BREEDERS OF QUALITY BEEF TYPE GREY BRAHMANS PB Fenech breeders of quality beef type grey brahmans Welcome to the PB Fenech Herd Brief. We are inspired by the progress of the PB Fenech Breeding Program. The in house Sires that we’ve retained and are using in the Breeding Program are breeding high quality progeny with complementary genetic variation. With the past influential imported genetics, powered by our core female cow herd, PB Fenech progeny have the future in hand. The PB Fenech program recognizes the superior value of quality seedstock, whilst not losing sight of the significant contributor to the Beef Industry, the Commercial Cattleman. To produce the superior animal, we select for highly fertile females that reproduce annually. We are always conscious of the diverse markets the commercial cattleman breed for. Year after year, PB Fenech is making efficiencies in genetic traits, whilst maintaining a line bred Brahman that is true to type and visually appealing. The PB Fenech breeding practice is commercially focussed. It is always our aim to produce superior genetically powered sires that accommodate the commercial cattleman as well as the astute stud master. At the core of the PB Fenech program is Fertility in the Cow Herd. There can be no compromise in this regard. Temperament is vital and is a key attribute of any cow that earns her place in the breeding herd. The structural soundness of any animal is as important as fertility and temperament. Structural soundness starts from the ground up. Feet, legs, udder and teat placement with an overall good constitution. A tremendous amount of time, effort, resources and careful evaluation establishes the nucleus of our Brahman herd, and it is constantly evolving. The cattle represented on these pages reflect selections of superior genetics. We have taken the time and travelled the world to research Brahman Genetics for 30 years. PB Fenech utilises a wide range of sires, from high performing sires, to middle of the road producing sires. The Natural doing ability of an animal, will hold it in good stead in harsh conditions, and excel it on lush pastures. Good constitution backed up by consistent producing cow families multiply and emphasise the assets of a herd that can supply many markets and conditions. PB Fenech continuously strives to use the best genetics to produce the cattle that the Beef Industry of today demands. A line up of sale sires or paddock bulls to satisfy the requirements of the discerning stud master to the steer producer to the bullock breeder. Our aim is to ensure PB Fenech cattle will excel in any required environment. We welcome you to visit our array of Sale Bulls and Breeding Program. Paul and Brigid f e r t i l e C O N S I S TENT P R O D U CIN G C O W F A M ILIE S Established breeding lines are the basis of the PB Fenech Breeding Program. Strong, undiluted foundation dams of superior beef-type Brahman Genetics are multiplied boldly. At PB Fenech, we have an aggressive and well balanced Breeding Program based on maximising each cow’s own merits. Each animal must perform each season to maintain their place in the herd. We believe fertility, structural soundness, mothering ability and consistent quality of progeny are the most significant attributes on which to classify the cow herd. Any female that does not pass these tests is culled vigorously. JDH MADISON DE MANSO (IMP US) (ET) (H) + JDH SIR LAWFORD MANSO JDH LADY BARA MANSO S: JDH MR HOOKS MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH DATAPACK MANSO (IMP US) (H) + JDH MISS PENSACOLA MANSO JDH LADY TON MANSO PBF McMANUS MANSO 113/10 (IVF) (H) TTT MR SUVA CRATA 450 + JDH DATAPACK MANSO (IMP US) (H) + JDH LADY MIL MANSO D: FBC F LADY DORIS MANSO 200FF (AI) (ET) (H) JDH SIR GRANDE MANSO 187 (IMP US) * FBC LADY DORY MANSO (ET) (H) JDH MISS JES MANSO 108/9 (IMP US) semen for sale foreign only pbf m c ma n us ma n so 1 1 3 / 1 0 mcmanus progeny M c M a n us a Sire that’s destined to impact the Brahman world. The Bull calves by McManus are strong and have that Sire Type about them; the daughters are of high quality. Their extra length, natural thickness and breed character give them a strong appeal that they’re going to breed on. The McManus daughters will carry and improve many