l support wellness XX I Aitkin Independent Age I www.aitkinage.com I Wednesday, Xxxxxxxxx xx, 2015 medical r lifespan. Celebrating our Medical Staff Together, Together,we wewill willsupport support your yourhealth healthand andwellness wellness with withadvanced advancedmedical medical National Doctor’s Day March 30, 2015 care care across across your your lifespan. lifespan. Our FamilyOur of Practitioners Family of Pract and Services. and Services. Family of Practitioners Practitioners Family mily M Medicine edicine Family mily M Medicine edicine Services. e focus on health and wellness, we With aaccess strong hospital focus on health and w ellness, a strw critical With ong strive tocommunities educate andininform on health strivissues ounding e to educate and inform on health issues that matter to you.car Riveerwood Healthcar e that matter to you. Riverwood Healthcare full service primary offers community health education seminars, McGregor. Patients can offers community health education seminars, oups support gr and classes. support groups and classes. e range of specialty care clinic in Aitkin. For For m more ore inf information ormation a about bouFor t or m F more ore Our medical staff is the heart of Riverwood. Their dedication and spirit of caring makes the Riverwood experience truly special for patients. In honor of National Doctor’s Day, please join us in information information a about bout Our family medicine practitioners recognizingOur and thanking medical staff professionals. famil y medicineour practitioners top quality medical Riverwood, Rivhealthcar erwood,e upcoming upcoming events, e ts,ivor oerw r to toood, upcoming offer e g events, ecomprehensiv Riverwood, R upcomin ts, or ore to thealthcar o offer comprehensive healthcare aring healthcare for the individual and family across for the individual and family across ’v eccess ’ve been committed a access o our ur Patient Patito ent Portal, Portal, please pa leccess ase o l, please pdiseases, lease with an access our ur Patient Patient Portal, P rtesaand alloag all ages and diseases, with an e car e f or emphasis on pr e v entiv y comprehensive ehensiv e arr array a a compr evfentiv e car e fhealth or andand Riv Riv oodood oper ac25-bed 25-bed critical hospital With With aemphasis str a ong stron ong fpr ocus on on health wellness, wellness, we we ates ocus Medicine visit i erw vi sit www.RiverwoodHealthcare.org wwFamily w.Rerw ooper odH eaates lthvi rgw visit www.RiverwoodHealthcare.org saairte.o ww .Rcritical i access oaccess oodH ahospital lthcand arwe.o rg verallehealth ellness. o v er all health and w ellness. ome. Jen Bur CFNP Jeffr ey Ehnstr om,issues MD Arnold, MD Timoth y Arnold, MD Jen Burgos, CFNP serving serving Aitkin Aitkin County County andand surrsurr ounding ounding communities communities in in striv eTimoth toeyeducate to educate and and infgos, orm inf orm on on health health issues striv O a Jeri Jeffr eyGE CFNP north north centr centr al Minnesota, al Minnesota, with with fullfull service service primary primary carcar ou.you. Riverw Riverw oodood Healthcar Healthcar matter matter to yto e e e e that that ners are clinics clinics in Aitkin, in Aitkin, Garrison Garrison andand McGr McGr egor eg. P oratients . Patients cancan offers community health education seminars, offers community health education seminars, cross support support groups groups andand classes. classes. gent of specialty carcar access access urgur ent carcar e and e and a wide a wide rang rang e ofe specialty e e n for at our at our integr integr ated ated hospital hospital andand clinic clinic in Aitkin. in Aitkin. McGregor Clinic c Aitkin & Pharmac Pharmacy or McGregor Clinic Garrison Clinic & Pharmac Pharmacy or Clinic TimothyArnold, Arnold, MD Jen Burgos, CFNP JeffreyEhnstrom, Ehnstrom, MD Jeri Gilb, CFNP CFNP Timothy MD Jen Burgos, CFNP Lia Gerhart, DNP, Jeri Gilb, Jan Hegman, CFNP Lisa Heikkila, CFNP Jessica DO Jor dan, MD Donald Hughes,CFNP MD AJessica aronHodson, Timoth Komoto,MD MD Hegman, Lisa