Volume 34, Number 4 Sarasota, Florida April 2015 2015 Potentate Connie Jacobi’s Ball Special guests David Jacobi (Brother) and Imperial Sir Doug Maxwell Shriners April Having 1 3 4 5 Fun & Helping Kids May 9 14 17 2 Reporter Deadline Good Friday Fish Fry, 5:00 p.m. Sahib Golf Tournament, 8:00 a.m. Golf Tournament Party, 1-4:00 p.m. Easter King Pin Pancake Breakfast Cancelled Easter Brunch, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., 25 Shriners & Ladies Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., 21 Birthday/Anniversary Dinner Dance, 6:00 p.m., 6 Palmetto Children’s Parade, 10:00 a.m. Club/Unit Head Meeting, 10:00 a.m. Shrine Club Directory, 8 Shrine Club News, 8 Shrine Unit News, 18 Thursday Luncheons, 30 Masonic Digest, 32 Ladies Calendar, 42 Officers, Appointees and Unit Leaders, 44 Index of Advertisers & Shriners Info, 45 Sahib Shriners Calendar, 46 Page 4 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Chaplain’s corner by Rev. Dorè Patlian, [email protected] The Official Monthly Publication of Sahib Shriners Shriners International 600 N. Beneva Road Sarasota, FL 34232 Phone: (941) 366-4449 FAX: (941) 366-8578 Email: [email protected] Web: http://sahibshrine.org Editor-in-Chief Ed Firquin Phone: (941) 366-4449 ext. 305. Email: [email protected] Staff Writer Editor Emeritus Gary Schweinshaupt Phone: (941) 356-5381 Email: [email protected] Staff Photographers Bob Rodd Phone: (941) 776-0937 Email: [email protected] Editor Emeritus Gary Schweinshaupt Phone: (941) 356-5381 Email: [email protected] Staff Assistant Wanda Firquin The Reporter is dedicated to promoting the interests of Sahib Shriners, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Shrine Burns Institutes and the Sahib Shrine Clubs and Units and Freemasonry. DEADLINE All materials for publication must be submitted to the Sahib Shriners office no later than the first day of the month for publication in the following month. Text and images produced using computers may be submitted via email or on a PC-compatible floppy diskette or CD. Text should be submitted in ASCII format or in a commonly-used word processor format. Photos, floppy diskettes or CDs from units or clubs will be returned to writer. Sahib Shriners disclaim any liability from any loss or damages resulting from articles, opinions, statements or representations expressed or implied in this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by other Shriner publications. Requests for reproduction should be addressed to Sahib Shriners. Copyright © 2015. SHRINE HOSPITAL INFORMATION For information or assistance in contacting the Shriners Hospitals for Children or a Shrine Burns Institute call: National: Florida: Sarasota: Email: (800) 237-5055 (888) 665-KIDS (941) 955-2494 [email protected] T he coming of spring. Spring is perhaps the most delightful season of the year from a spiritual perspective. It is the time when the Earth is reborn with new life springing up all around us. The days are still crisp up north but we can see the signs that Old Man Winter’s lease on our lives is about to expire! What a joy it must be to experience the first buds on the trees and flowers. I say must be because I was born and raised in Southern California and have lived here in Sarasota for 23 years so I am a stranger to real winters. Sure, when I was a speaker traveling the country I would always seem to get the gigs in Chicago or Minneapolis in the dead of winter but it is one thing to visit misery and another to have to live in it! Even a day or two of freezing temperatures and piles of dirty snow were more than enough to make me kiss the ground at LAX upon my return. Spring brings hope and I believe that is part of the Architect’s plan. Just when winter seems to be endless, here comes the thaw. The leaves and flowers begin to pop up then out. Our spirits are renewed, our hearts are glad, even though here in Florida we prepare to say farewell for another year to our northern snowbird friends. Spring is the season of renewal, when all things are born again, when the horse foals, the lambs are born, the puppies and the kittens come and children and grandchildren (some of us great grandchildren) often grace our spring. Spring is celebrated by every great religion in the world as the season of rebirth and renewal. In Christianity, Easter is perhaps the most sacred holiday on the church calendar for it celebrates the ultimate re-birth; the rebirth of humanity, the coming of Light to the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. It is no accident that this event usually takes place in April for this month is the harbinger of all things new. April is a good time to think a new thought about your life, your Fraternity, your friends, loved ones and family. It is the perfect time to lay aside old hurts, cast away resentment and cleanse your heart and soul for the new season of joy, fun and happiness