Virginia Master Naturalist Pocahontas Chapter Newsletter May 31, 2015 Important Dates Board Meetings A Note from Lesha Tuesdays: 6 PM Swift Creek Dining Hall June 2nd July 7th August 4th September 1st October 6th November 3rd December 1st Continuing Education Chesapeake Bay Update w/ Blair Blanchette June 20 8 am Rockwood Park Nature Center Dear Fellow VMNs, I hope you will consider how you can help serve and build the Pocahontas Virginia Master Naturalist Chapter in the coming year as a member of our board. We have positions for both officers and committee chairs that will begin in July 2015. You can nominate yourself or a peer(s) for ANY POSITION, even if an incumbent has offered to carry on into the next year. Please don't hesitate to let me know of your interest in any position, whether filled or unfilled. Positions are one year terms and an individual may remain in a position for two terms. Please review the positions below and contact those who are currently serving in area(s) that are of interest to you. I have listed some of the responsibilities of the committee chairs, but I would encourage you to contact these individuals directly for more information. Checkout the State VMN Website for upcoming Webinars and recordings Send your nomination(s) to me, Lesha Berkel, at [email protected] byJune 12, 2015. for past sessions. **We are especially seeking members to serve in these positions. 2016 Basic Training Current board and committee positions include: Class OFFICERS: It is never too early to start recruiting. January President (Lesha Berkel, [email protected]) will be here before you know it. Pocahontas Chapter Chapter Officers President Lesha Berkel Treasurer Joel Dexter Secretary Cris Pond Committee Chairs Basic Training Bill Carloni Continuing Education Jim McCord Volunteer Projects Karen Daniel Outreach/Program Planning Libby Bourne Membership Alice Warner Webmaster Rich Marino Communications Tom Yates Chapter Advisor Keith Morrison Vice President (Joel Dexter, [email protected]) Treasurer** (Joel Dexter, [email protected]) Secretary (Cris Pond, [email protected]) COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Basic Training** (William "Bill" Carloni, [email protected]) IMPORTANT NOTE: We are seeking 2-3 individuals to work as a team for the 2016 basic training sessions. "coordinates speakers and facility schedules for basic training courses; prepares member binders; collects and distributes materials for trainees; maintains attendance and make-up records; provides ongoing support and communication for trainees". Communication (Tom Yates, [email protected]) "prepares and sends eNewsletters; sends information to local papers to solicit applications for basic training". Continuing Education** (Jim McCord, [email protected]) "plans and schedules periodic CE events for the chapter; communicates appropriate CE events sponsored by partner agencies and other organizations". Membership (Alice Warner, [email protected]) "documents member volunteer and CE hours for certification annually; reports milestones to local chapter and the statewide program for certificates, pins and other acknowledgements; assists with chapter annual report". Outreach and Program Planning** (LibbyBourne, [email protected]) "schedules membership events (graduation, picnic, potluck, etc) and regular meetings, plans participation in outreach events, coordinates display materials" Volunteer Coordinator** (Karen Daniel, [email protected]) "provides ongoing communication for volunteer activities available to members; assists with development of new projects; communicates with park staff to promote volunteer activities to support Pocahontas State Park; provides support for chapter volunteer project leaders". Webmaster (Rich Marino, [email protected]) "maintains and updates website for the Pocahontas VMN Chapter including current events, volunteer activities, board meeting minutes and chapter documentation" Volunteers who participate on our board serve a vital role for all of our members. I hope that you will consider how your talent, your leadership and your enthusiasm can help promote our mission! Warm regards, Lesha Special Interests and Other Topics We are such an interesting and diverse group of Naturalists. Our members lead, support and volunteer over a wide spectrum of topics and interests. We travel and experience new things and places. If you are participating in something or have travels you want to share with your fellow chapter members, please email your story or info to Tom Yates at [email protected]. We will include your information in future editions of the chapter newsletter. PSP Bluebird Monitoring - Volunteer Opportunity Hello current and "future" Bluebird monitors, We can always use more Bluebird Trail Monitors. If you are interested please send us an e-mail and we'll sign you up in SignUpGenius. All we expect is that you peruse the training literature on the chapter website and then join in a monitoring session for on-the-job training. We check the schedule and make sure an experienced monitor will be there. If a monitoring time slot has already been selected and is shown filled - don't worry. Just come and join the group - more folks are always welcome. It is a very pleasant way to start the day. On the Chapter Website, the Bluebird information is located under the Volunteer Projects. Everything you need is there. It is a great information resource and is worth a read, even if you choose to not participate in the actual Bluebird Trail Monitoring. Jane and Lee Hesler Entomology Bioblitz at Belmead According to a recent email for June events at Belmead (FrancisEmma) in Powhatan County, they will host a focused Bioblitz for Entomology. It is planned for June 6 starting at 9am. Additional details may be available on their website, but it was not immediately evident. You may search for FrancisEmma or Belmead or try The event is likely hosted by the James River Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalists. They too are a fine group of folks and you will likely have a good time, learn something new and have the chance to visit a beautiful 2000 acre property along the James River. Check it out! Basic Training - 2016 This year's Master Naturalist Class has graduated and getting engaged in various volunteer and continuous education opportunities. As you go through the rest of the year, remember to introduce the Virginia Master Naturalist program to your family, friends and other non-VMN volunteers. Although we will not formally solicit applications until later this year, it is never too early to stir up interest and get names/contacts to Lesha for consideration for the Class of 2016. 