tanár: Mizákné Hogya Judit Class: Fourth Grade -They have been learning for 4 years/bilingual primary school/ Level: elementary Subject: English Aids: a puppet fairy Flashcards: Garfield, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell Flashcards: - Where do they fly together? Teaching material: Peter Pan reading - text processing - Does Wendy know Peter Pan? Aims: - to improve listening skill - Where does she know him? - to teach 8 new words - How do they get to Neverland? -to raise interest in reading Flashcards: fairy, fairy dust, sneeze, sprinkle, magical, island, fly, sky - to introduce a famous English tale hero to the pupils a copy of Peter Pan text digital board New vocabulary: a fairy, fairy dust, to sneeze, to sprinkle, magical, an island, to fly, a sky Peter Pan CD, CD-player, worksheets Time TEACHING AIDS INTERACTION Working mode - S-S The teacher shows a puppet fairy to the class. The teacher asks: „What’s this?” Pupils guess. If somebody knows the name of it he or she say it. If not, the teacher says: „It’s a fairy.” The teacher puts a flashcard of a fairy on the board. Choral, group and individual repetition. The teacher asks: „ Do you like tales?” at the same time the teacher shows pictures of tale/or cartoon characters: Garfield, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. Pupils guess the names of characters one by one: e.g. „This is Garfield…..This is Peter Pan. This is Tinkerbell” The teacher puts the flashcards of Peter Pan and Tinkerbell on the board. Pupils copy the words in their vocabulary exercise-book. a puppet fairy T-S 5min The teacher puts the flashcards of the 8 new words on the board. She asks the question one by one: „ What’s this?” after putting each flashcard on. „It’s a fairy ……” Choral, group and individual repetition. The same procedure with the other new words. Pupils copy the words in their vocabulary exercise-book. Flashcards [1-2]: fairy, fairy dust, sneeze, sprinkle, magical, island, fly, sky vocabulary exercise-book 8min The teacher shows the book of Peter Pan and tells them Peter Pan is one of the most favourite characters for English children and recommends get to know his story. The teacher says: „In this lesson a copy of Peter Pan text we are reading about Peter Pan.” And every pupil gets a copy of the [3] story. The teacher writes the following questions on the board: „1. -Who’s 5min WARM UP 5min PRESENTATION PROCEDURE Brief Description of Activity (Process, procedure, etc.) Pupils sing and act the song „Head and shoulders, knees and toes” together. They sing it 2 times. Then half of the class sing the song while the other half only acts it. Finally children turn to each other and sing the song while showing the other parts of the body. Flashcards [1-2]: Garfield, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell T-S T-S Peter Pan? board, chalk 2. -Who wakes up the children? 3. -What are the children’s names?” and at the same time she tells the pupils to find the answers to the questions on the board while listening the story. The teacher plays the text twice while the pupils CD, CD-player [4-5] listen and follow the text with their eyes. After listening the class answers the questions and volunteers write them on the board. (Right answers: 1.Peter Pan is a boy from Neverland. 2. Tinkerbell, the fairy. 3. Wendy, John, Michael. Time 8min PRACTICE PROCEDURE Brief Description of Activity (Process, procedure) The teacher puts questions on the board like: - Where do they fly together? - Does Wendy know Peter Pan? - Where does she know him? - How do they get to Neverland? TEACHING AIDS INTERACTION Working mode Flashcards [6]: Where do they fly together? Does Wendy know Peter Pan? Where does she know him? How do they get to Neverland? T-S At the same time the teacher chooses 7 pupils who read the text by a copy of Peter Pan text characters loud. Pupils read the text then the class answers the questions together. If they can’t answer the teacher helps them. (Right answers: -To Neverland. -Yes, she does. -From her dreams. -They fly.) Time 4min PRODUCTION PROCEDURE Brief Description of Activity (Process, procedure, etc) The teacher gives the pupils worksheets with 2 exercises, pupils work in pairs. • In the first exercise they have to find the right matches of pictures and words (8 new words). They check it together. • 4min 4min • INTERACTION Working mode worksheets S-S worksheets Individual work In exercise 2 pupils have to decide that the sentences are true or false. They check it together. (Right answers: 1.T, 2.T, 3.F, 4.T) The teacher gives pupils worksheets with other 2 exercises, pupils work individually. 2min TEACHING AIDS In this exercise pupils have to complete the sentences with the given word. They check it together. (Right answers: 1. magical, 2. sneezes, 3. dreams, 4. fairy dust, 5. fly) • In the last exercise children have to look at the pictures and make sentences with the given words. Pupils can use their text if they want. They check it together. (Right answers: 1. Peter leads children through the night skies. 2. Far below, they see an island. 3. On the island a lot of little boys come to meet them.) Finally the teacher chooses other 7 pupils who read the text by a copy of Peter Pan text characters loud. S-S
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