April 2015 Steering column, Funnies, PRS write-up And Garage tour reports…ICBC news release.. Four pretty nice rides found at the Portland Roadster Show last weekend….mine is on page 2 ... LOL 2014 P.I.S.R.A. EXECUTIVE Chairman: Rob Petty [email protected] Co-Chair: Doug Curran [email protected] Treasurer: Dianne Newman [email protected] Secretary: Linda Kilgour [email protected] Membership : Grant Chitty [email protected] Historians & SwapMeet : Ron & Maureen Wenger [email protected] Editor: Rob Petty [email protected] Swap Meet : Ian & Kyle Hawkins, Les Shaw Tour Directors – Bob Vanderberg [email protected] & Bill Lemon [email protected] Pedlar’s Post - Club items for sale th 40 Anniversary Two sided decals - $1.00 each 40th Anniversary Plaques - $20.00 each 40th Anniversary T-shirts – $5.00 each, Club Plaques – orig. design - $50.00 (4” X 6” sizes) Club pins – Membership, 10 year, 20 year, 25 year 5” Rear window PISRA decals - $3.00 / 2” X 2” original window decals - $2.00 each New PISRA Hats – two styles to choose from …. $20.00 each PISRA MINUTES MAR 12, 2015 ATTENDANCE:26 CHAIRMAN: Rob Petty MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING: Accepted as circulated in newsletter TREASURER’S REPORT: Dianne reported on all accounts - motion Doug, 2nd Dave MEMBERSHIP: 44 CORRESPONDENCE: - Flyer for Ride to Live, Fraser Downs , May 31 - Flyer for Poppy School, May 3 OLD BUSINESS: - Garage tour to Chilliwack – good time for all SWAP MEET - Kyle will have Trader cards for next meeting and posters NEW BUSINESS: - Bradner 2016 – tentatively booked - SVABC membership will be renewed EVENTS - Mar 28– run to Bellingham/Ferndale area Pyramid St. Rod, Kenny Gillmore, Larry’s St. Rods Then to Demming Speed Way MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:00pm NEXT MEETING: Apr 9, 2015 Dinner before meeting at -. Sea Lover’s in Langley at 20251 Fraser Highway... Sayings & where they came from: OVER A BARREL In the days before CPR a drowning victim would be placed face down over a barrel and the barrel would be rolled back and forth in an effort to empty the lungs of water. It was rarely effective. If you are over a barrel you are in deep trouble. The story goes that Wally Parks was responsible for determining the length of a drag strip. It was the safest length to travel on an abandoned airstrip after the war. To this day, everyone from home builders to mainstream automotive companies all use the ¼ mile time as a guideline to sell their vehicles…. Our goal is to have some kind of function every month. If you can help with the introductions or locations, that would be most appreciated. This month’s tour would not have been possible without the help of Ken Sander’s & the Tour directors… The SVABC has been working towards this day for a long time and we are very excited to bring you this news. This is a direct result of the SVABC working with ICBC & Minister Todd Stone. Minister Todd Stone is a great supporter of the Hobby and the Car Enthusiasts of B.C. Special Thanks to everyone that participated in the success of this proposal. On Friday, March 20, 2015 in Kamloops, Minister Todd Stone announced the implementation of Part 1 of the SVABC proposal package effective April 9th, 2015. The Proposal Package was presented to ICBC in October 2013 on behalf of the SVABC members. Present were the Kamloops Street Rod Assn., Vintage Car Club Kamloops, ICBC AT&T’s Mark Francis, Doug Blatchford SVABC VP and Bob Kelly SVABC Director-Proposal Lead. The Government News release is accessible via the attachment. Easier registration for collector vehicles being restored NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release 2015TRAN0028-000370 March 20, 2015 KAMLOOPS – If you love beautiful collector or vintage vehicles, and you want to restore one from out of province for on-road operation, you are in luck. Government, ICBC and the Specialty Vehicle Association of B.C. (which serves car clubs and enthusiasts) have been working together to improve the process for registering an unfinished collector vehicle imported from outside the province. Starting April 9, 2015, the new registration process will come into effect. This will allow vehicle owners to register their collector or vintage vehicles purchased from out of province before completing the restorations to their vehicle. Prior to these changes, vehicle owners ran the risk of not being