INTRODUCTION TO ATOMIC SPECTRA BY HARVEY ELLIOTT WHITE , PH.D , Assistant P rof essor of P hy sics, at the Univ ersity of Cali fornia McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INc. N EW Y ORK AN D LONDO N 1934 CHAPTER VIII DOUBLET FINE STRUCTURE AND THE SPINNING ELECTRON From t he very earli est obser va ti ons of spectra l series it has been known t hat each member of certain genera l t y pes of series shows fine st ruc t ur e while t hose of others do not. Each member of some of t he series in the alkali metals, for example, is a close doublet (see F ig. 1.9), whereas in the alkaline ear ths it is a close t riplet (see Fig. 1.10). So far as energy level s are concern ed, term analy ses of so-called doublet spectra show t hat P, D, F, G, . . . leve ls are probably double, whe reas 8 levels are always single (see Figs. 5.1, 5.2, 6.4, and 6.5) . It is with this fine st ru ct ure t hat we ar e concerned in this chapter, for in its exp lanation we are led to a new conce pt, the spinning electron. 8.1. Observed Do ublet Fine Structure in the Alkali Metals and the Boron Group of Elements.- Before taking up t he qu estion of the origin of fine st ruct ure, it is important that we become more or less familiar with t he doublet spectra of t he alka lies and another grou p of elements not yet considered . These are t he elements in t he t hird group of the periodic t able (Table 5.1), boron, aluminum, gallium, indium, and t hallium . Lik e t he alka li metals eac h of t hese atoms gives rise t o four chief series of spectrum lines: sha rp, principal, diffuse, and fundament al. From t hese observed series, energy level diagr am s are finally const ruct ed as shown in Fig. 8.1. The chief difference bet ween t he alka li metals and what we shall hereafter call t he boron grou p of elements is best described in te rms of t he ene rgy levels rather t ha n in t erm s of t he spectrum lines. In t he alka li met als a 28 term lies deepest, followed by a 2p term as t he first excited state (see Fig. 5.2); whereas, in t he boron group a 2p term lies deepest, followed by 28 . This observed experimental fa ct is the basis, in the Bohr-Stoner scheme of t he building up of the elements, for the addition of p electrons in these elements (see T able 5.1). The complete electron configurations for the boron group are written as follows : B AI Ga In TI 5, 13, 31, 49, 81, l s2 l s2 l s2 l s2 ls 2 2s 2 2s 2 2s 2 2s 2 2s 2 2p 2p6 2p6 2p6 2p6 3s 2 3P 3 s 2 3p6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 3 s 2 3p6 3d lO 4s 2 4p6 4d 10 5s 2 5P 2 10 2 10 3 s 3p6 3d 4s 4p6 4d 4j14 5s 2 5p 6 5d 10 6s 2 6p All other subshells being complet e, it is t he single unbalanced p electron which, whe n the atom is excited, takes on t he various possible energy 114 115 DOUBLE T FINE STRUCTU RE SEC. 8.11 st ates shown in Fig . 8.1. In boron , for example, t he first excited 28 state finds t he elect ron in a 3s orbit , t he I s and 2s subshell being alrea dy filled. There being no d electrons in boron and no virtua l d orbits with a total qua ntum number n lower t han 3, t he excitati on of t he va lence electron to t he first 2D state places t he electron int o a 3d orbit . Neglectin g for t he moment t he doub let nature of t he different levels, it should be noted t hat t he 2F terms in all five elements, just as in t he alka li metals, are nearl y hydrogen-lik e, indicating non penetrating 0 r E o 0 0 0 0 45 N tJ) OJ ::> <, 35 ~ ~ ll- 0 '0 ~ '<: "I- _ _ !:\J ~ I'<) '",.,.,<::>":t- 3p 32p 4p o 65 ::::: 55 - !;:? ~ ~ ~ 0 0 "!" E L ~ "~ ~ ~2p 2p 5p 5 6p 0 = 0 0 '" 2p 2'2 P FIG. S.l.-E ne r gy lev el diagrams of the bo ro n gro up of elements. orbits. It is to be noted too t hat for a given total qua ntum number n t he order of binding, which is also t he order of in creasin g penetrati on, is 2F, 2D, 2p , and 28. The large st fine-structure sepa ra tions in each elemen t of t he boron group are to be found in t he normal states 2P . The very narrow 2P t_2 P! interval in boron widens wit h each succeeding element un til in t ha llium it has become almost as large as t he gross-st ruct ur e int erval 6 2P-7 28 . The first sha rp series doublet s given in Table 8.1 indicate the enormous spreading out of t he first 2p te rms in going to higher atomic numbers. One line of t he thallium doubl et is in t he visible green region of t he spect rum and t he ot her member is in t he ultra-violet over 1500 Aaway. Ex actly t his same spreading out of t he fine st ructur e is observed in t he alkali met als in going from lithium to caesium. This may be seen directl y from t he principal series as t hey are plot ted in Fig. 8.2. The sodium doubl ets are relati vely mu ch narrower t ha n shown. The fine- 116 INTROD UCTION TO A T OM IC S PEC T RA [C H A P . VIn TABLE 8.l.- D o UBL ET SEPARATIONS FOR THE FIRST MEMBERS OF THE SHARP SERIES B Al On In TI 2P r2S; 2P;_2S; ~A ~v A A A em'< 2497 .82 3961.68 4172.22 4511. 44 5350.65 2496.87 3944 .16 4033.18 4101. 