What’s your happiness index? How happy are you? And what if it’s possible to measure exactly how happy you are? You might be surprised to know there are a few parameters that have stood the test of time to define happiness. For most of us, happiness is individual, spiritual and hard to define. But one thing is certain. Our home plays a large role in our quest for happiness. So when we decide it’s time for that home, we’re actually deciding it’s time for us to be happier. TIME USE Work-‐life balance Sleep Time with family LIVING STANDARDS HEALTH Housing quality Features ECONOMY Fitness Hygiene Happiness Index Growth Environment Business COMMUNITY Neighbours Spaces CULTURE Religion Spirituality EDUCATION Schools Colleges Happiness Index Parameter # 1: Time Use The balance between work and leisure is paramount to happiness. Similarly, the time you spend with family and the time you spend sleeping is vital to your well-being. Skav Aastha increases this balance and gives you more time for the important things in life with a carefully chosen location. ZŽĂ Ě ƉƉĂ ƐǁĂ ŵĂ Yeshwantpur ZĂŝůǁĂLJ:ƵŶĐƟŽŶ E ĂƌĂLJ ĂŶĂ Yeshwantpur Yeshwantpur ZĂŝůǁĂLJ^ƚĂƟŽŶ^ƚŽƉ :ĂŵŝĂDĂƐũŝĚ Z ŽĂ ^Z <sWůĂLJŐƌŽƵŶĚ D ĂŶ Yeshwantpur ƵƐ^ƚŽƉ Yeshwantpur dŽůůͲŐĂƚĞ dƵŵ ŬƵƌ ZŽ ĂĚ ŵ ZĂŚ Ě Ě ZŽĂ ŬƵƌ dƵŵ Ě ZŽĂ ĂŶ <Ś Yeshwantpur DĞƚƌŽ^ƚĂƟŽŶ AASTHA Gymkhana 'ƌŽƵŶĚƐ 'Žǀƚ͘^ŽĂƉ&ĂĐƚŽƌLJ ZĂǀŝŶĚƵdŽLJŽƚĂ Christ The King Church ĂĚ ZŽ Ě ƌ ŚŽ ƌŝŐĂĚĞ^ĐŚŽŽů DĂŚĂůĂdžŵŝ>ĂLJŽƵƚ DĞƚƌŽ^ƚĂƟŽŶ ƌ͘ZĂũŬƵŵĂƌZŽĂĚ ISKCON Temple KƌŝŽŶDĂůů BHEL sŝǀĞŬĂŶĂŶĚĂ ĞŐƌĞĞŽůůĞŐĞ DŝůŬŽůŽŶLJ 'WZĂũĂƌĂƚŚŶĂŵ ZŽĂĚ Mekhri Circle 5.8 km D͘'͘ZŽĂĚ 9.9 km ISKCON Temple 1.6 km Yeshwantpur ZĂŝůǁĂLJ^ƚĂƟŽŶ 1.3 km Yeshwantpur DĞƚƌŽ^ƚĂƟŽŶ 1.4 km KƌŝŽŶDĂůů 1.2 km DĂũĞƐƟĐ 6.8 km Happiness Index Parameter # 2: Health Your health is an outcome of the balance between your mind and your body and also between you and the environment. SkavAastha gives you a complete ecosystem where you can be healthier and cultivate happiness with thoughtful amenities and a refreshing environment. ZĂŬƐŚĂDƵůƟƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝƚLJ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 1.4 km Shreya Hearing Clinic 5.5 km ^ƌŝ^ƌŝZĂǀŝ^ŚĂŶŬĂƌsŝĚLJĂDĂŶĚŝƌ 9.0 km ^ĂŶũĞĞǀĂŶŝ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 1.3 km DĂŶŝƉĂůEŽƌƚŚƐŝĚĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 3.3 km Narayana Nethralaya 1.4 km ƌ͘ŐĂƌǁĂů͛ƐLJĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 3.3 km ƌĂĐĞƐŶ&ĂĐĞƐĞŶƚĂůůŝŶŝĐ 2.4 km D^ZĂŵĂŝĂŚDĞŵŽƌŝĂů,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 4.4 km ĐŚĂƌLJĂdƵůƐŝ:ĂŝŶ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 2.1 km dƌŝƐƚŚĂ,ŽŵĞŽƉĂƚŚŝĐůŝŶŝĐ 4.4 km ŽůƵŵďŝĂƐŝĂ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 2.3 km Kaya Skin Clinic 1.2 km ƌ͘DDŽĚŝLJĞ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 1.5 km ƉŽůůŽůŝŶŝĐ 4.8 km ^ƚ͘dŚĞƌĞƐĂ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 5.9 km WĂŶĂĐĞĂ,ŽƐƉŝƚĂů 3.4 km BrigaĚe park 2.0 km DWWůĂLJŐƌŽƵŶĚ 2.2 km hĚĂLJĂƌĂǀŝ'ƌŽƵŶĚ 3.0 km ZĂŵDĂŶĚŝƌ'ƌŽƵŶĚ 4.4 km 'ĂůĂdžLJůƵď 2.6 km 'ŽůĚ͛Ɛ'LJŵ 3.6 km ZĞĨŽƌŵĂ&ŝƚŶĞƐƐE'LJŵ 5.7 km JP Park 3.9 km Happiness Index Parameter # 3: Education When we provide our children with a holistic education as well as knowledge in common values & skills, we’re ensuring their happiness as well as ours. SkavAastha is right in the middle of Bangalore’s knowledge hub, surrounded by premier schools, colleges and some of India’s best research and scientific institutions. Tata /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞŽĨ Fundamental Research Centre 21.7 km Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath College of Fine Arts 7.0 km 6.7 km Mount Carmel College MS Ramaiah /ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ 4.5 km EĂƟŽŶĂů/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ of Design 5.2 km 4.3 km St. Claret PU College EĂƟŽŶĂů /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞŽĨ Advanced Studies 3.7 km 3.1 km 2.6 km Indian /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ Of Science Basaveshwara Degree College 2.7 km 3.0 km KLE Society's Law College M.E.S College 2.8 km 1.2 km KLE Society's /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ of Dental Sciences 3.8 km C N K Reddy College of Pharmacy Colleges 700 m Vidya Mandir PU College BNES PU College Kendriya Vidyalaya 3.3 km Happy Feet for Kids 4.2 km 3.7 km 5.4 km a b B P Indian Public School c Schools Pre-‐Schools 800 m Podar Jumbo Kids Carmel High School 2.8 km 2.6 km Cluny Convent High School Max Muller English School Blossom Pre-‐Nursery School 1.5 km SG /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů School 1.6 km 2.7 km Brigade School Happiness Index Parameter # 4: Culture Studies have shown that even in today’s progressive and modern society, culture & religion still contribute heavily to personal happiness. Identifying oneself with a culture or following a faith instills inner peace and a sense of belonging. When you’re living at Skav Aastha, culture takes a predominant front seat. Gunina Art Gallery 6.9 km Gandhi Bhavan 6.2 km Sri Mahaveer Digambar Temple 7.98 km Seventh-‐day ĚǀĞŶƟƐƚŚƵƌĐŚ 3.2 km Christ The King Church 2.3 km Grace Gospel Church 2.0 km Sri Prasanna Veeranjaneya Swamy Temple 1.0 km :ŝŵ/ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞKĨDƵƐŝĐ 2.3 km Sri Srinivasa Temple 2.5 km ^ƚ͘^ĞďĂƐƟĂŶΖƐŚƵƌĐŚ 2.9 km Ayappa Temple 2.5 km Guruvayurappan Temple 750 m Ganesha Temple 2.1 km Iskcon Temple 1.6 km Sri Gayathri Temple 1.7 km Ishwara Temple 1.8 km Al Masjidul Badariya Mosque 2.2 km Jamia Masjid 1.9 km Bethesda Assembly Of God Church 3.9 km Bethel AG Tamil Church 7.9 km Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath 7.0 km Shwetambar Jain Temple 7.0 km Happiness Index Parameter # 5: Community It’s amazing how your neighbours become some of the most important people in your life. You turn to them in times of trouble and celebrate with them in times of happiness. SkavAastha is a community for like-minded people, for those who care about the same things and for those who respect the people around them. Club House Children’s Play Area Landscaped Garden Sky Lounge Party Area Happiness Index Parameter # 6: Economy The success of any area depends on various factors such as good governance, location, environment, green cover, services and to a certain extent the type of businesses that operate there. The Rajajinagar/Yeshwanthpur belt has become the hub of growth in Bangalore and is poised to see phenomenal changes in the coming years. s Pa rk Ki r loska r B 11 u .6 sin km e Ma Pa rk rr y j Me tro Ca 1 sh .3 a k m nd d ia Ta by nta m va k Vi 2.3 APMC Yard 1.0 km In of nk Ba km ate .4 St 4 Ca e G ad 1 k Brig 1. l ien ce n io Or 1.2 Sc a ng Ba on km rat 1.1 She m ate w ay lo r e HDF 1.3C k bank m Ɵ .6 tu t km e of Post Oĸ 3.2 kmce ss Coupon Mall 2.6 km kmM al Bu ssy km a b .8 Em 12 a at ny es sin s In 2 n a di In it al 6 e L Th .5 A sh km ok Ba n ga lo re Tumkur Road Tumkur Road 1.68 km 1.7 km IC I C I a n k 3.6 kBm ua Sq i r nt m Ma 5.1 k re zĞƐŚǁĂŶƚƉƵƌDĞƚƌŽ^ƚĂƟŽŶ 1.4 km DĂŚĂůĂdžŵŝ>ĂLJŽƵƚDĞƚƌŽ^ƚĂƟŽŶ 6.1 km NICE Road 11.4 km Happiness Index Parameter # 7: Living