Washington Adventist Camp Meeting | June 12-20, 2015 | Auburn, Washington 1 » V This might be your first time at Washington Adventist Camp Meeting, or an annual tradition in your family for the past 50 years or more! This program guide will help you navigate your camp meeting experience. Welcome to Camp Meeting! Camp meeting is a time of spiritual retreat, faithsharing and rejuvenation. We invite you to attend the main program in Rainier Auditorium, participate in workshops and activities throughout the day, and find resources for your spiritual growth. May you recharge spiritually and rediscover the timeless wisdom of God’s Word! V How to Enjoy Camp Meeting AND MAKE IT MORE ENJOYABLE FOR OTHERS! Let’s Get Started Washington Adventist Camp Meeting begins Friday, June 12, at 7:15 pm, for all age groups. You are welcome to use a provided metal chair or bring a comfy lawn chair or seat cushion. ^ 4 Need Help? Have a camp meeting question? Ask our staff! Look for a team member with a green “How May I Help You?” button. They can give you directions, answer program questions, help with a lost or found child, flag down a shuttle for you, and answer event questions.Plus — Give us feedback by picking up an Evaluation Form! Let us know how we can improve the overall camp meeting program! Fresh Details Pick up a copy of the Accent newsletter each evening at camp meeting to find up-to-date program information! You’ll find the newsletter in Rainier Auditorium and at the Information Booth. Our social media tags are: #WACampMeeting #TimelessWisdom Be Attuned to God Y Be a Good Neighbor Q Before you come to camp meeting, spend some time in Bible study and prayer. Come with a pleasant attitude of expectation. See what lessons God has to teach you. Pray for God to give you His eyes to see, His ears to hear, His hands to help, and His heart to care. Be nice to your neighbors at camp meeting and in the community. You are an ambassador for God wherever you go. Allow God’s love to shine through you! 3 » Rainier Auditorium Program FRIDAY 6:30-7:30 am June 12 SABBATH June 13 2:30-3:45 pm 4 - 5:15 pm MONDAY June 15 TUESDAY June 16 WEDNESDAY June 17 THURSDAY June 18 FRIDAY June 19 PAVEL GOIA AAA Church 7:45-9 am Auburn 5K Run/Walk 9:30 & 11 am SETH PIERCE AAA Church BREAKFAST Cafeteria or on your own DISCIPLESHIP WORKSHOPS Topics include spiritual growth, family matters, healthy living and more! 9:15-10:30 am SABBATH SCHOOL TIM STANDISH 10:45 am 12:30 pm Worship LESLIE POLLARD DAY OF MINISTRY TRAINING 3 pm PASTORAL ORDINATION 4 pm Concert NAOMI STRIEMER DISCIPLESHIP WORKSHOPS Some morning classes will be repeated in afternoon sessions. 3 pm EDUCATION HOUR 4 pm Concert JAIME JORGE DISCIPLESHIP WORKSHOPS See descriptions and locations on pages 10-13. SUPPER Cafeteria, Garden of Eatin’ café, or on your own TY GIBSON ALEX BRYAN HYVETH WILLIAMS LESLIE POLLARD Attend in person or watch online at washingtonconference.org/live! 4 SABBATH June 20 LUNCH Cafeteria, Garden of Eatin’ café, or on your own 5:30 pm ARRIVAL & REGISTRATION Please check in at Guest Services to complete your registration 9:30-10:45 am 10:45 am 12:30 pm Worship TY GIBSON 12:15 pm 11 am - 12:15 pm 7:30 am TYLER LONG AAA Church 9:15-10:30 am SABBATH SCHOOL 7:15-9 pm SUNDAY June 14 Ty GibsonA pastor befriended a young Ty Gibson and began to challenge his perceptions of God. This journey helped Gibson discover God’s desire to bring hope to a world filled with hurt, pain and suffering. Today, Gibson is the co-director/speaker of Light Bearers Ministry and author of several books including “Shades of Grace” and “A God Named Desire.” Tyler LongPastor Tyler Long is our new evangelism coordinator in Washington Conference and draws from his experience as a Bible worker, church trainer, and Amazing Facts evangelist. He has a love for people of all faiths and for teaching easy-to-understand, Spirit-filled, refreshing presentations on church health, evangelism, and practical godliness. Pavel GoiaGod opened miraculous pathways to help Pastor Pavel Goia enter university studies, start businesses and print church-related materials in communist Romania. His story will inspire you to trust God, pray more deeply, and faithfully follow where God leads. If you haven’t already, pick up a copy of “One Miracle After Another: The Pavel Goia Story” by Greg Budd. Tim StandishCreation scientist Dr. Tim Standish believes God provides evidence of His creative power for all to experience personally in our lives. To know the Creator does not require an advanced degree in science or theology. Each one of us has the opportunity to experience His creative power in re-creating His character within us, step by step, day by day. Alex BryanDr. Alex Bryan has a passion for education, learning and leadership — and this is reflected in his ministry path as a pastor, professor, public speaker, author, and higher education president. He is married to Nicole Ward Bryan, a high school counselor, and the couple has two children, Audrey and William. The Bryan family enjoys exploring the Pacific Northwest. Hyveth Williams Dr. Hyveth Williams is the first black female pastor and the first female senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. She is the author of four books including her autobiography “Will I Ever Learn?: One Woman’s Life of Miracles and Ministry.” Dr. Williams is currently a homiletics professor at Andrews University Theological Seminary in Michigan. Seth PierceSeth Pierce is an internationally recognized speaker/author and award- winning magazine columnist who has a passion for communicating truth with clarity. Pierce pastors the Puyallup SDA Church and is pursuing a PhD in Communications with an emphasis in rhetoric and Post-Christian homiletics. Leslie Pollard Dr. Leslie Pollard serves as president of Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama. Dr. Pollard has experience as an evangelist, professor, ministerial educator, leadership development facilitator, published author and engaged scholar. Pollard, and his wife, Dr. Prudence LaBeach Pollard, have two adult daughters. Naomi Striemer Naomi Striemer is a prolific author and chart topping Christian singer/ songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee, who shares her powerful music and testimony of how God led her from a life of fame and fortune to a life of ministry. She will be our worship leader throughout the week, a workshop presenter, and our first weekend concert artist. Jaime JorgeFrom high school auditoriums to magnificent cathedrals, from simple church programs to Carnegie Hall, Jaime Jorge’s violin music can inspire, uplift, and bring peace. For over two decades, through 15 albums and more than 2,500 concerts in North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia, his music has touched the lives of millions. 