POLYCHAR 23 PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS 23rd World Forum on Advanced Materials University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln , Nebraska U.S.A. May 11-15 , 2015 Welcome to PolyChar 23 University of Nebraska-Licoln, Lincoln, Nebraska May 11-15, 2015 It is a pleasure to welcome you to PolyChar 23, the 23rd World Forum on Advanced Materials. The local organizing committee with the help and support of members of the PolyChar executive committee, international partners, and local supporters has arranged a program of activities that we hope you enjoy. I would like to thank all the presenters for their contribution, without which there could not be a scientific program. Particular thanks goes to the plenary speakers, the keynote speakers, and the invited speakers that have agreed to give direction to the program. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors: • The National Science Foundation, • The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), • The IUPAC/Samsung fund, • The John A. Woollam Company, • The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), • The UNL Office for Research and Economic Development, • The UNL College of Engineering, • The UNL Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, • The City of Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau Dr. Jeff Shield, Chair of the Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, and Dr. Tim Wei, Dean of the College of Engineering, have been kind enough to provided the needed staff, support and expertise to host this conference. Without their help it would not be possible to arrange the conference. Special thanks goes to Dr. Prem Paul, Vice Chancellor for Research & Economic Development at UNL, that has been a strong supporter of the activities of the Advanced Mechanics and Materials Engineering International Laboratory (AMME-International) and the effort to bring PolyChar to UNL. He also provided substantial financial support for the conference. Finally, special thanks goes to Mrs. Cherie Crist and Mrs. Mary Ramsier, that have worked tirelessly to arrange all the activities, and to all the students that have been helping with the conference. I hope you enjoy the program and your visit. Sincerely, Mehrdad Negahban, Local Organizations Chair PolyChar 23 Local Organizing Committee • Dr. Mehrdad Negahban, Local Chair, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Christopher Cornelius, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering • Dr. Stephen Ducharme, Physics And Astronomy • Dr. Yuris Dzenis, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Jinsong Huang, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Carl Nelson, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Jeff Shield, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Li Tan, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Dr. Joseph Turner, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Mrs. Cherie Crist, Conference Secretary, Mechanical & Materials Engineering • Mrs. Mary Ramsier, Mechanical & Materials Engineering International Organizers • Dr. Jean-Marc Saiter,AMME-LECAP, University of Rouen, France • Dr. Michael Hess, Chosun University, Korea • Dr. Jean-Jacques Pireaux, University of Namur, Belgium • Dr. Rameshwar Adhikari, Tribhuvan University, Nepal • Dr. Witold Brostow, University of North Texas, USA • Dr. Eric Dargent, AMME-LECAP, University of Rouen, France • Dr. Allisson Saiter, AMME-LECAP, University of Rouen, France • Dr. Laurent Delbrelh, AMME-LECAP, University of Rouen, France • Dr. Antonella Esposito, AMME-LECAP, University of Rouen, France • Dr. Nicolas Delpouve, AMME-LECAP, University of Rouen, France PolyChar 23 Symposia • GP- General Papers, Organizers: Jean-Marc Saiter, Carl A Nelson, Mehrdad Negahban. • CMSP- Characterization Methods and Structure-Properties Relations, Organizers: Mehrdad Negahban, Christopher Cornelius, Jean-Marc Saiter. • PMMS- Predictive Methods, Modelling, and Simulation, Organizers: Mehrdad Negahban. • GEEN- Green Polymers, Green Engineering and Recycling, Organizers: Jean-Marc Saiter, Joseph Turner. • BIOT- Biomaterials, Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering, Organizers: Yuris Dzenis, Joseph Turner, Carl A Nelson. • FIC- Fibers, Interfaces and Composite Materials, Organizers: Yuris Dzenis, Antonella Esposito. • NANO- Nanomaterials and Smart Materials, Organizers: Li Tan. • DEMO- Dielectric, Electrical, Magnetic, Optical and Optoelectronic Properties, Organizers: Stephen Ducharme, Laurent Delbreilh. • PEOD- Polymers in Electronics and Optoelectronics Devices, Organizers: Jinsong Huang. • PS- Progress in Polymer Synthesis, Organizers: Nicolas Delpouve, Rameshwar Adhikari. • MPP- Mechanical Properties and Performance, Organizers: Mehrdad Negahban, Joseph Turner. • CSPM- Characterization with Scanning Probe Microscopes, Organizers: Joseph Turner, Rameshwar Adhikari. • RSP- Rheology, Solutions and Processing, Organizers: Mehrdad Negahban, Lucia FernandezBallester, Antonella Esposito. • PPSC- Processing and Properties of Semicrystalline Polymers, Organizers: Lucia FernandezBallester, Eric Dargent. TIME EVENT (LOCATION) Monday, May 11 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 6:00 PM Registration M1: Short Course (Auditorium, NU) Lunch (Ballroom, NU) M2: Short Course (Auditorium, NU) Reception (Sheldon Art Gallery) Tuesday, May 12 8:00 AM 8:20 AM 9:40 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:50 PM 1:40 PM 2:40 PM 3:05 PM Registration Opening/Plenary (Auditorium, NU) Coffee Break T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room, NU) Lunch (Ballroom, NU) T_3: Young Plenary (Auditorium, NU) T4_1: CMSP (Heritage Room, NU) Coffee Break T5_1 CMSP (Heritage Room, NU) Wednesday, May 13 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:25 AM 9:45 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:50 PM Registration Plenary (Auditorium, NU) Coffee Break W2_1: NANO (Auditorium, NU) Lunch (Ballroom, NU) W_3: Young Plenary (Auditorium, NU) W4: Posters (Ballroom, NU) Thursday, May 14 8:30 AM 9:25 AM 9:45 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:40 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Plenary (Henzlik 124) Coffee Break TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) Lunch (Ballroom, NU) TH_3: Flory Medal Talk (Henzlik 124) TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) Coffee Break TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) Social Hour & Banquet (Ballroom, NU) Friday, May 15 SCHEDULE 8:30 AM 9:25 AM 9:40 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Plenary (Auditorium, NU) Coffee Break F2_1: PS (Auditorium, NU) Lunch (Ballroom, NU) F_3: Awards and Closing (Auditorium, NU) EVENT (LOCATION) T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium, NU) T4_2: DEMO (Auditorium, NU) T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium, NU) W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room, NU) TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room, NU) nebraska union - city campus Heritage Room Auditorium POLYCHAR 23 Technical Program University of Nebraska-Licoln, Lincoln, Nebraska May 11-15, 2015 Monday, May 11, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM M1: Short Course (Auditorium) Session Chairs: Michael Hess, Brett Fors (Assistants: Wenlong Li, Jase Kaser ) 1. (8:30 AM, Short Course) Menard: DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 2. (9:25 AM, Short Course) Schubert: RHEOLOGY AND PROCESSING 3. (10:20 AM, Short Course) Schönherr: CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERIC NANOSTRUCTURES WITH COMBINED SCANNING PROBE AND FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPIES 4. (11:15 AM, Short Course) Henning: MICROMECHANICS OF POLYMERS: MICRO- AND NANOSCOPIC PROCESSES OF DEFORMATION AND FRACTURE Monday, May 11, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM M2: Short Course (Auditorium) Session Chairs: Kevin P. Menard, Sven Henning (Assistants: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh, Mitchell Schmidt) 1. (1:00 PM, Short Course) Saiter: GLASS TRANSITION AND GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE 2. (1:55 PM, Short Course) Blümich: SOLID-STATE NMR 3. (2:50 PM, Short Course) Guenet: BASICS OF SCATTERING TECHNIQUES: X-RAY, NEUTRONS, LIGHT 4. (3:45 PM, Short Course) Fors: PHOTOCHEMISTRY IN POLYMER SCIENCE 5. (4:40 PM, Short Course) Hnatchuk: FRICTION, WEAR AND SCRATCH RESISTANCE OF POLYMERS Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 8:20 AM T0: Opening (Auditorium) Session Chair: Mehrdad Negahban (Assistants: Wenlong Li, John J. Bowen) Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 8:45 AM T1: Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Jinsong Huang (Assistants: Wenlong Li, John J. Bowen) 1. (8:45 AM, Plenary) Ade: SOFT X-RAY CHARACTERIZATION METHODS: UTILITY AND OPPORTUNITY Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 10:00 AM T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) Session Chair: Bernhard Blümich (Assistant: John J. Bowen) 1. (10:00 AM, Keynote) Guenet: CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF HYBRID MATERIALS FROM POLYMERS AND SELF-ASSEMBLED SYSTEMS 2. (10:40 AM, Oral) Dargent: RELAXATION PROCESSES AND COOPERATIVITY IN COPOLYMERS WITH A SIMILAR BACKBONE FLEXIBILITY 3. (11:00 AM, Oral) Pireaux: UNDERSTANDING (INDUCING, REPAIRING) ION BEAM DAMAGES IN POLYMERS - A POLYCHAR CONCERN 4. (11:20 AM, Oral) Delpouve: COUPLING APPROACHES FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ALPHA RELAXATION DYNAMICS IN INTERACTING NETWORKS 5. (11:40 AM, Oral) Adhikari: MORPHOLOGICAL, THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF STYRENIC BLOCK COPOLYMER COMPOSITES WITH NANOCARBONS Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 10:00 AM T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) Session Chair: Jinsong Huang (Assistant: Wenlong Li) 1. (10:00 AM, Invited) Ouyang: PEDOT:PSS FOR PEROVSKITE SOLAR CELLS 2. (10:20 AM, Invited) Xiao: UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECT OF DEUTERATED CONDUCTING POLYMER AND SOLVENT ADDITIVE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS 3. (10:40 AM, Oral) Ulanski: OTFTS WITH ULTRATHIN LAYERS OF POLY(3-HEXYLTIOPHENE) 4. (11:00 AM, Oral) Xiao: UNIVERSAL FORMATION OF COMPOSITIONALLY GRADED BULK HETEROJUNCTION FOR EFFICIENCY ENHANCEMENT IN ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS 5. (11:20 AM, Oral) Jo: CONDUCTING POLYMER/GRAPHENE COMPOSITE FOR SUPERCAPACITOR Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 12:50 PM T3: Young Pleanary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Lucia Fernandez-Ballester (Assistants: Ramin Hosseinabad, Mitchell Schmidt) 1. (12:50 PM, Young Plenary) Stein: GRAZING INCIDENCE SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING: PRINCIPLES, MODELS, AND APPLICATIONS FOR NANOSTRUCTURED THIN FILMS Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 1:40 PM T4_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) Session Chair: Christopher Cornelius (Assistant: Ramin Hosseinabad ) 1. (1:40 PM, Invited) Blümich: NMR-SPECTROSCOPY AND NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING BY COMPACT NMR 2. (2:00 PM, Oral) Tashiro: STRUCTURE FORMATION PROCESS OF POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL)IODINE COMPLEX REVEALED BY IN-SITU TIME-DEPENDENT X-RAY DIFFRACTION MEASUREMENT 3. (2:20 PM, Oral) Salim: THERMAL DEGRADATION IN THE MELT REACTION BETWEEN POLY(3-HYDROXYBUTYATE-CO-3-HYDROXYHEXANOATE) AND EPOXIDIZED NATURAL RUBBER Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 1:40 PM T4_2: DEMO (Auditorium) Session Chair: Stephen Ducharme (Assistant: Mitchell Schmidt) 1. (1:40 PM, Invited) Xu: ENHANCED SENSITIVITY OF PRESSURE SENSOR USING ELECTROACTIVE POLYMERS 2. (2:00 PM, Oral) Poddar: FLEXOELECTRIC EFFECT IN FERROELECTRIC AND RELAXOR POLYMERS OF VDF 3. (2:20 PM, Oral) Chan: RESPONSE OF SOLID POLYMER ELECTROLYTES TO ELECTRIC FIELDS 2 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 3:05 PM T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) Session Chair: Yong-Rak Kim (Assistant: Ramin Hosseinabad ) 1. (3:05 PM, Oral) Sun: INVESTIGATING ORGANIC MATERIALS USING SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY 2. (3:25 PM, Oral) Manhart: DESIGN OF ELASTOMER SURFACES WITH SPATIALLY CONTROLLED TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES APPLYING PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES 3. (3:45 PM, Oral) Desai: ROLE OF EXTERNAL DONOR AND CO-CATALYST - ZIEGLER NATTA CATALYST USING SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUE 4. (4:05 PM, Oral) Schamme: ROLE OF MOLECULAR MOBILITY AND FRAGILITY ON PHYSICAL STABILITY OF TWO AMORPHOUS PHARMACEUTICALS IN THE SUPERCOOLED AND GLASSY STATES 5. (4:25 PM, Oral) Viel: MOLECULAR MOBILITY VS POLYMORPHISM OF CHIRAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS: CASE OF DIPROPHYLLINE 6. (4:45 PM, Oral) Denchev: STRUCTURE GRADIENTS BY MICROFOCUS SYNCHROTRON XRAY DIFFRACTION IN SHELL-CORE POLYAMIDE MICROCAPSULES AND MOLDED COMPOSITES THEREOF 7. (5:05 PM, Oral) You: CHARACTERIZATION OF VISCOELASTIC-VISCOPLASTIC BEHAVIOR OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS CONTAINING ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS DERIVATIVES Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 3:05 PM T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) Session Chair: Chinhan Chan (Assistant: Mitchell Schmidt) 1. (3:05 PM, Invited) Jonas: NANOIMPRINTED FERROELECTRIC/SEMICONDUCTING POLYMER DEVICES 2. (3:25 PM, Oral) Sangoro: CHARGE TRANSPORT AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS IN POLYMERIZED IONIC LIQUIDS 3. (3:45 PM, Oral) Dencheva: FROM LOADED SHELL-CORE MICROCAPSULES TO THERMOPLASTIC HYBRID COMPOSITES: A NEW PATHWAY FOR THE PREPARATION OF CONDUCTIVE AND MAGNETIC POLYAMIDE COMPOSITES 4. (4:05 PM, Oral) Anada: DIVERSITY OF MICROSTRUCTURE OF POLYMER SOLID INVESTIGATED BY MOTION OF IMPURITY IONS 5. (4:25 PM, Oral) Hagg Lobland: THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS (TEGS) WITH LONG SERVICE LIVES Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM W1: Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Li Tan (Assistants: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh, Yan Zou) 1. (8:30 AM, Plenary) Laine: SYNTHESIS, PROCESSING AND PROPERTIES OF SILSESQUIOXANE MACROMONOMERS AND POLYMERS 3 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) Session Chair: Li Tan (Assistant: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh) 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Dzenis: SIMULTANEOUSLY STRONG AND TOUGH CONTINUOUS POLYMER NANOFIBERS AND NANOCOMPOSITES 2. (10:25 AM, Invited) Serpe: STIMULI RESPONSIVE POLYMER-BASED SENSORS, MUSCLES, AND DRUG DELIVERY PLATFORMS 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Li: POLYMER-BASED MATERIALS FOR BUILDING ARTIFICIAL MUSCLES AND THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES BY SELF-ROLLING 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Alarifi: MECHANICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF CARBONIZED PAN NANOFIBERS COHESIVELY ATTACHED TO SURFACE OF CARBON FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Goponenko: ELECTROSPUN NANOFIBROUS MATERIALS AS STIMULI-RESPONSIVE POLYMERIZED HYDROGELS Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) Session Chairs: Linxia Gu, Dimitry Papkov (Assistant: Yan Zou) 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Causin: NANOCELLULOSE-REINFORCED GELS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 2. (10:25 AM, Invited) Schönherr: INFECTION DIAGNOSTICS WITH POLYMERIC VESICLES AND HYDROGELS FOR APPLICATION IN ADVANCED WOUND DRESSINGS AND BEYOND 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Saunier: HOW ADDITIVE EXUDATION CAN AFFECT THE BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF A POLYMERIC MEDICAL DEVICE: THE CASE OF A POLYURETHANE USED IN IMPLANTABLE CATHETERS 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Ding: ELECTROSPUN PHB/PCL/FUMED SILICA FIBROUS STRUCTURE FOR BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Andalib: BIOMIMETIC NANOFILAMENTARY POLYMER SCAFFOLDS AND THE MECHANISMS OF CELL-SCAFFOLD INTERACTION 6. (11:45 AM, Oral) Maleckis: ULTRAHIGH-PERFORMANCE NANOFIBERS FROM DNA AND PROTEINS 7. (12:05 PM, Oral) Lyu: INVESTIGATION OF RUBBER FLOW DURING SHAPING OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM W3: Young Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Christopher Cornelius (Assistants: Trevor Gnuse, Yan Zou) 1. (1:00 PM, Young Plenary) Whittington: POLYMER CHARACTERIZATION OF MEDICAL DEVICES FOR USE IN CANCER PATIENTS Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 1:50 PM W4: Poster (Ballroom) Session Chairs: Michael Hess, Jean-Jacques Pireaux (Assistant: Trevor Gnuse) 1. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jayasinghe: INVESTIGATION OF SWELLING BEHAVIOR OF POLY(HEMACO-DMAEMA) HYDROGELS CONFINED IN AN ELASTOMERIC MOLD 4 2. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schwahn: CONTROLLED CURING OF ACRYLATE: SYSTEM MODELING AND APPLICATIONS IN STEREOLITHOGRAPHY 3. (1:50 PM, Poster) Adhikari: CHARACTERIZATION OF BAMBOO FLOURS REINFORCED EPOXY RESIN COMPOSITES 4. (1:50 PM, Poster) Li: CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF DEPTH IN PHOTO CURING OF ACRYLATE: A METHOD BASED ON RAPID-SCAN FTIR DURING LASER CURING ON AN ATR 5. (1:50 PM, Poster) Furgal: HIGH SURFACE AREA METHYLSILSESQUIOXANE POLYMER GELS BY FLUORIDE CATALYSIS 6. (1:50 PM, Poster) Stockdale: NANOCOMPOSITES MANUFACTURING OF POLYIMIDE FIBER-REINFORCED 7. (1:50 PM, Poster) Zou: EFFECT OF CONSTRAINT ON STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS POLYACRYLONITRILE-BASED STABILIZED AND CARBONIZED NANOFIBERS 8. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jasa: USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS FOR CHARACTERIZING MACROSCOPIC RESPONSE IN POLYCARBONATE 9. (1:50 PM, Poster) Hnatchuk: MODIFICATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) 10. (1:50 PM, Poster) Hnatchuk: PROPERTIES OF EPOXY FILMS BASED ON MODIFIED PHENOLFORMALDEHYDE OLIGOMERS 11. (1:50 PM, Poster) Chan: FTIR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF EPOXY PAINTS ON STEEL STRUCTURE FOR COATING FINGERPRINTING CERTIFICATE FOR PAINT INDUSTRY 12. (1:50 PM, Poster) Viel: IMPACT OF COVER SLIDE ON RECRYSTALLIZATION FROM THE AMORPHOUS STATE OF CHIRAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS: CASE OF DIPROPHYLLINE 13. (1:50 PM, Poster) Cosby: CHARGE TRANSPORT AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS OF POLYMERIZED IONIC LIQUIDS 14. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jiao: INTERPLAY BETWEEN ABSORPTION BROADENING AND MORPHOLOGY DETERIORATION IN TERNARY BULK HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS RESOLVED BY SOFT X-RAY SCATTERING 15. (1:50 PM, Poster) Chen: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES: USING ACRYLATE/EPOXY MIXTURES IN THE EXTENSION OF AN FGM PLATE WITH A HOLE 16. (1:50 PM, Poster) Daily: DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES AND KINETIC STUDY ON THE DEGRADATION OF BISMALEIMIDE RESIN 17. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jamil: MECHANISM OF MOLECULAR INTERACTION OF SUPERPLASTICIZER OLIGOMERS WITH HYDRATED CEMENT PHASES 18. (1:50 PM, Poster) Piorkowska: COMPARISON OF PROPERTIES OF STAR AND LINEAR POLY(L-LACTIDE) 19. (1:50 PM, Poster) Frazier: CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF PROTEIN-BASED ADHESIVES FOR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS 20. (1:50 PM, Poster) Dargent: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS IN ELECTROSPUN FIBERS OF PLASTICIZED POLYLACTIDE 5 21. (1:50 PM, Poster) Gakhutishvili: TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ANTIBACTERIAL POLYMER COMPOSITES 22. (1:50 PM, Poster) Delpouve: LENGTH SCALE AT THE GLASS TRANSITION IN SEMI-CRYSTALLINE COMPATIBILIZED POLYLACTIDE/CLAY NANOCOMPOSITES 23. (1:50 PM, Poster) Lin: HYDROGEN BONDING INDUCED NANOPHASE SEPARATION OF GIANT SURFACTANTS TOWARD SUB-10-NM HYBRID ORDER NANOSTRUCTURES 24. (1:50 PM, Poster) Liu: TWO-DIMENSIONAL NANO-CRYSTALS OF MOLECULAR JANUS PARTICLES 25. (1:50 PM, Poster) Alarifi: EFFECTS OF UV EXPOSURE ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON FIBER/PPS THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES 26. (1:50 PM, Poster) Kaser: YARNS NANOMANUFACTURING POLYACRYLONITRILE NANOFIBER 27. (1:50 PM, Poster) Alharbi: INTEGRATING C60 NANOPARTICLES INTO TIO2 NANOFIBERS VIA ELECTROSPINNING PROCESS FOR ENHANCED ENERGY CONVERSTION EFFICIENCIES 28. (1:50 PM, Poster) Loubeau: AGEING OF A THREE-LAYER PAPER USED IN THE INSULATION OF AN ELECTRICAL MOTOR FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE TRACTION 29. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schmidt: A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF SPIN COATING ON PVDF FILMS 30. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schönherr: INVESTIGATION OF ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF A GRAPHENE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 31. (1:50 PM, Poster) Ding: BROADBAND DIELECTRIC RELAXATION ANALYSIS ON THE REINFORCEMENT OF ANTHRACENE-FUNCTIONALIZED EPOXY COMPOSITES 32. (1:50 PM, Poster) Lobland: SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF REACTIVE OLIGOMERS BASED ON A PEROXY DERIVATIVE OF AN EPOXY RESIN AND 1,4- BUTANEDIOL 33. (1:50 PM, Poster) Ospina: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS WITH ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES BASE ON TRICLOSAN ACRYLATE 34. (1:50 PM, Poster) Bakhtiary Noodeh: USING CURING KINETICS TO CONTROL THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SIMULTANEOUS ACRYLATE/EPOXY IPNS DURING PHOTO CURING OF GRADED MATERIALS 35. (1:50 PM, Poster) Gafurov: MOLECULAR STRUCTURE PARAMETERS INFLUENCE ON DEFORMATION MECHANICS OF AN ORIENTED CRYSTALLINE POLYMER 36. (1:50 PM, Poster) Lanyi: NOVEL CHART FOR REPRESENTATION OF MATERIAL PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY 37. (1:50 PM, Poster) Rezaei: U-SHAPED PROBES FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS USING CONTACT RESONANCE ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY 38. (1:50 PM, Poster) Dargent: STUDY OF AMORPHOUS AND CRYSTALLINE PHASES IN BIOBASED NANOCOMPOSITE FILMS 39. (1:50 PM, Poster) Delpouve: MICROSTRUCTURE, AMORPHOUS PHASE DYNAMICS AND BARRIER PROPERTIES IN MULTILAYER COEXTRUDED POLYLACTIDE 6 40. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schamme: POLY(LACTIC ACID) RELAXATION OF SHEAR-INDUCED PRECURSORS IN 41. (1:50 PM, Poster) Hosseinabad: EFFECT OF COPOLYMER CONTENT ON FLOW-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION 42. (1:50 PM, Poster) Sterzynski: THE POSS AND MWCNT MODIFIED GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE TG OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) 43. (1:50 PM, Poster) Saiter: INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF POROGEN MOLECULES ON THERMAL PROPERTIES AND POROSITY OF NANOPOROUS POLYCYANURATE-BASED FILM MATERIALS 44. (1:50 PM, Poster) Zare Rami: INVESTIGATION OF FRACTURE BEHAVIOR OF HETEROGENEOUS POLYMER MIXTURES SUBJECTED TO VISCOELASTIC DEFORMATION USING MICROSTRUCTURAL MODELING 45. (1:50 PM, Poster) Ding: POLAR PHASE GENERATION IN PVDF, THROUGH AMPHIPHILIC IONIC LIQUID MODIFIED MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES: EFFECT OF ANION Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM TH1: Plenary (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Yuris Dzenis (Assistants: Kaspars Maleckis, Zesheng Zhang) 1. (8:30 AM, Plenary) Cheng: GIANT POLYHEDRA AND GIANT SURFACTANTS BASED ON NANO-ATOMS: TUNING FROM CRYSTALS, TO QUASICRYSTALS, TO FRANK-KASPER PHASES: AN INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN SOFT AND HARD MATTER Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Yuris Dzenis (Assistant: Kaspars Maleckis) 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Galeski: CRYSTALLIZATION AND MELTING PHENOMENA IN NANOFIBER REINFORCED POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES 2. (10:25 AM, Invited) Papkov: POLYMER CRYSTALLINITY AND TOUGHNESS: INCREASING PLASTICITY OF CONTINUOUS POLYACRYLONITRILE NANOFIBERS THROUGH CRYSTALLIZATION SUPPRESSION 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Sterzynski: ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY MULTILAYER WPC/SRC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS; PRODUCTION, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Gonçalves: XANTHAM GUM AND CHITOSAN AS NATURAL ADHESIVES FOR CORK 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Bin: TRANSCRYSTALLIZATION IN CARBON FIBRE FILLED POLY (L-LACTIC ACID) COMPOSITES UNDER TEMPERATURE GRADIENT 6. (11:45 AM, Oral) Alharbi: SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTROSPUN SRTIO3 NANOFIBERS WITH NIOX NANOPARTICLES SHELLS AS PHOTOCATALYSTS FOR WATER SPLITTING Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) Session Chairs: Eric Dargent, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester (Assistant: Zesheng Zhang) 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Lefebvre: IN-SITU SAXS/WAXS INVESTIGATIONS ON DEFORMATION INDUCED STRUCTURAL EVOLUTIONS IN AMORPHOUS AND SEMI-CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS 7 2. (10:25 AM, Oral) Mokni: EFFECT OF THE SUBLIMATION TEMPERATURE ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND CRYSTALLINITY OF PARYLENE D DEPOSITED BY CVD 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Piorkowska: NUCLEATION OF HIGH-PRESSURE-INDUCED GAMMA FORM IN ISOTACTIC POLYPROPYLENE IN NONISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Fernandez-Ballester: EFFECT OF COPOLYMER CONTENT ON FLOW-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Lugito: NOVEL APPROACHES TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION 6. (11:45 AM, Oral) Ding: EFFECT OF TRI-ARM STAR-SHAPED IMIDAZOLIUM IONIC LIQUID OLIGOMER WITH PEG SEGMENT ON THE CRYSTALLIZATION BEHAVIORS OF POLY(LLACTIC ACID) Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM TH3: Flory Medal Talk (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Jean-Jacques Pireaux (Assistants: John Jasa, Taylor Stockdale) 1. (1:00 PM, Prize Talk) Tashiro: CLARIFICATION OF MICROSCOPICALLY-VIEWED STRUCTURE-PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP OF POLYMER MATERIALS Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 2:00 PM TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) Session Chairs: Joseph Alan Turner, Philip Yuya (Assistant: John Jasa) 1. (2:00 PM, Keynote) Yablon: ADVANCES IN ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY (AFM) BASED METHODS TO CHARACTERIZE POLYMER MATERIALS ON THE NANOSCALE 2. (2:40 PM, Invited) Yuya: EFFECT OF GOLD NANOPARTICLE ENHANCEMENT ON NANOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CHITOSAN FILMS 3. (3:00 PM, Oral) Desyatova: CHARACTERIZATION OF THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RECOMBINANT RESILIN USING ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY 4. (3:20 PM, Oral) Turner: SIMULTANEOUS QUANTIFICATION OF THE IN-PLANE AND OUTOF-PLANE LOSS TANGENT OF POLYMERS USING CONTACT RESONANCE ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 2:00 PM TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) Session Chair: Michael J. Serpe (Assistant: Taylor Stockdale) 1. (2:00 PM, Invited) Okamoto: EFFECT OF PARTICLE DISTORTION ON SAXS FROM OBDD STUDIED USING PARACRYSTALLINE THEORY AND SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD THEORY 2. (2:20 PM, Invited) Matsuo: MECHANICAL AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTY OF POLYMERFILLER COMPOSITES IN TERMS OF THERMAL FLUCTUATION-INDUCED TUNNELING EFFECT 3. (2:40 PM, Oral) Song: REVERSAL NANOIMPRINTING AND FERROELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF P(VDF-TRFE) COPOLYMER NANOSTRUCTURES ON FLEXIBLE PET SUBSTRATE 4. (3:00 PM, Oral) Hnatchuk: POLYCARBONATE AND POLYURETHANE NANO AND MICROHYBRID FOAMS 5. (3:20 PM, Oral) Park: CHARACTERIZATION OF CRYSTALLINE THERMOSETTING UREAFORMALDEHYDE RESINS 8 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 4:00 PM TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Holger Schönherr (Assistant: John Jasa) 1. (4:00 PM, Keynote) Castano: ADVANCED NATURAL MATERIALS: FROM RICE HUSK TO AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 2. (4:40 PM, Invited) Thomas: ROLE OF NANOPARTICLES IN COMPATIBILIZING IMMISCIBLE POLYMER BLENDS 3. (5:00 PM, Oral) Gnuse: MECHANICALLY ACCURATE NANOFIBROUS VASCULAR GRAFT MATERIALS 4. (5:20 PM, Oral) Laskar: EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF UNUSUAL POLYMERSOMES PREPARED FROM PH-RESPONSIVE DUAL HYDROPHILIC BIOCOMPATIBLE RANDOM COPOLYMERS Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 4:00 PM TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) Session Chair: Zheng Li (Assistant: Taylor Stockdale) 1. (4:00 PM, Keynote) Saiter: GLASSY POLYMERS PHYSICAL AGEING AND COOPERATIVE RELAXATION IN 2. (4:40 PM, Oral) Hagg Lobland: BRITTLENESS OF POLYMERS AND THE RELATION TO TOUGHNESS 3. (5:00 PM, Oral) Li: CHARACTERIZATION OF STRAIN-INDUCED ELASTIC ANISOTROPY, EQUILIBRIUM STRESS, AND MODELING OF THE THERMAL-MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF PEEK 4. (5:20 PM, Oral) Xu: VISUALIZED POLYMER PROCESSING: FAST COLLOIDAL PARTICLE REDISTRIBUTION AT NON-PLANAR SOLIDIFICATION INTERFACE Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM F1: Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Lucia Fernandez-Ballester (Assistants: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh, Mohammad Nahid Andalib) 1. (8:30 AM, Plenary) Segalman: USING BIOINSPIRED POLYMERS TO EXPLORE THE ROLE OF SEQUENCE ON CONTROLLING POLYMER PROPERTIES Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 9:40 AM F2_1: PS (Auditorium) Session Chairs: Jean-Marc Saiter, Nicolas Delpouve (Assistant: Mohammad Nahid Andalib) 1. (9:40 AM, Keynote) Grande: DESIGN, SYNTHESIS, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FUNCTIONAL DOUBLY POROUS CROSSLINKED POLYMERS 2. (10:20 AM, Keynote) López: A NEW METHOD TO MODIFY POLY(ARYLENE ETHERS) WITH A MILD SULFONATION AGENT 3. (11:00 AM, Invited) Fors: DETERMINISTIC CONTROL OF POLYMER MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION 4. (11:20 AM, Oral) Neupane: CONVERSION OF PAPER WASTE INTO BIOPLASTICS (POLYLACTIC ACID) 9 5. (11:40 AM, Oral) Bhajiwala: MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF SPHERICAL MAGNESIUM DICHLORIDE SUPPORTED TI BASED ZIEGLER NATTA CATALYST SYSTEM Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 9:40 AM F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) Session Chairs: Joseph Turner, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester (Assistant: Ehsan Rezaei) 1. (9:40 AM, Invited) Schubert: BINARY AND TERNARY BLENDS OF POLYPROPYLENE TYPESINFLUENCE ON THE HOMOGENEITY OF BIAXIAL ORIENTED FILMS 2. (10:00 AM, Oral) Chaganti: PLASTICIZED POLY (3-HYDROXYBUTYRATE): BIOBASED OLEGOMERIC DIISOCYANATE AS A TOUGHENER 3. (10:20 AM, Oral) Li: THE DYNAMIC FRACTURE BEHAVIOR OF PMMA 4. (10:40 AM, Oral) Wojtczak: ALL-POLYMER FIBRILLAR NANOCOMPOSITES 5. (11:00 AM, Oral) Akram: SOL-GEL DERIVED ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID NANOCOMPOSITES FROM VEGETABLE OILS AS SURFACE COATING MATERIALS 6. (11:20 AM, Oral) Lin: CONTRIBUTION OF COLLAGEN FIBER UNDULATION TO MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TYPE I COLLAGEN GEL Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM F3: Awards and Closing Session Session Chairs: Michael Hess, Jean-Marc Saiter, Jean-Jacques Pireaux, Mehrdad Negahban (Assistants: Wenlong Li, Ramin Hosseinabad, Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh) 10 Monday, May 11, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM M1: Short Course (Auditorium) Session Chairs: Michael Hess, Brett Fors Assistants: Wenlong Li, Jase Kaser Talks: 1. (8:30 AM, Short Course) Menard: DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 2. (9:25 AM, Short Course) Schubert: RHEOLOGY AND PROCESSING 3. (10:20 AM, Short Course) Schönherr: CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERIC NANOSTRUCTURES WITH COMBINED SCANNING PROBE AND FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPIES 4. (11:15 AM, Short Course) Henning: MICROMECHANICS OF POLYMERS: MICRO- AND NANOSCOPIC PROCESSES OF DEFORMATION AND FRACTURE 11 Talk Number: 1 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 8:30 AM Session: M1: Short Course (Auditorium) DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ANALYSIS Kevin P. Menard1 1 Thermal Analysis, PerkinElmer, USA Dynamic Mechanical Analysis is one of the most powerful tools for understanding materials. This class will cover the basics of the technique and it’s applications to polymers. After discussing the basics of the technique and its most common use in the polymer industry, we will move on to more complex applications. The effects of frequency and strain on temperature scan, methods of kinetics, humidity, UV irradiation, and immersion testing will be discussed. Kevin P Menard recieved his PhD from the Wesleyan University and did post doctoral research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has worked for Fina Oil and Chemical, General Dynamics, and PerkinElmer EH, where he is the Product Manager for Thermal Analysis. He has over 125 publications, 17 patents, and authored the book "Dynamic Mechanical Analysis: A Practical Introduction." 12 Talk Number: 2 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 9:25 AM Session: M1: Short Course (Auditorium) RHEOLOGY AND PROCESSING Dirk W. Schubert1 1 Material Science, Institute for Polymer Materials, Germany An overview from fundamental point of view will be given describing materials flow behavior. Corresponding simple differential equations will be derived and solved for special cases. Aspects on linearity will be explained to answer the question “What is a linear material behavior?” Shear thinning and relevant equations will be discussed to understand viscosity. Selected processed will be discussed where viscosity plays the main role. 13 Talk Number: 3 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:20 AM Session: M1: Short Course (Auditorium) CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERIC NANOSTRUCTURES WITH COMBINED SCANNING PROBE AND FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPIES Holger Schönherr1 1 Department of Chemistry & Biology, Physical Chemistry I, University of Siegen, Germany This short course module will introduce scanning probe microscopy for studying polymer morphologies. In particular, I will focus on the fundamental principles and the basic modes of atomic force microscopy (AFM), the differentiation of different phases present in polymers (amorphous vs. crystalline) and the determination of local mechanical properties. The probing of polymeric nanostructures, such as tubes, particles and hollow vesicular containers, by AFM will be complemented by simultaneous fluorescence microscopic approaches, which shed light onto the local nanoscale surroundings of incorporated tracer dye molecules. Holger Schönherr studied chemistry and polymer chemistry & physics at the Universities of Mainz and Toronto and finished his diploma thesis with Helmut Ringsdorf in 1995. He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Twente, The Netherlands in 1999, working with G. Julius Vancso. Following a postdoctoral stay at Stanford University with Curtis W. Frank he joined the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology in Twente as assistant (later associate) professor before joining the University of Siegen in 2008 as a tenured University Professor in Physical Chemistry. He was awarded among others with the Raphael-Eduard-Liesegang award of the German Colloid Society (2011), the International POLYCHAR Materials Science Prize (2013) and the Research Prize of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Siegen (2013). His research interests comprise the chemistry and physics of biointerfaces, self-assembled and nanostructured polymer systems, and surface analysis with atomic force microscopy. He is author of more than 170 papers in peer reviewed journals and published in the Springer Laboratory series a book on “Scanning Force Microscopy of Polymers” (Holger Schönherr, G. Julius Vancso, 2010, Springer, Vienna). 14 Talk Number: 4 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 11:15 AM Session: M1: Short Course (Auditorium) MICROMECHANICS OF POLYMERS: MICRO- AND NANOSCOPIC PROCESSES OF DEFORMATION AND FRACTURE Sven Henning1 1 Biological and Macromolecular Materials, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Germany The main aims of micromechanical analyses are the identification of property determining micro- and nanostructures and the description of the principal deformation phenomena that occur when mechanical load is applied to the material, as there are, for instance, crazing, homogeneous deformation, shear band formation, micro- and nanovoid formation, fibrillation, etc. These processes can be correlated to a brittle, semiductile or ductile material behavior on the macroscopic scale. In that sense, the description of micromechanical phenomena can contribute to the formulation of material laws predicting the response of a material to mechanical load. Micromechanical processes are the link between the morphology (predicted by synthesis, composition, and processing), loading conditions and resulting mechanical properties. There are a number of different micromechanical techniques that can be adapted with respect to the actual problem. First of all, there are micromechanical in situ methods characterized by the application of tensile load, compressive or bending force using miniaturized testing devices inside the TEM, (E)SEM or AFM. Alternatively, microscopic analyses of deformation zones can be performed after mechanical testing ex situ with correlation to actual states of deformation. That approach also includes the inspection of fracture surfaces and, to some extent, problems of failure analysis. Thirdly, micromechanical techniques also include the application of miniaturized mechanical testing devices for small samples (e.g., micro-parts, biological samples, nanofibers) or for mechanical testing of small amounts of materials from new syntheses. Finally, the micromechanical approach allows the measurement of local mechanical properties in microscopic regions of interest. The presentation also covers different preparation routes with a special emphasis on preparation by means of (cryo-)ultramicrotomy. The advantages of the different techniques are illustrated by a number of examples covering semicrystalline polymers, block copolymers, composites and nanocomposites with different filler geometries (particles, layered structures, carbon nanotubes) and biological/biomedical materials (bone, electrospun nanofibers). 15 Monday, May 11, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM M2: Short Course (Auditorium) Session Chairs: Kevin P. Menard, Sven Henning Assistants: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh, Mitchell Schmidt Talks: 1. (1:00 PM, Short Course) Saiter: GLASS TRANSITION AND GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE 2. (1:55 PM, Short Course) Blümich: SOLID-STATE NMR 3. (2:50 PM, Short Course) Guenet: BASICS OF SCATTERING TECHNIQUES: X-RAY, NEUTRONS, LIGHT 4. (3:45 PM, Short Course) Fors: PHOTOCHEMISTRY IN POLYMER SCIENCE 5. (4:40 PM, Short Course) Hnatchuk: FRICTION, WEAR AND SCRATCH RESISTANCE OF POLYMERS 16 Talk Number: 1 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:00 PM Session: M2: Short Course (Auditorium) GLASS TRANSITION AND GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE Jean-Marc Saiter1 1 Institut des Matériaux de Rouen, Universite de Rouen, France We will look at the glass transition. When a liquid is cooled, a vitreous structure can be obtained if the cooling conditions (mainly the value of the cooling rate) are not compatible with the kinetic conditions to get a crystal. The temperature for which a transition between the liquid and the glassy materials occurs is called the glass transition temperature. This glass transition temperature is not a material constant, because the glass transition does not separate two steady states that the material could reach by changing only the temperature or the pressure. In other words the glass transition is not a thermodynamic transition. This particularity is also associated with the structural disorder that is frozen in at Tg. We will consider the conditions that result in a glass, and then provide a description of a disordered structure, considering the consequence of structural disorder on the physical behavior of such materials. We will look at how the glass transition temperature can be correctly determined, what method can be used for this evaluation, and the common errors that are generally made. We will conclude by looking at examples of signals obtained by means of calorimetry so that students can have an idea of what to expect when doing such measurements. Professor Saiter is Professor Exceptional Class and the Director of the Institute of Materials Research at the University of Rouen, Rouen, France. He has over 200 journal publications, and has been one of the active members of the PolyChar Conference. He also is the founding member of the Advanced Mechanics and Materials Engineering International Laboratory and the first French Director. 17 Talk Number: 2 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 1:55 PM Session: M2: Short Course (Auditorium) SOLID-STATE NMR Bernhard Blümich1 1 Institut fuer Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is one of the most powerful techniques to characterize materials and molecules. While most other forms of spectroscopy probe electrons, NMR probes nuclei and takes a look at matter from the inside of molecules. Since molecular motion in solids is slow, the chemical information is obscured by anisotropic magnetic interactions between nuclei, leaving NMR relaxation and molecular diffusion as the most simple NMR tools to characterize the physical properties of polymers. These quantities can be measured with far more simple instrumentation than needed for chemical analysis. The course gives an introduction to NMR with special emphasis on relaxation and diffusion measurements with compact instrumentation drawing on applications to polymer morphology and aging. It will conclude with an outlook on desktop NMR spectroscopy for chemical analysis of polymer solutions. Reference B. Blümich, S. Haber-Pohlmeier, W. Zia, Compact NMR, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2014 Prof. Blümich is Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry at RWTH Aachen University. He received his education in Physics at the Technical University in Berlin and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. His research activities aim at understanding the macroscopic properties of advanced polymer and functional porous materials by NMR on a microscopic and molecular basis. To this end he develops and applies NMR methods for NMR spectroscopy of liquids and solids, NMR imaging of heterogeneous materials and fluid flow, and measurements of NMR relaxation and diffusion. Bernhard Blümich has pioneered a number of methodical innovations concerning multidimensional NMR spectroscopy with noise excitation, 1D and 2D methods of studying molecular motion in solids, solid sate imaging, and flow NMR. A growing focus in his recent work is the development of magnets for compact NMR such as the NMR-MOUSE for non-destructive materials testing and permanent magnets with homogeneous fields for chemical analysis by 1H NMR spectroscopy under the fume hood. His publication record includes over 400 papers, 3 monographs and number of patents. 18 Talk Number: 3 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 2:50 PM Session: M2: Short Course (Auditorium) BASICS OF SCATTERING TECHNIQUES: X-RAY, NEUTRONS, LIGHT Jean-Michel Guenet1 1 Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS-Université de Strasbourg, France In this short lecture we will present some basic knowledge about small-angle scattering techniques used in the study of the structure of matter. Three types of radiations will be discussed as the basic principles for describing molecular structures are the same. They, however, do not necessarily interact with matter in the same way. X-ray and light are both composed of photons and interact therefore with the electron clouds, yet the 3-order of magnitude discrepancy in wavelength makes that the correlations investigated, namely distances explored in a sample, range from 1000-100 nm in the case of light down to 10-1 nm in the case of X-rays. Conversely, neutron is a quantum particle with a given wavelength so that it behaves as X-ray and light but interacts with the atomic nucleus instead. This allows one to toy with the so-called “contrast factor” in order to differentiate the various molecular structures present in a sample. Typical scattering sets-up will be presented so as to provide some details about the experimental aspects. Various models of structures of polymers and self-assembled systems will be described together with available experimental examples. Professor Jean-Michel Guenet is the Director of ICS and the Head of Institute Charles Sadron (200 employees) at CNR-University of Strasbourg. Dr. Guenet received his master from Paris XIII University and his Ph.D. from Strasbourg University. He is the author of over 170 peer-reviewed journal articles and three books. He received the Dillon medal of the American Physical Society in 1990. Dr. Guenet has given over 70 invited talked at international symposia and has been a visiting professor at Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium, and Shizuoka University, Japan. 19 Talk Number: 4 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 3:45 PM Session: M2: Short Course (Auditorium) PHOTOCHEMISTRY IN POLYMER SCIENCE Brett Fors1 1 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, USA Having precise control over a polymer’s architecture and composition enables tuning of its function and allows the development of new technologies. Light has proven to be a highly unique reagent in polymer synthesis that can give both spatial and temporal control over polymerization and give rise to the formation of a diverse set of structures. On this basis, photochemistry in polymer science has seen significant attention and been used for an array of applications. This short course will look at some of the important advances in photomediated polymerizations over the last two decades, examine new developments in this field, and assess its future promise in materials science. Brett P. Fors was born in Polson, Montana and carried out his undergraduate studies in chemistry at Montana State University (B.S., 2006). He went on to do his Ph.D. (2011) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with Professor Stephen L. Buchwald, where he worked on the development and applications of Pd catalysts for C-N cross-coupling reactions. After his doctoral studies he became an Elings Fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara working with Professor Craig J. Hawker on new polymerization techniques that can be effectively regulated with light. In the summer of 2014 he joined the faculty at Cornell University and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. 