87 3775.87 0 .95 17.52 139.04 409.57 1574.78 5 .20 112.07 826.10 2212.63 7792 .42 structure in t er vals for t he first member of the principal series in each of t he alkalies and ionized a lkaline earths are obs erve d as follows: Li I KI Rb I Cs I 57.9 237 .7 554.0 em "? MgII Ca II 223 .0 Sr II 800.0 Ba II 91.5 0.338 Nal 17.2 Be II 6.61 1691.0 cm " ! In lithium t he 2 2 S-2 2P in terval (see Fig. 5.1) is over 4000 t im es t he fine-structure in terval 0.338 cmr", whereas in caesium t he corres pond ing inter val is only 20 times larger. Principal Series JIIIIJ-=::==:::=;::======= I : ; : :======= I in[] ilDIJ ========~ j LK C mIJIIJ I Rb _ _---1-1mIT]1---_IJ'! , 40,000 Na '=:;;:==~:;;:=====~ ==== =~~ ! Li , ! ! ! , , , ! , , , ! _ [[ , 3 0,000 c mr ! 20,000 -4- Rodlated Freq,uenc y - F IG. 8 .2.- Illus t r a t in g fine structure in the prin cip al ser ies of the a lka li m etals. an d p otassium doublets are narrow er than sho wn .) ! Cs J 10,000 (Sod iu m A general survey of the energy lev el di agrams (F igs. 5.1, 5.2, 6.4, and 6.5 ) will enable certain general conclusions conce rning fine-structure intervals to be drawn: First , corresponding doublet separat ions increase with atomic number. Second, doublet separations in the ionized alkaline earths are larger than the corresponding doublets in the alkali metals. Third, within each element doublet separations decrease in going to higher members of a series. Fourth, within each element DOUB LET FINE STR UCTURE SEC. 8.2 ) 117 P doublets ar e wider t han D do ublets of t he same n, and D doublets are wider t han F doublets of t he same n . The last two stat eme nts are illu strat ed schematically in Fig . 8.3 by giving t he four lowest m embers of t he t hree chief term series. It should be mentioned in passing that excep t ions to these rules are well known. These exce ptions, however, are fully accounted for and will be treated as special cases in Chap. X IX. 2p 2D 2F - 2D - - - _ 2p ======= 2p- F i G. - - - 2D= = = = S.3 .-Schem rt ic r epresen t ation of rel a tive t erm sep a rations in the differ ent series 8.2. Se reetion Rules for Doublets.- I n the doublet spect ra of atomic systems containing but one valence electron the small let t ers s, p, d, I, . . . . for the different electron orbits are replaced by the corr esponding ca pitals S, P, D, F , .. . , for the terms. The small superscript 2 in fr ont of eac h term indicat es t hat t he level in question, including S levels, has doublet proper ti es and belongs to a doublet system. Although all S levels are single, t heir doublet nature will lat er be seen to reveal itself when the atom is placed in a magnetic field. In order to distinguish bet ween two fine-structure levels having the same nand l values, t he cumbrous but theoretically important half-integral subscripts are used. T his subscript to eac h term, first called t he i nner quantum number by Som merf eld , is of im portance in atomic structure, for it gives t he total angular momentum of all t he extranuclear electrons (see Sec . 8.4). The inner quantum numb er is frequently referred to as the electron quantum number j or the term quantum number J . Observation shows that, for t he transition of an electron from one energy state to another, definite selection ru les are in operat ion. This is illu st rat ed schematically in Fig. 8.4 by six different sets of combin at ions. From t hese diagrams, which are based upon experimental observati ons, selection rules for dou blets may be summarized as follows : In any electron transit ion 1 l changes by + 1, or - 1 only, and j changes by 0, + 1, or -1 only. 1 Violations of eit he r of these select ion ru les are attributed to the presence of an ex ternal electric or magnetic field (see Chaps. X and XX) or to quadripole rad ia t ion. 118 I NTRODUCTIO N T O A T OM IC SP EC T RA [C HAP. VIn The t ot al quantum number n has no restrictions and may change by any integral amount. The relative in tensities of the radiated spect rum lines ar e illustrated by t he heights of t he lines dire ctly below each t ransition arrow at t he bot t om of t he figure, Combinations bet ween 2p and 28 always give rise to a fine-structure doublet, whereas all other combinations give rise to a doubl et and one satellit e. In some doublet spectra, 2G and 2H terms are kn own. In designating any spectrum line like M 890 of sodium (see Fi g. 5.1), t he lower state is writ t en first followed by t he higher state t hus, 3 28 1-3 2P I . The reason for t his order goes back t o t he very earliest work in atomic spectra (see Cha p. I). Spect rum lines in absorption are writ t en in t he same way, t he lowest level first. ~ ap sf, Y2 2p 2S ""'_...L-'o 3/2 2p ao ~ 2p toP 20.'l'z 20 ll.0 4 3 2p toP 2f 2~ 20 .-.l...Lf~ F 2D5h ao ~h~ '~ ~l 3/~ toP ~ toP ll.O-v ~t.o to P t.DKF Mt.D FIG . SA .- Illustrating se lec t io n and intensity rules for double t com bin a t ion s. 8.3. Intensity Rules for Fine-structure Doublets.