Parent Weekly Bulletin A College-Preparatory High School in the Benedictine Monastic Tradition Volume 1, No. 19; May 4, 2015 Calendar Monday, 5/4 Noon Deanery Schedule AP Psychology Exam (Alumni Board Mtg. Cancelled) Varsity Baseball vs. Hoban…5:00PM Freshmen Baseball vs. Mayfield…4:30PM JV baseball @ Hoban…5:00PM Tuesday, 5/5 8:00am Periods 9-7 9:00am Period 1 3:00pm 7:00pm Mass Schedule (FLIP) AP Calculus Exam (AB,BC) Freshmen Math Exams (Caf) Development Mee ng Senior Mee ng in Auditorium Last LPDC Mtg of the year. Parent Boosters Mtg. Wednesday, 5/6 Mee ng Period Schedule (Clubs C and D) AP English Exam Varsity Baseball @ Hoban…5:00PM JV Baseball vs. Hoban (CWRU)…5:00PM Track @ NCL Championships [Padua]…4:00PM 8:00am JV and Varsity Lacrosse vs. Walsh...4:45PM/6:15PM Freshmen Baseball vs. Cuyahoga Heights…4:30PM Track @ U.S. [prac ce] Thursday, 5/7 12:30pm Deanery Schedule Admin Team Mtg. Friday, 5/8 Period 1 Priory Day Schedule Mr. Benedic ne Prelim Vote (Seniors only) APUSH Exam AP European Exam Track @ NCL Championships [Padua]…4:00PM Freshmen Baseball vs. Shaker…4:30PM 8:00am Noon It is o en the case that we look back on history with an idyllic eye. Many have done that with the early Church, bemoaning the fact that there are so many fac ons in the Church today that o en put people off. However, the Acts of the Apostles makes it pre y clear that there were difficul es at that me also. Just take a look at St. Paul, who, when he first came back to Jerusalem a er his miraculous conversion, was feared among the brethren and met with great suspicion. Only the work of Barnabas reconciled him with the Jerusalem community. St. John tells us that we are true disciples if our works are in line with our words and beliefs. Jesus calls true disciples those who are gra ed to the vine of Christ and who bear much fruit by allowing themselves to be pruned by the word of God and the wisdom of God. Let us strive to be true disciples by working with the will of God and by striving to build up our school community. During the stresses of the last few weeks of the year, may we find strength and hope in the work of God within us and the value of a deeper faith, hope and love being gra ed to the vine of Christ. Amen. Saint Benedict, pray for us! JV Lacrosse @ WRA…5:00PM Varsity Baseball @ Fairview…7:00PM JV Baseball vs. North Ridgeville (CWRU)…4:30PM Saturday, 5/9 7:00pm Junior-Senior Prom Varsity Baseball vs. John Marshall (DH)…11:00AM Monday, 5/11 8:00am 7:00pm Tuesday, 5/12 8:00am 9:00am Wednesday, 5/13 7:00pm Thursday, 5/14 1:00pm Friday, 5/15 Prayer for the Week: No Deanery/Convo Schedule Senior Final Exams AP Biology Exam Key/Kiwanis Club Awards Ceremony (Caf) No Deanery/Convo Schedule Senior Final Exams AP US Gov’t Exam Development Mtg. No Deanery/Convo Schedule Senior Final Exams Spring Music Concert (Aud) Mee ng Period Schedule (Clubs A and B) Project REAL Begins Admin Team Mtg. Convoca on Schedule Clean-Up Crew for this Week: 5th: Patrick Fleming, Tom Jakubowski, Louis Marrone, Max Mar n. 6th: Will Gielink, Jaret Glassman, Trevor Hongosh, Ben Keiper. Tuesday, May 5th FLIP Schedule: The Freshmen have the State Math PARCC exam on Tuesday, so we will be in FLIP schedule that day and a Mass Schedule. The musicians from Walsh University will be joining us that day. Schedule is as follows with Mass-Day mes: Periods 9, 8, 7, Periods 4, Mass, 5, 6, Periods 3, 2, 1. Thank you for your pa ence with this. This is the last PARCC exam for this year. Living with St. Benedict Retreat: The following students will be par cipa ng in this retreat at the Abbey Monday, May 4 a er school through breakfast, May 6. Students will not be missing school these days: Darrell Childress David Jefferson Liam Kilbane Peter Knab Shawn Lozada Darnell Miller Dontez Rash Brian Schoeffler Charlie Spinks Dan Veenstra Saidi Wadesisi Reggie Willis Final Exam Exemp ons: Faculty members may or may not give exemp ons. But if teachers grant exemp ons, they must follow the policy: Students who have a 3.0—3.59 accum GPA may have one exemp on is they have an “A” going into the final exam. Students who have a 3.6 and above accum GPA may receive two exemp ons with the same grade s pula on. Students who are seeking exemp ons will present a slip to their teachers as in the past. Please sign the slip if the exempon can be granted. Students are responsible for submi ng these forms to the academic dean’s office. A list of exemp ons will be published before exams and be posted in the mail room. Seniors must have all exam exemp on papers in to the academic dean’s office by 3:00pm this Friday, May 8. Priory Day Schedule for Friday, May 