REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA PART I - GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. DESCRIPTION OF WORK It is the intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide criteria for evaluation of proposals submitted in response to Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest RFP N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X038, DESIGN BUILD PROJECT P418 FY15 SOF TACTICAL GROUND MOBILITY TRAINING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY AT NAVAL AIR STATION (NAS) FALLON, NEVADA. BASE ITEM 0001: DESIGN BUILD PROJECT 418 FY15 SOF TACTICAL GROUND MOBILITY TRAINING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITY AT NAVAL AIR STATION (NAS) FALLON, NEVADA Firm Fixed Price (Lump Sum) including all labor, equipment, and materials design and construct SOF Tactical Ground Mobility Training and Vehicle Maintenance Facility for NSWG-1 and NSWG-2’s Tactical Ground Mobility Training requirements located at Naval Air Station (NAS) Fallon, Nevada. The project includes infrastructure and facility improvement to support on-going military training. OPTION ITEM 0001: VEHICLE WASH RACK Firm Fixed Price (Lump Sum) including all labor, equipment, and materials to provide Vehicle Wash Rack, including compacted, crushed aggregate base access routes, utility connections, and related improvements. OPTION ITEM 0002: PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE (PCC) PAVING Firm Fixed Price (Lump Sum) including all labor, equipment, and materials to provide Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) paving and related improvements, including additional storm water management measures, at MV parking areas. OPTION ITEM 0003: HIGH EXPLOSIVES MAGAZINES COMPOUND AREA Firm Fixed Price (Lump Sum) including all labor, equipment, and materials to provide High Explosives Magazine Compound area access route, fencing, foundations, and related improvements. OPTION ITEM 0004: LED LIGHTS Firm Fixed Price (Lump Sum) including all labor, equipment, and materials to provide LED light fixtures in place of fluorescent fixtures within the building. 2. LOCATION The work shall be at NAS Fallon 3. RFP PARTS 2-6 (SKETCHES/DRAWINGS ACCOMPANYING SPECIFICATIONS) The following are included, and hereby incorporated, in the RFP: • Parts 2-6 and/or drawings and specifications will be provided via AMRDEC to all MACC Contractors. Each MACC contractor will receive an e-mail from the AMRDEC website with a link & password to access to the files. 4. INQUIRIES All inquiries concerning any part of this task order shall be made to Ms. Bobbi I. Williams, email: [email protected] , at Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest, Desert IPT, Code ROPJA.BW, 1220 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California 92132. NOTE: REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFI) SHALL BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO THE ESTABLISHED PROPOSAL RECEIPT DEADLINE. 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 5. PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE AND SITE VISITATION An organized site visit is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 2015 @ 0900. It will be held at Building 307, 3rd Deck Conference Room at NAS Fallon. . The clauses 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions, and 52.236-3, Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting the Work, will be included in any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation. Accordingly, offerors are urged and expected to inspect the site where the work will be performed. No minutes of the pre-proposal conference / site visit will be issued. All offerors are advised that the RFP remains unchanged unless it is amended in writing by the Contracting Officer. However, if an amendment is issued, normal procedures relating to acknowledgement and receipt of any such amendment shall be applicable. The submission of written questions will not preclude anyone from posing questions during the pre-proposal conference. Failure of a prospective offeror to submit any questions or to attend the conference will be construed to mean that the offeror fully understands all requirements of the solicitation. Prospective offerors are advised that the pre-proposal conference will be held solely for the purpose of explaining the concepts involved in the project and the specifications, terms, and conditions of this solicitation. Note: Photos are allowed at the site visit however, only under the guidance given by the Government Representative. Restrictions may change during the actual site visit.” 6. PROPOSALS Submit Price Proposals on the Offer Schedule that is provided. Offerors must acknowledge any amendments to the RFP on the Offer Schedule. Submit Technical Proposals in the format indicated in the technical factor(s) submittal requirements. Proposal Due Date: Proposals must be submitted no later than 2:00 PM, local San Diego time, on April 4, 2015. Proposals must be delivered to: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest, 1220 Pacific Hwy, Bldg 128, San Diego, California 92132, Attn: Code ROPJA.BW. E-mailed and facsimile proposals will not be accepted. Number of copies required for Proposals: • Price Proposal (Offer Schedule) – One (1) original in a sealed envelope. • Technical Proposal – One (1) original with an original signature and date and three (3) additional copies. 