-Gener al observat ions of line intensiti es in doubl et spectra show t hat certain in tensity rules may be formul ated. These in tensity rules are best stated in te rms of the quantum numbers of t he elect ron in the initi al and final energy states involved . The st rongest lines in any doubl et ar ise from transiti ons in which j and l cha nge in t he same way. Wh en t here is more t han one such line in t he same doublet, t he line involvin g t he largest j va lues is strongest . F or example, in t he first principal- series doublet of Fi g. 8.4. t he line 28 1- 2P j is st ronger t ha n 281-2Pl since in t he form er l changes by -1 (l = 1 to l = 0) andj cha nges by -1 (j = t to j = t) . As a second example, consider a member of t he diffuse series in which there ar e t wo strong lines and one satellit e. Fo r t he two strong lines zP I-zD t and zP 1-zD I, j and l both cha nge by -1. The st ronger of t he t wo lines zPj_z D ! involves t he larger j va lues. F or t he fain t satellit e zP I- zD I, III = -1 and t;.j = O. Quan ti t ati ve rul es for t he relative int ensiti es of spectrum lines were discovered by Burger, Dorgelo, and Ornstein.' Wh ile these rules 1 B URGER, H . C., and H . B . D OR GELO, Z eits. f . Ph ys., 23, 258, 1924; L. S., and H . C. B U RGER, Zeits. f. Phys., 24,41 , 1924 ; 22, 170, 1924. ORN STEIN, DOUBLET nNE S T RUCT URE SHc.8.3) 119 apply to all spectra in general, they will be st ated here for doublets only. (a) The sum of t he intensitie s of t hose lines of a doublet whi ch come from a common initi al level is pr oportional t o t he quantum weight T ABLE 8.2 .- INTENSITY MEASUREMENTS IN THE PRINCIPAL SERIES M ETALS (Af ter S ambursky) OF THE ALKALI El emen t Combination Wa ve-leng t hs Na 3 2S - 3 2P 3 2S-4 2P 3 2S-5 2P 5890 : 5896 3302 : 3303 2852 : 2853 4 2 S-4 2P 4 2S -5 2P 42S-6 2P 4 2S -7 2P 7665: 4044 : 3446 : 3217 : 7699 4047 3447 3218 2 2 .2 2 .3 2 .5 : : : : 5 2S -5 2P 5 2S -6 2P 5'S -7'P 5'S - 8'P 5 2S -9 2P 5 2S -10 2P 7800 : 4201 : 3587 : 3348 ; 32 28: 3157 : 7947 4215 3591 3351 3229 3158 2 2 .7 3 .5 4 .3 5 3 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 :1 6 2S-6 2P 6'S- 7 2P 6 2S - 8 2P 6 2S-9 2P 6 2S -10 2P 6' S - IJ2P 6"S -12 2P 62 S -13 2P 8521 : 4555 : 3876 : 3611 : 3476: 3398 : 3347 : 3313 : 8943 4593 3888 3617 3480 3400 3348 3314 2 : 5: 10 : 15 .5 : 25 .0 : 15 .8 : 5 .7 : 4 .5 : K Rb ... ~ Cs Ratio 2: 1 2 : 1 2 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of that level. (b) The sum of the intensities of those lines of a doublet whi ch end on a common level is proportional to the quantum weight of that level. The quantum weight of a level is given by 2j + 1. This, it will be seen in Chap. X, is the number of Zeeman levels into which a level j is split when the atom is pla ced in a magnetic field. In applying these intensity rule s, consider again the sim ple case of a principal-series doublet. H ere there are two lines starting from the upper levels 2P i and 2P I and ending on t he common lower level 2Si . The quantum weight s of t he 2p levels are 2(-V + 1 and 2(t) + I , giving as t he intensity ratio 2:1. The same ratio results when the 2S level is above and the 2p level below . 120 I NTRODUCTIO N T O A T OM IC S PEC T RA [C HAP. VI n Quanti tati ve measurements of line int ensities in some of t he alkali spectra are give n in T abl e 8.2. 1 The par ti cular investi gations of Sambursky on t he principal series of N a, K, Rb, and Cs show t hat, whil e t he first membe rs have , in agreem ent with obse rvations ma de by ot hers , t he t heo retica l ratio 2 :1, higher m emb ers do not. This is expecially t rue in caesium wh ere t he observa t ions have been extende d to t he eighth member. In caes ium t he in tensity ratio starts with 2 and rises to a maximum of 25 in t he fifth member, t hen drops quit e abruptly to 4! in t he eighth member. > Co nside r nex t the diffu se-series doublets whi ch involve t hree spectrum lines. The following combination scheme is found to be par ti cularl y useful in represen ting all of t he transit ions between ini ti al and final states. A diffuse-serie s doublet is written 2P i 2P! 4 2 2D B6 X 0 Z 2D~4 Y The numbers dir ectl y below and to t he right of t he t erm sym bols ar e t he qua ntum weights 2j + 1. Let X, Y, and Z represen t t he unknown intensities of t he t hree allowed t ra nsitions and zero t he forbidden transit ion . From t he summation rules (a) and (b) t he following relati ons are set up: The sum of t he lines starting from 2D j is to t he sum starting from 2Di as 6 to 4, i .e., Y ending on 2P~ ~ Z = ~; and, similarly, t he sum of t he line s is to t he sum ending on 2P! as 4 is to 2, i .e., X i Y =~. T he smallest whole numbers which satisfy t hese equations ar e X = 9, Y = 1, and Z = 5. If the 2D te rms are very close together so t hat t he observed lines do not resolve t he satellit e fr om t he main line, as is usually t he case, t he t wo lines observe d will have t he int ensity ratio 9+ 1 : 5 or 2 : 1, t he same as t he principal-serie s or sharp-series doublets. Intensity m easurements of the diffu se series of the alk ali met als by Dorgelo" confirm t his. A favorable spect rum in which the satellite of a diffuse-series doublet can be easily resolved, with ordinary inst rument s, is that of caesium. The first three memb ers of t his series ar e in the infra-red and ar e not readily a ccessible to phot ogr aphy. The fourth member of the series, composed of the three lines >.