8: First Bell: 7:55 1 8:00 8:34 2 8:37 9:11 3 9:14 9:48 4 9:51 10:25 5 10:28 10:58 5 10:28 11:02 6 11:01 11:35 Lunch 11:05 11:35 7 11:38 12:12 8 12:15 12:49 9 12:52 1:26 Priory Compe on 1:29 3:00 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Period 9 10:21 11:08 11:55 12:42 1:29 2:16 11:05 11:52 12:39 1:26 2:13 3:00 The senior final exam schedule is on page 3. Parents are asked to be a en ve to the opening paragraph on this page. Seniors will have an open campus, meaning they can come and leave when they like. In order for seniors to take advantage of this, however, a signed permission form must be presented by 3:00pm this Friday, May 8. A copy of the form is contained in this bulle n and will be given to the seniors on Tuesday at their mee ng. A copy of the Senior-Parent le er is also contained in this PWB. Upcoming Dates to keep in mind: Friday, May 22: Mass and Awards Assembly (AM) Sunday, May 24: Baccalaureate Mass 2:00pm Tuesday, May 26: Commencement 7:00pm May 27-29: Final Exams for Underclassmen Wednesday, June 3: Final grades due by 3:00pm Underclassmen Final Exams: Wednesday, May 27: Periods 1, 2, 3 Thursday, May 28: Periods 4, 5/6, 7 Friday, May 29: Periods 8, 9, Make-ups The schedule for these days is as follows: First Period A endance: 8:00-8:10am First Exam Period: 8:15-9:30am Second Exam Period: 9:40-10:55am Third Exam Period: 11:05-12:25pm Priory reps will have informa on for all Deaneries to be outlined on Wednesday before Mee ng Period. Students will meet in the auditorium before the compe on begins for final announcements and the beginning of the compe on. College Board (AP) Exams: A endance will be taken for those students involved with AP Exams by the guidance department at the exam me. If you have any ques ons about an AP Exam, please consult the Guidance department or the main office. The list of students involved per exam is on page 4. Senior Exam Schedule: The school schedule during senior exams will not involve deanery or convoca on me. The mee ng period for Wednesday has been moved to Thursday, 5/14. The period mes involve at straight 44minute schedule as follows: First Bell: Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 7:55 8:00 8:47 9:34 8:44 9:31 10:18 Campus Clean-Up Days: The Benedic ne Campus is in need of volunteers to assist with campus beau fica on and with interior work in repain ng and cleaning some parts of the interior of our building. These projects are necessary to help Benedic ne to be a rac ve to future students and to assist in maintaining the physical structure of the Home of Champions. Please consider volunteering your me for a few hours on either or both of the dates below. Feel free to arrive late or leave early as your schedule allows. Supplies will be made available as well as beverages and lunch. But you may bring your own supplies if you like. Saturday, May 16: Saturday, June 6: 10:00am to 3:00pm. 10:00am to 3:00pm. Ques ons? Please e-mail Fr. Michael at [email protected]. Thank you for your considera on. Senior Exam Schedule Senior classes will not meet on exam days. A endance is to be taken in the exam periods. Students should arrive at school in me for your posted exams. Seniors may come in late and leave early, if they have a signed parental permission slip on file in the office. If a senior must remain in the building for any reason they must report to Mr. Koenig or the Main Office and be assigned to an area for study. If a senior does not have an exam on a given day, he need not come to school. If a student has a conflict in his exam schedule it is the student’s responsibility to arrange for an exam me with his teacher. Textbooks on loan from the school should be returned to the classroom teacher. The condi on and return of assigned books are the financial responsibility of the student. All sports uniforms, fines, etc. must be returned and or paid before gradua on. NO DEANERY OR CONVOCATION DURING SENIOR EXAMS Theology Exam—See Mr. Gallagher for addi onal informa on. Monday—May 11, 2015 8:00 – 9:15 English Exam—Auditorium (unless indicated) AP English—Room 215 Bri sh Literature World Literature 9:20 – 10:35 Math Exam In Cafeteria Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus Stats and Probability Math Exam In Auditorium Algebra II Business Algebra 10:40 – 11:55 Foreign Language Exams—Individual classrooms Tuesday—May 12, 2015 8:00 – 9:15—Auditorium Physics Exam 9:20 – 10:35—Auditorium Accoun ng Business Law Microeconomics Marke ng Economics 10:40 – 11:55 --Auditorium Psychology Current Affairs Sociology Wednesday—May 13, 2015 8:00 – 9:15 Auditorium Crea ve Wri ng Forensic Science Sports