ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 Rotary District 6800 Newsletter March 2015 Issue ATTENDEES OF 2015 ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE, HELD MARCH 19-22 AT THE WHISPERING WOODS HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER RYLA was a huge success! Started by District 6800 in 1982, RYLA represents a major commitment by the Rotary clubs in our district to enhance the leadership of today's youth so they may more effectively answer tomorrow's challenges. Each year over 120 high school juniors are selected as delegates to the conference and are sponsored by various clubs within the district. During their four days at the conference, these young people have an opportunity to associate with students from different locations and backgrounds, become exposed to a broad range of business and professional leaders, and become more fully aware of the value of our American free enterprise system. The conference is the largest commitment our district makes every year, both in terms of monetary resources and club involvement. We have been able to add Thursday night and all day Friday without additional cost to the individual clubs due to the support the district officers have given to the conference through their generous financial support. This is the seventh year we have partnered with the University of Memphis. They will be preparing much of the program material, using their resources to make sure our youth are exposed to excellent material to help in the development of their leadership skills in the future. This conference attempts to convey leadership tools in a fun way that the students will understand and be able to use for the rest of their lives. Service Above Self! 4-Way Test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Marty Petrusek and Stephanie Lawson, co-chairs of District 6800 RYLA ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER 2 | Issue MARCH 2015 Senatobia Rotary Gives 1200 Dictionaries to area 3rd Graders The Senatobia Rotary Club is participating this spring in the “Dictionary Project,” which the District 6800 leadership introduced to the club three years ago. By the end of April, the club will have distributed over 1,200 dictionaries to area 3rd graders since coming on board with the project. The club has utilized District Simplified Grants to help it underwrite the project, which is very warmly received by the schools, teachers, and students. The following schools benefit from the project: Coldwater Elementary, East Tate Elementary, Magnolia Heights Elementary, Senatobia Middle, and David Harbison of the Rotary Club presents the check to Library Director Crystal Osborne roaster. Strayhorn Elementary. Pictured is Rotarian Sonja Graham (left) with students at East Tate Elementary School. While completing a dictionary exercise with the students, club members also share with students about the service and values of Rotary. Recently the Elizabeth Jones Library received a donation of $10,000 from the Grenada Rotary Club to supplement the library budget. Crystal Osborne had been asked to present a program to the Grenada Rotary Club members about upcoming programs and services the library provides. During that presentation, she discussed some items that were not possible right now, but that she would like to pursue in the future. With the donation, Osborne has begun to implement three of the topics discussed: A downloadable PLEASE SUBMIT PICTURES AND STORIES TO: Ashley Herbert, Newsletter Editor [email protected] Please submit by the 10th of each month for that month’s issue. audiobook subscription that includes over 1,100 multiaccess eAudio children and young adult titles. It also includes 200 downloadable Popular Adult eAudio titles for the adults who enjoy listening to books. Thirty-five audio titles on MP3 players (15 juvenile-young adult and 20 adult books) with new ones will be added quarterly. With students using the 12 public computer daily to practice their iReady software, it has become apparent that the students may need Internet accessible computers that are specific for them, so the addition of four new children computers is in the works. ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER 3 | Issue MARCH 2015 Northeast Shelby County Rotary Club’s Bartlett a la Carte ROTARY CLUBS IN ACTION: Rotary on TV: Bill Courtney and Bob Bickley speaking on television about the “Cut Juvenile Crime” commitment. Midtown Memphis Club: Tennessee Shakespeare Company GM, Stephanie Shine, directs Mercutio, Benvolio, and Romeo ( Ok, really Anne Christoff, Coble Caperton, and Al Harvey). Ms. Shine was showing the club how her company utilizes Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to encourage students to pursue non violent solutions to problems. University of Memphis Rotaract: Lauren and Kaitlin Ganavazos, outdid themselves yesterday entertaining Isabel Sanchez, from Peru to lunch at Molly's and hair do and manicure at Gould's. This year’s 8th annual Bartlett a la Carte tasting event will be held on Sunday, April 19 from 5-7pm at the beautiful Colonial Country Club in Cordova. Bartlett a la Carte is a partnership between The Northeast Shelby County Rotary Club and The Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. These two not-for-profit organizations are dedicated to improving the quality of life in Shelby County and the surrounding community. All proceeds from Bartlett ala Carte