5 » Special Features All Week PRAYER TENT • Open daily. Prayer partners available from 9 am to 2 pm and 4-7 pm. All-night prayer meeting is Thursday night. SAGE Canopy (next to Rainier Auditorium) for a casual Sabbath afternoon visit and special treat on First and Second Sabbath from 2-7 pm. PREPARING FOR BAPTISM CLASS • Want to commit your life to following Jesus? Join Pastor Gayle Lasher on Sunday-Second Friday for a baptism preparation class in Witzel Chapel from 6:15-6:45 pm. PRISON MINISTRY COMMITTEE OF 100 • Prison Ministries plans to coordinate and fund an Adventist Christian halfway house to help former inmates adapt to life outside of prison. Studies show that released prisoners are most vulnerable to recidivism during the first 3-6 months of their re-entry into society. This meeting on First Sabbath from 5-6 pm in Ad Building #11 is open to anyone motivated to provide a safe and spiritually enriching place of residence for those recently released from incarceration. Committee coordinator: Gayle Woodruff. First Weekend DEAF SABBATH SCHOOL • Sign language interpreting will be available First and Second Weekends in Rainier Auditorium (front left section). Adventist Deaf Ministries will also have a Sabbath School program in Littlejohn Hall #2 followed by a potluck meal at 1 pm both Sabbaths. Questions? Email Nohelani Jarnes at terpnjarnes@ gmail.com or call/text (253) 625-1854. RUSSIAN TRANSLATION • Sabbath meetings are translated live into Russian in Rainier Auditorium. Pick up a headset in the back left corner of the auditorium. CHURCH LUNCHES • Churches and ministry groups will gather for pre-arranged potluck lunches on First Sabbath and Second Sabbath. Bring your best camp-friendly food ready to eat with your church family! Locations are listed in the weekend editions of the Accent newsletter. PRISON MINISTRY FELLOWSHIP • Prison ministry volunteers and those wanting to learn more about getting involved in this ministry are encouraged to share in fellowship on First Sabbath from 1-3 pm in Ad Building #11 as we discuss over potluck lunch about reports and future plans for prison ministries. Fellowship coordinator: Floyd Marshall. SAGE CANOPY • Seniors in Action for God with Excellence (SAGE) provides mission and social activities for seniors ages 50 or better. Stop by the 6 Add vibrancy to your camp meeting experience through service and ministry interaction! IS YOUR MINISTRY MINISTERING? • A definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.” Effective ministry seeks not only action, but results. Is your ministry all that it can be? Join a personal ministries discussion, discover resources and learn how to maximize the impact of your ministry on First Sabbath from 6-7 pm in Ad Building #11. Facilitator: Byron Dulan. Sunday AUBURN 5K RUN & WALK • Lace up your shoes for the Auburn 5K Run/Walk on Sunday from 7:45 to 9 am at the airstrip! Hosted by Adventist Wellness. $10 entry fee. T-shirts for finishers. Register online at www.Auburn5K.eventbrite.com. DAY OF MINISTRY TRAINING • Just elected to a new or renewed church leadership office? Attend our fourth annual Day of Ministry Training workshops on Sunday at 9:30 and 11 am to discover ministry resources and ideas. Some sessions offer extended training. See pages 8-9 for full details. CAR SHOW • Attend the Adventist Rodders Car Show on Sunday from 12-3 pm near the Gazebo. Display your classic car or motorcycle. Come view the classic car collection. Enjoy a time of fellowship! ACS FEDERATION BIENNIAL MEETING • All Adventist churches in Washington Conference belong to the ACS Federation. Local church ACS leaders and representatives meet every two years to elect new officers and make strategic plans for greater training and collaboration in ministry throughout Western Washington. This meeting will be held Sunday from 1-3 pm in Ad Building #13. Register to attend at www.ACSfederation. eventbrite.com. Facilitator: Lynette Thomas. DISASTER RESPONSE VAN • Let us introduce you to the Adventist Disaster Response Van that is designed to reach out to hurting communities in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Volunteer van drivers and Rapid Response team members are needed. Come take a tour on Sunday from 3-4 pm in Ad Building #11 and let us know what you think! Tour guide: Byron Dulan. Weekdays INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY ESTATE CLINIC • Prepare (or update) your estate plan, including wills, revocable trusts, POA’s, Community Property Agreement, and Health Care Directives for final draft from Monday through Friday from 1:30 - 5 pm. Attorney and Notary available. Appointment recommended by calling Rita at: (253) 681-6008. PRISON MINISTRY TRANSITIONAL HOUSING WORK BEE • Help in the clean-up and renovation of the future Prison Ministry Transitional Housing facility in Tacoma on Tuesday from 10 am - 2 pm. Meet at 9:30 am at the Gazebo. USED BOOK SALE • Browse the Used Book Sale Tuesday to the Second Friday from 1-5 pm in Community Hall across from Rainier Auditorium. FREE FITNESS TESTING • Stop by Rainier Auditorium on Wednesday from 8-10:30 am for a free wellness assessment: blood pressure, blood sugar, flexibility, weight and BMI. Cholesterol screening is $5. RED HAT LUNCHEON • Wear red and purple for the tenth annual Red Hatters Luncheon on Wednesday at 12 noon in the cafeteria. Lunch: $6. BLOOD DRIVE • Cascade Regional Blood Van will be parked in the front parking lot on Thursday and Second Friday from 1-5 pm. Eat well. Drink water. Avoid caffeine. Bring ID. PATHFINDER INVESTITURE • Show your support for young people who completed Pathfinder honors at camp meeting by attending Investiture on Second Friday at 4 pm in Community Hall. Second Weekend KOREAN CHURCH SERVICE • Rainier Auditorium services will be live translated into Korean on Second Sabbath at 9:15 am and 10:45 am in Evergreen Chapel. GOSPEL SING-ALONG • Bring your voices and your soft-toned instruments for a fun Gospel Sing-Along on Second Sabbath at 2 pm in the Junior Tent. SIGNS NEWSBOX FELLOWSHIP • Have you heard what SIGNS news boxes can do in your neighborhood? Learn on Second Sabbath from 5-6 pm in Ad Building #11 the possibilities and how you can get a great deal on getting started now! Facilitator: Byron Dulan. THRIFT STORE MINISTRY MEETING • Thrift stores offer unique opportunities for ministry. Learn on Second Sabbath from 6-7 pm in Ad Building #11 about how you may get involved in thrift store ministry! Facilitator: Pastor Ira Bartolome. FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT • Programs that help people achieve financially stable households can be powerful