2015 RFF Film Entry Form 11th Edition FILM SUBMISSION APPLICATION Submission Deadline: May 31, 2015 Film Title: ______________________________________________________________ English Title (if different) _____________________________________________________ Running Time: ___________ Country of Origin: _________________ Year of Release: __________ Original Language: ____________________________ English Subtitles: ____ Yes _____ No Production Date: ____________ Director’s first film: _____Yes _____No Director’s Name: _______________________ Producer’s Name______________________________ Director’s Nationality: _____________________ Address: _______________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: _________________________________ PLEASE TICK THE APPROPRIATE GENRE: ____Fiction ___ Documentary ____ Animation FESTIVAL PRESENTATION FORMAT: ___Color ____Short Fiction ____BW Dubbed in ______ DVD SENT BY: Name: __________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ 2015 RFF Film Entry Form 2015 RFF Film Entry Form By submitting ___________________________________________________ (film title), The undersigned warrants that (s)he has the right to submit and exhibit the above-indicated film to RFF and will indemnify and hold harmless the Festival, its directors, management, staff, and sponsors, against any and all claims arising out of RFF’s exhibition and promotion of said film should such film be programmed as part of the 2015 RFF. Further, I agree that the Rwanda Film Festival may use up to 5 minutes of the film for promotional purposes. Submitted by: Signature________________________________________ ___________________________________ Print Name Date _____________________________ _____________________________ Title PLEASE MAKE SURE APPLICATION IS COMPLETE AND SIGNED PLEASE NOTE: RFF does not pay screening fee. Once the film is selected you will be required to send Screening Copy. Films will be removed from the program if we do not receive the Screening copy 2 weeks after announcement of selected films. We are accepting DVD and Blu-ray files. You can also send an online screener link for submission. Please send 2 DVDs or Online Link for Jury Selection purposes. Submission Procedures: (Entry is Free) A signed and fully completed application with publicity materials must be submitted with a DVD. To be eligible for programming, the entire application MUST be completed and signed. The submission deadline is 31st May 2015. Completed Entry Form including technical and artistic data, synopsis in English and Director’s Bio, 2 DVDs of the film for selection and jury purposes Please mail your submissions and accompanying materials to: Rwanda Cinema Centre Gacuriro Estate Kg 383 Street No. 24 P.O. BOX 4065, KIGALI, RWANDA Tél: (250) 783 773 953 2015 RFF Film Entry Form 2015 RFF Film Entry Form Please include synopsis, director's bio-data and 2 DVDs Freight costs are to be paid by the Producer; RFF will not be responsible or DVD’s lost or damaged in the mail. RFF is neither responsible for initial poor condition of DVDs. Selection results will be available, on May 30th 2015 on www.rwandafilmfestival.net Any film at RFF may have up to five (5) public screenings at the most, including one press showing. The five showings include those shown within the Hillywood program. However, further screenings could be organized with the Producer’s consent. Return of films will be at the request and cost of the Producers. Keep this page for your reference. Please do not return it with your application and DVDs. 2015 RFF Film Entry Form
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