7. CONSTRUCTION COST LIMITATION (CCL): The Construction Cost Limitation is $18,568,858. 8. COMMENCEMENT, PROSECUTION AND COMPLETION OF WORK In accordance with 52.211-10 Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work (Apr 1984), the Contractor shall be required to: (a) commence work under the contract within 15 calendar days after the date the contractor receives task order award, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire construction work ready for use not later than 555 calendar days after task order award. (includes 15 days for performance and payment bonds submission.) 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA (d) The time slated for completion includes final cleanup of the premises. 9. DEFINITIONS Where "as shown," "as indicated," "as detailed," or words of similar importance are used, it shall be understood that reference to the drawings accompanying this specification is made unless stated otherwise. Where "as directed," as required," "as permitted," "approved," "acceptance," or words of similar importance are used, it shall be understood that the direction, requirements, permission, approval, or acceptance of the Contracting Officer is intended unless stated otherwise. As used herein, "provided" shall be understood to mean "provided complete in place," that is "furnished and installed." 10. CONTENTS OF PROPOSALS The technical proposal and the price proposal shall be submitted in separate volumes. The technical proposal shall not contain any cost / pricing information. The technical proposal presented by the offeror to whom the award is made will be incorporated into the contract at time of award. Technical Proposals (Factor 1) – Specialized Experience - Construction Submit a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) construction projects for the Offeror that best demonstrates your construction experience on a relevant project that is similar in size, scope, and complexity to the RFP. For purposes of this evaluation, a relevant project is further defined as a)project that includes ground improvement related to a site with liquefiable soils and settlement issues and b)final Estimated Construction Cost (ECC) valued at $10,000,000 or more. in a folder/envelope with tabs or dividers (if required). One original and three (3) copies shall be submitted. Mark folder/envelope as “original” or “copy.” Technical proposal folder/envelope shall comply with the requirements of each factor. The font shall be Times New Roman, font size shall be 12. Proposals shall be submitted on 8 1/2” X 11” paper, utilizing one side of the paper of text. Price Proposal (Factor 2). Offerors will submit the price proposal in a sealed envelope marked “Price Proposal enclosed for RFP N62473-09-D-1608-X045, Attention: “Bobbi I. Williams.” The envelope shall contain the following: One original Price Schedule Sheet with an original signature and date. Price proposal shall include a letter of bondability on the Surety’s letterhead stating the Contractor has the bonding capacity available for this project. Performance and payment bonds are required within 15 days after award of this task order. Note: Past Performance information will be collected from a Government database (Past Performance Information Retrieval System) and considered on this project, but ONLY the past performance of the offerors previous orders, under the existing SO CAL 8(a) MACC Group 0048 will be retrieved from the system. When awarding based on LPTA, Past Performance will not be considered as a technical factor. 11. BASIS OF EVALUATION AND EVALUATION FACTORS BASIS OF EVALUATION The Basis of Evaluation of proposals will be Lowest-Price Technically Acceptable. The task order will be awarded to the responsible offeror who submits a proposal that provides the Best Value to the Government based on technical and price competition. Proposals are evaluated for acceptability only. Trade-offs are not permitted. DISCUSSIONS The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award a task order without discussions with Contractors, other than exchanges conducted for the purpose of minor clarifications. However, the Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if later determined by the Contracting Officer to be necessary. Therefore, each initial proposal should contain the Contractor's best terms from a price and technical standpoint. 