Dear Incoming Student, On behalf of the staff of the RISD Health Services, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to the RISD PreCollege program. In order to provide you with the best care while you are at RISD, we require the completion of all health forms st by May 1 . Please use this checklist to assure all required documentation has been completed and submitted by the st May 1 deadline. ☐ Submit the Physical Examination Form – REQUIRES PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE And Vaccinations required by Rhode Island state law: ☐ 1 Tdap booster (within the last 10 years) ☐ 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) ☐ 3 Hepatitis B (series can be started and then 2nd dose will be due 1 month from 1st dose) ☐ 2 Varicella (Chicken Pox) or proof of disease by age/date ☐ Submit the Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Factor Screening - REQUIRES PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE ☐ Submit the Personal Health History Form – REQUIRES PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ☐ ☐ (if student is under 18) Submit the Parental Permission / Emergency Contact Form – REQUIRES PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE (if student is under 18) Submit the Health Insurance Policy Information (compulsory for all students attending classes for more than 2 weeks) ☐ Submit the Student General Information Form ☐ Read the downloaded Meningococcal Disease Information Sheet ☐ Read the downloaded RISD Immunization Fact Sheet Please be aware that your registration is not considered complete until your completed and signed Health Form has been received by Health Services. **Students without completed and signed Health Forms, on file with Health Services will not be able to receive their course schedule and begin attending classes. This may result in dismissal from the Pre-College program. Please keep a copy for your records and return completed forms by scan/email fax or snail mail to: RISD Health Services Two College Street Providence, RI 02903 Fax: (401) 454-6628 Email: [email protected] We appreciate your cooperation in returning these forms by the deadline and look forward to your arrival on campus. Sincerely, RISD Health Services 1 Physician’s Form - Signature Required – Return Forms To: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORM To the examining Physician: Please review the student’s history and complete this form. Please comment on all positive answers. This student has been accepted and the information supplied will not affect his/her status. It will be used for continuity of care. / Last name First BP Pulse Height Weight BMI Middle initial / Date of birth Urinalysis: Sugar Albumin Micro. Hematocrit Gender Last Menstrual Period Corrected Vision R ALLERGIES / / / L_ / Are there abnormalities of the following systems? Describe fully. Use additional sheet if needed. Yes No Describe Ears, Nose, Throat ☐ ____________________________________________________ ☐ Respiratory ☐ ____________________________________________________ ☐ Cardiovascular ☐ ____________________________________________________ ☐ Gastrointestial Hernia Genitourinary ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ☐ ______ Joint Abnormalities ☐ ☐ ____________________________________________________ ☐ ☐ ____________________________________________________ Metabolic / Endocrine ______ ☐ ☐ ____________________________________________________ Neurologic ______ ☐ ☐ ____________________________________________________ Dermatologic ☐ ☐ ____________________________________________________ Psychiatric ______ ______ Is patient now under treatment for any medical condition? Yes No If yes, your recommendations:______ ______ Is patient now under treatment for any mental health condition? Yes No If yes, your recommendations:______ ____ Muscle tone / strength Is this patient currently taking prescription medication? List below if yes. Recommendations for physical activity: Explain: Unlimited Yes No Limited IMMUNIZATION FORM ****REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION Complete below or attach copy of immunization record REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS Rhode Island requires documentation of immunity in order to register for college. Per RIH DOH, nd Persons born before 1957 are exempt from a 2 MMR. RECOMMENDED IMMUNIZATIONS Meningitis vaccine Type: Hep A #1 / Date #2 / / / / / Tdap / / (within last 10 years) Dtap / / (within last 10 years) MMR #1 given at >1 year of age / / MMR #2 given >28 days after dose #1 / / OR Proof of Measles, Mumps, Rubella immunity by titer* * attach copy of laboratory titer results. Hep B #1 / / #2 / / #3 / / or immunity* * attach copy of laboratory titer results. Varicella #1 / / #2 / / OR illness / _/ Physician signature: Date of exam: Address: Phone: / / Fax: 2 RETURN FORMS TO: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Factor Screening (Part I) / Last name First Middle initial / Date of birth Dear Physician: Please review your patient’s risk factors using the following 5 factors. Tuberculin testing is only indicated for individuals with any of the following risk factors for TB: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Emigration from a country with a high incidence of TB (most countries of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Central and South America) - countries