and rewarding ministries. Join a discussion on Second Sabbath from 6-7 pm in Ad Building #13 about what could and should be done to financially empower community families! Facilitator: Colette Newer. The Gift of Ministry Goal: $500,000 50% Evangelism 50% AAA Education Our offering benefits two causes this year! with 10% invested in AAA’s Education Endowment 7 » Day of Ministry Training fourth annual EXTENDED SESSION CLERK TRAINING Sunday, June 14 • Discover ministry resources and ideas! HELP, I HAVE TO TEACH THE SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON! Littlejohn Hall #2 • 9:30 am - 12:15 pm This training session with DOUG BING and ELIDA JEREZ will cover the ministry and application of clerk ministry including church business meetings, church board meetings, membership records, and membership practices. Evergreen Chapel • 9:30-10:45 am Dr. KELLY BOCK will share dynamic principles for Sabbath School teachers that can stimulate and enliven the small group learning experience of our Sabbath School classes. TRAINING SESSION 1 Choir Room • 9:30 am - 10:45 am Interact with fellow deacons to share best practices in deacon ministry and working together to support the local church. RELATIONAL EVANGELISM Littlejohn Hall #1 • 9:30-10:45 am Pastor TYLER LONG will help evangelism coordinators and pastors understand what resources are available to help your church be actively engaged in the work of soul winning. Reach Washington resources as well as other Bible study materials will be covered in detail. Your ideas and questions are welcomed and encouraged. LAY PREACHING TRAINING AAA Church • 9:30-10:45 am • Elder Track Pastor MAYLAN SCHURCH, a former lay preacher who has prepared and presented more than 800 from-scratch sermons, shares a qualification-checklist for effective lay preachers, the best way to be true to the Bible text, a recipe for powerful sermon points, methods of creating and holding interest, and where to find gripping sermon illustrations. Handouts provided — including a brand-new sermon worksheet! CARING FOR CHILDREN OF DIVORCE Ad Building #7 • 9:30-10:45 am In the words of one youth professional, “Divorce leaves a cloud that never settles.” No one is more deeply affected by the dust of divorce than children. Achingly honest, yet fearlessly hopeful, this class by Pastor DAVID YEAGLEY will offer parents and congregations practical and positive steps to help children reclaim their sense of community and find a place where they can belong. 8 DEACON FELLOWSHIP CREATION HEALTH AAA Church Fireside Room • 9:30-10:45 am Looking for local church health ministry program ideas? Join KEVIN WILFLEY for a survey of health ministry programs, resources and partnerships plus learn more about CREATION health. VETERANS AID & ATTENDANCE BENEFIT Band Room • 9:30–10:45 am KENNETH HADLOCK, Veterans of America advisor, will share with seniors, veterans, their spouses and families about VA eligibility requirements and policy in order to qualify and take advantage of VA Aid and Attendance financial benefits when the need arises. Repeated at 11 am. THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF BEING A TREASURER Witzel Chapel • 9:30-10:45 am This training session focuses on helping new treasurers learn the nuts and bolts of how the local church and school and the conference work together in regards to financial reporting, remittance of tithes and offering, payroll, property management and other aspects of the treasurer’s responsibilities. Seasoned treasurers are welcome and can offer valuable input from their experience as well as glean something new. DISASTER FINANCIAL PREPAREDNESS Ad Building #11 • 9:30 am - 10:45 am Protect the financial stability of your family! Discover with facilitator COLETTE NEWER how to create a Document Kit that will help you navigate the post-disaster recovery process. This kit contains the information you need to claim ownership of your assets, apply for eligible resources, and manage your finances. URBAN MINISTRIES Ad Building #13 • 9:30 am - 10:45 am If you attended the Urban Ministries Conference or the NAD Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program this past March, you’re invited to hear reports of what has happened since the conference, consider future collaborative actions, and discuss with BYRON DULAN the next steps in developing of your church’s ministry. TRAINING SESSION 2 FRESH IDEAS FOR PRAYER MINISTRY AAA Church • 11 am - 12:15 pm • Elder Track If you are interested in organizing a prayer ministry at your local church, or if you need fresh ideas to reinvigorate your established prayer ministry, then this class is for you. Come and join prayer coordinator KEVIN WILFLEY to gain fresh insights and inspiration for your local church prayer ministry. BIBLE STUDY MATERIAL REVIEW Admin Building #11 • 11 am - 12:15 pm Discover with BYRON DULAN the wide variety of Bible study materials available, each with its own unique perspective. Discuss and evaluate which might best suit your needs and the needs of the various publics your church is trying to reach and teach with the Word. DEACONESS FELLOWSHIP Choir Room • 11 am - 12:15 pm Interact with fellow deaconesses to share best practices in deaconess ministry and working together to support the local church. THE IMPACT OF YOUR DECISIONS presented by Adventist Risk Management Witzel Chapel • 11 am - 12:15 pm Every day, people in your organization make decisions—pastors, board members, youth leaders. Are those decisions putting your organization at risk for a law suit, damage or injury? How can you keep your organization safer? If things go wrong, what does insurance cover and what will it cost you? Ten percent discount on current general liability premiums for all organizations that attend this session! AUDIO/VISUAL MEDIA FELLOWSHIP Ad Building #7 • 11 am - 12:15 pm Interact with fellow AV team members to share best practices in audio-visual media ministry and working together to support the local church. BONUS SESSION WILL CLINIC 101 Band Room • 1:30-2:30 pm In a group session, attorney DAVID DUNCAN, with Trust officers DENNIS CARLSON and PETER RAMPTON, will lead individuals and couples in preparing a worksheet for their estate plan (including a will, revocable trust, POA’s, Community Property Agreement, and Health Care Directives) for final draft. VETERANS AID & ATTENDANCE BENEFIT Band Room • 11 am - 12:15 pm KENNETH HADLOCK, Veterans of America advisor, will share with seniors, veterans, their spouses and families about VA eligibility requirements and policy in order to qualify and take advantage of VA Aid and Attendance financial benefits when the need arises. Repeated from 9:30 am. Discover your free A-Z ministry tool kit at