3 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA EVALUATION FACTORS The Proposed Task Order will be awarded to the responsible offeror on the basis of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable. To make a determination of the lowest price, technically acceptable proposal, the Government shall evaluate each offeror on the following criteria: FACTOR 1: SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE (a) Submission Requirements: 1. Construction Experience: Submit a minimum of one (1) and a maximum of three (3) construction projects for the Offeror that best demonstrates your construction experience on a relevant project that is similar in size, scope, and complexity to the RFP. For purposes of this evaluation, a relevant project is further defined as: • Project that includes ground improvement related to a site with liquefiable soils and settlement issues. Offeror to provide description of coordination process during construction and testing with Geotechnical Engineer and Structural Designer of Record. • Final Estimated Construction Cost (ECC) valued at $10,000,000 or more. Projects submitted for the Offeror shall be completed or substantially completed (at least 80% complete) within the past ten (10) years of the date of issuance of this RFP. A project is defined as a construction project performed under a single task order or contract. For multiple award and indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity type contracts, the contract as a whole should not be submitted as a project; rather Offerors should submit the work performed under a task order as a project. The attached Construction Experience Project Data Sheet (Exhibit A) is MANDATORY and SHALL be used to submit project information. If the same project is being used to demonstrate construction and design experience, submit separate Project Data Sheets for construction and design. Except as specifically requested, the Government will not consider information submitted in addition to this form. Individual blocks on this form may be expanded; however, total length for each project data sheet shall not exceed one (1) double-sided page (or two (2) single-sided pages). For all submitted projects, the description of the project shall clearly describe the scope of work performed and the relevancy to the project requirements of this RFP (i.e.: unique features, area, construction methods). The Offeror may utilize experience of a subcontractor that will perform major or critical aspects of the requirement to demonstrate construction experience under this evaluation factor. The Offeror must provide a letter of commitment and an explanation of the meaningful involvement that the subcontractor will have in performance of this contract as indicated in Exhibit A. (b) Basis of Evaluation: The basis of evaluation will include the Offeror’s demonstrated experience in performing relevant construction projects as defined in the solicitation submittal requirements. The assessment of the Offeror’s relevant experience will be used as a means of evaluating the capability of the Offeror to successfully meet the requirements of the RFP. The Government will only review a maximum of three construction projects (Exhibit A). Any projects submitted in excess of the three for Construction Experience will not be considered. Offerors that submit at least one (1) relevant construction project will be considered acceptable. Projects may not be considered for evaluation if information within Exhibit A is not complete or missing. 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA FACTOR 2 – PRICE (a) Solicitation Submittal Requirements: (1) Price shall be submitted on the Price Schedule included in the solicitation. (b) Basis of Evaluation The Construction Cost Limitation (CCL) for the Base Offer 0001 and Option Items 0001, 0002, 0003 and 0004.The Government will evaluate the price based on the cumulative price for all contract line items, including the Base Item 0001 and Option Items 0001, 0002, 0003 and 0004. Proposals that provide prices greater than the CCL may be rejected. Note 1: A price that is found to be either unreasonable high or unrealistically low in relation to the proposed work may be indicative of an inherent lack of understanding of the solicitation requirements and may result in the overall proposal being considered unacceptable. Note 2: Any inconsistency whether real or apparent, between proposed performance and price must be clearly explained in the price proposal. For example, if unique and innovative approaches are the basis for an apparently unbalanced/inconsistently price proposal, the nature of these approaches and their impact on price must be completely documented. The burden of proof of price realism rests solely with the Offeror. 12. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES In accordance with FAR 52.211-12, Liquidated Damages -- Construction (Sept 2000), the following applies: (a) If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the time specified in the contract, the Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Government in the amount of $8,439 for each calendar day of delay until the work is completed or accepted for Base Item 0001. (b) If the Government terminates the Contractor’s right to proceed, liquidated damages will continue to accrue until the work is completed. These liquidated damages are in addition to excess costs of repurchase under the Termination clause. 