Shofar Soundings JUNE/JULY 2015 Friday, June 26, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service Shabbat Service Honoring Long-Standing Members of 20-30 Years Friday, July 17, 2015 5:45 p.m. Enhanced Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service with Birthday Blessings! Followed by Dinner Friday, June 5, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service With Baby Naming of Seth David Flowers (See page 5 for more details) (See page 7 for more details) A nnual M eeting Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Op era Goes to Temp le Sunday, June 14, 2015 4:00 p.m. 2015 Gary HeldmanAward Menorah 2012 Menorah Honoring Leah Citrin on her Ordination (See page 7 for more details) Table of Contents The Rabbi’s Reflections......................... 2 An Offering of Thanksgiving Tot Shabbat Service............................... 2 From our Assistant Rabbi...................... 3 Celebrating the Superheroes of our School! From our Board President..................... 4 Baby Naming of Seth David Flowers.... 5 Executive Director................................. 6 Building a Stronger Tomorrow! Abayudaya............................................. 7 Benefits of Delicious Peace Coffee Opera Goes to Temple.......................... 7 Honoring Long-Standing Members..... 7 Tot Shabbat Havdallah.......................... 9 Environmental Committee Update..... 10 Kehal Kodesh Religoius School........... 11 End of Year Photos Brotherhood Update............................ 11 Tribute Funds...................................... 12 Women of Rockdale............................ 13 Mitzvah Opportunities........................ 14 Condolences & Mazal Tov.................. 14 Birthdays & Anniversaries................... 15 K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Join Us On Where you are valued... ...and values matter! The Rabbi’s Reflections An Offering of Thanksgiving Leviticus is no one’s favorite book Secondly, I am thankful that I will be spending some time on Sabbatical this summer. My current contract bestowed of the Bible. It is filled with the blood and guts of sacrifice and the 3 months of Sabbatical upon me. I will enjoy 5 weeks this summer ( June6-July 12) and will complete this shabbaton hierarchy of the priesthood that makes us squirm. We find within next summer. While I am always energized by my service in our community, this time will offer me the opportunity to the lines of the Torah a vision of renew. A chance to take a real Shabbat and to refresh. I will perfection that none of us attains. And yet, amid the different be spending part of this time learning as part of the Rabbinic Torah Study Seminar at the Shalom Hartman Institute in offerings, we learn something of Jerusalem. I offer my deepest thanks for this opportunity to our humanity. We learn to move past our own flaws by making sin the congregation, the Temple Board and to the Rockdale staff, offerings. We learn to mark time including Gene Meyers, who will support you and me during 5102 ,9 yamy M ,absence. yadrutaS I am grateful 51particularly 02 ,6 y raurbeto F ,yRabbi adirF Kahan who with the regular offerings, now civ reS tabbahwill S tobe T .m .a 00:01 to ourecommunity civ reS tabbahwhile S toT .Imam .p 0on 3:5 Sabbatical. I available changed into our regulareprayer, ytivitcA dna kam canSthankful yb dewollthat of she will berethere nniD for yb dyou! ewolloIf know I will return “the offering of our lips.” And we learn to make thanksgiving offerings of well-being. Zevach sh’lamim—An offer- rejuvenated and reJEWvenated. 5102 ,21 enuJ ,yadirF 5102 ,12 hcraM ,yadrutaS ing to be thankful for wholeness. eciv reS tabbaIhpray S toTI.m .p 03:5safely toecbe iv rewith S tabyou bahSintocommunity T .m.a 00:01 in renewed return tivitcA dnawe kcaall nS feel yb dethe wollwholeness of purpose and mission. Iypray that for Our Torah study group learned that the Midrash teaches which I am grateful as I make this Offering of Thanksgiving. that when the Messianic Era arrives, there will not be a 5102 ,42 lirpA ,yadirF need for the regular offerings, but we will still need to eciv reS tabbahS toT .m.p 03:5 bring offerings of Thanksgiving. Not because God needs noitapicitraP edarG ts1 & K ,K er P htiW it, but because our souls need it. We need to be grateful Rabbi Sigma Faye Coran renniD yb dewollof and to understand the blessings in our lives. This month, I Senior Rabbi would like to express gratitude for two blessings in my life. setaD tabbahS toT learsI eneB .K.K Save-the-Date First, I am thankful for Leah Citrin. Leah has been Rock- elpmeT eladkcoR dale’s Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati Fellow for the past !rettam...sdeeuulalavvdenraa...uoy erehW two years. As our intern, she has taught our congregation Friday, June 12, 2015 and led us in worship. She has been a teacher in our He5:30 p.m. brew School. Leah was particularly involved in teaching Tot Shabbat Service adults, on Saturday mornings, through our Adult Education offerings and in being my partner in shepherding last Designed for families with infants through Kindergarten-aged year’s Adult B’not Mitzvah class. Moreover, soon-to-be children and includes singing, simple prayers and stories. Rabbi Citrin has been a sounding board for both Rabbi A wonderful way for children to experience Shabbat with Kahan and me, helping us to create community and meantheir parents, Clergy and each other. 5102 ,9 yaM ,yadrutaS ing for K.K. Bene Israel/Rockdale Temple. 