Heikkila, CFNP Jessica Hodson, DO gh ghway way 18 2 eE East Center Avenue enue Jan Hegman, CFNP Lisa Heikkila, Hodson, DO Donald DonaldyHughes, Hughes, MD 27278 State High Highway way 18Jeffrey , CFNP Jeffr eyllEhnstr om, MD Jeri Gilb,2 CFNP 2200 enue CFNP Bunk Bunker er Hi Hill Driv Drive E EastMD CenterJan Avenue CFNP CFNP Box 340 PO Box PO Bo Box x 426CFNP Aitkin, MN 56431 PO Bo Box x 340 6450 McGregor, MN 55760 McGreg ,Garrison, MN 56450 McGregor, McGr eg , MN 55760 (218) 927-2157 Clinic (320) 525-3400 Clinic (218) 768-4011 218-927-5319 Fax (218) 768-4011 Pharmac y (218) 768-4814 Fax Pharmac (320) 525-3401 y Famedical 768-4814 (888) 270-1882 x At At Riv Riverwood, At At erw Riv Riverwood, erw ood, ood, yyou ouyyou ou cancan e expect xpect e expect xpect top(218) top quality quality medical Fax (888) 270-1882 (320) 525-3439 Fax (888) 270-1882 ee care carcare car e deliv delivered e deliv delivered er ed er ed b byy ab byyteam a team of caring healthcar healthcare healthcar healthcare e e (888) 270-1882 ee of caring For FoFor F r om more r om more reorinformation inf e inf information orm orm atiaotnioa about nba about ob uo t ut Austin Aaron Fami Fam mim Our Our famil f eg events, e ts, tor Riverwood, RivRiverwood, Rerw iverw ooo d,oupcoming u d,pupcoming u co pco min mginevents, os,r or oto to r to to offer offer com for the for th in Jessica Hodson, DO Donald Hughes, MD ohn, MD Aaron Jordan, MD a, CFNP TimothLarson, y Komoto, AustinLKr Janet PhD /MD to Thomas awson, MD Melissa Magnuson, CANP RThomas ebecca M y, CANP Janelle T an W May, CANP / Laawson, Janet Larson, PhD MD Melissa Mrueblood, agnuson, MD CANP Meg Rebecca Janelle T pr of pr essionals. ofMDMD essionals. Since 1955, 1955, w we’ve e’v w we’ve been been committed committed to professionals. eKre’v eMD dan, omoto, ohn, on Jor Aarprofessionals. hes, MD Timoth y Komoto, KSince MD Austin Aaron Jordan, Timothy MD Austin Krohn, MD Janet/ PLarson, Thomas Lawson, MD Melissa Magnuson, Rebecca May, CANP Janelle Trueblood, Megan Workman, all ag t a l, a p l, l e p a l e se a se a access ccess a access ccess o our u o our r u Patient P r a Patient P t i a en t i en t Portal, P t o Portal, P r o r t please please MHNP CFNP all es ag a CFNP/ PMHNP CNW PhD/CFNP/PMHNP CANP MD DNP, CNM vider and employer yer is an equal opportunity provider This emplo institution pr provider and emplo employer yer viding ourour community community with with a compr a compr y ay pr providing opr providing oviding comprehensive comprehensive ehensiv ehensiv e arr array e aarr array emphasis emph dH ltahlcth svi itswww.RiverwoodHealthcare.org w itw w w w.R wi.Ri ooo odH eae ac re.o are.o rg rg vi visit visit www.RiverwoodHealthcare.org overoall verhe a services services close close to home. to home. of medical of medical wson, MD y, CANP Specialty Care Melissa Magnuson, CANP Janelle Trueblood, Allergy & MD Rebecca May, CANP Megan W Immunology Hannelore Brucker, MD Janelle Trueblood, MD Audiology CNW Megan W CNW Cardiology Sarah Nelson, AuD Dermatology Aitkin Aitkin Clinic Clinic Garrison Garrison Clinic Clinic & Pharmac Pharmacy & Pharmac Pharmacy McGregor or Clinic or Clinic McGregor 2200 2200 Bunker Bunk Bunker Bunk er Hill Hier ll Drive Driv Hill Hill e Drive Drive Aitkin, MN 56431 Aitkin, MN 56431 27278 27278 State State High Highway High Highway wayw 18 ay 18 POx Bo 426 x 426 PO Bo Box Box MN 56450 MN 56450 Garrison, Garrison, 2E East 2E East Center Center Avenue enue Avenue enue PO Box Bo POx Box Bo 340 x 340 McGr McGr eg eg , MN, 55760 McGregor, McGregor, MN 55760 270-1882 270-1882 (888) (888) (320) (320) 525-3401 525-3401 Pharmac Pharmac y y 525-3439 525-3439 (320) (320) Fa x Fa x Emergency Medicine (888) (888) 270-1882 270-1882 ee ee (218) (218) 768-4814 768-4814 Fax Fax (888) (888) 270-1882 270-1882 Jan Hegman Jan He (218) (218) 927-2157 927-2157 Timothy Dirks, Rebecca Heimark, Lisa Lunde, ANP James Madison, MD Peter Stokman, MD Kristina Britton, MD Paul Lundstrom, MD MD PA-C (320) 525-3400 525-3400 (320) ClinicClinic 218-927-5319 218-927-5319 768-4011 768-4011 x (218) (218) Fax Fa www www .Riv.Riv erwerw oodHealthcar oodHealthcar e.ore.or g g Ear, Nose & Throat CDermatology all an Call y Riv anerw y Rivood erw Healthcar ood Healthcar e Center e Center facility facility (cont.) toll-frtoll-fr ee atee (888) at (888) 270-2882. 