13. TASK ORDER BONDING REQUIREMENTS Within 15 days after receipt of task order award, the bidder to whom the award is made shall furnish the following bond(s) each with satisfactory security; X A performance bond (Standard Form 25). The performance bond shall be in a penal sum equal to 100% percent of the task order price. X A payment bond (Standard Form 25A). The payment bond shall be in a penal sum equal to 100% of the task order price. Any surety company holding a certificate of authority from the Secretary of Treasury as an acceptable Surety on Federal bonds will be accepted. Individual sureties will be permitted as prescribed in FAR 28.203 and FAC 5252.228-9300. Alternative types of security in lieu of furnishing sureties on performance and/or payment bonds will be permitted as prescribed in FAR 28.204, and will be held for at least one year after the completion of the contract. Additional bond security may be required as prescribed in FAR 52.228-2. Bond shall be accompanied by a document authenticating the agent’s authority to sign bonds for the Surety Company. The contract time for purposes of fixing the completion date, default, and liquidated damages shall begin from the 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA date of task order award, regardless of when performance and payment bonds or deposits in lieu of surety are executed. 14. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE In accordance with 52.222-23, Notice of Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity for Construction (Feb 1999), the following goals for minority and female participation, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate workforce in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: _________________________________________________________________ Goals for minority participation Goals for female for each trade participation for each trade ________________________________________________________________ 14.3% 6.9% ________________________________________________________________ As used in this Notice, and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the "covered area" is Churchill County in Nevada 15. 52.217-4 EVALUATION OF OPTIONS EXERCISED AT TIME OF CONTRACT AWARD (JUN 1988) (as applicable) Except when it is determined in accordance with FAR 17.206(b) not to be in the Government’s best interests, the Government will evaluate the total price for the basic requirement together with any option(s) exercised at the time of award. 16. 52.217-5 EVALUATION OF OPTIONS (JUN 1990) (as applicable) Except when it is determined in accordance with FAR 17.206(b) not to be in the Government’s best interests, the Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. Evaluation of options will not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). 17. 52.217-7 – OPTION FOR INCREASED QUANTITY – SEPARATELY PRICED LINE ITEM (MAR 1989) (as applicable) The Government may require the delivery of the numbered line item, identified in the Schedule as an option item, in the quantity and at the price stated in the Schedule. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 180 calendar days after award. Delivery of added items shall continue at the same rate that like items are called for under the contract, unless the parties otherwise agree. 18. PROJECT KICKOFF Prior to commencement of work under this task order, and within 15 calendar days after notice of award, contact Contract Specialist, Ms. Marlene Peterson at 775-426-4450 or [email protected] to schedule a project kickoff meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss matters of mutual interest for the project, such as the roles and responsibilities of key project members, format and ground rules for future meetings, format of the deliverables, project schedules, and invoicing procedures.” 6 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 19. PARTNERING To most effectively accomplish this contract, the Government requires the formation of a cohesive partnership within the Project Team whose members are from the Government, Contractor and its Subcontractors. Key Personnel from the Supported Command, End User (who will occupy the facility), NAVFAC (Echelon III and/or IV), Navy Region/Installation, Contractor and Subcontractors and the Designer of Record will be invited to participate in the Partnering process. The Partnership will draw on the strength of each organization in an effort to achieve a project without any safety mishaps, conforming to the Contract, within budget and on schedule. Information on the Partnering Process and a list of Key and Optional personnel who should attend the Partnering meeting are available from the Contracting Officer. FORMAL PARTNERING: The Contractor shall host the Partnering sessions with the Key Personnel of the Project Ream, including Contractor’s Personnel and Government Personnel. The Contractor shall pay for all costs associated with the Partnering effort including Facilitator, meeting rooms and other incidental items. (See Part 2 Division 01 General Requirements Section 01 31 19.05 20 Post Award Meetings Paragraph 1.3.6 Partnering) 20. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Prior to commencement of work, a meeting will be held with the contractor and the government representative to discuss matters of mutual interest concerning the contract. The contractor shall contact Mr. Brandon Sorensen at 775-426-2387 or [email protected] , at the FEAD Monterey within 5 calendar days following issuance of the Government’s design acceptance to schedule this meeting. Additionally contact Mr. Dustin Bernson at 619-532-2544 or via email at [email protected]. 