Medicine 9:20 – 10:35 All Make-Up Exams All art projects should be completed by this me at the direc on of Ms. Shannon for senior por olios. Biology Monday May 11 from 8-12 Jordan 2016 Jackiewiecz Spencer 2016 Johnson Kyle 2016 Jordan Ian 2016 Lawson Stephen 2016 Matz Francis 2016 O'Brien Robert 2016 Wells AP Exam Student List by Subject Psychology Monday May 4 from 12-3 Michael 2016 Bey Bopp Brian 2015 Logan 2016 Cooper Ferrante Vincent 2016 Ma hew 2016 Gnatowski Trevor 2016 Hongosh Riley 2016 Keenan Ryan 2016 Kelley Chris 2016 Malick Louis 2016 Marrone Schoeffler Brian 2016 Calculus Tuesday May 5 from 8-12 Alec 2015 Brennan Ma hew 2015 Brodsky Davis Aaron 2015 Christopher 2015 DiFrancesco Vincent 2016 Ferrante Paul 2015 Gnatowski Conor 2015 Gorbe Rowen 2015 Gray Joseph 2015 Houser Joshua 2015 Jackiewiecz Brandon 2016 Kelly Lawson Ian 2016 Frank 2015 Paskay Collin 2015 Pecoraro Smutak Jonah 2015 Charles 2015 Spinks Paul 2016 Triolo Daniel 2015 Veenstra English Wednesday May 6 from 8-12 Brian 2015 Bopp Alec 2015 Brennan Ma hew 2015 Brodsky Aaron 2015 Davis Rowen 2015 Gray Joseph 2015 Houser James 2015 Pacak Ryan 2015 Secard Daniel 2015 Veenstra Euro History Friday May 8 from 12-3 Alec 2015 Brennan Ma hew 2015 Brodsky Anthony 2015 Brown 2015 DiFrancesco Christopher Michael 2015 Gauden Gnatowski Paul 2015 Rowen 2015 Gray Joseph 2015 Houser Benjamin 2015 Keiper Michael 2015 Reeves Ryan 2015 Secard Jonah 2015 Smutak Spinks Charles 2015 US Government Tuesday May 12 from 8-12 Adams Arrington Boehm Brakefield Brennan Brichacek Carcioppolo Chapman Clarke Maceo Phillip Michael Alec Connor Brian James Mekel Carson DiFrancesco Dober Fallon First Fissel Furlich Gricar Hallman Haney Heil Alexander Joseph Michael William John Spencer Jacob Graham Logan Andrew Hoover Hopkins Hurst Jakubowski Kenneley Kozelka Lincoln Lopez McNamee Meaney Pesicka Petrich Roncagli Rudmann Rusnak Shivak Shue Sprenger Stockdale Tuck Patrick Nolan Connor Thomas Bryan David Cameron Thomas Teddy Jackson Isaac Jordan Connor Blaise Christopher Michael Joseph Michael Alexander Ellio To: Parents of current Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors at BHS From: Fr. Gerard, OSB President Brother Patrick Ryan, OSB died on January 12, 2015. He was 82 years old and had been a monk of Saint Andrew’s Abbey since 1952. He had worked un l a few years ago in our school cafeteria and in other capaci es in the school and abbey in earlier years. However, Bro. Pat had become very involved in Pro-Life ac vi es in the last 15 years especially through his personal witness of praying privately each day behind the three facili es that provided abor ons on nearby Shaker Boulevard. He worked closely with the “Rosary for Life” group that has faithfully met at our abbey every morning on the first Saturday of each month to a end Mass and then to offer a prayerful vigil at these facili es. Through God’s good grace working through them, two of those facili es have closed and the third is under inves ga on for the death of a young woman under their care last year. To honor the memory of Brother Patrick, one of Brother Patrick’s friends – Mr. Michael Manocchio and his family, have decided to sponsor a $1000 scholarship each year for at least the next 10 years, to a current student at Benedic ne High School who will be returning next year. The student will be chosen through an essay contest that will be judged by the Manocchio family. The guidelines are: Theme: “How I am involved in Pro-Life work and how I can best encourage others to become involved.” 300 – 500 words / typed / submi ed in an 8.5 x 11 inch envelope / No name on the essay – but your name will be on the envelope The date for submission for this first year has been extended to Friday, May 8, 2015 at 3:00 PM to the BHS Business Office The winner will be announced at the Awards Assembly on May 26 and the scholarship will be applied to next year’s tui on at that me. This generous scholarship offer is open to any returning Benedic ne student. If your son is a member of the Benedic ne Pro-Life Club or if he is involved in any Pro-Life ac vi es at your church, please encourage him to submit an essay next week. OPEN CAMPUS PERMISSION FORM This form must be presented to the Dean of Men’s Office no later than Friday, May 8, 2015 at 3:00pm. With this form, I grant permission for my son to arrive late to and leave early from the campus of Benedic ne High School during the senior exam days of May 11-13, 2015. I agree that I will not hold Benedic ne High School responsible for my son leaving campus when he does not have an exam and for any happenings that may occur off campus