Standards A good home is fundamental for your biological, psychological and social needs as you spend a significant part of your day at home. The features, specifications and design of SkavAastha were created to thoroughly enrich your personal and social space. B L O C K A B L O C K B Typical Floor Plan Ground & Floor 1 B L O C K A B L O C K B Typical Floor Plan Floor 2 -‐ 16 TYPE A -‐ 2BHK + 2TOI 1350 SFT ( SBUA approx ) STRETCHER 16 PASSENGER 5'9" X 8'4" 12 PASSENGER LIFT 6'3" X 5'11" F.H DUCT COMMON UTILITY 7'2" X 6'3" DINING 14'4" X 11'8" FOYER 5'6" X 6'6" UTILITY 4'6" X 7'3" KITCHEN 10'10" X 7'0" BEDROOM 11'0" X 13'5" AC LEDGE 5'4" X 10'1" LIVING ROOM 11'0" X 10'4" TOILET 8'0" X 5'0" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" BEDROOM 13'4" X 10'2" BALCONY 10'10" X 4'0" BLOCK B BLOCK A TYPE B -‐ 3BHK + 4TOI 1625 SFT ( SBUA approx ) AC LEDGE 5'5" X 4'0" UTILITY 6'10" X 5'0" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" KITCHEN 7'0" X 11'0" SERVANT TOILET 4'0" X 3'0" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" BEDROOM 11'0" X 11'0" DINING 19'7" X 11'0" FOYER 5'0" X 5'11" BEDROOM 11'0" X 11'0" LIVING ROOM 11'0" X 12'0" TOILET 8'0" X 5'0" MASTER BEDROOM 13'6" X 11'0" BLOCK B BALCONY 10'10" X 4'0" BLOCK A TYPE C -‐ 3BHK + 4TOI 1950 SFT ( SBUA approx ) BEDROOM 15'2" X 11'0" AC LEDGE 11'0" X 3'10" UTILITY 4'9" X 7'8" KITCHEN 11'0" X 8'0" SERVANT TOILET 4'8" X 3'0" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" DINING 16'6" X 15'0" GUEST BEDROOM 11'2" X 11'0" TOILET 8'0" X 5'0" FOYER 6'2" X 6'1" LIVING ROOM 11'0" X 13'11" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" MASTER BEDROOM 11'0" X 15'0" BALCONY 11'0" X 4'6" BLOCK B BLOCK A TYPE D -‐ 2BHK + 2TOI 1350 SFT ( SBUA approx ) COMMON UTILITY 4'2" X 6'3" F.H DUCT AC LEDGE 3'6" X 12'6" KITCHEN 7'0" X 10'6" FOYER 5'0" X 6'5" 12 PASSENGER LIFT 6'3" X 5'11" DINING 14'4" X 12'6" MASTER BEDROOM 11'1" X 12'2" UTILITY 6'10" X 4'8" TOILET 8'0" X 5'2" TOILET 6'9" X 6'6" LIVING ROOM 11'0" X 10'4" BEDROOM 13'4" X 10'0" BALCONY 10'10" X 4'0" BLOCK B STRETCHER 16 PASSENGER 6'3" X 8'4" BLOCK A TYPE E -‐ 3BHK + 4TOI 1625 SFT ( SBUA approx ) AC LEDGE 5'5" X 4'0" UTILITY 6'6" X 5'6" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" KITCHEN 7'0" X 11'0" TOILET 5'0" X 8'0" BEDROOM 11'0" X 11'0" SERVANT TOILET 4'6" X 3'0" DINING 19'7" X 11'0" BEDROOM 11'0" X 11'0" FOYER 5'0" X 6'4" LIVING ROOM 11'0" X 12'0" TOILET 8'0" X 5'0" BALCONY 10'10" X 4'0" BLOCK B MASTER BEDROOM 13'6" X 11'0" BLOCK A TYPE F -‐ 3BHK + 4TOI 1950 SFT ( SBUA approx ) AC LEDGE 4'4" X 6'0" KITCHEN 11'0" X 8'0" UTILITY 4'9" X 8'0" SERVANT TOILET 4'5" X 3'0" TOILET 8'0" X 5'0" BEDROOM 11'0" X 11'6" DINING 11'2" X 15'7" GUEST BEDROOM 13'10" X 11'0" FOYER 7'10" X 5'11" TOILET 8'6" X 5'0" TOILET 8'0" X 5'0" LIVING ROOM 11'2" X 15'3" MASTER BEDROOM 11'10" X 14'0" BALCONY 11'0" X 4'6" BLOCK B BLOCK A Master plan SERVICE YARD SAND PIT SAND PIT SERVICE YARD SECURITY ROOM EXIT MAIN ROAD ENTRY Specifications STRUCTURE RCC Frame structure with cement blocks/light weight blocks/brick walls PAINT FINISHES Plastering in lime finish with emulsion paint for interior walls & ceilings FLOORING Common Areas - Granite/Marble/Vitrified tile flooring. Apartment master bedroom with laminated wooden flooring. Rest of the apartment vitirified tile flooring. Toilets - Anti Skid ceramic/vitrified tile flooring. Glazed ceramic/ vitrified tiles DADO upto lintel level height TOILETS Chromium plated Jaquar fittings or equivalent granite counter for wash basin. Wall mounted EWC & wash Basin of Hindware or equivalent