20 Talk Number: 5 (Short Course) Time: Monday, May 11, 2015 4:40 PM Session: M2: Short Course (Auditorium) FRICTION, WEAR AND SCRATCH RESISTANCE OF POLYMERS Witold Brostow1,2 , Nathalie Hnatchuk1,2 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, University of North Texas, USA 2 International Council on Materials Education, University of North Texas, USA Industry worldwide suffers huge losses every year because of a need to replace moving parts and elements of structure as a consequence of wear. In this respect wear is similar to corrosion, but wear concerns all moving parts while corrosion ‘attacks’ only some metals. The first step to mitigating wear is understanding tribology = the science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion. Important experimental techniques of determination of tribological properties include: determination of static and dynamic friction with a ‘universal’ mechanical testing machine; determination of scratch resistance and sliding wear; pin-on-disk tribometry and profilometry for determination of dynamic friction and wear and also of roughness. Methods of mitigating wear used for metals cannot be used for polymers and polymer-based materials (PBMs). For metal parts one uses external lubricants; such lubricants are likely to be absorbed by polymers, resulting in swelling and jamming of moving parts. However, methods of mitigating wear in PBMs exist and will be discussed also. Recommended reading: W. Brostow, V. Kovacevic, D. Vrsaljko & J. Whitworth, Tribology of polymers and polymer-based composites, J. Mater. Ed. 2010, 32, 273. 21 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 8:20 AM T0: Opening (Auditorium) Session Chair: Mehrdad Negahban Assistants: Wenlong Li, John J. Bowen 22 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 8:45 AM T1: Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Jinsong Huang Assistants: Wenlong Li, John J. Bowen Talk: 1. (8:45 AM, Plenary) Ade: SOFT X-RAY CHARACTERIZATION METHODS: UTILITY AND OPPORTUNITY Dr. Harald Ade, Distinguished Professor of Physics, North Carolina State University 23 Talk Number: 1 (Plenary) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:45 AM Session: T1: Plenary (Auditorium) SOFT X-RAY CHARACTERIZATION METHODS: UTILITY AND OPPORTUNITY Harald Ade1 1 Physics, North Carolina State University, U.S.A Soft X-rays provide unique advantages to characterize systems with high spatial resolution, high compositional and bond-orientation sensitivity, with relatively little radiation damage. We will trace key development steps in microscopy and scattering and exemplify the applications in a broad range of fields with a focus on application to characterize bulk heterojunction (BHJ) organic photovoltaics (OPVs). In these devices electron donating and electron accepting materials form a complex network of discrete and distributed heterointerfaces and charge transport pathways in the photoactive layer where critical photo-physical processes occur. However, we have insufficient knowledge about the structural properties of these interfaces due to their 3-dimensional arrangement and the paucity of techniques to measure local order and purity. Synchrotron radiation based soft x-ray methods can uniquely measure critical structural parameters, which includes molecular orientation correlations relative to donor/acceptor heterojunctions [1]. Using polarized resonant soft X-ray scattering [2], the degree of molecular orientation, an order parameter that describes face-on (+1) or edge-on orientation (-1) relative to these discrete heterointerfaces, can be determined. By manipulating the degree of molecular orientation through choice of molecular chemistry and processing solvent characteristics, the importance of this structural parameter on the performance of BHJ OPV devices and charge transfer dynamics can be demonstrated. We will furthermore show how compositional variations can be related to polymer crystal size [3] and how mobility and purity can relate to charge extraction and thus in turn to device performance [4,5]. A complete description of actual morphologies and theoretical modeling yet to be developed for OPVs will have to take these factors into account. Devices with efficiencies up to 10.8% will be discussed [6]. Complementary applications to milk, helical nanofibrillar liquid crystals, block copolymers and membranes will also be exemplified. Future plans and opportunities to improve environmental sample control, extend the energy range, and ptychography at the few nm level [7] will be discussed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J. R. Tumbleston et al., Nature Photonics 8, 386 (2014). B. A. Collins et al., Nat. Mater. 11, 536 (2012). W. Ma at al, Advanced Materials 26, 4234 (2014) S. Albrecht et al. J. Physical Chemistry Letters 5, 1131-1138 (2014). W. Liu et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 15566-15576 (2014). Y. Liu et al., Nature Communications 5, 5293 (2014) D. Shapiro et al., Nature Photonics 8, 765-769 (2014) 24 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 10:00 AM T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) Session Chair: Bernhard Blümich Assistant: John J. Bowen Talks: 1. (10:00 AM, Keynote) Guenet: CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF HYBRID MATERIALS FROM POLYMERS AND SELF-ASSEMBLED SYSTEMS 2. (10:40 AM, Oral) Dargent: RELAXATION PROCESSES AND COOPERATIVITY IN COPOLYMERS WITH A SIMILAR BACKBONE FLEXIBILITY 3. (11:00 AM, Oral) Pireaux: UNDERSTANDING (INDUCING, REPAIRING) ION BEAM DAMAGES IN POLYMERS - A POLYCHAR CONCERN 4. (11:20 AM, Oral) Delpouve: COUPLING APPROACHES FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ALPHA RELAXATION DYNAMICS IN INTERACTING NETWORKS 5. (11:40 AM, Oral) Adhikari: MORPHOLOGICAL, THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF STYRENIC BLOCK COPOLYMER COMPOSITES WITH NANOCARBONS 25 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:00 AM Session: T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF HYBRID MATERIALS FROM POLYMERS AND SELF-ASSEMBLED SYSTEMS Jean-Michel Guenet1 1 CNRS, Institut Charles Sadron, France In this talk three types of hybrid materials made up from covalent polymers and self-assembling systems will be presented. In all cases the formation of these hybrid materials is achieved through physical processes (heterogeneous nucleation, gelation, self-assembling). Three cases will be reviewed and discussed: encapsulation of self-assembled filaments in polymer fibrils, intermingled gels, sheathed of polymer fibrils with self-assembling molecules. The polymers used are isotactic polystyrene and syndiotactic polystyrene, and the self-assembling materials are bicopper-2-éthyle hexanoatecomplex, OPV (oligo phenylene vinylene)and (3,5-Bis-(5-hexylcarbamoylpentyloxy)-benzoic acid decyl ester) together with its decyl ester fluorinated counterpart. Results on the formation thermodynamics as observed by DSC, the morphology as determined by AFM, some properties (magnetic) by SQUID, and the molecular structure as obtained by SANS, SAXS and EXAFS will be presented and discussed. All the experimental results show that a high degree of compatibility exists between all the components thus allowing one to prepare materials where one component is finely dispersed within the other. The potential applications of these three systems will also be discussed. 26 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:40 AM Session: T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) RELAXATION PROCESSES AND COOPERATIVITY IN COPOLYMERS WITH A SIMILAR BACKBONE FLEXIBILITY Jorge A. Soto-Puente1,2 , Bidur Rijal1 , Laurent Delbreilh1 , Kateryna Fatyeyeva2 , Allison Saiter1 , Eric Dargent1 1 2 AMME-LECAP EA 4528 International Laboratory, Normandie Université, France Laboratoire PBS, Normandie Université, France The glass transition in polymeric materials is characterized by a temperature dependence of the segmental relaxation time close to Tg. The deviation of this dependence from an Arrhenius behavior could be quantified with fragility [1]. Several approaches have been proposed to explain the correlation between the fragility and the cooperative molecular mobility near to Tg [2,3]. Then, the concept of cooperative rearranging region (CRR) was introduced by Donth and defined as the smallest amorphous domain where conformational rearrangement phenomena can occur without causing rearrangements in the surrounding [4]. The poly (vinyl acetate) (PVAc) and its random ethylene copolymers, so-called poly (ethylene-covinyl acetate) (EVA) with a content of vinyl acetate (VAc) higher than 40 wt.% are completely amorphous materials [5]. As a consequence of the ethylene content increasing, the dipole-dipole interactions between the polymer chains are expected to decrease. Generally, the published works correlate the fragility with the chemical backbone stiffness [6]. The aim of this work is to correlate the fragility with the amplitude of cooperative motions, by decreasing the dipole-dipole interactions (through the VAc content modification) and without changing the flexibility of the main chemical backbone. For this goal MT-DSC and broadband dielectric spectroscopy measurements have been performed. 27 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:00 AM Session: T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) UNDERSTANDING (INDUCING, REPAIRING) ION BEAM DAMAGES IN POLYMERS - A POLYCHAR CONCERN Jean-Jacques Pireaux1 , Laurent Nittler1 1 Research Center in Physics of Matter and Radiation (PMR), University of Namur, Belgium Different spectroscopies are available to characterize the elemental, chemical and molecular composition of polymer materials in the bulk or micrometer range (IR, NMR...) and other ones to study surfaces and interfaces in the nanometer range (XPS, ToF-SIMS...). For the latter subject, when it comes to analyze and remove extreme surface contamination -as this may become extremely relevant for adhesion studies or biocompatibilization properties-, one is generally using a soft ion beam or a plasma process to etch away the contamination layer. In order to study thicker layers, Ar+ monoatomic ion beam etching appeared as the best method to be used up to now , even if it is known that such monoatomic ion beams are inducing a lot of chemical and structural damages in the studied layer. In the last few years, Argon ion cluster beams (Arn+) have been proven a very efficient method to etch away almost any kind of organic/polymer layer, practically without inducing any defect in the studied layer. In the present work, we propose to study with X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and SRIM modelling the use of such Arn+ beams in order to: (a) clean the surface of a PMMA layer, (b) to study the damages induced by a monoatomic Ar+ beam (depending on the beam energy), and (c) remove those Ar+ -induced damages. At the end, it will appear that Argon ion cluster beams (Arn+) are a good tool for healing a polymer surface of chemical and structural defects. We will show that, for a given cluster energy, there is a quite natural linear relation between the monoatomic ion beam damaged volume, and the fluence of ion clusters necessary to remove these damages. This suggests that the Arn+ erosion mechanism is in a first approximation mechanically driven. 28 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:20 AM Session: T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) COUPLING APPROACHES FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ALPHA RELAXATION DYNAMICS IN INTERACTING NETWORKS Nicolas Delpouve1 , Steven Araujo1 , Wenlong Li2 , Florian Batteux1 , Li Tan2 , Mehrdad Negahban2 , Jean-Marc Saiter1 1 AMME-LECAP EA 4528 International Lab., Normandie University, Université and INSA Rouen, France AMME-A-TEAM, Department of Mechanical &Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE, USA 2 To date a wide number of models and theories have been developed in attempt to describe the molecular dynamics around the glass transition temperature and all assume that the molecular motions at the alpha-relaxation process are cooperative. Adam and Gibbs [1] first proposed the concept of cooperative rearranging region (CRR) defined as the smallest subsystem which, upon a sufficient thermal fluctuation, can undergo a conformational rearrangement independently of its environment. One of the challenges associated to the relaxation investigation is to calculate the CRR size by means of experimental techniques. The approach of Donth [2] is a powerful empiric approach to investigate the CRR size since it relates the cooperativity volume to the fluctuation of the glass transition temperature directly obtained from calorimetric techniques. Many works refer to this approach to describe the molecular dynamics of the amorphous phase in polymeric systems at the glass transition [3,4] and in the liquid like state [5]. It is moreover assumed that the cooperativity calculated from the equation of Donth depicts the level of weak interactions in a material [6,7]. For some systems however, especially those exhibiting a very broad glass transition, the strict use of Donth’s equation can lead to dramatically low values for the cooperativity length. Another issue lies in the arbitrary determination of “the relaxing unit” which is particularly complex in crosslinked materials. In this work we propose to investigate a particular case combining these two major drawbacks: the reciprocal influence between two networks in terms of molecular dynamics in an interpenetrating system. We will present our current challenges and the opportunities offered from coupling approaches. (1) Adam, G.; Gibbs, J. H. J. Chem. Phys. 2004, 43, 139-146. (2) Donth, E. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1982, 53, 325-330. (3) Furushima, Y.; Ishikiriyama, K.; Higashioji, T. Polymer 2013, 54, 4078-4084. (4) Delpouve, N.; Delbreilh, L.; Stoclet, G.; Saiter, A.; Dargent, E. Macromolecules 2014, 47, 5186-5197. (5) Saiter, A.; Delbreilh, L.; Couderc, H.; Arabeche, K.; Schönhals, A.; Saiter, J.-M. Phys. Rev. E 2010, 81, 041805. (6) Nakanishi, M.; Nozaki, R. Phys. Rev. E 2011, 84. (7) Paluch, M.; Pawlus, S.; Grzybowski, A.; Grzybowska, K.; Włodarczyk, P.; Zioło, J. Phys. Rev. E 2011, 84, 052501. 29 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:40 AM Session: T2_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) MORPHOLOGICAL, THERMAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF STYRENIC BLOCK COPOLYMER COMPOSITES WITH NANOCARBONS Rameshwar Adhikari1 , Surendra Kumar Gautam2 , Marco Liebscher3 , Sven Henning4 , Hai Hong Le3 , Ralf Lach5 , Wolfgang Grellmann5 , Amit Das3 , Gert Heinrich3 1 2 3 4 5 Central Department of Chemistry, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Department of Chemistry, Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal Leibnitz Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, Germany Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle/Saale, Germany Center of Engineering, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Styrenic block copolymers having different molecular architectures were compounded with multiwalled carbon nanotubes and nanodiamond with the objectives of preparing composites with desired electrical and thermal conductivities. Melt mixing using microcompounder followed by compression molding allowed the formation of nanocomopostes with well disperse nanofillers into the polymer matrix. The materials were characterized with different microscopic, techniques, X-ray diffraction, microindentation hardness measurement, and tensile testing, It was found that the matrix with co-continuous morphology is favors the formation electrically conducting polymers. The composites showed significant improvement in mechanical properties at low filler content. The observed properties of nanocomposites will be discussed in correlation with block copolymer architecture, processing methods and observed morphology. Keywords: block copolymer, polymer nanocompostes, electron microscopy, microhardness 30 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 10:00 AM T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) Session Chair: Jinsong Huang Assistant: Wenlong Li Talks: 1. (10:00 AM, Invited) Ouyang: PEDOT:PSS FOR PEROVSKITE SOLAR CELLS 2. (10:20 AM, Invited) Xiao: UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECT OF DEUTERATED CONDUCTING POLYMER AND SOLVENT ADDITIVE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS 3. (10:40 AM, Oral) Ulanski: OTFTS WITH ULTRATHIN LAYERS OF POLY(3-HEXYLTIOPHENE) 4. (11:00 AM, Oral) Xiao: UNIVERSAL FORMATION OF COMPOSITIONALLY GRADED BULK HETEROJUNCTION FOR EFFICIENCY ENHANCEMENT IN ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS 5. (11:20 AM, Oral) Jo: CONDUCTING POLYMER/GRAPHENE COMPOSITE FOR SUPERCAPACITOR 31 Talk Number: 1 (Invited) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:00 AM Session: T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) PEDOT:PSS FOR PEROVSKITE SOLAR CELLS Kuan Sun1 , Yijie Xia1 , Jianyong Ouyang1 1 Department of Materials Science & Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) is the most successful conducting polymer in terms of practical application. PEDOT:PSS can be dispersed in water and some polar organic solvents. High-quality PEDOT:PSS films can be readily prepared by solution processing techniques, such as coating and printing. PEDOT:PSS has high transparency in visible range and good thermal stability. Highly conductive PEDOT:PSS can replace transparent conductive oxide as the transparent electrode of optoelectronic devices, while less conductive PEDOT:PSS can be used as the buffer layer. Here, I will present our study on the application of highly conductive PEDOT:PSS as the transparent electrode of perovskite solar cells and the effects of perovskite precursors and solvents on the properties of PEDOT:PSS. 32 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:20 AM Session: T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) UNDERSTANDING THE EFFECT OF DEUTERATED CONDUCTING POLYMER AND SOLVENT ADDITIVE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS Kai Xiao1 , Ming Shao1 , Jong Keum1 , Kunlun Hong1 , Jim Browning2 , Jihua Chen1 , Wei Chen3 , Jacek Jakowski1 , Bobby Sumpter1 , David Geohegan1 1 2 3 Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Neutron Scattering Science Divisions, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Material Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA The desired physical and optoelectronic properties of conjugated polymers strongly depend on the molecular structure and film morphology. Therefore, understanding the structure-property-performance relationship is crucial to the development of high performance organic electronic devices. Here, I will first report a systematic study of the isotopic effects of deuterium substitution on the structure, morphology and optoelectronic properties of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)s (P3HT) with an integrated approach that combines the synthesis of deuterated materials, optoelectronic properties measurements, theoretical simulation and neutron scattering. Interestingly, selective substitution of deuterium on the backbone or side chains of P3HT contributes differently to the photovoltaic characteristic. Secondly, adding solvent additive has been demonstrated to be an effective method to optimize the bulk heterojunction morphology, and improve the efficiency of OPV. However, the key information of the nano-structural evolution occurring in the transformation from casting solution to thin photoactive film is still lacking. We investigate the effects of the processing additive diiodooctane (DIO) on the morphology of high efficient PBDTTT-C-T:PCBM OPV, starting in the casting solution and tracing the effects in the spun-cast thin films. Our results reveal that DIO has no observable effect on the structure of polymer donor and aggregation of fullerene acceptors in solution, however in the spun-cast films, it significantly promotes their molecular ordering and phase separation. Moreover, thermodynamic analysis provides a rationale for the effects of DIO on different characteristics of phase segregation. Such information will guide the design of ternary blends to improved efficiency for OPVs. This research was conducted at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences and the Spallation Neutron Source, which are sponsored at Oak Ridge National Laboratory by the Division of Scientific User Facilities, U.S. Department of Energy. [1] M. Shao, J. Keum, J. Chen, Y. He, W. Chen, J. F. Browning, J. Jakowski, B. G. Sumpter, I. N. Ivanov, Y. Ma, C. M. Rouleau, S. C. Smith, D. B. Geohegan, K. Hong, K. Xiao, Nature Comm. 5, 4180 (2014). [2] M. Shao, J. K. Keum, R. Kumar, J. Chen, J. F. Browning, S. Das, W. Chen, J. Hou, C. Do, K. C. Littrell, A. Rondinone, D. B. Geohegan, B. G. Sumpter, K. Xiao, Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 6467 (2014) 33 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:40 AM Session: T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) OTFTS WITH ULTRATHIN LAYERS OF POLY(3-HEXYLTIOPHENE) Izabela Tszydel1 , Lukasz Janasz1 , Remigiusz Grykien1 , Beata Luszczynska1 , Tomasz Makowski2 , Jacek Ulanski1 1 Department of Molecular Physics, Technical University of Lodz, Poland Department of Polymer Physics, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 2 Flexible Organic Large Area Electronics (FOLAE) is quickly emerging technology offering possibility of mass production of cheap and flexible electronic devices by using different printing techniques. Solution processable conjugated polymers are main class of organic semiconductors suitable for FOLAE applications and Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) are basic building units of any electronic devices, therefore transistors based on conjugated polymers are subjects of intensive investigations since many years. It is known, that in the OTFT the charge carrier transport occurs in few monolayers near the semiconductor/dielectric interface, however there are only scares published data for OTFTs with ultra-thin semiconducting polymer layers obtained by solution-based methods. In our studies we have focused on determination of relationship between morphology of the very first layers of the conjugated polymer and performance of the OTFT. As a model conjugated polymer we have chosen the regioregular poly(3-hexyltiophene) (P3HT) with different molecular weights and with narrow molecular weight distributions. Regioregular P3HT is well known p-type semi-crystalline polymer consisting of a π-conjugated backbone with head-to-tail arrangement of the thiophene units bearing pendent alkyl side groups. We have found that by changing the conditions of processing (type of solvent, concentration of the solution, speed of spin-coating, post-treatment annealing) one can get ultrathin layers with different morphology. These differences are reflected in different performances of the OTFTs, and in particular the charge carrier mobility, as determined from the transistor characteristics, is very sensitive to morphology of the few first monolayers of P3HT. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grant 2013/08/M/ST5/00914 of the Polish National Science Centre and by grant Master9./2014 of the Foundation for Polish Science. 34 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:00 AM Session: T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) UNIVERSAL FORMATION OF COMPOSITIONALLY GRADED BULK HETEROJUNCTION FOR EFFICIENCY ENHANCEMENT IN ORGANIC PHOTOVOLTAICS Zhengguo Xiao1 , Jinsong Huang1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA All of the current efficient organic photovoltaic devices have a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) structure. Regular BHJ films, formed from randomly mixed donors and acceptors in solution, inevitably have many breaks and dead ends, and have uniform distribution of donors and acceptors along the vertical direction which does not match the gradient electron and hole current across the films. The nonideal morphologies inevitably cause the charge recombination both in the BHJ films and at the metal/organic interface, in forms of geminate recombination, or bimolecular recombination. Compositionally graded BHJ films, donor enriched at the anode and acceptor enriched at the cathode side, were proposed to facilitate the charge extraction and to reduce charge recombination in several highly efficient OPVs. However, the graded BHJs with preferred composition profiles were only observed in a few high efficiency material systems which require special substrate surfaces and suitable surface energy differences between donors and acceptors for its formation. Here we report a universal method to form the compositionally graded BHJ using a simple solvent-fluxing treatment of the wet BHJ films, in which the fluxing solvent brings the additives, as well as fullerene-derivatives, toward the film surface. The graded BHJ significantly reduces bimolecular charge recombination. The fluxing process also resulted in more uniform nanodomain distribution in the plane of the films and higher charge carrier mobilities. An efficiency enhancement of 15∼50%, with highest efficiency of 8.6% for poly[4,8-bis-(2-ethyl-hexyl-thiophene-5-yl)-benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’]dithiophene-2,6diyl]-alt-[2-(2’-ethyl-hexanoyl)-thieno[3,4-b]thiophen-4,6-diyl] (PBDTTT-C-T):C71-butyric acid methyl ester (PC70BM) system, was achieved for all of the solution-processed BHJ systems studied compared to those devices with regular BHJ films. 35 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:20 AM Session: T2_2: PEOD (Auditorium) CONDUCTING POLYMER/GRAPHENE COMPOSITE FOR SUPERCAPACITOR Won Ho Jo1 , Kyung Tae Kim1 , Jin Woo Lee1 1 Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea A water-soluble conducting polymer, poly(styrene sulfonic acid)-graft-polyaniline (PSSA-g-PANI), was synthesized and used to directly exfoliate graphite into graphene layers in aqueous media, because PANI in PSSA-g-PANI is strongly physisorbed onto graphene surface via strong interaction while PSSA in PSSA-gPANI enhances water solubility. Hence, PSSA-g-PANI is expected to exfoliate directly graphite into graphene layers and thus to disperse effectively the layers in aqueous media. As a consequence, PSSA-g-PANI/graphene composite films are easily fabricated by a solution process and used for supercapacitor electrode. The capacitances of the composites depend upon the length and composition of PANI in PSSA-g-PANI. When the capacitances of the composites with different PSSA-g-PANIs (different ratio of aniline (ANI) to styrene sulfonic acid (SSA) in polymer) were measured by cyclic voltammetry, the composite with the ratio of ANI/SSA (50/50) in PSSA-g-PANI exhibits the highest specific capacitance of 480 F/g and 1449 F/g when the capacitance was measured by cyclic voltammetry at a scan rate of 50 mV/s and Galvano curves at a current density of 1 A/g, respectively, which are among the highest values of EDLC type supercapacitor, and the composite also shows superior cycle life with 90% retention of the initial specific capacitance after 1000 cycles as compared to pseudo supercapacitor. 36 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 12:50 PM T3: Young Pleanary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Lucia Fernandez-Ballester Assistants: Ramin Hosseinabad, Mitchell Schmidt Talk: 1. (12:50 PM, Young Plenary) Stein: GRAZING INCIDENCE SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING: PRINCIPLES, MODELS, AND APPLICATIONS FOR NANOSTRUCTURED THIN FILMS Dr. Gila Stein, Ernest J. and Barbara M. Henley Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston 37 Talk Number: 1 (Young Plenary) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:50 PM Session: T3: Young Pleanary (Auditorium) GRAZING INCIDENCE SMALL-ANGLE X-RAY SCATTERING: PRINCIPLES, MODELS, AND APPLICATIONS FOR NANOSTRUCTURED THIN FILMS Gila Stein1 1 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston, USA Grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) is an emerging method for quantitative characterization of nanostructured polymer films. This reflection-mode technique illuminates the sample with a shallow incidence angle and records off-specular scattering with an area detector. Analyzing these data is non-trivial, as models must include refraction corrections and account for multiple scattering events. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the GISAXS experiment, and then discuss qualitative and quantitative approaches for interpreting the data. I will present two case studies that illustrate how GISAXS measurements can detect confinement-induced behavior in block copolymer thin films: First, I will show that GISAXS detects complex symmetry transitions in thin films of spherical-domain block copolymers. These transitions (from hexagonal to face-centered orthorhombic to body-centered cubic) are driven by packing frustration in the confined geometry, and the equilibrium symmetry depends on the thickness of the film. Second, I will discuss domain orientations in thin films of lamellar copolymers on “nearly-neutral” substrates. Through detailed analysis of GISAXS data, we show that lamellae can bend near the bottom of the film. The extent of these deformations is controlled by preferential interactions with the underlying substrate, as well as the thickness of the film, and such defects have important implications for semiconductor manufacturing based on block copolymer lithography. About the speaker: Gila Stein earned her B.S. in Chemical Engineering at Drexel University (2002) and completed a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2006). She then moved to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, where she was a NRC postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (2007-2008). Since 2009, she has been an Assistant Professor in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department at the University of Houston. Dr. Stein’s research group studies the physics and chemistry of thin polymer films, emphasizing applications in the microelectronics industry. She received a NSF CAREER award in 2012. 38 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 1:40 PM T4_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) Session Chair: Christopher Cornelius Assistant: Ramin Hosseinabad Talks: 1. (1:40 PM, Invited) Blümich: NMR-SPECTROSCOPY AND NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING BY COMPACT NMR 2. (2:00 PM, Oral) Tashiro: STRUCTURE FORMATION PROCESS OF POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL)IODINE COMPLEX REVEALED BY IN-SITU TIME-DEPENDENT X-RAY DIFFRACTION MEASUREMENT 3. (2:20 PM, Oral) Salim: THERMAL DEGRADATION IN THE MELT REACTION BETWEEN POLY(3-HYDROXYBUTYATE-CO-3-HYDROXYHEXANOATE) AND EPOXIDIZED NATURAL RUBBER 39 Talk Number: 1 (Invited) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:40 PM Session: T4_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) NMR-SPECTROSCOPY AND NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING BY COMPACT NMR Bernhard Blümich1 , Alina Adams1 , Ernesto Danieli1 , Tylor Meldrum2 , Dirk Oligschlaeger1 , Kawarpal Singh1 , Wasif Zia1 1 2 Institut für Technische und Makromolekulare Chemie, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Department of Chemistry, The College of William & Mary, USA An introduction to compact NMR will be given with the focus on polymer analysis. Most NMR instruments are bulky and expensive. This is not so for compact NMR instruments, which employ small permanent magnets instead of large superconducting magnets. Despite their low field strength they are useful for a variety of different investigations of macromolecules and macromolecular materials. For instance, highresolution 1H and 13C NMR spectra of polymer solutions can be acquired within a few minutes with a compact desktop spectrometer directly in the chemical laboratory and even under the fume hood. The sensitivity is good enough to monitor chemical reactions in real time and to distinguish raw rubber from different plantations (NR), different manufacturing processes. With stray-field sensors like the NMR-MOUSE extregistered only rubber products like tubes and tires could be characterized non-destructively in the past in terms of depth profiles and local cross-link density. With the recent development of the MiniMOUSE, the limiting instrument deadtime could be considerably reduced so that now not only the signal from amorphous domains in semi-crystalline polymers can be detected but also the signal from crystalline domains. In addition to thermal and physical aging, temperature and solvent induced crystallization have been studied. Such investigations are closely related to studies of paint, paintings, and other objects of art and cultural heritage relevant to conservation science. 40 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:00 PM Session: T4_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) STRUCTURE FORMATION PROCESS OF POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL)-IODINE COMPLEX REVEALED BY IN-SITU TIME-DEPENDENT X-RAY DIFFRACTION MEASUREMENT Kohji Tashiro1 , Siti Munirah Saharin1 1 Department of Future Industry-oriented Basic Science and Materials, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)-iodine complex is used for a optical polarizer for color display, sun glass etc. By dipping PVA film into an iodine solution, the complex is formed not only in the amorphous region, as used for polarizer but also in the crystal region. We have analyzed the crystal structures of complexes using X-ray diffraction data, and investigated the factors governing the complex formation. In the present paper, the structure changes in the formation process of the complexes have been investigated by performing the in-situ time-resolved X-ray diffraction measurement using a doubly-oriented anisotropic PVA film. (1) In the crystal structure of PVA itself, a couple of planar zigzag chains are linked together by intermolecular hydrogen bonds. These PVA chains are linked also between the unit cells with strong hydrogen bonds. (2) When the concentration of iodine solution is low (∼0.02M), the iodine ions invade into the amorphous region and form the complex with PVA there.The iodine molecules exist as I5- ion. Most of the crystal regions are still remained as the crystalline state of PVA itself. (3) The PVA sample is dipped into a KI/I2 aqueous solution of 0.05M∼1M concentration. As known from the Raman data, the I3- ions invade into the crystalline region and form the complex with PVA chains. According to the X-ray sdiffraction analysis, the structure consists basically of three layers: a layer of PVA chains connected by hydrogen bonds, and two layers consisting of PVA-I3- complex. The occupancy of the iodine is about 0.3. The arrangement of these 3 layers indicates that the PVA-iodine complex is formed by shifting the PVA chains from the original position and iodine molecules enter the spaces created by such a shift of PVA chains. However, the invasion of I3- ions is not perfect but some of PVA chains still remain in the original structure. (4) By dipping the PVA sample into more highly-concentrated iodine solution (∼3M), more perfectly-packed PVA-iodine complex is formed, in which all the PVA chains form the complex with I3- at an occupancy of 0.7. The planar zigzag planes of PVA chains are almost commonly parallel to the rolled plane in the two cases of PVA itself and the complex of intermediate concentration. But, once the highly-concentrated PVA-I3- complex is formed, the a-axis is oriented in parallel to the rolled plane and the molecules rotate by 38o around the chain axis. 41 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:20 PM Session: T4_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) THERMAL DEGRADATION IN THE MELT REACTION BETWEEN POLY(3HYDROXYBUTYATE-CO-3-HYDROXYHEXANOATE) AND EPOXIDIZED NATURAL RUBBER Yoga Sugama Salim1,2,3 , Kumar Sudesh4 , Seng Neon Gan3 , Chin Han Chan2 , Jean-Marc Saiter1 1 AMME-LECAP, EA4528, International Laboratory, Institute des Materiaux de Rouen, Université et INSA de Rouen, France 2 Polymer Blends Research Laboratory, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Malaysia 3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4 Ecobiomaterial Research Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia Melt reaction between a member family of biodegradable copolyesters polyhydroxyalkanoate: poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) [P(3HB-co-3HHx)] and epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) was investigated. P(3HB-co-3HHx) is known to exhibit random chain scission at temperature above its melting point. This random cleavage of P(3HB-co-3HHx) can be selectively grafted with natural rubber bearing a cyclic ether group. The temperature of investigated melt reaction was conducted at 195 o C. During the melt reaction, there is a time-dependence of mass loss as shown in thermogravimetric analysis. The plot of mass loss (in percent, %) against weight fraction of ENR (wENR) exhibits an asymmetric bell curve. Highest mass loss at 5 × t0.5,rb (t0.5,rb = half-time of isothermal reactive blends) was observed in the blends containing wENR = 30 wt% and wENR = 50 wt%, which was (14.1 ± 0.6)% and (13.0 ± 0.8)% respectively. The asymmetric curve could be attributed to: (1) a heterogeneous reaction at the interface between P(3HB-co-3HHx) and ENR. This means that in P(3HB-co-3HHx)-rich phase, there is a coexistence of dispersed ENR particles with different size distribution and vice versa; and (2) further decomposition of P(3HB-co-3HHx) at prolong reaction time. However at wENR = 40 wt%, there is a percolation pathway in which it forms a continuous phase in both P(3HB-co-3HHx) and ENR (supported by SEM images). The mass loss for this particular blend composition at 5 × t0.5,rb was (9.5 ± 0.1)%. FTIR investigation confirms the molecular interactions during the course of melt reaction between P(3HB-co-3HHx) and ENR. 42 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 1:40 PM T4_2: DEMO (Auditorium) Session Chair: Stephen Ducharme Assistant: Mitchell Schmidt Talks: 1. (1:40 PM, Invited) Xu: ENHANCED SENSITIVITY OF PRESSURE SENSOR USING ELECTROACTIVE POLYMERS 2. (2:00 PM, Oral) Poddar: FLEXOELECTRIC EFFECT IN FERROELECTRIC AND RELAXOR POLYMERS OF VDF 3. (2:20 PM, Oral) Chan: RESPONSE OF SOLID POLYMER ELECTROLYTES TO ELECTRIC FIELDS 43 Talk Number: 1 (Invited) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:40 PM Session: T4_2: DEMO (Auditorium) ENHANCED SENSITIVITY OF PRESSURE SENSOR USING ELECTROACTIVE POLYMERS Chunye Xu1 1 Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, School of Chemistry and Materials; Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, China Electroactive polymers (EAPs) are smart materials that exhibit controllable response to external stimulus, promising in application for actuators, sensors and electrochromic devices. We developed a highly sensitive flexible pressure sensor based on piezopolymer and silver nanowire (Ag NWs) composite. The composite nanofiber webs are made by electrospinning mixed solutions of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and Ag NWs in the cosolvent of dimethyl formamide and acetone. FTIR and XRD results reveal that doping Ag NWs into PVDF largely enhances the content of β phase in PVDF. The increase of β phase can be attributed to interactions between Ag NWs and the PVDF matrix, which force the polymer chains to be embedded into the β phase crystalline. The sensitivity of the pressure sensors agrees well with FTIR and XRD characteristics. This study may provide a new method of fabricating high performance flexible sensors at relatively low cost compared with sensors based on [P(VDF-TrFE), (77/23)]. 44 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:00 PM Session: T4_2: DEMO (Auditorium) FLEXOELECTRIC EFFECT IN FERROELECTRIC AND RELAXOR POLYMERS OF VDF Shashi Poddar1 , Stephen Ducharme1 1 Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska Lincoln, United States of America The flexoelectric effect yields a change in electrical polarization proportional to an inhomogeneous strain gradient, and as such, is a more general phenomenon than the linear change in polarization due to stress, the piezoelectric effect, which requires a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure. The inhomogeneous strain gradient becomes appreciable at the nanoscale and behaves as an applied electric field, capable of poling, switching, and rotation of polarization. The flexoelectric response is of practical interest, because it lifts the symmetry restrictions that limit piezoelectric response, and therefore can be found in crystalline and amorphous materials alike, allowing much greater flexibility in material and device design. The theoretical background laid down by Kogan and Tagantsev supposes the flexoelectric coefficient µ to be to be of order ke/a (∼ 0.1 nC/m), where k is the dielectric constant and a is the lattice constant of the material. The predicted scalability of the flexoelectric response with dielectric constant indicates that the flexoelectric effect should also exhibit a strong enhancement near the Curie transition temperature for normal ferroelectric and near the dielectric relaxation temperature regimes. In our studies we investigated the flexoelectric response in ferroelectric and relaxor polymers of vinylidene fluoride. By using a simple cantilever measurement technique, while monitoring remanent polarization through the pyroelectric response, we are able to measure the flexoelectric response in thin films as well as isolate and correct for piezoelectric contributions, which would otherwise dominate the flexoelectric measurement. We also investigated the temperature dependence of the flexoelectric response in thin films of these materials. The ferroelectric samples were depoled to minimize piezoelectric response by heating them beyond their Curie temperature and then cooling in zero applied electric field. In both the relaxor ferroelectric polymer and the paraelectric state of the ferroelectric copolymer, the flexoelectric coefficient was proportional to the dielectric constant over a limited range of temperatures. The enhancements in flexoelectric response were also observed near the phase transition temperatures of both the forms. These organic polymer materials have a broader dielectric anomaly than the ceramic perovskites and thus, provides greater temperature stability for these enhancements. 45 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:20 PM Session: T4_2: DEMO (Auditorium) RESPONSE OF SOLID POLYMER ELECTROLYTES TO ELECTRIC FIELDS Chinhan Chan1 , Hans-Werner Kammer2 , Laihar Sim3 , Tan Winie1 1 2 3 Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia Department of Chemistry and Physics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Pusat Asasi, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia The overview discusses in phenomenological way dielectric relaxation as a function of salt content in polymer electrolytes with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and epoxidized natural rubber (ENR). Impedance is seen as key quantity which images relaxation properties of those systems. It follows Debye relaxation at low salt concentration. With increasing salt content one observes dispersion of relaxation time. The spectrum of imaginary part of impedance displays two extreme values: maximum and minimum. Accordingly, one has to distinguish between low- and high-frequency branches. The maximum reflects chain relaxation. It shifts with increasing salt content to higher frequencies, which is consistent with increase in glass transition temperature (Tg) under the same conditions. The minimum characterizes electrode polarization or formation of double layer at the electrode/electrolyte interface. The frequency where the minimum occurs might be seen as diffusion frequency. It governs transport of charge carriers in the limit of low frequencies. Consequently, diffusion coefficient (Dion) changes as frequency omega (min) in dependence on salt content. Impedance spectrum of PEO displays two extreme values whereas the minimum in spectra of ENRs shifts to very low frequencies and is not experimentally accessible. As a consequence, relaxations in PEO can be discussed in the DC range whereas those in ENRs are only approachable in the high-frequency region where frequency omega >> omega (max). In any branch, the concentration of electrically active charge carriers is quite low and changes only weakly with added salt content; the diffusion coefficient on the other hand, is high and increases with salt content. 