genetic lines into the future. As babies, McManus progeny have that special look and type about them. Their strong bone structure develops early, the muscle progression is fascinating. The hind quarters are long, deep and square from hip to pin, the muscle expression carries well down into the stifle. And their extra-long heavy muscled tops are a consistent attribute amongst the McManus offspring. McManus’ ability to produce a high quality eyeappealing calf from a lesser quality cow is sure to dominate. The Proudness, Straight Lines as well as the aforementioned attributes, just set his progeny apart from the rest. His first crop of daughters was bred Spring 2014. They were bred between 14 – 18 months of age. It was pleasing to see the McManus daughters reaching early maturity and able to be mated at such a young age. His first calf born was out of a Paddy Boy cow PBF Rosalynn Manso 5/8 - he weighed 37kgs and was one of the prettiest calves I’ve seen. He had good bone, defined breed character and was strong. We named the first bull born McCheeko and he has gotten better and better as he ages. We have retained him as a Sire and bred him to 10 heifers at 18mths. With such quality progeny at this early stage in a Sires’ breeding life, its surely a confidence booster for the Longer Term Breeding Program for the operation. Sires of McManus breeding quality don’t come along too often. A Sire of this dominance will last in a breeding program for many many generations. “In the three decades I’ve been breeding, researching and keenly analysing Brahman genetics here in Australia, USA and several overseas countries, I’ve never been so inspired by a Sire’s progeny . ” Paul Fenech MR V8 202/3 (IMP US) (H) + JDH MADISON DE MANSO (IMP US) (ET) (H) + JDH LADY REM J MANSO 2 + S: JDH WESTIN MANSO (IMP US) JDH KARU MANSO 800 (IMP US) + JDH LADY CHARLA MANSO 683/5 JDH LADY CHAR MANSO P B F W E S TERN M A N S O 6 2 9 / 1 1 JDH SIR MARRI MANSO (IMP US) (H) * JDH MR SHANNON MANSO (IMP US) JDH LADY CLEO MANSO 953 D: PBF NELLIE MANSO 73/9 (IVF) (H) JDH DATAPACK MANSO (IMP US) (H) + FBC F JESSE KATE MANSO 226FF (AI) (ET) (H) FBC LADY JESICA MANSO (ET) (H) semen for sale foreign only P B F W E S TERN M A N S O 6 2 9 / 1 1 western progeny A l o t of B r a h ma n i n t h i s B u l l An above medium framed sire with strong bone and heavy muscling. Western expresses the breed character and pigmentation that the Brahman breed calls for. He has tremendous thickness and depth of hindquarter with overall good body capacity. Correct feet and leg structure. The Western progeny have correctness, fabulous muscle, pigment and consistent breed type that their Sire possesses. P B F M O RTL O C K M A N S O 4 2 6 / 1 0 c o - ow n e d w i t h ba r amba h b r a h ma n s mortlock progeny JDH SIR LIBERTY MANSO 847/5 JDH MR WOODMAN MANSO (IMP US) (ET) JDH LADY NELDA MANSO S: JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH PRESCOT MANSO 82/6 JDH LADY IRMA MANSO JDH LADY CORA MANSO Comp l e t e n e ss P B F M O RTLO C K M A N S O 4 2 6 / 1 0 ( I V F ) ( H ) A stylish Woodson son that’s doing a great job. MR V8 777/4 (IMP US) (ET) + FBC D MANDRAKE MANSO (ET) (H) JDH LADY JO LIBERTY MANSO (IMP US) (H) D: FBC F CHANTILLY DRAKE MANSO (AI) (ET) (H) JDH ELEFANTE R MANSO 272 (IMP US) + FBC LADY CHANTILLY MANSO 186P (ET) (H) FBC LADY CHANTILLIE MANSO (ET) (H) semen for sale foreign only Well balanced, with a beautiful hindquarter profile. His progeny are deep sided and have deep fleshy hindquarters with good body capacity and strong bone. When you see the genetic strength in Mortlock’s pedigree, it’s easy to see why his progeny are amplifying his qualities. {barambah/clukan} P B F P R A CH A M A N S O 7 5 4 / 1 1 JDH DATAPACK MANSO (IMP US) (H) + JDH SIR BHUTAN MANSO 498/6 JDH LADY PHARES MANSO 696/5 S: JDH MR FLORENCIO MANSO (IMP US) JDH MADISON DE MANSO (IMP US) (ET) (H) + JDH LADY TEBAN MANSO JDH MOLINO MANSO 920/3 P B F PR ACH A M A N S O 7 5 4 / 1 1 ( I V F ) ( H ) JDH MADISON DE MANSO (IMP US) (ET) (H) + JDH WESTIN MANSO (IMP US) JDH LADY CHARLA MANSO 683/5 D: PBF LADY SYDNEY MANSO 30/7 (AI) (ET) (H) JDH MARRI R MANSO (H) PBF MARIE MANSO (H) FBC F DORRIE MANSO 186FF (AI) (ET) (H) semen for sale foreign only A Sire with Style & Pr e s e n c e A smooth muscled