,. GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB DEPARTMENToFTECHNICALEDUCATIoNANDINDUSTRIALTRAINING (TECHNICAL EDUCATION BRANCH - ll) NOTIFICATION No. 13/105 t2o1o-1TE2t lqo Dated .....\.8 o j, ls- University' The Governor of Punjab is pleased to appoint the Punjab Technical to Post Graduate level Jatandhar (PTU) as the authority competent to make admission 1.0 M.Tech.coursesonthebasisofvalidGATEScorefortheacademicsession20ls_2016. mentioned below:The admission shalt bb made in the colleges affiliated with universities . PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR .MAHARAJARANJITSINGHSTATETECHNICALUNIVERSITY,BATHINDA. : of seats will be as given Note: The number of colleges, branches in each college and the number year 2015-16' in the letter of approval issued by AICTE for the 2.0 criteria for making The Governor of punjab is further pleased to issue the following admissions: AND RESIDENT STATUSI ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR ADMISSION. least 50% (45% All those candidates who have passed B.E. / B. Tech. with at and in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) marks in aggregate shall be eligible to apply for Post graduate level (i) wittr vatiil GATE Score M.Tech.,course. (ii) (iii) (iv) for the From the Academic session 2015-2016, 85% Seats will be reserved open to candidates candidates from within the Punjab state and 15% will be from outside the State. shall be a The Eligibility criteria before 85% seats will be that the candidate of Personnel resident of Punjab state as per Punjab Government, Department dated and Administrative Reform (PP ll Branch) letter No 1/3/95-3PPll/9619 (attached 6th June 1gg6 and letter No. 1/3/95-3PPtt/80 dated 1't January,1999 regular as Annexure) or have passed B.Tech. or equivalent examination as candidate would candidate from recognized institution situated in Punjab, the of be required to submit a certificate to this effect from the Principal/Head Prospectus' lnstitution last attended in prescribed proforma.as given in the and Admission to M.Tech. course both for 85% Seats for resident of Punjab GATE 15% seats for outsiders shall be made strictly on the basis of valid score and in case seats haven't been filled under respective categories, qualifying admission shall be considered on the basis of inter se merit in examination. B. (i) \'' (ii) general Apart from the basic educational qualifications prescribed above, the of eligibility criteria shall be as contained in Punjab Government, Department 35144195' No' Memo teinniiat Education & lndustrial Training, Punjab 1T(2llg78 dated 2lstMarch, 2003 which is attached as Annexure. Exemption under above Para Children/wards/dependent (whose parent are not alive) of all those regular punjab Government employees, members of All lndia Service borne on -,1- l the Punjab and Haryana Punjab cadre, serving judggs and the employees of Bodies established High court, etnployees 9l Boards/corporations/statutory post outside Punlab by an Act of ir," stbt" of Punjab who have been holding is on or before 1't on or before ltrJanuary of the year of entrance test thai have done 10+1 January. ZOtS anO their childreh/wards/ dependents may and/or 10+2 outside Punjab. c. RESERVATION (i) Department of The reservation of seats shall be al p9r, Punjab Government, 05 -1TE211987 Technical Education and lndustrial Training Memo. No. 13121 communication Thts Annexure. is attached ;;td'I,i lrf,, iOf j3, which isparcel purposes' and all for of this notification, shall be treateO ,t p.tt and with the contents of the all the provlslons of tni. notificaiion shall be read along said comlnunication. (ii) \"' (iii) under any The attehtion of the applicants desirous of claiming reservation that stipulation and category.whatsoever is' especially drawn.to th.e condition be shall admission only the certificates that have been produced at time of in their own interest' to considered. Tlre candidates are accordingly advised, get the 1."qr,ritt certificates issued wett before the date of admission' Candidales ate otherwise, .i-lrl, for reservation shall be summarily rejected. for .counselling' lf rro required to claim reseruation at the time of registering and considered as a reseruation is claimed the candidates sha// be treated "Generai Category Candidate"' for a candtdate The PTU shall make a provision in the online application form reservation seekrng is he/she to indicate in,, .rt"gory, if any, under which category. if the of There snatt atio be piovision'io indicate the sub-category that inter se gradation can be ;;t, ;.d;r wrricn reservation is being sought,.so ir.iilt"t"a. These sub-categories have been elucidated in Punjab Government' Memo No' 1312105Department of Technical Education and lndustrial training Juty, 2013 which is attached as Annexure Punjab i iiEiiieaz'Jut"o-i.a GovernmentrnayalsosetupaCommitteetoeffectintersegradationof as indicated in the ;"rdil;t* }iriring reservation under certain categories, aforesaid'men'lo dated (iv) 2no July, 2013' in any of the A candidate rihall be eligible to make a claim for reservationshall be as per r"s"rreO categories. Hoiever, the procedure for counselling Memo No Punjab Government, w"tfrre Department (Reservation cell) is Ztz,llzl} - RS1 t iAtq - 1677 dated 2oth Dec. , 2OO4 which attached as Annexure. D. GENERAL CONDITIONS other charges as The students shall be liable to pay fee / development fee and per the rates of fee/ development fee and other charges as fixed by the to time' Government of Punjab/AlQTEiQoncerned University, from time for resident of Punjab