able to register a vehicle they had invested time, money and effort into restoring. Vehicle owners will have peace of mind that they have met all of the paperwork requirements to register vehicles in their names. Also, when the owner completes restoration of the vehicle and it passes a safety inspection, it will be simpler to license the vehicle for on-road use because it will already be registered. To be eligible for registration before completing the restorations to a vehicle, the vehicle must be at least 25 years old (based on its model year) and be substantially intact, with over half the vehicle in an assembled state. For safety reasons, the vehicle will be flagged in ICBC’s system to prevent on-road operation without a passed roadworthiness inspection. To be licensed to operate on B.C. roads, the vehicle must pass a provincial inspection and the owner must also provide the final details of the restored/completed vehicle to ICBC. Quotes: Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone – “This improved registration process is great news for collector and vintage-car enthusiasts who are looking to restore an older vehicle that they have purchased outside of B.C. The new process cuts through red tape and makes the experience smoother and simpler for owners of classic vehicles.” Mark Francis, ICBC’s manager of provincial vehicle registration and licensing – “Customers importing vehicles to B.C. that are 25 years or older will now have the certainty that their vehicles are registered before undertaking the restoration process. As these vehicles will continue to be required to pass roadworthiness inspections before being licensed for public Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Connect with the Province of B.C. at: www.gov.bc.ca/connect Government Communications and Public Engagement Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure 250 356-8241 Nigel Matthews, president of the Specialty Vehicle Association of B.C. (SVABC) – “The Specialty Vehicle Association of B.C. has enjoyed a long relationship working with the provincial government and ICBC to preserve the cherished vintage and collector car hobby. The new registration process is another positive step forward for collectors of purchased or inherited out-of-province vehicles, to provide them with the peace of mind that their investments are protected throughout the restoration process.” Bob Gieselman, president of the Vintage Car Club of Canada - Kamloops Chapter – “We are looking forward to welcoming the new registration process for collector cars. This will bring peace of mind to the owners who will be able to register their collector vehicles prior to the completion of the vehicle restoration.” Quick Facts: • Approximately 25,000 collector vehicles and 9,000 antique vehicles are registered in B.C. • If you have a collector or limited-edition collector vehicle that you just drive occasionally, you may be interested in applying for collector licence plates. Collector plates may be used on cars, light trucks and motorcycles. • Vehicles do not need to be licensed in the Collector or Vintage program to be eligible to take advantage of registration without the initial roadworthiness inspection. • For more information, go to: www.icbc.com/vehicle-registration/collectormods/ Pages/Collector-vehicles.aspx • If you have a vintage vehicle (30 years old or older) you may be interested in applying for vintage licence plates. This will allow you to show your antique vehicle at special events and parades. • For more information go to: www.icbc.com/vehicle-registration/collectormods/ Pages/Vintage-vehicles.aspx • If you have a cool collector or vintage vehicle that you want to showcase to the world, submit it to be featured in ICBC’s classic cars calendar: www.icbc.com/vehicleregistration/ collector-mods/Pages/Autoplan-calendars.aspx Brass Balls $35.95 Ever wonder where those high performance rally car drivers get their brass balls? For the first time ever, brass balls are being made available to the public! Sold in sets of three, Brass Balls are an easy way to increase your performance driving ability. (For off road race use only. Use on street may result in arrest, serious injury, or death.) Radiator Insulator $22.95 The weakest part of your car is the likely the radiator. It is a simple matter of physics when we tell you this: Energy is lost through