WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPAR TMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE BENE VOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC 1 SAWMILL RWERPARKWAY, HAWTHORNE, NEW YORKJOS32 Phone: (914) 864-7815 Fax: (914) 864-7895 That h~eg Today in the United States, some 900,000 law enforcement officers put their lives on the line for the safety and protection of others. Tragically, on average, every 53 hours one law enforcement officer is killed. Since the first known line-of-duty death in 1791, more than 19,000 U.S. law enforcement officers have made the ultimate sacrifice. Our Country takes pause each year in May during National Police Week to honor the members of the law enforcement community who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Locally, the Westchester County Police PBA is especially proud to honor those who have fallen, by kicking off National Police Week on Monday, May 11, 2015 with our Annual Golf’ Outing and Police Memorial Dinner. This year, the Westchester County Police PBA is honored to hold our Golf Outing and Dinner at Trump National GolfClub, in BriardlitrManor We hold this event close to our hearts as we recognize this year’s recipients of the Gary Stymiloski Scholarship Fund. Gary was executed while conducting a traffic stop on the Saw Mill River Parkway, in Yonkers, on the evening of February 24, 1985. In honor of Officer Stymiloski, and all the members of the law enforcement community, both locally and throughout the Country who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, we ask that you kindly help support our event. A round of golf, a hole or tee sponsorship, dinner sponsorship, dinner attendance, raffle, or other prize donations, will go a long way towards ensuring the longevity of the Scholarship in Gary’s honor. The Trustees of the Scholarship Fund have proudly awarded over $300,000 in scholarships since 1992. Please help us as we take pause with the Westchester County community to successfully recognize National Police Week and to ensure the continued success of our commitment to the Law Enforcement Community. We have enclosed an event brochure that provides further details and sponsorship information. Please visit our website, www.pbawcpd.org or contact us at (914) 864-7815 or wcpbagolfc~optonline.net for further information and to register and/or help support our charitable event. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support, Michael Hagan PBA President Westchester County Police WESTCHESTER COUNTY PBA GOLF OUTING & MEMORIAL DINNER May II~’ 2015 at Trump National Golf Club, BriarcliffManor. New York PLEASE RETURN RESPONSE FORM NO LATER THAN: APRIL 1~ CORPORATE EVENT SPONSORSHIPS: PLATINUM: $10,000 Platinum Event Signage, 1 Foursome, (4) Additional VIP Dinner Tickets & 10 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags GOLD: $7,500 Gold Event Signage, 1 Foursome, (2) Additional VIP Dinner Tickets & 8 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags VIP SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES. MEMORIAL DINNER: $5,000 1 Foursome, Signage, & 5 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags COCKTAIL HOUR: $5,000 1 Foursome, Signage, & 5 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags BRUNCH: $3,500 1 Twosome, Signage & 4 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags GOLF APPRECIATION KITS: $3,000 4 VIP Dinner Tickets, Signage & 3 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags LEADERBOARD: $2,500 2 VIP Dinner Tickets, Name Displayed On Event Leaderboard & 3 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags GOLF CARTS: $2,500 2 VIP Dinner Tickets, Name Displayed On Event Golf Carts & 3 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags BEVERAGE CARTS: $2,500 2 VIP Dinner Tickets, Name Displayed On Event Beverage Carts & 3 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags CIGAR ROLLER: $2,000 2 VIP Dinner Tickets, Signage & 2 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags PRIZE SPONSORSHIP: Donate a gift certificate or merchandise which will be given away at the Memorial Dinner Reception Type of Sponsorship__________________________________ Scan and email this form & attach Name and/or Logo to wcDbagolf(&ptonhine.net Or mail to Westchester County Police PBA Golf Outing 1 Saw MiJI River Pkwy Hawthorne NY, 10532 $________________ — Please make out all checks to Westchester County PBA Golf Outing Westchester County Police Benevolent Association I Saw Mill River Parkway Hawthorne, NV 10532 Phone: (914) 864-7815 Fax:(914)864-7895 WESTCHESTER COUNTYPBA GOLF OUTING & MEMORIAL DINNER May JI~~ 2015 at Trump National Golf Club, Briarcliff’Mano;; New York Please place a check mark ii ext to your Sponsorship Selection HOLE SPONSORSifiPS: • VALOR: $1.200 8 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags EJHONOR: $600 4 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags C COURAGE: $300 4 Blue Embroidered Tee Flag C STRENGTH: $200 1 Gold Embroidered Tee Flags Q PRIDE: $100 1 Embroidered Tee Flag C MEMORIAL DINNER TICKET $100 $50 DGSSF RAFFLE TICKET PLEASE RETURN RESPONSE FORM NO LATER THAN: APRIL 1~ Scan and email this form & attach Name and/or Logo to wcpbapo1flü~opton1ine.net Or mail to Westchester County Police PBA Golf Outing 1 Saw Mill River Pkwy Hawthorne NY, 10532 — Please make out all checks to: Westchester county PBA Golf Outing Westchester County Police Benevolent Association 1 Saw Mill River Parkway Hawthorne, NY 10532 Phone: (914) 864-7815 Fax: (914) 864-7895 WESTCHESTER COUNTY PBA GOLF OUTING,/~t & MEMORIAL DINNER May lit!? 2015 at Trump National Golf Club BriarcliffManor, New York PLEASE RETURN RESPONSE FORM NO LATER THAN: APRIL 1st Golf and Dinner Reception $400 per person (subject to availability) 1 2. 3.~ 4. In addition to playing on the beautiful and challenging Trump National Golf Course, participants will receive an Appreciation Kit, Golf Cart, Caddy, and refreshments on the course. Prizes for Foursomes, Longest Drive, and Closest to the Pin Event Schedule 09:OOam Registration and Brunch 11:30am Shotgun Start 5:30pm Cocktail Party and Dinner Name: Company/Organization: Email:______________ Phone: Scan and email this form & to wcpbago1fc~oytonljne.net Or mail to Westchester County Police PBA Golf Outing 1 Saw Mill River Pkwy Hawthorne NY, 10532 Please make out all checks to Westchester County PBA Golf Outing Westchester County Police Benevolent Association 1 Saw Mill River Parkway Hawthorne, NY 10532 Phone: (914) 864-7815 Fax:(914)864-7895
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