21. NFAS 5252.236 -9313 DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACT- INCORPORATION OF DESIGNER OF RECORD FINAL DESIGN (JUL 2008) Upon Government receipt and acceptance of the Designer of Record signed and stamped final design submission for all work, a no-cost unilateral modification shall be issued to incorporate the final design into the contract. If the Contractor is authorized to proceed with portions of the work prior to the completion of a final design for all work, a no-cost unilateral modification shall be issued for each Government accepted Designer of Record signed and stamped design submission for each portion of the work in order to incorporate that design submittal into the contract. (NFAS)" 22. BUY AMERICAN PROVISIONS (By Reference) • FAR 52.225-11 - Buy American Act – Construction Materials. (MAY 2014) • FAR 52.225-12 - Notice of Buy American Act Requirement – Construction Materials. (MAY 2014) 7 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 23. DFARS 252.211-7003 ITEM IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (AUG 2008) (By Reference) 24. DFARS 5252.236-9305 AVAILABILITY OF UTILITIES (JUN 1994) When available, the Government will furnish reasonable amounts of the following utilities for the work to be performed under this contract at no cost to the Contractor. Information concerning the location of existing outlets may be secured from the FEAD. The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at his expense, the necessary service lines from existing Government outlets to the site of work. Electricity Potable Water Contractor Furnished Utilities. In the event that the Government is unable to provide the required types of utilities, the Contractor shall, at his expense, arrange for the required utilities. Contractor Energy Conservation. The Contractor shall be directly responsible for instructing employees in utilities conservation practices. The Contractor shall be responsible for operating under conditions, which preclude the waste of utilities, which shall include: a. Lights shall be used only in areas where and at the time when work is actually being performed. b. Mechanical equipment controls for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems will not be adjusted by the workers. c. Water faucets or valves shall be turned off after the required usage has been accomplished. Telephone lines for the sole use of the Contractor will not be available. Government telephones shall not be used for personal reasons. Contractor Availability. The Contractor shall maintain a telephone at which he or his representative may be reached 24 hours daily. The telephone shall be listed in the Contractor's name. If the Contractor does not have a local telephone, he shall maintain a toll free emergency telephone (or accept collect calls from authorized Government personnel) at which he or his representative may be reached at night, weekends and holidays. It is mandatory that the Contractor or his representative be available to a toll free telephone 24 hours per day, seven days per week, including holidays. He shall notify the FEAD in writing of the mailing address and telephone number within three days after award of this contract and immediately thereafter in the event of change. 25. CODES AND STANDARDS The design and construction shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local codes, standards, regulations and ordinances, except where specifically stated herein, including, but not limited to, the latest edition of applicable codes published by the following organizations: a. ADADG Americans with Disabilities Act Design Guide b. ANSI American National Standards Institute 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA c. ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials d. NEC National Electric Code e. NEMA National Electrical Manufactures Association f. NFPA National Fire Protection Association g. UL Underwriter’s Laboratories Additional code and regulation requirements are listed throughout the RFP. 26. FAR 52.211-14 NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE USE (APR 2008) Any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation will be DO-C2 rated order certified for national defense use under the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) (15 CFR 700), and the Contractor will be required to follow all of the requirements of this regulation. 27. FAR 52.211-15 DEFENSE PRIORITY AND ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT (APR 2008) This is a rated order certified for national defense use, and the Contractor shall follow all the requirements of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System regulation (15 CFR 700). 28. MINIMUM WAGE RATES The minimum wages required to be paid for work under this contract are in accordance with the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage Determination Number NV150008, Revision 02, dated 02/06/2015, Churchill County in Nevada are hereby incorporated. 