during the regular school day that may involve my son. Students may return to campus for athle c prac ces or compe ons at a later me. Students may return to campus for musical concerts or obliga ons at a later me. Student Name (Please print):___________________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date signed and returned: ____________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For office use only: Form approved : ________________________________________ Mr. Rick Koenig, Dean of Men Benedictine high School Senior parent information letter It is that time—the culmination of 4 years of hard work and dedication—the time to approach senior graduation from Benedictine High School and to look to a future beyond. In order to assure that this transition time is as efficient as possible, this communication with our senior parents is deemed important. The issues outlined here intend to inform seniors and their parents of the important requirements toward graduation so as to make that event and the reception of the diploma a reality. This letter contains several sections, please be sure every section is completely understood. Questions or uncertainties should be directed as soon as possible to the principal or business office. Academic Requirements: All required classes must be passed successfully through the second semester. Any failures of required classes must be made up and submitted to the Guidance Office as soon as possible. Please see the Parent-Student Handbook regarding academic graduation requirements if there are any questions (website under Parents and Students tab) or call our Academic Dean, Mrs. Sue Zulandt or senior guidance counselor Mr. Keith McMillin. They will be glad to assist you. Students are also expected to fulfill their service-hour and service project requirement as outline in the handbook and all retreat obligations must also be fulfilled. Senior Final Exams are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 11-13, 2015. The students will be taking their exams by departments on those days and it will in an open-campus format: students will be free to arrive late and leave early regarding those exams. Seniors are required to be present at every exam they are required to take and senior exam exemptions will be published by Friday, May 8 in the main office. The exact schedule for exams will be outlined in the MMB and PWB for Monday, May 4. Seniors will be required to turn in their computers to the technology lab (204) immediately after their last final exam. The computers will be reimaged and will then be available for student pick-up any time after June 1. Financial Requirements: Tuition needs to be paid in full (or current with payment plans) by April 30, 2013 in order for a senior to be able to purchase prom bids, receive grade reports or have transcripts sent to any institution or employer. Any student with an open balance will not receive a diploma at graduation. Once the account is paid in full, the diploma will be made available to you. There is nothing more difficult than to have to tell a senior he will not be receiving a diploma. I am asking your cooperation in helping us to avoid this circumstance for your son. If you feel you are not going to be able to satisfy your financial obligation to the school, please contact our Business Office immediately at extension 339 or at [email protected], so we can work together on the best possible course of action for your son’s sake. Likewise, should you have any questions regarding your student’s account, please contact Ms. Terri Wysocki, our Business Office manager at your earliest convenience. Prom Information: The Senior-Junior Prom will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn, 700 Beta Dr., Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 on Saturday, May 9th, 2015. Check-in begins at 6:30pm. All students must be checked in to the dance no later than 7:00pm. Students will not be permitted to leave the dance once entering until 10:30pm. Prom ends at 11:00pm. Prom Bids will be sold from April 27th - May 7th. April 27th will be an Early Bird price of $85.00 per ticket. Every day after April 27th, tickets will cost $90.00 per couple. Cash and checks will be accepted and all checks must be made out to Benedictine High School. All students and their dates must complete a Dance Policy form. All Dance Policy Forms are due no later than May 7th. Policy Forms are to be turned in to Miss Kristen Thomas. Failure to abide by the policies of the dance form or any of the directions above will forfeit a senior’s participation in the prom without financial reimbursement