May 3rd - Sacred Hearts Parish Cardington Ohio

Sunday: 8-8:20, 10:45-11:05am
Anytime by request/appointment
During the Penitential Seasons
of Advent and Lent
During Mass: 11:15am, 1st Sunday of
each quarter (Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct)
Outside of Mass: 12:30pm Sunday, at
the request of the family Jordan Conference
required for Parents: call Parish for
Contact the Parish Priest at least 6 months prior
to desired date of Celebration. At least 3
sessions with the Parish Priest plus Diocesan
or St. Mary, Marion, Pre-Cana required
Anointing of the Sick
After all weekend Masses on the 2nd. Sunday
of odd months. This Sacrament is intended for
Catholics afflicted with the infirmities of age, with
chronic illnesses, and those intending surgery in
the immediate future.
In case of emergency illness, individuals/
family members should call the parish via the
parish emergency phone number: 419-9466970. Homebound individuals will be offered
the Sacrament of Anointing several times a
year, particularly during Advent and Lent.
This Sacrament, which completes Christian
initiation, is normally celebrated at Sacred
Hearts for catechized Catholic youth in the 8th.
and 9th. grades every other year, in the late
Spring. -- Adults who are coming into the
Church usually receive the Sacrament at the
Easter Vigil. -- Baptized adult Catholics who
have not been confirmed receive this Sacrament from the Bishop, after sufficient preparation, at the Cathedral each November.
Parish Leadership
Contact with Parish Leaders
can be made initially thru the
main parish phone number...
Church of the Sacred Hearts
Liturgy Commission
Cheryl Jason, chair
Virginia Wieland
Associate Organist
Angela Carbetta
Assistant Organist/Funeral Organist
Susie Large
Folk Choir/Children’s Liturgies
Seasonal Choir
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Liturgical Component
Feasts & Seasons/Sacristy
Joanne Bower, Head Sacristan
Finance Commission
Budget & Accounting Subcommission
Sub-commission of the Whole
Greg Goers, Dale Haddad (chair), Kim Janick, Will Schindley,
Allen Wagner
Fr. John Bakle, S.M., ex officio
Tamara Dieter, ex officio (secretary)
Parish Endowment Subcommission
Stewardship Subcommission
Katie Hoelscher, MA, DRE
PreSchool/Elementary Section
Katie Hoelscher, MA, Coordinator
Associate Coordinator Interim, Donna Hoelscher
Classes for Registered Students
meet 9:30-11am
each Sunday, Sept-May, at
Cardington-Lincoln Intermediate School,
blue classroom wing
Registration: early Sept - forms will be
available after weekend Masses; during the
school year for new students: 9:45am (after PSR
Breakfast Club and classes have begun)
High School Catechetical Section
Adult Continuing Faith Formation
RCIA Instructional Section
Catholic Schools SubCommission
School Transportation Committee
Jeff Cromwell, coordinator; Jim Jackson; Tammy Dieter
Parish Organizations Commission
Coordinating Sub-Commission
The Presidents, Grand Knight, or their Delegates
Coordinate Inter-Organizational Activities
Knights of Columbus
Sacred Hearts Council 14671
Chuck Large, Grand Knight
Ron Meier, Deputy GK
Parish Council
Meets 1st Wednesday, 7pm
HOST Guild
All Parish Organizations and Activities
Function under the Leadership of the
Commissions of the Parish Council
Sacred Hearts Women’s Club (PCCW)
Admin Commission
Chair Vacant
May 3
May 4 (Mon)
May 5 (Tues)
May 6 (Wed)
May 7 (Thu)
Meets 2nd. Monday, Sept-May, 6:30pm
President: Carol Ferguson
President-elect: Donna Daugherty
Secretary: Becky Porter
Treasurer: Christine Clapper
Legion of Mary
Diana Honzo, Presidium President
Meets each Tuesday, 7pm
Sacred Hearts Youth Group (SHYG)
Kurtis Kiesel
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Associate Coordinator: vacant
Bulletin Deadline: the deadline for copy/information for each weekend’s Bulletin is the previous Tuesday, by 11am.
Info needs to be e-mailed to the parish office or delivered there hardcopy. Thanks!
May 8 (Fri)
5th. Sunday of Easter
For 1st. Communicants/Families
People of the Parish
Easter Weekday (5)
For the Poor Souls
Easter Weekday (5)
For the Holy Father’s Intentions
Easter Weekday (5)
For Lapsed & Apostate Catholicsd
Easter Weekday (5)
For Religious & Priestly Vocations
Easter Weekday (5)
For Peace in the Holy Land
May 9 (Sat)
Easter Weekday (5)
There is no Mass on Saturday Morning
May 10 (Sun)
6th. Sunday of Easter
For the People of the Parish
Annual May Crowning
+Eva Ramsey (Parish Legion of Mary)
Liturgical Ministers
This Weekend and Next...