2015 Regional VMN Conferences - Dates and Venues Selected Hello VMN volunteers, I am writing to let you know that we have set the dates and locations for our four regional continuing education conferences for 2015. These are regional events replace the statewide conference this year, but we'll return to a statewide conference in 2016. We are testing the idea of holding these regional events to develop better networks across chapters in close proximity to one another and to provide more field training tied to projects relevant to your region. So, please mark you calendars for the event below corresponding to your chapter: Central Region: Saturday, August 29 at Holiday Lake 4H Center, Appomattox, VA The central region includes Alleghany Highlands, Rockbridge, Central Virginia, Central Blue Ridge, Central Piedmont, James River, Rivanna, and Headwaters chapters Southeast Region: Saturday and Sunday, August 29-30 at Airfield 4H Center, Wakefield, VA The southeast region includes Riverine, Pocahontas, Historic Rivers, Historic Southside, Peninsula, Tidewater, Eastern Shore, and Northern Neck chapters Southwest Region: Saturday, September 26 at Hungry Mother State Park, Marion, VA The southwest region includes Holston Rivers, Beagle Ridge, New River Valley, Roanoke Valley, Blue Ridge Foothills and Lakes, and Southwest Piedmont chapters Northern Region: Sunday, September 27 at Skyland Resort, Shenandoah National Park, Luray, VA The northern region includes Old Rag, Shenandoah, Banshee Reeks, Fairfax, Arlington Regional, Merrimac Farm, and Central Rappahannock chapters Participation in the regional events are reserved for volunteers that are members in those regions. However, if space is still available after a period of closed registration to the region's volunteers, registration will open to volunteers in any chapter. Southeast Region - Tentative Details (Pocahontas Chapter's Region) Date: August 29-30 (Saturday afternoon and Sunday). Registration will open in mid-June or July. Lodging: Block of dorm rooms are reserved. They have bunks and baths. Bring your own bedding and towels. There may be hotels in the area as well and those details will be passed along when known. Saturday: In the afternoon there may be a Bioblitz with guides from the Historic Southside Chapter. There may be a dinner for an additional fee and there will be a campfire that evening. Sunday: There will be an optional breakfast. Four co-current sessions will occur in the morning, followed by lunch, and four co-current sessions in the afternoon. Speakers and topics are being set up. Chapter Volunteers will be needed to help with the campfire, a chapter profile and table displays, perhaps on chapter projects. Continuing Education Opportunities DGIF's Jessica Ruthenberg held a class and field trip on Virginia's "Watchable Wildlife" on Saturday, May 16th, at Rockwood Park's Nature Center. A presentation on Watchable Wildlife, The Virginia Wildlife and Birding Trails and DGIF Volunteer opportunities was provided. The group then went on a nice hike on the Orange Trail in the park and reviewed interpretive/guide skills and tips. Lots of flora and fauna were observed and the group had a really good time. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Update - Blair Blanchette Saturday, June 20, 8 am at Rockwood Park Nature Center. Blair Blanchette of the Chesapeake Bay foundation will give a presentation and discuss the bay, how it's doing, it's major pollution issues, what CFB is doing to improve the bay, and their "Grasses for the Masses" program. Blair offers the following preview: "Ever wondered how the Bay is doing? From where did my soft-shell crab come? What is a menhaden anyway, and what makes it so special? If you've ever asked yourself these questions (or they've piqued your interest now), come learn about the Chesapeake Bay. Blair Blanchette, Grassroots Coordinator will discuss the state of the Bay, its major pollution issues, and what you as a master naturalist can do to save it." Suggestions for a class or field trip ... or CE questions Contact Jim McCord, Continuing Education Coordinator for the Pocahontas Chapter VMN with questions. Email: [email protected] Pocahontas Chapter - VMN Mentor Project Hello Fellow Master Naturalists, Do you remember being in the MN class and wondering what was available, who to contact, and where your interests and talents could be used as a volunteer? A need exists to help our students transition from the classroom setting into active volunteering. We are looking for a few members to be a contact for students to receive assistance and guidance as they launch into volunteering. As a contact, or "mentor" you would provide information and help facilitate communication and/or coordination with appropriate members or organizations to connect the student with the right people. Attached is a document of examples so you can have an understanding of what a mentor's role might be. As a mentor, your name and contact information would be provided to the class members. You might find this to be a very rewarding experience! If you are interested, please contact Cris Pond at [email protected] for additional information, and to proceed. Volunteer Projects It is easier to reach 40 volunteer hours than you might think it is. A couple of events here or there and you are done. If there is a subject or activity you are especially interested in, call or send me an email and I will work with you to find just the right opportunity to fulfill that