Phyto Technology Laboratories LLC Technical Support Information Dedicated to a Better Way of Life Through Plants TM ORCHID SEED & TISSUE CULTURE Phyto Technology Laboratories offers several media specifically developed for the in vitro culture of orchids. These media range from basic seed sowing media to media for clonal propagation (mericloning) and stem propagation. We offer media that are composed of basic mineral salts, which must be supplemented with other components before use, as well as media that are complete and require only the addition of water. All of our media are manufactured according to cGMP standards in our environmentally controlled manufacturing facility in Lenexa, Kansas. Each medium is tested for physio-chemical specifications, and then biologically tested with two commercially significant orchid or other plant cell lines. Phyto Technology Laboratories is committed to maintaining inventory of its entire plant tissue culture product line. Some features of our manufactured media include: All media components meet USP or ACS quality · standards, where applicable Phyto Technology Laboratories has the capacity to · manufacture up to 10,000 liters of certain orchid media Using powder media simplifies media production and · reduces technician error when preparing media Phyto Technology Laboratories offers complete orchid · media, which only require the addition of water to prepare Powdered media has a shelf life of 3 years · Phyto Technology Laboratories offers secure on-line · ordering with no minimum order requirements Most orders are shipped within 48 hours of receipt of the · order Have you questioned which orchid medium will work best for your application? Phyto Technology Laboratories has prepared the following tables to help with the selection process: TERRESTRIAL ORCHID MEDIA SELECTION GUIDE Seed Sowing Media B138/B141 – BM-1 Terrestrial Orchid Medium M551 – Malmgren Orchid Medium T839/T842 – Terrestrial Orchid Medium w/out NH4NO3 T849 – Terrestrial Orchid Medium P723 – Orchid Seed Sowing Medium F522 – Fast Terrestrial Orchid Medium Replate Media Multiplication Media B142/B470 – BM-2 Orchid Medium T839/T842 – Terrestrial Orchid Medium P748 – Orchid Replate Medium M579 – Mitra Replate/Maintenance Medium P656 – PhytoTech Phalaenopsis Replate Medium Phyto Technology Laboratories LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC EPIPHYTIC ORCHID MEDIA SELECTION GUIDE Seed Sowing Media Multiplication Media Clonal Propagation Media P723 – Orchid Seed Sowing Medium V895 – Vacin & Went Seed Sowing Medium K400 – Knudson C Medium M507 – Murashige Cattleya Multi. Medium O753 – Orchid Multi. Medium P793 – Orchid Multi. Medium K400 – Knudson C Medium K400 – Knudson C Medium M507 – Murashige Cattleya Orchid Medium V891 – Vacin & Went Orchid Medium Replate Media P748 – Orchid Replate Medium P785 – PhytoTech Orchid Replate Medium O156 – Orchid Replate Medium O139 – Orchid Replate Medium P668 – Orchid Replate/Maintenance Medium P656 – PhytoTech Phalaenopsis Replate Medium M579 – Mitra Replate/Maintenance Medium ORCHID SEED GERMINATION Orchid seeds are very small and contain little food reserves. A single seed capsule may contain 1,500 to 3,000,000 seeds. Sowing the seed in vitro makes it possible to germinate immature seed (green pods). It is much easier to sterilize the green capsule than individual seed after the capsule has split open. Lucke (1971) indicated that orchid seed can be sterilized when the capsule is about two-thirds ripe. Listed below are approximate normal ripening times of capsules for various orchid species. Exact capsule ripening times may vary depending on species, hybrid, and growing conditions. ORCHID GERNERA Bulbophyllum Brassia Calanthe Catasetum Cattleya Coelogyne Cymbidium Cypripedium Dendrobium Encyclia Epidendrum TIME TO MATURITY (MONTHS) 3 9 4 10 11 13 10 3.5 12 8 3.5 ORCHID GENERA Laelia Masdevallia Miltonia Odontoglossum Oncidium Paphiopedilum Phaius Phalaenopsis Spathoglottis Stanhopea Vanda TIME TO MATURITY (MONTHS) 9 3.5 9 7 9 10 7.5 6 1.5 7 20 Phyto Technology Laboratories LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC Immature (Green) Capsule Disinfection Replating Seedlings 1. 