46 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 3:05 PM T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) Session Chair: Yong-Rak Kim Assistant: Ramin Hosseinabad Talks: 1. (3:05 PM, Oral) Sun: INVESTIGATING ORGANIC MATERIALS USING SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY 2. (3:25 PM, Oral) Manhart: DESIGN OF ELASTOMER SURFACES WITH SPATIALLY CONTROLLED TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES APPLYING PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES 3. (3:45 PM, Oral) Desai: ROLE OF EXTERNAL DONOR AND CO-CATALYST - ZIEGLER NATTA CATALYST USING SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUE 4. (4:05 PM, Oral) Schamme: ROLE OF MOLECULAR MOBILITY AND FRAGILITY ON PHYSICAL STABILITY OF TWO AMORPHOUS PHARMACEUTICALS IN THE SUPERCOOLED AND GLASSY STATES 5. (4:25 PM, Oral) Viel: MOLECULAR MOBILITY VS POLYMORPHISM OF CHIRAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS: CASE OF DIPROPHYLLINE 6. (4:45 PM, Oral) Denchev: STRUCTURE GRADIENTS BY MICROFOCUS SYNCHROTRON XRAY DIFFRACTION IN SHELL-CORE POLYAMIDE MICROCAPSULES AND MOLDED COMPOSITES THEREOF 7. (5:05 PM, Oral) You: CHARACTERIZATION OF VISCOELASTIC-VISCOPLASTIC BEHAVIOR OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS CONTAINING ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS DERIVATIVES 47 Talk Number: 1 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:05 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) INVESTIGATING ORGANIC MATERIALS USING SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY Jianing Sun1 , Greg Pribil1 , James Hilfiker1 , John Woollam1 1 Applications, J. A. Woollam Co., Inc, USA Spectroscopic Elipsometry (SE) provides accurate film thickness (from sub-nanometers to microns), refractive indices as well as structural conformation and anisotropy. The technique has been routinely used in getting thickness of organic films in single layer or multiple-layer stack. SE determines the optical behaviors of thin films in organic light emitting diodes (OLED) and organic photovoltaic (OPV). Such films present anisotropy resulting from their conjugated molecular structure and conformation. The sensitivity to sub-nm film makes it an idea technique to monitor thin film absorption and desorption in bio- or surface chemistry applications. Thermal behaviors of thin organic films are important for their mechanical, electrical or biological applications. SE provides fast and non-destructive way to dynamically monitor their temperature dependent behaviors. Applications in understanding temperature effects on glass transition and anisotropy will be demonstrated. Thermal responses of ultra-thin (below 20nm) free-standing films will for the first time be discussed. Key Words: Spectroscopic ellipsometry, Refractive index, thickness, anisotropy, glass transition temperature 48 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:25 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) DESIGN OF ELASTOMER SURFACES WITH SPATIALLY CONTROLLED TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES APPLYING PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Jakob Manhart1 , Andreas Hausberger1 , Inge Mühlbacher1 , Raimund Schaller2 , Armin Holzner2 , Wolfgang Kern1,3 , Sandra Schlögl1 1 2 3 Polymer Competence Center Leoben , GmbH, Austria Semperit Technische Produkte GmbH, GmbH, Austria Chair of Chemistry of Polymeric Materials, University of Leoben, Austria Tribological properties of elastomer-based materials have gained increased attention in numerous fields of application, ranging from the automotive industry to the health-care sector. In recent years, various routes have been pursued towards the development of elastomer materials with improved tribological characteristics. The present contribution highlights a new approach for the preparation of functionalized and patterned natural rubber (NR) elements with tailored friction properties. By using versatile UV-induced thiol-ene chemistry, a two-step surface modification strategy has been developed which enables controlled and patterned immobilization of micro-scaled inorganic particles onto diene-rubber surfaces, causing a tremendous change of chemical and physical surface properties. The chemical composition of the modified surfaces was characterized by XPS, FTIR, zeta potential and water contact angle measurements. Physical transformation was monitored by means of optical, scanning electron and confocal microscopy in order to gauge surface topology and roughness whilst tribological studies were performed to characterize the friction properties in two dimensions. The results reveal that the attachment of selected micro-scaled particles provides a distinctive increase in surface roughness and a considerable decrease in the coefficient of friction. Both can be conveniently adjusted through the amount of particles immobilized onto the elastomer surface. The application of photolithographic techniques further promotes elastomer materials with precisely and spatially controlled tribological properties. Whilst elastomer surfaces with randomly attached particles exhibit isotropic coefficients of friction, anisotropic friction properties can be accomplished by surface patterning. It is clearly evidenced that this photochemical modification route enables the well-defined production of surface textures and thus allows the design of elastomer surfaces with tailored friction properties. 49 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:45 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) ROLE OF EXTERNAL DONOR AND CO-CATALYST - ZIEGLER NATTA CATALYST USING SPECTROSCOPY TECHNIQUE Bhavesh Kiritbhai Desai1 1 Reliance Research & Development center, Reliance Industries Ltd, Hazira, India The roles of internal and external electron donors have been often discussed in abundant studies on MgCl2 supported TiCl4 catalysts for propylene polymerization. Since Z-N catalyst and its polymerization is highly complex system and it is quite difficult to identify experimentally active species of polymerization in a heterogeneous MgCl2 support. The interaction of the electron donors with a central titanium atom of the active species is not well-understood. Due to heterogeneous nature of catalyst and also very complex polymerization and catalyst reaction mechanism some advanced tool required to understand role of electron donors (Lewis Base), supports, co-catalyst (Aluminum Alkyl) and also TiCl4 (Lewis Acid). In propylene polymerization the interactions are very much important and are need to be understood for understanding the polymerization mechanism in details. External donor (p-isopropoxy methyl benzoate; PIPMB) & co catalyst (Triethylaluminium-TEAl) were interacted in 1:3 molar ratio. The resultant complexes formed by the interaction of ED and co catalyst were studied by spectroscopy at room temperature. 1H, 13C 1H & DEPT45, 90 & 135 NMR spectra of were recorded. The resultant complexes were also studied at 70o C to mimic the polymerization conditions at slurry phase process. The strength of coordination bond (degree of coordination) was co related by measuring the chemical shift of carbonyl functionality through NMR spectra. 50 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:05 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) ROLE OF MOLECULAR MOBILITY AND FRAGILITY ON PHYSICAL STABILITY OF TWO AMORPHOUS PHARMACEUTICALS IN THE SUPERCOOLED AND GLASSY STATES Benjamin Schamme1,2 , Laurent Delbreilh1 , Valérie Dupray2 , Eric Dargent1 , Gérard Coquerel2 1 2 Advanced Materials and Mechanical Engineering, AMME-LECAP International Laboratory, France Crystal Genesis Unit, SMS Laboratory, France In the pharmaceutical industry, crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and/or excipients have been, so far, preferred for the formulation of drugs because of stability concerns [1]. However, a number of pharmaceutical ingredients are prompt to get amorphized and it has been demonstrated that amorphous API can result in significant improvements of the dissolution rate and bioavailability with reference to the crystallized solid. However, preparation methods as well as thermal and mechanical treatments employed during formulation of the drug have been shown to affect physical stability of the amorphous API [2]. Beside the inherent out of equilibrium state of amorphous material, the molecular mechanisms governing the kinetic stability of amorphous API remain unclear (as a large number of experimental factors may impact the process of crystallization) but need to be clarified in order to design reliable formulation processes [3]. Recent works have highlighted that molecular mobility could be a key factor to account for the physical stability of amorphous substances. In particular the impact of glass fragility on physical stability of amorphous systems has been considered [4]. In view to contribute to this challenging inquiry, we characterized the amorphous state of two APIs: Biclotymol and Quinidine. Biclotymol possesses antiseptic properties and is used for the treatment of otolaryngology infections while Quinidine acts as an antiarrhythmic agent. Based on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy measurements conducted on these two compounds, this study shows that fragility could be a valuable parameter for understanding the mechanisms relating crystallization from amorphous state and stability (life expectancy) of amorphous materials. Dynamics of primary and secondary relaxations processes for the two compounds have been carefully investigated in a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. Moreover, in situ crystallization mechanisms were explored through isothermal and non-isothermal cold crystallization, within the framework of uncontrolled recrystallization processes from amorphous systems. [1] Singhal, D; Curatolo, W. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2004, 56, 335-347. [2] Patterson, J; James, M; Forster, A; Lancaster, R; Butler, J; Rades, T. J. Pharm. Sci. 2005, 94, 1998-2012. [3] Morris, K; Griesser, U; Eckhardt, C; Stowell, J. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 2001, 48, 91-114. [4] Gupta, P; Chawla, G; Bansal, A. Mol. Pharmaceutics. 2004, 1, 406-413. 51 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:25 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) MOLECULAR MOBILITY VS POLYMORPHISM OF CHIRAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS: CASE OF DIPROPHYLLINE Quentin Viel1,2 , Clement Brandel2 , Yohann Cartigny2 , Gerard Coquerel2 , Eric Dargent1 , Samuel Petit2 1 2 LECAP, University of Rouen, France Crystal Genesis SMS, University of Rouen, France Compared to the crystalline state, the amorphous state is an attractive solution for the pharmaceutical industry since the capacity of the molecule to be dissolved in liquids (not to be confused with “solubility”) is increased. Thus, a higher bioavailability of a targeted Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) [1] can be reached by amorphization of a crude product. However, physical instabilities related to the amorphous state represent a significant limitation to the development of an amorphous drug product and for its subsequent formulation. Consequently, the scientific and industrial communities try to understand the factors affecting the crystallization route from the amorphous state [2]. There is a particular scientific interest in understanding the role of molecular mobility in glass-forming materials during the process of crystallization [3]. The chiral drug Diprophylline (DPL) is used as a racemic solid (a 50/50 mixture of both enantiomers) in oral dosage forms for treatment of pulmonary diseases. The molecule itself consists of a rigid heterocyclic group theophylline attached to a flexible propanediol moiety. Although the stable state of DPL enantiomeric mixtures consists of an usual equilibrium between a racemic compound (RI) and an enantiopure form (EI), we have found that annealing DPL glasses with various enantiomeric compositions (Xs) above the DPL glass transition (Tg = 37 o C) can induce the crystallization of two distinct metastable solid solutions labelled ssRII and ssEII. The aim of the present study is to elucidate the impact of enantiomeric composition in supercooled melts on the outcomes of DPL recrystallization from the amorphous state. Calorimetric measurements (DSC) and Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) analyzes have been used to characterize the path/route of the molecules from the amorphous state (molecular mobility) until recrystallization at distinct enantiomeric compositions. [1] Baird A.J., Taylor L., Ad Drug Rev, 64, 396-421, 2012 [2] Bhugra C., Shmeis R., Pikal M., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97, 10, 2008 [3] Rodrigues A.C., Viviosa M.T., Affouard F, Correia T., Molecular Pharmaceutics, 11, 112-130, 2014 52 Talk Number: 6 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:45 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) STRUCTURE GRADIENTS BY MICROFOCUS SYNCHROTRON X-RAY DIFFRACTION IN SHELL-CORE POLYAMIDE MICROCAPSULES AND MOLDED COMPOSITES THEREOF Zlatan Zlatev Denchev1 , Nadya Vassileva Dencheva1 , Stephan V. Roth2 1 2 Polymer Engineering, I3N - Institute for Polymers and Composites, Portugal Photon Science at DESY, DESY, Germany Polyamide microcapsules are of demand in many industries e.g., compression-and rotational molding, selective laser sintering, cosmetics etc. In bioengineering, polyamide-microcapsules can be attractive carriers for protein or enzyme immobilization. The distribution of the solid filler in microcapsules is a function of the manufacturing conditions and is often of decisive importance for certain applications. Such measurements are not possible by means of conventional X-ray techniques or electron microscopy due to the large size of the X-ray beam or sample preparation difficulties, respectively. This work reports on the measurements of the structure and composition gradients in novel microcapsules with polyamide 6 (PA6) porous shells and diameters in the 25-50 angstrom range obtained by emulsion anionic polymerization. The microcapsules were loaded in situ with various amounts and types of inorganic, finely dispersed materials: nanoclays, carbon allotropes, and metal particles. Thin layers of the respective microcapsule samples were scanned along two perpendicular axes with a 5x5 angstrom synchrotron beam in WAXS mode covering areas of 3025 angstrom2. The microfocos WAXS results obtained showed irregular distribution of the filler within the PA6 microcapsules causing changes in the content of α- and ÎPA6 polymorphs in 121 shell sections of 25 angstrom2 each. Similar measurements were performed with composite plates obtained by compression molding of certain amounts of the respective microcapsules. These unique WAXS studies helped characterize the core nanostructure of the loaded PA6 microcapsules and how it transits into the molded part. In such a way a direct relation was made between the reaction parameters of the microcapsule-forming polymerization process and the nanostructure of the molded samples. 53 Talk Number: 7 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 5:05 PM Session: T5_1: CMSP (Heritage Room) CHARACTERIZATION OF VISCOELASTIC-VISCOPLASTIC BEHAVIOR OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS CONTAINING ALIPHATIC AND AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS DERIVATIVES Taesun You1 , Soohyok Im2 , Yong-Rak Kim1 1 2 Civil Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA Bitumen is a black or dark polymer, being composed of high molecular weight hydrocarbons and nonmetallic derivatives. Fine aggregate matrix (FAM) consisting of bitumen, air voids, fine aggregates, and fillers plays a significant role in evaluating the damage and deformation of entire bituminous mixtures. The simplicity, repeatability, and efficiency of the FAM testing make it a very attractive specification-type approach for evaluating the performance characteristics of the entire bituminous mixtures. This study explores a linkage in the deformation characteristics between the two length scales: bituminous mixture scale and its corresponding FAM scale. To that end, a simple creep-recovery test was conducted for both mixtures (i.e., bituminous mixture and its corresponding FAM phase) at various stress levels. Test results were compared and analyzed using Schapery’s single integral viscoelastic theory and Perzyna-type viscoplasticity with a generalized DruckerPrager yield surface. In particular, stress-dependent nonlinear viscoelastic and viscoplastic behaviors were characterized in addition to linear viscoelastic deformation characteristics, because the nonlinear viscoelastic and viscoplastic behaviors are considered significant in bituminous pavements that are subjected to heavy vehicle loads and elevated service temperatures. With a limited scope and test-analysis results at this stage, it was found that there is a strong link between the FAM and bituminous mixture in (linear and nonlinear) viscoelastic and viscoplastic deformation characteristics. This implies that the viscoelastic stiffness characteristics and viscoplastic hardening of typical bituminous mixtures could be estimated or predicted from the simple FAM-based testing-analysis method, which can significantly reduce the experimental-analytical efforts required for bituminous mixtures. 54 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Starting: 3:05 PM T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) Session Chair: Chinhan Chan Assistant: Mitchell Schmidt Talks: 1. (3:05 PM, Invited) Jonas: NANOIMPRINTED FERROELECTRIC/SEMICONDUCTING POLYMER DEVICES 2. (3:25 PM, Oral) Sangoro: CHARGE TRANSPORT AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS IN POLYMERIZED IONIC LIQUIDS 3. (3:45 PM, Oral) Dencheva: FROM LOADED SHELL-CORE MICROCAPSULES TO THERMOPLASTIC HYBRID COMPOSITES: A NEW PATHWAY FOR THE PREPARATION OF CONDUCTIVE AND MAGNETIC POLYAMIDE COMPOSITES 4. (4:05 PM, Oral) Anada: DIVERSITY OF MICROSTRUCTURE OF POLYMER SOLID INVESTIGATED BY MOTION OF IMPURITY IONS 5. (4:25 PM, Oral) Hagg Lobland: THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS (TEGS) WITH LONG SERVICE LIVES 55 Talk Number: 1 (Invited) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:05 PM NANOIMPRINTED VICES Session: T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) FERROELECTRIC/SEMICONDUCTING POLYMER DE- Ronggang Cai1 , Tilia Patois1 , Laurianne Nougaret1 , Alain M. Jonas1 1 Bio & Soft Matter, University of Louvain, Belgium For the fabrication of efficient organic devices, it is desirable to develop methodologies able to shape functional polymers into nanostructures, while simultaneously controlling essential attributes such as crystal orientation and size. In this context, nanoimprint lithography (NIL), initially developed as a nanolithography technique applied to amorphous polymers, proved to be well-suited to shape and control the structure of a range of liquid crystalline and semicrystalline polymers [1-3], such as semiconducting [4], electroluminescent, or ferroelectric polymers [5-7]. The reasons for this control stem from perturbed nucleation, confinement during crystallization, and grapho-epitaxy. As a side benefit of this process, the polymer is also shaped in an array of nanoobjects separated by regularly spaced cavities. This provides a unique opportunity to fabricate hybrid multifunctional layers, by filling the so-created cavities by another material synergetically interacting with the first one. By using a semiconducting polymer as second component, we fabricated a series of memory devices, such as ferroelectric/semiconducting diodes [8], ferroelectric field effect transistors with a nanoimprinted top ferroelectric layer [9], or a new type of ferroelectric transistor including a mixed semiconducting/ferroelectric active layer; we also realized organic solar cells containing nanoimprinted ferroelectric layers. In this communication, we present the specificities of the coupling between the ferroelectric polymer and the semiconducting polymer in the nanostructured bifunctional layers, and show how this may be used to develop new device architectures. References [1] Nano Letters 2005, 5, 1738-1743; [2] Soft Matter 2010, 6, 21-28; [3] Handbook of Nanophysics. Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics, Sattler, K. D., Ed. CRC: Boca Raton, 2011; Vol. 6, pp 18.1-18.8; [4] Nano Letters 2007, 7, 3639-3644; [5] Nature Materials 2009, 8, 62-67; [6] Macromolecules 2013, 46, 8569-8579; [7] Macromolecules 2014, 47, 4711-4717; [8] ACS Nano 2014, 8, 3498-3505; [9] Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 105, 113113. 56 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:25 PM Session: T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) CHARGE TRANSPORT AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS IN POLYMERIZED IONIC LIQUIDS Joshua Sangoro1 1 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA Polymerized ionic liquids (PolyILs) are a novel class of functional polymers that combine the unique physicochemical properties of molecular ionic liquids with the outstanding mechanical characteristics of polymers [1-2]. This special mix of features might help to circumvent the key limitations of low molecular weight ionic liquids, namely, leakage and poor mechanical properties while utilizing their outstanding characteristics such as low vapor pressures, wide liquidus ranges, high thermal stability, high ionic conductivity, and wide electrochemical windows. PolyILs have shown remarkable advantages when employed in electrochemical devices such as dye-sensitized solar cells, lithium batteries, actuators, field-effect transistors, light emitting electrochemical cells, and electrochromic devices, among others. Despite their promising prospects as ideal polymer electrolytes, the role of molecular structure, morphology, and polymer dynamics on charge transport in PolyILs remains poorly understood. According to classical theories, the self-diffusion and ion transport in electrolytes are controlled by structural relaxation. These approaches predict similar temperature dependence for the dc conductivity and structural dynamics. Although this prediction has been shown to hold reasonably well for low molecular weight aprotic ionic liquids [3], it fails for PolyILs [2]. In addition, the impact of morphology charge transport is not considered within the framework of these theories. In this talk, new insights obtained from both experimental studies employing broadband dielectric spectroscopy, temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry, and scattering techniques along with multiscale modeling investigations to elucidate charge transport and structural dynamics in a systematic series of polymerized ammonium- and imidazolium- based ionic liquids will be presented. Detailed analyses reveal strong decoupling of these processes in the PolyILs, implying failure of the classical theories in describing charge transport and molecular dynamics in these materials. In addition, the strong correlation observed between ionic conductivity from dielectric experiments and morphologies from scattering studies will be discussed. References [1] Mecerreyes, D. Progress in Polymer Science 2011, 36, 1629. [2] Sangoro, J. R. et al., Soft Matter 2014, 10, 3536. [3] Sangoro, J. R.; Kremer, F. Accounts of Chemical Research 2012, 45, 525. 57 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:45 PM Session: T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) FROM LOADED SHELL-CORE MICROCAPSULES TO THERMOPLASTIC HYBRID COMPOSITES: A NEW PATHWAY FOR THE PREPARATION OF CONDUCTIVE AND MAGNETIC POLYAMIDE COMPOSITES Nadya Vassileva Dencheva1 , Zlatan Zlatev Denchev1 , Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez2 , José Carlos Brêda1 , Filipa Matos Oliveira1 1 2 Polymer Engineering, i3N - Institute for Polymers and Composites, Portugal ESM - Electroactive Smart Materials, University of Minho, Department of Physics, Portugal Polyamide 6 microcapsules find various applications in biotechnology for protein and enzyme immobilization to produce drug delivery systems, in solid-phase diagnostics, biosensors, biocatalysts, extracorporeal therapy, and bio-separation. Also, they have direct and potential applications in fields of industrial materials for laser sintering, electro-conductive and magnetic composites, etc. This work presents an original one-pot synthesis of polyamide 6 microcapsules containing in their cores finely dispersed inorganic payloads. The microcapsules were synthesized by suspension anionic polymerization of ε-caprolactam in non-polar hydrocarbon solvents carried out in the presence of metal micron-sized powders (Al, Cu, Zn or Fe) or carbon allotropes (carbon black, carbon nanotubes, graphite and carbon nanofibers). Various composite materials were prepared by compression molding of the resultant microcapsules. The morphology and crystalline structure of the microcapsules and that of the respective composites were studied by SEM, light microscopy and thermal analyses (DSC and TGA). The mechanical properties in tension of the composites were evaluated as well as their electromagnetic properties: volume conductivity, dielectric permeability and magnetic susceptibility. The results obtained suggest that loaded microcapsules can be obtained in high yields, with excellent dispersion of the conductive material and reaching electrical conductivities of semiconductors (in the case of carbon allotropes) or high dielectric constants (for metal loads) without any functionalization or compatibilization procedures. All this allowed the conclusion about the significant application potential of the suggested pathway. 58 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:05 PM Session: T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) DIVERSITY OF MICROSTRUCTURE OF POLYMER SOLID INVESTIGATED BY MOTION OF IMPURITY IONS Yuichi Anada1 1 Business Administration and Information Science, Hokkaido Information University, Japan A relatively large amount of non-crystalline part exists between crystallites in polymer solid generally. In the non-crystalline part, there are free spaces with various sizes. This inhomogeneity of free spaces results from a thermal motion of the polymer molecules with amorphous conformation under the spatial restriction made by crystallite morphology. The impurity ions mixed in processing in the crystalline polymers move through these inhomogeneous free spaces. Consequently, this motion of ions reflects the inhomogeneous micro-structure of non-crystalline part. Actually, in previous study of our laboratory, plural kinds of motion of impurity ions is observed for the electric modulus as a function of frequency in low frequency region below 10 Hz. These plural motions reflect the inhomogeneity of non-crystalline part. Furthermore, the conductivity relaxation time of the ion motion analyzed for poly(vinyl chloride) plasticized with dioctyl phthalate (p-PVC), isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) reflects the difference of the micro-structure of non-crystalline part among these polymers. In the present study, the ionic motion of impurity ions in poly(ethylene telephlalate) (PET) is investigated as continuation of this study. Electrical measurement was made by the apparatus of Schlumberger SI1260 Impedance/Gain-Phase Analyzer with an amplifier of Keithley428. At the frequencies lower than 10Hz, the amplifier of Keithley428 was used with the impedance analyzer. On the other hand, the amplifier was not used at frequencies higher than 10 Hz. The three-Terminal-Configuration Electrodes were used. The thickness of the film of PET is 0.1mm. Frequency dependence of the loss permittivity of PET shows the characteristic of dc conduction below about 1Hz in frequency. The electric modulus-frequency curve shows the characteristic of single conductivity relaxation, which is the Debye type dispersion. The conductivity relaxation time analyzed from this curve is 0.53 at 100o C. This value is similar to those of LDPE and plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (p-PVC) but smaller than those of iPP. However, in a plot of conductivity relaxation time vs. permittivity, the location of PET is near p-PVC. This result suggests that the inhomogeneity of PET is similar to that p-PVC. 59 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:25 PM Session: T5_2: DEMO (Auditorium) THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS (TEGS) WITH LONG SERVICE LIVES Witold Brostow1 , Gregory Granowski1 , Haley E. Hagg Lobland1 , Gerald Hu1 , Nathalie Hnatchuk1 , Sanchit Sachdeva1,2 , Susmitha Sayana1,2 , John B. White1,3 1 2 3 Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering and Dept. of Physics, University of North Texas, USA Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, Texas, USA Marlow Industries, Inc., Dallas, USA In 1821 the Estonian-German physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck discovered in the city now called Tallinn an effect later named after him. Namely, a temperature difference ∆T between two dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors in contact with each other produces a voltage V. Devices based on the Seebeck effect are called thermo-electric generators (TEGs). There is a very large ∆T between the ambient temperature and the temperature of the car exhausts. This in principle makes possible creation of a new type of hybrid cars, without heavy batteries and the need of frequent recharging these batteries. However, TE materials at temperatures such as 600o C undergo thermal degradation (oxidation, sublimation of some components) fast. It is for this reason that hybrid cars based on the Seebeck effect do not exist. Our solution to this problem consists in covering TEGs with high temperature polymers (HTPs) that survive without degradation 600o C. The coatings protect the devices from thermal degradation: oxygen cannot penetrate inside, nothing can escape. This eliminates most polymers as candidates for HTPs; polyethylenes have melting temperatures at most at 130o C, other widely used polymers are not better. We do have HTPs that ‘survive’ temperature cycling up to 550o C or 600o C. Selection of HTPs is based on determination of several characteristics: wettability of molten HTPs on TEGs determined by contact angles; HTP dehydration and curing cycles; differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); thermogravimetric analysis (TGA); electrical resistivity (ER); energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS); Raman spectroscopy. 60 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM W1: Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Li Tan Assistants: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh, Yan Zou Talk: 1. (8:30 AM, Plenary) Laine: SYNTHESIS, PROCESSING AND PROPERTIES OF SILSESQUIOXANE MACROMONOMERS AND POLYMERS Dr. Richard Laine, Professor and Director, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan 61 Talk Number: 1 (Plenary) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 8:30 AM Session: W1: Plenary (Auditorium) SYNTHESIS, PROCESSING AND PROPERTIES MACROMONOMERS AND POLYMERS OF SILSESQUIOXANE Richard M. Laine2,1 , Joesph C Furgal3 , Mozghan Bahrami1 , David Pan2 1 2 3 Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, U.S. Macromolecular Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, U.S. Chemistry, University of Michigan, U.S. Synthesis, Processing and Properties of Silsesquioxane Macromonomers and Polymers Cage compounds of the type [RSiO1.5]8,10,12 can be synthesized with a variety of functional groups including systems with mixed functional groups. The cage, originally thought to be innocuous and insulating can now be shown to greatly influence the reactivity and photophysical properties of appended R groups. Trace amounts of fluoride anion can be used to catalyze the exchange or RSiO1.5 units between cages and the introduction of RR’SiO units into the cage and/or the formation of polymeric materials. The judicious choice of reactants, reaction conditions and R groups provide access to polymers for coatings, very high surface area microporous and hydrophobic materials as well as dendronizable beads on a chain polymers. General methods and specific outcomes will be discussed. 62 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) Session Chair: Li Tan Assistant: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh Talks: 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Dzenis: SIMULTANEOUSLY STRONG AND TOUGH CONTINUOUS POLYMER NANOFIBERS AND NANOCOMPOSITES 2. (10:25 AM, Invited) Serpe: STIMULI RESPONSIVE POLYMER-BASED SENSORS, MUSCLES, AND DRUG DELIVERY PLATFORMS 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Li: POLYMER-BASED MATERIALS FOR BUILDING ARTIFICIAL MUSCLES AND THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES BY SELF-ROLLING 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Alarifi: MECHANICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF CARBONIZED PAN NANOFIBERS COHESIVELY ATTACHED TO SURFACE OF CARBON FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Goponenko: ELECTROSPUN NANOFIBROUS MATERIALS AS STIMULI-RESPONSIVE POLYMERIZED HYDROGELS 63 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:45 AM Session: W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) SIMULTANEOUSLY STRONG AND TOUGH NANOFIBERS AND NANOCOMPOSITES CONTINUOUS POLYMER Yuris Dzenis1 1 MME, UNL, USA Simultaneously Strong and Tough Continuous Polymer Nanofibers and Nanocomposites Yuris Dzenis Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-0526 [email protected] The bulk of nanomaterials research to date focused on nanoparticles. Nanofibers are becoming increasingly available thanks to emerging nanomanufacturing technologies such as electrospinning. This presentation reviews recent theoretical and experimental breakthroughs on ultra-high-performance continuous nanofibers and nanocomposites, conducted by the author’s group. Nanomanufacturing, nanofiber characterization, modeling, and design issues are covered. Examples of novel synthetic and natural polymer nanofibers, their assemblies, and nanocomposites are presented. Unique simultaneous increases in strength and toughness of nanofibers with their diameter decrease are demonstrated for the first time and explained. Recent breakthroughs on and prospects of nanofiber-reinforced supernanocomposites (defined as nanocomposites exceeding the properties of conventional advanced composites [3]) are presented. Recommendations on the cost-effective nanofiber manufacturing scale-up and macroscopic nanocomposite designs for near-to-medium term applications are formulated. 1. Dzenis Y. “Spinning Continuous Nanofibers for Nanotechnology”, Science, 304, 2004, 1917-1919 2. Dzenis, Y., "Structural Nanocomposites", Science, 2008, 319, 419-420 3. Ritchie, R.O.; and Dzenis, Y., "The Quest for Stronger, Tougher Materials", Science, 2008, 320, 448 4. Papkov, D., Zou, Y., Andalib, M.N., Goponenko, A., Cheng, S.Z.D., Dzenis, Y., "Simultaneously Strong and Tough Ultrafine Continuous Nanofibers,” ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 3324-3331 (cover feature ACS Nano, April, 2013; highlighted in Nature, 2013, 495, 284) 64 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:25 AM Session: W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) STIMULI RESPONSIVE POLYMER-BASED SENSORS, MUSCLES, AND DRUG DELIVERY PLATFORMS Michael J. Serpe1 1 Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Canada The group’s research is focused on the development of novel polymer-based materials for solving environmental and health-related problems. To solve these problems, the group primarily employs poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAm)-based spherical particles as the active component in our technologies. PNIPAm-based particles (nano or microgels, depending on their diameter) are extremely porous, and are fully water soluble and swellable. Additionally, pNIPAm-based nano/microgels are responsive to temperature, shrinking in diameter as the temperature is increased to >32 o C and reswelling when they are cooled to < 32 o C. Our group has exploited these properties for numerous applications. Today’s talk will highlight the group’s work on the development of these devices for sensing and biosensing, as muscles, and for controlled/triggered drug delivery. 65 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:45 AM Session: W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) POLYMER-BASED MATERIALS FOR BUILDING ARTIFICIAL MUSCLES AND THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES BY SELF-ROLLING Xue Li1 , Michael J Serpe1 1 Chemistry, University of Alberta, Canada Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAm) microgel-based materials can be made, which self-fold into threedimensional structures in response to changes in the humidity of their environment. This material is composed of a semi-rigid polymer substrate coated with a thin layer of Au; the Au layer is subsequently coated with a pNIPAm-based microgel layer and finally covered with a solution of polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (pDADMAC). When the pDADMAC dries, it causes the material to deform, which is completely reversible over many cycles as the environmental humidity is systematically varied. In this study, we found this material was able to do work and lift masses many times the mass of the material in response to changes in the humidity of its environment. We further investigated how the size and aspect ratio of the polymer substrate affected the self-folding behavior of the materials. From experimental observations, a set of empirical rules were developed that can be applied to predict the folding behavior of such materials. Furthermore, these rules have allowed us to direct the folding of these materials into discrete three-dimensional objects, which are fully capable of unfolding and folding in response to humidity. 66 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:05 AM Session: W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) MECHANICAL AND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF CARBONIZED PAN NANOFIBERS COHESIVELY ATTACHED TO SURFACE OF CARBON FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITES Ibrahim Alarifi1 , Dr. Ramazan Asmatulu1 , Abdulaziz Alharbi1 , Waseem S. Khan1 1 ME, Wichita State University, United States Pre-preg carbon fibers of 10 peel plies were laid up at 0, 45, -45 and 45 stacking sequences on flat and smooth Al plate, and then carbonized electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers were placed on top of the last ply prior to the vacuum curing in a vacuum oven. The PAN electrospun fibers were oxidized at 280o C in an ambient condition for one hour, and then carbonized at 850o C for one hourr in Ar gas atmosphere. The resultant composite panels were cut into small pieces, and subjected to a number of different characterization techniques. Thermal Mechanical Analysis (TMA) measurements clearly showed that a significant reinforcement was achieved for the pre-preg / carbonized PAN fiber composites because of the enhanced interfacial bonding between the PAN nanofibers and the matrix. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) tests exhibited that glass transition temperature of carbonized PAN nanofiber/composite was shifted, which may be helpful for the high-temperature applications of the present composites. Raman spectroscopy peak around 897 cm-1 indicated the formation of the γ-phase of the carbonized PAN fibers. The highest stretching peak of CH2 group was recognized within the range of 185-200 cm-1 for the carbonized fibers. The group of C⼹N vibration peak also appeared at 1452 cm-1 spectrum. Thermal Mechanical Expansion (TME) determined the coefficient of thermal expansion, indicating an improvement in stability of the composite material, which can be useful for the structural health monitoring, lightning strikes and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding applications of the new carbon fiber composites. Keywords: Electrospun PAN Nanofibers, Carbonization, Carbon Fiber Composites, Thermal and Mechanical Properties. 67 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:25 AM Session: W2_1: NANO (Auditorium) ELECTROSPUN NANOFIBROUS MATERIALS AS STIMULI-RESPONSIVE POLYMERIZED HYDROGELS Kazi I Jahan1 , Alexander Goponenko1 , Yuris A Dzenis1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Hydrogels are three-dimensional polymeric networks swollen in aqueous media without dissolution. There is a growing interest in hydrogel materials, especially in stimuli-responsive polymerized hydrogels (SRPH). These “smart” hydrogels respond to a change in their environment by increasing or decreasing their volume and dimensions, changing their mechanical properties, generating substantial force, etc. SRPHs are increasingly being used, for instance, as sensor-actuator systems for automatic regulation of a liquid flow, where the flow rate can be controlled by the fluid properties, like pH, temperature, and composition. The main disadvantages of the bulk/film hydrogels are slow speed of response to stimuli and poor mechanical properties. Therefore, SRPHs in a nanofibrous form are of high interest, because this form will provide improved mechanical properties and fast response as well as developed porous structure. These SRPH can be achieved by the electrospinning process. Electrospinning is known to be a versatile and efficient tool for preparing fibrous materials with fiber diameters ranging from several micrometers down to tens of nanometers. In this study, both poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) - poly acrylic acid (PAA) and Dextran (Dex) - PAA nanofilamentary hydrogel (NFG) are fabricated by electrospinning and crosslinked thermally through ester formation between a hydroxyl group on one polymer chain and a carboxylic acid on the other. Swelling kinetics of NFG membranes in different pH solution were compared with bulk hydrogels. These studies demonstrate a higher degree of swelling and lower water retention abilities in NFG than bulk gels, because of easier diffusion of water molecules in NFGs. The response speed becomes very fast by reducing the critical dimension of hydrogel to nano-scale. Also the mechanical properties of conventional bulk gels were compared to the properties of aligned NFGs. Bulk gels from PVA-PAA and Dex-PAA demonstrated a similar mechanical behavior, while NFGs from these two polymer systems demonstrated a significant difference in behavior and exhibit unusual size effect on mechanical properties at smaller diameters. These hydrogels with nanofilamentary structure and useful features, such as unusual volume phase transition, size-dependent mechanical properties, and sensitivity to environmental stimuli, reveal unique possibilities for applications in smart actuator system and biochemical fields. 68 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) Session Chairs: Linxia Gu, Dimitry Papkov Assistant: Yan Zou Talks: 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Causin: NANOCELLULOSE-REINFORCED GELS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS 2. (10:25 AM, Invited) Schönherr: INFECTION DIAGNOSTICS WITH POLYMERIC VESICLES AND HYDROGELS FOR APPLICATION IN ADVANCED WOUND DRESSINGS AND BEYOND 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Saunier: HOW ADDITIVE EXUDATION CAN AFFECT THE BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF A POLYMERIC MEDICAL DEVICE: THE CASE OF A POLYURETHANE USED IN IMPLANTABLE CATHETERS 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Ding: ELECTROSPUN PHB/PCL/FUMED SILICA FIBROUS STRUCTURE FOR BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Andalib: BIOMIMETIC NANOFILAMENTARY POLYMER SCAFFOLDS AND THE MECHANISMS OF CELL-SCAFFOLD INTERACTION 6. (11:45 AM, Oral) Maleckis: ULTRAHIGH-PERFORMANCE NANOFIBERS FROM DNA AND PROTEINS 7. (12:05 PM, Oral) Lyu: INVESTIGATION OF RUBBER FLOW DURING SHAPING OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES 69 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:45 AM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) NANOCELLULOSE-REINFORCED GELS FOR BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Valerio Causin1 , Edmondo Maria Benetti2 , Byungdae Park3 , Nanang Masruchin3 1 2 3 Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Università di Padova, Italy Department of Materials, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Department of Wood Science and Technology, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea Drug delivery and tissue engineering pose great challenges for polymer scientists. Polymers have ideal properties under a number of aspects, but the multiple, and often contradictory, requirements of such applications involve a precise control over the several steps involved in the manufacturing of the final material, from the monomer to the finished item. This is vital in particular for the applications where features such as biodegradation behavior, biocompatibility, size and surface morphology critically govern the biological activity of the material. In this communication, the development of polymer-based materials for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications will be reported. Poly(oxazoline)s, polymers which display biodegradability, biocompatibility, antifouling properties and a relatively easy tunability of the chemical structure, were used. These materials were explored for preparing degradable gels for drug delivery applications and for functionalizing polymeric scaffolds with brush coatings acting as “first contact layers”. The mechanical properties of these gels were tuned by addition of nanocellulose. The effect of such filler on the performance and on the drug release rate was evaluated. Acknowledgement: This work was carried out in the framework of the executive programme for scientific and technological cooperation between the Italian Republic and the Republic of Korea. The contribution of Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese, is gratefully acknowledged. 70 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:25 AM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) INFECTION DIAGNOSTICS WITH POLYMERIC VESICLES AND HYDROGELS FOR APPLICATION IN ADVANCED WOUND DRESSINGS AND BEYOND Katrin-Stephanie Tücking1 , Simon Haas1 , Mir Mortzea Sadat Ebrahimi1 , Holger Schönherr1 1 Department of Chemistry & Biology, Physical Chemistry I, University of Siegen, Germany The development of in situ approaches for point of care infection diagnostics receives currently considerable attention. In this context we investigate and develop polymer-based infection diagnostics for application in, among others, wound dressings and in food safety. Our core strategy is the implementation of selective trigger mechanisms that signal the presence of pathogenic bacteria via an easily discernible colorimetric signal. In our work we exploit bacterial enzymes as the trigger to break down reporter dye-filled capsules [1], to enzymatically release indicator species conjugated covalently to hydrogel materials [2] or digest polymers in nanoporous sensor membranes [3]. The bacteria-sensing capsules are composed of amphiphilic block copolymers, which are assembled into polymeric vesicles [1]. The enzymatic degradation of the vesicle wall by the enzymes of the pathogenic bacteria staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa result in the release of encapsulated dye molecules, which is detected due to the change in color and / or fluorescence intensity. The detailed characterization of the polymeric vesicles and the degradation kinetics by confocal fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is shown to provide the basis for the successful development of prototype dressings that respond to low levels of enzymes in bacterial supernatants. The strategy was recently expanded to chitosan hydrogel-based sensing platforms, which are compatible with the implementation in infection-sensing wound dressings and food safety applications [2]. Thin films of the established wound dressing biopolymer chitosan were functionalized with fluorogenic or chromogenic substrates, which are released only upon selective enzymatic degradation, resulting in a pronounced increase in fluorescence emission intensity or color change, respectively. By exploiting various substrates, the detection of staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as E. coli (EHEC) is shown to be feasible with our bacteria sensing hydrogels. Finally, it will be discussed how novel photonic structures can be exploited to detect bacterial enzymes without using dye molecules. References: 1 K.