DOORS Teak wood door frame with BST polished flush doors for main door. Non teak wood frames with laminated flush doors for all other doors WINDOWS Aluminium/UPVC windows. Ventilators for toilets ELECTRICAL Concealed conduits with PVC insulated copper wires. Modular switches from Anchor/Roma or equivalent. Provision for AC’s in all bedrooms BACKUP GENERATOR Stand-by generator for common area lighting, lifts & pumps. Backup generator for lighting and fans upto 2 KVA in apartments KITCHEN & UTILITY Granite top, SS sink with 2 ft high glazed tile DADO inlet and outlet point for washing machine TELECOM & INTERCOM FACILITY Intercom facility from each apartment to security, club house & other common facilities LIFT One automatic passenger lift & one stretcher lift in each block SECURITY SYSTEM CCTV installed in lobby, security rooms and club house Amenities CLUB HOUSE WITH INDOOR GAMES FACILITY AREAS STEAM & SAUNA SWIMMING POOL GYMNASIUM CHILDREN’S PLAY AREA LANDSCAPED GARDEN SPACES OUTDOOR BADMINTON COURT SKY LOUNGE / PARTY AREA Who We Are At Skav, the passion to create inspiring spaces drives all our endeavours. Endeavours that translate into homes that personify gracious living, offices in which you would love to work, and retail spaces that exemplifies shopping experiences. Our uncompromising commitment to quality is not just limited to designing and creating great spaces. Be it luxury homes that resonate with your lifestyle or the attention to smaller details in office and retail spaces, at Skav, the focus is on the overall experience. We have carved a niche for ourselves in the space of construction services through a perfect combination of innovative and ethical practices. Above all, a unified vision amongst the promoters of SKAV and the years of experience we bring to the table in this ever evolving field will work to your advantage. While we know that we are all about building exquisite living and commercial spaces, deep inside, we firmly believe that we are in the business of building long-term relationships. Marketing Office SKAV #48, 3rd Floor, Hitananda - 2, Lavelle Road, Bangalore - 560 001 Ph: +91 80 4218 8999, +91 4227 5677/ 78 / 79, +91 99000 70416 Project Site SKAV Aastha #19/2 ( Old #76 ), Industrial Suburb, Mahalakshmipuram Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore - 560 086 Other Projects AURA Indiranagar AUDEL Cambridge Road BLANCA Sadashivanagar MEKHRI RITZ Cunningham Road BLISS Davis Road ASHIRWAD Mahalakshmi Layout AHUJA LAGUNA Gangadhar Chetty Road AKASA Davis Road ONYX CENTRE Museum Road PALLADIO Lavelle Road ZIVA Kumarakrupa Road SAPPHIRE RMV 2nd stage 909 LAVELLE Residency Road DISCLAIMER The information contained in this brochure including all photographs, visuals, pictures, images, details, specifications, conceptual designs, dimensions, furniture, illustrations, fixtures, artifacts, amenities, facilities, etc., are strictly provided for representation purposes only and manifests the proposed development that may be undertaken by the company, and are subject to approval from the competent authorities. Distances given are approximate and sourced from Google Maps. This information should not to be considered literally and shall not constitute a legal offering or form a part of the standard contents of the agreement for sale of the apartment. The company reserves the right to change and/or modify the same at their sole discretion. All brand names trademarks & logos belong to their respective owners & are hereby acknowledged.
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