5102 ,6 y raurbeF ,yadirF setaD tabbahS toT eciv reS tabbahS toT .m.a 00:01 eciv reS tabbahS toT .m.p 03:5 Leah will be ordained on May 29th and our congregation ytivitcA dna kcanS yb dewollof renniD yb dewollof will have the opportunity to honor her for her gifts to us 5102 ,21 enuJ ,yadirF 5102 ,12 hcraM ,yadrutaS at our Annual Meeting on June 2nd at 7:30 pm. I hope e c i v r tabbahS toT .m.p 03:5 eciv reS tabbahS toT .m.a 00:01 you will join me in gratitude. Afterward, Rabbi CitrineSwill ytivitcA dna kcanS yb dewollof serve Temple Beth Or in Raleigh, North Carolina. I know that her new congregation will learn what we have learned: 5102 ,42 lirpA ,yadirF that Rabbi Citrin is a thoughtful and brilliant leader. She eciv reS tabbahS toT .m.p 03:5 will bestow upon them her sense of purpose and will bring noitapicitraP edarG ts1 & K ,K er P htiW them closer to their Judaism through music and prayer, inrenniD yb dewollof tention and learning. We pray that Rabbi Citrin will take our stories with her and that she will be fulfilled in her learsI eneB .K.K new role. Hazak, Hazak v’nithazeik. May she continue to e l p m eT eladkcoR grow from strength to strength. ...deulav era uoy erehW 2 shabbat with the Rosensweet family. !rettam seShabbi ulav dnaenjoys ... Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. An initiative of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Kehal Kodesh School of Rockdale Temple instills knowledge and love of Reform Judaism. We provide pathways to spirituality and God through instruction in Torah, ritual, traditions, Tikkun Olam (social responsibility) and connections with our sacred community. Our 2014-2015 / 5775 school year complete, Rabbi Coran and I would like to say how proud we are of all that our students, families, teachers, and madrichim have accomplished during this past year. This Year We… • Learned all about middot, Jewish values and virtues, and how they help us to live as superheroes, acting as our best selves. • Welcomed back eight teachers and welcomed for the first time six new teachers. • Continuing praying and learning about prayer with our Visual T’filah program. • Explored Israel and Modern Hebrew with Tal and Natan, our Chaverim M’Yisrael. • Engaged in learning with Rabbi Coran during Family Education programs. • “Retreated” to Downtown Cincinnati with Rak Noar (7th and 8th grades). • Celebrated the High Holy Days, Sukkot, Chanukah, Purim, and Passover together. • Spent a second awesome year learning with our URJ Camp Service Corps Fellow Michael Levy – 18 of our kids are attending URJ Camps this summer! • Welcomed back Interim Education Director Alexia Kadish – thanks, Alexia! • Hosted parent schmoozes to build community among our school families (special thanks to the Religious School Committee!) • Celebrated the end of the school year with a “Super School Shabbat”! We are grateful for the wisdom, energy, and investment of our wonderful staff at Kehal Kodesh. It takes a community of talented people to create an enthusiastic, positive learning environment, and we are blessed to have those people here in our school. This year we offer thanks to: From our Assistant Rabbi & Educator Celebrating the Superheroes of our School! Religious School Teachers: Felicia Wennersten – PreK and Kindergarten Gabi Schneider – 1st Grade Nurit Friedberg – 2nd Grade Alana Levy – 3rd Grade Yonatan Greenberg – 4th Grade Justin Levy – 5th Grade Kat Lanphear – 6th Grade Rabbi Matthew Kraus and Sam Kaye – Rak Noar Marti Bedard – School Administrator Hebrew School Teachers: Sam Pollak – Kitah Aleph Sam Kaye – Kitah Bet Scott Gellman – Kitah Gimmel Leah Citrin – Kitah Dalet Leslee Estrada – Rak Ivrit Max Miller – Madrichim Program Coordinator Madrichim: Emily Braverman Sydney Braverman Abigail Clark Hannah Clark Sarah Green Molly Grossman Emily Hageman Zakary Kadish Quint Kaufman Micah Kraus Lauren Kurtzer Rebecca Peters Max Routh Ari Seid Ethan Smilg Noah Smilg Julie Epstein and Lauren Herzig – Education Committee Co-Chairs Education Committee: Alison Auerbach Rebecca Barilleaux Glenn Chundrlek Lynda Grossman Barrie Kraus Dori Mack Craig Rozen Larry Smilg And as always, we are thankful for our Rockdale Temple staff members who go above and beyond to support our school program. We are grateful to all those who have made this year a success. Thank you for wonderful year of learning, engagement, and community building. We look forward to seeing you all on Opening Day – August 30, 2015! Rabbi Meredith Kahan Assistant Rabbi & Educator Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. June/July 2015 3 From Our Board President We have a lot going on at Rockdale Temple! Something amazing is going on at Rockdale Temple. By the time you receive this, about to hold our 191st annual meeting, approved a balanced budget for the year to end June 30, 2016, elected several new directors, and heard reports on what I hope you will agree has been a good year for Kehal Kodesh Bene Israel/Rockdale Temple. But when have challenges ever defeated the Jewish People? We have lots of hard work to do to continue to build our little corner of the Jewish World, but that work is a joy. Your board will keep you posted, and we continue to invite you to come inside our work through our committees and projects. This month I have the privilege of sharing something amazing that is going on at Rockdale. You have heard about the generous grant that we have received from the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati to explore ways to better engage all of you in the congregation that you have chosen. Under the leadership of Barbara Turner-Michaelson, we have now completed our first all-day session with our consultants, and it was an extraordinary day. I want to share substantial quotations from Barbara’s remarks to our Rockdale Connects