that is dawning. Your thoughts are creative; indeed, they are the building blocks of your life experience. As the Master put it so well: As a man thinks, so he is. Why not do some spring cleaning in your spiritual and mental basement (your heart and mind) and renew and refresh your life?. 6 If you’re a noble of the Shrine searching for brotherhood and camaraderie, remember that Sahib Shrine is yours. Find your way and enjoy your membership. Sahib is always in need of assistance with duties, there are many activities to become involved with for your pleasure. Don’t travel alone, bring someone with you to travel the journey crossing the hot sands to the welcoming shade of our goodly temple. Photo on Page 1: Photo by Noble Bob Rodd The Reporter: is published monthly (except in July), a subscription is included in our member’s annual Sahib Shrine dues of $100, by the Sahib Shrine Temple, Inc., 600 N. Beneva Road, Sarasota, FL 34232. Third-class postage paid at Manasota, FL. Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Potentate’s notes Nobles and Ladies, Imperial Potentate Dale W. Stauss and First Lady Cheryl visited us here at Sahib Shriners and was impressed by the way that we all meet and do things together. He also gave us some ideas on Shrine membership to help us grow. So here goes our fundraisers. So far, they are doing well. We have the return of the Queen of Hearts on Wednesday evenings. The Pick #3 Raffle is on its way and if you have not purchased your lucky ticket yet, be sure to see a Divan member, Chief Aide Jim Smith or Sherri in the office. You have a chance to win each evening of the week, except Sunday, if you pick the same number as the Florida Lottery Pick 3, so get them as soon as possible. Every time your number is drawn, you are a winner. The tickets are only $20, which is about 10 cents a day. Bar Bingo is back on Monday nights and this is a lot of fun so go to the Shrine and try your luck. Our next big fundraiser will the 33rd Annual Golf Tournament at Bobby Jones on April 4. Chairman Assistant Rabban Bill Balkwill and his committee said they have a large group of men and ladies playing this year, but there is still time to get in your foursome. There are many prizes to win. Let Bill know as soon as you can. Hospital Transportation Days are upon us and the clubs and units are doing great. It sure is super to have the nobles, ladies and friends out there helping to make the difference in our collections. Second Ceremonial Master Jules Simon is heading up a great team. Thank you all for your hard work. It looks like the words “team work” is going well. It takes all of us to make it work and together we can do it! Respectfully, Connie Jacobi, Potentate We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 5 Page 6 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 SAHIB SHRINERS “Spring Swing Celebration presented by The Manatee Shrine Club” LADIES NIGHT DINNER DANCE With Birthday and Anniversary Celebration Tuesday, April 14 • 3OCIAL(OURnPMs$INNERnPM • $ANCINGnTOPM • Choice of Entree: Chicken Cordon Bleu OR Mahi Mahi Tickets: $19.50 per person, includes sales tax and gratuity Purchase Ticket Reservations in Advance a Must! Nobles – Fez, Jacket and Tie Ladies – Commensurate attire Music by “John and Tony” No Ticket Sales after the Preceding Thursday Box Office: 366-4449, ext. 320 Proceeds are for the Benefit of Sahib Shriner’s Activities, Payments are not Deductible as Charitable Contributions. SAHIB SHRINE Official Call Contributions Made to Shriners Hospitals Shriners Hospital ........................ Shriners Hospital - IMO .......... 50.00 125.00 Total Year To Date $ 6,342.16 4,835.00 Total .......................................... $175.00 $ 11,177.16 Contributions Made to Sahib Shrine Donations to Sahib ....................... Donations To Sahib – IMO ............ $2,788.00 410.00 $ 34,777,80 4,097.00 Total ............................................ 3,198.00 $ 38,874.80 MAY 2015 STATED MEETING WEDNESDAY NIGHT MAY 13, 2015 • • • • • 6:00 p.m. Fun and Fellowship 6:30 Band entertains 7:30 p.m. Meeting Opens Balloting 2015 Dues card and Fez required No short pants SAHIB SHRINE HOSPITAL February Transportation Report Official Call Ken Clark, Hospital Chairman AUGUST 2015 STATED MEETING 15 - Patient visits to Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa 2 - Patient visit to other Shriners Hospitals for Children THURSDAY NOON AUGUST 13, 2015 Participating Drivers & Assisting Nobles: Gill Baker Chip Chase Ron Conner Ed Cramer Don Cowie Jim Gates Connie Jacobi Jim Macdonald Bob Martin Jim Pinson Dorwin Pulford Bob Sanders Ken Shipley Joe Smedley Ernie Sturges Fritz Wise Paul Zeissler All nobles who are interested in taking part in the hospital transportation program are urged to contact Hospital Chairman Ken Clark, at (941) 313-9905. • • • • • • 11:00 a.m. Fun and Fellowship 11:30 Band entertains 