heat. Transmissions, as they lose more and more heat, begin to cause more loss of power. However, that's only a small part - The worst part is the radiator! All sorts of heat is lost through the radiator - in essence - losing the horsepower through heat! Not anymore!! KaleCoAuto brings you the Radiator Insulator - Simply slip over your radiator and enjoy the power! KaleCoAuto radiator insulation is made from only the finest asbestos, and is guaranteed to trap 90% more heat! The History of the Portland Roadster Show Beginning in 1956, this show heralded the arrival of the hot rodding season both locally and regionally, with the best show of its kind in the West. Over the years it has gained national stature as one of the premiere hot rodding events in the United States. This year we celebrate our 59th anniversary. For 59 years, the Portland Roadster Show has presented the artistic efforts of skilled craftsman, and the hobbyist alike. Displaying virtual "automotive art" crafted from the vision and passion of the automobile. All of the outstanding cars, trucks, and motocycles in our show, are painstakingly selected from hundreds of applications each year, to provide the best show possible. Combined with displays from the finest builders and suppliers; along with vintage automobilia, model car expositions, and the creative efforts of our youth, in our "High School Challenge", the Portland Roadster Show continues to maintain its reputation as one of the biggest and best shows in the country. Our Show is the Hot Rodders’ forum of esteemed peers and public access. The Multnomah Hot Rod Council Founded in 1954 by Dee Wescott; community members and elected officials, The Multnomah Hot Rod Council is a non-profit organization based in Portland Oregon consisting of car clubs in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington. Functions of MHRC include: Helping coordinate the automotive show scene in the Portland metropolitan area and operation of the "Portland Roadster Show", one of the oldest and best roadster shows in the country. Last weekend, I placed my car in the PRS with the help of Wes Tyler & Ken Sanders. I was quite an experience. We ended up renting a covered trailer as the weather and travel would have erased the 20 hours of polishing and cleaning we did the week before. I wore my PISRA letterman’s jacket (for the old school look) and it was a door opener all weekend. My car was placed in the middle of the main hall, a perfect spot to show off the car and club signs. Everywhere we walked, people came up to me asking about our club, reminiscing about Family Affair’s of the past, and were happy to hear we were still going strong. Our reputation spans the northwest hot rod community of being a quality run for many years. I told many to stay tuned, as our 45th is just around the corner and we would do everything we could to get the word out… I was put into the Street Sedan Class and went head to head with two other high quality sedans. My car took third and I was a bit disappointed until I read the judges sheets of what I had done wrong or missed. I felt the cars were really close and the items they noted on my car as point deductions were valid. I also took away that if the odd spot of polish or dirt was the only thing wrong with my car, then it really was worthy of the cars in this show. Over 450 cars, trucks, bikes and vehicles of all sorts filled the halls of the Expo center. Muscle cars of all sorts, from Cobra’s to Chevy & Mopar, from pick-ups with 1939 Airplane engines in them to 50’s custom recreations, this show had lots to offer. We were treated like rock stars, with great parking, come and go as you please, help unloading and loading of displays, advance sales of souvenirs, secure trailer parking, the list goes on. The main reason for this show, not just to put on a car show, was to raise money for many charities around town. They pin striped 25 wagons for donation to the local children’s hospital and were heavily involved with the high school auto shop classes by having a huge High School Challenge spread over almost 30 schools. The winners got money or equipment donated back to the school’s automotive program. Thom Taylor (editor of Hotrod Magazine) and Dennis Pittsenbarger (Highway to Sell on Discovery TV & voice of SEMA) gave speeches to the kids about staying in school and how to find careers in the automotive field. Don’t