team with which she opened our brainstorming session for a full day on a recent Sunday. In these excerpts, Barbara welcomes the Rockdale Connects task force, and she says some beautiful things about where your temple is headed. Fasten your seatbelts: “ Why is Rockdale Embarking on this Work? Ten years ago, our congregation experienced a significant shift. At that time, we re-organized our governance, hired a new spiritual leader and re¬defined ourselves. Just as important, we stabilized our financial health at that time. For the past ten years, Rockdale has presented an essentially balanced budget to our membership. Since then, we have maintained steady membership numbers as well as enhanced our programming. We are a strong and vibrant congregation that has much to offer our community. Having moved forward successfully from a fragile time, we are proud that we are respected not only for having been the first Jewish congregation in Cincinnati but for what we have become and what we might offer in the future. “Rockdale Temple seeks to build connections and enhance the feeling of community by implementing a set of three connected projects. These initiatives are intended to engage current members, attract new members, and secure the congregation’s future. We will build on our strengths and advance our mission. We are trying to meet the congregation’s needs identified through a survey of Rockdale’s membership which was conducted in March of 2014. This period of dis- 4 Shofar Soundings covery reiterated our goals to build upon positive relationships and increase engagement while creating a sustainable future. I mentioned that three initiatives are part of our Jewish Foundation grant, and you have been invited to be part of the first one which is that we want to employ a topnotch consultant to help us move beyond where we are and increase all members’ sense of connectedness and engagement. We want to change how we are going about getting our members to fully understand how important they are to us and to one another and how much we value them by creating programs and events they want that are appealing to them. Our consultant, including Larry Dressler, Amy Rosenblum, and their team from Bluewing Consulting in Boulder, have been hired to help us create new ways of bringing more of our congregants from the periphery to the center. “Why were the people in this room invited to lead this effort? We wanted the faces of Rockdale to be completely represented. We wanted different viewpoints, different ages, different generational ties. You were also chosen because we believe you will see yourself as working for the whole rather than having a special interest. In other words, you were chosen because we believe you are flexible, forward-thinking, willing to listen to others, willing to suspend your beliefs and judgments and, most of all, creative and willing to compromise. “I am so excited today has finally come, and I cannot express to you how grateful I am that you are willing to be here today. I know most of you are wondering what this whole project is about, what is going to be asked of you, and must feel some trepidation about agreeing to be here today. I see us as a collective stone that is thrown into a pond. Each ripple is a connection to the previous one. So we create a ripple, and then that circle creates another one, and so on and so on until we have this massive circle in which all the congregants are connected.” Thank you, Barbara, for leading this effort and for your inspiration. And thanks to all our fine Rockdale Connects team members, including Rabbi Coran, Executive Director Gene Meyers, John Cobey, Risa Feagins, Barry Gibberman, Justin Levy, Susan Ostreicher, Josh Shapiro, Joan Schimmel, Larry Smilg, and Karen Zanger. We soon will be calling on many others of you, our members, to join in the work of Rockdale Connects. Please answer the call, or call Barbara or me with your questions or to volunteer. Something amazing is going on at Rockdale Temple; be part of it. Dan Hoffheimer Board President Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Baby Naming Greeters and Candle & Kiddush of Seth David Flowers Friday, June 5, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Rockdale Temple We invite our Congregational family to Celebrate with us as Seth David Flowers son of Rabbi Meredith Kahan and Sean Flowers is welcomed into our Jewish Community Religious School Passover Program photos We need volunteers who are interested in lighting candles and participating in Kiddush after services on Friday nights. It’s a special way to honor a significant date such as a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah, Birthday or Anniversary. It’s also a very meaningful way to celebrate the beginning of Shabbat. Your whole family is more than welcome to join you on the Bimah for the blessings and the candle lighting. Also needed are people who would act as greeters to our members and guests when they arrive for services. For more information contact: Chris Malhotra by phone (513) 777-2039 or email [email protected]. Janie Meyers by phone (704) 771-0721 or email [email protected]. Ward’s Window Cleaning Service “I can see clearly now...” Dan Ward Fully Insured Free Estimates 513-390-2369 Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. June/July 2015 5 Executive Director Building a Strong Tomorrow! Six times a year, volunteers from Rockdale Temple give their time and money, to work at the Soup Kitchen. It’s a few hours of loving devotion as they help those less fortunate than themselves. Our Women of Rockdale contribute funds to help cover some of the costs, but it’s not