12:00 Noon Lunch 12:45 p.m. Meeting Opens Balloting 2015 Dues card and Fez required No short pants Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 7 Recorder’s notes by Ed Firquin, [email protected] A pril showers are here lending well-needed water for the plants. The spring weather also brings growth to activity at Sahib Shriners, Monday Bar Bingo and Wednesday Queen of Hearts are in full swing. Our Golf Tournament will have occurred with all its great stories told around the Sahara Lounge for the next few months. Some of our nobles may head to Pikeville, Kentucky for one of the largest community activities in the country known as Hillbilly Days. Hillbilly Days improves each year as Shriners, the Southeast Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Pike County Government, City of Pikeville and local volunteers transform downtown Pikeville into one of the unique festivals in the world. The Florida Shrine Association will be hosted here at Sahib Shriners on May 7, 8 and 9. Volunteers will work and welcome our fellow Shriners and their ladies for a fun-filled three days. If you can lend a helping hand, contact Past Potentate Rocky Kearney, I am sure he will find a spot for you to help. Sarasota County Fair in March was a success and those volunteers did a wonderful job in filling the roles needed by the fair board. A few months away is the Sahib Car and Motorcycle Extravaganza. June 6 will be a great show for those car and motorcycle enthusiasts around our community. Your help, as members of Sahib Shriners will be needed, additional information coming as the volunteer program is developed. Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi will find himself, Lady Deanie along with other Sahib nobles in Punta Cana on the Potentate’s Trip April 20 through 27. They will be missed, as they enjoy a trip to an all-inclusive vacation spot. Remember there are many activities at your Shrine and more planned for this year. So remember the child within and I will see you at the temple. 6 Chief Rabban’s notes by Carroll G. Scribner, [email protected] H i again, I hope your month has been good to you. Please remember all of our friends and brothers who have passed to the greater life above and pray for those left behind. My thrust in the next few weeks is three-fold, assist Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi with his plans for the year, continue planning for 2016 activities and preparing the 2015 FEZtival of Trees to be bigger and better. A tall order in any man’s view! We have organized our FEZtival team and will be looking for your help soon. I will be chairman again this year with Duke Goranitis agreeing to be co-chairman. We are working on a website <www. feztivaloftreessahibshrine.com>. This is a work in progress, set up by my granddaughter and Lady Sandy, so if you notice errors or omissions, please let us know. Please be sure to support our Golf Tournament coming up on Saturday, April 4. There is a Shriners’ and Ladies’ Luncheon on April 9. We hope to see you there. Our Queen of Hearts is back up and running. Come by any Wednesday to have a good meal and try your luck! As always at Sahib, there is more than enough to do. Check your calendars for all activities. If I can help, please see me at Sahib or email me at the above. 6 Assistant Rabban’s notes by Bill Balkwill, [email protected] M any of you know I was gone for a couple weeks in February to see our new granddaughter, baby “Luna.” What a Princess she is already. It sure was cold up in Michigan. Now I remember why I moved south in 1975. Boy, March is sure a busy month. We had the Unit/ Club Head Meeting and it was followed by setting up for, and participating in, the Annual Hillbilly Hoedown for Clan #78. The next morning we got up at 4:00 a.m. for Pancake Breakfast, which has been very well attended the last few months. We can always use more volunteers to help the King Pins continue to make this a great monthly event. Please see King Pin President Del Rawlinson or Noble Ron Conner to be signed up. We do have a good time. Lady Gail and I attended the Assistant Rabban Seminar in Tampa. We gained a lot of knowledge, had a good time talking to our counterparts and shared some new ideas. This was a great time to network. Go Fireballs! Imperial Sir Dale Stauss visited both our Sahib Shriners and the Seminar. He seems to be very enthusiastic about the future of Shrinedom. The Sarasota County Fair was very successful with High Priest and Prophet Dorè Patlian and Oriental Guide Dell Hyland leading the way. A number of people asked me to be sure to tell all the Shriners “thank you for what you do.” That was great exposure for Sahib Shriners. Treasurer Ken Shipley and I have been selling the Potentate’s Raffle tickets. If you want a chance at 228 payouts, make sure you see us. Tickets are only $20 each. . . .continued on page 35 