>. 6213, 6011, and 6218 has been observed SAMBURSKY, S. , Z eits. f. Ph ys., 49, 731 , 1928 . The ano ma lous in ten sities observed in caes ium have been given a sa t isfac to ry explanation by E . Fe rm i, Zeits. f . Phys., 69, 680, 1930 . 3 D OR G ELO, H. B., Z eits. f . Phys., 22, 170, 1924 . 1 2 121 DOUBLET FI NE S T RUCTUR E SEC. 8.41 TABLE 8.3.- INTENSITY M EASUREMENTS IN THE DI FFUSE SERIES OF THE ALKALI M ETALS (A f ter Doryelo) El ement Combin a t ion Wave-lengt hs Rat io Na 3 2P-4 2D 3 2 P-5 2 D 5688 : 5682 4982 : 4978 100: 50 100 : 50 K 4 2 P-5 2 D 4 2P- 6 2D 5832 : 5812 5359 : 5342 100 : 51 100: 50 Rb 5 2 P-6 2 D 5 2P-7 2D 5 2P- 8 2D 6298: 6206 5724 : 5648 5431 : 5362 100 : 51 100 : 52 100: 52 to have t he int ensit y rati os 9:5.05:1.17. Theoreti cal intensiti es for t he combination 2D-2F ar e given by the followin g formulations: 2Dl 2Dj 16 4 X 8 2F j y + Z - {\ 2F , 6 Y Z X + Y 6 8r-O- - Z- =4 The smallest whole numbers satisfying t he equations in t he center ar e X = 20, and Z = 14. The results given in T abl e 8.2 show t hat one cannot always expect t he intensit y rul es to hold. The t heoretical in tensiti es are ext reme ly useful, however, in making iden tifications in spectra not yet analyzed. 8.4. Tne Spinning Electron and the Vector Mode1.-With t he co-development of complex spectrum ana lysis and t he Lande vector model, it becam e necessary t o ascribe to eac h atom an angular momentum in additi on to the orbi t al angular momentum of the va lence elect rons. At first t his new an gular momentum was ascribed to t he atom core and assigned various values suitable for t he pr oper explanation of t he various types of spectral lines: singlets, doublets, t riplets, qu ar tets, quintets, et c. Due to t he insight of t wo Dut ch ph ysicists, Uhlenbeck and Goud smit ., ' and ind epend entl y Bichowsky and Urey,? t his new angular momentum was assigned to t he valence elect rons . In order t o account for doubl et fine st ructure in t he alka li metals, it is sufficient to ascribe t o t he single va lence electron a spin s of only one-ha lf a quantum unit of angular mom entum, s;7r = ~ . 2:' This half-in t egr al spin is not to be taken as a qua ntum nu mb er t hat takes different values like n 1 UHLENBECK, G. E ., and S. GOUDSMIT, Nolu runssenschaften, 13, 953, 1925 ; Nature, 117,264, 1926. 2 BI CHOWSKY, F . R. , an d H . C. U HEY, Proc. Nat . Acad. s«, 12, SO, 1926. 122 INTRODUCTION TO ATOMIC SPECTRA [CHAP. VIII and l but as an inherent and fixed property of the electron. The total angular momentum contributed to any atom by a single valence electron is therefore made up of two parts: one due to the motion of the center t* s* F IG. 8.S.-Spin a nd orbital m oti on of t he electron on t he cla ssical theory. of mass of t he electron around the nu cleus in an orbit, and t he other due t o the spin mo tion of t he electron a bout an axis t hroug h it s center of mass (see Fig. 8.5 ). Disregarding nuclear spin t he at om core, as we shall ~ see later, contributes nothing to the total angular momentum of the atom. By analogy with t he quantum-mech anical developments in Chap. IV, we re turn now to the orbital mod els a, b, c, and d (F ig. 4.8) to find a «uit a ble method for combining these two angular momenta. For this Vector model Q Vector model b s s j 1 1 j j .,1 + 4 j ., t - i J" 1 +t j - l -! FIG. 8.6.-Vector mod els a a nd b for the co mposition of t he elect ro n sp in a nd or bit. purpose models a and b are both frequently used Of these models, a is generally preferred since it gives in many cases, but not always, t he more accurate quantum-mechanical results. Models c and d have been rejected because of the many fortuitous rules ne cessarily introduced to fit the experimental data, and they are of historical interest only. SEC. 8. 51 123 DOUBL E T PINE S T R UCTU R E Vector diagrams for the composition of orbit and spin, on models a and b, are given in F ig. 8.6 for t he two possible states of the d electron . On m od el b t he spin angula r momentum s . hj21r is a dded vectoria lly to t he or bital ang ula r m omen tum l· h/ 21r to for m t he resu lt ant j- h j 21r, whe re j = l ± s, On mod el a t he spin angul ar m om en tum s* . h j21r is a dde d vectoria lly to t he orbit al ang ula r mcmentum l* . hj21r to form t he resul tant j * . h/21r, where s* = vs (s + 1) , l* = VlU + 1), j* = v j(j + 1) , and j = l s, It sho uld be not ed t hat two is t he maximum num ber of j values, differing from each other by uni t y , t hat are possibl e on eithe r mo de l and t hat for s electrons there is but one possibility." For s, p, d, j , . .. orbits l = 0, 1, 2, 3, .. ' . The q uantum conditions are that j shall take a ll possib le half- int egral values only, i .e., j = t ,...