enough. This worthy project needs your support. Please help by making a contribution to the Soup Kitchen Fund. Every dollar helps give so much to so many in need. *********************************** Rockdale is a member of the first group of organizations participating in Cincinnati’s CREATE YOUR JEWISH LEGACY – CYJL Program. We’re off to a great start with the enthusiastic support of your Board of Directors, past Presidents and others. CYJL gives us all the opportunity to make a significant difference in Cincinnati’s Jewish community, affecting generations to come. Best of all, your support will not have any effect on your current or future lifestyle. Many members of our Congregation have asked me about CYJL and legacy giving. So, what is a legacy gift and does it make sense to make one? Let’s take a moment and debunk the “Top 10 Legacy Giving Myths.” 10. I already give money annually. Thank you so much! Regular giving to an annual appeal or fundraiser is an important part of how area nonprofits keep their doors open. But what happens to the organization you have supported when you are no longer here to make that gift? A legacy gift can help ensure that your support continues, even when you can’t attend that fundraiser. 9. I don’t want the publicity associated with Legacy Giving. Part of our philanthropic practice involves thanking those who have made a legacy commitment. Publishing a list of legacy society members and offering special opportunities to legacy givers can inspire others to participate in this important program. But if you’re not the kind of person who wants the world to know about your generosity, you can choose to remain anonymous. usually be made with a single phone call and a signature, no attorney necessary. 6. I won’t get to decide what happens to my gift. Even though you won’t be here to see the impact your legacy gift will be making, you can pre-determine where your dollars will go and stipulate how they should be spent. If you’d like to fund a technology upgrade, purchase books for the library, or make sure extra scholarships are available, just stipulate that as part of your gift. Don’t imagine that you have to restrict your gift though… sometimes general funding is just the thing that an organization most needs. 5. If the organization dissolves, so will my money. It’s hard to predict where any of us will be in 10, 20, even 50 years. If you are worried that your organization might not be around when your gift is ready, you can indicate that you’d like it to go to a particular cause ( Jewish education) as a second choice to your favorite organization (Rockdale Temple). 4. My kids are getting all my money. Every parent wants to make sure their kids are well taken care of. Consider leaving just a portion of your estate to charitable causes. A gift like this will leave your children with both financial support and an ethical lesson in the importance of building a better world. 3. I might need my money. It’s true, you might. And it’ll be there for you if and when you do. This type of gift represents what you want to give once you are no longer here to need your assets. 2. I want my money to go where it’s most needed. Sometimes it’s not an organization that moves us, but the idea we can make a difference in the world. If you have a mission you’d like to accomplish, Rockdale’s CYJL Committee can help you plan your legacy gift around accomplishing that mission. Contact me, Gene Meyers at [email protected], to get started. 1. I have to be a millionaire to leave a legacy. The beauty of legacy giving is that you can make a gift of any amount of your estate. If your estate is worth a few dollars or a few billion, your gift is your legacy. And your legacy should live on! 8. Only seniors can leave a legacy gift. Seniors are an important and influential group, but any person-- no matter their age-- can plan to support the causes and organizations they cherish after they are gone. If you have assets, you’ll want to be the one to decide how they should be divided... at any age. To learn more, please take a few minutes to contact and speak with a member of our CYJL Committee, consisting of Dan Hoffheimer (Chair), Dick Friedman, Mike Heldman, Andi Herzig, Ed Herzig, Rabbi Coran and yours truly, Gene Meyers. All conversations will be kept confidential. 7. I will need to hire a lawyer. There are many Legacy gift vehicles that don’t require hiring an attorney. Consider making your favorite nonprofit a beneficiary of a portion of your life insurance policy or retirement fund. This change can Eugene Meyers Executive Director 6 Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Abayudaya CINCINNatI opera & roCkdale temple present Benefits of Delicious Peace Coffee opera goes to Meet one of the members of the Abayudaya ( Jewish ) people of Uganda. TtIic CK kE ets AV AA vAilA TS I ble L AprilABL NOW10 E ! temple An introduction to some people who benefit by our support of the Delicious Peace coffee cooperative. A couple of the things that Dolores and I noticed about the people we met in Uganda were their ready smiles and kind attitudes. Tarfon was one of the first people we met. He is a young man, age 28. He is studying to become a tourist guide and was one of the assistant guides during our trip. rockdale temple Tarfon was chosen to study in Israel for a year. When he returned to his village, he married and now has a little daughter. 