Volume 71 MAY 2015 Issue 5 EXALTED RULER’S MESSAGE Greetings Fellow Elks and Friends, Spring has finally sprung!!!! GET WELL WISHES TO JAY RAMIREZ AND GUS ADAMO. We want to see both of you at the lodge soon! The first month of our Elk year had some great events. Great job by Nancy and the rest of the Veterans Committee on the Murder Mystery Dinner. Some advice: “Stay away from Wisteria Lane.” As always, an outstanding job by Charlie and the Motorcycle Committee on the Poker Run and Spring BBQ. Looking ahead to May, we have our Mother’s Day Service, Memorial Day Parade, and the Southeast District Elk of the Year Dinner. Come out to the Brick Lodge on May 30th to show our support for our Elk of the Year, John Toole. See me for tickets. I want to congratulate Phyllis Willever, Jay Ramirez, and John Matthews for being recognized by Grand Lodge for bringing in at least 3 new members. We brought in five new members in the month of April. Let’s shoot for having more members recognized by Grand Lodge! Membership is what drives our organization. Thanks to Gus Schipani for doing an outstanding job selling 50/50 for our charity committees. See you around the lodge!! Fraternally yours, Bob Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Secretary Treasurer Tiler Esquire Inner Guard Chaplain Organist Bd. Of Directors Bd. Of Directors Bd. Of Directors Bd. Of Directors Bd. Of Directors Lodge Officers 2015-2016 Robert Byrnes Amanda Horton Eileen Miller Jerry Rotunno Helen McDermott Ann Marie O’Hare Gus Adamo Joe Miller, PER Jack Secor Susan Flickinger 732-278-9422 732-600-8561 732-714-9553 732-546-6279 732-785-3323 732-278-9421 732-899-2722 732-714-9553 732-701-0535 732-458-5063 Rob Cook, Esq. Sharon Haugh Phyllis Willever Clifford I. Van Nest, PER Stephen Flickinger 732-261-0048 732-966-4433 732-714-1149 732-306-5935 732-458-5063 Committee Chairpersons Thomas “Bat” Masterson, PER Thomas Watters, PER Eileen Miller Cus Dalik, PERPDD Chris Resotko Jay Ramirez Todd Schmidt Ron Panuska Mike Travisano Building Improvement Gus Adamo Community Service Brian Coyle Convention—2015 Amanda Horton Drug Awareness Amanda Horton ENF Cus Dalik, PERPDD Flag Day Joe Chickene Fluke Tournament John Veprek, PERPSP Fraternal Brian Coyle Government Relations Sharon Haugh Hoop Shoot Greg Smith House Brian Coyle Indoctrination Amanda Horton Investigation Sharon Haugh Lapsation Helen McDermott Lodge Activities Jerry Rotunno Lodge Scholarships Jan Picarell Mediator John Veprek, PERPSP Membership Amanda Horton Memorial Service Dino Castronova, PER Mother’s Day Service Georgianna Walsh Motorcycle Charles Scanlan National Veterans Service Nancy DeVito Oktoberfest Linda and John Gartz PER Association Thomas Watters, PER Photographer Ray Staab Presiding Justice Rob Cook, Esq. Public Relations Donna Rotunno Soccer Shoot Dino Castronova, PER Special Children Tom Watters, PER Tear Off Raffles Gary Laudisi Webmaster Terry LaDu Youth Activities Dino Castronova, PER Activities Americanism Antler Audit Banquets Bar Steward Batter Up Building & Grounds 732-682-3350 848-992-6194 732-714-9553 732-600-6979 732-608-4179 732-899-8620 732-207-6076 732-714-9966 732-899-5115 732-900-2822 908-406-5555 732-600-8561 732-600-8561 732-600-6979 732-840-0891 908-910-9363 908-406-5555 732-966-4433 732-920-7516 908-406-5555 732-600-8561 732-966-4433 732-785-3323 732-546-6279 732-892-4522 908-910-9363 732-600-8561 732-995-5758 732-295-1945 732-740-4908 732-892-8961 732-892-4147 848-992-6194 732-892-5406 732-261-0048 732-233-4256 732-995-5758 848-992-6194 732-785-1962 732-899-4635 732-995-5758 House Committee News By Brian Coyle Saturday Happy Hours are back! Saturdays 3-7 pm in the Grill Room, buy one drink, get one half-price (1/2 price drinks can only be redeemed during Happy Hour). And, May is Martini Month: Saturdays 7-9 pm $5 Martini’s and Cosmo’s. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday is $3. “You Call It” Shots: $3 Shot of your choice. Also, ask your bartender about our $2 “Grab Bag Mystery Bottles.” Come out on Friday nights and support the Lodge for Friday Night Dinners, 6-8 pm and have a delicious meal. Johnny Unda and Crew are in the kitchen every Friday. Starting in May, the 1st Friday of the month is Steak Night and the 3rd Friday of the month is Italian Night. Check the website for weekly menu details or ask to be put on the Lodge’s weekly email announcement and don’t forget Thursdays from 12-5 pm, Johnny Unda’s Famous $4 Buffet. Upcoming Lodge Events include: Saturday, May 2nd, is Kentucky Derby Day! Post time is approximately 6:24 pm. Come to the Grill Room to join in the fun and watch the Derby on one of our HD flat screen TV’s. There will be give-a-ways and a Special Derby Day Kitchen Menu from 2 pm till race time. Tuesday, May 5th, is Cinco de Ducko (also Duck’s birthday) in the Grill Room. Duck is bartending with free tacos and $3 Margaritas! Appetizer Party, Saturday, May 16th, 3-7 pm, $6/person. Contact Tim Haley with inquiries, 848-448-8518. Sunday, June 21st, Special Father’s Day Happy Hour from 3-7 pm. Buy 1 drink, get 1 at half-price for everyone and free hot dogs for Dads in the Grill Room, $1/dog for guests. Our next House Meeting is Monday, May 11th, at 7:30 pm. Elk of the Month By The House Committee Dave Francis Our Elk of the Month for May is Dave Francis. Dave has been a valuable member of the House Committee for several years and is always quick to offer to help at Lodge functions. He helps out at work projects, kitchen cleanups, and House Committee Events, often behind the scenes working hard towards the team effort. Dave also volunteers at our annual Lodge events like the Fluke Tournament and Oktoberfest. You can find Dave working non-stop on the front lines at those events making sure that guests are being helped, getting their food orders, and making sure things are running smoothly. Dave is also a regular in the Grill Room and supports all of those events too. Dave, thank you for embracing the true spirit of volunteerism and for your dependability and dedication to Point Pleasant Lodge! Congratulations, Dave, on being our May Elk of the Month! Mother’s Day Service Sunday, May 10th 10 a.m. in Upstairs Banquet Hall Following the service, brunch will be served in the Grill Room. Mothers are free. Guests are $5.00. Youth Activities Sausage Fundraiser by Dino Castronova, PER The Youth Activities Committee will be making sausage as a fundraiser for the Lodge. It is $5.00/lb. Put your order and a check payable to Pt. Pleasant Elks #1698 in the Secretary’s mailbox at the lodge. The sausage will be made on May 16 and you can come down to the lodge and pick up your order on Tuesday, May 19. Orders and payment are due by May 14. _ ______________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________________ Sausage: # of lbs. Phone #: ________________________________________ Sweet: ______ Check #: _______________ Hot: ______ Thermo Nuclear Hot: ______ Organ & Tissue Donation Program The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA has joined forces with Donate Life America to increase donations of organs, eyes, and life-saving tissue. The need is paramount. More than 110,000 patients were waiting for organ transplants as of March 2011, according to the Donate Life America website, www.donatelife.net. Only 28,663 organ transplants had been performed in 2010, and even fewer—14,502 organ donations had been made in that year. We Elks Members can help close the gap! For more information on the importance of donation and how to become a registered donor in your state, go to the Donate Life website. This is a great way to show that “Elks Give from the Heart.” Hors D’oeuvres, Anyone? Appetizer Party, Saturday, May 16th, 3-7 p.m. $6/Person Contact Tim Haley, 848-448-8518, with inquiries FLAG DAY SERVICE Sunday, June 14th 11 a.m. Veterans Memorial Park Lunch served afterwards in the Grill Room. The Lodge is also holding an Open House/Membership Drive this day to have prospective members come and check out the Lodge and learn about the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Father’s Day Happy Hour Sunday, June 21st, from 3-7 p.m. Buy 1 drink, get 1 at half-price Free hot dogs for Dads in the Grill Room $1/dog for Guests Atlantic City Bus Trip—Saturday, June 27th Bus leaves Point Pleasant Elks at 10 a.m. Sharp! $25 per person which includes $15 in slot pay from casino (must have valid ID), bus driver tip, and donuts/coffee at the Lodge before departure. There is no alcohol provided on the bus; BYOB. Checks only, made payable to Point Pleasant Elks and put in House Committee Mailbox. There are no physical tickets for this trip; your check/payment is your ticket to ride! Limited # of seats so spots will be reserved on first come, first serve basis and considered reserved when payment is received. Any additional funds