Why Pay for Performance? • Priority in watershed plan • Save money • Urgent water quality demands • Exci;ng approach • Willing applicant Cooling the Hotspots Project Goals Nutrients and sediment that don’t end up in Lake Erie from the South Branch of the River Raisin • 8,500 pounds of phosphorus • 6,800,000 pounds of sediment • 7,300 pounds of nitrogen ALract 22 new farmers who haven’t previously been involved with conserva;on projects Farmer led Improve knowledge of what works bestks best Many Partners • Conserva;on organiza;ons: MAEAP, NRCS, SWCD, CCC, The Stewardship Network, MSUE • Team of experts: MSU’s Stephen Gasteyer, Jon Winsten, U-‐M Graham Sustainability Ins;tute • Farmers Advisory CommiLee Photo credit: G.L. Kohuth, MSU Today on September 24, 2010 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative resources accelerate progress toward long term goals. The Stewardship Network Pay for Performance Monica Day, MSUE March 17,2015 Old Mill, Dundee, MI Farmers Advisory CommiLee Today I . . . 62% 15% 10% 6% 8% Fo Di r go d&n t&t ot o&w &w ea ea r&g r &g Dr re re es e en n sin &be g&u c au p&i se To s&f &I’. ok or .. &m &a& ch y&k an ids ce &an &an W d&. or d .. &w e &g o re re en &gr !&L ee uc n&. k,& .. lov e &a nd &ha ... A. Forgot to wear green B. Did not wear green because I’m a Michigan fan C. Dressing up is for my kids and grandkids, not for grown adults D. Took a chance and wore green despite myself E. Wore green! Luck, love and happiness to all! Pay for performance 1/A. Benefits water quality 2/B. Saves taxpayer dollars 3/C. Lowers risk of more regula;ons 4/C. Puts the farmer in control 5/D. All of the above 6/E. None of the above 71% 2% 4% 9% 4% %Be ne fit 2/ s%w B.% 3/ at S av er C .% %qu es Lo %ta we ali x ty rs% pa ris ye k%o r%d 4/ C.% oll f %m Pu ar o s re ts% %r e th e%f gu ar la. me .. r % 5/ in% D. co %Al nt ro l%o l% 6/ f %t he E.% No %ab ne ov %of e %th e%a bo ve 11% 1/ A. A. B. C. D. E. F. The most important benefit of pay for performance in my opinion is 19% 14% 16% 4% Be ne Ec fit on s(t o(w om ic( at be er (qu ne Ec on fit ali s(t om ty o(t ic( a be xp ne ay Lo fit er w Fa s(t er s ing rm o(f a er ( ris rm (ha k(o er s(m s f (r eg Pr or ov ula e (c ide on tio tro s(t ns he l ( of (Fa (hi rm s(. er .. s(A dv iso r .. . A. Benefits to water quality B. Economic benefits to taxpayers C. Economic benefits to farmers D. Lowering risk of regula;ons E. Farmer has more control of his conserva;on approach F. Provides the Farmers Advisory CommiLee a way to get other farmers excited in par;cipa;ng in water quality efforts 25% 23% I am in favor of pilot-testing pay-forperformance conservation in the River Raisin watershed 27% 24% 16% 4% re e wh at )Ag re e So N eu me tra wh l at )D isa gre e Di sa Str gre on e gly )D isa gre e Ag So me re e 0% 0% Str on gly )Ag A. Strongly Agree B. Agree C. Somewhat Agree D. Neutral E. Somewhat Disagree F. Disagree G. Strongly Disagree 29% I would like to participate in the meetings to help design the pay-for-performance conservation program for the River Raisin 57% A. True B. False Fa lse Tr ue 43% I am interested in having my farm participate in the pilot-testing of payfor-performance conservation 41% 32% I’m ) no t)s ur e ,)I) ne e d)m or e )in fo r.. . No 27% Ye s A. Yes B. No C. I’m not sure, I need more informa;on Age 18 years or under 18-‐25 26-‐35 36-‐45 46-‐55 56-‐65 66-‐75 76-‐85 86-‐95 96 or above 23% 20% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 3% 0% 0% 18 #ye ar s#o r#u nd er 18 -25 26 -35 36 -45 46 -55 56 -65 66 -75 76 -85 86 96 #or 95 #ab ov e A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Gender A. Male B. Female 63% ma le Fe M ale 37%
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