April 15, 2015 On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., the Police Jury of Sabine Parish, State of Louisiana met in open and regular session. The following members were present: William E. Ruffin, President; Kenneth M. Ebarb, Vice President; Kenneth J. Funderburk, Willes Funderburk, Kenny R. Carter, “Ronny” Bison, Eric Garcie, Ricky “KWall” Sepulvado and “Randy” Byrd. The Agenda was as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Roll Call Prayer Pledge of Allegiance Adopt the Minutes from Previous Meeting Amend the Agenda Planning Commission Canvass Returns of Continuation of Ad Valorem Tax Elections held on March 28, 2015 in Road District No. 1, Ward 6, Road District No. 15, Ward 5 and Road District No. 19, Ward 8 8. Bid Award Purchase Motor Grader, Road District 04 (Ward 7, 75%) & Road District 20 (Ward 9, 25%) 9. Building Safety Month-May 2015, Resolution & Proclamation 10. Certified Building Official Additional Training To Assist CBO as Needed-for Employee Donald D. Rhodes, Jr. -Not Required to Charge to Leave Time 11. Plainview Road Construction FP&C Project No. 50-J43-10-01, Update and 3/30/15 email from John Richard (FP&C) for Letter to Move Budget Items 12. Finance Committee 13. Appropriate Sales Tax for April Operations ($220,000) 14. Committee Reports 15. Operations 2. Prayer Prayer was led by Mr. Kenny R. Carter. 3. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Kenneth M. Ebarb. 4. Adopt the Minutes from Previous Meeting At this time Police Jury President William E. Ruffin allowed a period of public comment on any items on the agenda. Mr. Ruffin advised everyone that they would be allowed to comment later during the meeting on particular agenda items if they desire. There were no public comments at this time. Resolution No. 7475 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Carter to adopt the minutes of the March 18, 2015 Police Jury meeting. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 5. Amend the Agenda-None 6. Planning Commission-No Report At last month’s meeting Planning Commission Chairman Peter Nugent had indicated he would review information on Northcut Slope Lane in Toledo Bend Lakeside Estates Subdivision with Police Juror Eric Garcie relative to a street change. The information details needed to be drafted in order to present since the change will need to be filed with the Sabine Parish Clerk of Court. At today’s meeting Mr. Nugent explained that Brian Bristow had made the request and he has gotten a survey done by Mr. Douglas W. Dockens P.L.S. Mr. Nugent explained the resolution. Resolution No. 7476 Motion by Garcie and seconded by Sepulvado: WHEREAS, a portion of Northcut Slope Lane in Toledo Bend Lakeside Estates Subdivision no longer serves a public purpose, and WHEREAS, Landowners of Lot 15 and Lot 16 of Toledo Bend Lakeside Estates Subdivision desire that said portion of Northcut Slope Lane be abandoned by the Sabine Parish Police Jury, and WHERES, said portion of Northcut Slope Lane is shown on a Survey Map dated April 14, 2015, by Dockens Surveying, Inc., Douglas W. Dockens, P.L.S. No 4663, prepared for Brian Bristow (Located in Section 5, T6N, R13W, Sabine Parish, Louisiana); said area being approximately ten (10) feet as shown on the survey, being 0.031 acre along each lot frontage, BE IT RESOLVED, to re-convey above described portion of Northcut Slope Lane to lot owners of Lot No. 15 and Lot No. 16 as shown on the Survey Map, and BE IT RESOLVED, to provide a copy of this resolution to the Sabine Parish Planning Commission for use by landowner to file with the Clerk of Court along with a Mylar of the survey. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 7. Canvass Returns of Continuation of Ad Valorem Tax Elections held on March 28, 2015 in Road District No. 1, Ward 6, Road District No. 15, Ward 5 and Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Resolution No. 7477 The following resolution was offered by Ebarb and seconded by K. Funderburk: RESOLUTION A resolution providing for canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the special elections held in (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, on Saturday, March 28, 2015, to authorize the levy of special taxes therein. BE IT RESOLVED by the Police Jury of the Parish of Sabine, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, that: SECTION 1. Canvass. This Governing Authority does now proceed in open and public session to examine the official tabulations of votes cast at the special elections held in (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (collectively, the "Districts"), on SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015, to authorize the levy of special taxes therein, and said Governing Authority does further proceed to examine and canvass the returns and declare the results of the special