not listed in below table. Travel to high-incidence country (not listed in below table) where housing was with family members or local residents - not hotels, resorts, etc. Household contact with parents or others who emigrated from a country with a high incidence of TB (not listed in below table) and tuberculin status unknown. Exposure to individuals in the past 5 years who are HIV-infected, homeless, institutionalized, users of illicit drugs, incarcerated (test all groups every 2-3 years). Immunocompromised (HIV infection - test yearly), diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, malnutrition, reticuloendothelial diseases, other immunodeficiencies or receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Countries/Areas with low rates of Tuberculosis (TB) Israel Monaco Italy Netherlands Jordan New Zealand Lebanon Norway Libya Oman Luxembourg Slovakia Malta Slovenia Sweden Switzerland U.S.A. United Arab Emirates U.K. PHYSICIAN TO COMPLETE ITEM A OR B and sign below A. o No risk factors were identified according to the above assessment and the Tuberculin Skin Test was not performed. Healthcare Provider Signature: (Required) Telephone: ( ) Date: Fax: ( / / ) Physician’s Stamp/Name: B. o A risk factor has been identified according the above assessment and the Tuberculin Skin Test was performed. Note: Test must be within 6 months of the first day of classes at RISD PPD (Mantoux): Placed / / mm/dd/yyyy Read: / / mm/dd/yyyy Healthcare Provider Signature: (Required) Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( Result: * (in mm) (*If 5mm or more, complete Part II – next page !") Date: _/ _/ ) Physician’s Stamp/Name: PHYSICIAN’S FORM-SIGNATURE REQUIRED RETURN FORMS TO: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) 3 Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Factor Screening (Part II) / Last name First Middle initial / Date of birth Interpretation of Results Risk Factor Positive Result Close contact with case of TB or is immunocompromised 5 mm or more Born in country with a high rate of tuberculosis 10 mm or more Traveled or lived for a month or more in a country with a high rate of tuberculosis No risk factors 10 mm or more 15 mm or more If Tuberculin Skin Test is Positive, now or previously, the following are required: 1. Date of Positive PPD: Date: / 2. Chest X-ray: (Please attach copy of report) o Normal o Abnormal / (Describe) 3. Clinical Evaluation: o Normal o Abnormal (Describe) 4. Medication Treatment Initiated: o No (reason) o Yes (Drug, Dose, Frequency, Dates Initiated/Completed) Healthcare Provider Signature: (Required) Telephone: ( ) Date: Fax: ( _/ _/ ) Physician’s Stamp/Name: PHYSICIAN’S FORM-SIGNATURE REQUIRED RETURN FORMS TO: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) 4 Personal Medical History Last name First Middle initial / / Date of birth Street address City State E-mail Address Home Phone Student Cell Phone I. FAMILY HISTORY Have any of your relations ever had any of the following? Yes No Relationship Cancer ☐ ☐ Tuberculosis ☐ ☐ Diabetes ☐ ☐ Kidney Disease ☐ ☐ Heart Disease ☐ ☐ Intestinal disorder ☐ ☐ Zip Code Yes No Relationship Asthma/Hay fever ☐ ☐ Autoimmune disorder ☐ ☐ Epilepsy, Seizures ☐ ☐ Psychiatric illness ☐ ☐ Other: II. PERSONAL HISTORY Have you personally had any of the following? Yes No Eye Problems ☐ ☐ Ear, Nose, Throat Problems ☐ ☐ Recurrent headache/migraine ☐ ☐ Head injury/concussion ☐ ☐ Fainting spells/seizure ☐ ☐ ADD /learning disability ☐ ☐ Psychiatric/mental health disorder ☐ ☐ Substance abuse ☐ ☐ Eating Disorder ☐ ☐ Yes ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Cardiac Chronic cough Tuberculosis/ positive PPD Digestive disorder Hepatitis/Liver disease Cancer Kidney/bladder disease Joint disease/injury No ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ If yes, describe: List any surgical procedures: List all allergies: III. MEDICATIONS: List all prescription and over-the counter medications taken on a regular basis in the past year, including vitamins, oral contraceptives, holistic meds. Medication name Dose Condition Current /Past ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ IV. TO BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY STUDENT (OR PARENT/GUARDIAN FOR STUDENTS UNDER AGE 18) Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine response: I have / my child has: ☐had the meningococcal meningitis immunization within the past 10 years. Type: Date received: / ☐read the information provided regarding meningococcal meningitis disease. I understand the risks of not receiving the vaccine. ☐ have decided that I (my child) will NOT obtain immunization against meningococcal meningitis disease. Signature of student: Signature of Parent or Guardian: Date: Date: / / / / / STUDENT/PARENT FORM-SIGNATURE REQUIRED RETURN FORMS TO: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) 5 Parental Permission / Emergency Contact Form / Student’s Last name First Middle initial /_ Date of birth I hereby grant permission to the of the Rhode Island School of Design or his / her authorized representatives, to furnish such medical care as my son or daughter (student’s full name) may require, including examinations, treatment, immunizations, etc. This permission is conditioned on the understanding that in the event of a serious illness or the need for hospitalization and /or major surgery, the college will