Nanotechnology of the Virus Capsid (A rendition of a scanning electron micrograph of nanofabricated silicon subunits and an assembled silicon capsid) A Fellowship proposal aimed towards (1) modifying virus capsids for useful purposes, and (2) the rational design and production of self-arranging nanoparticles from first principles. By Ranjan V. Mannige 2011 SUMMARY: Spherical capsids are nanometerscale virus armors formed from a large number of self assembling protein subunits. Currently, scientists are attempting to utilize capsids as vaccines, molecular scaffolds, and other medicine-related applications. I hope to expand on such traditional areas of nano-biotechnology via rational protein interface modification, while applying our recent understandings of theoretical capsid design (Fig. 1) to the construction of completely artificial capsids by solid state techniques. Gleaning insights from spherical capsids—nanometer-scale protective virus shells formed from a number of protein subunits—may allow for unique solutions to problems in biomedical and materials sciences. Possible examples of such applications include capsids designed to (1) attack cancerous cells, (2) cleanse greasestricken arteries, and (3) pose as scaffolds for hydrogen gas producing nano-factories. All of these applications are viably unrealized but approachable, especially with a thorough understanding of the capsid. Our studies showed that the structure and function of a large number of natural capsids are underlined by simple mathematical rules, enabling the compilation of canonical capsid design principles. It is my hope that, with our new theoretical understandings, many new and exciting applications will soon be realized. My first interest lies in manipulating natural capsid subunits in two specific ways: (1) by protein modification, which will involve the modification of existing subunit interaction sites to form non-native assemblies, and (2) by assembly interference, which will involve the design and production of peptide fragments that impede the formation of infectious capsid forms by strategic interface modification (supporting section 1.2)—a starting point for design of anti-viral agents (not just vaccines). In addition to exploring the predictive value of our geometric rules, such techniques will allow us to expand the repertoire of possible protein arrays to be used in the material sciences, and produce rational vaccine development pipelines. My second interest lies in exploiting the geometric nature of virus capsids by designing artificial ones from materials like silicon and porcelain. The need for biomimitic nanostructures is especially important as replacements of natural capsids, since proteins are linear folded polymers that, although efficient at what they do, are notoriously difficult to commandeer by protein design or modification techniques; certainly, the modification of subunit-subunit interactions discussed above are possible and useful, but their utility is limited, and drastic changes to protein functionality has been shown to be highly unsuccessful. I propose an iterative cycle beginning with theoretical capsid design and ending with the mass produced nanoassemblies displaying novel function (supporting section 1.3). These goals cannot be achieved alone but through exciting collaborations with angstrom and nanometer-oriented scientists (especially Professor Whitesides and colleagues at Harvard), which I believe, will allow for the confluence of theory, biology and nanofabrication technologies into solutions crucial to the rapid design and production of therapeutics and assemblies that may better the human situation. These aims will be pursued in concert with further theoretical studies on biological design criteria in collaboration with my current colleagues and mentor, which, I hope, will further enable fluid translations of theories and ideas into discoveries and solutions. - Ranjan V. Mannige Supporting material for the proposal titled “Nanotechnology of the Capsid” by Ranjan V. Mannige. Introduction: The Emergent Future. ``Emergent features'', a phrase used to describe how the components of a system do not easily predict the system's behavior, is an idea that has touched the face of diverse fields such as macro economics, chaos theory, condensed matter physics, cell biology, and nanotechnology. Often, the term is used to explain the inability to understand and predict systems by just looking at the system's components. From theory (Supporting Section 2) we show that the emergent features arising from capsid subunit interactions are not only predictable from first principles but these understandings may possibly be harnessed for medical and industrial uses discussed in the main text and Supporting Section 1. Feynman's dream is not far away, and the coming decade will dictate its direction. I am excited to hold an oar. Supporting Section 1: Methods. We discuss two ways in which molecular biological and inorganic materials may be utilized in creating nonnatural assemblies that may be further used as scaffolds for functional derivatization. 