8501 ridge road Cincinnati, oH 45236 A summer Afternoon of contemporAry And clAssicAl music Rockdale Temple sunday, July 13 4 p.m. June 14 Sunday, Tarfon is now a rising leader in his community. We enjoyed getting to know Tarfon and he called us his adopted American Mamas. Submitted by Joyce Alpiner and Dolores Goldfinger 4 p.m. 8501 Ridge Road tickets: FREE, but Cincinnati, OH 45236 reservations are required. Available beginning Thursday, April 10 at 10 a.m. Limit 2 per household. ickets T : FREE, but call (513) 241-2742 reservations are required. or visit Limit 4Code per “praIse” household. Use promo About Opera Goes to Temple Opera Goes to Church and Opera Goes to Temple concerts have been presented annually throughout the region since 2006. Cincinnati Opera works closely with the music staff and artists at each partner congregation to create powerful, unique programs featuring internationally acclaimed artists from Cincinnati Opera’s mainstage season, dynamic congregational choirs, talented youth performers, and more. WHeN plaCINg YoUr order Shabbat Service Honoring Long-Standing Members of 20-30 Years Friday, July 17, 2015 5:45 p.m. Enhanced Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 15, 2015 To Christie Woodside: [email protected] or 891-9900 Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. June/July 2015 7 K.K. Bene Israel June 2015 oCkdale temple Sunday ticke t AvAil s Ab April le 10 7 A summer Afternoon of contemporAry And clAssicAl music About Opera Goes to Temple Opera Goes to Church and Opera Goes to Temple concerts have been presented annually throughout the region since 2006. Cincinnati Opera works closely with the music staff and artists at each partner congregation to create powerful, unique programs featuring internationally acclaimed artists from Cincinnati Opera’s mainstage season, dynamic congregational choirs, talented youth performers, and more. 14 4:00 p.m. Opera Goes to Temple Rockdale Temple 1 8 opera 2 goes 3to temple 97:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal sunday, July 13 4 p.m. 8501 ridge road Cincinnati, oH 45236 tickets: FREE, but reservations are required. Available beginning Thursday, April 10 at 10 a.m. Limit 2 per household. 16 7:00 p.m. 23 Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 55:45 p.m. 11 12p.m. A summer Afternoon of contemporAry And clAssicAl music5:30 About Opera Goes to Temple Opera Goes to Church and Opera Goes to Temple concerts have been presented annually throughout the region since 2006. Cincinnati Opera works closely with the music staff and artists at each partner congregation to create powerful, unique programs featuring internationally acclaimed artists from Cincinnati Opera’s mainstage season, dynamic congregational choirs, talented youth performers, and more. 18 Tot Shabbat 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service 25 with Anniversary Blessings and Choir Singing 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 26 5:45 p.m. 27 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. RUACH: Noa Concert with Israelity Series (Washington Park) 30 Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings Followed by Dinner 29 13 9:30 a.m. 20 Rock Shabbat Service 28 6:00 p.m. 69:30 a.m. 19 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Discussion with Maia Morag (Offsite) 24 Saturday with the naming of Seth David Flowers call (513) Choir241-2742 Rehearsal RUACH: Israel 7:30 p.m. or visit WRJ Dinner Use promo Code “praIse” 22 17 6:30 p.m. ticke t AvAil s Ab April le 10 Friday Shabbat Service 10 rockdale temple 15 4 7:30 p.m. Annual Meeting WHeN plaCINg YoUr order 21 Where you are valued... ...and values matter! CINCINNatI opera & roCkdale temple present Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Baby Boomer Group Outing Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round A nnual M eeting Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Honoring Leah Citrin on her Ordination Menorah AwardAwards 2015 Gary2012 Heldman Menorah Sunday Monday Tuesday Join Us For Tot Shabbat Havdallah Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 5 p.m. Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 at the home of Rabbi Kahan Cooking 7 Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. 13 14 8 9 10 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. 15 16 17 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Honoring Long-Standing Members of 20-30 years with Anniversary Blessings 19 20 21 22 23 24 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings 26 27 28 49:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Temple Office Closed Shabbat Service 12 Saturday Independence Day RSVP by July 20, 2015 to Christie at 513-891-9900 6 35:45 p.m. Shabbat Service Let us know how many in your family will be staying for dinner. 5Soup Kitchen Friday July 2015 29 30 31 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service 11 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 18 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 25 T B’A isha v 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 5:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat Havdallah (at the home of Rabbi Kahan) Environmental Committee Energy Efficiency Upgrades for Rockdale and Your Home In his book, Torah of the Earth, Exploring 4,000 years of Ecology in Jewish Thought, Arthur Waskow tells the reader “The environmental crisis offers both a challenge and an opportunity to modern Judaism.” He writes that all cultures will be judged in future generations by the depth of their response. A recent article in Scientific American points out that if we do not cut greenhouse gas emissions, it will be too late to halt global warming. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the current average annual rate increase of CO2 emissions is 1.92 part per million, which means we could reach the point of no return by 2042. (www. generations. You can start today by contacting GCEA at or by phone at (513) 621-4232. If your home or building is in Cincinnati can save as much as $1,500 through their incentive program supported by the City of Cincinnati. The Energy Alliance also offers a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® assessment to help you understand how improvements throughout your home can work together to save energy and increase comfort. The challenge is for you to do your part to limit CO2 emissions so we do not reach a global warming point of no return. The Energy Analysis and Recommendations report can be found in Gene’s office. This section and chart explain why our energy costs are high at Rockdale. We can respond to the challenge by making our homes and our Temple home more energy efficient. The first step is to change light bulbs to CFLs or LEDs to save energy and lower electric bills. At our Temple, we have changed 99% of the light bulbs! This is the easiest and least costly action you can take! Please consider making this easy and important change at home. Duke Energy customers can receive discounted or free CFL and LED bulbs. Visit Duke Energy at or call (855) 322-0998. The next step is to call the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance to set up a meeting to evaluate your home. Rockdale’s Executive Director, Gene Meyers, and members of the Rockdale Environmental Committee met with Chris Meyer from the GCEA in order to evaluate our energy usage at Temple. After thoroughly studying the Temple building and utilities, Chris sent an Energy Analysis and Recommendations report. Determining the costs of energy used at Rockdale is difficult due to the complicated arrangements with the JCC. Rockdale has meters on some but not all equipment. The JCC quantifies the cost and bills Rockdale accordingly. Gene is working to put more clarity into this accounting. He has already taken action to reduce cost through energy efficient measures suggested by the GCEA report. This includes replacing the old hot water heater for the restrooms, insulating pipes and replacing all the light bulbs. More steps are planned as we work to make our Temple more energy efficient. The EPA indicates that the average worship facility has an Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of 37, or 16% of Rockdale Temples current EUI. This high EUI indicates that the facility is using substantially more energy than average and that there are opportunities to reduce the energy use and cost. The causes for this high EUI are most likely due to the architectural nature of the facility. It was designed in the late 1960s and constructed in 1971—an era that is one of the worst (ever) for energy efficient design. There is little or no insulation, extensive fenestration, and a high envelope-to-interior ratio, all of which contribute to high heating costs. While it is possible to improve the energy use of the building, the architectural design implies that it will never be a high performing energy-use building. We all have the opportunity to leave a good legacy for future 10 Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Kehal Kodesh Religious School End of Year Photos Brotherhood Wright Patterson AFB Museum On Thursday, April 30th, 22 members of Brotherhood drove to Wright Patterson AFB Museum to watch the movie “Above and Beyond.” The movie was part of the Dayton Jewish Film Festival and was produced by Nancy Spielberg. “Above and Beyond” is the story of Jewish - American pilots who volunteered and flew in Israel’s first Air Force in the 1948 War of Independence. They had to smuggle planes out of the US, risk loss of their US citizenship, and train in Czechoslovakia before putting their lives on the line in Israel. Nancy Spielberg, (yes... Steven’s sister), spoke to the audience and answered questions after the movie. If you get a chance to see it on DVD, you really owe it to yourself to see this tremendous documentary about the little known story of how Jewish Americans created the Israeli Air Force. Thanks to Ryan Levin and the Levin Family Foundation as they graciously paid for the admission of all Rockdale Brotherhood members, and special thanks to Rockdale’s Mike Reed for putting the event together! Darryl Dick Brotherhood President Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. June/July 2015 11 Tribute Funds Donations from April 6, 2015 - May 5, 2015 Rabbi Coran’s Discretionary Fund In Honor of Adam Frankel’s Kulanu Graduation G. Allen and Sara Frankel In Honor of Max Frankel’s Upcoming Confirmation G. Allen and Sara Frankel In Honor of Andi and Ed Herzig’s Significant Birthdays Arlene Koon In Honor of Blair Tillett’s Birthday Chris Malhotra In Honor of Wedding of Tracy Yarchi and Chris Robbins Tracy Yarchi & Chris Robbins In Memory of Helen Ackermann Justin & Susan Mamis Mary Lucchesi In Memory of Yahrzeits of Anne and Charles (Bud) Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sugarman In Memory of Saul Marmer Donald & Margaret Helmbold Temple Fund In Honor of Philip T. Cohen’s 95th Birthday Frank & Rosemary Bloom In Honor of Steve and Susan Goldman The Goldman Family Foundation In Honor of Andi and Ed Herzig’s Significant Birthdays Mauri Willis Steven & Rachel Schild Jerry & Judy Kirzner Rabbi Gerry & Caren Jean Walter In Honor of the Rockdale Temple Board of Directors & Committees Daniel J. Hoffheimer In Memory of Roselyn Dave Mary-Bob and Jack Rubenstein In Memory of Saul Marmer Stephen Harris In Memory of Roy Sommer Barbara Sommer Bimah Flowers Fund In Memory of Elizabeth Freiberg Trager Thomas Trager In Honor of Ariela Kurtzer Leading Shabbat