The Catholic Parish of Epping, Epping North 2nd Sunday of Easter Year B Sunday, 12 April 2015 Parish Office and St Peter’s church: 13 Davisson St, Epping Ph: 9401 6300 Fax: 9401 6350 St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Cnr Redding Rise and Farmhouse Blvd Epping North email: [email protected] web site: Parish Priest: Maurie Cooney Assistant Priest: Martin Jeramias Introduction: We continue to gather with and celebrate the new life and hope that the Resurrection of Christ has brought amongst us. The full meaning of Easter may well be a ‘mystery’, but it can renew us and the world! Today’s First Reading says that that can happen through the way we live new hope, new belief, new energy for life, life for all! First Reading: Acts 4:32-35 Responsorial Psalm: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting. Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6 Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me; happy are those who have not seen me, but still believe! Alleluia! Gospel: John 20:19-31 Next weeks readings: 3rd Sunday Easter: Acts 3:13-15. 17-19;1 John 2:1-5;Luke 24:35-48 Northern Hospital - Catholic Chaplain: Rosemary Bolzan 9401 6300 Fr Fayez Assaf Administration [Mon, Tue 9-3pm] Michelle Hood [Wed, Thurs, Friday 9-3pm] Monique Heckmann Business Manager/Accountant [Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-4pm] Gil Bell Baptisms: By appointment, three months notice required. Parents are required to prepare for their child’s baptism by attending a Baptism Preparation evening. Contact: Christine Hall 9401 6311 Sacramental Preparation 9401 6300 Pastoral Coordinator: Sandy Starbuck 9401 6312 Formation / Pastoral Mentor Sr Maureen Delaney rsc 9717 3355 Marriages by appointment. Please contact the parish office. Weekend Masses: St Peter’s Saturday 7.15pm, Sunday 9am & 10.30am St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Saturday 5.30pm Weekday Masses: St Peter’s 9.15am Tuesday - Friday Reconciliation: Saturday 10.30 am – 11 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word every week: St Mary of the Cross Mackillop 5.30pm St Peter’s 10.30am Schools St Peter’s, Epping Ph: 9401 1157 St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Epping North Ph: 8432 4500 St Monica’s Epping Ph: 9409 8800 St Vincent de Paul 1300 305 330 Let us pray for the sick: Justin Borden, Fr Francis, Maggie Sagaria, Mazened Francis, Grace LeTin, Jo Bonicci, Roshan Livera, Rebecca Englezakis, Jason Azzilla, Nicholas Lupersamy, Palmera Tanse, Aidan Roshin, Greg Osborne, Cherryl D’sa, Mark Paul Flavier, Rita Carusi, Dominic Prattico, Janey Hoorigan, Jay Larkas, Jennifer Harbour, Connie Galea, Shanon Farrugia, Patricia DeSilva, Betty Perrett, Sabrina Jansez, Joe Camilleri, Natasha Recent death: Angele Melingui, Libero Libertone, Leigh Barker Anniversaries: Percy Pereira Rite of Welcome for Baptism Charlie Agius Julian Hatherell CHRIST IS RISEN ! and they are changed! This is the richer expression of our Easter celebrations last weekend. And it shows in today’s First Reading – as the first Christians experienced that first Easter they lived with a new energy which they shared with those around them. Defending the Christians before the Emperor Hadrian in the early second century, Aristides, a non-Christian, said of them: “These Christians love one another. They never fail to help widows. They save orphans from those who would hurt them. If people have something, they give that freely to anyone who has nothing. If they see a stranger, Christians take that person into their homes and treat them as a brother or sister. And if they hear that one of them is in jail, or persecuted for professing the name of their redeemer, they all give those people what they need. If it is possible, they bail them out. If one of them is poor and there isn’t enough food to go around, they fast several days to give their food to the other person. We are dealing with a new kind of person: there is something divine in them!” And remember St Francis of Assisi: "Preach the Gospel at all times. Even use words if necessary!" And St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: “Never see a need without doing something about it!” Now is the time for those good intentions of Lent to become new realities in our lives. Remember how we determined to ‘give up’ some aspect of our lives in order to take on something new and grow further in the life of Christ? Now that we have celebrated Easter is the time to put that into practice! Community News!!!! At times we take for granted the familiar face sitting next to us each week at Mass. We grow accustomed to greeting them with a “Good Morning!” or “wasn’t that a great homily?” What to do then, when you notice that person hasn’t been at Mass for awhile? At times, those who are unable to travel to Mass each week contact me for a visit or Communion. But very often those who have found themselves housebound and lonely don’t want to burden anyone, and so often don’t ask. God does have a way of making this known which is why I am REACHING OUT! to you. For these Parishioners to face each day without seeing and visiting with a familiar face is a loneliness we can do something about. Please contact me if you have an hour or two, weekly or fortnightly, to give to those in our Parish who are at home. By such a small action you will find Jesus over that shared cuppa!!! Please call – Sandy Starbuck – 9401 6312. There are great stories from each of our Holy Week Easter celebrations – of shared effort in setting things in place, of prayerfulness, of crowds gathering to keep faith alive and growing. Well done to all who ‘made’ Easter for us – including all who gathered with your prayer and faith and hope! Numbers over Holy Week Easter were: St Peter’s: Passion Sunday – 145, 243, 349; Holy Thursday 360; Good Friday: Stations of the Cross – 334, Liturgy – 460; Easter Vigil – 350; Easter Sunday 373, 350; St Mary of the Cross MacKillop: Passion Sunday – 155,; Holy Thursday 145; Good Friday: Liturgy – 190; Easter Vigil – 185, Easter Sunday 65 St Vincent de Paul team meeting Tuesday 14 April 7.30pm Parish Office ANZAC Day Mass will be celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral 9.30am Saturday 25 April by Archbishop Denis Hart. All welcome! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY ASSISTING REFUGEE STUDENTS MERCY CONNECT PROJECT MELBOURNE– Mercy Works Ltd. is currently recruiting volunteers to support Refugee Students and Asylum Seekers in the Melbourne Archdiocese. The volunteer commitment is approximately half a day per week for four school terms. Experience working in an educational setting is preferred but not limited to. Interview process will be in May followed by a Training Day early in June. Please contact Sr. Mary Lewis RSM for an application form and further information. Mercy Connect Project Melbourne Tel: 9326 1895 Website: Email: [email protected] ST PETER’S 150TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE NEWS BEING PETER PEOPLE BEING PETER PEOPLE - our ‘people-of-faith gathering’ in this 150th anniversary year of St Peter’s church: the second gathering is on this Thursday, 16th April, at 7.30pm, in the Galilee Space at St Peter’s School. Come again, and continue our reflection on ‘being people of faith’; if you weren’t at the first gathering, it will be easy to join in now. SEE YOU THERE! Commemorative Pavers. The response from Parishioners interested in purchasing personalized pavers for a possible Commemorative Garden to celebrate St. Peter’s 150th Anniversary has been very pleasing. It is still not too late to reserve a paver. All you have to do is to provide your details on the clipboard available at each Mass this weekend. Further details will be provided after Easter. The Committee is gathering information for a Commemorative Book being compiled to celebrate the occasion. Parishioners are asked to help by completing the blue Survey form which will be available at all Masses over the next few weeks. A copy of the Survey form can be downloaded from the Parish website HOME page If you are aware of former parishioners who may be interested in completing this survey, please encourage them to fill in the form and return it to the Parish Office by 14 April 2015. We would like to invite families to email the Parish Office an image of your families National flag to be used as a part of St Peter’s 150th Anniversary celebrations [email protected] The next Alpha Course at St Francis of Assisi Mill Park will run in Term 2, 2015, starting 16 April Explore questions of life and faith and make new friendships at Alpha! Alpha is an exciting refresher Course in the Christian faith. The Alpha Course begins this Thursday, 16th April, and will run for ten Thursdays, to be held in St Francis Hall, 290 Childs Road, Mill Park. Alpha starts at 7.00 pm - 9.30 pm. Enquiries: ring 9407 6704. Church cleaning roster - Saturday 25 April ANNA ARIMATEA, CATHERINE GATT Children’s Liturgy Saturday 18 April SMCM CHRISTINE SANTOS Sunday 19 April St Peter’s CONNIE CURMI Mothers’ Prayer Wednesday after 9.15am morning Mass Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Friday at St Peter’s 7.30pm. Prayer Group Mass every 1st Friday of every month 7.30pm.
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