BC ZINE . SPRING . 2015 IN THIS EDITION... .“What’s Next?” // A story from LECHE .“Awake O Sleeper” // A devo from PACA .Upcoming Events // BC NEWS .Staff Updates // BC STAFF .“The Back Section” // with Rance 1 Summer 2015 .register now: www.pioneercamp.ca It’s just around the corner! ...SO, WHAT’S NEXT? Hey Duders! It’s Leche, comin’ at ya from under a blanket ‘cause my room is really cold at night (if only I had my favourite sweater around…). Anyway, I wanna tell you guys a story. But not just any story, this story is jam packed with enough action-adventure, drama, comedy, and foreign-film to show up in all of the categories on Netflix. *bzzt* Oops, that’s my phone going off, telling me it’s time for bed. Man, technology has advanced so far in the last few decades! It’s really exciting, especially for me, as these days I’m studying Computer Science (with a minor in Comedy) at Western University. It’s kinda funny how I chose to go to university for Computer Science (or CS as we in the biz call it). In high school I sorta stumbled (as I was prone to doing in high school) my way into an introductory CS course. From the first time I wrote a chunk of code and had the computer do what I wanted it to do, I felt quite strongly that this was something I could do for a long time. A few years later I was applying to programs at various universities, but felt very unsure about what I was committing myself to. Now, most of you guys won’t have to face the whole “what do I do after high school” ordeal for several years, but this can still be relevant to your lives, I promise. Eventually (pretty much as late as was allowed) I was offered a spot at Western for both Computer Science and Music Performance, which left me with another big decision. I thought about it for a long time, talked to my parents, friends, and prayed about it, but still wasn’t leaning one way or the other. It became a point of stress for me, which was difficult to deal with. Finally, one night, mere days before I would be forced to make a decision, I was lying in bed, likely thinking up some grand scheme to punk my friends, when it hit me. Duh, I was gonna do Computer Science! I got up and stumbled over the office while blinding myself with the hallway lights, and accepted the offer to enrol in Computer Science. Now I’m really not trying to push Computer Science, or even University, on anyone - in fact, I’m a huge supporter of pursuing what you’re passionate about and trusting that if you put in work God will support you in anything you do. I’m just using this story as an example of a big decision I had to make. Everyone hears God’s voice differently. I heard God through a strong sensation of assuredness, but God might speak to you in a totally different way. What’s important is to take time to listen to pray over big decisions and talk to people you trust when you feel like God is telling you something. It took me a while to realize that that sense of assuredness was from God, and it might take you a while to start to understand when God is talking to you, but it gets easier with time and patience. Speaking of time, looks like I’m running out of it. Shoot, I meant to tell you guys a different story but I got a little sidetracked. Hopefully I’ll see you guys at camp this summer, and if I do, remind me to tell you the Netflix-quality story! Leche out! *mic drop* *mic catch, cause mics are expensive and I don’t want to break it* AWAKE O SLEEPER Hey Boys’ Camp. It’s Paca coming to you from Au Clair, Wisconsin. This week I’ve been thinking a lot about what it looks like to be ALIVE. Sure, we’re all living, breathing humans, but how often do we feel like we are living up to our potential, living super close with Jesus? I can tell you that for me it is not all the time. But, one thing about Jesus is that he is super good at turning the tables. He is in the business of bringing us back to him. No one is better. Lately I’ve been in a bible study with some other guys checking out the book of Ephesians. I highly recommend you guys jump into it- it’s a book that was actually once a letter written to a church that is thick with praise for God. Let’s check out Ephesians 2:1-6 1) Open your bible , and read this section from there. 2) Read this second version - it’s a translation called the Message that may be a little more straight forward. “It wasn’t so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. You let the world, which doesn’t know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief, and then exhaled disobedience. We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It’s a wonder God didn’t lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us. He took our sin-dead loves and made us alive in Christ. he did all of this on his own, with no help from us! The he picked up and set us down in highest heaven in company with Jesus, or Messiah.” I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like this a lot of the time. It’s sometimes easy to get caught up in our daily life and daily troubles. What our friends are doing, what social media and the internet is telling us. Sometimes it feels easier to not spend time with God. BUT. Just like the snow that soon will start to melt, the temperatures that are getting warmer, spring is coming. In the same way, Jesus can make us new and alive. He can light up a cold season of faith that you feel like you might be in. I believe that Jesus wants to do something BIG in you today. No matter what you feel like you have done in your life. No matter what sin you feel like you are dealing with right now. No matter how long its been since you’ve chatted with Jesus. He has so much love for you, and wants to draw close to you. CHALLENGE: Think of one time that you felt the most ALIVE in your life. Think of one time you have felt close to God. Do you want that again? Jesus wants that for you, today! Take