elections. SECTION 2. Procès Verbal. A Procès Verbal of the canvass of the returns of said elections shall be made and a certified copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Secretary of State, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who shall record the same in his office; another certified copy thereof shall be forwarded to the Clerk of Court and ExOfficio Recorder of Mortgages in and for the Parish of Sabine, who shall record the same in the Mortgage Records of said Parish; and another copy thereof shall be retained in the archives of this Governing Authority. SECTION 3. Promulgation of Election Results. The results of said elections shall be promulgated by publication in the manner provided by law. This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: MEMBERS Willes Funderburk Kenneth J. Funderburk Kenny R. Carter William E. Ruffin “Ronny” Bison YEAS X X X X X NAYS ABSENT ABSTAINING Eric Garcie Ricki “K-Wall” Sepulvado Kenneth M. Ebarb Randy Byrd X X X X And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 15th day of April, 2015. /s/ Ronald L. Busby Secretary-Treasurer /s/ William E. Ruffin____ President PROCÈS VERBAL AND PROCLAMATION OF THE CANVASS OF THE VOTES CAST AT THE SPECIAL ELECTIONS HELD IN (I) ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1, WARD 6 OF SABINE PARISH, LOUISIANA, (II) ROAD DISTRICT NO. 15, WARD 5 OF SABINE PARISH, LOUISIANA AND (III) ROAD DISTRICT NO. 19, WARD 8 OF SABINE PARISH, LOUISIANA, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015. BE IT KNOWN AND REMEMBERED that on Wednesday, April 15, 2015, at nine o'clock (9:00) a.m., at its regular meeting place, the Police Jury Room of the Courthouse, 400 Capitol Street, Many, Louisiana, the Police Jury of the Parish of Sabine, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the "Districts"), and being the authority ordering the special elections held therein on Saturday, March 28, 2015, with the following members present: Willes Funderburk, Kenneth J. Funderburk, Kenny R. Carter, William E. Ruffin, “Ronny” Bison, Eric Garcie, Ricky “K-Wall” Sepulvado, Kenneth M. Ebarb and Randy Byrd; There being absent: None; did, in open and public session, examine the official certified tabulations of votes cast at the said elections, and did examine and canvass the returns of the said elections, there having been submitted at said elections the following propositions, to wit: Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition (Millage Continuation) Shall Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a special tax of sixteen and sixty-five hundredths (16.65) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $462,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2017 and ending with the year 2026, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and/or repairing public roads and bridges in the District, including ditching and drainage therefor and purchasing of equipment therefor, said millage to represent a three and forty-eight hundredths (3.48) mills increase over the 13.17 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2016 pursuant to an election held on January 21, 2006? Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition (Millage Continuation) Shall Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a special tax of thirteen and two hundredths (13.02) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $209,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2017 and ending with the year 2026, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and/or repairing public roads and bridges in the District, including ditching and drainage therefor and purchasing of equipment therefor, said millage to represent a one and fifty-two hundredths (1.52) mills increase over the 11.50 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2016 pursuant to an election held on January 21, 2006? Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition (Millage Continuation) Shall Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a special tax of fifteen and fifty-one hundredths (15.51) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $168,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2017 and ending with the year 2026, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and/or repairing public roads and bridges in the District, including ditching and drainage therefor and purchasing of equipment therefor, said millage to represent a two and ninety hundredths (2.90) mills increase over the 12.61 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2016 pursuant to an election held on January 21, 2006? There was found by said count and canvass that the following votes had been cast at the said special elections IN FAVOR OF and AGAINST, respectively, the propositions as hereinabove set forth at the following polling places, to-wit: ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1, WARD 6 POLLING PLACES Precinct VOTE TABULATION Location FOR AGAINST 7-1 (IN PART) Converse City Hall, 213 W. Port Arthur Street, Converse 6 2 7-2 (IN PART) Noble City Hall, 437 Hwy. 1218, Noble 6 3 7-3 Union Springs Fire Station/Hatcher, 1208 Hwy. 191, Converse 13 3 7-4 (IN PART) Converse High School, 100 Stayton Street, Converse 18 0 ABSENTEE VOTES 3 0 TOTAL 46 8 MAJORITY FOR 38 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 15, WARD 5 POLLING PLACES VOTE TABULATION Precinct Location FOR AGAINST 5-5 (IN PART) Mt. Zion Baptist Church Voting Bldg, 15064 Hwy. 175, Many 0 0 6-2 (IN PART) Aimwell Fire Station, 27 Skywagon Drive, Zwolle 41 4 6-2A (IN PART) Aimwell Fire Station, 27 Skywagon Drive, Zwolle 6 0 6-3 Ebarb-Blue Lake Fire Station, 3147 Hwy. 482, Noble 35 8 6-4 NSFPD Central Station (Clyde), 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 0 0 6-4A NSFPD Central Station (Clyde), 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 4 1 6-4B NSFPD Central Station (Clyde), 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 1 0 7-2 (IN PART) Noble City Hall, 437 Hwy. 1218, Noble 0 0 8-1 (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 0 2 8-1A (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 0 0 (IN PART) NSFPD Central Station Zwolle Town, 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 2 0 10 8 99 23 8-2 ABSENTEE TOTAL MAJORITY FOR ROAD DISTRICT NO. 19, WARD 8 POLLING PLACES Precinct 5-5 Location (IN PART) Mt. Zion Baptist Church Voting Bldg, 15064 Hwy. 175, Many 76 VOTE TABULATION FOR AGAINST 0 0 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 19, WARD 8 POLLING PLACES Precinct VOTE TABULATION Location FOR AGAINST 8-1 (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 10 5 8-1A (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 0 0 8-2 (IN PART) NSFPD Central Station Zwolle Town, 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 8 4 ABSENTEE VOTES 11 3 TOTAL 29 12 MAJORITY FOR 17 The polling places above specified being the only polling places designated at which to hold the said elections, it was therefore shown that: (i) there was a total of 46 votes cast IN FAVOR OF Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition and a total of 8 votes cast AGAINST Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition, as hereinabove set forth, and that there was a majority of 38 votes cast IN FAVOR OF Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition as hereinabove set forth; (ii) there was a total of 99 votes cast IN FAVOR OF Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition and a total of 23 votes cast AGAINST Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition, as hereinabove set forth, and that there was a majority of 76 votes cast IN FAVOR OF Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition as hereinabove set forth; and (iii) there was a total of 29 votes cast IN FAVOR OF Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition and a total of 12 votes cast AGAINST Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition, as hereinabove set forth, and that there was a majority of 17 votes cast IN FAVOR OF Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition as hereinabove set forth. Therefore, the Governing Authority did declare and proclaim and does hereby declare and proclaim in open and public session that (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition as hereinabove set forth were duly CARRIED by a majority of the votes cast by the qualified electors voting at the said special elections held in the respective Districts on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this Procès Verbal is a copy of the Notice of Special Elections and proof of publication thereof. THUS DONE AND SIGNED at Many, Louisiana, on this, the 15 th day of April, 2015. ATTEST: /s/ William E. Ruffin President /s/ Ronald L. Busby Secretary-Treasurer EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTIONS Pursuant to the provisions of a resolution adopted by the Police Jury of the Parish of Sabine, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the "Districts"), on November 19, 2014, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that special elections will be held within the Districts on SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015, and that at the said elections there will be submitted to all registered voters in the Districts qualified and entitled to vote at the said elections under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana and the Constitution of the United States, the following propositions, to-wit: Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition (Millage Continuation) Shall Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a special tax of sixteen and sixty-five hundredths (16.65) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $462,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2017 and ending with the year 2026, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and/or repairing public roads and bridges in the District, including ditching and drainage therefor and purchasing of equipment therefor, said millage to represent a three and forty-eight hundredths (3.48) mills increase over the 13.17 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2016 pursuant to an election held on January 21, 2006? Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition (Millage Continuation) Shall Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a special tax of thirteen and two hundredths (13.02) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $209,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2017 and ending with the year 2026, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and/or repairing public roads and bridges in the District, including ditching and drainage therefor and purchasing of equipment therefor, said millage to represent a one and fifty-two hundredths (1.52) mills increase over the 11.50 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2016 pursuant to an election held on January 21, 2006? Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition (Millage Continuation) Shall Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), levy a special tax of fifteen and fifty-one hundredths (15.51) mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $168,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2017 and ending with the year 2026, for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and/or repairing public roads and bridges in the District, including ditching and drainage therefor and purchasing of equipment therefor, said millage to represent a two and ninety hundredths (2.90) mills increase over the 12.61 mills tax authorized to be levied through the year 2016 pursuant to an election held on January 21, 2006? The said special elections will be held at the following polling places situated within the Districts, which polls will open at seven o'clock (7:00) a.m., and close at eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., in accordance with the provisions of La. R.S. 18:541, to-wit: ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1, WARD 6 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 7-1 (IN PART) Converse City Hall, 213 W. Port Arthur Street, Converse 7-2 (IN PART) Noble City Hall, 437 Hwy. 1218, Noble 7-3 Union Springs Fire Station/Hatcher, 1208 Hwy. 191, Converse 7-4 (IN PART) Converse High School, 100 Stayton Street, Converse ROAD DISTRICT NO. 15, WARD 5 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 5-5 (IN PART) Mt. Zion Baptist Church Voting Bldg, 15064 Hwy. 175, Many 6-2 (IN PART) Aimwell Fire Station, 27 Skywagon Drive, Zwolle 6-2A (IN PART) Aimwell Fire Station, 27 Skywagon Drive, Zwolle 6-3 Ebarb-Blue Lake Fire Station, 3147 Hwy. 482, Noble ROAD DISTRICT NO. 15, WARD 5 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 6-4 NSFPD Central Station (Clyde), 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 6-4A NSFPD Central Station (Clyde), 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 6-4B NSFPD Central Station (Clyde), 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle 7-2 (IN PART) Noble City Hall, 437 Hwy. 1218, Noble 8-1 (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 8-1A (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 8-2 (IN PART) NSFPD Central Station Zwolle Town, 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle ROAD DISTRICT NO. 19, WARD 8 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 5-5 (IN PART) Mt. Zion Baptist Church Voting Bldg, 15064 Hwy. 175, Many 8-1 (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 8-1A (IN PART) Bayou-Scie Fire Station, 45 Russell Road, Zwolle 8-2 (IN PART) NSFPD Central Station Zwolle Town, 919 Hammond Street, Zwolle The polling places set forth above are hereby designated as the polling places at which to hold the said elections, and the Commissioners-in-Charge and Commissioners, respectively, shall be those persons designated according to law. Notice is further given that a portion of the monies collected from the taxes described in the Propositions shall be remitted to certain state and statewide retirement systems in the manner required by law. The said special elections will be held in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and the officers appointed to hold the said elections, as provided in this Notice of Special Elections, or such substitutes therefor as may be selected and designated in accordance with La. R.S. 18:1287, will make due returns thereof to said Governing Authority, and NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Governing Authority will meet at its regular meeting