29. FAR 52.222-99 ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORS (DEVIATION) (JUL 2014) This clause implements Executive Order 13658, Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors, dated February 12, 2014, and OMB Policy Memorandum M-14-09, Implementation of the President’s Executive Order Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors, dated June 12, 2014. (a) Each service employee, laborer, or mechanic employed in the United States (the 50 states and the District of Columbia) in the performance of this contract by the prime Contractor or any subcontractor, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the Contractor and service employee, laborer, or mechanic, shall be paid not less than the applicable minimum wage under Executive Order 13658. The minimum wage required to be paid to each service employee, laborer, or mechanic performing work on this contract between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2015, shall be $10.10 per hour. (b) The Contractor shall adjust the minimum wage paid under this contract each time the Secretary of Labor’s annual determination of the applicable minimum wage under section 2(a)(ii) of Executive Order 13658 results in a higher minimum wage. Adjustments to the Executive Order minimum wage under section 2(a)(ii) of Executive Order 13658 will be effective for all service employees, laborers, or mechanics subject to the Executive Order beginning January 1 of the following year. The Secretary of Labor will publish annual determinations in the Federal Register no later than 90 days before such new wage is to take effect. The Secretary will also publish the applicable minimum wage on (or any successor website). The applicable published minimum wage is incorporated by reference into this contract. (c) The Contracting Officer will adjust the contract price or contract unit price under this clause only for the increase in labor costs resulting from the annual inflation 9 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA increases in the Executive Order 13658 minimum wage beginning on January 1, 2016. The Contracting Officer shall consider documentation as to the specific costs and workers impacted in determining the amount of the adjustment. (d) The Contracting Officer will not adjust the contract price under this clause for any costs other than those identified in paragraph (c) of this clause, and will not provide price adjustments under this clause that result in duplicate price adjustments with the respective clause of this contract implementing the Service Contract Labor Standards statute (formerly known as the Service Contract Act) or the Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) statute (formerly known as the Davis Bacon Act). (e) The Contractor shall include the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (e) in all subcontracts. (End of clause) 30. SUBMITTALS: DESIGN Submittals (if applicable) shall be submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest, NAVFAC SW Desert IPT, Building 129 San Diego, CA 92132-5190 Attention: Ms. Dustin Bernson. CONSTRUCTION submittals shall be submitted to the FEAD Fallon Construction Manager. 31. CONTRACTOR ACCESS AND USE OF PREMISES Ensure that Contractor personnel employed on the Activity become familiar with and obey Activity regulations, including safety, fire, traffic, and security regulations. Keep within the limits of the work and avenues of ingress and egress. To minimize traffic congestion, delivery of materials shall be outside of peak traffic hours (6:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 and 5:00 p.m.) unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer. Wear hard hats in designated areas. Do not enter any restricted areas unless required to do so and until cleared for such entry. The Contractor's equipment shall be conspicuously marked for identification. 32. IDENTIFICATION BADGES Security badges are required for all contractors and contractor employees. Applications for security badges will be as directed. There is a cost for Rapid Gate passes. Furnish a completed EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION (DHS FORM I-9) form for all personnel requesting security badges. This form is available at Immediately report instances of lost or stolen security badges to the Contracting Officer. The Contractor is informed that security requirements frequently change and it is his/her responsibility to stay abreast of said changes. 33. CONTRACT CLAUSES. All contract clauses in the basic contract by reference or full text remain in effect unless superseded by this task order. 34. POINTS OF CONTACT. Contract Specialist (CS): Name: Mailing Address: Bobbi I. Williams Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest 10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA Phone Number: Email Address: Desert IPT, Building 129 1220 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92132-5190 (619) 532-2461 [email protected] 11 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACT N62473-09-D-1608, PTO X045, DESIGN BUILD SPECIAL PROJECT RM-1114599 INTERIOR REPAIR AND UPGRADE TO HERRMANN HALL (B220 & B220A) AT NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY (NSA) MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA Design Manager (DM): Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: Dustin Bernson Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest Desert IPT, Building 131 1220 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92132-5190 (619) 532-2544 [email protected] ATTACHMENTS: (1) Pricing Schedule (2) RFP Parts 2-6 (via AMRDEC) (3) Wage Determination 12
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