are used for community development, youth development, and educational programs in Arlington, Lakeland, Bartlett, Cordova and other areas of Northeast Shelby County. The proceeds from the silent auction at this event directly benefit Youth Villages, a Bartlett-based organization that works Nationwide to support at-risk youth and keep families together. A wonderful evening of food, beverages, and getting together with friends is anticipated, featuring over twenty food and beverage vendors at the beautiful Colonial Country Club located at 2736 Countrywood Parkway Cordova, TN 38016 just of Germantown Parkway near the I-40 Exchange. Over the last seven years, Bartlett Ala Carte has had a wonderfully positive response from both vendors and guests alike. The event showcases delicious food from local restaurants, bars, bakeries and food specialty vendors. Over 300 guests agree that the $80 per couple guest charge is well worth the opportunity to sample food and beverages from Italian, Mexican, Danish, and American vendors. An array of dishes, from barbeque, pizza, crabmeat and shrimp with hot sauce, bison meet balls in cream sauce, salmon laced deviled eggs, pasta primavera, frozen yogurt, chocolate covered fruit items as well as beer, wine soft drinks, iced tea and water are consumed with delight. The net result is that many charitable programs will be funded through this shared event between Northeast Shelby County Rotary Club and the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER News You Can Use: The Rotary club of Olive Branch is having its annual "Rotary Masters" Golf Tournament on Monday April, 13, 2015. It will be held at the olive Branch Country Club. $400/team. Proceeds will go to the club’s scholarship fund. For the past three years in a row, Germantown residents have voted The Rotary Club of Germantown as their most favorite civic club. The club has number of active projects e.g. Scholarships, Germantown International Festival, Distribution of Dictionaries, Building Youth Educational Fish Pond, Support eradication of Polio, Gift of Life, Eradication of PETS: PDG Joe Gibbs, left, from Clarksdale, MS talks with Friday Luncheon Speaker, Victor Nunnemaker from CA, who explained how Rotary literally changed his life. Tuberculosis in India, Water projects in Honduras and India. District 6800 Leaders: District Governor- Bob Bickley District Governor Elect-Cary E. Vaughn District Governor Nomimee- Tom Wilson PETS: District 6800 members at the PETS Conference PETS: 4 | Issue MARCH 2015 District 6800 members at the PETS Conference Cleveland Club: Rotarian Lee Jordan (right) invited Abe Hudson with the Delta State University College of Business to speak to the Cleveland Rotary Club. Abe Hudson is the program director for Debt Education for Business Transformation and Sustainability (DEBTS) Gift of Life: Sarah Grace makes a house call of Ailyn, Gift of Life child. ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER | Issue MARCH 2015 From the Desk of the District Governor: March has been an incredibly busy month for the Clubs and District Leadership Teams. Many successes to report on behalf of the leadership of District 6800. This past weekend was our Peace Forum 2015 –the kickoff for our 5 Year 50% Reduction of Juvenile Crime in the Mid-South / District 6800. We call it the “5 & 50 Program”. We met at Whispering Woods Conference Center. Rotarians from around the District and elected officials, law enforcement officers and people who have organizations that are organized to reduce crime in the Mid-South attended. Our Moderator Judge Joe Gibbs of the Rotary Club of Clarksdale and Past District Governor, led our Panel of distinguished leaders in the Mid-South: the Documentary Academy Award winner for “Undefeated”, author of “Against the Grain”, business leader and Memphis entrepreneur Coach Bill Courtney; Luther Mercer, educator, management consultant with Global Cross-Cultural Program Implementation; and Judge Celeste Wilson, Desoto County MS, Youth Court. Each panelist reached out to the audience to explain the seriousness of our juvenile crime problem that is 74% of all crime in the Shelby County region of the Mid-South. Celeste Wilson stepped up to explain that this crime issue is in North Mississippi and to further prove her point she invited people to join her in court proceedings. Luther Mercer indicated that this is a great start to explaining in detail the problem and it will take a long time to solve. The Question and Answer session was a demonstration of the many programs that are now working, but need additional help. This is where Rotary District 6800 comes in. We do not have to re-invent the programs. This was an excellent kick-off to our “5 & 50 Program”. Thanks to Bill Courtney, Rotary District 6800 has had excellent press and news coverage on the local TV channels, including CBS, Fox News and NBC Channels for six days. Coach Courtney sent me an e-mail from a train somewhere in Europe on a business trip, and told us of the importance of Rotary in the leadership to Reducing Juvenile Crime. “My eyes were really opened to the fact that tons and tons of programs already exists; you are exactly correct that there is no need to go build more programs. Rather, identify and qualify the best local programs out there and then go help them grow and do what they do.” Bill also outlined his thoughts as a business project. In addition to saving lives, Coach