ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER Effects of different organic fertilizers on seedlings growth and photosynthesis of chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) Mohamed A. SHARAF-ELDIN1, Katalin ERTSEYNÉ PEREGI2, Zoltan PAP2 Kafrelsheikh University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Egypt Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Horticultural Science, Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Growing, Hungary, (e-mail: [email protected]) 1 2 Abstract While the nutrient supply in conventional farming is mainly provided by mineral fertilizers, organic farmers have to use organic materials to produce seedlings for increasing growth and quality. Although the effect of pelleted and granulated composted animal manures is known in organic production, till this time there is no scientific literature in Hungarian and Egyptian situations to use them for organic seedling production. Aims of research were to determine growing power of Chinese cabbage seedlings only with the use of organic materials (pelleted or microgranulated added to peat), estimating the effectiveness of different NPK values (4-4-4 or 10-3-3), and to demonstrate some physiological differences by measuring photosynthetic activity. All organic fertilizers increased seedlings fresh and dry weights, nitrogen and chlorophyll contents and photosynthetic rate. However, microgranulated organic fertilizer (NPK: 4-4-4) was the most effective. Key words: Chinese cabbage, seedlings, transplant growth, photosynthesis, pelleted organic fertilizer Introduction Transplant production is a specialized segment of the vegetable business that demands suitable facilities and careful attention to detail. For these reasons, many vegetable growers choose to purchase transplants from production specialists (Maynard and Hochmuth, 2007) because of quality of yield (Montemurro and Maioranna, 2009), however it is elaborated better in conventional farming. The primary components of growing media for vegetable transplant production are peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. Some study pointed to peat is a slowly renewable material with diminishing availability (Raviv et al., 1998), however one of the most useful content of organic media. Moreover organic seedling production is needed to suit to two principles: first, the growing substrates have to fit the organic farming disciple (use of chemicals e.g. fertilizers, strong germ-killers, herbicides are forbidden), second, only allowed materials and biological agents (like natural predators, parasites) can be used in organic plant protection. The traditional way to raise a lot of seedlings is to sprout seeds in trays, then transplant these fragile plants into larger packs or pots. This method is very labour-intensive and results in considerable mortality from transplant shock or root loss (Lane Greere, 2005). Developing transplants need fertilization as well with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to develop stocky, vigorous transplant, ready to the field. Many commercial soilless transplant mixes have a starter nutrient charge (Maynard and Hochmuth, 2007). While plant nutrition is well solved in conventional technologies with use of synthetic fertilizers till then there are several unsolved questions in organic production. However, the development of high-quality compost from organic wastes must be focused on specific agricultural activities in order to justify the associated production cost of compost and also to obtain the compost quality demanded by each user (Moral et al., 2009). The effect of chemical fertilizers can be faster in some cases, but the organic fertilizers are mostly more effective and the influence is also longer (Saleh et al., 2010). In addition, land application of manures allows reuse and recycling of the waste, and that can be a useful practice where farmers have a surplus of poultry manure (Singh et al., 2014). It is well-known long time ago that in average of given macro-elements, phosphorus is one of Proceedings . 