Education Commission
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Louis George
Andy Ware
Parish Life/Parish Advancement
Cantors’ Guild
Easter Weekday
Head (5)
of EME’s Head of Lectors
Head of Cantors Head of Servers
Head of Ushers Head of Counters
Marion Deanery
Parish Representatives
This Commission’s Members are the Chairs and
Principal Members of all the other Commissions
and coordinate their activities in this Commission
May 3 - May 10
All Sunday Masses and PSR are at Cardington/
Lincoln Intermediate School on Co. Rd. 168
Weekday Masses (M-F, 1st. Sat)
are at the Rectory on the US 42 Campus
Music Director/Principal Organist
May 3
B: b: Endres,J
c: Hoelscher,K LaBarge,M Schindley,G&W
C: b: Zoulek,D
c: Petitti,P Thomas,P
May 10
B b: Schindley,G
c: Endres.J Kiesel,K Schindley,W Zoulek,D
C b: Thomas,P
c: Faux,T George,L Hoelscher,K Petitti,P
May 3
B: Kiesel,K (1) Humphrey,R, (2)
C: Tebbe,K (1) (2)
May 10
B Humphrey,R (1) Kiesel, K (2)
C Kauser,T (1) Thomas,P (2)
May 3
B: Goers,M Warren,M
C: Faux,F&M
May 10
B Goers,M Warren,M
C Berezansky,M Dieter,C
May 3
B Large,C Rogers,D
C Cromwell,J White,M
May 10
B: Large,C Rogers,D
C: Dieter,T Yoder,R
May 3
B: S Large: cantor/guitar
C: J Blankenship,cantor; V Wieland,organ
May10 (May Crowning at 8:30am)
B: M Askew,cantor; V Wieland,organ
C: A Goers,cantor; V Wieland,organ
Are we a Stewardship Parish?
May 3, 2015
Cardington/Mt. Gilead, Ohio
PLEASE Don’t forget our weekly Food for the Poor collection: please place non-perishables into the designated box in the back of the Church. This is distributed by the food pantry in Mt. Gilead.
Our collection is focussed on the 1st. weekend of the month, but you can make contributions of canned/packaged non-perishables any weekend, or any weekday when the church is open... Than
Fifth Sunday of Easter
If you are new to the parish and wish to register, Registration Forms can be
found on a table in the hallway between the school main rotunda and our
Assembly space . Please fill it out as completely as possible and mail it back to
the Parish Office in the envelope provided. -- If you have been registered at
another parish in the Diocese of Columbus, your registration will be changed
automatically in the Diocesan database.
A Brief Note on Last Week’s Giving
and our Financial Status... Thank You!
Actual Budget Deficit
Offertory for Apr 26
Offertory for April
$8596 $11000
St. Vincent dePaul: $52 Parish Improvements: $35
Offertory Envelopes
38/207 18%
How should we read these statistics??
Please use your Offertory Envelopes at least once a month,
as well as your Special Collection Envelopes! Thanks!
Parish Sesquicentennial: 2018
Re-building our Parish Church and Facilities: Renewing our Campus
BAA 2015 Kickoff THIS WEEKEND: Sunday, May 3! -- All registered parishioners should have received a mailing from the Diocese for the upcoming BAA pledge
year, as well as a mailing from the parish this past week, with a pledge envelope.
BAA Pledge Goal this Year: $18,420.42
1st. Holy Communion
Congratulations to Cloe Berezansky, Sophia Goers, and
Anna and Makena LaBarge -- and to their families, who
made their 1st. Holy Communioln in our midst at the 8:30am
Mass today. Thanks to all in their families, in our PSR program and all in
the parish who assisted them in their preparation. What a joy!
Weekend Masses
May 23/24 thru September 19/20
Until we are settled into new facilities (probably November, 2015), please be prepared to do a bit of
shifting regarding weekend Mass times; this will require some patience, but the shifts will not be
done without consulting the parish membership and the Parish Council, and coming to some consensus. Make sure you turn turn in today (Sunday) or Monday, May 4, the inquiry sheets given to you
last weekend for the period indicated above; they will be tabulated on Monday afternoon. Soon after
that we will do inquiries and schedules for Ministries’ schedules for this same period...
The HOST Guild
Thanks to ALL who supported, in any way,
ourANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE, this past week!
Sacred Hearts Women ’s Club
Monthly business meeting and program:
Monday, May 11, at 6:30pm, C/LIS Gymnasium
All Ladies of the parish are invited to join
Sacred Hearts
Council 14671
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
2nd. Saturday
All-U-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
Sat, May 9, 2015 7-10am
Benefit: Sacred
Real Butter & Maple Syrup
Warm Apple or Peach Compote
Wagner Farms Sausage
Specialty Eggs
Sausage Gravy & Biscuits
Fresh Fruit Cup
Coffee Tea Juices Milk
Details/Registrations, Sponsorships:
pick up a flier in the hallway...