place, the Police Jury Room of the Courthouse, 400 Capitol Street, Many, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015, at NINE O'CLOCK (9:00) A.M., and shall then and there in open and public session proceed to examine and canvass the returns and declare the results of the said special elections. All registered voters of the Districts are entitled to vote at said special elections and voting machines will be used. THUS DONE AND SIGNED at Many, Louisiana, on this, the 19 th day of November, 2014. ATTEST: /s/ William E. Ruffin President /s/ Ronald L. Busby Secretary-Treasurer PROCLAMATION I, the undersigned President of the Police Jury of the Parish of Sabine, State of Louisiana, the governing authority of (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 of Sabine Parish, Louisiana (collectively, the "Districts"), do hereby declare, proclaim and announce that (i) Road District No. 1, Ward 6 Proposition, (ii) Road District No. 15, Ward 5 Proposition and (iii) Road District No. 19, Ward 8 Proposition submitted at the special elections held in the respective Districts on Saturday, March 28, 2015, were CARRIED by a majority of the votes cast at the said special elections, all as described and set out in the above Procès Verbal. THUS DONE AND SIGNED at Many, Louisiana, on this, the 15th day of April, 2015. /s/ William E. Ruffin President 8. Bid Award Purchase Motor Grader, Road District 04 (Ward 7, 75%) & Road District 20 (Ward 9, 25%) On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. a bid opening was held to Lease/Purchase a Motor Grader, for Road Districts 04 (Ward 7, 75%) & Road District 20 (Ward 9, 25%). Police Juror Randy Byrd, Secretary Treasurer Ronald L. Busby and Clerk Angela Johnson had opened the one bid submitted from Doggett Machinery Services as follows: Doggett Machinery Services 2013 John Deere 672G Motor Grader, Stock # LT649655, S# 649655, Hours 655, Cab Air/Radio, John Deere Link Satellite System, 1T4 Engine, Powered Cab Air Precleaner, 6WD, Autoshift Transmission, 14’ Moldboard, Front Push Block, 17.5 X 25 L2 Single Star Radial Tires w/3 Piece Rims, Rear Riper/Scarifier Assembly, Delivery 3 Days, Warranty: 24 Months / 2,345 Hr Powertrain & Hydraulic: Machine Sale Price $175,500.00 Salesperson Jeff Cole had provided an April 8, 2015 email that clarified the bid was for two (2) equal payments of $87,750.00; with one down-payment of $87,750.00 and one annual payment of $87,750.00. The Machine Sale Price is $175,500.00 Resolution No. 7478 Motion by Byrd and seconded by Sepulvado: WHEREAS, the Sabine Parish Police Jury opened one bid at 10:00 a.m., April 8, 2015, for purchase (had bid for lease/purchase) of a motor grader for Road Districts 4 & 20 (Wards 7 & 9) to be paid for 75% by Road District 4 and 25% by Road District 9, and WHEREAS one low bid meeting the machine specifications was as submitted by Doggett Machinery Services in the sales price amount of $175,500.00 the bid requiring two (2) equal payments; one downpayment of $87,750.00 and with one annual payment of $87,750.00; for 2013 John Deere 672G Motor Grader [Stock # LT649655, S# 649655], Hours 655, Cab Air/Radio, John Deere Link Satellite System, 1T4 Engine, Powered Cab Air Precleaner, 6WD, Autoshift Transmission, 14’ Moldboard, Front Push Block, 17.5 X 25 L2 Single Star Radial Tires w/3 Piece Rims, Rear Riper/Scarifier Assembly, Delivery 3 Days, Warranty: 24 Months / 2,345 Hr Powertrain & Hydraulic: Machine Sale Price $175,500.00 BE IT RESOLVED, to award the low bid, opened at 10: 00 a.m. on April 8, 2015, to Doggett Machinery Services as follows: Bid price amount of $175,500.00, for 2013 John Deere 672G Motor Grader as bid [Stock # LT649655, S# 649655], meeting the advertised machine specifications To be paid for 75% by Road District 04 (Ward 7) and 25% by Road District 20 (Ward 9) And to further authorize payment for the machine--upon receipt ($87,750.00, 75% by Road District 04, $65,812.50 and 25% by Road District 20, $21,937.50) And to further authorize the required annual payment--one annual payment as invoiced ($87,750.00, 75% by Road District 04, $65,812.50 and 25% by Road District 20, $21,937.50) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Sabine Parish Police Jury shall carry physical damage insurance coverage on its United Fire & Casualty, Co. Policy until after the final annual payment is made. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 9. Building Safety Month-May 2015, Resolution & Proclamation Police Jurors were provided information from Certified building Official Jim Freeland relative to Building Safety Month for May 2015. Resolution No.7479 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Carter: To declare May 2015 as Building Safety Month in the Parish of Sabine, State of Louisiana and to further approve Jury President William E. Ruffin’s signing a Proclamation declaring May 2015 as Building Safety Month in the Parish. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 10. Certified Building Official Additional Training To Assist CBO as Needed-for Employee Donald D. Rhodes, Jr. -Not Required to Charge to Leave Time At the September 17, 2014 meeting, Police Juror Kenneth Ebarb explained that at times the Certified Building Official Jim Freeland is unavailable and it is costly to have someone fill in for him. He had previously reviewed what the other parishes were doing for Certified Building Official services and felt that Sabine Parish made the right decision to handle it in house. He felt the Police Jury should be prepared in the event the position ever comes available to be filled. Allowing Mr. Rhodes to be trained would be a good preparation decision to have him available for the parish. The Police Jury had then adopted Resolution No. 7385 concerning Mr. Rhodes receiving the training. Police Jury President William E. Ruffin explained that the Police Jury previously discussed this and had agreed that Mr. Rhodes could attend this next level of training and the resolution is just a formality to further authorize it. Resolution No. 7480 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by W. Funderburk: WHEREAS, the Sabine Parish Police Jury adopted Resolution No. 7385 on September 17, 2014 approving Mr. Donald D. Rhodes, Jr. attending training November 10 through November 14, 2014 in Beaumont, Texas to begin training as a Certified Building Official; including other matters relative to pay and reimbursements as well as reimbursement at a later time for the subsequent legal management training; as well as continued working for a three (3) year period of time period after certification, and WHEREAS, Mr. Donald D. Rhodes, Jr. successfully completed the technology portion of the program and desires to attend the next level of legal management level training April 20 through April 24, 2015 in Beaumont, Texas to further train as a Certified Building Official, and WHEREAS, Mr. Rhodes, Jr’s additional training would serve a public purpose and would benefit the Sabine Parish Police Jury, as he would be available as necessary to fill in for the present Certified Building Official, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sabine Parish Police Jury hereby approves Mr. Donald D. Rhodes, Jr. attending training April 20 through April 24, 2015 in Beaumont, Texas for the legal management level of training as a Certified Building Official, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mr. Rhodes, Jr. will be paid his normal pay rate for hours attending training, during this training period, without being required to use any of his vacation leave time, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mr. Rhodes, Jr. will be reimbursed by the Sabine Parish Police Jury upon his successful completion of this subsequent legal management level training program, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Mr. Rhodes, Jr. is agreeable to continue to work for the Sabine Parish Police Jury for at least three (3) years after receiving the certification discussed hereinabove. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 11. Plainview Road Construction FP&C Project No. 50-J43-10-01, Update and 3/30/15 email from John Richard (FP&C) for Letter to Move Budget Items Police Jurors have been provided with a copy of a March 30, 2015 email from John Richard with Facility Planning and Control (FP&C) about the Plainview Road Project # 50-J43-10-01. Mr. Richard’s email states “that the State is over-obligated in the Misc. category on the subject project. This has caused the State to exceed its 75% match for the overall project. According to my records, the State has obligated $64,956.00 in a $68,000 for a surveying contract with Collins & Assoc. for surveying services on the Phase I portion of this project. To date, the State has paid a total of $48,757.76 of a total of $59,850.75 of invoices for this contract. I propose that you prepare a letter and have your parish president sign the letter requesting that the State reduce its obligation from the previously obligated $64,956.00 to what the State has paid to date which is $48,757.76. Also, in the letter request that the State reduce its previously obligated $30,715.45 for a surveying contract with Collins & Assoc. for surveying services on the Phase II portion of this project to 75% of that amount or $23,036.59. The above will reconcile the State’s account, taking Sabine Parish’s current validated match invoices into account, and allow the state to participate additionally in the current construction contract which will be an increase in State participation from $1,490,135.94 to $1,499,751.97. And, assuming that later on the State receives the remaining invoice and proofs of payments for the balance of Planning, the total State’s participation in the current construction contract is projected to be $1,504,026.97 or approx. 