba Maria Reupke Thomas Rielly Bill Robb Al Scerbo Sherrill Schaapveld Priscilla Searcy John Alan Seymour Brian Sidler Mike Taylor Ashley Terrana Jack Thomas Terry Tipple Leslie Triple Anthony Verdesca Michael Viscount, Jr. Joyce West Ward Wetherell Joan Wiker Chris ne Yascolt PLEASE NOTE: Please call the Parish Office if you are being admitted to the hospital or know of someone in our parish who requests a visit from a priest or Eucharistic Minister. April 5, 2015 Page Five GOD BLESS YOU Nick & Monika Ferrara Nick, as Monika, as a Columbiette, Grand Knight of Columbus, member of the member of the St. Vincent DePaul St. Vincent de Paul Society and Society, Welcome Ministry, Welcome Ministry. and Minister of Hospitality. Stewards of the Month – April Thank you for sharing your time and talents with our parish community! EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD SEEKING Easter Sunday is a day all about seeking. The early Chris an communi es gathered around the Apostles, seeking more about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Saint Paul told the bap zed Colossians to “seek what is above.” Mary of Magdala went to the tomb, seeking to find the Lord’s body so that she could anoint it. We come to church on Easter Sunday seeking many things. For some of us, this is a once a year journey, when we seek connec on with the founda ons of the Chris an faith. For others, this day is the culmina on of a long journey of Lenten repentance. For the newly bap zed, this is the first day of a new life filled with promise and expecta on. Whatever it is that we seek, let us be inspired by the disciple whom Jesus loved who, when he saw the wrappings of cloth inside the empty tomb, “saw and believed.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 6TH Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15 TO PREPARE FOR THE READINGS OF APRIL 11/12 First Reading — With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrec on of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlas ng (Psalm 118). Second Reading — The victory that conquers the world is our faith (1 John 5:1-6). Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20:19-31). Page Six April 5, 2015 SANCTUARY LIGHT for the week of April 5th is dedicated in loving memory of Elaine M. Crawley by David & Carla Crawley REST IN PEACE William Holwell, Fleming Hanley, May they rest in God’s peace and may their families be strengthened in faith. 2014 PARISH DIRECTORIES! If you are a parishioner, we welcome you to pick up a new Parish Directory. Please stop by the Welcome station to pick up a copy. The 2016 Book, for Masses to be celebrated in our Church, will be available beginning tomorrow, April 6th. OFFERTORY FOR SUNDAY, March 22 $17,309.50 ONLINE $ 938.00 God bless you for your generosity in supporƟng your church! SECOND COLLECTION– next weekend for our monthly Maintenance and Improvements Fund. TREASURE FROM OUR TRADITIONS What does the Resurrec on mean in my life here and now? Can I show in my words and ac ons that Jesus has changed my life? Can I love and serve his “least ones”? This is what Pope Francis is really asking, and through his own extraordinary acts of love, he leads the way. To echo him, “Go out to the streets and announce that Jesus Christ has changed your life. And then rejoice that it is so!” Ac vity: Announcing the News With your family, write and present a TV or radio news announcement. Your report may include interviews with the disciples at the tomb and a commentary by an anchorperson. You might also include an appropriate sponsor for the gospel news program. April 5, 2015 Page Seven BAKER NEEDED: The CIA is in need of someone who is willing and able to bake and deliver an Easter bread to the Parish Center on Sunday, April 26th. Please call Kate or Joanne, 561-626-1873. Thank you!! Blessings from the CIA, Religious Education Story Keepers Confirmation and Youth and RCIA STORY KEEPERS for all 6th—8th graders Next gathering… Children infant to age 5 ar e welcome to come to the Parish Center during the 9 AM Mass on Sunday. Hope you can join us! See you next week! April 13th 6:00 PM Parish Center Join us for the best night of your week! CIA NEWS THANK YOU, for ‘filling the pantry’!! First Communion Candidate Retreat/Rehearsal April 29th First Communion Sunday, May 3rd PLEASE PRAY for the men and women in our armed forces sta oned overseas, for the military commanders who lead them, for President Obama and his advisors and, CS 2 Christopher Avola Spec. Thomas Bates 2nd Lt. Travis Blaschke, Army Avia on PFC Adam Blazak, Army Chris Bodley Corporal Thomas