Services Jamey & Vanessa Kurtzer Estelle Levine Fund for Special Children Library Fund In Honor of Andrea Herzig’s Book Publishing “Courage in a Little Suitcase” Daniel J. Hoffheimer In Honor of Andrea Herzig’s Book Publishing “Courage in a Little Suitcase” Jerry & Nancy Schwartz Ullman Cultural Fund In Memory of Saul Marmer Blair Tillett & Judy Lawrence Jules & Elizabeth K. Oppenheimer Fund In Honor of the Zahn Family Jonathan Cohen Louise Reichert Flower Fund In Memory of Sue Richard Jack and Nancy Richard Steven E. Altman Fund In Honor of the Confirmation class of 2015/5775 Daniel J. Hoffheimer In Memory of Roselyn Dave Alfred Cohen Ann Pappenheimer In Memory of Sue Richard Alfred Cohen Ann Pappenheimer In Memory of Joan Schaengold Alfred Cohen Ann Pappenheimer Honor & Remember Your Loved Ones Tribute Fund with a contribution to your favorite Call Christie Woodside Rockdale Temple Office 513-891-9900 Or make an online donation at Click on “Donate” at the bottom of the screen. 12 Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Ritual Committee Women of Rockdale Fay May, Committee Chair June/July Update The Ritual Committee serves as a liaison between the congregation and the clergy. Its goals are to promote and encourage participation in services for Shabbat and festivals and Shabbat Morning Torah discussions and services, to evaluate liturgy and music, to discuss issues raised by congregants, to understand rabbinic plans in order to explain them to congregants, and to participate in Temple activities. Fay May, 779-2774 or [email protected] Enrichment. 8501 Ridge Road At Cedar Village, care of our residents is our first priority. We offer services for the whole person, meeting their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs to ensure that they achieve an optimal quality of life. We take our commitment to the community very seriously and we live our mission, to provide the highest quality healthcare, senior residential and community services, in keeping with Jewish values, yet open to all faiths. Cedar Village … It’s about caring. ....................................................................... cedar village services ....................................................................... • Driving Assessment Program • Cedar Village Home Care • Independent and Assisted Living • Rehabilitation After Hospitalization • Nursing Care and Specialized Dementia Care • Hospice—Comfort and Care • Shalom Center for Elder Abuse Prevention ....................................................................... Cedar Village is a nonprofit retirement community, located in Mason, Ohio. ....................................................................... Cedar Village Retirement Community 5467 Cedar Village Drive, Mason, Ohio 45040 Tel: 513.754.3100, Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. June/July 2015 13 Mitzvah Opportunities Comfort Trays for the Grieving Jewish Hospital Needs Volunteers The Jewish Hospital is a community faithful to its Jewish heritage and grounded in the Jewish and Catholic traditions of Service to the community. We are looking for volunteers who would like to share their time. A minimum of 4 hours a week is the commitment. We have many opportunities in various departments to make a difference! Join our team! Contact Information: Volunteer Services, 686-5330 Sisterhood recognizes the need to help make things easier for congregants sitting shiva or hosting family after a funeral by providing a tray of sweets. If you are able to provide baked goods that we can store in the freezer, or if you are able to help assemble and deliver the trays when needed, please contact: Alison Auerbach at [email protected] Volunteers Needed Rockdale Temple IHN Volunteers Needed Go to and click on the COMMUNITY tab on the top of the page, then select Kroger Community Rewards along the left hand side of the page. Or, call the Rockdale Temple office and someone will be happy to help! The Kroger rewards program requires an annual enrollment. Please volunteer and do not miss a fun Sunday with a nice group of people. Looking forward to working with you. To volunteer please call: Dolores Goldfinger 891-0725 Next Cooking Date: May 31, 2015 It only takes a few minutes to set aside a half dozen cookies or brownies in a freezer bag and to drop them off at temple. Please mark the bag with the list of ingredients for those who might be allergic to specific items and you have performed a mitzvah. Interfaith Hospitality Network Kroger Reward Cards are an easy way to support Rockdale Temple. Soup Kitchen Interfaith Hospitality Network hosts a group of homeless families at Adath Israel Synagogue for 3 weeks per year – a week in July, a week in August and the week of Christmas. (For more info about the IHN program see For each of those weeks, Rockdale supplies the food and the volunteers to host on Friday nights. The Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati is Seeking Volunteers Join the Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati in the mission to change lives through reading, tutoring and character development. Volunteers are needed for various programs, including Cincinnati Reads, Winners Walk Tall, and office help. Contact Kathy Ciarla or Sarah Cranley, at (513) 621- READ, on how you can positively impact the lives of children in the community. For further information and a tour of the facilities, please contact Rockdale Temple’s chairperson, Linda Chatterjee at [email protected]. Anything is everything. 14 Shofar Soundings Create a lasting legacy and enrich your community now and for years to come. Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays dults of June A 6����Edward Rosenthal ����Sheldon Kahan 8����Randy Green 9����Trip Wolf 10����Lynn Zirkes 11����Steven Messer 16����Jean Chimsky ����Kathe Kellar ����Melvin Schaengold ����Marvin Siegel 20����Phyllis Gold ����Margaret Meyer ����Barbara Nelson ����Alice Perlman ����Mary Silva 21����Jerome Itkoff 22����Jeff Goldman 23����Jonathon Spaulding 25����Lori Reidel ����Barbara Reed 30����Fay May Children of June 1����Max Routh ~ 15 years old 4����Tobias Eiser ~ 7 years old 4����Matias Knudsen ~ 7 years old 7����Solomon Ostreicher ~ 1 year old 10����Danielle Peters ~ 18 years old 11����Phillip Richman ~ 10 years old 15����Rachel Herzig ~ 8 years old 15����Lauren Kurtzer ~ 16 years old 16����Joel O’Koon ~ 10 years old 16����Lydia Rosensweet ~ 3 years old 16����Isaac Rosensweet ~ 3 years old 18����Ben Seid~ 14 years old 18����Sivan Yarchi ~ 15 years old 19����Sebastian De Falco ~ 1 year old 19����Maggie Rubenstein ~ 7 years old 22����Sydney Braverman ~ 18 years old 27����Jonah Lillenstein ~ 6 years old dults of July A 1����Cheryl Belfort 2����Betty Heldman 4����Dolores Goldfinger 5����Joe Mendelsohn 7����Jean Abrahamson 8����Maxine Potter 11����Andi Herzig 13����David Kerman 15����Marilyn Hirschhorn 16����Barbara Rosenberg 19����Ira Abrahamson 19����David Weiman 21����Jerry Schwartz 21����Gene Wacksman 23����Wilma Travis 25����Ilene Poliner 27����Elise Waxler 28����Michael Ames 29����Helene Cohen 30����Roy White Children of July 2����Avi Marcus-Ream ~ 16 years old 6����Lilly Rubenstein ~ 12 years old 8����Hannah Clark ~ 15 years old 10����Isabel Epstein ~ 8 years old 13����Ben Kraus ~ 14 years old 15����Joei Forrest ~ 12 years old 16����Nina Brown ~ 2 years old 17����Joshua True ~ 3 years old 19����Brie De Falco ~ 5 years old ����Ethan Kadish ~ 15 years old 22����Eli Bedard ~ 12 years old 26����Jack Dunkelman ~ 4 years old 28����Jacob Zeidenstein ~ 15 years old 31����Tucker Ames ~ 11 years old ����Griffin Ames ~ 11 years old ����Quinn Davidson ~ 13 years old Adult Birthdays are listed every five years starting with the 20th birthday and every year for members who have reached the age of 75. “Children of the Temple” are those who are 18 years old & younger. Please consider naming Rockdale Temple in your will or estate plan. Anniversaries June 3����Jeff & Mindy Seibert ~ 25th 11����Zvi & Adele Zuckerman ~ 15th 17����Barry & Madeline Berman ~ 53rd 17����Maurice & Erva Dick ~ 64th 17����Russell & Renee Frankel ~ 53rd 17����David & Hildegard Kerman ~ 65th 18����Arthur & Susan Stern ~ 61st 21����Morton & Barbara Harshman ~ 58th 21����Ronald & Anne Roth ~ 45th 25����Matvey & Elizabeth Chudnovsky ~ 50th 25����Michael & Margaret Meyer ~ 54th 26����Phil & Helene Cohen ~ 67th July 7����Robert & Loris Ungar ~ 58th 9����Luc & Marti Bedard ~ 15th 10����Perry & Bobbie Leitner ~ 35th 15����Steve & Maureen Simon ~ 15th 16����Josh & Heather Shapiro ~ 15th 26����Greg & Kim Gruen ~ 30th ����Gene & Beverly Hirschberg ~ 69th 28����Randy & Ila Frankel ~ 10th Anniversaries will be listed every five years starting with the 5th anniversary. All anniversaries of 50 years and over are recognized. Condolences To the Family and Friends of: Linda Abrahamson loving wife of Ira Abrahamson beloved mother of Susan and Jeff Routh beloved grandmother of Max and Caroline Routh Mazal Tov On the marriage of Leah Hoffheimer to Daniel Broder daughter of Dan Hoffheimer June/July 2015 15 K.K. Bene Israel Rockdale Temple Where you are valued... ...and values matter! 8501 Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 Address Service Requested Liturgical Calendar Friday, June 5, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service With naming of Seth David Flowers Saturday, June 6, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, June 12, 2015 5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Saturday, June 13, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, July 3, 2015 T emple Office Closed 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Saturday, July 4, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, July 10, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Saturday, July 11, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, June 19, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service With Anniversary Blessings and Choir Singing Friday, July 17, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Honoring Long Standing Members 20-30 years, Anniversary Blessings and Choir Singing Saturday, June 20, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Saturday, July 18, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, June 26, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings Followed by Dinner Saturday, June 27, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round Friday, July 24, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service With Birthday Blessings Saturday, July 25, 2015 9:30 a.m. Sichat Torah (Torah Discussion) 10:30 a.m. Service-in-the-Round 5:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat Havdallah Friday, July 31, 2015 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service Send us your e-mail address for weekly Rock-mail! Affliliated with the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) Serving Reform Congregations in North America Sigma Faye Coran Senior Rabbi Meredith Kahan Assistant Rabbi & Educator Eugene Meyers Executive Director Daniel Hoffheimer President Mark N. Goldman, D.D. Rabbi Emeritus Rockdale Temple 8501 Ridge Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 Phone: 513-891-9900 Fax: 513-891-0515 e-mail: [email protected]
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