Sire with Medium Frame Size. Good Length and Depth of Body, He displays attractive breed character with a Proud outlook. His first progeny are just babies, they are low birthweight, have distinctive character, and have been stamped by their Sire. P B F m c c h e e ko M A N S O 1 3 5 / 1 3 mc c h e e ko at 5 m o n t h s JDH SIR LAWFORD MANSO JDH MR HOOKS MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH MISS PENSACOLA MANSO PBF MCMANUS MANSO 113/10 (IVF) (H) JDH DATAPACK MANSO (IMP US) (H) + FBC F LADY DORIS MANSO 200FF (AI) (ET) (H) FBC LADY DORY MANSO (ET) (H) P B F m c c h e e ko M A N S O 1 3 5 / 1 3 JDH PALESTIMO R MANSO (IMP US) (H) PBF PADDY BOY MANSO (AI) (ET) (H) FBC F LADY OLGA MANSO 168F (ET) (H) PBF ROSALYNN MANSO 5/8 (IVF) (H) FBC D MANDRAKE MANSO (ET) (H) FBC F CHANTILLY DRAKE MANSO (AI) (ET) (H) FBC LADY CHANTILLY MANSO 186P (ET) (H) semen for sale foreign only fu t u r e s i r e p r osp e c t s C h a r i smat i c P ow e r s i r e p r osp e c t s On the bottom side t a r g e t e d fo r t h e pb f e n e c h b r e e d i n g p r og r am PA D DY B OY PA LE S TI M O P OW ER S TR O K E M A N D R A K E ELE FA NTE PRE S C O TT M A D I S O N LI B ERTY RE M IN GT O N On the top side M c M A N U S H O O K S L AW F O R D DATA PAC K M A D I S O N RE M IN GT O N M A N S O G R A N DY PB Fenech Sire Selection Philosophies His smoothness, length of body, roomy spring of rib, and overall excellent body capacity has to be seen. McCheeko has excellent testicular development for his age. These are some of the strong features in this young sire prospect. The natural thickness of muscle from right behind the hump along his back, then through his smooth long hip to pin and thick hindquarter with that depth of muscle going down the lower quarter into his stifle area, clean straight lines coupled with heavy bone - “that’s Cheeko” •Cow family background •Future Genetic Formulas •Early calf evaluation and selection P B F G i l l i ga n M a n so 9 1 8 / 2 s : J D H S i r G at e s D e M a n so 4 8 0 / 7 •Breeding Program Requirements “He’s the most complete, powerful, young bull I’ve ever come across. ” Paul Fenech •Progression •Strength within Individual Type “The official breed character” he displays along with the characteristic hump, and hump placement that the McManus offspring exhibit is to be admired. McCheeko’s looseness of skin coupled with a light clean sheath and underline is another highlight. A beautiful kind nature with an unbelievable sires outlook and presence is also a feature of this young sire in the making. We bred McCheeko at 18 months to a hand full of heifers. The way he settled them we could have easily bred him to several handfuls. We can’t wait to see what comes of his limited first crop of calves. We plan to use McCheeko in our IVF program. With the geno and pheno type mixture he has, we are excited about what’s to come from this young Sire. •Structural Soundness P B F H e i rwood M a n so 9 1 2 / 2 s : J D H Wooso n D e M a n so 2 0 6 / 7 J D H Pa l e s t i mo R M a n so 7 8 7 / 6 pb f e n e c h a i b r e e d i n g s i r e s pbf l a n gfo r d ma n so 8 4 9 / 7 pbf paddy boy ma n so 3 9 0 pbf h e n n e ssy ma n so 6 8 2 / 6 F B C F M a r s h a l l M a n so 2 2 5 pbf h a r pe r ma n so 8 5 3 / 7 P B F O ryo n M a n so 9 3 9 / 7 jd h w e s t i n ma n so 8 0 / 1 jd h woodso n d e ma n so 2 0 6 / 7 e s t i mo nR ma M annso so 577887//66 jdJ DhHmPa r lwoodma i mpo r t e d b r e e d i n g s i r e s jd h jos i a h ma n so 1 2 5 / 7 J D H gat e s ma n so 4 8 0 / 7 jd h m r f lo r e n c i o 4 5 / 7 jd h m r c h u rc h h i l l ma n so 1 6 7 / 1 jd h m r s h a n n o n ma n so 1 8 5 / 1 jd h m r mos l e y ma n so 3 6 8 / 1 jd h m r m e l a n so n ma n so 9 7 3 / 6 jd h ca l i x t o ma n so 1 5 8 / 7 jd h m r h ooks ma n so 3 5 2 / 7 e x p e r i e n c e t h e sa l e The Sale Experience with PB Fenech has been well documented. With a purpose built sale complex, manicured lawns and bull lanes lined with fig trees, sale day atmosphere is an experience on it’s own. n u S e h t n r a e d Brahm best Breed un – the Superior Beef Type Grey Brahmans Paul & Brigid Fenech “The Chase” Sarina Qld 4737 +61 7 4956 5727 +61 7 427 565 727 Proudly supporting PB Fenech
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