C. Boehnlein, USMC Angela Browning Capt. Eric Arthur Bruns Capt. Laura Lammert Chighizola, Air Force Capt. Nicolais Chighizola, Air Force Col. John Cross, Army Michael Crump 1st Lt. Michael J. Culler, 101st Airborne Josh Cur s PFC Giulio D’Alatri, Marines Command Sgt. Major James Dickens, Army Staff Sgt. Stephen Dickens, Army 2nd Lt. Johnny Dowd, Army Capt. Michael Andrew Dytrych, Army Staff Sgt. Jonathan Farmer Major Ma hew Farmer, Army Ma hew Filimon Jennifer Formell Sco Fruedenthal, Army Darrin Gabriel LT Ruth Gaunt, Navy Michael Gorczynski Michael Gordon-Tenant, Army PFC Thomas Greenia, Army PFC Thomas Grodeska, Army Capt. Ma hew Guidone, Army Capt. Thomas Harris, Army Major Cornelius Hickey, USMC 2nd Lt. Kris ne Hochschwender Lt. Tyler Hochschwender Captain Steve Irving, 101 First Airborne Mitchell Joslin, Army Capt. Jeff Kea ng, Marines Spencer Calvin McGuire Brian Metzger 2nd Lt. Andrew King, Army Capt. Jennifer Lammert-Rupp Lt. Kelly Lammert, Air Force Private Joseph LaSasso, Army Master Sgt. Kyle Mack, Minnesota Air Na onal Guard Ma hew March C.P.O. Navy Ens. Daniel Mongiove, Navy Bryan Neumann Fr. Tom O’Flanagan, Chaplain, USN Chad Owens PFC Brian H. Pearce, Army Staff Sgt. Derek D. Ragion, Marines Capt. Brice Roberts, Army Capt. Andrew Rupp, Air Force Laura Sepeda Capt. Chris ne Stevens Steve Stropp, Marines Special Ops Corporal Emily A. Konkle, USMC Capt. Patrick K. Thompson, Army Tech Sgt. Marcy Vaughn, Air Force Amanda Wilson Merciful Father, You desire the welfare of all your children. Stretch out Your protec ng arm over our men and women in the service. Shield them from every danger to body, mind and soul. Comfort them in loneliness, sustain them in hardship, give them the courage they need to fulfill their duty and so do Your will in all things. Bestow on our leaders and the leaders of the world the wisdom and prudence which will bring peace and jus ce to all men. This we ask through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord. Amen. Mary, help of Chris ans, pray for us. April 5, 2015 Page Eight Parish Women - Ladies, our “Sentimental Journey” will be on Thursday, April 16th at 6 PM in the Parish Hall. We will enjoy chicken a la king for lunch and yummy desserts, spirits and entertainment. Call your friends! CELEBRATING A WEDDING RECEPTION OR SPECIAL PARTY? Our beautiful new Ave Maria Banquet Room and our renovated Parish Hall are now available for rental for approved adult receptions & gatherings for occasions connected with church events. The Banquet Room can seat 300 people; our Parish Center can accommodate up to 175. Please contact our Parish Office for further information. PARISH CENTER RENEWAL AVE MARIA BANQUET ROOM Our total to date $1,056,354.00 We are grateful to all of you who have donated to our Parish Center Renewal. Goal is $1,450,000.00 LONG-SLEEVE RELIEF DRIVE If you wish to make a monetary dona on to support the lives of our poor farmworker brothers and sisters, please make check payable to the Florida Catholic and mail to: LSR, P.O. Box 4993, Orlando, FL 32802. New co on long-sleeve shirts are being purchased to protect men and women who work in the fields in Fellsmere, Pahokee and other places, from the sun & other elements as they gather food we put on our tables. CARDINAL NEWMAN HIGH SCHOOL 3RD ANNUAL CRUSADER LEGACY WEEKEND Legacy Week is 1 Month Away!!! Reserve YOUR Foursome TODAY!!! and much more! The fun begins with our 1st Annual Legacy Breakfast for the Gateway Scholarship on Thursday, April 16th, then our 17th Annual Crusader Golf Classic on Friday, April 17th at 1:00 pm at Bear Lakes and to finish the weekend off: our 3rd Annual Legacy Cocktail Recep on where we will honor our Basketball Crusaders, Legacy Award Winners and 2015 Hall of Fame Inductee on Saturday, April 18th!! Save these Dates ,Crusaders, and email your R.S.V.P. TODAY!! We thank you for your prayerful considera on and support of the 2015 Diocesan Services Appeal. A Family of Faith in Service to Others mirrors the summons for a renewal of our faith through the virtue of sacrificial giving. There is s ll me to HELP US MAKE OUR GOAL!!! Please circle: Mr. and/or Mrs., Miss, Ms., Rev., Dr., ____________________________________ (please print) Address____________________________________________ City________________________________________________ Phone number (___)___________E-mail__________________________ Local Parish_________________________________________________ Donor’s Signature__________________________Date______________ Make online dona ons For M/C, Visa, Amex: THANK YOU! Total Pledge is Amount enclosed $_____________ $_____________ Check#________ Please make checks payable to: Diocesan Services Appeal Cash__________ Balance Due $_____________ Page Nine April 5, 2015 2014 TAX YEAR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you use parish offertory envelopes or give on line, we can provide a 2014 tax statement. You may fill out the form below and drop it in the collec on basket or call the Parish Office to make your request. (please print) Name________________________________________ Address______________________________________ Phone #______________________________________ Email address_________________________________ The Widows and Widowers Group Luncheon on Sunday, April 12, at Mangrove Bay on Route 1 in Jupiter. Fixed Price $ 18, includes gratuity. We always welcome newcomers ! For info and /or reserva ons just call GLORIA @ 561 622 3789. Registra on begins @ 12:30pm Dining is @ 1 pm. HOLOCAST MEMORIAL— We will be par cipa ng once again in the Holocaust Memorial at Temple Beth David on Sunday a ernoon, April 12th. Those who a ended last year found the experience especially moving. The event takes about an hour and one half, door to door from St. Paul of the Cross to end. Please call the office if you would like to par cipate or have ques ons. The Parish Office is located in the ves bule of the church on Sundays a er the 9,10:45 and 5 pm Masses . Parish Registra on, Mass Cards, Current Event Tickets/ Informa on, and answers to ques ons are available! All Saints Catholic School 9th Annual Ladies’ Luncheon and Trunk Show Friday April 17, 2015 from 10:00am until 2:00pm The Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place 25 Local Vendors and a Grand Raffle – total value over $ 5,000 Cash and checks only for tickets and raffle (No credit cards). Ticket Price: $ 45 per person, $ 500 (one check) for a reserved table of 10 persons payable to ASCS HSA before April 1, 2015 mailed to ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC SCHOOL. After April 1st, ticket price increases to $ 50 per person Any questions: [email protected] Your ticket includes a delicious plated salad and a dessert, garage self-parking and shopping. Valet Parking at the Wyndham Grand Jupiter is available $10 (cash or credit). We will also have a cash bar. Magnificat A Ministry to Catholic Women The Christ Our Light Chapter of Magnificat invites all women of the diocese to join us for our next breakfast Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Hilton Palm Beach Airport, 150 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Please join us as we share a meal, enjoy fellowship, give praise and encourage one another in our faith journey. Our guest speaker for the breakfast is Donna Gardner, Coordinator of Healing Ministries for the Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life, Diocese of Palm Beach County. Donna’s story will inspire those who don’t understand what trust is – to see God as the ultimate provider. Email: [email protected] Please send check payable to "Magnificat" to Cathy Dorsey 2 Alnwick Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 for $25.00 Plan to join us, bring a friend and rejoice in the presence of our Lord. You will be blessed! For more information about Magnificat, please contact the parish rep: Rochelle Pasquale, 743-4090 Page Ten April 5, 2015 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 3:00 PM The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary will be prayed in the Church. To receive a plenary indulgence: Prayerfully participate in a celebration commemorating the Sunday of Divine Mercy, participate in the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, recite the Apostles’ Creed and the Our Father. PRAY the DIVINE MERCY NOVENA Begin on Good Friday. Pray it at home, or come to the church: Good Friday and Holy Saturday, 8:30am. Easter Sunday on your own. Easter Monday thru Friday, 6:00pm. Saturday April 11, 8:30am. Novena prayers are available on the back shelves of the church, or at How to PRAY the CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY On ordinary rosary beads: Sign of the Cross; Our Father, Hail Mary; Apostles’ Creed; On each “Our Father” bead: Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. On the ten small beads of each decade: For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Conclude with: 3x Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. The Chaplet is available on the back shelves of the church, or at Sunday April 12th The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy 3:00 PM
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