78.65% of the total construction contract ($1,909,391.31, inclusive of change orders).” On April 2, 2015 Secretary Treasurer Ronald L. Busby had forwarded Mr. Richard’s email to Byron Racca P.E., Meyer and Associates, Inc. to see if doing such letter would cause any problems with any upcoming payments by letting the state move funds between budget items. Mr. Racca responded by April 9, 2015 email and the Police Jurors have been provided a copy of that email which reads: “I don’t see any problem doing this. Reconciliation of the survey cost shares to accommodate the actual survey cost of $59,850.75 is acceptable. As far as the obligation of Phase II survey cost, you may want to discuss that further. You have been authorized funds consistently in EEA Amendments for Phase II and to my knowledge no firm decision has been made. Let me know your thoughts.” Police Jury President William E. Ruffin was agreeable that he would send such letter as long as it is clear that the Police Jury is not involved in any of Phase II at this time. Police Juror Willes Funderburk advised the Police Jurors that he felt the Police Jury should go ahead and do the Certificate of Substantial Completion to close out the project and pay off the contractor to close the job. A resolution was not adopted at this time but the engineers, Meyer and Associates, Inc., will need to get the paperwork prepared in order to do so. 12. Finance Committee Resolution No. 7481 Motion by Ebarb and seconded by K. Funderburk to pay the approved bills. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 13. Appropriate Sales Tax For April Operations ($220,000) Resolution No. 7482 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Byrd to appropriate and transfer $220,000.00 from the Sales Tax Fund to the Parishwide Transportation Fund for April 2015 operations. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 14. Committee Reports Personnel Committee Chairman Ronny Bison advised that according to the emails we have received quiet a number of applications for the Secretary Treasurers position to replace Ronald L. Busby who is retiring at the end of the term. He explained that the deadline is Friday this week. He would like for the Personnel Committee to meet next week and start narrowing down the applications. Courthouse Committee member Ricky “K-Wall” Sepulvado advised that after next week the contractor will start work on the floors and desk in the Police Jury meeting room. Another contractor will replace lights in the Courthouse hallways (first and second floor) using LED lights. Another contractor will soon do repairs on ceilings (bathrooms, law library, etc.) as previously discussed. 15. Operations Road Superintendent Tommy Patton advised that one position needs to be filled in the Road Department on the Wards 7 & 9 crew to replace Jody Ebarb who is no longer employed. Resolution No.7483 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Bison: WHEREAS , Jody Ebarb, Operator/Truck Driver in Road Districts 04 & 20 (Wards 7 & 9) recently terminated creating a vacancy on that road crew, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Road Superintendent Tommy Patton is authorized to fill the vacancy as follows: To hire one employee in the Road Department to fill the Operator/Truck Driver vacancy on the Road District 04 & 20 (Ward 7 & 9) crew Said new employee to be hired to be at the beginning hourly pay rate of $11.27 per hour (subject to any normal Payroll Step Plan increases) Said employee subject to passing the required physical before being hired Said employee being subject to the normal six months probationary period, and Said employee required to have a CDL license before being hired. Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Police Juror Kenneth Ebarb advised that the Jury received a March 16, 2015 letter from Rhett Desselle, P.E., DOTD advising that the parish was found to be in full compliance with the standards established by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and DOTD and remains eligible for funding through the joint FHWA/DOTD Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. Road Superintendent advised that the parish has four bridge projects scheduled for replacement. He also advised that he makes repairs before DOTD gets to bridges in order to keep them from being closed in order to remain in compliance. He felt that DOTD is going to make some changes in the procedures in the future. Resolution No. 7484 Motion by K. Funderburk and seconded by Garcie to adjourn. Yeas: 9 Nays: /s/Ronald L. Busby Ronald L. Busby Secretary Treasurer 0 Absent: 0 /s/William E. Ruffin William E. Ruffin President
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