2. 3. 4. Soak the immature (green) seed capsule in 100% bleach solution for 30 minutes. Dip the capsule in isopropyl alcohol or ethanol for 5-10 seconds. Remove the capsule from the alcohol and carefully flame off the excess alcohol. Under aseptic conditions, using a sterile knife or scalpel, open the capsule and scrape out the seed. Carefully layer the seed over the surface of the culture medium. Seal all culture vessels. These vessels are now your mother flasks. 1. 2. 3. Mature (Dry) Seed Disinfection 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Collect seed and place in a small flask or bottle. Prepare a solution containing 5-10% commercial bleach containing a few drops (2 drops/100 ml) of Tween 20 (Product No. P720). Add the bleach solution to the flask or bottle. Swirl the flask or bottle containing the seed and bleach. Sterilize the seed in the manner described in Step 3 for 5-10 minutes. Remove the bleach solution and rinse the seed with sterile tissue culture grade water (Product # W783). Transfer the seed to sterile culture medium, and seal all culture vessels. These vessels are now your mother flasks. 5. It may take anywhere from 1 month up to 9 months for the seed to begin to germinate. Approximately 30 to 60 days after germination begins, it will be necessary to transfer the seedlings to fresh medium for continued growth. Prepare an orchid maintenance/ replate medium, such as P748 for epiphytic orchids or T849 for terrestrial orchids. Under aseptic conditions, transfer the seedling from the mother flask to the flask containing the fresh medium. You should place the seedling about ¼” apart on the medium. Allow the seedlings to continue to grow and develop. Root formation generally begins when the plant has 2-3 leaves. Continue to transfer the seedlings to fresh media every 30-60 days, increasing the spacing between the plants with each transfer. When the flask is ready for transfer to a community pot in the greenhouse, most flasks should have 15 to 25 plants depending upon the species. Transfer the plants into a community pot using a finely ground orchid mix. ORCHID STEM PROPAGATION METHODS 1. Remove any flowers that may remain on the flower stalk. Use clean, healthy, vigorous flower stalks with buds in their nodes. Stalks on which only a few flowers have bloomed are best. Avoid old flower stalks. 2. Wash the flower stalk under running tap water for 5 minutes. 3. Prepare a 10% chlorine bleach solution and add 2-3 drops of Tween 20 (Product No. P720) to this solution. 4. Section the flower stalk into smaller pieces by using a clean razor blade or scalpel and cutting between the nodes. Cut the flower stalk into 50 – 100 mm (½ – ¾”) sections leaving about 40 mm (1/2”) below the node and the remainder above the node. 5. Place the nodal section in the bleach solution (from Step 3) for 15 minutes. Swirl the solution every 2-3 minutes. 6. After surface sterilizing, discard the bleach solution, and then under aseptic conditions, carefully remove the bract from around the node. 7. Prepare a 5% chlorine bleach solution and add 2-3 drops of Tween 20 (Product No. P720) to this solution. 8. Once all of the bracts have been removed, surface sterilize the nodes in the 5% bleach solution prepared in Step 7. Keep in this solution for 10 min, swirling the solution every 2-3 min. 9. Remove all of the bleach solution and rinse the nodes with sterile distilled water. Rinse by pouring the water over the nodes, swirling, then pour off the water. Repeat this step three times. 