50th Croatian and 10th International Symposium on Agriculture . Opatija . Croatia (286–290) 286 50th Croatian and 10th International Symposium on Agriculture Effects of different organic fertilizers on seedlings growth and photosynthesis of chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) the most important for adequate root development moreover mobilization of nutrients can be operated by microorganisms especially by VAM fungi (Rhodes and Gerdemann, 1978). However for greenery of transplant is also necessary to calculate with large amount of nitrogen that have affect for chlorophyll synthesis (Pap et al., 2013), and it can be possible to measure with rational methods (Blackmer and Schepers, 1995). The aim of our research is to analyse the nutriment supplier ability of some animal manure composts. They include different values of macro elements, use in compound with Baltic peat and to examine the influence of these for Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis [LOUR]. Olsson) seedling development, nutrient uptake, and coherence of them with photosynthetic activity, chlorophyll synthesis and stomatal conductivity. Material and methods The experiment was set in the greenhouse of the Central Arboretum of Buda of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Horticultural Science, Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Growing, between 20th of April, 2014 and 15th of May, 2014. Used materials: Seeds of Chinese cabbage ‘Gigant’ variety; KITE polystyrene tray for transplant growing, number of cells: 60; Perlite (Perlite Pannonia Ltd.) – horticultural perlite with 0-6 mm particle size for covering; Kekkilä Peat (nature peat for seedlings) – pH: 6.5-7; Organic fertilizer from chicken manure in pelleted and in micro-granulated form. This material contains high level of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (4-4-4), and amino acids, humic, and fulvol acid compounds (WEB 1); Organic fertilizer with increased nitrogen level (WEB 2). As shown in Table 1, 4 treatments were tested in the experiment. The experiment was set up according to the trial scheme with 3 repetitions (1 repetition meant 30 pieces of Chinese cabbage plant). During the growing data collector measured the temperature and air humidity every 30 minutes, the measured environmental conditions are traceable in Figure 1. Table 1. Treatments and marking during experiment (2014) Treatment 1 Control – peat only, without any fertilizer – 3 trays Treatment 2 Peat + Pelleted organic fertilizer (NPK: 4-4-4) cc: 1 v/v % – 3 trays Treatment 3 Peat + Microgranulated organic fertilizer (NPK: 4-4-4) cc: 1 v/v % – 3 trays Treatment 4 Peat + Pelleted organic fertilizer (NPK: 10-3-3) cc: 0,75 v/v % – 3 trays Measurements and analytical methods The following parameters were determined in random 10 plants from each treatment: • Dry matter content of shoots and roots (calculated from fresh and dry weights) • Plant length (till top of longest leaf) and diameter (1 cm above media surface) • Photosynthetic rate (with use of LCi Portable Photosynthesis System measurer – ADC BioScientific Ltd.) • Chlorophyll content with use of Konica-Minolta SPAD 502 Chlorophyll meter • Nitrogen values in leaf and root with use of Kjeldahl method (Sáez-Plaza et al, 2013) • Valuation with Microsoft Office Excel 2013, and IBM SPSS 22 statistical software. Section 4 . Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants 287 Mohamed A. SHARAF-ELDIN, Katalin ERTSEYNÉ PEREGI, Zoltan PAP Figure 1 Measured daily average temperature and humidity in glasshouse Results and discussion In this experiment all of chicken manure treated transplants were more developed than the non-treated ones. Germination ratio was above 90% in every tray with no any significant difference, it can prove calculation of used fertilizer didn’t reach inhibitor effect. In Table 2 the measured and calculated physical status is observable of transplants. Most of the cases significant differences are not traceable however where it is perceptible there was visible on living plants as well. In Table 3 a sample Post Hoc test of ANOVA is prove that the control definitely differ from treated plants, and treatment 3 stands in weak significant coherence with treatment 2 (with value of 0.465). In test the significant values are higher where correspondence is verifiable. In our results control was significantly differing, and treatment 3 was similar with lower significant value. Table 2 Measured and calculated