-S. Tücking, S. Handschuh-Wang, H. Schönherr, Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 67, 578-584. 2 M. M. S. Ebrahimi, H. Schönherr, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 7842-7850. 3 F. S. H. Krismastuti, H. Bayat, N. H. Voelcker, H. Schönherr, 2014, submitted. 71 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:45 AM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) HOW ADDITIVE EXUDATION CAN AFFECT THE BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF A POLYMERIC MEDICAL DEVICE: THE CASE OF A POLYURETHANE USED IN IMPLANTABLE CATHETERS Johanna Saunier1 , Micheal Nouman1 , Emile Jubeli1 , Jean-Marie Herry2 , Christian Marlière3 , Alexandre Dazzi4 , Margareth Renault2 , Marie-Noëlle Bellon-Fontaine2 , Najet Yagoubi1 1 2 3 4 EA 401 - UFR de pharmacie, Université Paris Sud, FRANCE BHM - UMR 1319 MICALIS, INRA - AgroPArisTech, FRANCE ISMO - UMR 8214, CNRS - Université Paris Sud, FRANCE LCP - UMR 8000, CNRS - Université Paris Sud, FRANCE An important part of the implantable catheters are made of polyurethane (PU). Moreover the catheters contain additives such as antioxidants or lubricants. The repartition of additives in the polymer is governed by thermodynamic and diffusion kinetic. As these molecules are small, they have indeed a high mobility and they can migrate through the polymer matrix to the surface. Even if the concentration of these additives in the bulk is commonly less than 0.5%, they can be present at very high concentration on the surface and they can modify surface properties. In this communication we will present the case of a polyurethane catheter that can present blooming of antioxidant and lubricant on its surface. After having characterized the blooming by microscopy (AFM, AFM-IR), we worked on the catheter and on PU spincoated films and we showed how the interactions of the material with biological media was modified by the blooming. The impact of the bacterial adhesion was studied by using a versatile and virulent pathogen bacterium, staphylococcus aureus, often implicated in nosocomial diseases. The adhesion ability and the viability of the adhered cells were evaluated and we try to correlate these results to the physical properties of the surface (hydrophobicity, topography, stiffness ...). Moreover the ability of the material to release additives at the solid or soluble state was studied and correlated to cytotoxicity tests (MTT) realized after contact with endothelial cells (HUVECS). 72 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:05 AM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) ELECTROSPUN PHB/PCL/FUMED SILICA FIBROUS STRUCTURE FOR BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING Yaping Ding1 , Qingqing Yao2 , Wei Li3 , Judith Roether1 , Aldo Boccaccini3 , Dirk Schubert1 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Polymer Materials, University of ErlangenNuremberg, Germany 2 School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, Institute of Advanced Materials for Nano-Bio Applications, Wenzhou Medical University, China 3 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Biomaterials, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Bone tissue engineering is a novel approach to create bone graft in situ as alternative of autograft and allograft for bone defect repair and restoration. In bone tissue engineering, as one of the key player, scaffolds were designed to not only support the cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation, but also were able to degrade by the time of new tissue regeneration and then discharged from the body. Among the various scaffolds fabrication processes, with combining the dominant advantages of all components, Electrospinning of polymer/inorganic composites was one of the intensively studied approaches for three dimensional scaffolds fabrication owing to the fiber size down to nano level, the high porosity up to 95%, the high surface volume ratio, the conveniences, etc [1]. Here in this study, polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)/ poly -ε-caprolactone (PCL)/fumed silica composite fibermeshes were prepared through electrospinning combined with the ultrasonication since the biopolymer blend was able to integrate the high stiffness and strength of PHB and high elasticity of PCL, and fumed silica was reported to not only reinforce the polymer matrix, but also induce higher cell vitality and improved cytocompatibility [2]. In this report, the influence of 0∼50wt% fumed silica addition on the composite fibrous scaffolds was investigated on the perspective of morphologies, mechanical properties, chemical structure, wettability, thermal properties and biological properties. The SEM graphs showed that no severe aggregation occurred until 20wt% particles addition, and the fiber filaments were fully covered with nanoparticles in case of 50wt% addition. The tensile strength and elastic modulus was enhanced 14% and 20% by 1wt% silica addition, but decreased with further incorporation. All electrospun fiber meshes exhibited high hydrophobicity (all with WCA above 130o C); however, the contact angles all reduced to different extent after 5 mins which is attributed to the hydrophilicity nature of the fumed silica. FTIR spectra were used to confirm the incorporation of silica nanoparticles, and the crystallinity changes were analyzed through DSC measurements. At last, the cell response and cytotoxicity evaluation were conducted to testify the biological properties of the composite system. Reference [1] Y. Ding, et al, Eur. Polym. J. 2014, 55(1), 222-234. [2] Y. Wu, et al, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2012, 123(3), 1612-1620. 73 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:25 AM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) BIOMIMETIC NANOFILAMENTARY POLYMER SCAFFOLDS AND THE MECHANISMS OF CELL-SCAFFOLD INTERACTION Mohammad Nahid Andalib1 , Jeong Soon Lee1 , Ligyeom Ha1 , Yuris Dzenis1 , Jung Yul Lim1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Tissue engineered scaffolding materials require certain minimum requirements including cellular biocompatibility, mechanical strength, degradation property, etc. to support successful regeneration of the damaged tissue. Electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds can fulfill many of these requirements, as they have advantages of biomimicking nanofilamentary architecture which can be tailored to match the mechanical compliance/strength of the target tissue, high surface area, controllable porous structure, and potential 3D microenvironment for supporting cell-substrate and cell-cell interaction. Although nanofiber-based tissue engineering applications have reported some successes, very little is revealed regarding the molecular mechanism of cell-nanofiber interaction. We tested the hypothesis that cytoskeletal tension signaling, such as RhoA kinase (ROCK), may play a mediatory role in mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) alignment on nanofibers. To test this, we produced poly(L-lactic acid) nanofibers to have unidirectional and random orientations with same diameter (about 130 nm). We cultured MSCs on these aligned and random nanofibers and flat PLLA control film and assessed the ROCK expression in MSCs on the test substrata by western immunoblotting. MSCs seeded on aligned nanofibers exhibited well-documented contact guidance behavior by growing and aligning along the nanofibers. Importantly, we for the first time showed that ROCK expression in MSCs was significantly increased for cells cultured on aligned nanofibers relative to cells on flat control which suggested that ROCK is involved in MSC alignment on nanofibers. Furthermore, we demonstrated that if ROCK signaling in MSCs was interfered by molecular silencing (shRNA) or pharmacological inhibitor (Y-27632), cells on nanofibrous cultures displayed significantly decreased cellular lengths, in both major and minor axis lengths. While cytoskeletal signaling such as ROCK may constitute one important regulatory mechanism, focal cell adhesion signaling may form another vital mechanism for the nanofiber control of cells. Currently, we are conducting experiments to reveal the role of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in cell response to nanofibers. Obtained data on the role of ROCK and FAK, each representing key molecular mechanosensors of cytoskeletal tension and focal adhesion, in MSC alignment and morphology on nanofibers will provide a new insight into nanofiber-based tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 74 Talk Number: 6 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:45 AM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) ULTRAHIGH-PERFORMANCE NANOFIBERS FROM DNA AND PROTEINS Kaspars Maleckis1 , Yuris Dzenis1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Nucleic acids and polypeptides have several intriguing nanoscale properties which can be adapted in novel nano-structured and nano-sized devices, sensors and materials. Development of one-dimensional, continuous nanostructures of these polymers provide additional benefits, such as directionality of properties, easy manipulation and high surface area. Typically such structures have been produced by bottom-up nanofacturing methods, which rely on biopolymer capability to self-assemble at the molecular scale. While bottom-up approach gives unprecedented control of the molecular structure, it has limitations in continuity and mechanical integrity of the nanofilaments. Alternative top-down nanomanufacturing methods, like electrospinning, allow one to overcome these limitations, however control of molecular structure and properties remains uncertain, since traditional polymer characterization methods cannot be applied to individual nanofilaments. Here we show a unique insight into structure and properties of individual electrospun DNA and other biological polymer nanofilaments. We also demonstrate specially developed protocols of different characterization methods that can be applied to individual polymer nanofilaments to study size-structure-property relationships. Our results show that electrospinning enables production of continuous and uniform DNA nanofilaments within wide range of diameters (10-500nm) and high throughput. Mechanical tests of individual DNA nanofilaments through failure show extraordinary strength and toughness. These properties increase as nanofiber diameters decrease, exceeding bulk properties of some of the high-performance synthetic materials and fibers. Structural studies of individual DNA nanofibers with different methods indicate pseudo-crystalline high orientation, but show no indication of crystalline packing. The resulting nanofibers and their constructs attract high interest for use in drug and gene delivery, tissue engineering, and biomedical devices. 75 Talk Number: 7 (Oral) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:05 PM Session: W2_2: BIOT (Heritage Room) INVESTIGATION OF RUBBER FLOW DURING SHAPING OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES Min-Young Lyu1 , Min-A Lee2 , Seong-Yeol Park2 , Sung-Hyun Choi3 1 Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea 3 Central R & D Center, Hoonkook Tire Co., South Korea 2 Automobile tires consist of more than ten layers, including the tread, carcass, and sidewall. The tread, in direct contact with the road surface, has a significant effect on the performance of an automobile such as breaking conditions, traction, noise and so on. It has grooves with a complex geometry that is molded by a curing process. The short shot of the tread rubber in the mold affects the quality of the tire but, simultaneously, can lead to problems with the automobile performance. Consequently, investigation of the flow behavior of tread rubber during the curing process is important. This research undertakes a simulation and experiment using white rubber to investigate the flow behavior of tread rubber in a mold. Flow of the rubber across the grooves of the mold is not observed in either the simulation or experiment. The simulation results are in good agreement with those of the experiment. 76 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM W3: Young Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Christopher Cornelius Assistants: Trevor Gnuse, Yan Zou Talk: 1. (1:00 PM, Young Plenary) Whittington: POLYMER CHARACTERIZATION OF MEDICAL DEVICES FOR USE IN CANCER PATIENTS Dr. Abby Whittington, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Virginia Tech 77 Talk Number: 1 (Young Plenary) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:00 PM Session: W3: Young Plenary (Auditorium) POLYMER CHARACTERIZATION OF MEDICAL DEVICES FOR USE IN CANCER PATIENTS Abby R. Whittington1 1 Chemical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, USA Polymeric medical devices are becoming commonplace in the treatment of cancer patients to provide fluids and medications, to offer insight into diagnosis, and to fill the voids created by removal of the tumor. Therefore there is a growing need to understand how the materials respond and are influenced by the hostile environment of generated around the tumor during caner treatment. My research group has begun focusing on the design and characterization of polyurethane devices for medical applications and how therapeutic radiation commonly used in cancer therapy influences the critical properties of such materials. This talk will focus on the two main areas where therapeutic radiation is utilized: imaging and radiotherapy. The doses for imaging, while very low, pose a risk when repeated multiple times as in the case of placement and monitoring of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) for neonates. In radiotherapy, the dose levels are sufficiently high to cause cross-linking and/or degradation of many polymers when exposed in the aqueous environment of the body. An example of both applications will be explored. 78 Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Starting: 1:50 PM W4: Poster (Ballroom) Session Chairs: Michael Hess, Jean-Jacques Pireaux Assistant: Trevor Gnuse Talks: 1. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jayasinghe: INVESTIGATION OF SWELLING BEHAVIOR OF POLY(HEMACO-DMAEMA) HYDROGELS CONFINED IN AN ELASTOMERIC MOLD 2. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schwahn: CONTROLLED CURING OF ACRYLATE: SYSTEM MODELING AND APPLICATIONS IN STEREOLITHOGRAPHY 3. (1:50 PM, Poster) Adhikari: CHARACTERIZATION OF BAMBOO FLOURS REINFORCED EPOXY RESIN COMPOSITES 4. (1:50 PM, Poster) Li: CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF DEPTH IN PHOTO CURING OF ACRYLATE: A METHOD BASED ON RAPID-SCAN FTIR DURING LASER CURING ON AN ATR 5. (1:50 PM, Poster) Furgal: HIGH SURFACE AREA METHYLSILSESQUIOXANE POLYMER GELS BY FLUORIDE CATALYSIS 6. (1:50 PM, Poster) Stockdale: NANOCOMPOSITES MANUFACTURING OF POLYIMIDE FIBER-REINFORCED 7. (1:50 PM, Poster) Zou: EFFECT OF CONSTRAINT ON STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS POLYACRYLONITRILE-BASED STABILIZED AND CARBONIZED NANOFIBERS 8. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jasa: USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS FOR CHARACTERIZING MACROSCOPIC RESPONSE IN POLYCARBONATE 9. (1:50 PM, Poster) Hnatchuk: MODIFICATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) 10. (1:50 PM, Poster) Hnatchuk: PROPERTIES OF EPOXY FILMS BASED ON MODIFIED PHENOLFORMALDEHYDE OLIGOMERS 11. (1:50 PM, Poster) Chan: FTIR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF EPOXY PAINTS ON STEEL STRUCTURE FOR COATING FINGERPRINTING CERTIFICATE FOR PAINT INDUSTRY 12. (1:50 PM, Poster) Viel: IMPACT OF COVER SLIDE ON RECRYSTALLIZATION FROM THE AMORPHOUS STATE OF CHIRAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS: CASE OF DIPROPHYLLINE 13. (1:50 PM, Poster) Cosby: CHARGE TRANSPORT AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS OF POLYMERIZED IONIC LIQUIDS 14. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jiao: INTERPLAY BETWEEN ABSORPTION BROADENING AND MORPHOLOGY DETERIORATION IN TERNARY BULK HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS RESOLVED BY SOFT X-RAY SCATTERING 15. (1:50 PM, Poster) Chen: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES: USING ACRYLATE/EPOXY MIXTURES IN THE EXTENSION OF AN FGM PLATE WITH A HOLE 16. (1:50 PM, Poster) Daily: DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES AND KINETIC STUDY ON THE DEGRADATION OF BISMALEIMIDE RESIN 79 17. (1:50 PM, Poster) Jamil: MECHANISM OF MOLECULAR INTERACTION OF SUPERPLASTICIZER OLIGOMERS WITH HYDRATED CEMENT PHASES 18. (1:50 PM, Poster) Piorkowska: COMPARISON OF PROPERTIES OF STAR AND LINEAR POLY(L-LACTIDE) 19. (1:50 PM, Poster) Frazier: CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF PROTEIN-BASED ADHESIVES FOR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS 20. (1:50 PM, Poster) Dargent: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS IN ELECTROSPUN FIBERS OF PLASTICIZED POLYLACTIDE 21. (1:50 PM, Poster) Gakhutishvili: TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ANTIBACTERIAL POLYMER COMPOSITES 22. (1:50 PM, Poster) Delpouve: LENGTH SCALE AT THE GLASS TRANSITION IN SEMI-CRYSTALLINE COMPATIBILIZED POLYLACTIDE/CLAY NANOCOMPOSITES 23. (1:50 PM, Poster) Lin: HYDROGEN BONDING INDUCED NANOPHASE SEPARATION OF GIANT SURFACTANTS TOWARD SUB-10-NM HYBRID ORDER NANOSTRUCTURES 24. (1:50 PM, Poster) Liu: TWO-DIMENSIONAL NANO-CRYSTALS OF MOLECULAR JANUS PARTICLES 25. (1:50 PM, Poster) Alarifi: EFFECTS OF UV EXPOSURE ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON FIBER/PPS THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES 26. (1:50 PM, Poster) Kaser: YARNS NANOMANUFACTURING POLYACRYLONITRILE NANOFIBER 27. (1:50 PM, Poster) Alharbi: INTEGRATING C60 NANOPARTICLES INTO TIO2 NANOFIBERS VIA ELECTROSPINNING PROCESS FOR ENHANCED ENERGY CONVERSTION EFFICIENCIES 28. (1:50 PM, Poster) Loubeau: AGEING OF A THREE-LAYER PAPER USED IN THE INSULATION OF AN ELECTRICAL MOTOR FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE TRACTION 29. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schmidt: A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF SPIN COATING ON PVDF FILMS 30. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schönherr: INVESTIGATION OF ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF A GRAPHENE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 31. (1:50 PM, Poster) Ding: BROADBAND DIELECTRIC RELAXATION ANALYSIS ON THE REINFORCEMENT OF ANTHRACENE-FUNCTIONALIZED EPOXY COMPOSITES 32. (1:50 PM, Poster) Lobland: SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF REACTIVE OLIGOMERS BASED ON A PEROXY DERIVATIVE OF AN EPOXY RESIN AND 1,4- BUTANEDIOL 33. (1:50 PM, Poster) Ospina: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS WITH ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES BASE ON TRICLOSAN ACRYLATE 34. (1:50 PM, Poster) Bakhtiary Noodeh: USING CURING KINETICS TO CONTROL THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SIMULTANEOUS ACRYLATE/EPOXY IPNS DURING PHOTO CURING OF GRADED MATERIALS 35. (1:50 PM, Poster) Gafurov: MOLECULAR STRUCTURE PARAMETERS INFLUENCE ON DEFORMATION MECHANICS OF AN ORIENTED CRYSTALLINE POLYMER 80 36. (1:50 PM, Poster) Lanyi: NOVEL CHART FOR REPRESENTATION OF MATERIAL PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY 37. (1:50 PM, Poster) Rezaei: U-SHAPED PROBES FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS USING CONTACT RESONANCE ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY 38. (1:50 PM, Poster) Dargent: STUDY OF AMORPHOUS AND CRYSTALLINE PHASES IN BIOBASED NANOCOMPOSITE FILMS 39. (1:50 PM, Poster) Delpouve: MICROSTRUCTURE, AMORPHOUS PHASE DYNAMICS AND BARRIER PROPERTIES IN MULTILAYER COEXTRUDED POLYLACTIDE 40. (1:50 PM, Poster) Schamme: POLY(LACTIC ACID) RELAXATION OF SHEAR-INDUCED PRECURSORS IN 41. (1:50 PM, Poster) Hosseinabad: EFFECT OF COPOLYMER CONTENT ON FLOW-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION 42. (1:50 PM, Poster) Sterzynski: THE POSS AND MWCNT MODIFIED GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE TG OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) 43. (1:50 PM, Poster) Saiter: INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF POROGEN MOLECULES ON THERMAL PROPERTIES AND POROSITY OF NANOPOROUS POLYCYANURATE-BASED FILM MATERIALS 44. (1:50 PM, Poster) Zare Rami: INVESTIGATION OF FRACTURE BEHAVIOR OF HETEROGENEOUS POLYMER MIXTURES SUBJECTED TO VISCOELASTIC DEFORMATION USING MICROSTRUCTURAL MODELING 45. (1:50 PM, Poster) Ding: POLAR PHASE GENERATION IN PVDF, THROUGH AMPHIPHILIC IONIC LIQUID MODIFIED MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES: EFFECT OF ANION 81 Talk Number: 1 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) INVESTIGATION OF SWELLING BEHAVIOR OF POLY(HEMA-CO-DMAEMA) HYDROGELS CONFINED IN AN ELASTOMERIC MOLD Hasani Gaya Jayasinghe1 , Yolanda Vasquez1 1 CHEMISTRY, OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, USA Hydrogels are versatile network polymeric materials that have a vast range of applications that includes scaffolds for tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and as sensors and actuators due to properties such as high retention of water, biocompatibility and ability to respond to external stimuli. The swelling of a hydrogel depends on properties such as crosslinking density and the identity of the functional groups present in the hydrogel as well as the interactions between the hydrogel and the solvent. In addition to the chemical parameters, swelling of the hydrogel can be significantly affected by confinement. In this study, we have prepared a poly(HEMA-co-DMAEMA) [poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate-co-2-dimethylaminoethylmethacrylate)] hydrogel and investigated the swelling of the hydrogel while confined by polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS), an elastomeric material. Around two-fold decrease in the swelling ratio was observed when PDMS was used as the confining surface as compared to the free, unconfined hydrogel and when 60% ethanol was used as the swelling medium. We demonstrate that the swelling behavior of the confined hydrogel can be exploited to successfully generate microscale patterns on to poly(HEMA-co-DMAEMA). 82 Talk Number: 2 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) CONTROLLED CURING OF ACRYLATE: SYSTEM MODELING AND APPLICATIONS IN STEREOLITHOGRAPHY Evan Schwahn1 , Wenlong Li1 , Mehrdad Negahban1 , Nicolas Delpouve2 , Jean-Marc Saiter2 , Steven Araujo2 , Florian Batteux2 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of America Department of Physics, University of Rouen, France Rapid prototyping (RP) is widely used in industry for its ability to construct parts and/or prototypes quickly and affordably. Despite the recent advances in the field regarding part resolution and accuracy such as that by Ruidong and Dichen [1], and also research into multi-material prototyping [2], there is still a need for materials with properties that can be controlled and specified at any point within a part structure. This control of properties within one material can eliminate the need for fasteners and other assembly practices that could otherwise be costly to manufacturers. The goal of this work was to provide a model for controlled curing of acrylate resin that would allow the manufacture of a graded structure at the molecular level. We use the stereolithography rapid prototyping technique. To achieve this, rapid-scan FTIR was employed to study the curing kinetics of the acrylate resin in order to determine control variables for the RP machine. The study provided information the energy exposure needed to reach any degree of conversion desired for the acrylate system and yielded information about the dark cure effect (continued curing after termination of light exposure). Another control variable studied is the laser beam profile overlap that results from successive linear scans. To achieve a uniform conversion degree across the sample, it was determined that the energy profiles of successive scans over the same point could not added and related to the extent of curing. Instead, when a second exposure was overlapped with the first, the overlapped area yielded a conversion degree up to 25% higher than would be expected for a single exposure at the total energy. Because of this behavior, a study was done and the optimal beam profile overlap for sample uniformity was found to be 35% beam overlap for the acrylate system. With information gained from these studies, a model was developed to predict the curing extent in the beam overlap region. [1] Xie, Ruidong, and Dichen Li. “Research on the Curing Performance of UV-LED Light Based Stereolithography.” Optics & Laser Technology 44, no. 4 (June 2012): 1163-71. doi: 10.1016/ j.optlastec.2011.09.019. [2] Choi, Jae-Won, Ho-Chan Kim, and Ryan Wicker. “Multi-Material Stereolithography.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211, no. 3 (March 1, 2011): 318-28. doi: 10.1016/ j.jmatprotec.2010.10.003. 83 Talk Number: 3 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) CHARACTERIZATION OF BAMBOO FLOURS REINFORCED EPOXY RESIN COMPOSITES Rameshwar Adhikari1 , Surendra Kumar Gautam2 , Marco Liebscher3 , Ralf Lach4 , Wolfgang Grellmann4 , Hanna Brodowsky3 , Gert Heinrich3 1 2 3 4 Central Department of Chemistry, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Department of Chemistry, Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal Leibnitz Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, Germany Center of Engineering, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Bamboo flours were subjected to different chemical modifications and carbonization and incorporated into epoxy resin with the aim of reinforcing the mechanical properties of the composite materials. The composites were prepared by using amine hardened diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) as polymer matrix which were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both neat and carbonized bamboo flour filled composites showed significant reinforcement in mechanical properties. As shown by SEM investigations, the fillers were uniformly distributed in the matrix, the distribution being much better in the composites with carbonized bamboo flour. This effect was reflected also in the mechanical properties of the samples. A significant increase in the glass transition temperature in the composites relative to the neat epoxy resin was observed. The observed properties of composites will be discussed in correlation with the phase morphology. Keywords: epoxy resin, polymer composites, electron microscopy, microhardness 84 Talk Number: 4 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF DEPTH IN PHOTO CURING OF ACRYLATE: A METHOD BASED ON RAPID-SCAN FTIR DURING LASER CURING ON AN ATR Wenlong Li1 , Mehrdad Negahban1 , Nicolas Delpouve2 , Jean-Marc Saiter2 , Florian Batteux2 , Steven Araujo2 1 2 Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States AMME-LECAP EA 4528 International Lab., Normandie University, Université and INSA Rouen, France When photo curing a polymer system one becomes immediately concerned with the depth of penetration of light into the system and with the uniformity of curing process. Both of these are related to the Beer-Lambert law of light penetration into the system. To use the Beer-Lambert law, which is given in an exponential form for a homogeneous system, one needs to determine of the associated attenuation coefficient. This is normally done by direct measurement of the light transmission using different thicknesses of the medium using a power meter. We have used a Rapid-Scan FTIR equipped with an ATR to demonstrate that one can get the Beer-Lambert attenuation coefficient directly while monitoring the curing kinetics. This also allows to directly evaluate the validity of the one half power law used to model the effect of power on the curing kinetics. The process was demonstrated for the photo curing of an acrylate system. 85 Talk Number: 5 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) HIGH SURFACE AREA METHYLSILSESQUIOXANE POLYMER GELS BY FLUORIDE CATALYSIS Joseph Furgal1 , Honami Yamane2 , Timothy Odykirk3 , Eongyu Yi3 , Richard Laine3 1 2 3 Chemistry/Macromolecular Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, USA Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, USA High surface area materials are of considerable interest for gas storage/capture as well as for slow release drug delivery systems. The hydrophobic methylsilsesquioxane polymer gels are made by a simple and fast fluoride catalyzed rearrangement of methyltriethoxysilane and bis-triethoxysilylethane (BTSE) at room temperature. These materials offer surface areas up to 1300 m2 /g, pore sizes of 0.8 nm and thermal stabilities above 200 o C. The gelation time and surface area can be controlled by adjusting the solvent volume (DCM), % fluoride (TBAF) and amount of cross-linking agent (BTSE). Polymers with other corners and linkers are also explored. 86 Talk Number: 6 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) MANUFACTURING OF POLYIMIDE FIBER-REINFORCED NANOCOMPOSITES Taylor Stockdale1 , Mohammad Nahid Andalib1 , Anastasia Desyatova1 , Stephen Cheng2 , Yuris Dzenis1 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States Department of Polymer Science, University of Akron, United States Continuous nanofibers are an emerging class of nanomaterials with property combinations unavailable in other materials, offering a great opportunity for composite applications. Polyimide (PI) is an attractive candidate for use in composites due to its versatility, good chemical resistance, and high service temperature. Typical fabrication of PI fibers is completed in two steps. First a polyamic acid (PAA) solution is used to spin PAA fibers. The fibers are then converted to polyimide through an imidization process. A single step fabrication method is of great interest as it would simplify the fiber manufacturing process, and prevent the fusion of fibers that can occur during imidization. Here we demonstrate the manufacturability of a thin, flexible, nanofiber-reinforced composite material based on electrospun PI nanofibers, produced in a singlestep process from a soluble PI. PI nanofiber mats were used as reinforcement in two types of resins - epoxy and PI. The epoxy-based nanocomposites were manufactured by applying an epoxy resin to as spun nanofiber mats and then curing at elevated temperatures under pressure. For PI/PI nanocomposites, thin PI films were first produced using a drawdown machine and another soluble PI. PI nanofiber mats were assembled between PI thin films and cured under pressure at temperatures above the Tg of the thin films, but below the Tg of the nanofibers. PI/PI nanocomposite thicknesses were an order of magnitude lower than thicknesses of epoxy-matrix nanocomposites. SEM results confirmed that complete impregnation of nanofiber mats was achieved and the resulting nanocomposites were optically transparent. 87 Talk Number: 7 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) EFFECT OF CONSTRAINT ON STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CONTINUOUS POLYACRYLONITRILE-BASED STABILIZED AND CARBONIZED NANOFIBERS Yan Zou1 , Dimitry Papkov1 , Alexander Goponenko1 , Yuris Dzenis1 1 Mechanical & Materials Engineering, UNL, USA High-performance carbon fibers are the most commonly used reinforcements in structural advanced composites. Commercial high-strength carbon fibers are produced from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) by a two stage process that includes oxidative stabilization and carbonization at high temperature under inert atmosphere. Application of constraint and stretch of the precursor fibers during the stabilization stage is commonly believed to be responsible for the superior properties of carbon fibers. Such treatment prevents entropic shrinkage, and relaxation of the aligned polymer chains. Continuous carbon nanofibers (CNFs) can be produced from electrospun PAN nanofibers (NFs) by stabilizing and carbonizing them. Mechanical properties of individual CNFs and NFs were not widely studied so far. Here we present a study of size effects in mechanical properties of individual stabilized and carbonized PAN NFs examined in a wide range of NF diameters, showing significant improvements in strength and modulus with the decrease in CNF diameter. In addition, graphitic structure, graphitic crystal orientation in CNFs was examined by Raman spectroscopy and electron diffraction, showing significant improvements for smaller NF diameters, and as a result of physical constraint of the CNFs during the nano-manufacturing process. Comparison of mechanical properties of NFs stabilized with and without constraint show significant improvements in NF modulus for the constrained NFs. The demonstrated results indicate the potential for the development of next generation advanced fibers. 88 Talk Number: 8 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) USING MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS FOR CHARACTERIZING MACROSCOPIC RESPONSE IN POLYCARBONATE John Jasa1 , Lili Zhang3 , George Gazonas2 , Antoine Jérusalem3 , Zesheng Zhang1 , Mehrdad Negahban1 1 2 3 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, United States Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Keywords: Molecular dynamics, continuum-level characterization, deformation gradient, Cauchy stress, multi-scale Recently, there has been a push to accurately characterize amorphous glassy polymers using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Our work uses MD to help bridge the gap between nanoscale simulations and well-understood macroscale experiments. To do this, continuum parameters widely used in continuum mechanics, such as deformation gradient and Cauchy stress, are constructed from MD simulations. These methods are applicable to non-equilibrium and inhomogeneous systems, and can be used to evaluate any part of a system, such as a molecule or particular region in the system. This information can be used to create continuum-like models based on MD simulations. These continuum-like methods have been applied to systems of polycarbonate at various temperatures and strain rates. In addition to polymers, KcsA potassium channels, carbon nanotubes, and aluminum oxynitride have been investigated to show the versatility of the methods. The results from these simulations and our analyses compare well with experimental results, especially in regards to stress-strain relationships. With the proposed method, specific groups of atoms can be selected and analyzed in order to determine areas of stress concentrations or derive properties for a portion of the system. This can be especially useful to examine the material around cracks or to characterize the microstructure after impact loading. By using these methods on larger systems of 100,000s of atoms, the continuum properties are expected to better mimic the expected continuum response. Additionally, the large systems allow focusing on local events around, for example, cracks. Averaging of individual molecular response naturally provides a way to study the difference between affine and non-affine motions in large systems. 89 Talk Number: 9 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) MODIFICATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) Witold Brostow1 , Olena Astakhova2 , Bogdana Bashta2 , Michael Bratychak2 , Gregory Granowski1 , Nathalie Hnatchuk1 1 2 Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, USA Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Lvivska Politechnika National University, Ukraine Oligomer products with various functional groups are widely used as crosslinking and modified agents of different polymer mixtures. The modification of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) based mixtures by oligomers with carboxy and epoxy or peroxy functional groups have been studied. The effect of incorporation of polyfunctional oligomers into the PVC material was investigated by the weight loss. Samples were kept at 422 K during 7 days. Mixture IV is characterized by stable weight during four days and the it starts losing weight, but still at a slower rate than other materials. This while the unmodified PVC containing a plasticizer started losing weight from the first day. These results correlate well with those from TGA. 90 Talk Number: 10 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) PROPERTIES OF EPOXY FILMS FORMALDEHYDE OLIGOMERS BASED ON MODIFIED PHENOL- Witold Brostow1 , Olena Astakhova2 , Michael Bratychak2 , Nathalie Hnatchuk1 , Halyna Zubyk1,2 1 2 Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, USA Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Lvivska Politechnika National University, Ukraine The presence of different functional groups in the molecules of phenol-formaldehyde oligomers (PFOs) should improve properties of the final products. This applies in particular to protective coatings containing PFOs. We have synthesized PFOs which contain methacrylate or peroxide and hydroxyl groups based on the Novolac PFO. With oligomers so synthesized, we have created oligomeric epoxy films based on the ED-20 epoxy resin and oligoesteracrylate at 403 K for 75 minutes. The original Novolac PFO was studied for comparison. Films so obtained exhibit much stronger chemical resistance to aggressive environments and improved properties than the Novolac. We have also determined scratch resistance, the technique is described in [1]. Much shallower residual depth is seen for an oligomer with methacrylic groups. Thus, such a material is a good candidate for protective coatings when strong scratch resistance is required. Reference: 1. W. Brostow, V. Kovacevic, D. Vrsaljko & J. Whitworth, Tribology of polymers and polymer-based composites, J. Mater. Ed. 2010, 32, 273. 91 Talk Number: 11 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) FTIR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF EPOXY PAINTS ON STEEL STRUCTURE FOR COATING FINGERPRINTING CERTIFICATE FOR PAINT INDUSTRY Chinhan Chan1 , Chonghup Ong2 , Tan Winie1 , Mk Harun1 , Mh Hidzir1 , Fi Saaid1 , Jiayin Lee3 1 2 3 Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia , Norimax Sdn Bhd, Malaysia , Research Instruments (M) Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Most of the oil and gas companies in Malaysia are facing challenge to ensure the fabrication & construction works are carried out in full compliance to the specifications. The general phenomenon is the jobs or projects offered by the oil and gas companies are secured at rock-bottom prices by the suppliers. The question is: has it been possible to maintain (or improve) the quality of the jobs despite the challenge of lower prices or sometimes below the cost prices of suppliers. One of the identified and common challenges for the oil and gas companies is the failure of polymeric coatings on steel structures, which has led to huge cost of repainting jobs. This progressive study showcases the practicality and simplicity of the provision of Coating Fingerprint Certificate for 2-component epoxy coatings for the supply of polymeric coatings from local paint manufacturers as quality assurance requirement of the coatings supplied. This will reduce the possibility of failures of the polymeric coatings and hence enhance the quality, integrity and safety. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) is a simple and reliable tool for the study of reproducibility of the epoxies and hardeners as well as to differentiate different types of epoxies and hardeners without any intrusion of paint formulations when High Sensitivity Compare feature of the FTIR software is to be strictly followed. This algorithm depends on x- (wavenumber) and y- (absorbance) vectors. This function is able to discriminate minute difference of different components as well as the compositional change of the components among samples. Simple (and software assisted) step-by-step guides are proposed in this work for the generation of reference FTIR spectrum from one sample, which subsequently is used to estimate the degree of similarity (r) with the FTIR spectra from other samples. Fingerprinting regions of FTIR for epoxy resin and hardener are proposed and the confidence level of acceptance for quality assurance and quality control (QA & QC) is suggested at more or same at 90.0%. We conclude that, the structural analysis by FTIR for complete Coating Fingerprint Certificate for epoxy resin and hardener is reproducible. Besides, rejection or acceptance of the samples can be easily done by setting the threshold value at 0.90 using High Sensitivity Compare feature of the FTIR software. 92 Talk Number: 12 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) IMPACT OF COVER SLIDE ON RECRYSTALLIZATION FROM THE AMORPHOUS STATE OF CHIRAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDS: CASE OF DIPROPHYLLINE Quentin Viel1,2 , Clement Brandel2 , Yohann Cartigny2 , Gerard Coquerel2 , Eric Dargent1 , Samuel Petit2 1 2 LECAP, University of Rouen, France Crystal Genesis SMS, University of Rouen, France Althought two enantiomers of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) share the same chemical composition, the spatial arrangement of atoms differs around the asymmetric center, which often results in significantly different pharmacological properties. It is nowadays almost mandatory to commercialize only enantiopure samples. For this purpose, crystallization processes are economically advantageous and are often employed at the industrial scale. Thus, crystallization of chiral APIs has been the subject of intense research, but these investigations are rather focused on crystallization in solution. Hence, the fundamental mechanisms related to nucleation and growth of chiral APIs from glassy materials remain largely unexplored as a consequence of our poor understanding of molecular arrangements, motions and interactions in amorphous materials. Consequently, the scientific and industrial communities try to understand the factors affecting the crystallization route from the amorphous state [1-2]. There is a scientific interest in understanding the role of the confinement due to the cover slide in glass-forming materials during the process of crystallization [3]. The aim of this study is to elucidate the impact of enantiomeric composition in supercooled melts on the outcomes of DPL recrystallization from the amorphous state, with and without cover slide. Hot Stage Microscopy (HSM) analyzes, Calorimetric measurements (DSC), X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) and Raman spectroscopy have been used to characterize the polymorphism of the distinct enantiomeric compositions promoted by the cover slide effect. [1] Yu L., Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 48, 27-42, 2001 [2] Hancock B.C., Shamblin S.L., Zografi G., Pharmaceutical Research, 12, 6, 1995 [3] Bhugra C., Shmeis R., Pikal M., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 97, 10, 2008 93 Talk Number: 13 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) CHARGE TRANSPORT AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS OF POLYMERIZED IONIC LIQUIDS James Tyler Cosby1 , Maximilian Heres1 , Joseph Minutolo1 , Joshua Sangoro1 1 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States Charge transport and structural dynamics of polymerized imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ionic liquids are investigated by broadband dielectric spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike non-polymerized ILs, DC conductivity and structural dynamics show significant decoupling, especially at low temperatures, due to the high mobility of the anion relative to the rate of structural relaxation. A homologous series of imidazolium based polymerized ionic liquids are investigated to determine the effect of alkyl substitution of the polymer backbone on the physicochemical properties of these polyILs. 