Adults $6
en $3
A Parish and Community Social Event!
At the Cardington/Lincoln Intermediate School
County Rd. 168
PSR Breakfast Club/Coffee & Donuts
Will begin again on the 3rd. Sunday of September, Catechetical Sunday
Please...try to bring a can or box every weekend! Thanks!
April 24
May 3
Bush,J Goers,G
Schindley,G & W
May is Mary’s Month. Parish May Crowning,Sunday, May 10, Mothers’ Day, 8:30am Mass...
- Focus week of Apr 15-May 3 has been on work of plumbers/electricians preparing what needs
to be laid for the pouring of the slab about May 10;it appears that much of dthat work is completed.
-- Also this week, much of the work on the widenening of what will be the only entry from US 42 onto the property
has been completed; the driveway has been widened from 42 all the way to the rear parking lot; the old asphalt (old
narrow driveway by the rectory) has been torn up and the new side has been excavated; both sides now have been
filled with gravel: they will remain this way, for 2-way traffic, until all new asphalting is done at the conclusion of
construction. -- Regarding furnishing the new church: Mrs. Janick and he helpers are moving on several fronts: they
are awaiting a smple of the new pew ends fromthe woodworker, accoring to the architect’s design; Jim Bus has received
the drawings for several its he is fashioning; we have contracted and paid for the new major statues/images/crucifixes
(handcared-carved by Bavarian artists in Oberammergau, Bavaria. Will will be placing the order after this coming week
for various kings of candlesticks, the consecration candles, etc. --We’ve moving on schedule!
Capital Campaign 2014
June 8, 2014April 26, 2015
(with Diocesan Grant)
(Pledges/Gifts as of 4/9)
We are n ow 9/10+%
of havi n g reached
our Campaig n
Goal! We were recen tly
i n formed that our
i n sura n ce has awarded us
a n additio n al $75,000+
for con struction . The
Wait for upcomin g in fo
about raisin g the rest...
Requests for YYour
our Pr
Please remember in your prayers the following who have been recommended to our charitable concern: -- Parishioners Chuck Large and Diana Honzo recent surgery). --Sam
Harding, 5-yr-old with complex health problems (J. Endres). -- Bryan Rutledge. -- Kathi
Sickinger (sister of Donna Hoelscher, aunt of Katie Hoelscher, both parishioners). -Kathy & Owen Reeve. -- Paul VanDorn (son of parishioners Carol and Wallace VanDorn),
--Robin Askew (mother/mother-in-law, of Don/Marie Askew, at Woodside Village). -Linda Edington (Becky Porter). -- Julia Beck & family (J Blankenship) --- Parishioner
Elizabeth Symalla (healing from surgery). -- -- Parishioner Becky Jackson (former parish
secretary.). -- Elizabeth Diamond (Cheryl Diamond). -- Bruce MacCready (brother of
parishioner Scott MacCready). -- Parishioner Dorthea Rogers. -- Dr. Ruth Cover (Pat
Thomas). -- Gemma Jakeman (aunt of Mary Ellen Berg) -- Pam Robinson (sister of
Tammy Dieter). -- Raymond Mullen (brother-in-law of parishioner Jim Bush, recovering
from surgery). -- Delia Kemp (daughter-in-law of parishioner Frances Turner). -- Darl
Wilson (brother-in-law of parishioner Tammy Dieter) -- Donna Coleman & Beth
Bumgardner (personal requests, illnesses); Chad Goebel (grandson of parishioner
Deanna Cox); William Campbell (father of parishioner Jane Heiden); J. D. Moffett
(nephew of Deanna Cox); parishioners Gerry Wise, Paul Hoelzel, Rose Marie Cawley,
and Pam Kempf (Bennington Glen residents). -- Parishioner Mary Green (Woodside
resident). -- Stephen Kemp & Jessica Kemp (son and granddaughter of parishioner Frances
Turner); parishioner Jeannie DeBoucher (Marie Askew); Dan Mather (Don/Marie
Askew); J.T. Hoyng (son of Mike and Carla Hoyng); Larry Symalla (son of parishioners
Bob and Elizabeth Symalla). -- Please keep in your prayers our Catholic brothers and
sisters, and others, who are in Woodside, Bennington Glen, and Morrow Manor care
facilities, as well as all the ill and homebound members our our parish community. -- If you
or a loved one, or someone you know, would like to be remembered in prayer, please let us
know at 419-946-3611. Hospitals and care facilities are not allowed, by law, to inform us
about anyone who is a patient/ resident of the facility; if you need care and/or prayer from
the parish, it’s important that the ill/rehabing person, or family, let us know by calling the
parish Office... In case of an emergency and need the immediate sacramental services
of a priest please contact the parish office at 419-946-3611, or 419-946-6970.