~, t ,h .. . . Fo r a d electron l = 2, e = t, l* = V6, and s* = tv'3. The on ly possible orientations for land s, or for I" a nd s*, arc such t hat j = ~ and~ , and j* = tv'35 and tvf5. Fo r a p electrorrZ = 1, e = t, l* = V~ and 8* = tV3. T he on ly po ssible or ientations for l an d 8, or for l* and 8*, are su ch t hat j = -~ and t , andj* =~VI5 and!V3": For an 8 electron l = 0, 8 = t , I" = 0, and 8* = t V 3. The on ly possib le value for j is t , and j * = ! V 3. 8.5. The Normal Order of Fine-structure Doublets.- In t he do ublet energy levels of atomic sys te ms conta ining bu t one valence electron it is generally, but not alw ays, ob served that the fine-structure level j = l - t lies deeper than the corresponding level j = l + t. Fo r example, in the case of p an d d elec trons, 2P j lies deeper than 2P l a nd 2D l lies deep er t han 2D! . T his r esul t is to be expected on t he classical t heory of a sp inning electron and on t he quantum me chanics. Classically we may think of t he electron as having an orbital angular momentum and a spin angular momentum. Due to the cha rge on the electron eac h of these t wo motions produces magnetic field s. Due to t he orbital mo t ion of t he electron , of cha rge e, in the radial electric field of t he nucleus E, t here will be a magnetic field H at t he electron normal to the plane of the orbit." That t his field is in the direct ion of t he orbital mec hanical moment l may readily be seen by im agini ng t he electron at rest and the pos it ively charged nucleus moving in an orbit aro und it. I n t his field t he mo re stable state of a given doublet will t he n be t he one in wh ich ,t he spin ning electron, t hought of as a small magnet of moment J.l.s, lines u p in t he direction of H . I n F ig . 8.7 t he electron sp in moment J.l.s is seen to be parallel to H in t he state j = l - t, and antiparallel to H in t he state j = l t. Of the two + + 1 T he sma ll letter 8 used for electron spin mu st not be confuse d with the sma ll letter for 8 elec t rons. 2 This field is not apparent to an observer at rest with the nucl eus but would he experienced by an observer on the electron . 124 I NTROD UCTIO N TO A T OM IC S PEC 7'RA [C HAP. VIn possible orientations t he one j = l - -! is classically t hen t he more st able and t herefore lies deeper on an energy level diagram. On t he vect or mod el a (see Fi g. 8.6) t he same conclusion is reached and we can say t hat of t he t wo states t he one for which t he spin moment J.!.. is more nearl y par allel to H lies deeper. Although most of t he doubl et spectra of one-elect ron systems ar e in agreement with t his, t here are a few exceptions to t he rule. In caesium, for example, t he 2p and 2D te rms are norm al, and t he first 2F term is inverted. By inverted is mean t t hat t he te rm j = l + -! lies dee pest on . an energy level diagram. In rubidium t he 2p terms are norm al, and t he 2D and 2F te rms are inv erted. In sodium and potassium A j =1 + S B j= 1- s FIG. 8 .7. -I llustrating t he m echan ica l a n d m a gn et ic moments of t h e sp inning elect ron for the two fine-structure states j = I t and j = I - t. T h e vectors are d rawn a ccordin g to t h e classica l model (b) . + t he 2p te rms are norm al, and t he 2D, and very pr obably t he 2F, te rms are inverted. F or a possible explanation of t he inversions see Sec. 19.6. ., It C2,n be shown quantum mechanically t hat, neglecting disturbing influences, doubl et levels arising from a single valence electro n will be norm al. Wh ere resolved, all of t he observed doubl ets of t he boron group of elements, t he ionized alka line earths, and t he more highly ioniz ed atoms of t he same type are in agreement with t his. 8.6. Electron Spin -orbit Interaction.- T he problem which next presen ts itself is that of calculating t he magnitude of t he doublet sepa rations. Experiment ally we have seen t hat doubl et- term sepa rations, in general, vary from element to element, from series t o series, and from member t o memb er. Any expression for t hese separations will therefore involve the atomic number Z, t he quantum number I, and the quantum number n. A calculation of the interacti on energy due to t he addition of an elect ron spin to t he atom model ha s been made on t he qu antum mechanics by Pauli;' D arwin," Dirac," Gordon, ' and ot hers . By use of t he vector W. , Zeits. f . Phys., 43, 601, 1927. C. G., P roc. Roy. Soc., A, 116, 227, 1927; A, 118, 654, 1928. s DIRAC, P. A. M. , P roc. Roy. Soc ., A, 117, 610, 1927 ; A, 118, 351, 1928. 4 GORDON, W., Zeits. f. Phys., 48, 11, 1929. 1 PW 2 D ARWIN, Ll , 124 I NTROD UCTIO N TO A T OM IC S PEC7'RA [C HAP. VIII possible orientations t he one j = l - t is classically t hen t he more stable and t herefore lies deeper on an energy level diagr am . On the vect or model a (see Fi g. 8.6) t he same conclusion is reached and we can say t hat of t he t wo states t he one for which t he spin moment }J.. is more nearly parallel t o H lies deeper. Although most of t he doubl et spect ra of one-elect ron systems are in agreement with t his, t here are a few exceptions t o t he rule. In caesium, for example, t he 2p and 2D te rms are normal, and t he first 2F te rm is inv erted. By inverted is mean t t hat t he te rm j = l + t lies deepest on . an energy level diagram . In rubidium t he 2p terms are norm al, and t he 2D and 2F te rms are inverted. In sodium and potassium B j-l s A j =l+s r FIG. 8 .7.