94 Talk Number: 14 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) INTERPLAY BETWEEN ABSORPTION BROADENING AND MORPHOLOGY DETERIORATION IN TERNARY BULK HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS RESOLVED BY SOFT X-RAY SCATTERING Xuechen Jiao1 , Xiaoyan Du2 , Tayebeh Ameri3 , Rainer Fink2 , Harald Ade1 1 2 3 Physics, North Carolina State University, USA PhysikalischeChemie II, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg , Germany I-MEET, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany In the past several years, P3HT:ICBA based ternary blends have been intensively investigated. Although various sensitizers were used to broaden absorption range, ternary BHJs show few successful cases. Therefore, fundamental understanding why ternary cells fail to achieve high efficiency is indispensable for the future development of ternary blend solar cells. Domain details inside active layers are considered crucial to influence device performance. However, due to the low material contrast between polymer and fullerene in conventional morphology characterization such as transmission electron microscope (TEM), unambiguous and quantitative study of morphology impact of sensitizer is still lacking. Resonant soft x-ray scattering technique(R-SoXS) has emerged as a powerful tool for morphology study in polymer:fullerene blends due to the strong material contrast it utilizes[1]. R-SoXS can probe inter-domain details or mass-thickness variation by tuning the incident photon energy to material contrast or vacuum contrast[2]. Here, we sensitized P3HT:ICBA by Si-PCPDTBT/C-PCPDTBT to broaden the absorption range. The domain spacing is quantitatively characterized by R-SoXS and reveals good correlation with device performance. Interestingly, although Si-PCPDTBT and C-PCPDTBT are very similar in terms of chemical structure and absorption, the influence of Si-PCPDTBT/C-PCPDTBT on morphology are quite different. By tracking the domain spacing evolution of ternary blends along with different Si-PCPDTBT/C-PCPDTBT concentration, it was found that incorporation of Si-PCPDTBT up to 20% does not influence active layer inter-domain spacing, while the incorporation of C-PCPDTBT disturbs active layer morphology even at low C-PCPDTBT concentration. Through this study, we observed experimentally and quantitatively the morphology evolution along with different concentration of sensitizer and substantiated that in order to improve PCE of ternary BHJs, at the moment of broadening the absorption range of active layer, it is also crucial to minimize the negative influence of sensitizer on the active layer morphology. [1] Collins, B. A., Z. Li, et al. (2013). Advanced Energy Materials 3(1): 65-74. [2] Gann, E., A. T. Young, et al. (2012). Review of Scientific Instruments 83(4) 95 Talk Number: 15 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) OPTIMIZATION OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTIES: USING ACRYLATE/EPOXY MIXTURES IN THE EXTENSION OF AN FGM PLATE WITH A HOLE Zhong Chen1 , Mehrdad Negahban1 1 Mechanical and Material Engineering, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA We looked at optimization of property distribution in parts. As it will be shown, by changing the distribution of material properties, one can make an inhomogeneous part that is better than the best uniform part. To demonstrate this, we looked at optimizing the distribution of properties in a plate with a hole that is under uniaxial extension. In this problem, for a uniform plate the hole creates a stress concentration that limits the maximum applied stress on the plate to one third the load carrying capacity of the material. We show that for real materials one can select material distributions that allows applied stresses close to the maximum capacity of the best material (i.e. 3 times the load carrying capacity of the best uniform plate with a hole). An acrylate/epoxy IPN plate with a hole was selected for the investigated. We modeled, as a function of each components concentration, the real characterized values of the Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and fracture strength. A finite-element-method analysis based tool was developed to optimized the property distribution for this problem. It is shown that by varying the content of epoxy from 70 to 100% in the mixture, one can protect the hole, and thus use most of the material at 100% of its capacity, resulting in over two fold increase of the load carrying capacity of the part relative to the best uniform part. 96 Talk Number: 16 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES AND KINETIC STUDY ON THE DEGRADATION OF BISMALEIMIDE RESIN Connor Daily1 , Nicola Bowler1 1 Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University, USA Bismaleimide, a thermosetting resin, is attracting interest in the aerospace industry due to its epoxy-like processability, but better high-temperature performance than epoxy. As this industry shifts towards using higher overall percentages of fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites, understanding how these systems degrade, in particular the polymer matrix component, becomes increasingly important. Additionally, these materials are now being exposed to a wider variety of environmental and physical conditions, as new areas of usage, for both primary and secondary roles, are being explored. In this context, the thermo-oxidative degradation kinetics of bismaleimide are explored. Two model-free isoconversional methods, the Friedman and Ozawa-Flynn-Wall methods, are used to analyze results from thermogravimetric analysis at a variety of heating rates (2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 o C/min) from room temperature to 800 o C. From these methods, the activation energies associated with particular degradation mechanisms have been determined. Additionally, the dielectric properties of the bismaleimide resin were measured as a function of frequency (0.10 Hz to 1 MHz) and temperature (-115 o C to 240 o C) using spectroscopic techniques. Two dielectric relaxations, beta and gamma, were observed in the material, and their activation energies calculated. 97 Talk Number: 17 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) MECHANISM OF MOLECULAR INTERACTION OF OLIGOMERS WITH HYDRATED CEMENT PHASES SUPERPLASTICIZER Tariq Jamil1 , Hendrik Heinz1 1 Polymer Engineering Department, University of Akron, United States Understanding the action of organic additives on hydrated cement phases is essential to develop novel admixtures and alternative cements with low carbon footprint. Due to the indirect nature of available experimental information the true nanoscale morphology of hydrated cement surface and its interaction with additives has remained elusive. Atomistic simulations at with the thoroughly validated PCFF-INTERFACE force field allow first quantitative insight into the interactions of polyacrylate oligomers containing polyethylene side chains with tobermorite 14 A (h k l) surfaces in aqueous solution. The results show that the acrylate backbone is more attracted to the surface than the polyethylene oxide side chains. In particular, carbonate ions approach calcium ions on the tobermorite surface to form ion pairs. The adsorption energy on (001) tobermorite facets remains under -1 kcal per mol acrylate monomer. Detailed results for a range of different polymers and tobermorite facets (001) will be presented. 98 Talk Number: 18 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) COMPARISON OF PROPERTIES OF STAR AND LINEAR POLY(L-LACTIDE) Grzegorz Lapienis1 , Ewa Piorkowska2 , Joanna Bojda2 , Michal Cichorek2 1 Department of Polymer Chemistry, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 2 Department of Polymer Structure, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland The aim of the study is comparison of crystallization, structure and properties of 6 arm star-shaped poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) with its linear analog. PLLAs with molar mass Mw of 140 kg/mol were polymerized in bulk at the temperature of 130 o C. The polymerization was initiated with dipentaerythritol in the presence of tin octoate as a catalyst [1]. The resulting polymers contained a low content of unreacted L-lactide (≤ 0.5 mol %) and were further purified by precipitation from methylene chloride solution into methanol, homogenized in the molten state, and analyzed by different methods. Crystallization, supermolecular structure, thermal, mechanical and rheological properties of both PLLAs were examined. Acknowledgment This research project has been supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant No UMO2013/09/B/ST5/03619. References 1. M. Srisa-ard, Y. Baimark, J. Appl. Sci., 2010, 10, 1937-1943. 99 Talk Number: 19 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF PROTEIN-BASED ADHESIVES FOR CONSTRUCTION APPLICATIONS Shane Frazier1 , Wil Srubar1 1 Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, United States of America Wood and engineered wood are among the most common materials used in building and construction. A large percentage of engineered wood products contain adhesives that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Research has shown that VOCs have the potential to cause short- and long-term health effects. Beyond health effects, commercially available wood adhesives are manufactured from nonrenewable sources and are not biodegradable. Recent research has focused on the synthesis and characterization of alternative adhesives from renewable resources, including starch, lignin, and gelatin. While preliminary studies have shown that gelatin exhibits promising mechanical and adhesive properties compared to commercial adhesives, one significant disadvantage that remains - especially if it is to be used as a construction material - is gelatin’s inherent hygroscopicity. This presentation will highlight current research on evaluating the feasibility of gelatin-based materials to serve as low-VOC construction adhesives. In this presentation, the effect of gelatin-to-water concentration and gelatin source (i.e., porcine vs. bovine) on mechanical properties, thermal properties, water and water-vapor absorption will be discussed. Given the wide range of material properties reported in the literature, significant effort is currently being placed on correlating material properties to gelatin source and amino acid content. Specifically, food grade porcine and bovine, BioReagent grade Type A porcine skin, BioReagent grade Type B bovine skin, and pharmaceutical grade fish gelatin will be used in the synthesis and characterization of gelatin films with varying gelatin-to-water concentrations. To counter gelatin’s hygroscopicity, the effect of chemical additives (e.g., tannic acid, silane) on mechanical and moisture barrier properties will also be presented. Achievable mechanical properties, moisture resistances, and VOC contents of the gelatin-based adhesives investigated herein will be discussed in comparison to commercially available wood adhesives. 100 Talk Number: 20 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) MOLECULAR DYNAMICS IN ELECTROSPUN FIBERS OF PLASTICIZED POLYLACTIDE Xavier Monnier1,4 , Nicolas Delpouve1 , Neil Basson4 , Alain Guinault2 , Sandra Domenek3 , Allisson Saiter1 , Peter E Mallon4 , Eric Dargent1 1 AMME-LECAP EA 4528 International Lab., Normandie University, Université and INSA Rouen, France Laboratoire PIMM, UMR 8006, ENSAM-CNRS-CNAM, Paris, France 3 UMR1145 Ingénierie Procédés Aliments, AgroParisTech, France 4 Division of Polymer Science, Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa 2 Polylactide (PLA) micro and nanofibers produced by the electrospinning process are used in several fields including in applications for tissue engineering, filtration and electronics. The microstructure and molecular dynamics of these electrospun fibers are tied to the macroscopic properties of the materials. The electrospinning process itself can lead to non-equilibrium microstructures due to the complex processes involved including the alignment and stretching of the molecules and the rapid solvent evaporation amongst others. It is, therefore, important to understand both the microstructure and molecular dynamics, as the alpha relaxation processes, to gain an understanding of the properties of these materials. In this study, a thermodynamic approach was used to calculate the cooperativity length using modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MT-DSC). This technique has been widely used to provide evidence for the effects of confinement [1], orientation [2], and plasticization [3] in many polymers including PLA. To our knowledge, no studies have been done on the effect of the electrospinning process on the cooperativity in PLA. In this work we investigate the cooperativity length at the glass transition in the bulk polymer and the electrospun PLA fibers using Donth’s approach [4]. The possible correlations between the cooperativity length and the inter- and intra-chain distances in the amorphous phase as determined [5] by wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) were also investigated. 1. Arabeche, K. et al. Fragility and molecular mobility in micro- and nano-layered PC/PMMA films. Polymer 55, 1546-1551 (2014). 2. Delpouve, N., Delbreilh, L., Stoclet, G., Saiter, A. & Dargent, E. Structural Dependence of the Molecular Mobility in the Amorphous Fractions of Polylactide. Macromolecules 47, 5186-5197 (2014). 3. Dobircau, L. et al. Molecular mobility and physical ageing of plasticized poly(lactide). Polym. Eng. Sci. in press DOI: 10.1002/pen.23952 (2014). 4. Donth, E. The size of cooperatively rearranging regions at the glass transition. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 53, 325-330 (1982). 5. Stoclet, G., Seguela, R., Lefebvre, J. M., Elkoun, S. & Vanmansart, C. Strain-Induced Molecular Ordering in Polylactide upon Uniaxial Stretching. Macromolecules 43, 1488-1498 (2010). 101 Talk Number: 21 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) TRIBOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ANTIBACTERIAL POLYMER COMPOSITES Witold Brostow1 , Stevens Brumbley2 , Marina Gakhutishvili1,4 , Nathalie Hnatchuk4 , Justin Youngblood4 , Sundari Pokharel3 1 2 3 4 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, U.S.A Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, U.S.A. Department of Chemistry, University of North Texas, U.S.A. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili University, Georgia One does not need to argue the importance of providing antibacterial activity to materials. The way it was done earlier was simply using materials which can destroy bacterias. There are immediate problems since some such materials including arsenic are highly toxic; they do destroy bacterias but not only .... One option which has been used before our project began was using low molecular weight antibacterial agents. This represents progress as compared to ‘nude’ arsenic or arsenic oxide; however, toxicity is mitigated only to some extent while the service life is insufficient. Our approach is different. We put arsenic (III) oxide into poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). Sufficient antibacterial activity is achieved. The antibacterial material so obtained is non-irritant and non-toxic. At the same time, the PVC-based composite has high thermal stability as demonstrated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA, Perkin Elmer). Thermal transitions have been located by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, Perkin Elmer). Still further, we have determined scratch resistance in a Microscratch Tester from CSM, Peseux, Switzerland. Higher scratch resistance than in neat PVC has been demonstrated, including stronger viscoelastic scratch recovery (the bottom of the groove goes up inside of 2 minutes). Pertinent references: [1] Patel M. B., Patel S. A., Ray, A., Patel R. M. Synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial activity of acrylic copolymers. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 2003; 89, 895-900. [2] Tashiro T. Antibacterial and bacterium adsorbing macromolecules. 2001; 286, 63-87. Macromol Mater. [3] MuÅĹoz-Bonilla A., Fernandez-Garcia M., Polymeric materials with antimicrobial activity. Polymer Sci. 2012; 37, 281-339. 102 & Eng. Progr. Talk Number: 22 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) LENGTH SCALE AT THE GLASS TRANSITION IN SEMI-CRYSTALLINE COMPATIBILIZED POLYLACTIDE/CLAY NANOCOMPOSITES Nicolas Delpouve1 , Francesca Cicogna2 , Werner Oberhauser3 , Lucia Conzatti4 , Elisa Passaglia2 , Allisson Saiter1 1 2 3 4 AMME-LECAP EA 4528 International Lab., Normandie University, Université et INSA Rouen, France ICCOM, CNR UOS Pisa, Italy ICCOM, CNR Firenze, Italy ISMAC, CNR Genova, Italy During the last ten years, great attention has been paid to the effects of interfaces and geometrical confinement on the molecular dynamics of polymers [1,2,3]. One of the characteristic parameters describing the glass transition is the cooperativity length which provides the average dimension of the alpha relaxation process. To investigate the cooperativity length from calorimetric measurements, the Donth’s approach [4] is the most appropriated. Previous works have highlighted that interfacial interactions between amorphous polymer and exfoliated clays lead to a cooperativity length increase while confinement of polymer chains in the galleries of clays (intercalated nanocomposite) produces a strong reduction of cooperativity [5]. In this work we propose to investigate the nature of the polymer/clay interactions thanks to the cooperativity length determination in Polylactide-based nanocomposites with the presence of polybutyrate adipate terephthalate (PBAT) compatibilizer. Polylactide (PLA) is a semi-crystalline polymer which thermal crystallization can easily be tailored due to its slow kinetic, and can induce different crystalline forms (α and δ) depending on the crystallization temperature [6,7], leading to strongly ordered or defective crystals. So this study aims at picturing the dissociated or cumulated impact of compatibilization and crystallization on the cooperativity in exfoliated and intercalated morphologies. (1) Schick, C. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 2010, 189, 3-36. (2) Napolitano, S.; Wübbenhorst, M. Polymer 2010, 51, 5309-5312. (3) Erber, M.; Georgi, U.; Müller, J.; Eichhorn, K.-J.; Voit, B. Eur. Polym. J. 2010, 46, 2240-2246. (4) Donth, E. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1982, 53, 325-330. (5) Saiter, A.; Prevosto, D.; Passaglia, E.; Couderc, H.; Delbreilh, L.; Saiter, J. M. Phys. Rev. E 2013, 88, 042605. (6) Righetti, M. C.; Tombari, E. Thermochim. Acta 2011, 522, 118-127. (7) Delpouve, N.; Saiter, A.; Dargent, E. Eur. Polym. J. 2011, 47, 2414-2423. 103 Talk Number: 23 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) HYDROGEN BONDING INDUCED NANOPHASE SEPARATION OF GIANT SURFACTANTS TOWARD SUB-10-NM HYBRID ORDER NANOSTRUCTURES Zhiwei Lin1 , Stephen Z. D. Cheng1 1 Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron, United States Assemblies and fabrications of hybrid materials containing functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) have attracted numerous research interests over the past several decades. Giant surfactants are regarded as a library of new hybrid materials based on polymer-tethered molecular NPs. In this work, two series of giant surfactants, composed of a hydrophilic fullerene (AC60) NP tethered with a polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (PSb-PEO) at the PS chain end (AC60-PS-PEO) or the junction point between two blocks (PS-(AC60)-PEO), were designed to investigate their assemblies in the bulk. It was revealed that the incorporation of AC60 NPs induces the nanophase separation of intrinsically disordered PS-b-PEO with low molecular masses. A variety of ordered nanostructures were formed including lamellae, double gyroids and cylinders with domain sizes smaller than 10 nm. Two pairs of topological isomers, AC60-PS50-PEO45 and PS50-(AC60)-PEO45, AC60-PS78-PEO45 and PS78-(AC60)-PEO45, were specifically investigated to reveal the topological effects on assembled giant surfactants. It was found that the similar ordered nanostructures with different domain sizes are resulted from assemblies of these topological isomers. 104 Talk Number: 24 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) TWO-DIMENSIONAL NANO-CRYSTALS OF MOLECULAR JANUS PARTICLES Hao Liu1 , Chih-Hao Hsu1 , Zhiwei Lin1 , Kan Yue1 , Wen-Bin Zhang2 , Stephen Z. D. Cheng1 1 2 Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron, U.S.A College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, P. R. China In this work, we report the molecular design, synthesis and self-assembly of a series of novel molecular Janus particles based on three nano building blocks (or called molecular nanoparticles, MNP), i.e., polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) and hexa-molybdate, a Lindqvist-type polyoxometalate (POM), and [60]fullerene (C60) derivatives. These amphiphilic molecular Janus nanoparticles was produced by covalently connecting hydrophobic crystalline BPOSS with a charged hydrophilic MNP. The rational strategy to obtain self-assembled two-dimensional (2D) nano-crystals with definite and uniform thickness was based on the distinct interactions of the constitutional moieties. Symmetry breaking in both chemical composition and geometric shape leads to the formation of bilayered molecular packing setting through crystallization in solution. In a polar solvent, individual two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets are formed with a thickness corresponding to the stack of two molecular layers driven by the directional crystallization of the POSS cages. Aggregations of the nanosheets along the normal dimension are prevented due to the favored solvating interactions with the external ionic layers. This “bottom-up” fabrication of 2D nanosheets provides an alternative strategy toward self-assembled 2D nanostructures. 105 Talk Number: 25 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) EFFECTS OF UV EXPOSURE ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON FIBER/PPS THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITES Khairul B. Mahat1 , Ibrahim Alarifi1 , Abdulaziz R Alharbi1 , Dr. Ramazan Asmatulu1 1 ME, Wichita State University, United States The recent attentions in the applications of the fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite have raised some concerns because of the ability and performance of the fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite after long-term exposures to environmental weathering (e.g., UV radiation, moisture, and oxygen). This weathering can be very destructive to the thermoplastic polymers; hence, a systematic study of the UV radiation effects on the properties of fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite is crucial for industrial applications. The major objective of the project was to study the correlation between thermoplastic fabrication parameters and the final properties of composites. In this study, carbon fiber (CF) reinforced polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) thermoplastic composites were manufactured using high temperature press after optimizing the parameters. Subsequently, the effects of long term UV exposures on the thermal and mechanical properties of CF/PPS thermoplastic composites were investigated in detail. The test results showed that the correlation between the processing parameters and the physical properties of the laminate composites were in all good agreements. The test results also revealed a significant decrease in the glass transition temperature, as well as storage modulus, and tensile strengths. Furthermore, short (200 hrs) and long (300 hrs) term UV exposures changed various thermal and mechanical properties of the thermoplastic PPS composites. This study can provide some preliminary knowledge to engineers and scientists in the field and develop new set of structural composites. Keywords: PPS Films, Carbon Fibers, Thermoplastic Composites, UV Light Exposure, Mechanical Properties. 106 Talk Number: 26 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) NANOMANUFACTURING POLYACRYLONITRILE NANOFIBER YARNS Jase Kaser1 , Dimitry Papkov1 , Yuris Dzenis1 , Yong Liu1 1 Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States Nanomanufacturing Polyacrylonitrile Nanofiber Yarns Jase Kaser (Presenting), Dimitry Papkov, Yuris Dzenis, Yong Liu Continuous nanofibers (NFs) are an emerging class of materials with unique property combinations and the potential to produce the next generation of advanced fibers. Our previous research found extraordinary simultaneous increases in NF strength, modulus and toughness with the decrease of their diameters into the ultrafine (<250nm) range. Handling and utilization of individual NFs with such small diameters is impractical for any macroscopic applications, and requires assembly of these NFs into yarns or other macroscopic assemblies. During the manufacture of such assemblies, precision control over their different aspects (such as pitch angle, yarn diameter, and NF diameter distribution within the yarn) is needed. A novel nanomanufacturing process, which allows precision NF yarn production in “one-shot” was developed, and a parametric study of nanomanufacturing parameters and their impact on the yarn characteristics was performed. The manufacturability of nanofiber yarns with varying fiber diameter, yarn diameter, and pitch angle was demonstrated through control of the spinning distance, rotation speed of the disc collector and other process and solution parameters. Preliminary mechanical testing showed a significantly increased strain to failure compared to individual NFs, leaving large room for mechanical properties’ improvement and process optimization. The experimentally obtained mechanical properties were also compared with results from numerical simulations. 107 Talk Number: 27 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) INTEGRATING C60 NANOPARTICLES INTO TIO2 NANOFIBERS VIA ELECTROSPINNING PROCESS FOR ENHANCED ENERGY CONVERSTION EFFICIENCIES Manish A. Shinde1 , Abdulaziz R Alharbi1 , Ibrahim M. Alarifi1 , Dr. Ramazan Asmatulu1 1 Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University, United States TiO2 nanofibers incorporated with C60 nanoparticles at 0, 2, 4, and 8wt.% were produced using electrospinning process. The chemical utilized for the electrospinning process included poly (vinyle acetate), dimetylfomamide, titanium (IV) isopropoxide and acetic acid in the presence and absence of C60 nanoparticles. The resultant nanofibers were heat treated at 300 o C for 2 hrs in a standard oven to remove all the organic parts of the nanofibers, and then further heated up to 500 o C in Ar for additional 12 hrs to crystalline the TiO2 nanofibers. SEM, TEM and XRD studies showed that C60 and TiO2 nanofibers were well integrated in the nanofiber structures. The TiO2 and C60 nanofibers were then mixed in a solution to form a paste which is then applied on a conductive glass by using a doctor blading technique to make various DSSCs. This technique enables to create solar cells with variable thicknesses of 7 µm to 45 µm. The ffects of the manufacturing technique, thickness of the paste, different percentages of C60 nanoparticles on overall efficiency of the solar cell were studied. This paper also includes the TiCl4 treatments, which greatly increases the efficiency of DSSCs. This study may guide some of the scientists and engineers to tailor the energy bang gap structures of some of the semiconductor materials for different industrial applications, including DSSC, water splitting, catalyst, batteries, and fuel cell. Keywords: Electrospinning, TiO2 Nanofibers, C60 Nanoparticles, Heath Treatment, DSCC, Efficiency. 108 Talk Number: 28 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) AGEING OF A THREE-LAYER PAPER USED IN THE INSULATION OF AN ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE TRACTION Florian Loubeau1,2,3 , Pascal Rain1,2 , Anne Durieux3 1 2 3 G2Elab, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, FRANCE G2Elab, CNRS, FRANCE Electric Materials Department, RENAULT SA, FRANCE Electrical Insulation System (EIS) of the studied electric motor is composed of enameled wires, insulation papers and impregnating resins. This EIS is subjected to various stresses: thermal (chemical kinetics, thermal expansion), environmental (water absorption, oxidation, various pollutions), mechanical (vibrations, frictions) and electrical (surge voltage applied by the inverter). In low voltage motors, thermal stress is considered as the most influent in the degradation of the EIS. Thermal class of these materials is generally given by the suppliers and corresponds to a lifetime of 20,000 hours at this temperature. Criterion for this end of life is chosen by the supplier. It can be a ratio of mass loss, a relative decrease of Partial Discharge Inception Voltage (PDIV), or of the dielectric loss factor... To determine the thermal class of these materials according to a functional property of our application, the behavior of materials during thermal aging was studied. Samples of papers, enameled wires, resin wafers and of a simple model of the EIS composed of these three materials were subjected to thermal aging at 190o C, 205o C and 220o C. Results coming from the mass losses of the NKN three-layer paper (Nomex extregistered polyaramide / Kapton extregistered polyimide / Nomex extregistered polyaramide) show a mechanism in two steps: the first part of the curve corresponds to a first order reaction and the second part to a zero order reaction. The first order reaction could correspond to a fast oxidation of structural irregularities and the zero order reaction to the degradation of the structural unit. Apparent rate constants and activation energies have been calculated following the Arrhenius law. Physicochemical characterizations of the ageing by IR spectroscopy and dielectric spectroscopy were also performed. IR spectroscopy shows for the Nomex a decrease of the N-H amide group absorption band and the apparition of cyano groups. Regarding the Kapton, the imide group is more impacted by the degradation than the ether group. Dielectric spectroscopy showed a decrease of the polarization and of the losses around 10 000 Hz. This value is typically the frequency used by the inverters of electrical vehicles. 109 Talk Number: 29 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF SPIN COATING ON PVDF FILMS Mitchell Schmidt1 1 Physics, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, USA My research revolves around studying the properties of organic ferroelectrics. I specifically work with Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Ferroelectric properties have been studied for years as they hold great potential in a variety of fields including ferroelectric RAM, ferroelectric tunnel junctions and various sensor devices. To study the properties of PVDF, thin films of the material are created. Currently there are two ways to create thin PVDF films, Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition and spin coating. LB deposition has been utilized in our lab for years and thus is a very refined and useful technique. Spin coating on the other hand has been only used in the creation of thick films and thus is not understood as well. My project examined the possible potential for creating uniform thin films with spin coating. Though spin coating has been used in the creation of PVDF samples for years the creation of high quality samples below 50 nm has been tricky. My role has been to attempt this by adjusting various parameters such as, spin speeds, solvents concentration, quantity of solvent dispersed, time span of spinning and so on. Each parameter’s effect was studied in the creation and optimization of thin films. To test the effect of spin coating I utilized various known tests. The most basic test was to measure the capacitance as a function of voltage or temperature. Such scans indicate the level of crystalline structure in the material. Further test included doing pyro-electric scans which measured the induced polarization caused by laser beams. In addition AFM, PFM, XRD and ellipsometry were all useful techniques to infer a sample’s thickness, roughness and quality. 110 Talk Number: 30 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) INVESTIGATION OF ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES OF A GRAPHENE FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR Simon Schönherr1 , Stefan Wagner2 , Himadri Pandey2 , Jasper Ruhkopf2 , Max Lemme2 1 2 Department Q2, Fürst-Johann-Moritz-Gymnasium, Germany Graphene-based Nanotechnology, University of Siegen, Germany Graphene is a material that has garnered enormous scientific and technological interest, since it was reported for the first time in 2004[1]. This interest is mainly due to the unique properties of graphene, including its attractive electronic and mechanical properties as well as the excellent thermal conductivity. These are a consequence of its two-dimensional structure consisting of a single atomic layer of carbon. Graphene is therefore a promising material for field effect transistors (FETs)[2,3]. In this experimental study we investigated the electronic properties of graphene with a prototype of a graphene FET. In this prototype, in which the graphene channel is contacted by gold source and drain contacts, the current between source and drain is controlled by the gate voltage of a silicon back-gate. In a typical chip layout, 250 individual FET devices were fabricated on one chip[4]. The graphene was deposited by chemical vapor deposition. The transfer characteristics of the graphene-FET were characterized using a 3 point probe setup. The drain current flowing through the graphene channel was recorded as a function of the gate voltage. The transfer curves show a characteristic V shape. Drain currents were thus measured for positive as well as negative gate voltages. This ambipolar behavior confirms that graphene conducts both electrons and holes. Secondly, substantial drain currents were observed for all gate voltages between -5 V and +10 V: the minimum drain current is at least 60% of the maximum drain current over the gate voltage range. This observation can be explained with the energy band diagram of graphene, which does not contain any band gap (zero band gap semiconductor). Consequently, graphene-FETs in the investigated configuration with a single layer graphene channel can probably not be seen as an alternative for silicon-based FETs in logic circuits because of the fact that the FET is always turned on. This behavior prevents the use of these FETs in a system, in which the difference between 0 and 1 (on & off) is the general principle. Nevertheless an application of graphene in high frequency circuits is still possible, especially because of the high carrier mobility of graphene[5]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] K.S. Novoselov et al. Science 2004, 306, 666 A.K. Geim et al. Nat Mater 2007, 6, 183 M.C. Lemme et al. IEEE Electron Device Lett. 2007, 28, 282 A.D. Smith et al. Accept. Solid State Electron. 2015 M.C. Lemme et al. MRS Bull. 2014, 39, 711 111 Talk Number: 31 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) BROADBAND DIELECTRIC RELAXATION ANALYSIS ON THE REINFORCEMENT OF ANTHRACENE-FUNCTIONALIZED EPOXY COMPOSITES Rui Ding1 , Sabrina Wells2 , Jamie Messman2 , Daniel Bowen2 , Nicola Bowler1 1 2 Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University, United States Department of Energy’s National Security Campus, Honeywell FM&T, LLC, United States Two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) derivatives, namely anthracene (up to 5 wt.%,) and 2-aminoanthracene (up to 10 wt.%) were dispersed in a model epoxy matrix as novel composite dielectrics. The dielectric relaxation properties of anthracene-functionalized epoxy composites were investigated via broadband dielectric spectroscopy over the frequency range from 0.02 to 1,000,000 Hz and temperature range from -100 to 130 o C. Within the measured domain, four phenomena, namely α-, β-, and γ-relaxation processes and ionic conductivity are identified for all the samples. The Havriliak-Negami (HN) dielectric relaxation model was applied to parametrically fit each relaxation and the characteristic relaxation times of the anthracene-functionalized epoxy composites were compared. A significant increase of glass transition temperature (Tg) is observed in the system with coexistence of anthracene and 2-aminoanthracene, by both dielectric spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). 112 Talk Number: 32 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF REACTIVE OLIGOMERS BASED ON A PEROXY DERIVATIVE OF AN EPOXY RESIN AND 1,4- BUTANEDIOL Witold Brostow1 , Olena Astakhova2 , Ostap Ivashkiv2 , Olena Shyshchak2 , Haley Lobland1 1 2 Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, USA Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Lvivska Politechnika National University, Ukraine Oligomers products with various functional groups are widely used as crosslinking and modified agents of polymeric mixtures. We have synthesized an oligomer containing simultaneously peroxy and hydroxy groups. The oligomer has the molecular mass M = 490 g/mol and active oxygen content 1.9 %. The presence of hydroxy groups is confirmed by absorption band at 3384 cm-1 in IR-spectrum. The presence of the peroxy groups is confirmed by the band at 1380 and 1360 cm-1 and ether bond - at 1248 and 1040 cm-1 (formed by the interaction of peroxide oligomer with butanediol). Our oligomer has been studied as active additive to epoxy-oligoesteric mixtures on the basis of an industrial dianic epoxy resin with the epoxy number 20.0 % and an oligoesteracrylate on the basis of triethyleneglycol and methacrylic acid with M = 280 g/mol. The synthesized oligomer constitutes 10/100 mass parts of the mixture. The crosslinking was studied stepwise: first at room temperature and then at 383 and 423 K for 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes. The polymeric films so obtained are characterized by good adhesion to substrates, hardness between 0.7 and 0.8 in relative units and gel-fraction content 80-96 %. 113 Talk Number: 33 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS WITH ANTIBACTERIAL PROPERTIES BASE ON TRICLOSAN ACRYLATE Wilson Isidro Cardona1 , Anny Catalina Ospina1 , Carlos Alberto Pelaez1 , Luis Fernando Giraldo1 1 Instituto de Química, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia In this research a monomer of triclosan acrylate was synthesized by reacting acryloyl chloride with triclosan in the presence of a base. The monomer was polymerized by free radical bulk polymerization in order to obtain the homopolymer of triclosan acrylate and the copolymers with styrene at different molar ratios. The final polymers were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and gel permeation chromatography. The antibacterial activity for the polymers was determinate against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The results show that the monomer of triclosan and its homopolymer had the higher antibacterial activity and an important reduction in the bacterial population was also achieved with only 10 % of TCA in polystyrene. The glass transition temperatures for the copolymers were between the Tg for the homopolymer of TCA (58 o C) and polystyrene (75 o C), indicating a good compatibilization of both monomers. The higher number and weight average molecular weights for the copolymers were 12628 and 32941 g/mol, respectively. These polymers have potential applications in paint and coating industry and medical devices. 114 Talk Number: 34 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) USING CURING KINETICS TO CONTROL THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SIMULTANEOUS ACRYLATE/EPOXY IPNS DURING PHOTO CURING OF GRADED MATERIALS Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh1 , Wenlong Li1 , Steven Araujo2 , Nicolas Delpouve2 , Jean-Marc Saiter2 , Mehrdad Negahban1 1 2 Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States LECAP, University of Rouen, France Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) are made from two or more polymer networks that are cured simultaneously to achieve interpenetration, and can be usually made to express a range of characteristics between those of the constructing networks [1]. One way to achieve grading with an IPN system is to vary the amount of the components. This can be used to vary not only mechanical properties, but also optical, electrical and other properties. The main issue is how to control the composition, yet obtain an IPN with good properties. Normally the networks of IPNs with good characteristics are grown concurrently and, thus, this type of IPN is called a Simultaneous IPNs [2, 3]. We studied how one can control the curing kinetics for photo cured systems to get Simultaneous IPNs of acrylate and epoxy with different final mechanical properties. Laser assisted UV-light curing on a Rapid Scan FTIR equipped with a temperature controlled ATR was used to follow the construction of the networks and to design the controlling method. It is shown that by this method one can get a wide range of properties starting from a single mixture. This UV-light controlled process can be used in photolithography to vary properties in a 3D printing system. 115 Talk Number: 35 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) MOLECULAR STRUCTURE PARAMETERS INFLUENCE ON DEFORMATION MECHANICS OF AN ORIENTED CRYSTALLINE POLYMER Ulmas Gafurov1 1 Composite Materials, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan Taking into account that real crystalline polymer molecular and supra-molecular structure and the interconnecting macromolecules have different conformation links we have carried out modeling of an oriented polymer deformation and creep molecular processes. We have considered two-phase model of an oriented flexible-chain crystalline polymer type of linear polyethylene micro-fibrils of which consist of interchanging crystalline and amorphous regions. In the deformation molecular mechanics modeling the Frenkel-Kontorova’s crowdion was used for condition of balance and longitudinal mobility of an interconnection macromolecular chain. The dislocation formation is stimulated by thermo-fluctuation and stressed load and is accompanied molecular chains exit of crystallites, elongation of amorphous section of interconnecting molecular chain and correspondingly lead to local loads relaxation on their amorphous sections as well as by conformation regroupings of these sections in some conditions especially for flexible chain polymer. The load relaxation value and the dislocation evolution depends except of macromolecular chain parameters mainly from dimension sizes of an interconnecting amorphous section and of initial local load on it, presence of cross-links, interpenetrating, loops in neighboring amorphous sections, defect structure of polymer crystallites. . For high-oriented flexible-chain crystalline polymers at the certain values of slippage chains number there was the further discontinuous jump conformation structure (conformation straightening) of the interconnecting amorphous section. The dislocation forming thermo-activation energy values for various loads and the longitudinal sizes of crystal and amorphous regions are designed. The dislocation moving to amorphous region lead to the interconnecting chain pulled into crystallite with local load value increasing on amorphous section and the thermo-fluctuation energy dissipation. In a real polymer there is the wide distribution over the amorphous and crystalline regions sizes. As a result of this in the polymer being under external load the values of the local loads on the amorphous sections, correspondingly the activation energy for the dislocation formation and the velocity of the molecular chains longitudinal mobility and molecular deformation process will be also different. 116 Talk Number: 36 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) NOVEL CHART FOR REPRESENTATION OF MATERIAL PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY Franz Lanyi1 , Peter Kunzelmann1 , Dirk W. Schubert1 1 Institute of Polymer Materials, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany In modern industrial production lines various process and material parameters determine the properties of the final product. Thus, a process optimization procedure has to take into account a large design space containing several parameters. As a consequence the evaluation of the influence of single process parameters on the final product properties can be quite complicated. Usually a certain property of a product, for example the mechanical strength, has to satisfy a defined specification. In terms of quality control not only the performance of the material but also the reliability of the specified values has to be considered. The Weibull statistic gives an interesting approach to evaluate both, material’s performance and reliability. Regarding the mechanical properties e.g. in terms of the stress at break the Weibull analysis leads to a characteristic failure constant σ b,0 at which 63.2 % of the samples will break. Additionally, the Weibull modulus m can be regarded as a measure for the width of the distribution of the measuring results. High values of m represent a narrow distribution and thus a better reliability. Moreover, the Weibull modulus m is independent of the absolute value of the measuring data. Therefore, it is possible to compare samples produced under different conditions. The standard deviation and the interquartile range are often used to quantify the scatter of empirical data. It is shown within this work that the Weibull modulus m can be a more precise discriminator for the evaluation of the reliability because it is rather stable against outlaying values. As an example this study concentrates on the mechanical properties of melt spun fibres consisting of blends from polypropylenes with different molar masses produced under various process conditions. This work presents a novel chart which allows one to compare different samples on the basis of the Weibull statistics whereat the Weibull modulus m is plotted over σ b,0 . Defining a reference material, the m-σ b,0 -map can be split into quadrants, whereat each quadrant designates an improvement or worsening of material’s performance and reliability with respect to the reference. An evaluation in terms of performance and reliability of great sets of data is easily applicable. It will be shown that the Weibull statistic can also be applied to the Young’s Modulus, the elongation at break and the tensile energy absorption. 117 Talk Number: 37 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) U-SHAPED PROBES FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYMERS USING CONTACT RESONANCE ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Ehsan Rezaei1 , Joseph Turner1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Contact resonance atomic force microscope (CR-AFM) methods have been commercially used to quantify the elastic and viscoelastic properties of a variety of materials such as polymers, ceramics and biological materials. This approach involves measurement of the resonant frequencies of the AFM probe both for the free case and the case for which the tip is in contact with a sample. Vibration models of the probe and tip-sample contact models are then used to determine the sample properties from the frequency behavior and to create images of the sample properties. U-shaped AFM probes have been developed to allow local heating of samples and the resonances of these probes are much more complex. A simplified analytical model of these U-shaped probes is described here. This three beam model (TBM) includes two beams clamped at one end and connected with a perpendicular cross beam at the other end. The sensitivities of the modes to the specimen properties are then examined using a tip-sample contact represented by three orthogonal Kelvin-Voigt models for the vertical, lateral and axial stiffness of the contact. In this poster, we demonstrate the mode frequency sensitivity to the contact stiffness changes. The frequencies and mode shapes that result from this model agree well with solutions created using the finite element method (FEM). As expected, the modes involving symmetric flexural motion of the legs are most sensitive to the vertical contact stiffness while the modes associated with unsymmetric flexural motion of the legs are most sensitive to the lateral contact stiffness. This work is anticipated to provide a simple analysis method allowing U-shaped probes with CR-AFM to be used for polymers. 