Bill looks at Reducing Juvenile Crime as a huge solution to the business problems caused by this most pressing problem for all who live in the Mid-South. Bill is dedicated to making the Memphis area (Mid-South) a place people want to work and live. Thank you to all our District Leadership and Rotary members that helped and attended while learning first hand that Rotary District 6800 is on the right track to helping solve an issue that has been with us too long. The Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly Awards program Thursday evening March 19 through Sunday noon March 22, 2015 was a complete success. Clubs that sent students, and that is most of the Clubs in District 6800, have a built-in program by asking students they sent to RYLA to 5 ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER | Issue MARCH 2015 report to their Club about their reaction and the value received from this weekend. My wife and I made several visits to the events during the weekend, and I had the privilege of speaking before the students for 10 minutes on Saturday afternoon March 21, 2015. Earlier before the Peace Forum, Coach Bill Courtney gave a dynamic talk to the students at RYLA after breakfast. This is a terrific group of over 120 11th graders. Their parents should be very proud. The Rotary RYLA Leadership Team was as usual out-of-sight terrific, led by Stephanie Lawson member and Past President of the Rotary Club of Olive Branch, MS. The dedication to this program and the professionalism of their leadership is the best. After our Peace Forum 2015, our District Board met for our quarterly meeting. Tommy White, our Chairman led us in this most important meeting as the District Board approved items that will move our “5 & 50” Program ahead: The Board approved, with the advice of two Legal Counselors, the establishment of a District non-profit Foundation enabling the leadership of our District 6800 Foundation to accept grants from grantors that require recipients of certain foundation grants to be 501c3 organizations. District Leadership is now moving ahead with the establishment of our new foundation and will have announcements as this moves forward. The Board approved an initial “kick-off” matching grant from a Rotary District 6800 Club Foundation that will be announced soon by the Club Leadership and District 6800 Leadership. The Board approved the nominations of future District Governors to be approved by the Club Membership attending the District Conference / Annual Meeting. Of course, Cary Vaughn is our District Governor-Elect 2015-16; Tom Wilson is our District Governor Nominee for 2016-17. Future District Governors designated to be voted on at District Conference / Annual Meeting May 8 & 9, 2015 are Bethany Huffman 2017-18 and F. Gray Carter 2018-19. If there are any nominations from the District, please submit them to me as soon as possible and I will forward them on to Tommy White our Board Chair. Our Future District Calendar of events include the District Assembly in Oxford, Mississippi on Saturday April 18, 2015 led by Cary Vaughn, District Governor-Elect. Cary will be sending information to our District Leadership and Clubs. Finally our District Conference and Annual Meeting is in the final planning stages. Chris Canoy, Conference Team Leader, and I are completing plans that we will be sharing with all District Clubs, Members and District Leadership. District Conference and Annual Meeting is Friday and Saturday May 8 and 9, 2015 at Whispering Woods Conference Center and Hotel in Olive Branch, MS. Plan to attend. We will start early on May 8th and end on Saturday May 9th no later than 2:30pm. Your vote will count on District business that includes future District Leadership, changes to the District By-Laws that you will receive prior to our May meeting, and other items that may come up that require voting by the membership of Rotary District 6800. 6 ROTARY DISTRICT 6800 NEWSLETTER | Issue MARCH 2015 Before sending this information to Ashley Herbert, Newsletter Editor: Please remember in your prayers Joan Ferguson, Past District Governor and member of the Rotary Club of Hernando, Mississippi. I learned recently that she has been in the hospital and is now home recovering. Rotary’s Best to all, Bob Bickley, Rotary District 6800 Governor 2014-15 Membership Competition: District 6800 winners of the Membership Competition will be announced by Carmen Oguz in May at the District 6800 Conference & Annual Meeting, which will be held at the Whispering Woods Conference Center in Olive Branch. Carmen urges all Clubs to make sure they have met the eligibility requirements to be in contention for the awards. Each Club must have consistently reported membership numbers via DACdb or directly to Lee Hughes for the time period of July 2014 through February 2015. Each months' membership must be accounted for to be eligible to win one of the three prizes: 1st place- $1,000.00 2nd place- $500.00 3rd place- $250.00 IMPORTANT- For Clubs that show a loss in membership retention, please double-check your reasons for the loss. For this competition's purpose, losses in membership due to death or Club transfer DO NOT COUNT AGAINST THE CLUB. So, for example, if your Club only had two losses for the time period I mentioned, and the losses were due to death or transfer, then your Club technically still has a 100% retention rate. 7
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