www.adventsource.org! 9 » Discipleship Workshops Morning Workshops 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM A RENEWED LOOK AT DANIEL Ad Building #11 Take a fresh look at the historical authenticity of Daniel with presenter and local adult Sabbath School teacher IVAN ZBARASCHUK. This study includes a re-invigorated conviction and a renewed emphasis on Daniel as a book of judgment. It will re-establish the pre-eminence of Jesus as the normative prophetic voice in the ongoing battle of good and evil. GOD’S APOLOGISTS AAA Church Fireside Room Pastor JOHN KURLINSKI will help you learn about winsome biblical apologetics that need no apology. Christian apologetics is the presentation of Scripture as the revealed truth about God and existence. It is given not just in words, but as a living embodiment of a winsome life that demonstrates both intellectually and emotionally the credible witness of the truth of God and His character of love. Seen as this, apologetics in one sense is part of the all-encompassing command to “make disciples.” Grow your spiritual, mental, physical and family life! and stoning people to death)? Does every Muslim believe in what Isis does? What would it look like for Christians to love Muslims? This class will focus on how we can better understand Islam and share Jesus with Muslims. Born and raised in Egypt, Pastor ISAAC MALAK will be using scripture and life lessons to share the best ways to witness to Muslims. BELOVED BACKSLIDER Oasis Tent How does God treat backsliders? By means of a careful study of selected Scripture stories, together with contemporary real-life experiences, this seminar with Pastor RON DU PREEZ seeks to inform, instruct, and inspire anyone with practical Christcentered principles to reach out and bring back those who have drifted away from faith in God. GROWING A STRONG SPIRITUAL LIFE AAA Church Partnering with God provides great opportunities for growing a strong spiritual life. Join Pastor PAVEL GOIA for a presentation that will help you grow in your Christian faith and faithfulness. HONOR BEGINS AT HOME Ad Building #13 Jesus quoted from this book more than any other in the Old Testament besides Psalms. In an in-depth study which is both exegetical and practical, Pastor MAYLAN SCHURCH helps us hear Deuteronomy’s heartbeat — and discover how its loving Inspirer can change our lives as we, too, stand on the borders of the Promised Land. Handouts provided! Evergreen Chapel Calling all men! Join speaker JOHN KOELKER as he teaches you how to be a man of honor based on the famous Christian flick “Courageous.” In this study, you will learn how to lead your community, church, and family as Godly men. Men who complete this study will graduate with a resolution agreement and ceremony to bless your family with. Class fee at the door: $10. No children in attendance, please. Repeated at 2:30 pm. JESUS IN THE QURAN: HOW TO SHARE JESUS WITH PRACTICING MUSLIMS OUR GREAT NEED FOR REVIVAL: FRESH IDEAS FOR PRAYER MINISTRY DYNAMIC, DELIGHTFUL DEUTERONOMY Witzel Chapel Is the God of Muhammad the father of Jesus? Does Isis obey the Quran and their prophet Muhammad by what they are doing (burning, slaughtering, 10 Band Room If you are looking for fresh ideas to start or reinvigorate your prayer ministry, then this class is for you! Some of the topics covered in this class on prayer by trainer KEVIN WILFLEY and guests include: praying in confidence, assurance of eternal life and prayer, praying in the Holy Spirit, and how to receive more positive answers to prayer. LEARNING GUITAR FOR HOME AND CHURCH WORSHIP Choir Room This class with music educator WES BRADFORD will cover the basics of guitar playing, as well as give a brief overview of other folk instruments and their uses. This is a hands on class; participants will preferably provide their own acoustic guitar and a copy of Advent Youth Sing. Repeated at 4 pm. STORY WRITING: TURNING EXPERIENCE INTO TIMELESS TREASURE Ad Building #7 Often when Jesus wanted to create major impact, He told a story. Discover stories from your life that contain the seeds of timeless wisdom. Gain the skills from author HELEN HEAVIRLAND to write stories that God can use to renew and transform those you love and those you’ll not meet until heaven. ALL ABOUT THE BIRDS BE FIT, BE HEALTHY Rainier Auditorium (back corner) Adults ages 16 and older are invited to join certified fitness instructor, TERESA JOY, for a fun exercise class where you’ll work your muscles with stretching, low-impact cardio and strengthening moves. Please wear workout shoes and clothes, bring water, and a mat or thick towel for floor work. A CHANCE TO PAY IT FORWARD Littlejohn Hall #2 This is a hands-on service project with a chance to make a difference! You’ll find different opportunities to package meals for the hungry, work on shoes for children or making pillowcases for little ones in crisis. Join Pastor WILMA BING and friends to give a few minutes of your time to pay it forward. Supplies are provided, but feel free to bring scissors and old jeans which are used to make the shoes. Early Afternoon Workshops 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM HEARING GOD’S CALLING Littlejohn Hall #1 This interactive class with bird instructor JOHN GATCHET will expand on last year’s training and will continue the themes of identification, birding hotspots, how to find specific birds, songs and vocalizations, online resources and interesting facts. New bird pictures will illustrate the presentation featuring common and rare species of the Pacific Northwest. Bird walks included. Repeated at 4 pm. AAA Church God led NAOMI STRIEMER from a life of fame and fortune to a life of ministry. What’s God calling you to do for Him? Come learn how to hear God’s calling, tell your story, nurture healthy relationships, walk in faith, define success, and discover God’s great sense of humor. BRING THE GARDEN TO THE TABLE Ad Building #7 Dr. KELLY BOCK will guide participants in basic principles of teaching and then encourage the developing of new skills that will improve and empower the Sabbath School class time. Littlejohn Hall Home Ec Room Chef ALBERTO REYES will teach you how to bring the garden to the table. Chef Reyes will utilize seasonal whole foods and will discuss different cooking techniques to enhance food flavors. You will learn to balance sweet, bitter, sour, salty, pungent and astringent flavors. Limited to 40 participants. Class fee: $40 for five sessions ($8 each), or $10 per class. Ticketed entry required: www.gardentable.eventbrite.com. Repeated at 2:30 pm. PRINCIPLES OF PREPARING POWERFUL SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS FAITH & CREATION Rainier Auditorium Scientist TIM STANDISH will share a selection of creation-focused films from the Geoscience Research Institute that will help you better understand God, humanity, and nature. 