118 Talk Number: 38 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM STUDY OF AMORPHOUS NANOCOMPOSITE FILMS Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) AND CRYSTALLINE PHASES IN BIO-BASED Sebastien Charlon1 , Nadege Follain1 , Laurent Delbreilh2 , Eric Dargent2 , Jeremy Soulestin3 , Michel Sclavons4 , Stephane Marais1 1 2 3 4 PBS UMR6270, Université de Rouen, France AMME-LECAP, Université de Rouen, France Institute, Ecole de Mines de Bouai, France IMCN Institute, Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve, Belgium With the emerging environmental concerns, many research works are focused on the use of biodegradable polymers with the aim of reducing plastic pollution [1]. Among them, PolyButylene Succinate (PBS) and polyButylene Succinate Adipate (PBSA) are expected to be promising candidates to substitute common polyolefins due their good properties (biodegradability, processability, chemical resistance, mechanical performances [2]. However, their softness and their poor barrier properties [3] limit their use in industrial applications like packaging. One of the relevant ways to significantly improve these characteristics is to incorporate nanofillers, even at low content. In this work, an optimized 5 wt% [4] nanoclay content (unmodified montmorillonite (MMT) and organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT)) was introduced within PBS and PBSA matrices by melt blending processing. To date, a higher crystallinity degree for PBS-based films than for PBSA-based films was calculated by X-ray diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) measurements. These experiments did not reveal any microstructure variation with nanofiller loading. Polarized optical microscopy showed that the introduction of MMT lead to decrease spherulite sizes while the opposite effect was observed with the incorporation of OMMT. Finally, Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) experiments exposed one α-relaxation and two β-relaxations for both PBS and PBSA-based films, respectively associated to the motion of polymer chains and of small polar groups. Glass transition temperature determined from BDS curves was founded lower for PBSA than PBS, as observed by DSC measurements. Moreover, relaxations are not modified by the presence of nanofillers, revealing that only the crystalline phase of polymer is affected by the clay introduction. [1] P. Bordes, E. Pollet, L. Avérous, Progress in Polymer Science, 2009, 34, 125-155 [2] T. Fujimaki, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 1998, 59, 209-214 [3] K. Okamoto, S.S. Ray, M. Okamoto, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, 2003, 41, 3160-3172 [4] B. Alexandre, D. Langevin, P. Médéric, T. Aubry, H. Couderc, G.T. Nguyen, A. Saiter, S. Marais, Journal of Membrane Science, 2009, 328, 1316-1324 119 Talk Number: 39 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) MICROSTRUCTURE, AMORPHOUS PHASE DYNAMICS AND BARRIER PROPERTIES IN MULTILAYER COEXTRUDED POLYLACTIDE Samira Fernandes Nassar1,2,3 , Nicolas Delpouve1 , Alain Guinault2 , Laurent Delbreilh1 , Cyrille Sollogoub2 , Sandra Domenek3 , Eric Dargent1 1 2 3 AMME-LECAP EA 4528 International Lab., Normandie University, Université and INSA Rouen, France Laboratoire PIMM, UMR 8006, ENSAM-CNRS-CNAM, Paris, France UMR1145 Ingénierie Procédés Aliments, AgroParisTech, France The development of biopolymers for food-packaging applications implies combining ecofriendly character and non-toxicity to specific industrial requirements as low-cost and good mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. Polylactide (PLA) has exhibited promising applications in the past decades due to its performance in renewability, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and mechanical properties [1]. As one of the major challenges to consider producing high performance PLA packaging at a large scale lies in the improvement of its barrier properties, the tailoring of the PLA microstructure from thermal crystallization [2,3], drawing [4], or shish-kebab crystallization [5] has been strongly investigated in the recent years. New strategies are actually studied to obtained stronger effects. One of them consists in the geometrical confinement of the polymer at the molecular scale using the layer-multiplying co-extrusion process combined eventually with annealing processes to create nanometric thickness layers. This technology is environmentally friendly and health secured and has already proved its efficiency to improve the gas barrier properties for other polymers [6]. In this work we propose to design monolayer and multi-layer coextruded PLA and to analyze the relationships existing between its microstructure and the resulting gas barrier properties. Eventually as transport properties are mainly governed by the diffusion in the amorphous phase, a picture of the molecular dynamics in the amorphous phase will be given. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 15, (6) Auras, R.; Harte, B.; Selke, S. Macromol. Biosci. 2004, 4, 835-864. Guinault, A.; Sollogoub, C.; Ducruet, V.; Domenek, S. Eur. Polym. J. 2012, 48, 779-788. Cocca, M.; Lorenzo, M. L. D.; Malinconico, M.; Frezza, V. Eur. Polym. J. 2011, 47, 1073-1080. Delpouve, N.; Stoclet, G.; Saiter, A.; Dargent, E.; Marais, S. J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 4615-4625. Bai, H.; Huang, C.; Xiu, H.; Zhang, Q.; Deng, H.; Wang, K.; Chen, F.; Fu, Q. Biomacromolecules 2014, 1507-1514. Carr, J. M.; Mackey, M.; Flandin, L.; Hiltner, A.; Baer, E. Polymer 2013, 54, 1679-1690. 120 Talk Number: 40 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) RELAXATION OF SHEAR-INDUCED PRECURSORS IN POLY(LACTIC ACID) Manon Tesserau1 , Ezequiel Morin2 , Benjamin Schamme1 , Constantine Tarawneh2 , Antonella Esposito1 , Li Tan3 , Eric Dargent1 , Lucia Fernandez-Ballester3 1 2 3 Advanced Materials and Mechanical Engineering, AMME-LECAP International Laboratory, France Transportation Center for Railway Safety, University of Texas - Pan American, United States Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Lincoln-Nebraska, United States Semicrystalline polymers are usually processed from their molten state and subjected to intense shear and/or elongation flows [1]. Within the past few years, a whole array of studies has shown that flow has a large impact on crystallization kinetics and morphology of semicrystalline polymers and therefore, on final properties [2]. Understanding flow induced crystallization (FIC) is thus of utmost importance of the production of tailored-properties products, particularly with polymeric materials. Theoretical and experimental work highlighted that final morphology is dictated by structures present in the melt at the early stages of shear and crystallization [3]. These structures are called precursors and their nature is currently under investigation [4-5]. However, FIC studies were mainly focused on industrial polymers as polypropylene, polyethylene or random copolymers but fewer on biopolymers [6]. As one of the most promising biopolymers, Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) exhibits a reliable panel of performances in terms of availability, biocompatibility and biodegradability. Using a commercial PLA, a fiber pull-out technique coupled with polarized optical microscope and a hot stage has been used, as in terms of sensitivity is the most powerful indicator of melt perturbations. The distinct morphological zones that happen after shear and relaxation (cylindritic or highly nucleated morphology and classical spherulitic morphology) have been used as an indicator of whether full reequilibration has been attained or not in the sheared melt. Quantitative data as lifetime of precursors, t*, has been investigated in a wide range of relaxation temperatures and compared to other industrial semicrystalline polymers. [1] Bove, L.; Nobile, M. R. 2002. Macromolecules Symposium. 185, 135-147. [2] Hsiao, B. S.; Yang, L.; Somani, R. H.; Avila-Orta, C. A.; Zhu, L. 2005. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 117802. [3] Kornfield, J.; Kumaraswamy, G.; Issaian, A. 2002. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41, 6383-6392. [4] Balzano, L.; Kukalyekar, N.; Rastogi, S.; Peters, G. W. M.; Chadwick, J. C. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008. 100, 048302-048304. [5] Azzurri, F.; Alfonso, G. C. 2005. Macromolecules. 38, 1723-1728. [6] Xu, H.; Xie, L.; Chen, Y. H.; Huang, H. D.; Xu, J. Z.; Zhong, G. J.; Hsiao, B. S.; Li, Z. M. 2013. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 1, 1619-1629. 121 Talk Number: 41 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) EFFECT OF COPOLYMER CONTENT ON FLOW-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION Ramin Hosseinabad1 , Frederic Aubin1 , Hugo Boitoit1 , Eric Dargent2 , Lucia Fernandez-Ballester1 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States of America Advanced Materials and Mechanical Engineering, AMME-LECAP International Laboratory, France Semi-crystalline polymers melts are often subjected to strong flows while undergoing processes. It is well known that flow can significantly alter the kinetics of crystallization and the resulting semi-crystalline structure, which in turn deeply affects the material properties of the final product. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic mechanism and the variables that control flow-induced crystallization. In general, both the molecular structure and the processing conditions significantly impact the crystallization process. Here, the role of co-monomer content and temperature on flow-induced crystallization are examined. In this study, isotactic polypropylene and random ethylene co-monomers are subjected to short pulses of high shear stresses at several crystallization temperatures. The critical shear stress for formation of a highly oriented skin was studied for each of the polymer grades. It was found that for polypropylene homopolymer, the critical shear stress for crystallization temperature of 140C was smaller than that for 150C. However, the critical shear stress was indistinguishable between 150C and 160C. For polypropylene with 3% co-monomer, the critical shear stress also increased when crystallization temperature was raised up from 140C to 150C. However, further temperature increase to 160C resulted in disappearance of the highly oriented skin layers: instead, a different morphology was obtained at the highest levels of shear stress, which was observed as somewhat bright areas under the polarizing optical microscope. Finally, polypropylene with 7% ethylene co-monomer exhibited the same trend and value for critical shear stress at crystallization temperature of 130C and 140C. In this case, however, rising the crystallization temperature to 150C resulted in almost complete disappearance of the highly oriented skin. The behavior of the real-time birefringence during and right after cessation of the shear pulse was examined. The observed trends and their relationship with subsequent structure development for each of the three polymer grades will be discussed. 122 Talk Number: 42 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) THE POSS AND MWCNT MODIFIED GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE TG OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) Jolanta Tomaszewska1 , Tomasz Sterzynski2 , Katarzyna Skórczewska1 , Jacek Andrzejewski2 1 Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, UTP UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Poland 2 Institute of Materials Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Poland The aim of our studies was to modify specifically the poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) by using of nanoadditives like polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) and multi-wall nanotubes (MWCNT). As a nanofiller three types of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes and multiwall carbon nanotubes were used. The nanocomposites of PVC with various contain of fillers (concentration of POSS was in the range between 0.5 and 10 wt.%, the MWCNT contain was between 0.01 wt.% and 0.05 wt.%) were prepared by melt mixing processing. As matrix the PVC compound in a form of dry blend, containing stabilizer and paraffin wax was applied. The POSS and MWCNT were introduced into the PVC matrix by different procedures of compound preparation, followed by melt mixing. Our interest was to determine the influence of the nanomodification on certain properties of PVC, like glass transition temperature; a property which determines the possible applications of this polymeric material, thus the temperature dependent macromolecular mobility. The glass temperature was measured by means of dynamic mechanical analysis DMA, differential scanning calorimetry DSC and dielectrical measurements. The effect of a fabrication way of the nano modified PVC on the glass transition temperature has also been investigated. By use of MWCNT always an increase of Tg of PVC with increasing concentration of the nanoadditive was noted, signifying an important effect of nanotubes on the PVC chain mobility. The saturation - like effect was observed already by the MWCNT contain equal to 0.01-0.02 wt.%. An opposite effect, i.e. a decrease of Tg was found in the case of PVC modification with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane, particularly with 3-chloropropyl POSS and those containing methacryl and octyl groups. This observation may be an indication of a plastyfing effect, due to a possible introduction of POSS molecules between the PVC macromolecules. In every case, the higher was the frequency used in our experiment, the higher was the value of the Tg . 123 Talk Number: 43 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF POROGEN MOLECULES ON THERMAL PROPERTIES AND POROSITY OF NANOPOROUS POLYCYANURATE-BASED FILM MATERIALS Kristina Gusakova1 , Jean-Marc Saiter2 , Alexander Fainleib1 , Olga Grigoryeva1 , Daniel Grande3 1 Department of Heterochain Polymers and Interpenetrating Polymer Networks, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine 2 AMME-LECAP International Lab. Institute for Material Research, Université de Rouen, France 3 Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est, UMR 7182 CNRS - Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-deMarne, France The present communication is focused on the investigation of the influence of molecular and structural features of porogens on thermal behaviour and porosity characteristics of nanoporous polycyanurate-based film materials produced via the chemically-induced phase separation technique. For this purpose, several high-boiling temperature (Tb ∼280-380o C) low-molecular phthalates were used as porogens. The molecular radius of all the phthalates was varied in the range of 0.405-0.545 nm. Miscellaneous investigations of both isothermal (at 50, 100, 150 and 250o C for 48 h) and dynamic (starting from 30 up to 700o C at 20o C/min) heating of nanoporous films in either inert or air atmosphere were fulfilled. Isothermal annealing experiments showed similar kinetic behaviours for all the nanoporous PCN-based materials studied. Therefore, the identity of processes occurred while annealing at 50-150o C was concluded. Standard TGA measurements demonstrated high thermal stability of all the samples before and after isothermal annealing (at T up to 150o C), regardless of the porogen structure. A drastic darkening and a significant decrease in the thermal stability of the nanoporous PCN-based samples annealed at 250o C confirmed the occurrence of thermal-oxidative degradation at such an annealing temperature. The presence of nano-sized pores, before and after isothermal annealing, disregarding the temperature of annealing was confirmed using several techniques, including SEM, N2 sorption, and DSC-based thermoporometry. A strong influence of the porogen structure was evaluated on the porosity characteristics, and consequently on the desorption behaviour of nanoporous PCN-based films annealed at 50-150o C. It was also established that the formation of the most thermodynamically stable porogen-containing PCN networks allowed for introducing larger porogen amounts, thanks to the deferment of the phase separation process. As a result, the generation of relatively more dense and homogeneous nanoporous structures could be achieved. This investigation could be useful for a possible prediction of long-term properties of porous film materials derived from thermosetting densely crosslinked polycyanurates and related (co)polymers. Acknowledgements. The authors are thankful to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” for financial support through PICS project No 5700 (Ukraine-France cooperation 2011-2013). 124 Talk Number: 44 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) INVESTIGATION OF FRACTURE BEHAVIOR OF HETEROGENEOUS POLYMER MIXTURES SUBJECTED TO VISCOELASTIC DEFORMATION USING MICROSTRUCTURAL MODELING Keyvan Zare Rami1 , Yong-Rak Kim1 , Taesun You1 1 Civil engineering, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA This paper presents a microstructural modeling of heterogeneous polymer mixtures where viscoelastic and fracture are significant sources of energy dissipation and failure-associated phenomena. Complex geometric characteristics of mixture microstructures are represented by an image technique, and individual mixture constituents such as elastic particles and surrounding viscoelastic matrix are characterized for their material properties. In addition, cohesive zones are embedded in the mixture microstructure to account for fracture within the mixture microstructure. A series of laboratory tests are performed to obtain elastic, viscoelastic, and fracture properties of the mixture components and overall damage-associated performance of the entire mixture. The computational microstructure modeling is validated by comparing simulation results with the experimental test results of the mixture. The results presented in this paper clearly indicate that the effect of microstructure and individual component material properties on the overall macroscopic damage-associated behavior of the heterogeneous media. 125 Talk Number: 45 (Poster) Time: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 1:50 PM Session: W4: Poster (Ballroom) POLAR PHASE GENERATION IN PVDF, THROUGH AMPHIPHILIC IONIC LIQUID MODIFIED MULTIWALLED CARBON NANOTUBES: EFFECT OF ANION Ali Bahader1 , Haoguan Gui1 , Huagao Fang1 , Yu Li1 , Shaojun Wu3 , Yunsheng Ding1,2 1 Polymer Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, China Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, Hefei University of Technology, China 3 Institute of optoelectronics, Hefei University of Technology, China 2 This study describe the effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), ionic liquid (IL) and IL modified MWCNT on the crystallization and polar phase generation of melt crystallized PVDF. The surface of MWCNT was modified with two types of ILs, 1-hexadecyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bromide [C16MIM][Br] and 1-hexadecyl-3-methyl-imidazolium hexafluorophosphate [C16MIM][PF6]. The nanocomposites were characterized using FE-SEM, FTIR-ATR, XRD, DSC and EDX. Surprisingly, the results demonstrate that the presence of IL accelerated the process of PVDF crystallization, because IL are well-known to act as a plasticizer for polymers and retard the crystallization process. Both, IL and IL-modified MWCNT are able to generate β/γ phase/s of PVDF. The role of the anion also proved very effective, in terms of fast crystallization process and β/γ phase generation. 126 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM TH1: Plenary (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Yuris Dzenis Assistants: Kaspars Maleckis, Zesheng Zhang Talk: 1. (8:30 AM, Plenary) Cheng: GIANT POLYHEDRA AND GIANT SURFACTANTS BASED ON NANO-ATOMS: TUNING FROM CRYSTALS, TO QUASICRYSTALS, TO FRANK-KASPER PHASES: AN INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN SOFT AND HARD MATTER Dr. Stephen Z.D. Cheng, Frank C. Sullivan Distinguished Research Professor, Robert C. Musson Professor, Trustees Professor, NAE, Department of Polymer Science, The University of Akron 127 Talk Number: 1 (Plenary) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:30 AM Session: TH1: Plenary (Henzlik 124) GIANT POLYHEDRA AND GIANT SURFACTANTS BASED ON NANO-ATOMS: TUNING FROM CRYSTALS, TO QUASICRYSTALS, TO FRANK-KASPER PHASES: AN INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN SOFT AND HARD MATTER Stephen Z. D. Cheng1 1 Department of Polymer Sceince, The University of Akron, USA In order to create new functional materials for advanced technologies, both precise control over functionality and their hierarchical structures and orders are vital for obtaining the desired properties. Among all the giant molecules, giant polyhedra are a class of materials which are utilized by deliberately placing precisely functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) and fullerene (C60) molecular nano-particles (MNPs) (so-called “nano-atoms”) at the vertices of a polyhedron. Giant surfactants are polymer tail-tethered “nano-atoms” where the two components have drastic chemical differences to impart amphiphilicity. These giant polyhedra and giant surfactants capture the essential structural features of their small-molecule counterparts in many ways but possess much larger sizes, and therefore they are recognized as size-amplified versions of those counterparts. One of the most illustrating examples is a series of novel giant tetrahedral and giant surfactants which possess precisely defined amphiphilic MNPs with different geometric combinations. When both geometrical and chemical symmetry are disrupted and these giant tetrahedra and surfactants are functionalized they become building blocks for hierarchical ordered structures. A range of ordered super-lattice structures of this class of materials: crystals, quasicrystals and Frank-Kasper phases have been investigated in the condensed bulk state and thin films, revealing the interconnections between soft matter and hard matter in sharing their common structures and fundamental behavior. Speaker Background Professor Cheng received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1985 with Professor Bernhard Wunderlich. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at RPI he joined the faculty in the Department of Polymer Science at the University of Akron in 1987. He served stints as Chairman of the Department of Polymer Science and Dean of the College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering and is currently the Frank C. Sullivan Distinguished Research Professor. Dr. Cheng is also a Member of the National Academy of Engineering. His research interests center on the condensed states in polymers, liquid crystals, surfactants and micelles, and focuses on the interactions, responses, dynamics, and structures of materials on varying length and time scales in which the material itself embodies the technology. His research activities include investigations of transition thermodynamics and kinetics in metastable states, ordered structures and morphologies, surface and interface structures in electronic and optical materials and advanced functional hybrid materials. 128 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Yuris Dzenis Assistant: Kaspars Maleckis Talks: 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Galeski: CRYSTALLIZATION AND MELTING PHENOMENA IN NANOFIBER REINFORCED POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES 2. (10:25 AM, Invited) Papkov: POLYMER CRYSTALLINITY AND TOUGHNESS: INCREASING PLASTICITY OF CONTINUOUS POLYACRYLONITRILE NANOFIBERS THROUGH CRYSTALLIZATION SUPPRESSION 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Sterzynski: ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY MULTILAYER WPC/SRC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS; PRODUCTION, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Gonçalves: XANTHAM GUM AND CHITOSAN AS NATURAL ADHESIVES FOR CORK 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Bin: TRANSCRYSTALLIZATION IN CARBON FIBRE FILLED POLY (L-LACTIC ACID) COMPOSITES UNDER TEMPERATURE GRADIENT 6. (11:45 AM, Oral) Alharbi: SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTROSPUN SRTIO3 NANOFIBERS WITH NIOX NANOPARTICLES SHELLS AS PHOTOCATALYSTS FOR WATER SPLITTING 129 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 9:45 AM Session: TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) CRYSTALLIZATION AND MELTING PHENOMENA IN NANOFIBER REINFORCED POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES Andrzej Galeski1 , Stanislaw Galeski1,3 , Ewa Piorkowska1 , Kinga Jurczuk1 , Gilles Regnier2 , Artur Rozanski1 1 2 3 Polymer Physics, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Poland PIMM, Arts et Metiers, ParisTech, 75013 Paris , France present address: Department of Physics, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland Recently we have developed a method of transformation of solid polymer particles into nanofibers in-situ during compounding with other polymers in the molten state [1,2]. The prerequisite is a reduced number of entanglements in the particles that allows to limit the strain hardening and facilitates the deformation into nanofibers under shear forces during mixing. Polytetrafluoroethylene nanofibers obtained in this way exhibit strong nucleation ability towards many polymer matrices, including isotactic polypropylene. The crystallization kinetics in such systems can be analysed based on the probabilistic model and equally well in terms of extended volume developed to describe the overall crystallization kinetics in nanocomposites with embedded finite length nanofibers exhibiting nucleation ability. The validity of the model was confirmed by a computer simulation and also by comparison with the crystallization kinetics data of polyamide 12 nanocomposites with carbon nanonubes. The overall crystallization kinetics in polymer nanocomposites with nucleating nanofibers for isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization, length and orientation distribution of nanofibers, nucleation on nanofiber surfaces with different density including transcrystallization, and curved nanofibers was described. Crystallization of nanocomposites of PP with nucleating PTFE nanofibers and PA12 with MWCNTs was studied. Those nanofibers strongly nucleate crystallization and the slope of ln[-ln(1-alpha)] vs.ln(t) is close to 2, indicating 2-dimensional growth. On the other hand transformation of solid polymer particles into long and thin nanofibers affects their melting behavior, reflected in a decrease of the melting temperature inversely proportional to nanofiber thickness. The interfacial tension causes also that nanofibers start to melt from their ends. We have observed a decrease of Tm of polymer nanofibers with decreasing thickness, following the Gibbs-Thomson equation where interfacial tension plays also an important role. PE nanofibers cannot be very thin because they can melt even below 120 o C. This research project has been supported by the statutory funds of CMMS PAS and from funds of the National Science Centre on the basis of the decisions number DEC-2012/04/A/ST5/00606. 1. K.Jurczuk, A.Galeski, E.Piorkowska, Polymer, 54, 4617-4628 (2013) 2. K.Jurczuk, A.Galeski, E.Piorkowska, J. Rheol.,58, 589-605, 2014 130 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:25 AM Session: TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) POLYMER CRYSTALLINITY AND TOUGHNESS: INCREASING PLASTICITY OF CONTINUOUS POLYACRYLONITRILE NANOFIBERS THROUGH CRYSTALLIZATION SUPPRESSION Dimitry Papkov1 , Yuris Dzenis1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA Strength of structural materials and fibers is usually increased at the expense of strain at failure and toughness. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) is a popular precursor for production of carbon fibers. Electrospinning is an emerging technique that allows production of continuous polymer precursor nanofibers. Recently our group reported significant scale effects in mechanical properties of individual electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers. The nanofibers showed remarkable (two orders of magnitude) increases in strength and stiffness, as well as toughness (three orders of magnitude). The largest increases were recorded for the ultrafine nanofibers smaller than 250 nanometers. Structural investigations and comparisons with mechanical behavior of annealed nanofibers allowed us to attribute ultrahigh ductility and toughness to low nanofiber crystallinity resulting from rapid solidification of ultrafine electrospun jets. Here we show that further reducing the crystallinity through changes in the system solvent from dimethylformamide to dimethyacetamide and addition of small amounts of plasticizer (ethylene carbonate) result in improved nanofiber plasticity and, subsequently, further improvements in nanofiber toughness. We further show that the observed size effects in mechanical properties shift to the intermediate diameter range (250-500 nm), offering the possibility of easier nanofiber processability and handling. For the first time we show experimental evidence of improved polymer chain orientation in individual nanofilaments with the decrease in their diameter. The described modifications show the ability to tailor the mechanical properties of the nanofibers in the strength/toughness property space, which is highly desirable for safety critical applications in composites. 131 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:45 AM Session: TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY MULTILAYER WPC/SRC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS; PRODUCTION, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES Artur Kosciuszko1 , Tomasz Sterzynski2 , Kazimierz Piszczek1 1 Polymer Division, Faculty of Chemcial Technology and Engineering, University of Technology and Life Science, Bydgoszcz, Poland 2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, Polymer Division, Poznan University of Technology, Poland The hybrid polymer composites composed of Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) and Self Reinforced Composites (SRC) layer (-s) have been produced and characterized. The main idea was to produce a material with sufficiently high mechanical properties, easy to recycle after the end-of-life time. Accordingly, the material is composed of one polymer, in this case isotactic polypropylene (iPP), used in various forms, and a filler in a form of wooden flakes. On this way the full material recycling may be performed, making the reprocessing of this composite material possible. The sheets of SRC and WPC are placed alternatively, allowing to achieve a material with well-defined properties, where as well as isotropic or/and anisotropic properties, depending on the of iPP fibers position (direction) in the SRC, may be realized. The difficulties appearing by the production of such composite materials, like constitution of temperature processing windows where the iPP matrix will remains in molten state and the fibers are non-melted, as well as the resolving of the adhesion problem between the SRC and the WPC will be presented and discussed from both, technological and structural point of view. 132 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:05 AM Session: TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) XANTHAM GUM AND CHITOSAN AS NATURAL ADHESIVES FOR CORK Isabel Vale1 , Carolina Gonçalves1 , Diana Paiva1 , Margarida Bastos1 , Fernão Magalhães1 1 Chemistry - LEPABE, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal Composites based on cork (bark of Quercus suber L.) have been receiving increasing interest for different applications. Cork combines a unique set of properties like elasticity, resilience, impermeability, low density, and very low conductivity of heat, sound and vibration. Moreover, its use is supported by sustainable forest practices. Cork composites provide added design flexibility and environmental advantages, like ease of incorporation of pre and post-consumer wastes. But one increasing requirement has been the replacement of synthetic adhesives, like reactive polyurethane (PUR) or formaldehyde-based resins, by natural binders from renewable resources. This presents particular challenges, especially when mechanical performance and water resistance are needed. The viability of using two widely available polysaccharides, xanthan gum (XG) and chitosan (CS) as cork binders was studied. The adhesives were used as water solutions with concentrations of 6 wt.% or lower. For XG, chemical oxidation was investigated as a strategy to provide water resistance and reactivity. Periodate oxidation allowed C-C cleavage between adjacent -CHOH groups, forming dialdehydes. NH2OH-HCl titration of the oxidized gum (XGox) indicated aldehyde contents of about 60%. 1H-NMR confirmed formation of aldehyde groups. Bond strength (BS) tests were performed on cork samples after drying the glued joints for 2 h at 120 o C. Results showed that CS (6 wt.%) yielded similar BS as a reference PUR adhesive, being 50 % higher than XG. BS decreased as CS or XG concentrations were lowered, due to depletion of binder in the glued joint. When performing the tests after immersion of the glued samples in water for 24 h at 20 o C, XG showed null BS, while CS displayed 40 % lower strength. This was expected considering that XG is soluble in water while CS in insoluble, as long as nonacidic conditions are used. Interestingly, XGox showed dry BS 76 % higher than XG and 15 % higher than CS. Wet BS was similar for XGox and CS. Oxidation of XG reduces its water solubility, as confirmed by total soluble matter assays, due to decrease in hydroxyl content and possible self-crosslinking promoted by aldehyde groups, which explains higher water resistance. On the other hand, aldehydes also allow for reaction with groups present in the cork structure, providing a covalent mechanism for increasing bond strength and water resistance. Mixtures of XGox and CS did not yield better performances than XGox alone. 133 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:25 AM Session: TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) TRANSCRYSTALLIZATION IN CARBON FIBRE FILLED POLY (L-LACTIC ACID) COMPOSITES UNDER TEMPERATURE GRADIENT Yuezhen Bin1,2 , Shengnan Zhang1 1 2 Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China State Key laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University of Technology, China As a kind of biodegradable and biocompatible thermoplastic resin, Poly (lactic acid) is widely applied in packaging and biomedical industries. Many researches dealt with the addition of filler in PLA to improve its crystallization rate. As well-known, the interfacial interaction between polymer matrix and filler plays a dominant role in the mechanical property of composites. Recently, it has been receiving more and more attention that interfacial crystallization may contribute to interfacial bonding of the composite. In this study, thin films of carbon fibre (CF)/PLA and nickel plating carbon fiber (NiCF)/PLA composites were made via solution casting and the transcrystallization behavior of composites was investigated. Samples were crystallized on the temperature gradient stage with temperature ranging from 363 K to 413 K. Polarizing microscope observation indicated that typical transcrystalline (TC) structure was formed in both CF/PLA and NiCF/PLA composite films. For each composite, nuclei density on single fiber decreased and radius of TC increased as crystallization temperature (Tc) increased. In addition, nuclei density on single NiCF was higher than that on CF. SEM observation showed that NiCF had stronger ability to initiate heterogeneous nucleation due to the existence of nano-nickel particles. However, the radius of TC in short NiCF/PLA composite was smaller than that in CF/PLA at the same Tc. Crystallization kinetics analysis demonstrated that the onset time of nucleation and the radius growth rate of TC increased as Tc increased. Furthermore, kinetics analysis revealed that final size of TC was influenced by competition between transcrystallization on fiber surface and spherulitic crystallization around the fiber. References 1 Nanying Ning, Sirui Fu, Wei Zhang, et’al. Progress in Polymer Science, 2012, 37(10): 1425∼1455 2 Duigong Xu, Yuezhen Bin, Ping Tang. Macromolecules, 2010, 43(12): 5323∼5329 134 Talk Number: 6 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:45 AM Session: TH2_1: FIC (Henzlik 124) SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTROSPUN SRTIO3 NANOFIBERS WITH NIOX NANOPARTICLES SHELLS AS PHOTOCATALYSTS FOR WATER SPLITTING Abdulaziz R Alharbi1 , Ibrahim M. Alarifi1 , Waseem S. Khan1 , Dr. Ramazan Asmatulu1 1 Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University, United States Coaxial electrospinning process was used to produce core/shell SrTiO3- NiOx nanofibers. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was dissolved in mixture with DI water and acetic acid at 10:90 weight ratios, and then titanium (IV) isopropoxide [C12H28O4Ti] and strontium nitrate [Sr(NO3)2] were added into the solution to form the inner (core) layer. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymer was dissolved in dimethylformamide (DMF) with 10:90 weight ratios. Nickel oxide [Ni2O3] was mixed with the solution to form the outer (shell) layer. This coaxial electrospinning method generated uniform sized, defect-free fibers. The electrospun nanofiber samples were annealed at 600 o C for 2 hours in air in order to remove the organic part and crystalline the amorphous SrTiO3- NiOx nanofibers. Water contact angles were determined to identify surface hydrophobicity of the nanofiber films. The UV spectrophotometer, fourier transform-infrared radiation (FT-IR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) techniques were used to characterize structural properties of the SrTiO3- NiOx composite. The morphology and dimensions of the nanofibers were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The images showed the fluctuation in the fiber diameters because of the two different polymeric solutions electrospun at the same time. The structures of the calcined nanofibers were determined by Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction (XRD), which clearly indicated the formations of SrTiO3 and NiOx nanofibers structures. The fabrication of such core/shell SrTiO3-NiOx nanofibers through coaxial electrospinning suggests the further enhancement and development of photocatalytic behaviors of the new nanomaterials. This study can provide useful information for scientists, engineers, and manufacturers working in the renewable energy and related fields, such as water splitting, sensors, solar cells, and catalysts. Keywords: Coaxial Electrospinning, Core/Shell SrTiO3 and NiOx Nanofibers, Calcination, Photocatalysts, Water Splitting. 135 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 9:45 AM TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) Session Chairs: Eric Dargent, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester Assistant: Zesheng Zhang Talks: 1. (9:45 AM, Keynote) Lefebvre: IN-SITU SAXS/WAXS INVESTIGATIONS ON DEFORMATION INDUCED STRUCTURAL EVOLUTIONS IN AMORPHOUS AND SEMI-CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS 2. (10:25 AM, Oral) Mokni: EFFECT OF THE SUBLIMATION TEMPERATURE ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND CRYSTALLINITY OF PARYLENE D DEPOSITED BY CVD 3. (10:45 AM, Oral) Piorkowska: NUCLEATION OF HIGH-PRESSURE-INDUCED GAMMA FORM IN ISOTACTIC POLYPROPYLENE IN NONISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS 4. (11:05 AM, Oral) Fernandez-Ballester: EFFECT OF COPOLYMER CONTENT ON FLOW-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION 5. (11:25 AM, Oral) Lugito: NOVEL APPROACHES TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION 6. (11:45 AM, Oral) Ding: EFFECT OF TRI-ARM STAR-SHAPED IMIDAZOLIUM IONIC LIQUID OLIGOMER WITH PEG SEGMENT ON THE CRYSTALLIZATION BEHAVIORS OF POLY(LLACTIC ACID) 136 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 9:45 AM Session: TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) IN-SITU SAXS/WAXS INVESTIGATIONS ON DEFORMATION INDUCED STRUCTURAL EVOLUTIONS IN AMORPHOUS AND SEMI-CRYSTALLINE POLYMERS Jean-Marc Lefebvre1 , Valérie Miri1 , Gregory Stoclet1 , Pepin Julie1 , Roland Seguela2 1 2 UMET, CNRS/Univ Lille, France MATEIS, CNRS/INSA Lyon, France The problem of thermally and mechanically-induced crystal phase transitions in semi-crystalline polymers bearing H bonds is of prime importance in materials where anisotropic intermolecular interactions (van der Waals vs H-bonding) result in the existence of crystal phases with sheet-like H-bonded structures. Materials under consideration are polyamides 11 and 6. The use of in-situ characterization of these polymorphic materials by wide angle and small angle X Ray scattering from a synchrotron source provides clear insights into the role of these transitions on the mechanical behavior under uniaxial and biaxial drawing. The structural characterization confirms the existence of a phase transition, the Brill transition, towards a HT phase with hexagonal symmetry for some specific crystal structures (α’ and δ’ in PA11, α defective in PA6). The most stable forms (α’ in PA11 and α in PA6) rebuild upon cooling. Under uniaxial drawing, polyamides exhibit ductility, whatever the original crystal form is; an order→disorder transition occurs for T<TBrill , which favors mesophase development (δ’ in PA11 and β in PA6), while above TBrill the HT phase is mechanically stable. In the case of biaxial stretching, phases with H-bonded sheet-like organization are brittle, contrary to mesomorphic and HT phases. These findings underline the need to monitor the structural evolution in order to achieve proper solid-state biaxial stretching in industrial processing. With respect to the cold drawing behavior of PLA, a combination of in situ SAXS and AFM studies allows identification of the elementary plastic deformation mechanisms involved. It shows that a brittle to ductile transition occurs when the draw temperature is increased and/or at decreasing strain-rate. Morphological studies reveal that the brittle behavior of PLA is correlated with the occurrence of crazing, whereas the ductile response implies dual plastic deformation mechanisms interacting in a rather unusual way. In particular, in situ SAXS reveals the formation of “shear band crazes” and a tentative explanation of their development is proposed. In addition this study shows shear banding, activated at high temperature, plays a dual role. While shear bands promote the formation of crazes, they also stabilize them during their growth. 137 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:25 AM Session: TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) EFFECT OF THE SUBLIMATION TEMPERATURE ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND CRYSTALLINITY OF PARYLENE D DEPOSITED BY CVD Marwa Mokni1,2 , Abdelkader Kahouli1,2 , Emmanuelle Giroud3 , Vincent Mareau4 , Fethi Jomni2 , Alain Sylvestre1 1 2 3 4 Genie electrical, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, G2Elab, France Physical, Univ. of Tunis El Manar (LMOP), Tunisia Material, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Polytech Grenoble, France Material, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INAC-SPRAM, France In the family of parylenes, (Poly-dichloro-para-xylylene) (PPXD) was the object of few attentions until today by the scientific community. However, its chemical structure seems to project some properties between PPX N and PPX C and so could be interesting to replace these latters for specific applications. In this way, thin and transparent PPXD has been prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) from vapor-phase pyrolysis of the cyclic tetrachloro-di-p-xylylene dimer. The dependence of (i) the sublimation temperature (120-160 o C), (ii) the deposition time (5-660 min) and (iii) the deposition rate on the physical properties of PPX D was investigated. Increasing sublimation temperature affects the surface morphology and the crystallinity of the material. From Atomic Force Microscopy, one observes that the sublimation temperature leads to an increase in the surface roughness from 4 to 5.4 nm. Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD) experiments allow identifying a monoclinic crystalline-α-form with reflection (020) at 2θ=12o C. A significant decrease in the crystalline phases of the polymer for higher sublimation temperatures is observed. Finally, crystalline phases are in depth investigated by polarized light microscopy. 138 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:45 AM Session: TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) NUCLEATION OF HIGH-PRESSURE-INDUCED GAMMA FORM IN ISOTACTIC POLYPROPYLENE IN NONISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS Przemyslaw Sowinski1 , Ewa Piorkowska1 , Severine A.E. Boyer2 , Jean-Marc Haudin3 1 Department of Polymer Structure, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 2 Department of Physics and Mechanics of Materials, P PRIME Institute, ISAE-ENSMA, UPR CNRS 3346, France 3 Centre for Material Forming, MINES ParisTech, UMR CNRS 7635, France Isotactic polypropylene (PP) under atmospheric pressure crystallizes usually in the monoclinic alpha or trigonal beta phase, the latter requiring appropriate nucleating agents. Crystallization of the orthorhombic gamma form is facilitated by high pressure (P), although it requires also high temperature. Owing to its unique structure with nonparallel chain alignment, it exhibits different mechanical properties than the alpha form [1]. Recently, we demonstrated [2] that alpha-nucleants can nucleate the gamma form under high P at 200 o C. During processing crystallization is non-isothermal, hence our present study focuses on nucleation of the gamma form in PP under high P during cooling. The study utilized PP 3250MR1, Arkema. Three alpha-nucleants, calcium salt of cis-1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, Hyperform HPN-20E, 1,3:2,4-bis(3,4-dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol), Millad 3988i, Milliken Chemicals, poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) submicron particles [3], Dispersez 200W, Polysciences, and a known beta-nucleant - calcium pimelate, synthesized by us, were used. Neat PP and PP with 0.2 wt% of the nucleants were crystallized in a cell described elsewhere [1,2], under P ranging from 100 to 300 MPa, during cooling at approx. 