PRATHYUSHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MNRE Sponsored One Day National Level Seminar on RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION AND ITS CHALLENGES th 29 April 2015 REGISTRATION FORM CHIEF PATRONS Shri.P.Raja Rao, Chairman Smt.P.Prathyusha, CEO MNRE Sponsored One Day National Level Seminar on PATRONS Dr.B.M.Beulah Devamalar, Principal Dr.V.Thuslasi bai, Vice-Principal CO-ORDINATORS “RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION AND ITS CHALLENGES” 29th April 2015 Mr.S.Krishna Kumar, HOD – EEE Dr.A.Kalaimurugan, Associate Professor Name Qualification Designation Department Name of the Institution Communication Address : : : : Contact Number E-mail Payment Details Date Bank : : : : : : Date: Signature of the applicant DD /Transaction receipt No. : : Dr./Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. ………………………………… is sponsored to attend the One Day Seminar on “Renewable Energy Production And Its Challenges ” on 29th April 2015 at Prathyusha Institute of Technology Management, Tiruvallur. Date: REGISTRATION Signature of the Head of the Institution Registration fee Rs.300/The registration fee shall be paid through DD in favour of Prathyusha Institute of Technology & Management, EEE Dept payable at Tiruvallur or by net banking to the following account: Bank : Indian Bank, Tiruninravur , TN Account No : 6237542883 (Current Account) Name : Prathyusha Institute of Technology & Management, EEE Dept., IFSC code : IDIB000T018 The duly filled in registration form along with DD / copy of the net banking transaction receipt should reach the coordinator by post or mail on or before 25.04.2015. For further details, visit the college website Organized by DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PRATHYUSHA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (Accredited by NBA and Affiliated to Anna University) ISO 9001:2008 Certified ARANVOYALKUPPAM, POONAMALLEE-TIRUVALLUR ROAD, TIRUVALLUR - 602025 , TAMIL NADU. ABOUT THE INSTITUTION Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Chennai popularly known as PITAM is the brain child of the well known industrialist and philanthropist Shri. P. Raja Rao, the founder and Chairman of the Governing Board of the College. PITAM is a self-financed Telugu Minority Institution approved by AICTE, affiliated to Anna University, accredited by NBA and a recipient of ISO certification. The college offers 7 UG courses and 7 PG Courses. PITAM has well furnished ICT Class rooms, state of the art laboratories and modern seminar hall in each department. The Central Computing Lab on par with IT Industry standards has very unique facilities. The Central Library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of NPTEL connectivity, CD-ROMs, Online databases, books, e-journals etc. Our institution has signed MOUs with various organizations like NIWE (formerly CWET), Infosys, IBM, TVS Haritha Techserv, etc. The National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), run by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), India has established a Solar Radiation and Resource Assessment (SRRA) station in our institution premises, and a unique Advanced Measurement Station (AMS) which has calibration lab for the calibration of all the precision instruments being used in the SRRA stations. These instruments generates more than 140 data pertinent to solar radiation, Weather etc., Faculty. All the laboratories are equipped with adequate physical and human infrastructure. Latest software tools viz., MATLAB, PSCAD, ETAP, PSPICE, LABVIEW etc., are provided in the laboratories. Apart from these infrastructures Power Electronics Lab has been upgraded recently using the funds received from AICTE under MODROBS scheme. In association with NIWE, MNRE various research works are being carried out for the problems encountered in SRRA stations and in the field of Renewable Energy Sources. PURPOSE OF THE SEMINAR It is known that the entire world has to depend on the renewable energy sources mainly solar and wind energy for the energy needs of mankind in future as all the fossil fuels are fastly depleting and polluting the environment. Though the solar and wind energy are available in abundance, the amount of power produced from these sources is comparatively less. It is because of the initial investment required to establish these power plants and problems associated are too high. To overcome the challenges encountered in mass production of power from the renewable energy sources, all the possibilities to be explored by this seminar. UNIQUE FEATURES OF THE EVENT ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the year 2001 along with the inception of the college. It currently offers 4 year full- time Bachelor degree programme in EEE and Two year full-time Master degree programme in Power Electronics and Drives. In accordance with the intake sanctioned by AICTE, New Delhi, the department admits 120 and 18 students to U.G and P.G programmes every year respectively. It has 29 highly qualified and well experienced SEMINAR TOPICS Visit to SRRA, AMS and Calibration Lab. Resource persons are the experts from MNRE, National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) and other agencies. Exposure to new research avenues in the field of renewable energy based power generation. Provide an opportunity to the members of engineering faculty and research scholars and experts from the industries to discuss and analyze the ways and means to provide the cost effective solutions for the mass production of electricity from the renewable energy sources. Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources Design and Implementation of Solar and Wind Power Plants Problem Encountered in Solar and Wind Power Generation Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Source based Power Generating Stations RESOURCE PERSONS Experts from MNRE, National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) IMPORTANT DATES Last date for the receipt of applications: 25.04.2015 Intimation of selection : 27.04.2015 BOARDING AND LODGING It will be provided in the college campus on request. ELIGIBILITY Faculty, Research Scholars and from Engineering institutions CONTACT DETAILS The Coordinator, MNRE Sponsored Seminar - REPAC, Department of EEE, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Aranvoyalkuppam, Tiruvallur – 602025. Ph: 09884864364 044- 37673767 Extn: 720 Email: [email protected]. PG students
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