and parents will be called to escort the student and date from the premises. Participation in Prom is dependent on financial obligations being current as stated above. Benedictine High School is not responsible for organizing or sponsoring any after-prom activities. Project REAL: Participation in Project REAL is a graduation requirement. All students must turn in their Long Form to Mr. Joe Schaefer by April 20, or they run the risk of not walking at graduation. All parents should have signed their son's Long Form. Seniors will be out of the building from May 14-21 specifically to complete their Project REAL initiative. On May 22 (following our awards assembly), seniors will meet with their faculty representative to present their findings via Powerpoint presentation. This presentation is a required part of the project experience. A senior will not be permitted to graduate until this segment is completed. Graduation Weekend: Awards Assembly on Friday, May 22. Senior parents are invited to attend. All seniors are required to be present and in proper dress. Dress for the day is dress shirt, pants with matching socks and dress shoes, tie and jacket. Grooming code is in effect for this event. Seniors must report to the auditorium by 8:00am for attendance. All students will then be dismissed to the Gymnasium for the Mass and Awards Assembly. After the Awards Assembly, seniors will report to assigned classrooms for their Project REAL presentations. As close to 12:30pm as possible, the seniors will gather for a luncheon in the cafeteria courtesy of the Benedictine Alumni Association. As soon as the luncheon is completed, the seniors will report back to the gymnasium for graduation practice, where they will receive their caps and gowns. It is highly suggested that seniors try on their caps and gowns that evening to be sure they are of the proper length and fit. If there are any problems, please call 216-421-2080 x323 as soon as possible so that the problem may be addressed before graduation. The Baccalaureate Mass will take place in the abbey church on Sunday, May 24, 2015 at 2:00pm. Senior family members are most welcomed. All seniors are required to be present and in proper dress. The dress for the day is the same as the Awards Assembly along with the grooming code. After the Baccalaureate Mass, a short reception will be available in the school cafeteria for the senior class and their families. Graduation will take place on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at the Church of St. Gregory the Great, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, 1545 South Green Road, South Euclid, Ohio 44121. All ceremonies will begin at 7:00pm sharp. All seniors are required to meet at Knights Hall, which is under the main church by 6:15pm. Seniors will have to check in with teacher moderators when arriving. Dress for the evening is dress shirt and pants with matching socks and tie. No jacket for this evening as the graduation gown will be worn on top. Grooming code regarding hair length and shaving and jewelry is in effect. There are no tickets for the graduation ceremony. Family members are welcome. Seating in St. Gregory Church for the event is first come-first served beginning any time after 6:00pm, except for designated areas that will be marked by proper signage. We ask that proper dress for the importance of this occasion is worn by all guests and that proper respect for the church is maintained at all times. As part of the graduation fee, all seniors will receive a DVD of the occasion, filmed that night through the auspices of Planet Productions in conjunction with Benedictine High School. Therefore, we ask that no one move from their places during the ceremony to take pictures. Please do not bring any flowers, balloons, or other paraphernalia into the church that will obstruct the view of others or otherwise disturb those attending the ceremony. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, since we are guests in this beautiful and sacred space. These last days are a whirlwind and will fly by. Hopefully the contents of this letter have answered all your questions regarding the events of the next six weeks for your graduating son. Thank you for entrusting him to us and to the Benedictine Tradition. If there are any questions that are still on your mind, please be sure to call Mrs. Dawn Perrotti in the main office at 216-421-2080 x322 at your discretion during school hours and we will be glad to assist you. Yours sincerely with best wishes for your graduating senior, Rev. Michael Brunovsky, OSB Principal
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