8 o C/min and next analysed by different methods to examine crystallinity, contents of crystallographic forms and spherulitic structure. Crystallization temperature (Tc) of all the materials increased with increasing P. HPN-20E and PTFE exhibited the highest Tc ; under 300 MPa Tc of PP with HPN-20E exceeded that of neat PP by 14 o C Both, HPN-20E and PTFE increased also the gamma content and reduced the grain size. Calcium pimelate had no such effect; it increased only the beta content. The effect of Millad depended on P. Under 100 MPa it elevated Tc, and the gamma content, and strongly reduced the grain size, but the effect vanished with increasing P. The results show the possibility to nucleate the gamma form of PP under high P during cooling, hence to increase its content and Tc, and to reduce the grain size. Acknowledgement CMMS PAN statutory funds and PAN/CNRS Collaborative Project 179990 High pressure crystallization and structure of polymers based nanocomposites. References 1. Lezak E, Bartczak Z, Galeski A. Macromolecules 2006, 39, 4811 2. Sowinski P, Piorkowska E, Boyer SAE, Haudin JM, Zapala K. Colloid Polym Sci DOI: 10.1007/s00396014-3445-z 3. Masirek R, Piorkowska E. Eur Polym J 2010, 46, 1436 139 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:05 AM Session: TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) EFFECT OF COPOLYMER CONTENT ON FLOW-INDUCED CRYSTALLIZATION Frederic Aubin1 , Hugo Boitoit1 , Ramin Hosseinabad1 , Eric Dargent2 , Lucia Fernandez-Ballester1 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, USA Advanced Materials and Mechanical Engineering, AMME-LECAP International Laboratory, France The effect of copolymer content on structure development during and after a short shear pulse has been examined for polypropylene-based materials containing between 0 and 7% mol ethylene content. All materials have similar molecular weight Mw , polydispersity, and rheological behavior in the melt. Flow induced crystallization experiments at fixed temperature and wall shear stresses up to σ skin = 0.134MPa showed a similar critical shear stress for formation of a highly oriented skin (σskin) for 0 and 3% copolymer content. In contrast, further increase in copolymer content up to 7% required a slightly higher σ skin . In all cases, σ skin was observed to plateau with increasing shearing time ts . The relative amount of shish length/volume was estimated by applying a depth sectioning method to the real-time optical measurements. Results indicate that as expected, for shear stress up to 0.123 MPa, shish length/volume is larger for higher σ for first increases and then levels off with sufficient ts for all materials. In contrast, at 0.134MPa, the relative shish length/volume for 0 and 3% copolymer content is smaller than at 0.123. This unexpected behavior is shown to correlate with deviations in rheological behavior and in the residual birefringence after flow. 140 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:25 AM Session: TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) NOVEL APPROACHES TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF POLYMER CRYSTALLIZATION Graecia Lugito1 , Eamor M. Woo1 1 Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Recently, more and more research on polymer morphology have been conducted in order to study the properties - morphology correlation, which may bring us to the enhancement technique of polymer modification and manipulation properties. Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT), a highly birefringent aromatic polyester, has been investigated to explore the correlation between crystal morphology, optical birefringence properties, and crystallization mechanism. PTT exhibits large and well-defined ring-banded spherulites which make it a good candidate for the study of polymer crystallization and self-assembly. Optical interference colors that ornament the morphological image of PTT crystal under POM are found to be strongly related not only to the sample thickness, but also to the lamellar structure and arrangement within the spherulites. Besides, banding patterns of the spherulites are also found to be varied with the curvature of the initial nucleus. Chemical etching using methylamine vapor has been carried out on bulk samples of PTT with different angles of dissection to see the intricate lamellar structures in the spherulites. A novel crystallization mechanism of PTT has been built from comprehensive analyses of morphology, optical colors, and chemical etching approaches. 141 Talk Number: 6 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:45 AM Session: TH2_2: PPSC (Henzlik 53) EFFECT OF TRI-ARM STAR-SHAPED IMIDAZOLIUM IONIC LIQUID OLIGOMER WITH PEG SEGMENT ON THE CRYSTALLIZATION BEHAVIORS OF POLY(L-LACTIC ACID) Yu Li1 , Huagao Fang1 , Di Zhang1 , Pei Xu1 , Haibing Wei1 , Yunsheng Ding1,2 1 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, China Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, Hefei University of Technology, China 2 Crystallization kinetics of the poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) due to the incorporation of a kind of tri-arm star-shaped imidazolium ionic liquid oligomer with PEG segment (TSIL) has been studied. Crystallization kinetic parameters, such as relative crystallinity, crystallization half time, crystallization rate constant and Avrami exponents, had been determined by both isothermal and non-isothermal techniques using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The experimental results based on isothermal and non-isothermal methods show that the melt crystallization increases significantly with the incorporation of TSIL in the blends. During the isothermal crystallization process at the crystallization temperature of 90o C, 95o C, 100o C and 105o C, respectively, addition of the 9wt% TSIL accelerates the crystallization of the PLLA greatly. During the non-isothermal crystallization process, the crystallization behavior of the PLLA is found to be greatly dependent upon both the cooling rates and the concentration of TSIL. The growth of crystallized spherulites had also been monitored by polarizing optical microscope (POM), which confirms that the growth rate of spherulites increases on the addition of TSIL in the blends, but the nuclear number decrease. In this article, we have also investigated the morphology of the spherulites for PLLA and TSIL/PLLA blends using POM. In the investigation, there are two kinds of spherulites observed under the POM at the crystallization temperature of 108o C, 110o C and 115o C, respectively. When the weight content of TSIL is below 9wt%, the well-defined highly birefringent spherulites can be observed, and when the weight content of TSIL is up to 9wt%, the spherulites tends to coarse which can be seen. It is amazing to find that the Maltese cross that we can find in the well-defined highly birefringent spherulites is not appeared in the coarse spherulites. The growth rate of the coarse spherulites is much faster than that of the highly birefringent spherulites. It is thought that the coarse spherulites nucleate and grow as the diffusion of the molecules of the TSIL at the interfaces between the TSIL and PLA, and the well-defined highly birefringent spherulites just nucleate and grow in the PLA matrix without the TSIL. 142 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM TH3: Flory Medal Talk (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Jean-Jacques Pireaux Assistants: John Jasa, Taylor Stockdale Talk: 1. (1:00 PM, Prize Talk) Tashiro: CLARIFICATION OF MICROSCOPICALLY-VIEWED STRUCTURE-PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP OF POLYMER MATERIALS Dr. Kohji Tashiro, Principal Professor, Department of Future Industry-oriented Basic Science and Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute 143 Talk Number: 1 (Prize Talk) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 1:00 PM Session: TH3: Flory Medal Talk (Henzlik 124) CLARIFICATION OF MICROSCOPICALLY-VIEWED STRUCTURE-PROPERTY RELATIONSHIP OF POLYMER MATERIALS Kohji Tashiro1 1 Future Industry-oriented Basic Science and Materials, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan In these several decades, we have applied the various characterization techniques including synchrotron and neutron diffractions, FTIR/Raman vibrational spectroscopy, computer simulation and so on for the clarification of structure-property relationship of polymers from the microscopic point of view. [Structural Analysis using Quantum Beam and Vibrational Spectroscopy] We have been challenged to utilize a high-energy synchrotron X-ray beam of short wavelength and a highly-brilliant neutron beam for the detailed crystal structure analysis of polymers including even the determination of hydrogen atomic positions. Additionally, the combination of X-ray and neutron structure analyses or X-N method has allowed us to estimate the bonded electron density distribution along the polymer skeletal chain, giving us a chance to discuss the physical property from the experimentally-clarified electron level. [Development of Simultaneous Measurement System to Trace the Structural Changes in the Phase Transitions] In order to trace the dynamic and hierarchical structural changes during the phase transitions, we have developed the experimental system for the simultaneous time-resolved measurements of wide-angle X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, Raman scattering or FTIR spectra during heating/cooling, stretching/compression, and so on. As examples, the hierarchical structural changes occurring in the isothermal crystallization from the melt or glass or in the tensile deformation process have been clarified for the various kinds of crystalline polymers. [Molecular Theoretical Study of Structure-Property Relationship of Polymer Crystals] The molecular theory including lattice dynamics has been developed for the prediction of the 3D elastic constants tensor and stressinduced molecular deformation mechanism of polymer crystals, for example. This theoretical prediction of microscopic deformation of polymer chain has been probed successfully by the performance of actual X-ray structure analysis of polymer crystal (polydiacetylene) under tension. The clarification of heterogeneous stress distribution in the mechanically-deformed polymer substance has been also succeeded by analyzing the shifts of X-ray diffraction peaks, Raman peaks and IR peaks detected under the external stress, from which the existence of taut tie chains was proposed, which is quite important for the solution of industrial problems about the mechanical toughness of polymers. 144 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 2:00 PM TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) Session Chairs: Joseph Alan Turner, Philip Yuya Assistant: John Jasa Talks: 1. (2:00 PM, Keynote) Yablon: ADVANCES IN ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY (AFM) BASED METHODS TO CHARACTERIZE POLYMER MATERIALS ON THE NANOSCALE 2. (2:40 PM, Invited) Yuya: EFFECT OF GOLD NANOPARTICLE ENHANCEMENT ON NANOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CHITOSAN FILMS 3. (3:00 PM, Oral) Desyatova: CHARACTERIZATION OF THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RECOMBINANT RESILIN USING ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY 4. (3:20 PM, Oral) Turner: SIMULTANEOUS QUANTIFICATION OF THE IN-PLANE AND OUTOF-PLANE LOSS TANGENT OF POLYMERS USING CONTACT RESONANCE ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY 145 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:00 PM Session: TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) ADVANCES IN ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY (AFM) BASED METHODS TO CHARACTERIZE POLYMER MATERIALS ON THE NANOSCALE Dalia Yablon1 1 SurfaceChar, SurfaceChar, USA AFM based characterization methods are uniquely suited to identify and discriminate polymer materials since this microscopy is inherently based on a mechanical interaction between tip and sample. An ongoing challenge for these kinds of characterization methods is quantitative measurement of nanoscale viscoelastic properties. Recent progress has been achieved with advanced AFM methods to quantitatively measure the storage modulus, loss modulus, and loss tangent of polyolefin containing blends. Both dynamic contact and amplitude modulation based AFM methods are applied to measure the properties of PP-PE-PS and PP-elastomer blends. The dynamic contact method show excellent sensitivity and accuracy where magnetic actuation of the cantilever shows significant improvement in sensitivity to storage and loss modulus. The loss tangent is also measured as a function of temperature, revealing important polymer transitions. Finally, the use of multifrequency AFM methods, where the AFM cantilever is excited at multiple eigenmodes, is shown to successfully discriminate materials in multi-component blends and materials. 146 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:40 PM Session: TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) EFFECT OF GOLD NANOPARTICLE ENHANCEMENT ON NANOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CHITOSAN FILMS Philip Yuya1 1 Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, Clarkson University, USA Chitosan is a naturally derived polymer. It represents one of the most technologically important classes of active materials with applications in a variety of industrial and biomedical fields. However, they are used in limited applications because of disadvantages such as poor electromechanical properties, high brittleness with a low strain at break, and sensitivity to water. In certain critical applications, the need arises to modify the physical, mechanical and electrical properties of the polymer. When blends of polymer films with other materials are used for medical devices, as is commonly the case, device performance directly depends on the nanoscale morphology and phase separation of the blend components. Here, chitosan reinforced bionanocomposite films with varying concentrations of gold nanoparticles were prepared through a solution casting method. Gold nanoparticles (∼ 32 nm diameter) were synthesized via a citrate reduction method from chloroauric acid and incorporated in the prepared Chitosan solution. Uniform distribution of gold nanoparticles was achieved throughout the chitosan matrix and was confirmed by SEM images. Synthesis outcomes and prepared nanocomposites were characterized using TEM, SAED, SEM, EDX, XRD, UV-vis, particle size analysis, zeta potential and FT-IR for their physical, morphological and structural properties. Nanoscale mechanical properties of the nanocomposite films were characterized at room temperature, human body temperatures and higher temperatures using instrumented nanoindentation techniques. The obtained films were confirmed to be biocompatible by their ability to support the growth and proliferation of human cells in vitro. Statistical analysis on mechanical properties and biocompatibility results, were conducted. Results revealed significant enhancement on both the mechanical properties and cell adherence and proliferation. The results will enhance our understanding of the effect of nanostructures reinforcement on these important functional polymeric thin films for potential biomedical applications. 147 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:00 PM Session: TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) CHARACTERIZATION OF THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RECOMBINANT RESILIN USING ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Anastasia Desyatova1 , Deepak Rudrappa2 , Paul Blum2 , Joseph Turner1 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Resilin is one of the most efficient biological elastomeric proteins known today with resilience of over 90%, long fatigue life and high elongation at failure. Recently produced recombinant resilins have demonstrated promising mechanical properties for a wide range of engineering applications. However, their thermomenchanical properties at the nanoscale have not yet been characterized. Here, recombinant pro-resilin was manufactured based on the first exon of the Drosophila CG15920 gene and crosslinked into a hydrogel using ruthenium-mediated rapid photochemical crosslinking. Thermomecanical properties of dehydrated resilin gel specimens were characterized using nano Thermal Analysis (nano-TA) and glass transition temperatures (Tg) were obtained at scales less than 100 nm. The results show that Tg at the nanoscale is significantly lower than that measured using differential scanning calorimetry at the macroscale (115 o C versus 170-180 o C). A thermal pre-treatment effect was also observed at the nanoscale with Tg gradually increasing up to its macroscopic value. The increase in Tg can be related to the additional thermal crosslinking not reported previously. These results improve our understanding of thermomechanical properties of the crosslinked resilin. The fact that resilin hydrogels can be thermally pre-treated allows manufacturing of resilin polymers with heterogeneous tunable properties through nanoscale level pre-treatment [Support from the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research is gratefully acknowledged]. 148 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:20 PM Session: TH4_1: CSPM (Henzlik 124) SIMULTANEOUS QUANTIFICATION OF THE IN-PLANE AND OUT-OF-PLANE LOSS TANGENT OF POLYMERS USING CONTACT RESONANCE ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY Joseph Alan Turner1 , Ehsan Rezaei1 1 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Contact resonance atomic force microscope (CR-AFM) methods are relatively new measurement techniques used to quantify the elastic and viscoelastic properties of numerous materials such as polymers, elastomers, and biological materials. This approach involves measurement of the resonant frequencies of the AFM probe both for the free case and the case for which the tip is in contact with a sample. Vibration models of the probe and tip-sample contact models are then used to determine the sample properties from the frequency behavior and to create images of the sample properties. More recently, U-shaped AFM probes were developed to allow local heating of samples and the resonances of these probes are much more complex. These probes have one distinct advantage over rectangular AFM probes in that specific modes allow in-plane and out-of-plane tip-sample motion to be excited independently at the same location. In this presentation, we demonstrate the use of this approach for measurement of the material loss tangent at local positions on several polymers. The excitation area is on the order of a few tens of nanometers offering the potential for a wide range of heterogeneous polymers and polymer composites. 149 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 2:00 PM TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) Session Chair: Michael J. Serpe Assistant: Taylor Stockdale Talks: 1. (2:00 PM, Invited) Okamoto: EFFECT OF PARTICLE DISTORTION ON SAXS FROM OBDD STUDIED USING PARACRYSTALLINE THEORY AND SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD THEORY 2. (2:20 PM, Invited) Matsuo: MECHANICAL AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTY OF POLYMERFILLER COMPOSITES IN TERMS OF THERMAL FLUCTUATION-INDUCED TUNNELING EFFECT 3. (2:40 PM, Oral) Song: REVERSAL NANOIMPRINTING AND FERROELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF P(VDF-TRFE) COPOLYMER NANOSTRUCTURES ON FLEXIBLE PET SUBSTRATE 4. (3:00 PM, Oral) Hnatchuk: POLYCARBONATE AND POLYURETHANE NANO AND MICROHYBRID FOAMS 5. (3:20 PM, Oral) Park: CHARACTERIZATION OF CRYSTALLINE THERMOSETTING UREAFORMALDEHYDE RESINS 150 Talk Number: 1 (Invited) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:00 PM Session: TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) EFFECT OF PARTICLE DISTORTION ON SAXS FROM OBDD STUDIED USING PARACRYSTALLINE THEORY AND SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD THEORY Shigeru Okamoto1 1 Materials Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan An ordered-bicontinuous double diamond (OBDD) structure in diblock copolymers was first discovered in 1980s [1,2]. In mid 1990s, however, previously reported OBDD was reclassified to an ordered-bicontinuous double gyroid (OBDG) [3,4], which brought about many controversies. Recently theoretical study [5] suggested an OBDD structure in diblock copolymer/homopolymer blends. Our previous SAXS work reported experimental results of structural transition between OBDD and OBDG with temperature, which we analyzed by fitting with theoretical scattering profile calculated on the basis of a paracrystalline model. However, the theoretical SAXS intensity was not successfully matched while the peak positions were perfectly matched. We consider that it is necessary to match the theoretical intensity with the experimental one in order to clearly prove the existence of OBDD. A polystyrene-b-polyisoprene diblock copolymer (SI0426; Mn = 45000, fPS = 0.70), and a polyisoprene homopolymer (PI0313; Mn = 18000) were used. DOP was added to the blend, SI0426/PI0313 (=75/25 wt./wt.), by 40 wt.%. The total volume fraction of polyisoprene was 48.9 %. The structure was measured by SAXS at BL40-B2 in SPring8. Theoretical profiles were obtained by Fourier transformation of a model prepared by translation of a unit model. Our previous work suggested the dry-brush PI homopolymers added were accumulated inside nodes of diamond networks to reduce the entropy loss of the block chains forming the nodes. However, this model did not have a good agreement with the experimental data as mentioned above. Then we introduced a new type of distortion to a unit model to obtain ‘larger nodes and thinner rods’ or ‘smaller nodes and thicker rods’. Theoretical profiles for various volume fractions without the distortion showed that higher-order maxima is more strongly affected by the fraction, while the second maximum is much less affected. Thus we introduced the distortion to nodes and rods as described above. The second peak intensity is most affected among the higher-oreder maxima, and the profile for the ‘smaller nodes and thicker rods‘ model had better agreement with the experimental profile. REFERENCES [1] E. L. Thomas et al., Macromolecules, 1986, 19, 2197 [2] H. Hasegawa et al., Macromolecules, 1987, 20, 1651 [3] D. A. Hajduk et al., Macromolecules, 1994, 27, 4063 [4] D. A. Hajduk et al., Macromolecules, 1995, 28, 2570 [5] F. J. Marinez-Veracochea et al., Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 9058 151 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:20 PM Session: TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) MECHANICAL AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTY OF POLYMER-FILLER COMPOSITES IN TERMS OF THERMAL FLUCTUATION-INDUCED TUNNELING EFFECT Masaru Matsuo1 , Panpan Zhang1 , Yuezhen Bin1 , Rong Zhang1 1 Department of Polymer Science and Materials, Dalian University of Technology, China Mechanical and dielectric property of polymer-filler composites in terms of thermal fluctuation-induced tunneling effect and dielectric stabilities of polyimide (PI)-vapor grown carbon fiber (VGCF) composites were investigated to investigate the thermal stability of the composites. VGCF/PI composites were fabricated by in situ polymerization to realize excellent dispersion of VGCFs in PI matrix. Adoption of VGCFs similar to rigid carbon fibers is the strategy to investigate the conductive mechanism theoretically in terms of thermal fluctuation-induced tunneling conduction.[1-2] Dynamic tensile modulus and X-ray intensity under applied electric field were measured to investigate frequency-temperature dependence of the modulus by Joule heat as well as air heat in relation to the electron transfer mechanisms. Such simultaneous measurements for the mechanical and structural properties under electric field provided important information about the characteristic of polymer-filler composites. As the results, good heat resistance of PI-VGCF composites was clarified to be attributed to very few thermal fluctuation of PI chain arrangement in spite of collision between electrons flowed out from the VGCF gaps and atoms of PI chains. Based on the above thermal stability of the PI-VGCF composites, combination between DC component of AC conductivity and DC conductivity by direct DC measurement was analyzed in terms of thermal fluctuation-induced tunneling through thin barriers in order to evaluate the average gap distance D between adjacent vapor grown carbon fibers (VGCFs) in polyimide (PI) matrix. The phase lags of resistances for complex impedance were evaluated by a two-circuit model with a 3.11 vol% and by a three-circuit model for a 6.28 vol% containing the Contact Phase Element. The distance D was calculated by computer simulation on the basis of the DC component of the AC conductivity. The values were 1.2 and 1.0 nm for the composites with 3.11 and 6.28 vol%, respectively, independent of the applied voltage range 0.1-0.5 V. These reasonable values accorded with those obtained by the direct DC measurement. References 1) R. Zhang et al. Polymer J. 45, .1129 (2013), 2) R. Zhang et al. J. Phys. Chem. B. 118, 2226 (2014) 152 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:40 PM Session: TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) REVERSAL NANOIMPRINTING AND FERROELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF P(VDF-TRFE) COPOLYMER NANOSTRUCTURES ON FLEXIBLE PET SUBSTRATE Jingfeng Song1 , Haidong Lu1 , Shumin Li2 , Li Tan2 , Alexei Gruverman1 , Stephen Ducharme1 1 2 Physics & Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA ABSTRACT PVDF and its copolymers have found increasing application in a wide range of flexible electronic technologies, such as nonvolatile memories, organic electronics, energy storage, and solid-state energy harvesting and conversion. Up to now, many studies of ferroelectric polymer nanostructures have applied the traditional direct nanoimprinting technique in which a hard mold is pressed against (PVDF)-based polymer film coated on silicon wafer at raised temperature. The direct imprinting process often leaves a residual polymer layer between the imprinted structures, and more importantly, the required high pressure of 20∼128 bars or more during the imprinting makes it unsuitable for flexible substrates since their mechanical strength are not sufficient for high pressure processing at raised temperature. Based on these considerations, we have developed a low pressure reversal nanoimprinting method and fabricated large area, residual-layer-free P(VDF-TrFE) 2D nanograting and 3D nanopillar structures on flexible PET substrate. The reversal imprinting method is using low-cost polycarbonate and PDMS mold with no pretreatment necessary, and the imprinted nanostructures showed very good piezoresponse. The low pressure reversal nanoimprinting method with a soft mold is a promising approach to fabricate functional polymer nanostructures on flexible substrate for flexible electronics applications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Prof. Barry Cheung for fruitful discussions, Prof. You Zhou for assistance with SEM and Dr. Shah Valloppilly and Yunlong Geng for assistance with the x-ray data analysis. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Award No. DESC0004530. 153 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:00 PM Session: TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) POLYCARBONATE AND POLYURETHANE NANO AND MICROHYBRID FOAMS Witold Brostow1 , Chong Bo1 , Thomas Cloarec1 , Nathalie Hnatchuk1 , Yingji Wu1 1 Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, USA Metallic and polymeric foams have automatically light weight while their mechanical properties are comparable to the respective solid materials. However, metallic foams corrode and recover poorly after large stresses. Polymeric foams have a large area of applications; varying a polymer matrix, we can obtain flexible or rigid materials while adding different fillers can improve properties and lower an overall cost. We use as matrices two commercial polymers, a polycarbonate (PC) and a polyurethane (PU). We use both physical and chemical procedures to produce foams. The physical methods of creating foams require injecting carbon dioxide gas under pressure or else using a supercritical CO2. Along the chemical route, polymers undergo a chemical reaction with a foaming agent specific for each polymer. Depending on the chosen procedure and varying processing conditions such as time, temperature and pressure, we can control the sizes of pores in the foams. We use a variety of nano- and micro-fillers, such as carbon black, nanoclay, silica and fly ash. The filler nature, its concentration, particles shape and size make a dramatic difference in the foam’s performance. Some of our fillers are quite inexpensive, including even industrial waste. Filler concentration in the foams is varied from 0 to 30 wt. % with step of 2.5 %. We observe a deterioration of mechanical properties of PC and PU foams when exceeding 30 % of the filler. Creating foams with fillers allows us to enhance thermophysical, mechanical and tribological properties of materials while lowering the product cost at the same time. Since some of our fillers are actually wastes, recycling contributes to the environmental protection of our planet. 154 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:20 PM CHARACTERIZATION OF FORMALDEHYDE RESINS Session: TH4_2: NANO (Henzlik 53) CRYSTALLINE THERMOSETTING UREA- Byung-Dae Park1 , Arif Nuryawan1 , Valerio Causin2 1 2 Department of Wood and Paper Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy It is generally known that thermoset polymers such as epoxy resin and formaldehyde-based resins are essentially amorphous. In particular, urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin, a polymeric condensation product of formaldehyde with urea, is one of the most important thermosetting formaldehyde-based resins, and being widely used as wood adhesives. However, we here report that thermosetting UF resin of low formaldehyde/urea (F/U) mole ratio contains crystalline structures either in liquid or cured state. We employed several characterization techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to study the crystalline structures of UF resins. These characterization results have revealed that UF resins with low F/U mole ratio contain crystalline structures, even in the contact with wood. The presence of crystalline structures in UF resin indicates that a thermosetting polymer is a crystalline polymer. In addition, these results also suggest that the crystallite formation in cured UF resin does not make contribution to its cross-linking in the curing process, leading to a lower cross-linking density and consequent poor adhesion strength. 155 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 4:00 PM TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) Session Chair: Holger Schönherr Assistant: John Jasa Talks: 1. (4:00 PM, Keynote) Castano: ADVANCED NATURAL MATERIALS: FROM RICE HUSK TO AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 2. (4:40 PM, Invited) Thomas: ROLE OF NANOPARTICLES IN COMPATIBILIZING IMMISCIBLE POLYMER BLENDS 3. (5:00 PM, Oral) Gnuse: MECHANICALLY ACCURATE NANOFIBROUS VASCULAR GRAFT MATERIALS 4. (5:20 PM, Oral) Laskar: EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF UNUSUAL POLYMERSOMES PREPARED FROM PH-RESPONSIVE DUAL HYDROPHILIC BIOCOMPATIBLE RANDOM COPOLYMERS 156 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:00 PM Session: TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) ADVANCED NATURAL MATERIALS: FROM RICE HUSK TO AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Victor M. Castano1 1 Centro de Física Aplicada and Tecnología Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico A review of the fundamental properties shared by many natural materials, from the standpoint of structure/properties relationships will be presented as a general theoretical framework. Then, a number of specific examples will be elaborated, with emphasis on the advance applications that have, are or can be attained, including fireproof building materials from rice husk, the bioproduction of nanoparticles from soil fauna, the removal of metal ions from water from chicken feathers, to the production of light, radiation-resistant materials for aerospace use from natural plants, and others in the biomedical arena. Finally, the future of Materials Science and Engineering, from a perspective of Nature-made raw materials, will be discussed. 157 Talk Number: 2 (Invited) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:40 PM Session: TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) ROLE OF NANOPARTICLES IN COMPATIBILIZING IMMISCIBLE POLYMER BLENDS Sabu Thomas1,2 1 Director,International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi University,kottayam,Kerala, India 2 School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University,Kottayam,Kerala, India The use of nanofillers in polymer system has brought about wide appreciation due to the excellent improvement in property it imparts in a polymeric material .This in turn have benefitted hugely the industrial sector. While blending of polymers is always done to enhance the properties of polymer products, the expected property is not always achieved due to the immiscibility faced by majority of the polymers. As reported by many research groups, the addition of nanoparticles is a useful and interesting method for compatibilization[3]. The use of nanofillers as a compatibilizer can impart significant changes to the immiscible polymer blend system by various thermodynamic and kinetic phenomena.[1],[2]. Compatibilizer in polymer blend can act different roles to do the compatibilization. By the reduction in interfacial energy between the two phases or by permitting a finer dispersion during mixing, or by providing a hindrance against gross segregation, or it can act by enhancing the interfacial adhesion. This paper will be presenting a brief account of the recent work done in immiscible polymer blends where various nanofillers like carbon nanotubes, nanoclay etc. were used as compatiblizers.[4-6] 1. M. Yoo., S. Kim & J. Bang, (2013). Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(7), 494-507. 2. Z. M. Zou, Z. Y. Sun, &, L. J. An (2014). Rheologica Acta, 53(1), 43-53. 3. I. Labaume, J. Huitric, P. Médéric & T. Aubry (2013). Polymer, 54(14), 3671-3679. 4. A. K. Zachariah, P. K. Mohammed and V. G. Geethamma, A. K. Chandra, P. K. Mohammedc and S. Thomas (2014). RSC Adv., 4, 580458058,DOI: 10.1039/C4RA11307A, 5. A. K. Zachariah, S. Thomas, P. K. Mohammed and A. K. Chandra, patent le no.135/CHE/2012, 2012. 6. H. J. Maria, N. Lyczko, A. Nzihou, K. Joseph, C. Mathew and S. Thomas, Appl. Clay Sci., 2014, 87, 120 158 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:00 PM Session: TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) MECHANICALLY ACCURATE NANOFIBROUS VASCULAR GRAFT MATERIALS Trevor Gnuse1 , Kaspars Maleckis1 , Jason Mactaggart2 , Alexey Kamenskiy2 , Yuris Dzenis1 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska, United States Surgery, UNMC, USA Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Patients with advanced stages of the disease frequently require surgical interventions involving replacement or bypass of diseased arterial segments with an arterial substitute, such as a patch or a graft. Despite the long history of this surgical procedure, in many cases patients experience complications, leading to unsatisfactory clinical results or even failure of the graft. Our findings suggest that major cause of these complications may be the drastically different mechanical properties of the soft arterial tissue and available rigid graft materials. Here we present development and characterization of novel polymer nanofiber-based vascular graft materials. These materials were designed to mimic fiber networks of collagen and elastin in the native arteries and manufactured using controlled electrospinning. Flexible process parameters allowed us to mimic important morphological features of arterial walls, such as orientation and buckling of filaments. This structural mimicry in turn allowed us to closely match the key mechanical properties of the artery, such as non-linearity, compliance and anisotropy. In order to perform the complex multidimensional optimization of these grafts we used a set of different characterization methods, including structural studies with electron microscopy, polarized Raman spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and biaxial mechanical characterization of the nanofibrous constructs. Furthermore we also characterized mechanical properties of individual nanofibers. Our results demonstrate that the developed nanofiber-based materials enable mimicking both structural features and key mechanical properties of different types of tissues. The methods developed can be used to design and fabricate novel graft materials targeting individual patients, thus significantly reducing the risks of complications in the vascular graft bypass surgeries. 159 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:20 PM Session: TH5_1: BIOT (Henzlik 124) EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL APPLICATION OF UNUSUAL POLYMERSOMES PREPARED FROM PH-RESPONSIVE DUAL HYDROPHILIC BIOCOMPATIBLE RANDOM COPOLYMERS Partha Laskar1 , Sudip Kumar Ghosh2 , Joykrishna Dey1 1 2 Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology kharagpur, India Polymeric nanocarriers are one of the important colloidal systems applied in the advancement of medication research. Polymeric vesicles or polymersomes among several polymeric nanocarriers have such a paramount importance to play an integral role in drug delivery application to gene transfection. Since inception, polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been used as a hydrophilic modification of the various polymeric systems for personal care products to drug delivery systems. In contrast, we report here, for the first time, unusual polymersome formation by a series of pH-responsive dual hydrophilic random copolymers, cysteine-conjugated-poly[glycidyl methacrylate-co-mPEG] in different ratio, where methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (mPEG) behaves as hydrophobe. All the three polymers were observed to decrease the surface tension of water even without having any typical hydrophobe in their backbone and were found to form vesicular aggregates above a relatively low critical aggregation concentration (CAC). Their self-assembly formation and microstructural properties were evaluated by steady-state fluorescence technique using various probes such as N-phenyl naphthylamine (NPN), pyrene and 1, 6-diphenyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene (DPH). The presence of vesicular assembly by these polymers was confirmed by electron micrographs and light scattering technique. The polymersomes are nearly monodisperse and quite stable at biological pH and temperature. Even the polymersome formation in water is devoid of any help of external stimuli (pH, temperature, light or ionic strength) or usage of any hazardous organic solvent. All of them can be used as a depot for hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic cargo. All the polymersomes have shown high blood compatibility and literally no cytotoxicity up to very high concentration range. Their cell permeability efficiency was clearly observed by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) tagged polymers. Interaction study with Human Serum Albumin (HSA) at biological pH proves their adequate binding nature with the carrier protein without disturbing the secondary structure of HSA. The polymers not only can encapsulate the guests in their vesicular assembly but also can release them with the change of pH especially at acidic pH. Thus these polymersomes may find a great potential in drug delivery application like intravenous delivery systems. 160 Thursday, May 14, 2015 Starting: 4:00 PM TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) Session Chair: Zheng Li Assistant: Taylor Stockdale Talks: 1. (4:00 PM, Keynote) Saiter: GLASSY POLYMERS PHYSICAL AGEING AND COOPERATIVE RELAXATION IN 2. (4:40 PM, Oral) Hagg Lobland: BRITTLENESS OF POLYMERS AND THE RELATION TO TOUGHNESS 3. (5:00 PM, Oral) Li: CHARACTERIZATION OF STRAIN-INDUCED ELASTIC ANISOTROPY, EQUILIBRIUM STRESS, AND MODELING OF THE THERMAL-MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF PEEK 4. (5:20 PM, Oral) Xu: VISUALIZED POLYMER PROCESSING: FAST COLLOIDAL PARTICLE REDISTRIBUTION AT NON-PLANAR SOLIDIFICATION INTERFACE 161 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:00 PM Session: TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) PHYSICAL AGEING AND COOPERATIVE RELAXATION IN GLASSY POLYMERS Jean-Marc Saiter1 , Mehrdad Negahban2 1 2 Institut des Matériaux de Rouen, Universite de Rouen, France Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A. For many years researches have been engaged in describing the time dependent properties of glassy materials, with polymers accounting for a large portion of this effort. The particular difficulty is in the glass transition range where the characteristic relaxation times go from seconds when above the glass transition temperature to years when below the glass transition temperature. Even though the glass transition phenomenon is still today one of the unsolved problems of condensed matter theories, the fact is that all the glasses and all the liquids exhibit common behavior. These characteristics are: (a) Around the glass transition, the molecular movements are cooperative; (b) Blow the glass transition, the relaxations show physical ageing, are nonlinear, are non-exponential, show a characteristic time distribution, and display auto slow down. We present a large series of data obtained from a wide number of different glasses, (organic and inorganic polymers) focused on the characterization of physical ageing and on the values of the cooperative domains at their glass transitions. When measurements are performed on very old glasses, it clearly appears that the concept of the existence of one homogeneous glassy structure which relaxes during time cannot describe the behavior observed even if the material studied is a monoatomic glass (as for Selenium based glasses). From this, we construct an understanding of how the concept of heterogeneities frozen in at Tg is important to describe the behavior of the glass during ageing. 162 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:40 PM Session: TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) BRITTLENESS OF POLYMERS AND THE RELATION TO TOUGHNESS Witold Brostow1 , Haley E. Hagg Lobland1 , Sahil Khoja1 , Sameer Khoja1,2 1 2 Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering and Dept. of Physics, University of North Texas, USA Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, University of North Texas, USA Brittleness is an important feature of materials but one often described by only qualitative characterizations. A quantitative scale of brittleness for polymers was defined in 2006 [1]. Thus brittleness B is defined by a mathematical relationship between the elongation at break (by quasi-static mechanical testing) and the storage modulus (by dynamic mechanical analysis). The scale of B applies to both neat and composite polymers [2, 3], while researchers at the University of Sichuan demonstrated that the dimensional stability of laminates was inversely proportional to brittleness [4]. Furthermore, the usefulness of B is seen through its connection to viscoelasticity of polymers [1, 2] and impact strength [3]. The frequent question of the relationship between brittleness and toughness, however, is not fully answered [5]. There exist multiple definitions of toughness. Based on a comparison to impact strength, we have observed there is not a simple inverse proportionality with B. The area under a stress-strain curve is another commonly used measure of toughness. We are examining the connection between brittleness and toughness so-defined. Through our investigations we are arriving at better descriptions of these mechanical properties and improving our capacity for the prediction of polymer performance and service life. [1] W. Brostow, H.E. Hagg Lobland & M. Narkis. Sliding wear, viscoelasticity and brittleness of polymers, J. Mater. Res. (2006) 21, 2422. [2] W. Brostow and H.E. Hagg Lobland, Predicting wear from mechanical properties of thermoplastic polymers, Polym. Eng. & Sci. (2008) 48, 1982. [3] W. Brostow & H.E. Hagg Lobland. Brittleness of materials: Implications for composites and relation to impact strength, J. Mater. Sci. (2010) 45, 242. [4] Chen J, Wang M, Li J, Guo S, Xu S, Zhang Y, Li T, Wen M (2009) Eur Polym J 45:3269-3281. [5] W. Brostow, H.E. Hagg Lobland and M. Narkis. The concept of brittleness and its applications. Polymer Bull. (2011) 59, 1697. 163 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:00 PM Session: TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) CHARACTERIZATION OF STRAIN-INDUCED ELASTIC ANISOTROPY, EQUILIBRIUM STRESS, AND MODELING OF THE THERMAL-MECHANICAL RESPONSE OF PEEK Wenlong Li1 , Eric N. Brown2 , Philip J. Rae2 , George A. Gazonas3 , Mehrdad Negahban1 1 2 3 Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Structure Property Relations, United States U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, United States Poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) is a high performance semi-crystalline polymer that appeared in the 1980s [1] and is extensively used in the chemical and mechanical applications due to its excellent chemical-resistance properties, toughness, and good high-temperature properties. Like many polymers and some metals, it can show a substantial development of anisotropy in its response after plastic flow. We added experimental results on the development of anisotropy using ultrasonic, and equilibrium stress measurements through cyclic loading [2] to the measurements of response under dynamic loading by Rae and Brown [3] to model the response of PEEK. Ignoring the possible recrystallization of PEEK during loading, we develop a preliminary thermo-mechanical model for PEEK that is capable to reproduce the experimentally evaluated equilibrium stress, the development of elastic anisotropy, and thermal-mechanical response at the loading rate from 0.0001 to 3000 1/s over a temperature range from -85o C to 140o C and for loading up to 40% compression. The model is a multidimensional single-element nonlinear thermodynamically-consistent model. This model matches the measured thermo-mechanical response below the glass transition and correctly predicts the measured tangent modulus at equilibrium. 1. Attwood, T.E., Dawson, P.C., Freeman, J.L., Hoy, L.R.J., Rose, J.B., Staniland, P.A.: Synthesis and properties of polyaryletherketones. Polymer 22, 1096-1103 (1981) 2. Negahban, M., Goel, A., Delabarre, P., Feng, R.: Experimentally evaluating the equilibrium stress in shear of glassy polycarbonate. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 128(4), 537-542 (2006) 3. Rae, P.J., Brown, E.N., Orler, E.B.: The mechanical properties of poly (ether-ether-ketone) (PEEK) with emphasis on the large compressive strain response. Polymer 48, 598-615 (2007) 164 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Thursday, May 14, 2015 5:20 PM Session: TH5_2: PMMS (Henzlik 53) VISUALIZED POLYMER PROCESSING: FAST COLLOIDAL PARTICLE REDISTRIBUTION AT NON-PLANAR SOLIDIFICATION INTERFACE Zhanping Xu1 , Hongfeng Yu2 , Li Tan1 1 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States Freeze-drying has been widely used for polymer processing due to its accessibility, environment-friendly nature, and wide varieties of porous structures. However, freezing is also a complex process that requires a major investigation of the process conditions and the formulations. Particularly, the mutual interaction between the growing solid-liquid interface and the solute content in the suspension plays a critical role in the formation of different porous structures. We built a two-dimensional numerical model to simulation a directional freezing in a colloidal suspension, with the focus of non-planar solidification interface and colloidal particle redistribution. We will demonstrate an interactive platform by coupling simulation module with a visualization module through high performance GPU devices. 