values of seedling physical status at the end of growing (with standard deviation) Transplant (mm) Treatment Fresh weight (g) Dry weight (g) Dry matter (%) Diameter Length Shoots Roots Shoots Roots Shoots Roots Roots/ shoots 1 2.32 ±0.36 148.7 ±1.43 2.88 ±0.65 0.35 ±0.15 0.22 ±0.04 0.03 ±0.05 8.26 ±0.57 7.52 ±0.18 0.91 ±0.07 2 2.28 ±0.48 205.8 ±1.69 6.26 ±1.92 0.38 ±0.18 0.35 ±0.55 0.03 ±0.09 9.50 ±3.22 5.60 ±0.07 0.64 ±0.20 3 2.13 ±0.26 198.8 ±2.11 6.34 ±1.80 0.52 ±0.33 0.38 ±0.23 0.04 ±0.06 8.42 ±1.48 6.05 ±0.24 0.73 ±0.11 4 2.15 ±0.32 202.8 ±2.11 6.51 ±2.17 0.41 ±0.21 0.35 ±0.05 0.03 ±0.02 6.68 ±1.79 5.43 ±0.11 0.85 ±1.79 However it was measurable in weight of fresh roots and shoots and microgranulated organic fertilizer (NPK: 4-4-4) achieved higher values (treatment 3). In dry material we can observe an inverse ratio that proves Kappel’s (2006) statements, that lower dry material content is traceable beside optimal, or higher water and nutrient uptake. According to Figure 2, our measured Kjeldahl nitrogen, and SPAD values are in relationship, which can verify statements of Chang and Robinson (2003). Microgranulated organic fertilizer (NPK: 4-4-4) attained higher nitrogen and chlorophyll (SPAD) contents of the seedlings, while the control was the lowest. It was also noticed that all organic fertilizers increased photosynthetic rate compared to the control. In Figure 3, it can be observable a massive difference between control and treated groups. In case of control the values of photosynthetic rate was lower and it is supposedly the succeeding of the SPAD results. Plants have more intensive photosynthetic activity with higher amount of chlorophyll content which was measured by rapid and non-destructive method (Yadava, 1986). Our measurements are validate results of Bayoumi et al. (2008), where the used composts (for element of media) with higher nitrogen and phosphorus content gave significantly more developed tomato transplants with higher SPAD values. 288 50th Croatian and 10th International Symposium on Agriculture Effects of different organic fertilizers on seedlings growth and photosynthesis of chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) Table 3 ANOVA test – Multiple comparisons on length of transplants with Games-Howel test Treatments 1 2 3 4 Mean Difference (I-J) Standard Error Significance 2 -5.71667 * .40401 .000 3 -5.01667 * .46462 4 -5.42000* .46543 1 5.71667 * 3 .70000 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -6.7862 -4.6471 .000 -6.2507 -3.7827 .000 -6.6562 -4.1838 .40401 .000 4.6471 6.7862 .49350 .493 -.6072 2.0072 4 .29667 .49426 .932 -1.0125 1.6059 1 5.01667* .46462 .000 3.7827 6.2507 2 -.70000 .49350 .493 -2.0072 .6072 4 -.40333 .54492 .880 -1.8447 1.0380 1 5.42000* .46543 .000 4.1838 6.6562 2 -.29667 .49426 .932 -1.6059 1.0125 3 .40333 .54492 .880 -1.0380 1.8447 *The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level Figure 2 Differences of measured average SPAD and nitrogen values on treatments Figure 3 Photosynthetic rates of leaves on Chinese cabbage Interestingly, the SPAD chlorophyll content was lower in treatment 4 (peat + organic fertilizer with increased nitrogen) compared to treatment 3 (equilibrium NPK, 4-4-4), but there was found the highest value of measured photosynthetic rate. Photosynthetic rate and SPAD values of chlorophyll content was in weak correlation, however different groups of our treatments (with or without manure) can be traceable. In brief conclusion, substrates mixed with organic fertilizer can generate bigger greenery, higher amount of chlorophyll content, better nutrient and water up-take, and it should have an effect to increase photosynthetic activity of transplants as well. This paper is supported by the ‘Postdoc Scholarship Program’ of ÖMKI, Hungary. Section 4 . Vegetable Growing, Ornamental, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants 289 Mohamed A. SHARAF-ELDIN, Katalin ERTSEYNÉ PEREGI, Zoltan PAP References Bayoumi, Y.A., El-Mahrouk, M.E., El-Aidy, F., Pap, Z. (2008). Using composts of grape manufacture and farm wastes as growing media in vegetable and ornamental nurseries. International Journal of Horticultural Science 14(3):45-50 Blackmer, T.M.; Schepers, J.S. (1995). 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