- I llustrating t he m echan ica l a nd m a gn et ic moments of t he sp inning elect ron for t he two fine-structure states i = I ! and i = I - t. T h e vectors a re drawn a ccording to t h e classical m od el (b) . + t he 2p te rms are normal, and t he 2D, and very pr obabl y t he 2F, terms ar e inverted. F or a possible explan ation of t he inversions see Sec. 19.6. ., It can be shown quantum mechani cally t hat, neglecting disturbing influences, doubl et levels arising from a single valence electro n will be norm al. Wh ere resolved, all of t he observed doublets of t he boron group of elemen ts, t he ionized alkaline earths, and t he more highly ioniz ed atoms of t he same t ype are in agreement with t his. 8.6. Electron Spin-orb it Interaction.- T he problem which next presents itself is that of calculati ng t he magnitude of t he doublet separations. Experiment ally we have seen t hat doublet-term sepa rations, in general, vary from element t o element, from series to series, and from member t o member. Any expression for t hese separations will therefore involve the atomic number Z, the quant um number I, and the quantum number n. A calculation of the inter action energy due to t he addition of an electron spin t o t he atom mod el has been made on t he quantum mechanics by Pauli;' Darwin," Dirac," Gordon, ' and ot hers . By use of t he vector P o\.UL 1, W. , Z eits. f. Ph ys., 43, 601, 1927. D ARWIN, C. G. , Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 116, 227, 1927; A, 118, 654, 1928. s DIRAC, P. A. M ., Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 117, 610, 1927 ; A, 118, 351, 1928. 4 GORDON, W., Z eits. f. Ph ys., 48, 11, 1929. 1 2 SE C. 8.6] 125 DOUBLET FI NE S T RUCTU RE model a semiclassical calculation of t he in teraction energy may al so be made whi ch leads t o t he sa me result. Because of it s sim plicity t his treatmen t will be given here. Dirac's qu an tum-mechanical t reatme nt of t he electro n will be give n in t he next chapter. On t he classical mod el of hydrogen-like atoms t he single electro n mo ves in a central for ce field with an orbital 'angular mo me ntum h l *- = mr X v 211" (8. 1) + wh ere l * = Vl (l 1), m is t he mass of t he electro n, v it s ve locity, a nd r the radius vector . According to class ica l electromagnetic t heo ry , a charge Z e on t he nucleus gives rise to an electric field E at t he electro n given by E = Ze T'3 r. (8.2) M ovin g in t his field t he electron expe riences a magneti c field give n by H = E X v. c (8.3) Ze H = - 3 r X v. cr (8.4) From t hese t wo equations, Applying Bohr's quantum ass umption [Eq. (2.20)] 27rmr X v = l* h, (8.5) t he field becomes (8.6) In t his field t he spinning electron, lik e a small magn eti c top, undergoes a Larm or precession around t he field directi on. From Larmor 's t heorem [Eq. (3.58) ] t he ang ular ve locity of t his precession sho uld be giv en by the product of t he field stre ngth H and t he rati o between t he magneti c and mechanical mom en t of t he spinning electron ;' WL = H . 2- e = l * -h . -Z e . -13 . 2-e · 2mc 211" mc r 2mc (8.7) Th i s i s just twice the ordinary Larmor precession, giv en in E q. (3.58) 1 The ratio between t he mag netic and mechanical moment of a spinn ing electron is just twice the cor respondi ng rat io for the elect ron's orbital motion. T his is in ag reement wit h result s obtained on the quantum mechanics and accounts for the anomalous Zeeman effect to be treated in Chap. X . 126 INTROD UCTION TO ATOMIC SPECTRA [CHAP. VIII A relativistic treatment of this problem by Thomas' has revealed, in addition to the Larmor precession W L, a relativity pr ecession WT, one-half as great and in the opposit e direction. The resultant precession of the spinning elect ron is therefor e one-half W L, i.e., ju st equal to t he ordinary Larmor precession: (8.8) Now, the in teraction energy> is just t he product of the precessional angular velocity Wi and the proj ection of t he spin angular momentum on l*: D. WI .s With the value of Wi = Wi • h s* 21r cos (l*s*) . ·(8.9) from E q. (8.8), Z e2 h2 1 2 2 ' 4 2 • 3 ' l*s* cos (l*s*) . m e 1r r D. WI,s = -2 (8.10) In this equation for t he in t eracti on energy t he last two factors are still to be evaluat ed . In general t he electron-nuclear dis tance r is a functi on of Z, n , and l and changes con tinually in any given stat e. Be cause t he in t eracti on energy is small com pared with the t ot al energy of the electron's moti on the average energy D. WI,. may be calculated by means of per turbation t heo ry. In doin g t his, only t he average value (~) need be calculated . From per turbation t heory and t he quantum me chanics (see Sec. 4.9), (~) zs (8.11) where al is t he radius of the first Bohr circ ular orbit, h2 al = 41r 2me 2 ' (8.12) For t he las t fa ctor of Eq. (8. 