use all reasonable efforts to contact me. Failure of such efforts, however, should not prevent the College from providing such emergency treatment as may be necessary for the best interest in the life of (student’s full name). I also acknowledge that the Rhode Island School of Design must abide by both Rhode Island State Law and the individual policies of area hospitals with regard to consent to medical treatment of a minor. I understand that in the event of a medical emergency I may be contacted directly by hospital staff as necessary for the treatment or release of my son / daughter named above. Signature of Parent or Guardian (required): Date: / / Date: / / Emergency Contact Information: Name Name Relationship Relationship Address Address OR Home phone Home phone Cell phone Cell phone Work phone Work phone Is student allergic to any medication? Is there any medical condition we should be aware of in case of an emergency? Signature of Parent or Guardian (required): RETURN FORMS TO: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) 6 Student General Information Form Name Last Summer Program : First ☐ Summer Studies Middle ☐ Pre-College Are you currently enrolled as a full-time student @ RISD? ☐ Yes ☐ No OFF CAMPUS ADDRESS (Complete only if applicable) If you will be living at an off-campus address different from your permanent address, for the duration of the RISD Summer Program, please fill in the following: Summer Address Apt. # City State Country Telephone Zip Code Cell Phone PARENT OR GUARDIAN INFORMATION (Pre-College Students Only) Name Relationship to Student Address City Home Telephone State Business Phone Country Cell Phone Zip Code E-mail If you will be traveling during the Summer, it is important that we be able to reach you in the event of an emergency. Please provide the offices of Health Services and Public Safety with you travel itinerary. Telephone Location Dates of Stay HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY INFORMATION Compulsory for all students ☐ We have a medical insurance policy from a US domestic insurance company: Company Name Company Address (must be a US address) Policy Number Group Number Subscriber’s Name Date of Birth Pre-Certification Telephone ☐ We have enrolled in the RISD offered health plan administered by University Health Plans Policy Number Subscriber’s Name RETURN FORMS TO: RISD Health Services,Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903 / 401-454-6628 (fax) [email protected] (email) 7 Health Insurance Information Sheet RISD is committed to promoting good health and meeting the medical needs of its students. A health insurance plan is critical in providing peace of mind, knowing that students can receive the services they need in the event of a sickness or injury. The College requires all students to carry adequate medical insurance to help cover the extra expenses of medical treatment that is not covered by our Health Services. All medical insurance policies must be from a U.S. domestic insurance company. Non U.S. based Insurance companies or coverage provided in countries with socialized medicine, including Canada, does NOT meet the insurance requirement. To assist in providing your student with the coverage they will need during their summer studies at RISD, we have contracted with the University Health Plans Insurance Program to offer The Pre-College Student Health Insurance Plan. The Plan includes a local and national network of Preferred Providers, and is designed to be an affordable option. You can review the plan by clicking on the University Health Plans website and selecting Rhode Island School of Design. We urge you to enroll in this Plan for several reasons. Although many families have some form of insurance, it's important to ensure that students are adequately covered while attending school. All too often situations arise where a student requires medical or mental health care beyond what is available at the RISD Health Center, only to discover that their insurance covers them only in the event of an emergency or in their home geographic region. This frequently results in students having to take an otherwise unnecessary leave of absence from their studies to return home in order to get the treatment they need. In other situations, the student’s insurance plan may provide coverage in RI, but the list of providers they must choose from is extremely limited and often are not close to campus, making access a significant problem. RISD Health Center staff members are rarely familiar with these providers and therefore cannot assist the student with any recommendations. Further, coverage that is provided is often insufficient in meeting the student’s need. The result is an added out of pocket expense for parents who must pay privately for adequate care. To assist you in making an informed decision regarding your student’s health insurance needs, here are some general questions to ask your current health plan to ensure that it provides adequate coverage: • Does your current health plan provide coverage while in the area of the RISD campus? Many HMO plans provide coverage for Emergency Treatment only, while out-of-area of the local HMO. • Does your current health plan cover mental health services? Many employer-sponsored plans provide very limited coverage for mental health services. • Does your current health plan provide coverage anywhere