We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 8 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 SHRINE CLUB DIRECTORY DIRECTOR OF CLUBS Del Rawlinson CLUB COUNCIL Sec./Treas.: TBA ENGLEWOOD SHRINE CLUB GULF SHRINE CLUB President: Danny Holloway – 950-699-1652 12 Caddy Road Rotonda West, FL 33947 Email: [email protected] Meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Englewood Elks 11:30 am. Lunch 12 Noon President: Robert Dewart - 795-0088 Meets at American Legion Post 24, Bradenton 2nd Tuesday each month – 11:00 a.m. Ladies Night Dinner - 3rd Wednesday each month – IMG & Academy Golf Club HILLBILLY SHRINE CLUB MANATEE SHRINE CLUB MOTOR CORPS SHRINE CLUB Raban: Roger King – 924-6250 5413 Creeping Hammock Drive Sarasota, FL 34231-7313 Email: [email protected] Meets 1st Thursday of each month at Sahib Shrine Conference Room A - 7:30 p.m. President: Jim Fletcher - 807-2838 108 72nd Street Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Email: fletch@jimfletcher.net Meets at the Peridia Golf & Country Club 4950 Peridia Blvd., Bradenton 1st Friday each month - 11:00 a.m. Social Events to be Announced President: David Bell - 755-1437 6303 4th Street East Bradenton, FL 34203 Email: [email protected] Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Sahib Shrine - 7:00 p.m. NORTH PORT SHRINE CLUB VENICE SHRINE CLUB President: Robert Somerville - 941-429-6433 2504 Dalhart Ave. North Port, FL 34287-7237 Email: no email Meets at The Olde World Restaurant 14415 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL Every Tuesday, breakfast served at 8:00 a.m. Stated Meeting, 2nd Monday at 11:30 a.m. President: Jim Fahey – 223-6533 712 Grassy Oaks Drive Venice, FL 34293 Email: [email protected] Meets at Left Coast Seafood Co. US Hwy 41 Bypass Intersection of Albee Farm Road & US-41 N 3rd Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. SHRINE CLUB NEWS Hillbilly Shrine Club by Bruce Porter, [email protected] H owdy. Welcome to our new members, old members, young members, the April fools and anyone that can read or be read to. We all had a great time at the Hillbilly Hoedown, see photos on page 36, if you were not there come next time. Spring has sprung, the flowers has riz; we’re wondering where you iz. Join us every Thursday from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. for our Hillbilly Buffet (everyone is welcome to come). We have a great menu, and for only $9.00, you get a beverage, a meal and dessert. You can eat as little or as much as you want. Stay healthy and happy. We hope to see yall soon. 6 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 9 Motor Corps Shrine Club by Giles Light (G-man), Secretary, [email protected] H ave you heard? The Potentate has joined the Motor Corps! He has even ordered a Harley Davidson white Shrine Motorcycle. He says he wants to be at the head of all the parades on his white bike. Sorry nobles but, April Fools! I am afraid the Potentate is not joining the Motor Corps (though we would be glad to have him), is not buying a Harley and will not be at the front of parades on a motorcycle. Did we catch any of you, even if just for a brief minute? Okay, we really do have some serious news to report. This is not an April fool’s joke. First, we can report a successful Spaghetti Dinner back in February. Looks like we served 396 fellow Shriners, friends and family. That may not be a record, but it sure comes close. As usual, many people deserve thanks for making this February’s dinner a success. Muriel Young and Nicole Crimi sold tickets at the front door. Tony Galanti (G), Bob Hammer (Hammertime) and Giles Light (G-man) sold tickets on our Booze Wagon. Wally Lacey (Red Dog) and his crew performed admirably in the kitchen. Past Potentate Lou Ortt, 33°, collected tickets. The Rainbow Girls, who have helped us for so many years, were at the Spaghetti Dinner once again. Special thanks to the five girls from Venice and the two from Bradenton. They were accompanied by Bonnie Christian, Mother Advisor of the Bradenton Assembly and Grand Deputy of Florida and Shelly RedmondCombs, Past Worthy Advisor of Venice Assembly. Also to Molina Austin, Worthy Advisor of Bradenton Assembly and Crystal Vangungburg, Worthy Advisor of Venice Assembly, we say thanks as well. We also owe thanks to Sleep King of Sarasota for their contribution of $100 to the Motor Corps Spaghetti Dinner. Final financial amounts are not yet confirmed, but we count this as another successful event. Second bit of news is that we had a successful Hospital Days on St. Armand’s Circle back in February. The most exciting part of that news is that one of our members had two C-notes dropped into his plastic fez. That is right; two brand new one-hundred dollar bills. The Motor Corps is deeply appreciative of this man’s generosity in support of the Hospital Transportation Fund. Although all contributors are thanked, we owe this one special individual