10) we t urn to the ve ctor model of t he atom. In calculating the precessional frequen cy of s* around... t he field produced by t he orbital mo tion t he vector l* was ass ume d fixed in space. L. H ., Nat ure, 117, 514, 1926. The interaction ene rgy here is just t he kineti c ene rgy of the elect ron 's precession around t he field H . If W = V w2 represent s t he kinetic ene rgy of t he spin of the electron in th e ab sence of t he field H , and W' = V (w + w')" the kin eti c energ y in th e pr esen ce of t he field , t hen the change in ene rgy is jus t Jl W = W' - W = V W / 2 + Iww' . Sin ce I rem ain s constan t and w > > w', t he first t erm is negligibly small and the ene rgy is given by th e product of w' and t he mec hanica l mom ent I w = s*hJ21r = p•• 1 THOMAS, 2 .. SE C. 12i DOUBLET FINE S T R UCT URE 8.6] One mig ht equally well have calculated the precession of the orbit in t he field of the spinning electron. It is easily shown that this frequency is just equal to the ordinary Larmor pre cession and to t he precession of the electron around l*. In field-free space both orbit and spin are free to move so t hat l* and s* will precess aro und their .* mechanical res ultant j* . By the law of conservaJ tion of angular momentum thi s res ultant j * and / hence the angle between l* and s* must remain / \ invariant. The ve ctor model t herefore takes the / \ form shown in Fig. 8.8. With the angle fixed the / \ / _ - -t-- \"" cosine does not need to be averaged and l*s* cos \ ~--I--\ \ / (l*s*) is calculated by the use of the cosine law j * = l*2 + S*2 + 2l*s* cos (l*s*) \ / (8.13) \ / \ from which l*s* cos (l*s*) j*2 _ l*2 _ S*2 2 . (8.14) Substituting Eqs. (8.11) and (8.14) in Eq. (8.10), - Z e2 h2 za ~ WI ,s = 2m 2e2 . 4 1r 2 • a~nal (l + 1) (l + 1) j*2 _ l*2 _ S*2 2 (8.15) FIG. S.S. -C lass ica l pre cession of electron sp in 8 * and or bit I " around their mech anical resultan t i" . Upon substituting the Rydberg constant R = 21r 2me4 / eh 3 and the sq uare of the fine-structure constant a 2 = 41r 2e4 / e2h 2, the energy becomes Ra 2ehZ 4 j* 2 _ l*2 _ S*2 (8.16) ~ W l, 8 = n 3l(l + t)(l + 1) . 2 and, dividing by he, t he term shift in wave numbers becomes Ra 2Z 4 j*2 - l*2 - S*2 = -r. ~TI . 8 = 3 n l (l + 1 )(l + 1) 2 (8.17) T his spin-orbit interaction energy, often referred to as the I' factor, is written in short as (j *2 _ l*2 _ S*2) (8.18) I' = a ' = a . l*s* cos (l*s*), 2 where Ra 2Z 4 a = n 3l (l + 1 )(l + 1) cm-l. (8.19) M easured fr om t he series limit down, t he term va lue of any finestructure level will be given by T = To - r, (8.20) 128 INTROD UCTION TO ATOMIC SP EC T RA [CHAP. VIII where T o is a hypothetical term va lue for the center of gravity of t he doub let in question and I' gives the shift of each fine-st ru ct ur e level from To. r va lues for 2p , 2D, and 2F terms are shown in Fig. 8.9. For an s orb it l = 0, j = s, and t:.T = O. This is in agreement with observation that all S states are single. The two states of a doub let are seen by t he figure to be given by the difference bet ween t heir r va lues. It is to be noted that Z occurs in the numerator of Eq. (8.19) , and nand l occur in t he denominator. This is in agreement with experimental observations 1~ 2P% I ,..- I I To ~------ I \ 2'D / 5Jz CI --(- - - - - - - \ \ \ 30/ , /2 I \ \ , t hat doub let -term separations (1) increase with increasing atomic number, e.g., in going from Na I to K I , or from Na I to Mg II; (2) decrease with increasing n, i. e., in going to higher members of a given series; (3) decrease with increasing l, i. e., in going to different series p, d, I, etc. As t he interaction energy gets smaller and smaller in a given series, I' will approach zero and the levels will gradually come together at their center of gravity T o. 8.7. Spin-orbit Interaction for Nonpenetrating Orbits.- In ap plying t he spin-orbit-interaction energy formula [Eq. (8.17)], as just der ived, to t he observed data, it is necessary t hat we first simplify the exp ress ion and substitute the known phy sical constants. For any give n doub let, land s have t he same val ues whereas j = l + ! for the upper level and l - ! for the lower level. The successive sub stitution of t hese values for j in the last factor of Eq. (8.17) gives, by subtraction, Ra 2Z 4 t:.v = n3l(l + ! )(l 1) = n 3lRa(l + 1) cm". 2Z 4 ( + 1) l + 2 Inserting the value of the Rydberg const ant R = 109737 cm ? fine-structure constant a 2 = 5.3 X 10- 5, Z4 t:.v = 5.82 n 3l (l + 1) em- I. (8.21) and the (8.22) For hydrogen-like systems the effect ive nuclear charge is given simply by the atomic number Z. SEC. 8.8] 129 DOUBLET FI NE S T RUCTU R E In t he previous cha pters we have seen how for other atomic systems the deviations of the term values from t hose of hydrogen-like atoms are attribut ed to a polariz ation of t he atomic core or generally to a quantum defe ct [see Eq. (5.4)], T = RZ2 RZ2 (8.23) (n - fJ. ) 2 = -n-;ff' where Z = 1 for neut ral atoms, 2 for singly ionized atoms, etc. Inst ead of at tributing the in creased binding of t he electron t o a defect in t he qu antum number n, one may argue t hat it should be attribut ed to a screening of t he va lence electron from t he nu cleus by t he interve ning core of elect rons, and t hat Z should be repla ced by Zeff where Zeff = Z - CT, Z is the atomic number, and CT is a screening constant : (8.24) By exactly t he sa me reasonin g one may write t he fine-structure doublet formul a [Eq . (8.22)] as AlJ = Rcx 2 (Z - S)4 (Z nal(l +I) = 5. 