11 2:30 CLASSES, CONTINUED HONOR BEGINS AT HOME Evergreen Chapel Calling all men! Join speaker JOHN KOELKER as he teaches you how to be a man of honor based on the famous Christian flick “Courageous.” In this study, you will learn how to lead your community, church, and family as Godly men. Men who complete this study will graduate with a resolution agreement and ceremony to bless your family with. Class fee at the door: $10. No children in attendance, please. Repeated from 9:30 am. AFCOE TO GO Witzel Chapel Join CHUCK HOLTRY & CARISSA MCSHERRY from Amazing Facts College of Evangelism (AFCOE) to be training and empowered to reach your community for God. Featuring biblical, professional, and inspiring training, Amazing Facts’ dynamic outreach instruction will benefit church members, leaders, and pastors. Get the confidence to witness for Jesus, anytime and anywhere, and the Bible knowledge that will empower you to discover God’s will for your life! New topics each session at 2:30 & 4. BRING THE GARDEN TO THE TABLE Littlejohn Hall Home Ec Room Chef ALBERTO REYES will teach you how to bring the garden to the table. Chef Reyes will utilize seasonal whole foods and will discuss different cooking techniques to enhance food flavors. You will learn to balance sweet, bitter, sour, salty, pungent and astringent flavors. Limited to 40 participants. Class fee: $40 for five sessions ($8 each), or $10 per class. Ticketed entry required: www.gardentable. eventbrite.com. Repeated from 9:30 am. I LIKE GIVING: A NEW LOOK AT LOCAL CHURCH MINISTRY & FINANCES Ad Building #13 Does your Personal Ministries department lack purpose and power? Is your Local Church Budget offering in need of a transfusion of treasure? Pastor GAYLE LASHER will lead participants into a discovery of local church ministry that will bring the true meaning of discipleship to the forefront. Help your church realize its potential to be a force for Jesus in 12 your community. Learn how the joy of service can give each church member a spirit of generosity to reach their world for Jesus. DAVE RAMSEY’S FINANCIAL PEACE Band Room Review and refresh your basic financial management skills by viewing Dave Ramsey’s instructional, entertaining and educational videos on how to deal with and overcome debt and effectively manage your resources. Videos 1-5 will be shown. Repeated at 4 pm. FAMILY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Ad Building #11 Disaster preparedness expert CHRIS FAIRALL will help you prepare and plan for any three-day or longer disaster. Find out what supplies you and your family need and how to put together a disaster preparedness plan. A CHANCE TO PAY IT FORWARD Littlejohn Hall #2 Join the second session of this hands-on service project with Pastor WILMA BING and friends to package meals for the hungry, make shoes from old jeans for children, or make pillowcases for little ones in crisis. Supplies are provided, but feel free to bring scissors and old jeans. RING THE BELLS Choir Room Even if you’re a beginner, you’ll enjoy this handson music class. No experience with sight-reading required. Minimum age 13 years old. Must commit to the full five days of class. Late Afternoon Workshops 4 PM - 5:15 PM FORGOTTEN GOD: INTRODUCTION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AAA Church Fireside Room This workshop class with Pastor SETH PIERCE will provide an historical, theological, and practical overview of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the class, a special emphasis will explore the charismatic elements within early Adventism and what current lessons we can draw from them to deepen our relationship with the Spirit. Selected readings and assignments will be provided. AFCOE TO GO Witzel Chapel Join CHUCK HOLTRY & CARISSA MCSHERRY from Amazing Facts College of Evangelism (AFCOE) to be training and empowered to reach your community for God. Featuring biblical, professional, and inspiring training, Amazing Facts’ dynamic outreach instruction will benefit church members, leaders, and pastors. Get the confidence to witness for Jesus, anytime and anywhere, and the Bible knowledge that will empower you to discover God’s will for your life! New topics each session at 2:30 & 4. SERMON-BUILDING 101 Ad Building #13 In this hands-on workshop Pastor MAYLAN SCHURCH goes deeply into sermon-prep methods he has used to develop more than 800 expository sermons. You’ll prepare your own brand-new, from-scratch expository sermon outline, and you’ll receive tools to create many more. Bring a notebook. Scripture passages and other handouts will be provided. GROWING TOGETHER: A MARRIAGE AND RELATIONSHIP CLASS Evergreen Chapel This interactive class will focus on important principles of being in a healthy relationship. Practical tools will be taught that can help manage conflict and communicate clearly. Differences between man and women will be explored and strategies to bridge those difference will be shared. Bring your Bible, sense of humor and desire to grow. Pastor BILL ROBERTS brings 26 years of pastoral experience, life lessons, and study to this class. BRINGING PEOPLE TO JESUS THROUGH HEALTH MINISTRY AAA Church If you are interested in beginning a health ministry at your church, or if you are wanting to learn how to make health ministry more effective in leading people to Christ, then please attend this class. Washington Conference Health Ministry director, KEVIN WILFLEY, and special guests like Dr. JOHN TORQUATO and LINDA MCCONNELL will provide insights and practical suggestions to get your health ministry started. PATHFINDERS 201: FROM GOOD TO GREAT Community Hall The Pathfinder youth ministry is designed to be more that reciting the law and pledge or getting cool honor patches. You have built a good club foundation, but what is next? Join trainer LINDA RENFROE to discover new ideas to move your Pathfinder club ministry from good to great. Meets Monday-Thursday at 4 pm. DAVE RAMSEY’S FINANCIAL PEACE Band Room Review and refresh your basic financial management skills by viewing Dave Ramsey’s instructional, entertaining and educational videos on how to deal with and overcome debt and effectively manage your resources. Videos 1-5 will be shown. Repeated from 2:30 pm. ALL ABOUT THE BIRDS Littlejohn Hall #1 This interactive class with bird instructor JOHN GATCHET will expand on last year’s training and will continue the themes of identification, birding hotspots, how to find specific birds, songs and vocalizations, online resources and interesting facts. New bird pictures will illustrate the presentation featuring