a special tip of the fez. At the Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, March 1, we had the drawing for our Booze Wagon. This year’s winner was Ann Trzecki from the Buffalo, New York area. When we contacted Ann by telephone to let her know she had won, she was in Houston, Texas. She is currently traveling and will not be back in our area until the end of April. We also held the drawing on the Quilt on March 1. Winner was Harriet Pearson of Sarasota. Harriet came by shortly after the drawing and picked up her prize. For those of you who did not win the Booze Wagon this year, we expect to be back next year with another raffle, so stay tuned. As in years past, the Motor Corps provided escort duty for Imperial Potentate Ill. Sir Dale W. Strauss and First Lady Cheryl during their visit to the Sahib . . .continued on page 11 Meetings 1st Thursday of each Month at Sahib Shrine Advertising in the Sahib Reporter Our monthly magazine is mailed to over 2,000 subscribers, advertisers and complementary readers and is available for anyone to view in Adobe Acrobat on our Website. You can also obtain the brochure and sales contract there: http://sahibshrine.org/reporter/ Annual Advertising Rates for the Sahib Shrine Reporter Interior Full Page ....... $ 1,125 Half Page ..................... $ 675 Third Page ................. 450 Quarter Page ............... 375 Business Card ........... 225 Phone: (941) 366-4449 Email: [email protected] We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 10 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Manatee Shrine Club by Jim Fletcher, [email protected] W e are looking forward to our next meeting, enjoying family, fun and fellowship. We meet at Peridia Golf and Country Club on the first Friday of the month with our friends and brothers. Come join us, share with your friends and bring your lady as our ladies meet at the same time. We will sponsor a hole at the Sahib Golf Tournament at Bobby Jones Golf Club on April 4 and sponsor the Birthday/Anniversary Dinner Dance at temple on April 14. Do not forget the Shriners and Ladies Luncheon on April 9 and the Good Friday Fish Fry on April 3. Get your tickets for all of the coming events. There are many things going on at Sahib Shriners. St. Patty’s Day was great, as always. God bless the Irish and the Scottish. They know how to throw a party with great food, music, dancing and fellowship. Thanks to Bill Padelford for storing the Christmas tree for the next FEZtival of Trees. Thanks again to Rob Rodd and his team for collecting over six thousand, eight hundred dollars ($6,800 plus) for the Shriners Hospitals for Children Fund. A big thank you, to all that worked collecting, to make this happen. 6 North Port Shrine Club by John Brophy, Scribe, [email protected] A very nice surprise at our February 3 breakfast. John (Jack) Watson, III escorted his young daughter Leah to our meeting. She apparently enjoyed herself, what young lady does not enjoy being the center of attraction. Also, it was announced that Jack’s son Angelo is receiving his EA Degree February 18. Very nice to see young blood entering our fraternity. Your Scribe thinks he has finally gotten the Watson clan sorted out. Whom he thought was the Junior Watson is really the son of Past President Jack Watson, father of the true Junior Watson, John (Jack) G. Watson, III. That leaves James H. Watson who does not have a number, as he is the brother of the Past President Watson who is the father of the Watson, III who is the father of the Watson taking his EA. Got it? Explain it to me please. Our President Bob Somerville has returned and had to reintroduce himself after some lengthy medical problems and taking care of his Lady Wally whose back caused her some further difficulties. Bill Shipley reported his Lady Alice coming home from hospital. Noble Charles Hamilton’s Lady Betty has passed away and North Port Shrine Club extends sincere condolences. February’s Hospital Days was successful thanks to all who participated including some ladies of North Port Shrine Club. Bless them, what would we do without them. Our Picnics would certainly suffer if not for the extra delicious dishes they prepare. There have been several stories told by our members of people stopping to donate and relating experiences with our Shriners Hospitals for Children. Here is another one: A mom pushing a Publix child cart with steering wheels and a young fellow driving, stopped to donate and said one of her other children had undergone surgery at the Tampa Hospital and thanked us for taking care of her youngster. When turning to leave the young lad in the cart insisted on donating also and he promptly deposited all he had into the canister (a penny)! That is a very special penny wouldn’t you say? February 17 saw 39 members in attendance. Our snow nobles are still with us. Stefanos (Stef) Loisou and dad Jim present along