10. Under sterile conditions, remove approximately 10 mm (1/8”) from each end of the nodal sections using a clean, sterile scalpel or razor. All tools should be dipped frequently in alcohol and flamed with an alcohol lamp (Product No. B876), or heated in a glass bead sterilizer to maintain sterility. Phyto Technology Laboratories LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC 11. Transfer the nodal section to the culture vessels containing Orchid Multiplication Medium (Product No. O753). Insert the longer portion of the nodal section into the medium at a slight angle to just below the bud. This should result in the emerging shoot pointing upwards. 12. Most shoots will generally appear within one month and they are ready for replating after about 60 days. 13. Many nodes exude phenolic compounds into the media which may turn the media dark brown to black. This phenolic exudation will kill the nodes if you do not replate them to fresh media. The use of media containing charcoal will reduce the required frequency of replating to remove phenolics as the charcoal adsorbs and binds the phenolic compounds. 14. Replate onto Orchid Maintenance Medium (Product No. P748) and allow the plantlets to continue to develop and root. Roots will begin to appear after 2 or 3 leaves have been produced. ORCHID MEDIA PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS Powdered media are extremely hygroscopic and must be protected from atmospheric moisture. If possible, the entire contents of each package should be used immediately after opening. Media stored at 2-6° C and tightly sealed should last 2-3 years, depending on how often and for how long the medium bottle is open. Preparing the medium in a concentrated form is not recommended as some salts in the medium may precipitate and affect shelf life and storage conditions. The basic steps for preparing the culture medium: 1. Measure out approximately 90% of the required final volume of tissue culture grade water (Product No. W783), e.g. 900 ml for a final volume of 1000 ml. Select a container twice the size of the final volume. 2. While stirring the water, add the powdered medium and stir until completely dissolved. Media containing charcoal, fruit extracts, and/or agar will not completely dissolve. 3. Rinse the container that the medium was packaged in with a small volume of tissue culture grade water to remove traces of the powder. Add to the solution in Step 2. 4. Add desired heat stable supplements (e.g., sucrose, gelling agent, vitamins, auxins, cytokinins, etc.). (Orchid media B142, B141, M551, P723, P748, P785, O753, T849, V895, F522, M579, and P656 are complete media and generally do not require the addition of any other components.) 5. Add additional tissue culture grade water (Product # W783) to bring the medium to the final volume. 6. While stirring, determine and adjust, if necessary, the medium to desired pH using NaOH, HCl, or KOH. A pH of 5.2 to 5.4 is recommended for most orchid media. For small labs or home hobbyists, pH can be adjusted by using baking soda to raise the pH and vinegar to lower the pH of the medium. 7. If a gelling agent is used, heat until the solution is clear or transparent. Heating may be required to bring powders into solution. 8. Dispense the medium into the culture vessels before (or after) autoclaving according to your application. Add heat labile constituents after autoclaving. 9. Sterilize the medium in a validated autoclave at 1 kg/cm2 (15 psi), 121°C, for the time period described under the section titled “Sterilization of Media”. 