interest. I encourage you to sign up for as many newsletters as you can handle, especially thru our sponsor agencies. The Nature Conservancy, DGIF, State Parks, Forestry and many others have great newsletters with everything from just plain good information to training events and volunteer opportunities. If you see an event somewhere you think would be good for the chapter, please send it to me and I will share it. Finally, do we have any good writers in the group? I have an idea for a regular article for the newsletter, but I don't have time to put the idea into action. If you would like to know more or are interested, please contact me. Karen ================================================= Bat Monitoring The Bat Monitoring Project kicked off again Sunday, April 26th. This project is essentially a weekly volunteer opportunity and you may participate as often or as occasionally as you wish....but the more the merrier. Come on out and enjoy the fellowship, the beauty that dusk offers in the park, and watch for our friendly, furry fliers. The group is still seeing bats in the maternity boxes in the Pool field. Bat monitoring will likely be active well into October. Contact Liz Revette or reply to the newsletter email for more information. The group typically meets just inside the park entrance at the small parking lot just past the welcome station. Meeting times vary but is usually 10-15 minutes before sunset. ================================================ Volunteering Reminders: Check the chapter website for Volunteer Project details and contact info for all ongoing projects. I also encourage you to sign up for the Friends of Pocahontas notifications. There are several ongoing projects the Friends manage which count towards volunteer hours for VMN. Be sure to get new projects approved ahead of time and add your hours for volunteering. Remember to log your hours in the Volunteer Management System each month by the end of the month. This is especially important for year end reporting of Chapter activity and participation to the State Coordinators. Reports are run monthly showing how many hours were volunteered and also for new members especially to meet your 40 hours to complete certification. We should remember to log our park volunteer hours on the State Park site as well. Our hours help the parks show involvement and obtain needed funding. Take care and VOLUNTEER MORE! Karen ================================================= Help Needed at Pocahontas State Park Hello volunteers! I hope you all had a lovely Memorial Day weekend! The park saw lots of visitors and it is now officially "the season" for us here, with the pool open, interpretive programs in full swing, and ticks biting! There a few volunteer events coming up that I wanted to share: Saturday, June 6 is Clean the Bay Day, an annual event spurred by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. There are hundreds of sites around Virginia participating, including us here at Pocahontas. If you would like to participate, you can register at OR just show up! We are meeting at Shelter 3 at 9a.m., and plan on sweeping the area uphill of Swift Creek Lake of trash and microtrash. If you would like to bring a kayak or canoe and pull trash out of the water, that works, too! Bring your own water to drink; we'll provide gloves and trash bags. July 6-10 we will be holding a Teen Volunteer week. This is an opportunity for local youth to get community service hours, while working hard at their local state park. If you know a teen who would like to sign up, they can do so by registering to be a volunteer online, just like you have done. They can choose 'Teen Week' as their opportunity, and that will register them for this program. If you would like to HELP with Teen Week, we would like many of the projects to be supervised by adult volunteers. Please contact me if you would like to help with any or all of the week. The work days will go from 9a.m. to 2 p.m. each day, and we will likely be doing projects like: trail maintenance, constructing the natural play area, building picnic tables, and whatever else is needed at the time. Thanks, and be safe! Andrea Hasenfus Volunteer Coordinator Pocahontas State Park Office 804-796-4472 Email [email protected] ================================================== Additional Radcliffe Conservation Area Help Needed Fellow Master Naturalists - Chesterfield County Naturalist Bob Smet has scheduled the final work at Radcliffe Conservation Area ( on Tuesday, June 2nd through Thursday, June 4th starting at 9:00 a.m. We'll be grubbing out stumps, leveling the trail where it has a steep cross slope, and doing some additional trimming. If you would like to participate, please email Bob directly at [email protected]. See you there! Best Regards, Jim McCord Outreach and Program Planning July 4th: Sports Backer Event for Active Living Enjoy the Outdoors - Get Active at the Chesterfield County Fairground. This is a free event and more chapter volunteer information will follow. August 9th: Chapter Picnic, General Membership Meeting and CE Pencil in 8/9 at 4 or 5pm, Shelter 4 at PSP. Stay tuned for details confirmation. December 15th: Chapter Christmas Party Contact Libby Bourne to help with any of these opportunities. April 2015 Membership Data, Pocahontas Chapter Total Membership - 138 Certified - 49 Inactive - 11 Trainees - 15 Chapter Partner/Instructor - 1 Total Volunteer Hours - 528 Continuing Education - 97 Miles Driven - 3909 Member Milestones - 250 Hours: n/a 500 Hours: n/a 1000 Hours: n/a Certifications: n/a Order your own Pocahontas Chapter Master Naturalist polo shirt! Orders can be placed directly with our vendor at 804-748-9254 or [email protected]. Shirts can now be ordered at any time. Our new vendor is able to do individual orders. For more detailed information on volunteer opportunities, Chapter events and newletter copies, visit us on the web! And look for us on FaceBook Pocahontas Chapter Virginia Master Naturalists 10301 State Park Road Chesterfield, Virginia 23832
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