some time praying with God today. Remember your favorite things about Him. Remember some good things God has done in your life. Then ask Jesus to make you more ALIVE your faith. Continue seeking Him, brothers! “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” His Peace, Paca UPCOMING EVENTS FATHER / SON RETREAT APRIL 24-26, 2015 Take advantage of the opportunity to spend time investing in each other. The weekend is filled with fun, laughter, learning, worship, adventure & making lasting memories together! Not to mention you will have a blast with all of the great activities we’ve got planned – like rock climbing, canoeing, lodge ball (classic Boys’ Camp version of dodge ball), mountain biking, mountain boarding, boating, archery, and more. register now: www.pioneercamp.ca or call 1-800-361-CAMP (2267) STAFF UPDATES SOUP regretfully wakes up at outrageously early hours to work treacherously long days and is reminiscent of the glorious student life in which he wishes he had never left. LYRIC is waiting for the snow to melt so he can ride his skateboard to school in Guelph. AWOL is living with Woods, but is often over at Gears, Ness, Pitch, Risco, Velvet, and Void's house. AWOL always beats them all at Halo, Mario Kart, and Age of Empires. THORIN can finally sleep again, as he finished his first university exams a week ago. LEVIATHAN is almost done his first year of Commerce at the University of Toronto. SEAHORSE is getting married in June and is busy becoming Hamilton’s #1 supply teacher. ZINO is down in Kentucky taking in the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament. CYPHER is working for Pepsi, and sleeping with one eye open in case NANOOK finds out. LECHE is still missing his favourite sweater (which apparently has been found) and is thinking about buying a kite. SANDMAN is back in Oakville, recuperating after his 6 month adventure around the world, and preparing for the coming adventures. ZISSOU bought a house, is getting married, is going to school and is rocking out with Evac, Soup, Velvet and another guy. RISCO is playing too much Age of Empires with AWOL and Velvet instead of studying. BLACKOUT has been working at a pool perfecting his morning dip technique. He's almost got it down. POPEYE is riding out the strike at York University as he waits to finish classes and graduate. MIMM is developing his movie-making skills at Humber college and getting involved in a local church plant. KOUS is living the student life masterfully and is making Soup jealous. VELVET has long hair, however he is keeping his new bonsai juniper tree healthy and pruned. LUMBERJACK is in London and is wanting to use his recently acquired Hockey Coaching skills (hopefully not for the Leafs). SHAMROCK is mentally and physically training for when the Clearwater Fromen hockey team makes it to the championship game. ALGONQUIN broke his hand because he fell down the stairs at Soup and Kous' house, but it won't stop him from tripping in the summer. PACA is training for a marathon, running more than is probably healthy for a human being. CLiNT is enjoying the cheerful weather in Britain and also working hard on his exams this coming may. THE BACK SECTION Hello Boys’ Camp! I trust that you are doing well and that you enjoyed the March Break! I, for one, am happy to finally be getting some spring-like weather. The winter cold was starting to get to me! We even had our pipes freeze on the outside of our house and had to get our water from a hose coming from our neighbour’s house! So, I am definitely ready for warmer weather; not to mention the fact that the warmer weather means that summer is just around the corner! With the summer comes a new season of Boys’ Camp! I am excited with the way things are shaping up for the summer. While it is still early, there are a number of things that we are working on to make it another amazing summer! First, there are going to be a lot of great returning staff including: Metro, Clarkson, Paca, Dodge, Dumptruck, Kous, Cypher, Leche, Awol, Black Out, Mumford, Lyric and more! It is shaping up to be a great staff team. In addition to putting together a great team of staff, planning is underway on program and Bible Study. Plans are also underway to refurbish the Boys’ Camp Weight Room. All in all there are lots of things happening and it is shaping up to be another incredible summer. I’m looking forward to being in the Boys’ Camp community and to sharing in fun, laughter, and growth with everyone. As I write this, there are just a couple of weeks before Easter. I pray that as you enter into the Easter Season this year you will find space to celebrate! Easter is the big celebration in the Christian year. It is the season where we reflect on the fact that Christ, through His resurrection, has defeated sin and death and given us the hope of resurrection ourselves. It is a time to be thankful and to remember that God is at work in our world bringing new life into places where hope seems to be far away. I would like to encourage you to read through one of the Gospel accounts of the Easter story as you journey through the Easter season. It will help you to enter into it more deeply. Also, whatever you are facing, I would also encourage you to read Ephesians 1:15-20 and remember that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is also at work in you. I pray that you would know hope, joy, and strength as you celebrate the victory of Christ this Easter! I hope that your spring goes well, and that the school year wraps up nicely for you. Sooner than you can imagine we will be back on the shores of Lake Clearwater, ready to enjoy another summer of Boys’ Camp. Peace, Rance. Ontario Pioneer Camp 942 Clearwater Lake Rd. Port Sydney, Ontario 1800-361-CAMP (2267) ontariopioneercamp @Pioneer_Camp [email protected] www.pioneercamp.ca
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