common and rare species of the Pacific Northwest. Bird walks included. Repeated from 9:30 am. LEARNING GUITAR FOR HOME AND CHURCH WORSHIP Choir Room This second session with music educator WES BRADFORD provide a repeated opportunity for you to learn the basics of guitar playing, as well as give a brief overview of other folk instruments and their uses. This is a hands on class; participants will preferably provide their own acoustic guitar and a copy of Advent Youth Sing. Repeated from 9:30 am. 13 » Division Programs OASIS Location // Tent by Miller Aquatics Center Guest Speaker // Ron du Preez, pastor from Oregon Q OASIS presents n n 7:15 pm Sabbath: n n 9:30 am 10:45 am 7:15 pm Leader // Ron Sydney Guest Speaker // Karyle Barnes, Andrews University seminary and social work student 14 Q n n n n n n n n n n n Thinking Straight in a Crooked World June 12-13 Friday Night: n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Second Weekend Watch for more details! June 19-20 n Location // Auburn Academy Church n Dr. Ron du Preez n 30-somethings YOUNG ADULTS n n n n n n n n n n n Jesus is Enough F S S M T W 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church 7:15-9 pm Collegiate (18 - 20-something) T F S 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church Evening Meeting Karyle Barnes YOUTH Location // Tent near Witzel Hall & Dower Chapel 4 #Things That Matter 9:30-10:45 am EARLITEENS Location // Tent north of the cafeteria S M T W T F S Morning Worship 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Worship ACTIVITIES* Monday: Community Service Wednesday: Wild Waves** Thursday: Family Fun Center 4-4:45 pm Youth Swim Time Evening Meeting 7:15-9 pm Geston Pierre *Fees may apply for activities. Obtain the exact activity details during camp meeting. **Youth will be at Wild Waves in the morning and afternoon. tter #ThingsThatMa w Grades 9-12 THE HIGH LIFE 9:30-10:45 am Leaders // Jonathan Fetrick, Don Bryan & Ryan Whitehead LIVING LIFE WITH GOD’S IDEALS F Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church S M T W T F Morning Worship Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church ACTIVITIES* 1-5 pm Guest Speakers // Jordan Lindsay, Buena Vista 6th grade teacher Fred Boothby, businessman and inspirational speaker from Florida S 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church 11 am - 4 pm Leaders // Andreas Beccai, Fred Toaloa & Dustin Serns Guest Speaker // Geston Pierre, associate pastor from Central Florida and member of the winning team on Season Two of NBC’s The Sing Off F 4:00-4:45 pm 7:15-9 pm Monday: Community Service Tuesday: Family Fun Center Thursday: Wild Waves** Earliteen Swim Time Evening Meeting Jordan Lindsay & Fred Boothby *Fees may apply for activities. Obtain the exact activity details during camp meeting. **Earliteens will be at Wild Waves in the morning and afternoon. Ages 13-14 15 JUNIORS Location // Tent south of the cafeteria Leaders // Willie Iwankiw, John Mutchler, & Adrian Petreaca F Heaven on Earth 9:30-10:45 am 11 am-12:15 pm Guest Speaker // Joshua Ro, Living Vine Fellowship youth pastor 3-3:45 pm 7:15-9 pm JESUS IN REAL LIFE F Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church S M T W T F Morning Worship Field Games & Recreation Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Church Junior Swim Time Evening Program Joshua Ro Ages 10-12 MORE ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS! Miller Aquatics Center Pool Hours Sunday-Friday (plus First Friday afternoon): • 5:30 am - 6:30 am - Early Lap Swim • 7:30 am - 9:30 am - Lap Swim • 10-10:45 am- Open Swim • 11-11:45 am- Family Swim • 1-1:45 pm - Open Swim • 2-2:45 pm - Primary Swim • 3-3:45 pm - Junior Swim • 4-4:45 pm - Earliteen/Youth Swim Activity Permission Forms: Juniors, Earliteens and Youth all have off-campus activities with required permission forms. Pick up and return these permission forms at each division (before or after normal meeting times). 16 PATHFINDER HONORS Community Hall Kids (age 10 and older) and adults are invited to earn Pathfinder honors during camp meeting. Investiture is Friday, June 19, at 4 pm. • Balloon Twisting Instructor: Andy Roy Meets Monday to Friday at 7:30-8:30 am. • Drill & March Instructor: Bill Ellison Meets Monday-Friday at 8-9 am. • Spiders Instructor: Larry Lee Meets Monday-Friday at 11 am - 12 pm. • Wood Handicraft Instructor: Clyde Phillips Meets Monday-Friday at 2:30-3:30 pm. • Waterfalls This is a self-guided honor faciliated by Sandee Phillips. Choose your time: 7:30-9 am, 10:30 am - 12 pm, or 1-4 pm. Location // Tent in front of Grace Hall 6 PRIMARY F 9:30-10:45 am Leaders // Cristian Bobocea, Dan Cole, Greg Howell & Ed General Guest Speaker // Andy Roy, storyteller extraordinaire Search and Rescue Sabbath S M 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Children’s Church 11 am 12:15 pm T W T F Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Children’s Church Morning Worship Field Games & Recreation 2:00-2:45 pm Primary Swim Time 7:15-9:00 pm Evening Meeting Andy Roy Ages 7-9 KINDER KAMP KinderKamp will feature interactive and kid-friendly discipleship lessons for children. Location // Dower Chapel Leaders // Ira Bartolome, Brent Kimura, Marc Lien & Hasani Tait ( ANDY ROY STORYTELLER God’s Cool Adventures 9:30-10:45 am F Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Children’s Church S M T W Morning Worship 4:00-5:15 pm Recreation 7:15-9:00 pm Evening Meeting T F Sabbath 9:30 am12:30 pm Sabbath School & Children’s Church Ages 4-6 ADVENTURER AWARDS Community Hall Earn the Acts of Kindness award by attending class on Monday and Tuesday at 1-2 pm. Earn the Saving Animals award by attending class on Wednesday and Thursday at 1-2 pm. All children ages 4-9 are invited to come with their parent/guardian for this event. Club membership is not a prerequisite. Both awards are taught by ELIZABETH LAKE-GRGURICH. 