82 n 31(l S)4 + 1)' (8.25) Mo st of t he doubl et s to whi ch t his formula applies are kno wn only for singly and multiply ioniz ed at oms. Although its general application will be left to Cha p. XVII on I soelectroni c Sequences, it should be remarked here t hat t his for mula gives doubl et intervals in remarkably good agree ment with experime ntal observations. 8.8. .S pin - orbit Interaction for Pene tr ating Orbits.- I n t he pr ecedin g cha pter on penet rating and nonpenetrating orbits we have seen how pen etrating or bits may be considere d as ma de up of two par ts, an inside segment of an ellipse and an outside segment. In at t emp ting to apply Eq. (8.25) to t he doublets of pen etrating orbits, much bett er agreement with t he observed va lues is obtained, especially for t he heavier eleme nts, by aga in considering separately t he inner and t he outer par t of t he orbit (see Fi g. 7.6). Wh at ever atomic model is formul at ed, t he electron in a deeply penetrating orbit is by far t he greater par t of t he t ime in an outer region where t he field is nearl y hydrogen-like. If t he elect ron remain ed in an oute r orbi t like the outer segment, t he doublet formula [Eq. (8. 21)] would be (8.26) whereas, if it remained in an inner orb it like t he inner segment, t he formul a would be RCX 2Z 4 (8.27) AlJ i = n~l(l + ' I ) 130 INTRO D UCTION TO ATOM I C S P ECTRA [C HAP. VI II To bring t hese t wo formulas t oget her for t he actual orbi t , t he motion in ea ch of these segments is weighted according to the time spent in each. Now the time t required to traverse t he whole path is so nearly equal to t he t ime to requi red to traverse a complete outer ellipse t hat we may write, t o a first approximation, n 3h 3 t = to = 411'" 2me 0 4Z2 (8.28:· OJ . This equation for t he period of an elect ron in a K epler ellipse was left as an exercise at t he end of Cha p. III. The time required to traverse a completed inn er ellipse is (8.29) Now t he resultant frequ ency separat ion ~ V for t he actua l orbit will t imes t he fractiona l time tof t spent in t he outer segment, plus ~V i times t he fractional time t;it spent in t he inn er segment : be ~ Vo ~V = tv 6.v ot + ~V '·-t.t · (8.30) Making the ap prox imation that tv = t and subs tit uting the values of t, and t i from Eqs. (8.26), (8.27), (8.28) , and (8.29), we get ~vo, ~V i, A _ uV - Ra2Z~ + 1) (Z'. n~l (l + ZOJ .' ) em - 1 . (8.3 1) For heavy elements t he effective charge Z ie at deepest penet ra ti on is so much greater t han t he effective charge Zoe outside, t hat t he formula may be simp lified to _ Ra 2Z;Z; - 1 ~V - n~l(l + 1) em . (8.32) This equation was derived from t he qu an tum t heory and used by Lande! before t he ad vent of t he spinning electron an d t he newer qua ntum mechani cs. In calculating Zi for a number of atoms Lande showed t hat t he pen et ra ti on in many cases is almost comp lete, Z i being almost equa l to t he atomic nu mb er Z (see T able 17.4A ). It is to be noted t hat no is t he effect ive qu an tum nu mb er. Inser ting screening constants for each of t he Z' s, in Eq. (8.32), _ Ra 2(Z - 80) 2(Z - 8i)2 -1 (8.33) ~V n~l (l + 1) em . The application of t his formula to observed doubl ets, in genera l, will be set aside, to be taken up aga in in treating isoelectronic sequences of atoms in Cha p. XVII. 1 LANDE, A.. Zeits , f. Ph y ~. , 26, 46, 1924. SEC. 8.8] DOUBLET PI NE S T RUCTU RE 131 P roblems 1. Compute doublet-term sepa ra t ions for t he non penetrating 2p states of lith ium and singly ioniz ed beryllium. Assum e complete screening by t he core electrons. Compare t he calcula t ed values with the ob serv ed va lues given in Sec. 8.l. 2. Determine th eoreti cal intensit y ratios for t he doublet t ransiti ons 2F ,_2G j • 3. Construct vector-model diagrams for 'F!, 2F l , 'G! and 'G~ states ba sed on mod el a, Fig. 8.6. 4. Determine t he electron spin-orbit pr ecession fr equ ency w/ 27r for a 41 state in potassium. Assume com plete screening by t he 18 core electrons. 6. Comput e a t heo retica l doublet separation for the 6 2P state in caes ium. Assume complete pen et ra tion wh en t he electron is insid e t he core, i .e., Si = 0, an d pe rfect screening wh en it is ou t side, i .e., So = Z - 1. T he effective quantum nu mber no can be determined from t he obse rve d te rm values (use t he center of gravity of th e doublet ). All ot he r facto rs rem aining the sa me, wh at value of Si will give the obse rve d doublet separa t ion ?
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