CREATOR SPIRIT, BY WHOSE AID Bm D A sus 4 A D 1. Cre a tor Spir it, by whose aid 2. O Source of un cre a ted light, 3. All ad o ra tion ev er be, G D Bm E 1. Al le 2. Al le 3. Al le lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! Al le Al le Al le lu lu lu G Asus4 1. Fa ther and the Son by thee. 2. hearts with heav’n ly love in spire. 3. we may live e ter nal ly. [Bm] 1-3. Al le E A Bm lu ia! Al le world’s foun da tions first were laid! Fa ther’s prom ised Par a clete; ter nal Par a clete to thee. The The E SAMPLE D A D ia! ia! ia! Give Thrice From A G A sus 4 A D us thy self that we may see ho ly Font, thrice ho ly Fire, sin and sor row set us free A D Em7 lu ia! Al Asus4 A G Al A sus 4 A Bm le Em B7 Em lu ia! Al le lu le A7 The Our That A7 Bm lu ia! D ia! Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Text: LM with alleluias; Veni, Creator Spiritus; attr. to Rabanus Maurus, 776–856; para. by John Dryden, 1631–1700; alt. Compilers, 1977. Music: LASST UNS ERFREUEN; Auserlesene Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Cologne, 1623; keyboard acc. by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872–1958. 22129-Z1 CREATOR SPIRIT, BY WHOSE AID D Bm A sus 4 A D le Al G A sus 4 thy self that we ly Font, thrice ho and sor row set A 1. thee. 2. spire. 3. ly. D a tor Spir it, by whose aid Source of un cre a ted light, be, ad o ra tion ev er 1. laid! 2. clete; 3. thee. 1. us 2. ho 3. sin A G Al E A Bm 1-3. lu ia! Al may ly us lu Em le G D Bm lu ia! Al A D A sus 4 A le SAMPLE 1. Cre 2. O 3. All A sus 4 lu see Fire, free The The E Em7 ia! Al B7 Em ia! Al E A D lu ia! Give Thrice From G Fa ther and the hearts with heav’n ly we may live e le A sus 4 le world’s foun da tions first were Fa ther’s prom ised Par a ter nal Par a clete to le The Our That D Bm A7 Bm [Bm] lu ia! Al A A7 lu Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Text: LM with alleluias; Veni, Creator Spiritus; attr. to Rabanus Maurus, 776–856; para. by John Dryden, 1631–1700; alt. Compilers, 1977. Music: LASST UNS ERFREUEN; Auserlesene Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Cologne, 1623; guitar acc. © 1995, OCP. All rights reserved. 22129-Z2 Son love ter D ia! by in nal le CREATOR SPIRIT, BY WHOSE AID D Bm A sus 4 A D le Al G A sus 4 thy self that we ly Font, thrice ho and sor row set A 1. thee. 2. spire. 3. ly. D a tor Spir it, by whose aid Source of un cre a ted light, be, ad o ra tion ev er 1. laid! 2. clete; 3. thee. 1. us 2. ho 3. sin A G Al E A Bm 1-3. lu ia! Al may ly us lu Em le G D Bm lu ia! Al A D A sus 4 A le SAMPLE 1. Cre 2. O 3. All A sus 4 lu see Fire, free The The E Em7 ia! Al B7 Em ia! Al E A D lu ia! Give Thrice From G Fa ther and the hearts with heav’n ly we may live e le A sus 4 le world’s foun da tions first were Fa ther’s prom ised Par a ter nal Par a clete to le The Our That D Bm A7 Bm [Bm] lu ia! Al A A7 lu Note: When guitar and keyboard play together, keyboardists should improvise using the guitar chords above the melody. Text: LM with alleluias; Veni, Creator Spiritus; attr. to Rabanus Maurus, 776–856; para. by John Dryden, 1631–1700; alt. Compilers, 1977. Music: LASST UNS ERFREUEN; Auserlesene Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Cologne, 1623; guitar acc. © 1995, OCP. All rights reserved. 22129-Z2 Son love ter D ia! by in nal le CREATOR SPIRIT, BY WHOSE AID SAMPLE TRUMPET in B Music: LASST UNS ERFREUEN; Auserlesene Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Cologne, 1623; arr. by Randall DeBruyn, b. 1947, © 1991, OCP. All rights reserved. 22129-Z3
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