17 BEGINNERS 2 Location // Ad Building #14 & #16 Leaders // David Candler & Robin Song Please Note // Parent/guardian attendance appreciated BEGINNERS 1 Location // AAA Library 2 The Promised Land S S M 9:30 -10:45 am T W T F S Morning Worship 4-5:15 pm Afternoon Program Ages 2-4 8 Forest F 9:30 -10:45 am 4-5:15 pm Leaders // Ofa Langi Please Note // Parent/guardian attendance requested F » S S M T W T F S Morning Worship Beginners 1 runs two identical programs on Sabbath at 9:30 am and at 10:30 am Afternoon Program Ages 0-2 For children from walking age to age 6, please register your child(ren) and obtain a safety wristband from children’s departments or the Security office. KIDS’ DEPOT x 1 to 6 years (for parents in seminars) • Supervised care for children ages #21 & #19 ing • Location: Ad Build • Leader: Ofa Langi 4 pm (first afternoon seminar time slot) • Schedule: Monday-Friday, 2:30 to Ages 1-6 18 »v Camp Life WHEN TO ARRIVE With an earlier start to camp meeting, we are working around Auburn Adventist Academy’s graduation weekend. If you wish to bring your RV or set up your u-pitch tent early, please wait until Sunday, June 7, after 4 pm. Overnight lodging is not advisable until Thursday, June 11. All campers (including Dorm and Conference Tent Campers) are invited to arrive on Friday, June 12, after 1 pm. NAVIGATE YOUR WAY // It’s easy to drive to camp meeting! From Interstate 5, take Highway 18 East toward Auburn. Exit to Auburn Way South/Hwy 164 East toward Enumclaw (you’ll be driving toward Mount Rainier and you’ll need to turn left at the light before Denny’s). Drive through town and up the hill. On the outskirts of Auburn, you’ll find Auburn Adventist Academy campus on the left. It’s about 3.5 miles from Highway 18. Or... you can put this address in your GPS: 5000 Auburn Way South Auburn, WA 98092 ( Get lost? Call Guest Services at (253) 9395000, ext. 472. FIRST STOP // If you are staying on site, your first stop when you arrive at camp meeting will be at Guest Services (Locating & Security) to finalize your registration. You’ll need to know your vehicle (& RV) make, model and license plate number. If you are commuting, follow directions and signs for General Parking areas. Handicap parking is available; most areas of camp meeting are handicap accessible. RENEW YOUR LODGING You have the opportunity this year to renew your current lodging site for next year’s camp meeting. Our lodging prices will go up by 3% starting with the 2016 reservations. Washington Adventist Camp Meeting dates for next year are Thursday, June 16, to Sabbath, June 25, 2016. LODGING RENEWAL DATES // • Pre-Registration for all current RV sites Monday, June 15, and Tuesday, June 16 • Open Registration for remaining RV sites Wednesday, June 17, through Friday, June 19 • Pre-Registration for all current Tent sites Wednesday, June 17, and Thursday, June 18 • Open Registration for remaining Tent sites Friday, June 19 • Pre-Registration for all current “available” Dorm rooms* Wednesday, June 17, and Thursday, June 18 • Open Registration for remaining “available” Dorm rooms* (*Not all dorm rooms are available for renewal; check with Guest Services) Friday, June 27 RENEWAL NOTES // If you have physical limitations and are staying in the girls’ dorm, you must submit your request stating the limitations in writing to Donna Dickerson by April 1 each year. Regular 2016 camp meeting registration is open around or by March 1, 2016 (business days) either online or by mail. GUEST SERVICES HOURS // Guest Services (in Spady Hall) is open Thursday, June 11, through Friday, June 12, from 1 to 9 pm. Hours for Sunday, June 14, through Friday, June 19, are 9 am to 7 pm. Closed Sabbaths. Guest Services accepts cash, checks, e-checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit cards. 19 J KEEP CHILDREN SAFE We take children’s safety seriously at camp meeting. Your little tykes and big kids need to be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. You cannot leave them alone on campus. If you need child care, Kids’ Depot provides supervised care for ages 1-6 during limited hours. For children from walking age to age 6, please register your child(ren) and obtain a safety wristband from children’s departments or the Security office. If you lose a child or find a wandering child, please inform the Security team (they have bright safety jackets and walkie-talkies) or a children’s division leader. Be kind to children’s division leaders by picking up your children promptly after meetings. Share a word of thanks for their service in providing quality programs for your children! x PET ARRANGEMENTS We all love our pets, but please leave them home or make other arrangements during your stay at camp meeting. Camp meeting is a pet-free zone. You have three options in observing this policy: 1) Arrange for your pet(s) to stay home in a familiar environment. 2) Arrange to house your pet(s) at a local kennel. 3) Obtain permission from the Security office to have your service animal on campus. The Security office has a service animal permission form for you to fill out. Security has two types of ribbons options to attach to your service animal’s collar. A provided Red Ribbon means “do not touch.” A provided Yellow Ribbon means “ask to touch.” If your service animal is approved, you must clean up after it, keep it leashed, and control barking. Be responsible and show courtesy to fellow attendees. Security has the authority to remove unruly service animals and/or owners from campus. 20 + BE SAFE Take care of your health. Eat nutritious meals. Stay hydrated. Get good sleep. Wear sunscreen. Have a personal first aid kit available. Use common sense. If you need basic medical attention, nurses are available on call (ask a Security officer to page the nurse on duty). The Nurse’s Station in Miller Aquatics Center is open 10 am to 12 noon and 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Need a tent site with an electrical connection for your CPAP machine or to charge your wheelchair? Ask Guest Services for assistance! If an emergency arises, contact the Security office (open 24 hours during camp meeting). You can reach them at (253) 939-5000, ext. 360, around campus (wearing bright vests and carrying walkie-talkies), or in Spady Hall. For life-threatening emergencies, call 911. Washington Adventist Camp Meeting is located on the campus of Auburn Adventist Academy at: 5000 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA 98092. The campus phone number is (253) 939-5000. F FOOD OPTIONS AAA CAFETERIA // (buffet-style meals) Children under 5 charged $1 per age Breakfast $5.00 7:30 - 8 am Lunch $6.00 12 - 12:45 pm Supper $6.00 5:30 - 6 pm GARDEN OF EATIN’ CAFE // (fast food menu) Open daily from 11 am - 2 pm & 4-7 pm Closed Sabbath; Open Saturday and Sunday nights from 9-11 pm TREATS OF LIFE // (sweet treats & ice vendor) Open daily from 11 am - 7 pm & 9-10 pm Closed Sabbath; Open Saturday night from 9-11 pm MORE OPTIONS // Prepare your own meals (public cooking areas are available by both bath houses) or find local restaurants along Auburn Way South. Purchase Sabbath cafeteria meal tickets before or by Friday night. On Sabbath, join a local church potluck (locations published in the Accent newsletter)! I AT YOUR SERVICE NEED HELP? Ask our staff! Look for a team member with a green “How May I Help You?” button. They can give you directions, answer program questions, help with a lost or found child, flag down a shuttle for you, and answer event questions. LOCATING A GUEST // This is a large campus with the