10. Allow medium to cool and solidify prior to use. STERILIZATON OF MEDIA Plant tissue culture media are generally sterilized by autoclaving at 121°C and 1 kg/cm2 (15 psi). Media can be sterilized in either an autoclave or pressure cooker with similar results. Recently, the use of the microwave oven has also been shown to be successful at sterilizing media. The time required for sterilization depends upon the volume of medium in the vessel. The minimum time required for sterilization of different volumes of medium are listed below. It is advisable to dispense medium in small aliquots whenever possible as many media components are broken down by prolonged exposure to heat. Times for sterilizing in a microwave are based on using a 1000-watt microwave with a turntable for even distribution of heat. The times required for sterilization may vary depending upon the model of the microwave, power wattage, and the number of vessels in the microwave. Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC MINIMUM STERILIZATION TIME FOR PLANT TISSUE CULTURE MEDIA Volume of Medium per Vessel (mL) 25 50 100 250 1000 2000 4000 Minimum Autoclaving Time a (min.) 15-20 25 28 31 40 48 63 Minimum Microwaving Time b (min.) 4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 NR NR NR a Minimum Autoclaving Time includes the time required for the liquid volume to reach the sterilizing temperature (121° C) and 15 min at 121°C (Burger, 1988). Times may vary due to differences in autoclaves. Validation with your autoclave or pressure cooker is recommended. b Minimum Microwaving Time includes the time require for the liquid volume to reach a temperature of 121° C and remain at this temperature for a period of 3-4 minutes. Validation with your microwave is recommended. Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC ORCHID MEDIA GUIDE Procedure Seed Sowing—Epiphytic Orchids Product Number P723 K400 V505 Seed Sowing— Terrestrial Orchids Orchid Seed Sowing Medium w/ Agar Knudson C Orchid Medium V882 Vacin and Went Modified Basal Salt Mixture Vacin & Went Orchid Medium V891 Vacin & Went Modified Basal Salts V895 Vacin and Went Modified Basal Salt Medium BM-1 Orchid Medium B141 M551 T849 Malmgren’s Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium Terrestrial (Cypripedium ) Orchid Medium F522 Fast Terrestrial Orchid Medium T839 Terrestrial (Cypripedium ) Orchid Medium Orchid Multiplication Medium w/Agar Orchid Multiplication Medium Murashige Cattleya Orchid Multiplication Medium Orchid Multiplication Medium Murashige Cattleya Orchid Multiplication Medium Knudson C Orchid Medium Stem Props (Phalenopsis and other species) O753 Clonal Propagation & Multiplication P793 M507 P793 M507 K400 V505 Replating Product Description V882 Vacin and Went Modified Basal Salt Mixture Vacin & Went Orchid Medium V891 Vacin & Went Modified Basal Salts P748 Orchid Maintenance/Replate Medium w/Banana Orchid Replate Medium P785 P668 Orchid Maintenance Medium w/Charcoal O156 Orchid Maintenance Medium w/Banana and Charcoal Orchid Maintenance Medium w/out Charcoal O139 B142 BM-2 Orchid Medium M579 Mitra Replate/Maintenance Medium P656 PhytoTech Phalaenopsis Replate Medium Comments Complete medium with charcoal and gelling agent. Also can be used for terrestrial orchid seed germination. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of vitamins, sucrose, and gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of sucrose and gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Complete medium. Does not contain charcoal. Complete medium. Does not contain charcoal. Organic nitrogen based medium. Complete medium. Organic nitrogen based media. Complete medium. Does not contain charcoal. Some species may require the addition of 1-2 mg/L of kinetin for best results. Inorganic nitrogen based media. Complete Medium. Does not contain charcoal. Contains both sucrose and fructose. Complete medium. Does not contain charcoal. Formulation without NH4NO3. Complete medium. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Best if used at ¼ to ½ strength. May need to be supplemented with 1-2 mg/L of either BA or kinetin. Use at ¼ to ½ strength for best results. Best if used at ¼ to ½ strength. May need to be supplemented with 1-2 mg/L of either BA or kinetin. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of vitamins, sucrose, and gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of sucrose and gelling agent. Low salt formulation. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Complete medium. Works well with Phalenopsis, Cattleya, Dendrobium , and similar species. Complete medium. Works well with Cattleya and similar species. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Should be supplemented with either banana powder or coconut water. Use at ¼ to ½ strength for best results with some species. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Requires the addition of gelling agent. Should be supplemented with either banana powder or coconut water. Complete medium for terrestrial orchids. May work well with some Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium species and hybrids. The addition of banana powder, pineapple powder, and/or coconut water may be beneficial. Complete medium. Contains charcoal. May work well with some Vanda and Dendrobium species and hybrids. The addition of coconut water may be beneficial. Complete medium. Contains charcoal. Works well with most Phalaenopsis species and hybrids, and related species and hybrids. The addition of coconut water may be beneficial. Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC Product Number A111 A296 A133 Product Description AGAR Micropropagation/Plant Tissue Culture Grade Powder Plant Tissue Culture Tested AGAR (Agar-Agar; Gum Agar) Bacteriological Grade Powder Plant Tissue Culture Tested AGARGELLAN A blend of agar and Gelrite. B852 C325 C195 G434 G386 Plant Tissue Culture Tested BANANA POWDER A mixture of Natural Banana Puree and Maltodextrin. Plant Tissue Culture Tested CHARCOAL, ACTIVATED, ACID WASHED Plant Tissue Culture Tested COCONUT WATER Natural, No Additives Plant Tissue Culture Tested GELLAN GUM CultureGel™ type I – Biotech Grade; White to cream free flowing powder; trans: 85%+ Gelrite equivalent GELRITE® is a registered trademark of Kelco. Plant Tissue Culture Tested D-GLUCOSE, ANHYDROUS ACS Reagent I364 Plant Tissue Culture Tested INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID SOLUTION (1mg/mL) (IAA; Heteroauxin) I460 Plant Tissue Culture Tested INDOLE-3-BUTYRIC ACID SOLUTION (1mg/mL) (IBA; 4-[3-Indolyl]butyric Acid) K424 Plant Tissue Culture Tested KEIKI PASTE K483 Plant Tissue Culture Tested KINETIN SOLUTION (1mg/mL) (6-Furfuryalaminopurine) N605 Plant Tissue Culture Tested a-NAPHTHALENEACETIC ACID SOLUTION (1mg/mL) (NAA; 1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid) Plant Tissue Culture Tested Product Notes CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In 9002-18-0 NA NA RT Water (partially) CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In 9002-18-0 NA NA RT Water (partially) CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In NA NA NA RT Water (partially) NA NA NA RT Water (partially) 64365-4-3 C4 H10 O2 S2 154.28 RT Water (partially) NA NA NA 2-8 C Water 71010-52-1 NA NA RT Water (partially) CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp CAS Formula MW Storage Temp CAS Formula MW Storage Temp CAS Formula MW Storage Temp CAS Formula MW Storage Temp 492-62-6 CH2 OH(CHOH)4 CHO 180.16 RT Water 87-51-4 C10H9 NO2 175.19 -20 to 0 C 133-32-4 C12H13NO2 203.24 -20 to 0 C 8006-54-0 NA NA RT 525-79-1 C10H9 N5 O 215.2 -20 to 0 C 86-87-3 C12H10O2 182.6 0-5 C Package Size 9g 100 g 500 g 1 kg 5 kg 10 kg 25 kg 100g 500 g 1 kg 5 kg 10 kg 25 kg 500 g 1 kg 5 kg 100 g 500 g 1 kg 1 kg 100 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 100 g 250 g 500 g 1 kg 2.5 kg 5 kg 10 kg 500 g 1 kg 5 kg 25 kg 100 mL 100 mL 50 mL 100 mL 100 mL Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC Product Number P775 P780 Product Description PEPTONE Type 1 Enzymatic Digest From Meat Plant Tissue Culture Tested PEPTONE, GLYSATE From Gelatin Plant Tissue Culture Tested P862 PINEAPPLE POWDER Dried Pineapple Puree w/Maltodextrin Use