270-2882. JanetJanet LarsoL CFNPCFNP / PM This This institution institution is anisequal an equal opportunity opportunity opportunity opportunity pr provider provider provider pr provider and and emplo employer employer emplo yer yer Nicole Manecke, PA-C Becky White, DNP Gastroenterology Mark Rhodes, MD/Surgeon James Harris, MD Geriatrics Together, we will support your health and wellness with advanced medical care across your lifespan. John Berg, MD Thomas Osborne, MD Jeffrey Rapp, MD David Taylor, MD Shawn Roberts, MD, FACS Paul Severson, MD, FACS General Surgery David Goodwin, MD Hospitalist Helle Lukk, MD Timothy LeMieur, MD, FACS Lynn Gevik, CFNP, APRN Internal Medicine Riverw ood operates aAnita 25-bed critical access hospital Joselito Burgos, Mary Mapes, Sundholm, CFNPAitkin County andCFNP serving surrounding communities inMD north central Minnesota, with full service primary care Oncology/ clinics in Aitkin, Garrison and McGrOpthalmology egor. Patients can Hematology access urgent care and a wide range of specialty care at our integrated hospital and clinic in Aitkin. Howard McCollister, MD, FACS Neurology Obstetrics & Gynecology focus on health andMasood wellness, we With a strong Sweety Prethish, Ghazali, educate and inform on health MD issues strive to MD that matter to you. Riverwood Healthcare offers community health education seminars, Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine support groups and classes. For For m more ore inf information ormation about about Our Family of Prac and Services. Michael Cady, MD/Surgeon Rachel Cady, MD/Surgeon Christina Kramer, MD/Surgeon Podiatry Family mily Medicine Medicine A erwood, yyou ou can e Att Riv Riverwood, expect xpect top quality medical Our family medicine practitioners Riverwood, R i v erw o o d, upcoming u p co m in g events, e t s, or o r to t o ehensive healthcare car e deliv er ed b care delivered by healthcare y a team of caring healthcar e Antonio Fontelonga, Ina Drown, Stacy Sjoberg, Leo Chough, Tom Lewandowski,offer compr Erik Severson, for the MD/Surgeon individual and family across MD MD/Surgeon MD/Surgeon MD/Surgeon PA pr ofessionals. Since 1955, w e’ve been committed to professionals. we’ve please access access o our ur Patient Patient Portal, Portal, please all ages and diseases, with an pr oviding our community with a compr providing comprehensive array ehensive arr ay emphasis on preventive care for visit www.RiverwoodHealthcare.org www.Ri oodHealthcare.org visit Sleep overall health and wellness. of medical services close to home. Pulmonology Medicine Urology Bradley McCusker, DPM/Surgeon Timothy Arnold, MD Jen Burgos, CFNP Jeffr Together we will. Wayne Elmer, MD Aitkin Clinic Courtney Whitney, MD (218) 927-2157 www.RiverwoodHealthcare.org Call any Riverwood Healthcare Center facility toll-free at (888) 270-2882. 2200 Bunker Bunker Hill Hill Driv Drive e Aitkin, MN 56431 218-927-5319 Fax (888) 270-1882 Garrison Clinic & Pharmac Pharmacy 27278 State High Highway way 18 PO Bo Box x 426 Cindy Hauser, NP Garrison, MN 56450 (320) 525-3400 Clinic (320) 525-3401 Pharmacy (320) 525-3439 Fax (888) 270-1882 ee or Clinic McGregor 2E East Center Avenue enue PO Box Box 340 Shawn McGee, McGreg , MN 55760 McGregor, MD/Surgeon Jan Hegman, CFNP Aa This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. (218) 768-4011 (218) 768-4814 Fax (888) 270-1882 Janet Larson, PhD/ CFNP/ PMHNP This institution is an equal opportunity opportunity pr provider provider and emplo employer yer www.RiverwoodHealthcare.org Donald Hughes, MD Jessica Hodson, DO Lisa Heikkila, CFNP Thomas Lawson, MD Melissa Magnuson, CANP Rebecca May, CANP Jane
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