ebb-and-flow of hundreds of people attending camp meeting. If someone is staying on campus, a roster is available at Guest Services. If someone is commuting, your best option is to look for your friend at meetings or arrange a specific meeting place. If you are trying to contact a speaker, a specific pastor, or a conference administrator, Guest Services and staff at the Little Conference Office can write down and deliver your information. WI-FI PASSWORD // Wi-Fi is available on campus for business use and not for entertainment. The wi-fi password is: campmeeting2015 PICK UP A SHUTTLE // Our complimentary shuttle service will help transport you across campus. You are welcome to wait at a Shuttle Stop or ask a security officer to call for a shuttle for you. HEARING ENHANCEMENT // Pick up a hearing enhancement device at the audio booth in the middle of Rainier Auditorium. You will need to leave your driver’s license or ID card in exchange for a hearing device. At the end of the meeting, return the hearing device and pick up your identification. U OBEY THE RULES With a big gathering of people, we have rules to keep us all safe. Your cooperation in obeying the rules is appreciated. • Be respectful. This is a spiritual retreat. Show kindness to others. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Respect your neighbors and keep noise levels down in living quarters. Be respectful of observing Sabbath hours. • Cook only in designated areas — and your tent or dorm room do not qualify! Cooking areas are located by both bath houses. You need to bring your own stove, fuel and utensils. Please clean up after yourself. • Keep a fire extinguisher in your tent, camper or trailer. The Auburn Fire Department recommends at least a 3/4 pound chemical type of fire extinguisher. You’ll see white barrels around campus. These are filled with water in case of emergency. • Respect the “Big List of What’s Not Allowed”: • No devices with electrical cords in tents • No bicycles, skateboards, roller blades/skates • No loud or inappropriate media consumption • No fireworks • No substances (tobacco, alcoholic beverages and drugs of abuse) are allowed on campus or in your living quarters • No selling of books, printed material, multi- media or services (without permission) • No private video taping or recording (without a permit) PUBLIC RESTROOMS // Most buildings on campus have a public restroom including Administration Building, Spady Hall, both dorms, the cafeteria, Littlejohn Hall, Miller Aquatic Center (closest option to Rainier Auditorium), AAA Church, and two bath houses. A few portable restrooms are available, too. • Observe quiet time in all campus residence areas between 10 pm and 6 am. LOST & FOUND // Lose something? Find something? Check with Guest Services & the Information Booth. Unclaimed items of value are kept for a short period of time. Unclaimed clothing, hats, shoes, towels and other such items will be donated after camp meeting. • Watch your speed! Motorized vehicle speed on campus is 5 MPH. Let’s keep pedestrians safe! • Be responsible for your valuables. Keep them safe. Washington Conference and Auburn Adventist Academy cannot accept responsibility for your valuables. For the full version of these rules, ask Guest Services (Locating & Security) for a copy! 21 » Camp Meeting Map Specific Locations 1. Ad Building (Scriven Hall) 2. Beginners 1&2 3. Kids’ Depot 4. Dower Chapel (Kindergarten) G 5. Spady Hall Guest Services H Locating & Security 6. Youth Tent 13 A 7. Witzel Hall (Boys’ Dorm) 8. Junior Tent 9. Cafeteria (Rudolph Hall) 10.Earliteen Tent 11.Grace Hall (Girls’ Dorm) 12.Evergreen Chapel 13.Garden of Eatin’ Cafe, Treats of Life (Maintenance Bldg) J 14.Primary Tent 15.Littlejohn Hall, Washington Education Center 16.Community Hall (Old ABC) 17.Rainier Auditorium 18.Camp Meeting Administrative Office, Accent newsletter office 19.Miller Aquatics Center, Nurse’s Station 20. Music Building, Trust Services Center 21. Oasis Tent 22.AAA Church/Fireside Room (22F) (Early Morning meeting, Young Adults, workshops) 23. Auburn ABC Store 7 CAN’T MAKE IT? E F 10 12 G H BOOKS • FOOD CAMP MEETING HOURS 22 Sunday-Thursday // 9 am-7 pm & 9 pm-10 pm Friday // 9 am-7 pm Saturday // 9:15 pm - 11 pm 8 14 H 16 I 7 D 15 17 20 5 6 4 C 18 19 1 3 2 General Areas A 21 B 22 B B 23 If you can’t make it to camp meeting in person this year, you can still connect with us! We provide a livestream of programs in Rainier Auditorium. This includes weekday programs at 11 am and 7 pm plus Sabbath services throughout the day. Find “everything” camp meeting online at: www.washingtonconference.org/cm Auburn ABC 9 11 v 22F A. Handicap Parking B. General Parking C. Recreation Field D. Gazebo E. Inspiration Point F. U-Pitch Tents G. Restrooms H. Conference Tents I. Tennis Courts J. RV Park COME BACK NEXT YEAR! We hope you have great time at camp meeting! Guest Services can help you renew your current lodging for next year. Check the pre-registration schedule (page 19). Washington Adventist Camp Meeting will be held Thursday, June 16, to Sabbath, June 25, 2016. Campestre Hispano (Spanish Camp Meeting) will be held July 31-August 1, 2015, at Auburn Adventist Academy campus. Daily Featured Sales & Food Samples Author Signings All Week Sale Prices Good Through June 30, 2015 Washington Conference communication department produces this annual program guide. ©2015 Design: Heidi Baumgartner Printing: Alpha Impressions Battle Ground, Washington To order by phone, call (888) 492-2522 or visit adventistbookcenter.com Photographers will be documenting camp meeting and your photo may be shared in Washington Conference publications. 2015 Edition Printed Annually Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® 32229 Weyerhaeuser Way South Federal Way, WA 98001 WE Educate Equip Empower The goal of Adventist Christian Education is to educate, equip and empower all Adventist children — no matter where they go to school. EDUCATE We offer 20 learning campuses in western Washington for holistic learning for elementary and high school in addition to 10 early childhood education centers. Each classroom has defined teaching standards for excellence in academics. EQUIP We recognize many Adventist students choose to attend Christian, private or public school for a variety of reasons. Adventist Learning Center will soon be offering an online Bible study class for students to learn Adventist beliefs. EMPOWERWe acknowledge homeschooling families and seek to empower them in their education journey. Together we educate Adventist Christian students for life and eternity! Find more ways we educate, equip & empower! washingtonconference.org/education
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