in the world, including medical evacuation and repatriation benefits? • Does your current health plan include a nationwide network of Preferred Providers, guaranteeing acceptance of your insurance plan, and reducing the student’s out-of-pocket expenses? Many employer-sponsored plans are managed-care type plans, with a regionally based preferred provider network. • Does your current health plan include Prescription Drug coverage, and a nationwide network of member pharmacies? Many employer sponsored plans do not provide prescription drug coverage, or only very limited benefits available at certain local pharmacies. While many of students' health issues can be met by Health Services, there are times when referrals to community providers are necessary. At such times, the Student Accident and Sickness Plan provides coverage worldwide and allows students to seek care from any licensed provider, once the referral from RISD Health Services is made. Students also have access to a nationwide Preferred Provider Network, as well as a national network of member pharmacies. When students use a preferred provider, their out-of-pocket expenses can be limited as students’ coinsurance expenses are based on negotiated Preferred Provider fees. The Plan provides coverage for expenses relating to injury or sickness including diagnostic testing, lab and x-ray services, doctor visits, and prescription drugs. It is your responsibility to carefully compare your current insurance plan with that offered by RISD through University Health Plans to ensure that the coverage is truly comparable. Should you choose NOT to take the insurance plan sponsored by RISD and offered through University Health Plans, you are attesting to the fact that you are familiar with both plans and will be responsible for providing for your student’s medical and/or mental health needs should your own insurance prove insufficient. We encourage you to read the information provided and take the time to make an informed decision regarding your health coverage. Should you have questions regarding the The Pre-College Student Health Insurance Plan or to enroll, please contact Marcia O'Neill at University Health Plans at 800-437-6448, xt.116 or go to 8 RISD Health Services General Information Health Services is a clinic staffed by nurse practitioners, nurses and office administrators who serve the needs of RISD students. Health Services is an ambulatory care setting (i.e. sick visits and injuries). The health fee allows all pre-college students to receive medical care from RISD’s Health Service regardless of their insurance. Insurance is required for any medical services that a student may require outside of RISD’s Health Service. Health Services Homer Hall (lower Quad) 401-454-6625 Open Monday – Friday 7:30 am -5:00 pm Except for emergencies, hours of operation are by appointment only. Health Insurance All students enrolled in the Pre-College Program must provide proof of insurance that meets the guidelines outlined in the enclosed Health Insurance Information Sheet. Please carefully read the requirements before filling out the Health Insurance Information Form. Emergencies If there is a medical or mental health emergency when Health Services and the Counseling Center are closed, students should call Public Safety at 401-454-6666 or ext. 6666. A Public Safety Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) will respond and the Administrator on-call will be notified. If necessary, Public Safety will arrange transportation to an appropriate medical facility and/or arrangements will be made for the student to speak with the counselor on-call. Specialists When necessary, transportation to specialists in the community can be arranged through Health Services via cab. Costs for transportation to medical facilities off-campus are the student’s responsibility. Students are financially responsible for any medical services received off-campus. Special Considerations Parents or guardians who feel that their son or daughter may require special medical or mental health related considerations must arrange for specialized care with a provider in the community. Parents or guardians are encouraged to discuss these issues with Health Services before the student arrives on campus. Medications Students are expected to manage their supply and administration of all medications. Students can arrange to have an account set up with a local pharmacy for delivery to Health Services. Students will then be notified when to pick up their medications. For more information, please refer to the Pharmacies in Providence document on our website at Counseling and Psychological Services RISD’s Counseling and Psychological Services can provide psychological assessment and triage. If on-going care is needed, counseling center staff will provide the student with a referral to a provider in the community. Costs for transportation to clinicians off-campus are the student’s responsibility. Students are financially responsible for any psychological services received off-campus. We hope that your experience at RISD is satisfying and rewarding and we look forward to meeting you on check-in day. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding Health Services or the required medical forms, please call us at 401-454-6625 or email us at [email protected]. 9
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