at 5-30 g/L S391 Plant Tissue Culture Tested SUCROSE (a-D -Glucopyranosyl-B -D -fructofuranoside; Saccharose) T872 Plant Tissue Culture Tested TOMATO POWDER Dried Tomato Puree w/Maltodextrin Plant Tissue Culture Tested Product Number Product Description O799 ORCHID SEED SOWING KIT, EPIPHYTIC ORCHIDS O788 ORCHID SEED SOWING KIT, TERRESTRIAL ORCHIDS O775 ORCHID STEM PROPAGATION KIT Product Notes CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In CAS Formula MW Storage Temp Soluble In 73049-73-7 NA NA RT Water 73049-73-7 NA NA RT Water NA NA NA RT Water (partially) 57-50-1 C12H22O11 342.3 RT Water NA NA NA RT Water (partially) Package Size 100 g 500 g 1 kg 500 g 1 kg 500 g 1 kg 500 g 1 kg 5 kg 25 kg 500 g 1 kg Product Notes P723 – Orchid Seed Sowing Medium P748 – Orchid Replate Medium P785 – Orchid Replate Medium C913 – Culture Vessels F951 – Forceps P959 – pH Indicator Strips S963 – Scalpel S971 – Scalpel Blades Instruction Manual B141 – BM-1Orchid Seed Sowing Medium B142 – BM-2 Orchid Medium M551 – Malmgren’s Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium T849 – Terrestrial Orchid Medium C913 – Culture Vessels F951 – Forceps P959 – pH Indicator Strips S963 – Scalpel S971 – Scalpel Blades Instruction Manual P748 – Orchid Replate Medium B141 – BM-1 Orchid Seed Sowing Medium B142 – BM-2 Orchid Medium O753 – Orchid Multiplication Medium C913 – Culture Containers F951 – Forceps P959 – pH Indicator Strips S963 – Scalpel S971 – Scalpel Blades Instruction Manual Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC Product Number A007 Product Description S981 SEALING FILM Clear PVC 4.5 cm W x 150 m L BEAKERS, GRADUATED, GRIFFIN PMP, AUTOCLAVABLE 2000 mL BEAKERS, GRADUATED, GRIFFIN PMP, AUTOCLAVABLE 4000 mL CULTURE VESSEL Clear Polypropylene, w/ Lid 4-5/8”D x 2-7/8”H, Autoclavable CLEAR-CON™ CULTURE VESSEL Clear Polystyrene 68 mm D x 110 mm H Pre-sterilized by γ-Irradiation CLEAR-CON™ CULTURE VESSEL Clear Polystyrene 68 mm D x 68 mm H Pre-sterilized by γ-Irradiation PHYTOCON™-16 CULTURE VESSEL Clear Polypropylene, w/ Lid 4-1/2”D x 2-3/4”H Autoclavable CULTURE VESSEL Clear Polypropylene, w/ Lid 5-5/16”D x 3-1/4”H Autoclavable CULTURE VESSEL Clear Polypropylene, w/ Lid 4-5/8”D x 5 ½ ”H, Autoclavable CULTURE BOTTLE, GLASS, 32 oz (964 mL); Milk bottle; w/logo & graduation marks FLASKS, ERLENMEYER, 125 mL, WIDE MOUTH Kimax FLASKS, ERLENMEYER, 250 mL, WIDE MOUTH Kimax FLASKS, ERLENMEYER, 500 mL, WIDE MOUTH Kimax FLASK, ERLENMEYER 1000 mL, Wide Mouth FLASK, ERLENMEYER 2000 mL, Wide Mouth STOPPER, RUBBER, No. 6½, ONE HOLE S983 STOPPER, RUBBER, No. 8, ONE HOLE S984 STOPPER, RUBBER, No. 10, ONE HOLE F950 FORCEPS, DRESSING, 6” 2.4 cm FORCEPS, DRESSING, 8” 3.1 cm FORCEPS, DRESSING, 10” 3.9 cm FORCEPS, DRESSING, 12” 4.7 cm FORCEPS, CURVED, 6” 2.4 cm FORCEPS, CURVED, 8” 3.1 cm FORCEPS, BAYONET 8.25” Length (21 cm) B939 B960 C093 C168 C944 C215 C532 C932 C032 F934 F979 F980 F985 F986 F951 F952 F953 F955 F956 F957 Product Note s Package Size Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC 1 ea 10/pk 1 ea 1 ea 10/pk 6 ea 192/case 320/case 10/pk 10/pk 10/pk 20 ea 500 ea 12/pkg 48/case 12/pkg 48/case 6/pkg 24/case 1 ea 6 ea 1 ea 4 ea 25 ea 100 ea 25 ea 100 ea 6 ea 25 ea 50 ea 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+ Product Number P959 S970 S971 S963 S973 Product Description Product Notes Package Size pH INDICATOR STRIPS 0-14 pH Range SCALPEL BLADE, No. 10 Sterile Carbon Steel; Individually Wrapped SCALPEL BLADE, No. 11 Sterile Carbon Steel; Individually Wrapped SCALPEL HANDLE, No. 3 5” Length (2.0 cm) SCALPEL HANDLE, No. 3L 8” Length (3.1 cm) Phyto Technology Laboratories, LLC PO Box 12205; Shawnee Mission, KS 66282-2205 Phone: 1-888-749-8682 or 913-341-5343; Fax: 1-888-449-8682 or 913-341-5442 Web Site: © 2008 PhytoTechnology Laboratories, LLC 100 ea 100/box 100/box 1-9 ea 10+ 1-9 ea 10+
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