Admissions to the M. Tech. course, both for 85% seats valid GATE .nO tSyo seats for outsiders, shall be made strictly on the basis of categortes, scores and irr case seats are not being filled under respective qualifying in merit se admission m,ty be considered on the basis of inter examination. of Technical The Management quota shallbe as per Punjab Govt. Department dated Education and lndustrial Training Memo no. 13112912003-1TE211247 20t'' datecl and partiat notific-ation no 13l12gl2OO3-1TE2t1892 June 20OB and Partial notiiication no 13t2gt2OO3-1TE2t171 dated 18"' January, 201 I which is attached as Annexure' (i) (ii) \"' (iii) ilq;;i'2008 (iv) Counselling lor 85% seats for Punlab resrdents and 15% outside Punlal-' candidatejstrall be taken up simultaneously. However the reserved category -2- ( candidates shall (v) (vi) be considered in general category first befor:e being considered in respective reserved category' drop out vacancy will be filled Any seat falling vacant after counsetling or any management quota A seat by the instiiuieion the criteria of admisiion under once accepted shall not be changed' website to this effect The University will issue.a public notice on .official reserve category and each indicating clearly the number'oi ieats vacant in category in all rounds particular very that general category and fill the seats in of counselling. (vii)ThefeestructureforForeignNationals/Personsoflndianoriginshallbethe (viii) same as ln vogue for NRI candidates' The guidelines for admission of Foreign Nationals / Persons of lndian Origin shallbe:asP€rPunjabGovernment-NotificationNo.13l75l2001.lTE2l296 as Annexure' (ix) (x) is attached dated CnanAi[ain'the'23'd January, 2002 which .l shall be as per Punjab The guidelines for admission of Kashmiri migrants oateo chandigarh the 7tn Government Notification No. 8121111-1TE2]1OZ0 July, 201'4 whrch is attached as Annexure' (Rupees Two Thousand only) Non-refundable counselling fee of Rs' 2OO0/from each student one will be cottecteO by the Uiiversity as counselling fee time onlY. (xi)Incaseastudentchangeshis/hercollege/Universityallottedduring fee shall be refunded by centralized .ornt"ifing co-nducted by PTU hiJ/ her only and the original the previous lnstitutio-n after oeouciion of Rs. 1000/in case of up-gradation of (xii) documents will be returned immediately. However shall be made seats during subsequent counselling's no deduction 7 days of the end of tlre ln case a student surrenders his / her seat within the college and register on counselling, he / she must submit application.to to pTU websile'www.ptuadmiSsionq.nic.inr PT.y shall only fonruard such cases theconcerr,eo@collegesmustrefundhis/herfu|lfee (xiii) after de(uction of Rs' 1000/- onlY' Recourse Development ln keeping with the direction of Ministry of Human shall in ptrblic Departrflent, 6ort. of lndia all lnstitutions and Universities the event of a ln interest, ;11.lui"ln a waiting ilit of students/candidates' of the course' the waiting ltst studenucandidate withdrawing before the start vacant seat. The entire candidate, ir.,ouro be given ldmissions against the of the processing fee of not fees collectect irom tne-stuOeni .tt", a ded-uction shall be.refunded and more than Rs.10oo/- (Rupees one Thousand only) withdrawing front returned Uv ii," lnstitution/i.tniversity to th_e studenucandidate theprogra,n..".ltwouldnotbepermiss.ibleforinstitutionsanduniversitiesto after joining the course and retain tne certiiicates in originai if a student leave iftheSeatSubsequentlyfallingvacantgetsfilledbyanothercandidatebythe 'institution must return the fees collected with last date of admission, the rent' where proportionri" O"Jr.tion of monthty fee and proportionate hostel apPlicable. E. OVER-RIDING PROVISION : Nothing,in thrs notification shall be.ope.ratiye,in so flt T^I^'t]i:?ff't::::Y: (i) Hon'bte supreme taid down in the judgement of the i.no r - at- ^ -^ t ,^ ^f Vs. Ol^+^ eof Court of lndia in the case of T' such Any . SC Karnataka aEd the Government of Punlab rectification' cteafly highliitntini tne inconiistency, for immediate of procedure The institutions which do not make admission on the basis of the- above terms and notified by the PTU, from time to time or violate any wrthot'rt any conditions, will automatically stand disaffiliated from the Board further notice. il;';;;'; il ., i (ii) -3- \ \] ( iii) Dated:, The notiftcations/circulars/instructions of Government of Punjab referred to in A-ltl,B-l,C-!,C-lll,C-lv,D-lll,D-Vlll and D-lX of this notification shall be treated as part of this notification for all purposes and all the provisions of this notification shall be read along with the contents of said notifications/circulars and instructions. "$ry O log-RtJ Endst. No. 1 3/10512010-1TE2l M. P. Singh, IAS Principal Secretary to Govt. of Punjab, Deptt. of Technical Education & lndl. Training Dated: A copy is forwarded to Controller, Printing and Stationery, Punjab, Chandigarh with a request to publish the Notification in Punjab Government Gazette (Ordinary) and supply 20 copies for office use. #AnGovt. or Punjab speciat Deptt. of Technical Education & lndl. Training. Endst. No. 13/105t2010'1TE:.21 I J"t1 Dated: 18'?'1\- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: - 1. The Director, Technical Education & lndustrialTraining, Punjab, Chandigarh' 2. TTheVice Chancellor, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar. lncharge, Computer Section, office of the Director, Technical Education & \/-g,/ The lndustrialTrainingPuniab,Chandigarh.
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