1.1 The Modification of Natural Capsid Subunits (Fig. 2A). The first method will focus on modifying existing canonical capsid proteins of trapezoidal shape to form capsids of unnatural sizes. Such modification will be immediately useful for two reasons: (a) to test our understanding of virus capsid assembly determinants gathered from geometric considerations, and (b) to develop and expand the repertoire of tools available to bio-nanotechnology and vaccine development. We propose to rationally modify capsid size by engineering the protein to interact with its neighbors with non-native dihedral angles (Fig. 2A). This method is centered around the theory that changing specific subunit-subunit interaction angles will result in non-infectious but still immunogenic capsid sizes (see section 2.2). The ``protein engineering'' step illustrated in Fig. 2A will involve the modification of specific interaction angles by computationally forcing the desired dimer conformation (angle) and then performing a combinatorial computational search for protein sequences that display the lowest free energies in that conformation. Such searches have been successfully performed on other protein systems ( Bolon et al., 2002; Sterner et al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2008). 1.2 Creating peptide fragments that impede capsid formation (Fig. 2B). The second procedure will involve producing peptide fragments obtained from the capsid subunit-subunit interfaces, that, when modified with proline brackets (denoted as flanking `P's in Fig. 2B), compete with the native subunit-subunit formation. This form of fragment-based therapeutics has been successfully used by Kini and colleagues against viper venom (Kini, 1998). Aside from this method, theory obtained from geometric principles will be used to determine the interfaces (``soft spots'') that, when targeted, will most efficiently disrupt native capsid assembly [this technique will be based on the notion of hexamer complexity and dihedral angle diversity, that was used in (Mannige and Brooks, 2009b) to explain elusive evolutionary constraints on the capsid]. From a medical perspective, the two methods will allow us to rationally design and then produce vaccines with method one (attenuated capsid shells) and antivirals with method two for presently un-treatable viral infections posed by, for instance, arenaviruses (e.g., lassavirus), flaviviruses (e.g., dengue virus), filoviruses (e.g., ebola virus), etc. 1.3 Creating inorganic virus-like particles. The steps involved in producing completely artificial capsids will require iterations of the following: (1) subunit design, (2) subunit fabrication and (3) testing. 1.3.1 Design. From our geometric understanding of the requirements of subunit-subunit interactions, we can design a trapezoidal subunit with etched interfaces (Fig. 3), where geometrically complementary interfaces will interact to form pentamers, hexamers, dimers and trimers – components of the final capsid. Other features must also be imposed such as a mechanism to prevent van der Waals driven subunit-subunit stacking by introduction of a cavity in the subunit (Fig. 3, right), etc. Finally, the angles with which the subunits interact can easily be modeled into the subunit by modification of interface angles whereby closed assemblies of only specific sizes will form. 1.3.2 Fabrication: After obtaining a sufficient subunit design (Fig. 4B), we will employ photolithography techniques to create a master polydimethylsiloxane stamp (PDMS) (Fig. 4D) driven followed by soft-lithography techniques pioneered by Whitesides and colleagues (Xia and Whitesides, 1998) to produce subunits in a quick and cheap manner (the turnaround time for subunit production may be ~24 hours from design, while the master can be used to produce a large number of cheap PDMS stamps reducing the cost to mass produce subunits). The size scale of the subunits will be contingent upon available lithography/soft-lithography technologies. Two specific methods for subunit production from PDMS stamps is delineated in Fig. 5. Especially important in this step is the testing of a variety of subunit materials such as plastics, porcelains and silicates for properties conducive to proper assembly. 