left over from the event will go to the Lodge Bathroom Fund. Bus will arrive and depart from Bally’s Hotel and Casino on the Boardwalk. This is a Total Rewards Property. We will have 6 hours of gambling time in AC. We should be back in Point Pleasant by 8 p.m. Please contact Brian Coyle with any questions, 908-406-5555. Thank you for your support and GOOD LUCK! Registration Form Elks Annual Convention June 5-7, 2015 Gold Crest Motel Wildwood, New Jersey Single: 2 Adults: Additional Adults (21 & Over): Additional Children (under 21): $320.00 $400.00 $ 90.00 (includes Friday and Saturday) $ 40.00 (includes Friday and Saturday) A 50% deposit must be received no later than Monday, March 16th, to guarantee your room. Final balance due must be received no later than Monday, April 13th. Any cancellations received after the deposit has been received or after final payment has been made will be subject to a cancellation fee of $100.00. NO CASH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WILL BE ACCEPTED. For your convenience, you can pay by check or credit card. Please return the bottom portion with your preferred method of payment. ********************************************************************************** Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________________ # of Adults/Room: ________________________ # of Children/Room: ______________________________________ Marching in the parade: Y N Number of Shirts: ________ Please note: Shirts are only for Elks marching in the parade. Size(s): _______________________ For Credit Card Payments: VISA MasterCard American Express (circle one) Name as it appears on card: ________________________________________________________________________ Account Number: _____________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________________ CID or Security ID (3 or 4 digit #): _____________ For Check Payments: Make check payable to: Point Pleasant Elks Mail to: Amanda Horton, 1122 Leonard Road, Point Pleasant, NJ, 08742 or put in the Leading Knight mailbox at the Lodge. Antler Boosters 2015-2016 Joe Abradi Suzanne Auletta Rochelle & James A. Baine, Jr. Clemens W. Bremer, Jr. Noemi & Paul Brundage, PER Don & Errol Cashour Joe & Marianne Chickene Jack J. & Camille Cimino Al & Eileen Clericuzio William & Theresa Cobb Robert M. & Bridget Cook Michael Corbally Charles A. & Jodie Cowell Dolores & Cus Dalik, Jr., PDDGER Harold & Suzanne Demarest, Jr. Joyce & John Diercks Suzanne & Gregory Doctor Joseph V. & Rosemary Esposito Isabelle & Dennis Fugedy Vincent Gennaro Allan F. Gile, Sr. Kenneth & Mildred Kaminski John W. & Anna Kaufman Scott S. Kerstetter Terence J. LaDu Hugh Larkin William & Donna Leinweber Christopher B. Leitner Annette & Len Luccioni John F. Lynch Kathy Mathis Regina McCabe Sean McGrath Ellen & James McLees David & Lois McWilliam John W. Menschner, Sr. Eileen & Joe Miller, PER Mickey & Ingrid Osmundsen Ronald W. & Joan Panuska George & Lauris Pearce David G. & Jane Pestkowski Janice Picarell Robert W. Pursel, PER Alvin Mason & Marybeth Reffitt, Jr. Jack & Mary Lou Secor Bill & Pat Shay Barbara R. Smith & Sonny Bartus Thomas F. & Marilyn J. Spedding Rosemary & Steve Tassie John Terranova Dennis L. & Elizabeth Torode Dawn Tortoriello, PER & Robert Scott Mike & Judy Travisano Rich & Cathy Troppoli Ellen & John Veprek, PSP Harold & Pauline Wyckoff Memorials Joan Abradi Douglas Adamo Gloria Adamo Darren Arms Gina A. Bartus Carmie Brady William Harrison Brown II Jean D. Collins Phil Contract Maria Corbally Bernadine Doctor Edward G. Dolton Jr. Hy A. Dooley Billy Dwyer Vernon T. Emmons Peter Enright Dr. Sharon Erbeck Patricia Felstedt Nicholas Fetsick Herbert Francis Madeleine & Fred Frick, Sr. Margaret C. Haley Bob Haugh Daniel J. Hennessy , Sr. Ruth Hoagland Jim, Bill, and Bob Kaufman Edward O. Klein, Sr. Edward T. Knorr Donald Koch, PER Evelyn J. Lipkin Ken Mathis Robert R. McCabe Rosemary McCrohan Lois McWilliam Kay & Lou Meyer Jean & Billy T. Morrow Nancy O’Brien Joseph and Dorothy Rager Charles Rola Col. Andrew L. Smith, USAF, Ret. Bernie Smith, PER James Sogorka Jack Toole Joseph G. & Louise Tortoriello William Van Druten, Sr., PER Arnie & Linda Van Duyn Walter Whelan Veterans Committee By Nancy DeVito Spring is finally here. And, you thought the winter was work. Now we have to clean up outside, mow the lawn, weed, etc. Which is more work? I’m thinking both but it sure is nice to be outside