165 Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 8:30 AM F1: Plenary (Auditorium) Session Chair: Lucia Fernandez-Ballester Assistants: Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh, Mohammad Nahid Andalib Talk: 1. (8:30 AM, Plenary) Segalman: USING BIOINSPIRED POLYMERS TO EXPLORE THE ROLE OF SEQUENCE ON CONTROLLING POLYMER PROPERTIES Dr. Rachel A. Segalman, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of California, Santa Barbara; Director of AFOSR-MURI on Thermal and Electrical Transport in Organic and Hybrid Materials 166 Talk Number: 1 (Plenary) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 8:30 AM Session: F1: Plenary (Auditorium) USING BIOINSPIRED POLYMERS TO EXPLORE THE ROLE OF SEQUENCE ON CONTROLLING POLYMER PROPERTIES Rachel Segalman1 1 Chemical Engineering and Materials, University of California Santa Barbara, U.S.A. Chain shape and monomer sequence are two handles that affect polymer properties and self-assembly; however, it is difficult to control these handles in conventional synthetic polymers without also changing other factors, such as chemistry. Polypeptoids, a class of sequence-specific bioinspired polymers, have a chain shape that can be tuned by the introduction of monomers with bulky chiral aromatic side chains, allowing one to induce a helical conformation while preserving the chemical nature of the side chains. Here, we examine the rigidity of polypeptoid helices using small angle neutron scattering to measure the persistence length of both a helical and a non-helical peptoid chain. Incorporation of these polypeptoids into block copolymers enables a systematic study of the effect of chain shape on self-assembly while maintaining similar enthalpic interactions. Because both the helical and non-helical peptoid blocks have similar flexibilities, it is shown that the strength of segregation depends much more on monomer composition. These studies are a promising basis for further examining the effect of monomer sequence control on block copolymer self-assembly. In this talk, I will also discuss the use of this model system to understand the role of sequence on chain collapse and globule formation in solution, polymer crystallization, and potential application as surface active agents for anti-fouling. 167 Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 9:40 AM F2_1: PS (Auditorium) Session Chairs: Jean-Marc Saiter, Nicolas Delpouve Assistant: Mohammad Nahid Andalib Talks: 1. (9:40 AM, Keynote) Grande: DESIGN, SYNTHESIS, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FUNCTIONAL DOUBLY POROUS CROSSLINKED POLYMERS 2. (10:20 AM, Keynote) López: A NEW METHOD TO MODIFY POLY(ARYLENE ETHERS) WITH A MILD SULFONATION AGENT 3. (11:00 AM, Invited) Fors: DETERMINISTIC CONTROL OF POLYMER MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION 4. (11:20 AM, Oral) Neupane: CONVERSION OF PAPER WASTE INTO BIOPLASTICS (POLYLACTIC ACID) 5. (11:40 AM, Oral) Bhajiwala: MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF SPHERICAL MAGNESIUM DICHLORIDE SUPPORTED TI BASED ZIEGLER NATTA CATALYST SYSTEM 168 Talk Number: 1 (Keynote) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 9:40 AM Session: F2_1: PS (Auditorium) DESIGN, SYNTHESIS, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FUNCTIONAL DOUBLY POROUS CROSSLINKED POLYMERS Daniel Grande1 1 Complex Polymer Systems Laboratory, Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris-Est, France Over the last decade, the preparation of doubly porous materials has particularly attracted the focus of researchers for the design of biocompatible scaffolds meant for biomedical applications. A hierarchical double porosity may constitute a real benefit in the area of tissue engineering as the first porosity with pore sizes higher than 100 µm may enable the seeding and development of suitable cell lines within the material, while the second porosity with pore diameters lower than 1 µm should permit to improve the nutrient and waste flow though the material when the macropores are clogged at the last stage of the cell culture. In this context, different methodologies have hitherto been developed for the design and synthesis of such materials displaying a double porosity. Temperature-induced phase separation in combination with particle leaching has recently been reported for the design of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA), gelatin or PLGA scaffolds. Gas foaming combined with particle leaching also seems to be appropriate for the preparation of doubly porous PLLA- and PLGA-based frameworks when using dioxane/water as a porogenic solvent mixture and sodium bicarbonate particles. In addition, High Internal Phase Emulsion (HIPE) templating has allowed for the generation of hydrophilic polymeric materials presenting a hierarchically-structured porosity. In order to develop more robust and versatile approaches to biocompatible doubly porous crosslinked polymer materials, we propose novel porogen templating strategies through the use of two distinct types of porogens, namely a macroporogen in combination with a nanoporogen. To generate the macroporosity, either CaCO3 or NaCl particles or sieved PMMA beads are used, while the second porosity is obtained by using either hydroxyapatite nanoparticles or a porogenic solvent. Such straightforward methodologies based upon porogen removal allow for the preparation of relatively well-defined doubly porous poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-based materials. The porosity of the as-obtained biporous frameworks is characterized by means of nitrogen sorption measurements, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy. Finally, the possibility to further functionalize such materials is investigated through an activation of hydroxyl groups, and subsequent clickÂİ chemistry coupling with various amines. 169 Talk Number: 2 (Keynote) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:20 AM Session: F2_1: PS (Auditorium) A NEW METHOD TO MODIFY POLY(ARYLENE ETHERS) WITH A MILD SULFONATION AGENT Natalia Andrea Agudelo1 , Juliana Palacio1 , Betty Lucy López1 1 Instituto de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia A series of sulfonated polymers from PEEK and PEES were obtained using acetyl sulfate as mild sulfonating reagent. First the thermoplastics polymers poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) and poly(ether ether sulfone) (PEES) were synthesized by polycondensation reactions and characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and thermal analysis. The sulfonation reaction was performed in the temperature range of 40-60o C varying the reaction time from 3h to 12h. The modification of these materials was confirmed by spectroscopy techniques such as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). The degree of sulfonation (DS) was determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and by titration method, finding interesting relation between the three used methods. The sulfonation degrees achieved values up to 38% at 40o C, 50% at 50o C, and 65% at 60o C for PEES samples and for the sample of PEEK the sulfonation degree did not show changes at the conditions evaluated. Additionally, there was not polymer degradation, which was corroborated by FTIR and 1H NMR. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and TGA studies were carried out to investigate the thermal properties and stability of the sulfonated polymers. Finally was evaluated the modification of ABA triblock copolymers based on PEEK and PEES as middle block (B block) and poly(methyl metacrylate) (PMMA) as end blocks (A block), under soft reaction conditions. The copolymers will be evaluated as polymeric exchange membranes for fuel cells in future works. 170 Talk Number: 3 (Invited) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:00 AM Session: F2_1: PS (Auditorium) DETERMINISTIC CONTROL OF POLYMER MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION Brett Fors1 1 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, USA A polymer’s dispersity (Ð) is a commonly reported parameter that reflects the ratio of its weight average and number average molecular weights (Mw and Mn, respectively). Many polymer properties have been correlated with Ð, and values approaching unity are associated with controlled chain-growth polymerizations. However, Ð does not rigorously describe the distribution of polymer chain sizes in a given sample, and it has been postulated that variations in the shape and composition of this distribution will influence properties. This presentation will detail a new modular approach for controlling the composition and shape of polymer molecular weight distributions. Through a temporally controlled initiation strategy using controlled radical polymerizations the length and molar quantity of polymer chains in a sample can be systematically controlled. This method provides simple access to new materials and allows for the relationship between molecular weight distribution and polymer properties to be fully explored. 171 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:20 AM Session: F2_1: PS (Auditorium) CONVERSION OF PAPER WASTE INTO BIOPLASTICS (POLY-LACTIC ACID) Bishnu Prasad Neupane1 1 School of Health and Allied Sciences, Pokhara University, Nepal The broadly apposite bioplastic, poly lactic acid was synthesized by using deinked paper waste as substrate to Saccharomyces cerevisiae under controlled laboratory conditions. The substrate was initially subjected to acid hydrolysis followed by alkali neutralization to attain a ideal neutral pH for the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At regular intervals the amount of reducing sugar present in the samples were tested using DNS method and the amount of sugar that was metabolized to alcohol and lactate were estimated using ferric ammonium nitrate and ρ-hydroxy biphenyl method respectively. The lactic acid extract was concentrated using a rotary vacuum evaporator and the amount was determined spectrophotometrically. The concentrated extract was used for polymerization in the presence of stannous chloride. This resulted in the production of white amorphous wafers. Polymerization trial with stannous chloride was done with 1ml of purified extract with 0.1g of stannous chloride. 172 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:40 AM Session: F2_1: PS (Auditorium) MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF SPHERICAL MAGNESIUM DICHLORIDE SUPPORTED TI BASED ZIEGLER NATTA CATALYST SYSTEM Hiren Manojkumar Bhajiwala1 1 Reliance Research & Development center, Reliance Industries Ltd, Hazira, India The precursor of Ziegler-Natta catalyst plays an important role in maintaining the properties like porosity, morphology, particle size and circularity. Which are very much important to get desired resin properties [1-2]. These characteristic are monitored by various tools such as Scanning electron microscope (SEM) / Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) /video microscopy, Surface area etc. The particle growth and its morphology have been reported in many articles [3]. The catalyst morphology is a function of precursor morphology and the final resin morphology is dependent on catalyst fragmentation pattern. The detail understanding of the correlation between catalyst morphology and fragmentation pattern may be useful to design a catalyst with desired performance. The several articles have explained fragmentation of catalyst [4]. The surface morphology, topology, shape and physical structure of polypropylene resin particle synthesized using Z-N catalyst is an exact replication of base material used for catalyst. The surface morphology of each stage precursor, catalyst and polymer resin has been studied using scanning electron microscope. The SEM images of spherical primary particle of precursor indicated, it was generated from numbers of tiny rod like secondary particle. The bunch of rod like tiny particle having lots of gape between the each bunches, which forms porous structure of precursor. The supported Ti catalyst synthesized from precursor showed exact replication of parent particle with slightly increase particle size. The catalyst showed change in surface morphology of secondary particle with very high surface area compare to precursor. The distribution of Ti on the support was found even on entire surface, which confirmed through energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The morphology of polymer resin synthesized through slurry polymerization shows exact replication of catalyst to polymer particle with 10-15 time particle growth. References 1. R. Jamjah, G. H. Zohuri, J. Vaezi, S. Ahmadjo, M. Nekomanesh, M. Pouryari, J. App. Poly. Sci., Vol. 101, 3829-3834 (2006). 2. Zohuri, G. H., Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, 1993. 3. M. Abboud, P. Denifl, K.H. Reichert, J. App. Poly. Sci., Vol. 98, 2191-2200 (2005) 4. F. J. Karol, B. E. Wagner, I. J. Levine, G. L. Goeke, A. Noshay, R.B. Seymour, Cheng, T. Plenum: New York, 1987. 173 Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 9:40 AM F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) Session Chairs: Joseph Turner, Lucia Fernandez-Ballester Assistant: Ehsan Rezaei Talks: 1. (9:40 AM, Invited) Schubert: BINARY AND TERNARY BLENDS OF POLYPROPYLENE TYPESINFLUENCE ON THE HOMOGENEITY OF BIAXIAL ORIENTED FILMS 2. (10:00 AM, Oral) Chaganti: PLASTICIZED POLY (3-HYDROXYBUTYRATE): BIOBASED OLEGOMERIC DIISOCYANATE AS A TOUGHENER 3. (10:20 AM, Oral) Li: THE DYNAMIC FRACTURE BEHAVIOR OF PMMA 4. (10:40 AM, Oral) Wojtczak: ALL-POLYMER FIBRILLAR NANOCOMPOSITES 5. (11:00 AM, Oral) Akram: SOL-GEL DERIVED ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID NANOCOMPOSITES FROM VEGETABLE OILS AS SURFACE COATING MATERIALS 6. (11:20 AM, Oral) Lin: CONTRIBUTION OF COLLAGEN FIBER UNDULATION TO MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TYPE I COLLAGEN GEL 174 Talk Number: 1 (Invited) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 9:40 AM Session: F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) BINARY AND TERNARY BLENDS OF POLYPROPYLENE TYPES-INFLUENCE ON THE HOMOGENEITY OF BIAXIAL ORIENTED FILMS Dirk W. Schubert1 , Jochen Kaschta1 , Stephan Seidl1 , Peter Kunzelmann1 1 Material Science, Institute for Polymer Materials, Germany Biaxial oriented polypropylene is one of the most used materials for industrial films and food packaging. In terms of environmental and economic issues, the reduction of the film thickness, increasing the homogeneity, enhancing the process efficiency and stability are in the focus of this work. To meet these demands, a systematic investigation on the biaxial stretching process was made in this study. Therefore, two commercial linear polypropylenes with different molar mass and a commercial long-chain-branched polypropylene were used to obtain binary and ternary blends to adjust the elongation behavior on the molecular level. The blending was carried out using a cast film process on a twin-screw-extruder. The cast films obtained, were investigated via biaxial stretching varying the preheat time, the temperature and the stretching speed. The thickness distribution of the films, were used as the measure for film homogeneity, before and after the film stretching process. The obtained results reveal efficient and stable film stretching process conditions and a desired polymer blend recipe. 175 Talk Number: 2 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:00 AM Session: F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) PLASTICIZED POLY (3-HYDROXYBUTYRATE): BIOBASED OLEGOMERIC DIISOCYANATE AS A TOUGHENER Srinivasareddy Chaganti1,2 , Rameshbabu Padamati1,2 , Kevin O’connor3 1 The Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland 2 School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland 3 NovaUCD, Belfield Innovation Park, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)’s (PHB) food packaging applications are limited due to its poor mechanical properties, such as brittleness and low deformability. Although the mechanical properties of PHB have been improved by addition of plasticizers [1-4], there is a demand to further improve the deformability and tensile toughness for food packaging applications. In the present work, the mechanical properties of PHB were tuned and enhanced by melt blending the polymer with a biobased oligomeric diisocyanate synthesised from hexamethelene diisocyante. Oligomeric diisocyanate was found to positively influence mechanical properties of PHB. PHB’s strain at break and tensile toughness were improved with increasing weight fraction of oligomeric diisocyanate. The relative elongation at break of PHB/oligomeric diisocyanate blends was increased by 275% and the tensile toughness was increased by 293%. PHB’s glass transition temperature width (∆Tg) was influenced by oligomeric diisocyanate. Glass transition onset temperature of PHB was shifted towards lower temperature with increased weight fraction of oligomeric diisocyanate. The relative elastic modulus and storage modulus of PHB/oligomeric diisocyanate blends at room temperature were decreased by 70% and 57% respectively. The degree of crystallinity of PHB was effected by oligomeric diisocyanate where PHB/oligomeric diisocyanate blends exhibited lower crystallinity compared to PHB. The changes in mechanical properties of PHB/oligomeric diisocyanate blends were mainly due to efficient weakening of intermolecular interactions in the amorphous regions of PHB, and also a slight decrease in crystalline order of PHB. * [email protected], [email protected] References: 1. Bibers I, Tupureina V, Dzene A, and Kalnins M. Mechanics of Composite Materials 1999;35(4):357-364. 2. Choi JS and Park WT. Macromolecular Symposia 2003;197:65-76. 3. Wang LA, Zhu WF, Wang XJ, Chen XA, Chen GQ, and Xu KT. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2008;107(1):166-173. 4. Abdelwahab MA, Flynn A, Chiou BS, Imam S, Orts W, and Chiellini E. Polymer Degradation and Stability 2012;97(9):1822-1828. 176 Talk Number: 3 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:20 AM Session: F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) THE DYNAMIC FRACTURE BEHAVIOR OF PMMA Zheng Li1 , Guiyun Gao1 , Jie Zhou1 1 Department of mechanics & Engineering Science, Peking University, China Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) as a good transparent and typical tough engineering material is designed to exhibit brittle fracture behavior of material in this paper. Semi-Circular Bending (SCB) specimens are widely used in experimental analysis of complicated fracture processes due to their simple geometry and easy loading control. Here SCB specimens of PMMA with different pre-crack angles and positions were employed. An optical method of caustics was applied to obtain the dynamic fracture properties of PMMA, such as the crack initiation, crack propagation, stress intensity factor and fracture toughness, etc. During the dynamic crack propagation, the dynamic fracture parameters could be determined by measuring the caustic patterns observed by a high speed camera. Moreover, we also compared the fracture mode of different pre-crack angles and positions. Finally, the interaction between cracks or crack and damage in dynamic fracture process was also investigated clearly by using this optical method. Results indicate that the fracture mode of SCB specimen can be adjusted by pre-crack position and angle. The competition between cracks or influence of damage could also be observed. The optical method of caustics is a proficient method to analyze the dynamic fracture process and crack interaction. 177 Talk Number: 4 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:40 AM Session: F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) ALL-POLYMER FIBRILLAR NANOCOMPOSITES Kinga Jurczuk1 , Malgorzata Wojtczak1 , Andrzej Galeski1 1 Department of Polymer Physics, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Polymers filled with ready-made polymer fibers may be substituted with success by nanocomposites with nanofibrillar inclusions formed during compounding. It was already reported that polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) nanofibers can be generated in situ by plastic deformation of chain-extended PTFE crystals through shearing during compounding with different thermoplastic polymers [1, 2]. Now, we present how the obtained method may be applied to other than PTFE crystalline polymers. Thus, HDPE powders were synthesized via polymerization with controlled conditions like temperature and pressure. HDPE synthesis was performed in toluene in the presence of methyl aluminoxane (MAO) and post-metallocene catalyst, so-called FI catalyst, fluorinated bis(phenoxy imine) titanium complex at 10o C and 1 bar under atmosphere of inert gas. The obtained polyethylene powder contained highly disentangled macromolecules, hence they were capable of very large and easy deformation. The nascent powder consisted chain-extended crystals with melting temperature around 140o C and degree of crystallinity of about 73%. The structure, thermal and rheological properties of HDPE powders were characterized by different experimental techniques (e.g. SEM, DSC, etc.). The all-polymer nanocomposites were produced by compounding of synthesized HDPE powders at various concentration with various olefin copolymers at various processing conditions. The compounding temperature was maintained below the melting temperature of HDPE crystals. The studies revealed that HDPE crystals deformation efficiency can be affected by such factors: batch of HDPE powder, type and viscosity of polymer matrix and shear rate or time of compounding. Those factors influence significantly the composites morphology. For large single HDPE crystals with disentangled macromolecules the deformation is easy and deformation ratios are large. The deformation of the HDPE crystals leads to thin and strong nanofibers dispersed in the form of entangled network in the polymer matrix. The obtained fibrillar nanocomposites are characterized by drastic changes of rheological and mechanical properties in comparison to the polymer matrix.. The authors are indebted for financial support of the studies from the project of the National Science Centre, Poland (DEC-2012/04/A/ST5/00606) 1.Jurczuk, K.; Galeski, A.; Piorkowska, E. Polymer 2013, 54, 4617-4628 2.Jurczuk, K.; Galeski, A.; Piorkowska, J.Rheol. 2014, 58, 589-605 178 Talk Number: 5 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:00 AM Session: F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) SOL-GEL DERIVED ORGANIC/INORGANIC HYBRID NANOCOMPOSITES FROM VEGETABLE OILS AS SURFACE COATING MATERIALS Deewan Akram1,2 , Eram Sharmin1,3 , Sharif Ahmad1 1 Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, P.O.Box 2097, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 3 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah AlMukarramah, PO Box 715, Postal Code: 21955, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2 Vegetable oils (VO) constitute the single, largest, easily available, low cost, non-toxic, non-depletable, biodegradable family yielding materials that are capable of competing with fossil fuel derived petro-based products. They bear multi functional groups and find applications in the development of low molecular weight polymers such as alkyds, polyesters, polyesteramides, polyepoxies, polyols, and polyurethanes. VO based polymers generally lack high mechanical strength due to their long aliphatic (flexible) fatty acid chains. This can be overcome by the development of VO based organic/inorganic hybrids [O/IH], which exhibit excellent combination of synergistic properties of both the organic and inorganic components. In the present work, synthesis, characterization and coating properties of VO based O/IH materials are described. Polyols from Ricinus Communis [RO], Linseed oil [LO] and tetraethoxyorthosilane [TEOS] serve as organic and inorganic constituents, respectively. O/IH were prepared by “hydrolysis-condensation” reactions. The hydroxyl groups of polyols condensed with TEOS, by “one-pot, two-step” reactions, forming silica anchored polyol based O/IH which on addition reaction with isocyanate formed polyurethane hybrids. In FTIR spectra, absorption bands at 800cm-1 (Si-O-Si sym str) and 1090.0cm-1 (Si-O-Si assym str) confirmed the formation of silica particles in O/IH. TEM micrographs of O/IH revealed the presence of unagglomerated and spherical silica particles. Thermogravimetric analysis showed multiple degradation stages with the onset of degradation at 220o C-225o C. O/IH showed moderate to good antibacterial behavior against E.coli and S.aureus. The physico-mechanical and barrier resistance performance of RO and LO O/IH were conducted to evaluate their coating properties. LO based O/IH polyurethane coatings have shown better corrosion protection efficiency compared to RO based O/IH polyurethane coatings. Keywords: Ricinus communis, Linseed oil, TEOS, Organic/Inorganic hybrid, Nanocomposites, TEM, Antibacterials, Coatings 179 Talk Number: 6 (Oral) Time: Friday, May 15, 2015 11:20 AM Session: F2_2: RSP/MPP (Heritage Room) CONTRIBUTION OF COLLAGEN FIBER UNDULATION TO MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TYPE I COLLAGEN GEL Shengmao Lin1 , Linxia Gu1,2 1 2 Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Type I collagen, a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of soft tissues, is widely used in hydrogels for scaffold. The mechanical properties of collagen gel provide the basis of cell-scaffold interactions and are essential in many scaffold design. Previous study has showed that the individual fiber structure (including fiber length, diameter and strength) affect the mechanical properties of collagen gel. Thermal undulation is another important characteristic and could be controlled by the temperature during the polymerization. However, its contribution to mechanical properties has seldom been studied. In current study, the contribution of collagen fiber undulation was investigated through computational modeling. The collagen gel is modeled as three-dimensional random network of cross-linked fibers. Three different levels of undulation along with straight collagen fiber network are compared together to unravel its effect on mechanical properties of the collagen gel. The results show that the stiffness of the collagen gel is reduced by the undulation of the collagen fiber. This work would enhance our understanding of collagen gel mechanics and better controlling its mechanical property under different polymerization condition. 180 Friday, May 15, 2015 Starting: 1:00 PM F3: Awards and Closing Session Session Chairs: Michael Hess, Jean-Marc Saiter, Jean-Jacques Pireaux, Mehrdad Negahban Assistants: Wenlong Li, Ramin Hosseinabad, Marzieh Bakhtiary Noodeh Index Adams, Alina, 40 Ade, Harald, 95 Ade, Harald (Speaker), 24 Adhikari, Rameshwar (Poster), 84 Adhikari, Rameshwar (Speaker), 30 Agudelo, Andrea Natalia, 170 Ahmad, Sharif, 179 Akram, Deewan (Speaker), 179 Alarifi, Ibrahim (Poster), 106 Alarifi, Ibrahim (Speaker), 67 Alarifi, M. Ibrahim, 108, 135 Alharbi, Abdulaziz, 67 Alharbi, R Abdulaziz, 106 Alharbi, R Abdulaziz (Poster), 108 Alharbi, R Abdulaziz (Speaker), 135 Ameri, Tayebeh, 95 Anada, Yuichi (Speaker), 59 Andalib, Nahid Mohammad, 87 Andalib, Nahid Mohammad (Speaker), 74 Andrzejewski, Jacek, 123 Araujo, Steven, 29, 83, 85, 115 Asmatulu, Dr. Ramazan, 67, 106, 108, 135 Astakhova, Olena, 90, 91, 113 Aubin, Frederic, 122, 140 Bahader, Ali, 126 Bahrami, Mozghan, 62 Bakhtiary Noodeh, Marzieh (Poster), 115 Bashta, Bogdana, 90 Basson, Neil, 101 Bastos, Margarida, 133 Batteux, Florian, 29, 83, 85 Bellon-Fontaine, Marie-Noëlle, 72 Benetti, Maria Edmondo, 70 Bhajiwala, Manojkumar Hiren (Speaker), 173 Bin, Yuezhen, 152 Bin, Yuezhen (Speaker), 134 Blümich, Bernhard (Speaker), 18, 40 Blümich, Bernhard (Chair), 25 Blum, Paul, 148 Bo, Chong, 154 Boccaccini, Aldo, 73 Boitoit, Hugo, 122, 140 Bojda, Joanna, 99 Bowen, Daniel, 112 Bowler, Nicola, 97, 112 Boyer, A.E. Severine, 139 Brêda, José Carlos, 58 Brandel, Clement, 52, 93 Bratychak, Michael, 90, 91 Brodowsky, Hanna, 84 Brostow, Witold, 21, 60, 90, 91, 102, 113, 154, 163 Brown, N. Eric, 164 Browning, Jim, 33 Brumbley, Stevens, 102 Cai, Ronggang, 56 Cardona, Isidro Wilson, 114 Cartigny, Yohann, 52, 93 Castano, M. Victor (Speaker), 157 Causin, Valerio, 155 Causin, Valerio (Speaker), 70 Chaganti, Srinivasareddy (Speaker), 176 Chan, Chin Han, 42 Chan, Chinhan (Poster), 92 Chan, Chinhan (Speaker), 46 Chan, Chinhan (Chair), 55 Charlon, Sebastien, 119 Chen, Jihua, 33 Chen, Wei, 33 Chen, Zhong (Poster), 96 Cheng, Stephen, 87 Cheng, Z. D. Stephen, 104, 105 Cheng, Z. D. Stephen (Speaker), 128 Choi, Sung-Hyun, 76 Cichorek, Michal, 99 Cicogna, Francesca, 103 Cloarec, Thomas, 154 Conzatti, Lucia, 103 Coquerel, Gérard, 51 Coquerel, Gerard, 52, 93 Cornelius, Christopher (Chair), 39, 77 Cosby, Tyler James (Poster), 94 Daily, Connor (Poster), 97 Danieli, Ernesto, 40 Dargent, Eric, 51, 52, 93, 120, 121, 122, 140 Dargent, Eric (Poster), 101, 119 Dargent, Eric (Speaker), 27 182 Dargent, Eric (Chair), 136 Das, Amit, 30 Dazzi, Alexandre, 72 Delbreilh, Laurent, 27, 51, 119, 120 Delpouve, Nicolas, 83, 85, 101, 115 Delpouve, Nicolas (Poster), 103, 120 Delpouve, Nicolas (Speaker), 29 Delpouve, Nicolas (Chair), 168 Denchev, Zlatev Zlatan, 58 Denchev, Zlatev Zlatan (Speaker), 53 Dencheva, Vassileva Nadya, 53 Dencheva, Vassileva Nadya (Speaker), 58 Desai, Kiritbhai Bhavesh (Speaker), 50 Desyatova, Anastasia, 87 Desyatova, Anastasia (Speaker), 148 Dey, Joykrishna, 160 Ding, Rui (Poster), 112 Ding, Yaping (Speaker), 73 Ding, Yunsheng (Poster), 126 Ding, Yunsheng (Speaker), 142 Domenek, Sandra, 101, 120 Du, Xiaoyan, 95 Ducharme, Stephen, 45, 153 Ducharme, Stephen (Chair), 43 Dupray, Valérie, 51 Durieux, Anne, 109 Dzenis, Yuris, 74, 75, 87, 88, 107, 131, 159 Dzenis, Yuris (Speaker), 64 Dzenis, A Yuris, 68 Dzenis, Yuris (Chair), 127, 129 Gao, Guiyun, 177 Gautam, Kumar Surendra, 30, 84 Gazonas, George, 89 Gazonas, A. George, 164 Geohegan, David, 33 Ghosh, Kumar Sudip, 160 Giraldo, Fernando Luis, 114 Giroud, Emmanuelle, 138 Gnuse, Trevor (Speaker), 159 Gonçalves, Carolina (Speaker), 133 Goponenko, Alexander, 88 Goponenko, Alexander (Speaker), 68 Grande, Daniel, 124 Grande, Daniel (Speaker), 169 Granowski, Gregory, 60, 90 Grellmann, Wolfgang, 30, 84 Grigoryeva, Olga, 124 Gruverman, Alexei, 153 Grykien, Remigiusz, 34 Gu, Linxia, 180 Gu, Linxia (Chair), 69 Guenet, Jean-Michel (Speaker), 19, 26 Gui, Haoguan, 126 Guinault, Alain, 101, 120 Gusakova, Kristina, 124 Ha, Ligyeom, 74 Haas, Simon, 71 Hagg Lobland, E. Haley (Speaker), 60, 163 Harun, Mk, 92 Haudin, Jean-Marc, 139 Esposito, Antonella, 121 Hausberger, Andreas, 49 Heinrich, Gert, 30, 84 Fainleib, Alexander, 124 Heinz, Hendrik, 98 Fang, Huagao, 126, 142 Henning, Sven, 30 Fatyeyeva, Kateryna, 27 Henning, Sven (Speaker), 15 Fernandez-Ballester, Lucia, 121, 122 Henning, Sven (Chair), 16 Fernandez-Ballester, Lucia (Speaker), 140 Fernandez-Ballester, Lucia (Chair), 37, 136, 166, 174 Heres, Maximilian, 94 Herry, Jean-Marie, 72 Fink, Rainer, 95 Hess, Michael (Chair), 11, 79, 181 Follain, Nadege, 119 Hidzir, Mh, 92 Fors, Brett (Speaker), 20, 171 Hilfiker, James, 48 Fors, Brett (Chair), 11 Hnatchuk, Nathalie, 60, 102 Frazier, Shane (Poster), 100 Hnatchuk, Nathalie (Poster), 90, 91 Furgal, Joseph (Poster), 86 Hnatchuk, Nathalie (Speaker), 21, 154 Furgal, C Joesph, 62 Holzner, Armin, 49 Hong, Kunlun, 33 Gafurov, Ulmas (Poster), 116 Hosseinabad, Ramin, 140 Gakhutishvili, Marina (Poster), 102 Hosseinabad, Ramin (Poster), 122 Galeski, Andrzej, 178 Hsu, Chih-Hao, 105 Galeski, Andrzej (Speaker), 130 Hu, Gerald, 60 Galeski, Stanislaw, 130 Gan, Seng Neon, 42 Huang, Jinsong, 35 183 Huang, Jinsong (Chair), 23, 31 Im, Soohyok, 54 Ivashkiv, Ostap, 113 Jérusalem, Antoine, 89 Jahan, I Kazi, 68 Jakowski, Jacek, 33 Jamil, Tariq (Poster), 98 Janasz, Lukasz, 34 Jasa, John (Poster), 89 Jayasinghe, Gaya Hasani (Poster), 82 Jiao, Xuechen (Poster), 95 Jo, Won Ho (Speaker), 36 Jomni, Fethi, 138 Jonas, M. Alain (Speaker), 56 Jubeli, Emile, 72 Julie, Pepin, 137 Jurczuk, Kinga, 130, 178 Kahouli, Abdelkader, 138 Kamenskiy, Alexey, 159 Kammer, Hans-Werner, 46 Kaschta, Jochen, 175 Kaser, Jase (Poster), 107 Kern, Wolfgang, 49 Keum, Jong, 33 Khan, S. Waseem, 67, 135 Khoja, Sahil, 163 Khoja, Sameer, 163 Kim, Kyung Tae, 36 Kim, Yong-Rak, 54, 125 Kim, Yong-Rak (Chair), 47 Kosciuszko, Artur, 132 Kunzelmann, Peter, 117, 175 López, Lucy Betty (Speaker), 170 Lach, Ralf, 30, 84 Laine, Richard, 86 Laine, M. Richard (Speaker), 62 Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu, 58 Lanyi, Franz (Poster), 117 Lapienis, Grzegorz, 99 Laskar, Partha (Speaker), 160 Le, Hai Hong, 30 Lee, Jiayin, 92 Lee, Jin Woo, 36 Lee, Min-A, 76 Lee, Soon Jeong, 74 Lefebvre, Jean-Marc (Speaker), 137 Lemme, Max, 111 Li, Shumin, 153 Li, Wei, 73 Li, Wenlong, 29, 83, 115 Li, Wenlong (Poster), 85 Li, Wenlong (Speaker), 164 Li, Xue (Speaker), 66 Li, Yu, 126, 142 Li, Zheng (Speaker), 177 Li, Zheng (Chair), 161 Liebscher, Marco, 30, 84 Lim, Yul Jung, 74 Lin, Shengmao (Speaker), 180 Lin, Zhiwei, 105 Lin, Zhiwei (Poster), 104 Liu, Hao (Poster), 105 Liu, Yong, 107 Lobland, Haley (Poster), 113 Loubeau, Florian (Poster), 109 Lu, Haidong, 153 Lugito, Graecia (Speaker), 141 Luszczynska, Beata, 34 Lyu, Min-Young (Speaker), 76 Mühlbacher, Inge, 49 Mactaggart, Jason, 159 Magalhães, Fernão, 133 Mahat, B. Khairul, 106 Makowski, Tomasz, 34 Maleckis, Kaspars, 159 Maleckis, Kaspars (Speaker), 75 Mallon, E Peter, 101 Manhart, Jakob (Speaker), 49 Marais, Stephane, 119 Mareau, Vincent, 138 Marlière, Christian, 72 Masruchin, Nanang, 70 Matsuo, Masaru (Speaker), 152 Meldrum, Tylor, 40 Menard, P. Kevin (Chair), 16 Menard, P. Kevin (Speaker), 12 Messman, Jamie, 112 Minutolo, Joseph, 94 Miri, Valérie, 137 Mokni, Marwa (Speaker), 138 Monnier, Xavier, 101 Morin, Ezequiel, 121 Nassar, Fernandes Samira, 120 Negahban, Mehrdad, 29, 83, 85, 89, 96, 115, 162, 164 Negahban, Mehrdad (Chair), 22, 181 Neupane, Prasad Bishnu (Speaker), 172 Nittler, Laurent, 28 Nougaret, Laurianne, 56 Nouman, Micheal, 72 184 Nuryawan, Arif, 155 O’connor, Kevin, 176 Oberhauser, Werner, 103 Odykirk, Timothy, 86 Okamoto, Shigeru (Speaker), 151 Oligschlaeger, Dirk, 40 Oliveira, Matos Filipa, 58 Ong, Chonghup, 92 Ospina, Catalina Anny (Poster), 114 Ouyang, Jianyong (Speaker), 32 Padamati, Rameshbabu, 176 Paiva, Diana, 133 Palacio, Juliana, 170 Pan, David, 62 Pandey, Himadri, 111 Papkov, Dimitry, 88, 107 Papkov, Dimitry (Speaker), 131 Papkov, Dimitry (Chair), 69 Park, Byung-Dae (Speaker), 155 Park, Byungdae, 70 Park, Seong-Yeol, 76 Passaglia, Elisa, 103 Patois, Tilia, 56 Pelaez, Alberto Carlos, 114 Petit, Samuel, 52, 93 Piorkowska, Ewa, 130 Piorkowska, Ewa (Poster), 99 Piorkowska, Ewa (Speaker), 139 Pireaux, Jean-Jacques (Speaker), 28 Pireaux, Jean-Jacques (Chair), 79, 143, 181 Piszczek, Kazimierz, 132 Poddar, Shashi (Speaker), 45 Pokharel, Sundari , 102 Pribil, Greg, 48 Rae, J. Philip, 164 Rain, Pascal, 109 Regnier, Gilles, 130 Renault, Margareth, 72 Rezaei, Ehsan, 149 Rezaei, Ehsan (Poster), 118 Rijal, Bidur, 27 Roether, Judith, 73 Roth, V. Stephan, 53 Rozanski, Artur, 130 Rudrappa, Deepak, 148 Ruhkopf, Jasper, 111 Saaid, Fi, 92 Sachdeva, Sanchit, 60 Sadat Ebrahimi, Mir Mortzea, 71 Saharin, Munirah Siti, 41 Saiter, Allison, 27 Saiter, Allisson, 101, 103 Saiter, Jean-Marc, 29, 42, 83, 85, 115 Saiter, Jean-Marc (Poster), 124 Saiter, Jean-Marc (Speaker), 17, 162 Saiter, Jean-Marc (Chair), 168, 181 Salim, Sugama Yoga (Speaker), 42 Sangoro, Joshua, 94 Sangoro, Joshua (Speaker), 57 Saunier, Johanna (Speaker), 72 Sayana, Susmitha, 60 Schönherr, Holger (Speaker), 14, 71 Schönherr, Simon (Poster), 111 Schönherr, Holger (Chair), 156 Schaller, Raimund, 49 Schamme, Benjamin (Poster), 121 Schamme, Benjamin (Speaker), 51 Schlögl, Sandra, 49 Schmidt, Mitchell (Poster), 110 Schubert, Dirk, 73 Schubert, W. Dirk, 117 Schubert, W. Dirk (Speaker), 13, 175 Schwahn, Evan (Poster), 83 Sclavons, Michel, 119 Segalman, Rachel (Speaker), 167 Seguela, Roland, 137 Seidl, Stephan, 175 Serpe, Michael J, 66 Serpe, J. Michael (Chair), 150 Serpe, J. Michael (Speaker), 65 Shao, Ming, 33 Sharmin, Eram, 179 Shinde, A. Manish, 108 Shyshchak, Olena, 113 Sim, Laihar, 46 Singh, Kawarpal, 40 Skórczewska, Katarzyna, 123 Sollogoub, Cyrille, 120 Song, Jingfeng (Speaker), 153 Soto-Puente, A. Jorge, 27 Soulestin, Jeremy, 119 Sowinski, Przemyslaw, 139 Srubar, Wil, 100 Stein, Gila (Speaker), 38 Sterzynski, Tomasz (Poster), 123 Sterzynski, Tomasz (Speaker), 132 Stockdale, Taylor (Poster), 87 Stoclet, Gregory, 137 Sudesh, Kumar, 42 Sumpter, Bobby, 33 Sun, Jianing (Speaker), 48 185 Sun, Kuan, 32 Sylvestre, Alain, 138 Tücking, Katrin-Stephanie, 71 Tan, Li, 29, 121, 153, 165 Tan, Li (Chair), 61, 63 Tarawneh, Constantine, 121 Tashiro, Kohji (Speaker), 41, 144 Tesserau, Manon, 121 Thomas, Sabu (Speaker), 158 Tomaszewska, Jolanta, 123 Tszydel, Izabela, 34 Turner, Joseph, 118, 148 Turner, Alan Joseph (Chair), 145 Turner, Alan Joseph (Speaker), 149 Turner, Joseph (Chair), 174 Yuya, Philip (Chair), 145 Zare Rami, Keyvan (Poster), 125 Zhang, Di, 142 Zhang, Lili, 89 Zhang, Panpan, 152 Zhang, Rong, 152 Zhang, Shengnan, 134 Zhang, Wen-Bin, 105 Zhang, Zesheng, 89 Zhou, Jie, 177 Zia, Wasif, 40 Zou, Yan (Poster), 88 Zubyk, Halyna, 91 Ulanski, Jacek (Speaker), 34 Vale, Isabel, 133 Vasquez, Yolanda, 82 Viel, Quentin (Poster), 93 Viel, Quentin (Speaker), 52 Wagner, Stefan, 111 Wei, Haibing, 142 Wells, Sabrina, 112 White, B. John, 60 Whittington, R. Abby (Speaker), 78 Winie, Tan, 46, 92 Wojtczak, Malgorzata (Speaker), 178 Woo, M. Eamor, 141 Woollam, John, 48 Wu, Shaojun, 126 Wu, Yingji, 154 Xia, Yijie, 32 Xiao, Kai (Speaker), 33 Xiao, Zhengguo (Speaker), 35 Xu, Chunye (Speaker), 44 Xu, Pei, 142 Xu, Zhanping (Speaker), 165 Yablon, Dalia (Speaker), 146 Yagoubi, Najet, 72 Yamane, Honami, 86 Yao, Qingqing, 73 Yi, Eongyu, 86 You, Taesun, 125 You, Taesun (Speaker), 54 Youngblood, Justin, 102 Yu, Hongfeng, 165 Yue, Kan, 105 Yuya, Philip (Speaker), 147 186 92 1 25 26 24 28 3 2 77 44 32 25 34 10 90 9 71 72 69 27 A2 B2 A1 A2 A1 B1 A2 8 45 62 20 60 38 18 61 79 80 33 24 39 A1 A2 A1 A1 A1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B1 B1 B2 B1 A1 B1 41 4 55 37 66 58 82 31 92 36 89 70 69 59 86 16 96 36 10 15 91 54 6 29 64 19 37 3 84 2 89 50 96 93 EY 73 79 PA WA Y 45 14 11 38 72 ONLY 71 80 90 70 A1 B2 B2 B2 A2 B2 A1 A1 B1 A2 A2 B2 A1 A1 B1 A1 95 28 37 38 37 63 56 67 88 53 37 17 16 74 57 51 95 B 97 13 91 A1 B1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B1 A1 B1 B1 A2 A2 A2 A1 A1 85 94 5 7 65 46 51 56 82 21 35 30 48 73 82 68 44 VINE STREET Sandoz Hall (SZRH) Schramm Hall (SCRH) Scott Engineering Center (SEC) Seaton Hall (SEH) Schorr Center (SHOR) Selleck Quadrangle (SELK) Sheldon Museum of Art (SHEL) Smith Hall (SMRH) Stadium Drive Parking Garage (SDPG) State Museum of Natural History (MORR) Syford House (SYF) Teachers College Hall (TEAC) Technology Development Temple Building (TEMP) Theodore Jorgensen Hall (JH) Track Office Building (TOB) 12 17th & Vine Recreation Fields 68 Y STREET HOLDREGE STREET Morrill Hall (MORR) Nebraska Champions Club (NECH) Nebraska Hall (NH) Nebraska State Historical Society Nebraska Union (NU) Neihardt Residence Center Oldfather Hall (OLDH) Osborne Athletic Complex (MSTD) Othmer Hall (OTHM) Parking & Transit Services (SDPG) Pershing Military & Naval Science Building (M&N) Piper Hall (PIPH) Pound Hall (PRH) Raymond Hall (RAYH) Richards Hall (RH) Robert E. Knoll Residential Center Q STREET R STREET 37 46 67 74 RK 83 84 39 93 89 40 41 42 Transportation Services (TRAN) U Street Apartments (UST) University Health Center (UHC) University Housing Office (UHOF) UNL Children's Center UNL Credit Union (UNLCU) Utility Plant (CCUP) Van Brunt Visitors Center (RVB) The Village (VILL) Vine Street Apartments (2222, 2244) Watson Building (WAT) Westbrook Music Building (WMB) Whittier Research Center (WHIT) Wick Alumni Center (WICK) Woods Art Building (WAB) A1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 A1 A2 B1 B1 B1 A2 B1 B2 A2 ® 43 Q STREET R STREET 69 EAST CAMPUS 22 15 43 1 83 42 78 6 76 11 43 81 49 40 87 2 1 August 2010 The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an equal opportunity educator and employer with a comprehensive plan for diversity. ©2008, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved. A2 A1 B1 A1 B1 A2 B1 A2 B2 A2 A1 A2 A2 B1 S STREET Selleck Recreation Area 47 LL U STREET Inventory - Surplus Property Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center (GAUN) Kauffman Academic Residential Center (KAUF) Key Services (FMS) Kimball Recital Hall (KRH) Landscape Services (LAND) Lied Center for Performing Arts (LIED) Love Hall (LOVH) Love Library (LLN) (LLS) Mabel Lee Hall (MABL) Manter Hall (MANT) Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center (RVB) Memorial Stadium Midwest Roadside Safety Facility (FMC) Union 52 Devaney Sports Center (DEV) Ed Weir Track & Soccer Stadium Extended Education and Outreach (900) Facilities Management and Planning (FMP) Facilities Management Shops (FMS) Fairfield Hall (FAIR) Haymarket Park Stadium Complex (HAYB) Hamilton Hall (HAH) Harper Hall (HRH) Hawks Championship Center (HCC) Henzlik Hall (HENZ) Heppner Hall (HEPP) Hewit Academic Center (HEWA) Hewit Place (HEWP) Husker Hall (HUSK) 9 17 Broyhill Fountain 35 48 49 VA 16th STREET 47 26 8 18 Donaldson Garden 50 66 PE 94 LO 85 REET 14 A2 B1 A1 B2 A2 A2 B1 B1 A1 7 51 34 VINE STREET 65 Mabel Lee Fields TE 81 AN T 17th S 97 A 6 Love Garden 19 Mueller Tower 63 64 W STREET 78 H EET Behlen Laboratory (BEL) Benton Hall (BENH) Bessey Hall (BESY) Bioscience Greenhouses (BIOG) Brace Laboratory (BL) Burnett Hall (BURN) Business Services Complex (BSC) Campus Recreation Boat House (BOAT) Campus Recreation Center (CREC) Canfield Administration Building (ADMN) (ADMS) Cather Hall (CRH) Coliseum (COL) College of Business Administration (CBA) Cook Pavilion (COOK) The Courtyards (CORT) Culture Center (333) Madden Garden 5 20 33 Cather Garden 53 52 60 76 14th & Avery Recreation Area RT STR 13 21 31 32 59 61 62 AVERY AVE. 77 82 NO 86 EET 12 4 Sheldon Sculpture Garden 22 29 30 54 58 CREE SALT AY ADW K RO 87 B 18th STR 14th & Avery Parking Garage (14PG) A1 17th & R Parking Garage (17PG) B2 1820 R (1820) B2 19th and Vine Parking Garage B1 420 University Terrace (420) B2 501 Building (501) A2 900 N. 22nd (900) B1 940 N. 17th (940) B1 Abel Hall (ARH) B1 Alexander Building (ALEX) A2 American Mathematics Competitions Building (1740) B1 Andersen Hall (ANDN) B2 Andrews Hall (ANDR) A2 Architecture Hall (ARCH) (ARCW) A2 Avery Hall (AVH) A1 Beadle Center (BEAD) B1 27 56 55 57 88 POINT OF INTEREST VISITOR PARKING GREEK HOUSING POLICE EMERGENCY PHONE Sheldon 2 1 0 18 T EE TR 10 th S I- IVE DR IU M SREET DIRECTION ET ® TRE ST AD City Campus T 14th S TREET University of Nebraska–Lincoln 14th STREE A h 19t 12t hS T Henzlik TREE 2 13th S RE ET 14th R EET STREET T 17th S ST 15th STREET D 2N Transportation Svcs. City Campus Nebraska Innovation Campus STREET DIRECTION Military Road Devaney Sports Center Bessie St. Ante Holdrege St. Holdrege St. 22nd St. 21st St. 20th St. 12th St. k 19th St. e Cre 14th St. 9 pe way 10th St. D OA ILR RA FE lo Ante Park 9th St. Track Office Bldg. y Valle Claremont St. New Hampshire St. OR NN TO ING RL BU COURT STREET lope Court St. A NT SA N/ ER TH Sheldon St. Dudley St. 1 Cather/Pound Recreation Fields U St. Apts. Husker Hall Cather Hall 'U' St. 'T' St. Hewit Place Eastside Suites 'R' St. 'R' St. 17th & R Parking Garage 5 University Police Andersen Hall Credit Union 3 18th & R Garage 50/50 Apartments 'Q' St. 23rd St. Alexander Building University Suites 22nd St. 1 'S' St. Residential Center 21st St. 1 420 Univ Terrace 20th St. Ross Media Arts Center Van Brunt Visitors Center Wick Alumni Center 1 19th St. Temple Bldg. Mary Riepma Pound Hall Knoll 'S' St. Gaughan Multicultural Center Guest & Visitor Parking General Visitor Parking 1. Metered Parking 2. - Cashiered Facility (SDPG) - Pay on Exit (Credit/Debit) (14th & Avery Garage) 3. Morrill Hall Visitor Current as of June 9, 2014 Vine St. Beadle Center Selleck Quad Nebraska Union Love Garden 12th St. 11th St. 10th St. 9th St. 1 1 18th St. College of Business Administration Lied Center for Performing Arts Q Place Garage Whittier Fields 22nd St. Coliseum Love Administration Library Bldg. 1 The Courtyards 17th St. Kimball Recital Hall 19th & Vine Garage Neihardt Sheldon Museum of Art 'Q' St. 'P' St. Campus Rec. Facility Hamilton Hall Woods Art Bldg. Westbrook Music Bldg. 'R' St. Andrews Hall Burnett Hall University Health Ctr. 'U' St. Canfield Architecture Hall University Press 1 10 Vine St. Apts. Seaton Benton Hall Hall Fairfield Hall Kauffman Academic Residential Center Greenspace Behlen Lab Brace Lab Whittier Building Sandoz Hall 'W' St Children’s Center 900 N. 22nd Street 1 Othmer Hall 16th St. 'S' St. 11 Morrill Hall 14th St. 501 Bldg. Richards Hall Mueller Tower Oldfather Hall Avery Hall Manter Hall Jorgensen Hall 15th St. 1 'T' St. Mabel Lee Fields Teachers College Hall Abel Hall Scott Engineering Center Henzlik Hall 3 Bessey Hall Schorr Center Pershing Military & Naval Science Facilities Management Shops Vine St. 13th St. STADIUM DRIVE th Nor South I-80 I-80 2 Stadium Drive Parking Garage 6 Osborne Athletic Complex 1 1 Facilities Management & Planning Nebraska Hall 'W' St Mabel Lee Hall Ed Weir Track Hewit Academic Center X STREET 1 Utility Plant Cook Pavilion 'U' St. Boat House Outdoor Adventures 'Y' St. Y STREET 8 21st St. 10th St. 1 Hawks Championship Center Nebraska Champions Club 1 The Village Avery Avenue 'W' St 1 14th St. 14th & Avery Parking Garage k y Orchard St. Business Services Complex 7 e Cre t Sal wa oad kR e Cre Harper Hall Schramm University Housing Hall Office Smith Hall pe 'Y' St. lo Ante Charleston St. 17TH STREET Landscape Services Guest Parking 5. Admissions Office 6. CB3 & Athletics Performance Lab Campus Affilated Visitor Parking 7. Business Services Complex 8. Facilities Management & Planning 9. Continuing Education Visitors 10. Children’s Center 11. University Health Center Patient 'P' St. HAYMARKET (vicinity of 7th & P Streets) - restaurants, unique shopping and fun nightspots in restored turn-of-thecentury warehouses: antique shops, art galleries, Pinnacle Bank Arena and more DOWNTOWN LINCOLN, NE - MUSEUMS / ATTRACTIONS The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
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