1.3.3 Testing. We propose to use light scattering and small angle neutron scattering experiments to characterize the assembly solution structure/ensemble, which will be further analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Once the development of such scaffolds is complete, the next step (and my final goal) is to help develop nano-to-angstrom resolution techniques for subunit modification, allowing for functional motifs to be specifically engineered into the capsid (both biological and artificial) with high orientational fidelity. Section 2: The Theory of Capsid Design. Theory crucial to capsid design and useful to nanotechnology is described. All theoretical developments discussed arise from a simple outcome: that capsids may be represented by monohedral tilings—polyhedra whose faces are identical in shape—which is possible because most natural capsids are formed from similarly shaped and often chemically identical protein subunits and display very few subunit-subunit overlaps and capsid holes (Mannige and Brooks, 2008). With the help of monohedral tilings, we can surmise the following from topology, geometry and numerical analysis: 2.1 Subunit Properties. Capsid subunits must have five edges (i.e., five interacting neighbors) represented commonly by the ``bisected trapezoid'' (Fig.6; also see Fig 5 in Mannige and Brooks, 2008 and Fig 3 in Mannige and Brooks, 2009). Those edges must partake in three distinct subunit-subunit interactions (dotted arrows in Fig. 6, left) allowing for the formation of dimers, trimers, pentamers and hexamers that come together to form an icosahedrally symmetric structure (the capsid). We will start with designing artificial capsids by mimicking this trapezoidal subunit shape and bonding pattern. However, our work also showed that the bisected trapezoid and its relatives are theoretically ``size invariant'' and may be assembled into capsids of all permitted sizes (Mannige and Brooks, 2008), which behooves the need to explore the determinants of capsid size specificity. 2.2 Hexamer Shape Defines Capsid Size. Capsids of various sizes are formed from groupings of 12 pentamers and a variable number of hexamers, that are formed from identical interactions (``w-z'' interactions in Fig. 2) that theoretically allow for an infinite range of capsid sizes (Horne and Wildy, 1961; Caspar and Klug 1962). We find that, due to capsid monohedrality, capsids of different sizes may be formed by imposing specific shapes onto the capsid hexamers dictated by intra-hexameric subunit-subunit interactions [Fig. 7 shows a 180 subunit T=3 capsid and a 240 subunit T=4 capsid that have specific hexamer shapes and dihedral angle profiles; see (Mannige and Brooks, 2009) for such size-specific geometric traits]. Knowledge of this will allow for the design of subunits whose size-specificity is imparted by encoding specific dihedral angle values at specific hexamer angles. 2.3 Additional Capsid Design Criteria. From sections 2.1 and 2.2, capsids of any size may be theoretically created. However, from a geometric perspective, we find that some capsids of specific size (``h,k>1 capsids'') display complicated design ``blueprints'', and are drastically underrepresented in nature [see Fig. 3 in (Mannige and Brooks, 2009b)]. Knowledge of such design properties, aside from explaining the geometric pressures on capsid evolution, will allow for more informed design of artificial capsids. Other properties of geometric nature that may help in designing antivirals and elaborating on assemby mechanics are the capsid's size-specific properties of rigidity (and associated events in some virus life cycles) and the geometric requirement of crucial auxiliary proteins (Mannige and Brooks, 2009). References Bolon,D.N., Voigt,C.A. and Mayo,S.L. (2002) De novo design of biocatalysts. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 6:125-9. Caspar,D.L. and Klug,A. (1962) Physical principles in the construction of regular viruses. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 27:1-24. Horne,R.W. and Wildy,P. (1961) Symmetry in virus architecture. Virology. 15:348-73 Jiang,L. et al. (2008) De novo computational design of retro-aldol enzymes. Science. 319:1387-91. Kini,R.M. (1998) Proline brackets and identification of potential functional sites in proteins: toxins to therapeutics . Toxicon. 36(11):1659-70 Mannige,R.V. and Brooks,C.L. (2008) Tilable nature of virus capsids and the role of topological constraints in natural capsid design. Phys Rev E, 77:051902. Mannige,R.V. and Brooks,C.L. (2009) Geometric considerations in virus capsid size specificity, auxiliary requirements, and buckling. PNAS USA, 106(21):8531-6. Mannige,R.V. and Brooks,C.L. (2009b) Periodic table of virus capsids: implications for natural selection and design. Submitted to PloS One. Sterner,R., Merkl,R. and Raushel,F.M. (2008) Computational design of enzymes. Chem Biol. 15:421-3. Xia,Y. and Whitesides,G.M. (1998) Soft Lithography. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 37:550-75
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