forget our swap meet is drawing near. Make sure you let Ron know when you can help out. The club will have 10 booths again this year… open to everyone, so if you have some stuff to sell and don’t want the commitment of a whole booth, then bring your stuff to the club booth. There is always someone around to watch the stuff, bring a few extra chairs, we could even have coolers in the trailer for storing your lunch … We will run the charity table again this year, in support of the Take a Kid To A car Show program … your donations help us raise money to allow the Big Brothers & Big Sisters to take their kids to a car show and maybe get a lunch in the process…. Harrison Event List … April For more infomation call corresponding number www.autoeventlist.com 05 45th Kamloops V.C.C. Easter Parade, Kamloops, BC Stck/vintge (250) 573-5740 05 Vancouver V.C.C. Easter Gathering, Vancouver (Planetarium), BC Open (604) 519-4627 10-12 Portland Swap Meet, Portland, WA (503) 678-2100 17-19 B.C. Classic & Custom Car Show, Abbotsford, BC Show (604) 539-7223 18 25th Annual South Okanagan Swap Meet, Penticton, BC (250) 462-2111 19 Maple Ridge Spring Swap Meet, Maple Ridge, BC (604) 941-7791 25 34th Mt.Vernon Auto & Vintage Motorcycle Swap, Mt. Vernon, WA (360) 848-5188 25 Cruise For Your Cause , Burnaby, BC Open (604) 616-9373 25 White Post Auto Museum Spring Swap Meet , Tappen, BC (250) 835-2224 26 3rd Country Car Show at Otter Co-Op, Aldergrove, BC Vintage & Collector (604) 776-3456 May For more infomation call corresponding number www.autoeventlist.com 03 DW Poppy High School Car Show, Langley, BC Open (604) 612-7645 03 W.C.C.A. Spring Rod Run, Ferndale, WA Open (360) 820-3124 03 Comox Valley Swap Meet, Ccourtenay, BC (250) 898-9782 08-10 Friendly O.K. Car Club's Show/Shine/Swap, Omak, WA Open (509) 826-3154 08-11 VCCC May Tour 2015, Abbotsford, BC Pre-reg (604) 857-5018 10 20th Tom The Tire Guy Show & Shine, Surrey (11180 Scott Rd), BC Open (604) 581-8550 16-17 Seattle Swap Meet, Monroe, WA (800) 645-4997 17 Peachland World of Wheels Car Show, Peachland, BC Open (778) 479-7979 17 18th Kaslo May Days Car Show, Kaslo, BC Open (250) 353-2500 20-24 Thunderbird Club Convention , Kelowna, BC T-Birds 1955-2005 (250) 769-6064 22-23 46th Coastal Swap Meet, Abbotsford (Tradex), BC (604) 540-6141 March Garage Tour Wrap-up The weather held up mainly because I chickened out and drove my beater instead of the Deuce… so you guys owe me… Three great stops this month, John Barbero’s Pyramid Street Rods, Larry Schaefer’s Larry’s Street Rods & Kenny Gilmour’s IJM Coachworks. John had a few projects on the go … a Deuce Coupe, a 32 Sedan, a late 40’s Chev and a couple of frames being set up for future clients. Many high quality rides have come from this shop, take a minute and see the wall of fame in john’s office. I know you’ll recognize quite a few cars that have gone on to win big at the car shows or magazines. Kenny’s place, while looking like just another house and barn, was full of projects only a master metal worker would undertake. A 1938 Packard Cabriolet and a 1940 Texaco oil tanker to center stage. Both projects were full of the old art deco styling, the long flowing trailer and the 20’ convertible with a hood that went on forever… Next to these customer rides was Kenny’s own project, a 1932 Ford Pick-up shop truck powered by a fully chromed Flathead and rolling on chrome reverse wheel… I can’t wait to see either of these projects hit the road…. After a quick lunch at the Hilltop Restaurant, we headed over to our last stop at Larry’s Street Rods. Here we were treated to a 57 Chev, or COB as Larry puts it … the car has a 57 Buick grill and 57 Olds dash …. All powered with a 455 Buick engine. The black on black 210 Model had the right stance to make any challenger stand up and think twice. Next to it was Larry’s own late 50’s Thames panel truck. Powered by a blown small block, this truck has had the wheelie bars replaced a couple times as it likes to pick up the nose as it takes off. The end of the tour consisted of a visit to Larry’s Personal collection of Die-Cast models from Danbury & Franklin Mint collections… Name the car or truck or ??? I’ll bet he has a version on display…. Many thanks to each of the shops for opening their door s for a Saturday tour… A couple shots By Ken Sanders From Saturday’s Tour
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