in the fresh air. Speaking of fresh air, since it’s getting harder for our Veterans to come out for a visit, we are working on getting them outside for a BBQ at their facility. They truly enjoy the company and fellowship. Our Veterans Committee was invited to an Appreciation Luncheon at Willow Springs, formally known as Burnt Tavern Manor. We all received a Certificate of Appreciation, even our youngest volunteer, Matthew Onifer. They can never be too young to appreciate what freedom means. THANK YOU to those who served and are still serving. God Bless You and All. On April 13th our Veterans Committee ran a Murder Mystery Theater. I would like to Thank my committee: Carol Bernard, Regina McCabe, Irene Marquis, Stephanie Pandolfo, Irene Braly, Phyllis Willever, Gus Schipani, Maryann Refitt; Kitchen Crew: Dave DeVito, Bob Scott, Georgianna Walsh, Peggi Deiker, Alvin Refitt, Johnny Bones; and Karen Verga and Chris Resotko for lending a helping hand in setting up. I would also like to thank Cus Dalik and Frank Onarato for their donations. Your gift made it extra special for our military. The event was a success! It was a little different from what I remember a murder mystery show to be like. However, the main reason for the event was to raise money for our Veterans/Military. Thank You to those who supported this event. On Saturday, May 23, 2015, the POINT PLEASANT ELKS are invited to march in the Memorial Day Parade. Please meet at the Bank of America parking lot on Arnold Avenue across from our Lodge at 9:30 a.m. with the parade commencing at 10 a.m. This is not only for the Veterans Committee. It is for ALL Elks. Come out and show your appreciation for those who gave so much, please! Thank you to the Fishing Club for once again allowing us to schedule our annual fishing trips for the Air Force, Army, and Navy! This is an event they all look forward to! No time like the present to mention the Veterans Super 50/50 Raffle. We are in the process of getting our license so be sure to check your mailboxes for the raffle tickets. Your support is greatly appreciated by all Veterans and active Military we serve. With your help we can make this the biggest success story ever. I have to say that the Point Pleasant Elks are well known at Joint Base McGuire. We always accept donations towards our care packages for the troops. They always appreciate your thoughtfulness. Pavers are another way to support the Veterans. Buy one for a loved one or to remember a loved one. God Bless America! Land of the Free! Home of the Brave! May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu “You Call It” $3 Shots “You Call It” $3 Shots “You Call It” $3 Shots Johnny’s Buffet 12-5 pm $4 Fri Happy Hour 3-7 pm 1 Steak Night 6-8 pm 3 6 7 8 9 District Meeting Lacey Lodge Lodge Meeting 8 pm NVSC Meeting Line Dancing Shuffleboard Friday Night Dinner 6-8 pm Last Man Standing Lacey Lodge 13 14 15 16 Line Dancing Shuffleboard Italian Night 6-8 pm Appetizer Party 3-7 pm $6 Mother’s Day Service 10 am House Meeting 7:30 pm 18 25 Cinco De Ducko In Grill Room 12 19 20 21 22 23 Lodge Meeting 8 pm NVSC Meeting Line Dancing Shuffleboard Friday Night Dinner 6-8 pm Memorial Day Parade 9:30 am 26 27 28 29 30 Friday Night Dinner 6-8 pm Elk of the Year Dinner Brick Lodge Motorcycle Committee Meeting 31 2 pm till Race time 5 11 24 2 Kentucky Derby Day! Special Menu 4 10 17 Sat May is Martini & Cosmo Month Saturdays in May, 7-9 pm $5. Martini And/or Cosmo Ask Bartender about “Grab Bag Mystery Bottles” $2. APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP POINT PLEASANT ELKS #1698 PROSPECTS: OCCUPATION Denise Elcano Nancy Woram Louis Schiavello Edward Reid Rose Kaye Corey Cook PROPOSER Elizabeth Kelly Elizabeth Kelly Marguerite Scanlan John Sportelli Tom Watters, PER Bob Scott Lodge of Sorrow Jean D. Collins “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” —George Bernard Shaw The Antler Published monthly by The Point Pleasant BPO Elks Lodge #1698 P. O. Box 1069 820 Arnold Avenue Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 Editor: Eileen Miller Coordinator: Terry LaDu Publisher: Exalted Ruler Robert Byrnes Lodge telephone (732) 892-9843 Sec./Voice Mail (732) 899-7638 Fax: (732) 899-7412 Please submit articles for the June Antler by May 20, 2015 to Eileen Miller: [email protected] or put in the Antler mailbox at the Lodge. Thank you.
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