A very warm welcome is extended to you and your child, from Pillgwenlly Primary School. This booklet is intended to provide information concerning the philosophy and organisational detail of the school. This is a happy school, where your children will learn in a nurturing, caring and stimulating environment. We operate an ‘open door’ policy and welcome you to contact us for any information you may need. Mrs Kath Bevan Head Teacher Our school is a mixed Primary and Nursery school. It is situated on the outskirts of the city centre in the long-established, commercial and industrial area which, historically, is linked with the dockland area of Newport. The Pillgwenlly area is entering a new era, with much redevelopment of its housing and commercial facilities. The area is being significantly improved with many attractive features which enhance the environment generally. The Newport Transporter Bridge presents an impressive backdrop on the horizon and it has been proudly adopted as our school logo. The Nursery now has three main teaching areas and a large wet play area. It has quiet rooms, kitchen, laundry, toilet and cloakroom areas and an exciting outside classroom/learning environment. The main building has two storeys. The ground floor consists of an attractive foyer with an administration area, medical room and staff room. The large hall is used for a range of activities, including daily worship, P. E., extra-curricular activities and as a dining hall. The remaining ground floor accommodates 11 classrooms, some with adjoining quiet rooms and all with outside classrooms. Our first floor offers 12 classrooms, as well as cloakrooms and toilet facilities. We have a lift to provide easier access to upstairs. We are fortunate to offer nurture groups to both the Foundation Phase and Key Stage Two, a Family Nurture Room and a Learning Resource Base. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 1 Pillgwenlly Primary School Capel Crescent Newport NP20 2 FT Telephone: 01633 265268 Email: [email protected] Website: www.pillgwenllyprimary.org Follow us on Twitter: @Pill_Primary Our school is a happy, caring and nurturing place. Within our multicultural community everyone, staff, children and families are all respected and valued equally. We provide a secure and safe environment and develop everyone’s well being. We have high expectations and give everyone the opportunity and encouragement to learn and achieve their best. ‘We work, learn and play together’ Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ Twitter @pill_primary 2 We aim to: Help every child reach his/her potential in all curriculum areas. Give every child opportunity to learn to read, understand what is read, use what is read and enjoy what is read. Encourage the creative, poetic and more technical forms of writing. Help children learn about numeracy that will help them in their work today and life tomorrow. Give our children opportunities to understand science and technology. Show children how to develop a sense of acceptance, understanding and appreciation of others. Give children the time and opportunity to find out about their past and their environment and to act, where possible, as conservationists. Help children develop their abilities and enjoy music, art, drama and all aspects of a physical education. Provide a happy school in which all the children will be sensitively cared for and nurtured. Welcome all parents into the school. The Governing Body works along side members of our school staff in helping children to achieve their full potential. Staff are represented on the Governing Body by three democratically elected persons who serve for a period of four years. Governors are invited to visit school as frequently as possible. Governors are an important part of the school team. Chairperson Mrs N. Hassan Headteacher 13 Ebenezer Terrace Mrs. K, Bevan Newport. NP20 1ET Governors. Mrs S Chesworth Mr R Thomas Cllr. I Hayat Mr E Watts Mrs M Poulton Mrs T Burgess Miss S Heard Mrs. R Hayat Mr. A. Haji Staff Representatives. Mrs. S. Williams Miss K Morgan Mrs A Bell Mr J Witt Cllr O Ali Mrs A Kawe Mr M Din Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 3 Head Teacher: K Bevan Deputy Head Teacher: A Sheppard C Mohring (LSU Teacher) J Jenkins (Intervention) Assistant Head Teacher: A Pearse M Gwynne (PPA Teacher) S Heard (SEN 1-1) Senior Teacher: S. Williams (SENCO) F Hill (Nursery) C West (Year 2) Senior Teacher: D. West (Year 3/4) R Tucker (Year 4/5) C Shutt (SEN 1-1) Class teachers: S Cheeseman (Year 4/5) L Saunders (Year 2) N Calvert (Nursery) S Rogers (Reception) I Brannigan (Intervention) J Smith (Year 2) Support Staff: L Hoey (Year 1) A. Bell (HLTA) D Beatty (Technology) S Dass (Reception) A. Jethwa (HLTA) V. Matysakova (Nurture) G Evans (Reception) J Hatherall (HLTA) J Young (Year 4) C Davies (Nursery) L Begum (Year 3/4) N Seignot (Year 1) S.Jenkins (Year 2) S Harris (LSU) B Guest (Year 1) K Healey (Nursery) H Lewis (Intervention) J Miles (Nurture) Ceri Davies (Nursery) S. Phillips (Intervention) L Garrett (Nurture) A Dolling (Reception) E Halliwell (SEN 1-1) C Evans (Year 1) H McMillan (Reception) S. Burman (LSU) M Hunt (Year 2) R Baugh (Reception) Ceri Ann Davies (Year 5) G Bowkett (Year 3) M Collier (Nurture) K. Williams (Reception) K Morgan (Year 4) R Kennedy (Nurture) Support Officers S Jackson (Year 3) S Davidson (Reception) K. Knight C John (Year 5) A Hassan (Nurture) P. Whiting V Kirby (Year 4) B Mercer (Year 3) J Hawken M Worgan (Year 6) A Powell (Reception) Caretaker: S. Shuttleworth N Grey (Year 5) B Saunders (Year 6) Gardener: R Thomas M Kearney (Year 5/6) E Walsh (Year 1) K Powell (Year 6—Senior Teacher) L Combes (Year 5/6) Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 4 Nursery Reception Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 Doors Open 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 School Starts 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 Lunchtime starts 11.30 11.45 12.00 12.30 12.45 Lunchtime ends 12.30 12.45 13.00 13.15 13.30 End of the school Day 15.00 15.05 15.05 15.05 15.05 Every school day has time for Assemblies and playtimes. Autumn Term Begins Half Term begins (one week) Term ends Spring Summer 1st September 2014 5th January 2015 13th April 2015 27th October 2014 16th February 2015 25th May 2015 19th December 2014 27th March 2015 20th July 2015 Schools are allowed discretion to arrange 5 in-service days Training days. We will inform you of these as soon as they are arranged. May Day is Monday 4th May 2015 In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to close the school at short notice. We will make every effort to contact parents by notifications to Newport City council Website, our school website and via twitter. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 5 We have agreed procedures in place to ensure the security of the people within our school. This means that all visitors must sign in the Visitors’ Book before gaining access to the school. All entry and exit points remain locked during teaching time and have electronic security locks. Parents must report to the office at all times during the school day, except at home times. CCTV is installed around the school’s premises. This is centrally monitored 24 hours a day. If a child needs to be collected during the school day, parents are required to go to the school office to complete the relevant paperwork. Nursery Children must be three years of age by 31st August, prior to starting Nursery the following September. Those who are three by the 31st of December and 31st of March respectively can enter Nursery in January and April if there are spaces available. Reception The Local Education Authority is the admitting authority for all children in the City of Newport. Each child about to commence full time education will be offered a place in a school maintained by the Local Authority. Mid-Year transfers Any family moving away from Pillgwenlly during the school year will be required to meet with the Head Teacher and complete an ‘Exit Form’ Any child joining us mid-year will be offered a place by Newport city Council. High School. Parents are welcome to visit the school. Appointments to see teachers must be made outside school hours as an impromptu visit can disrupt a class lesson. For security reasons all visitors during the school day are requested to report to the office. Our children generally feed into Duffryn High School. Forms are sent to families from the City of Newport LEA. We work very closely with our high school to ensure a smooth transition for our Year 6 pupils. Prospective parents are invited to contact the school to arrange a visit during school hours, not only to see the Head Teacher and staff, but to experience the working atmosphere of the school. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 6 Children look smart in school uniform and give the school a sense of identity and ethos by fostering a spirit of ‘togetherness’. Daily uniform. Red sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress. white or red polo shirt. P. E. Uniform White t-shirt Black shorts or black leggings Children should NOT wear shoes with high heels or platform soles as they run the risk of injury. All items of clothing must be identified with your child’s name. Newport Education Authority has issued guidelines regarding jewellery. Children may wear stud earrings and watches. These must be removed for P.E. or taped over. Children will be asked to remove fashion jewellery, it will be locked away and parents asked to collect it. School can take no responsibility for lost or stolen jewellery. Your child is expected to attend school every day. In the event of illness, school must be informed on the first day of absence. We have an attendance team who monitor class registers on a daily basis and works closely with the Educational Welfare Officer. We strive to encourage every child to attain above 90% attendance. Parents wishing to take a child on holiday or extended leave must make an appointment to discuss with the Head Teacher. Parents are encouraged to build extended leave into existing school holidays. If a child is going to be away for more than 10 days, they will be taken off role. We strive to make our curriculum appropriate to children’s needs with teaching styles that develop positive attitudes to learning, the understanding of concepts and the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Those pupils with special education needs, less able and exceptionally able, are identified by the class teacher. Appropriate arrangements are made for these pupils. Children who are new to English receive specialist, focused support in small groups. Those who have English as an additional language receive targeted support. Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are part of the Foundation Phase. Children in Years 3 to 6 are Key Stage Two and they learn through a themed and skills based curriculum Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 7 Our Inclusion Policy addresses all needs of the pupils. We have a multi-agency approach to support individuals. Our policy states that a child’s needs are identified through teacher observation, parental concerns and national screening and assessment mechanisms. The Code of Practice sets out a 3 stage model: School Action, School Action Plus and Statementing. Our Additional Education Needs Leader is Mrs Samantha Williams. Intervention and Support. We run the following intervention programmes: One Step at a Time—available in Nursery to Year 2 Literacy Catch Up– available from Year 1 to 6 Numeracy Catch Up—available from Year 1—6 Speech and Language Programme—available in Nursery and Reception. Social and Emotional support—available from within our Nurture Group. Literacy Launcher in Year 3 Tackling the Tail of Underachievement in Years 1,2,3,4 Success in Six—Literacy in Year 6 COMIT All work is planned for and differentiated according to the needs of individual children. Children are grouped in a variety of settings depending on the nature of their task. These will include paired, small group, large group, similar ability and friendship settings. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 8 END OF FOUNDATION KEY DATA 2013/14 Pillgwenlly Family of Schools Wales Newport LLC Outcome 5+ 77.1% 70.6% 86.6% 89.4% MD Outcome 5+ 77.1% 75% 88.7% 90% Personal and Social Outcome 5+ 87.1% 86% 94.2% 90.6% Foundation Phase Indicator 74.3% 68.3% 85% 87% Subject We strive to support children to gain Outcome 5 and above at the end of Year Two KEY STAGE TWO 2013/14 Pillgwenlly Family of Schools Wales Newport Literacy Level 4+ 86.5% 74.3% 88.4% 89.6% Numeracy Level 4+ 87.8% 76.8% 88.9% 88.8% Science Level 4+ 93.2% 77% 90.3% 92.2% 83.3% 71.6% 86.1% 86.2% Subject Core Subject Indicator We strive to support children to gain Level 4 and above at the end of Year Six. Family of Schools are schools similar to Pillgwenlly in terms of Free School Meals. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 9 Assemblies are held daily. We believe that it is an important part of our day when the children and staff come together as a family. Each assembly is offered as a non-denominational experience with an emphasis on promoting caring, positive attitudes and relationships in families and communities. We encourage the children to find out more about their own beliefs and feelings and also to develop a sense of consideration, acceptance and understanding towards others. Parents who wish their child to be exempted, on religious grounds, from such activities are required to contact the Head Teacher. The school enjoys established links with the local representatives of various religions. Unlike the other curriculum areas, the guidelines for Religious Education are not included in the National Curriculum but are laid down in an Agreed Syllabus. We aim to provide a variety of experiences both in and out of school, inviting visitors into school; handling artefacts; discussion and research. Our School Prayer This is our school, let peace dwell here Let the room be full of contentment Let love abide here Love of each other Love of life itself And love of our own God Let us remember As many hands make a house So many hearts make a school. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 10 In all year groups staff deliver a variety of incidental Welsh language throughout all subject areas. Everyday instructions are coupled with Welsh equivalents to promote understanding in Welsh and fluent use in Welsh lessons. Throughout the school, bilingual signs are positioned to promote a Welsh ethos. Incidental language is used at every opportunity to promote our Welsh identity. However, it is also important to remember a significant number of pupils are New to English and are already talented at speaking several languages. All school policies are available for parents to read. Please make an appointment to see the Head Teacher. Most policy statements are updated annually and approved by the Governing Body. We have an excellent and active school council. The council has representatives from most year groups. They make very important decisions about the future of our school and are a voice for all pupils. We are very proud to have three Green Flag status for our school. We encourage everyone to recycle, save energy and water and to remain healthy. We have a very active Eco Council who organise many eco activities We believe children thrive on first hand experiences. All pupils have the opportunity to participate in Educational Visits. These are normally planned at the start of a theme in order for pupils to reflect on their experiences during their learning. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 11 The Rules, Rewards and Consequences are agreed by the staff, children and the Governing Body and are shared with children and parents every year. SCHOOL RULES 2. We have a full and exciting programme of Family Learning from Nursery through to Year 6. Last year over 130 parents took part in Family Learning in school. Please ask the school for a programme of events leaflet 1. Follow instructions first time Follow the school signal for attention –1,2,3 3. Use your voice the right way 4. Show respect for each other 5. Walk in school We have an anti-bullying policy in place in school. Parents having any concerns are encouraged to contact the Head Teacher. Every child has a card reminding them of the 5 actions they can take if they feel they are being bullied. There is an information leaflet available for parents. Our school encourages a positive attitude towards behaviour. We have a sense of team spirit and will always look for the good in all children and reward honest effort, endeavour and success. Assertive Discipline is an initiative that has been adopted by all schools in Newport and we use it throughout the school. We also use a restorative justice approach to addressing any problems and concerns. Pupils are encouraged to put ‘right their wrong’. This we believe is a life skill. There are many sporting activities played in school. These include multi-skills, hockey, rugby, tennis, netball, football, dance and athletics. Many of these sporting activities run as after school clubs. They provide an opportunity for children to develop their skills in each area so that they may continue later in life if they so wish. The Governing Body has decided to adopt the complaints procedure outlined by the Chief Education Officer. A copy is available from school. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 12 We are proud to have been awarded the Inclusion and Equality Diversity Award. We encourage all pupils to be adequately prepared to live in a diverse and equal society. This is achieved by ensuring all school activities reflect and promote positive images of diversity and equality. Our school recognises Wales and the UK have diverse societies made up of people from many different ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds. It is important that our children are prepared to live in such a diverse society. The school is committed to working with parents and the local community to ensure inclusive equal education for our pupils. Our Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the school complies with the Equality Act. We seek advice and support from LEA advisers and GEMS where necessary to ensure policies are designed to meet the needs of the school and all the staff receive appropriate training, advice and support. Our full policy is available for parents, please contact the Head Teacher. Our school was purpose built to accommodate all pupils with needs — a lift allows everyone access to both floors and all rooms. Racist Incidents. The named person to contact for racial incidents is Mrs K Bevan, Head Teacher. Equal Opportunities The named person with responsibility for equal opportunities is Mrs B. Guest. We aim to ensure children who are vulnerable, at risk and have suffered or are likely to suffer significant harm or neglect are identified and appropriate action is taken to keep them safe. The school has a responsibility to act as an agent by referring any concerns to Social Services. The Head Teacher is the designated person responsible for all child protection matters, in her absence it is the Deputy Head Teacher. The Head Teacher can be contacted at school at any time. The designated LEA Child Protection officer is to be appointed. Our Child Protection Link Governor is Mrs Susan Chesworth Pillgwenlly Primary is also able to access support for parents who require some specialist support. We are also able to access ‘Food Parcels’ for those parents requiring such support. Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 13 Our Governors, staff and parents are committed to securing the day-to-day implementation of our home school agreement which is discussed, agreed and signed during the Autumn Term Parental Consultation Evening. Parents are recognised as co-educators of their children. The partnership between staff, parents, Governors and the local community is regarded as extremely important to our school. Information about events, activities and changes in the school are regularly given to parents and Governors through newsletters. Whenever possible information is available in many languages. The objective of Sex and Relationship Education is to help and support our children through their physical, emotional, moral and spiritual development. Our programme is based on advice from the National Assembly for Wales. There are areas of this curriculum which we are legally bound to deliver to all children. We would therefore work alongside parents in informing you when your child is being taught this curriculum. Parents will have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Sex Education and Relationship programme. Parents may also look at resources we use to support this area. Maths Club Dancing Club Maths Games Club Netball Athletics Short tennis Football Creative Writing Club Gardening Club Health and Wellbeing Club Choir Craft club French Club Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 14 CONTENTS PAGE About out school……………………………………… Our Mission Statement …………………………….. Our school aims ……………………………………… Our Governors ……………………………………….. Our Staff ………………………………………………. Our school day and dates ………………………… Admissions……………………………………………. Important notes: Uniform Security Visiting our school Attendance …………………………………………… Inclusion; Intervention and support …………………………. Our Curriculum ……………………………………… Our Assessment Data …………………………….. Collective Worship and Religious Education … School Policy and Procedures …………………… Welsh Culture and Language School Council Eco Council Educational Visits …………………………….. Family Learning Behaviour—Rewards, Rules and Consequences………………………………….. Equal Opportunities Child Protection ……………………………….. Home-School Agreement ……………………. Sex and Relationship Education Extra Curriculum and sport Lets Celebrate! Investors in Family Quality Mark in Nurture Third Green Flag Healthy School Award 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Telephone: 01633 265268 ~ Email: [email protected] website: pillgwenllyprimary.org ~ twitter @pill_primary 15
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