with Past Potentate Dale LaBell, Past Potentate Rocky Kearney and Chief Rabban Carroll Scribner, winner of the 50/50, who graciously contributed his winnings to our club, many thanks to Scrib. Our February 15 mixer, at the Left Coast Seafood restaurant, was very well attended and all appeared to be having a good time. Our 2nd Vice President Al Sawdai arranged this mixer. Next, possibly Luigi’s, so stay tuned. On February 24, it was nice to see Noble Bill (Skipper) Schultz with us again. Welcome to our guest, Noble Dale Thomas of Elf Khurafeh Shriners in Saginaw, Michigan. (Bits and Pieces) Overheard in the hospital, a patient asked an attractive young nurse if she was a good girl or a naughty girl. The indignant response was a good girl of course. Too bad said the patient and when asked why so replied, “good girls go to heaven, naughty girls go everywhere.” (Quotable Notable) As of this writing, no one identified American author Robert Collier who said, “Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin.” For Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! . . .continued on page 35 April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 11 Venice Shrine Club by Tim Kinchla, Secretary, [email protected] T he Venice Shrine Club held its monthly meeting at the Left Coast Seafood Restaurant on U.S. 41 bypass in Venice on February 17. The restaurant offered the forty nobles and guests a marvelous menu selection for the luncheon. The choices were fried grouper, beef stroganoff or California salad with grilled chicken. Each selection was of large portions and very delicious. The cost of the luncheon was $15.00. One of the key messages from President Jim Fahey was the current investigation that is ongoing regarding the club’s building located on Auburn Road in Venice. The goal is to bring water and sewer from Auburn Road to our building. More to come on this important improvement as we progress through these exciting times. Each monthly luncheon features not only scratch tickets for seven lucky nobles or guests as well as Money Mania. To win the Money Mania prize you need to be a member of the Venice Shrine Club and to be present for the drawing. Last month a Past Master of one of our local Blue Lodges walked away with $200 plus. Yesterday, another winner collected in excess of $80. Great job noble! Nobles, why not consider joining us for lunch at our April 21 meeting at Left Coast. Social hour is at 11:00 a.m. with lunch beginning at 12:00 p.m. Guests are always welcome. 6 Ô . . .continued from page 9 Motor Corps Shrine Club Shriners’ Luncheon on Thursday, March 5. A special thanks to our members who were able to break away from their work responsibilities for this escort duty. The Annual Sam Swope Charity Ride was held in Orlando on March 7-8. This was a special year for the ride as Sam Swope passed away last December. Sam had been a very generous supporter to Masonic and Shrine causes over the years, including the Shriners Hospitals for Children. A Memorial Service was held for Brother Sam at Bahia Shriners on Friday night, March 6. The ride was on Sunday, March 8. Motor Corps members traveling to Orlando were Dave Bell (Jetfoot), Bryan Pullman (Shortcut), Hampton Crimi (Sambo) and Barry Hart (Policyman). This year’s Arcadia Rodeo Parade was held on Saturday, March 14. Although the ride over and back is longer than the parade itself, we had a good representation from the Motor Corps. The annual ride to the Masonic Home in St. Petersburg took place on Saturday, March 21. Several of our members, who are also members of the Masonic Riders Association, participated in the ride. We have seven Motor Corps members and their ladies with birthdays in April. Birthdays include: Lady Barbara Hart on the 6th, Lady Cathy Cason on the 8th, Lady Joanie Steelman on the 16th, Lady Carol Hubbard on the 21st, Lady Jan Dahlberg on the 21st, Bryan Pullman (Shortcut) on the 25th and Joe Stella (Stroker Joe) on the 27th. There are no anniversaries in April. 6 Sahib Motor Corps Shrine Club receives plaque at the Sam Swope Charity Ride in Orlando for their contribution to Shriners Hospitals for Children. We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 12 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 North Port Shrine Club John Watson III with daughter Leah. President Bob Somerville and 1st Vice President Al Sawdai. Marsha Cohen collecting for Hospital Days. Jim Loisou and son Stef. North Port Shrine Club Breakfast. Guest Dale Thomas from Elf Khurafeh, Saginaw, Michigan. Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 13 Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi is presented with checks Chief Aide Jim Smith presents $50 for Transportation Fund from hospitality room at Potentate’s Ball. Noble Jack Gardner of Gulf Shrine Club presents $2,690 for General Fund in name of Bill Winslow of the now dissolved Banjo Band Unit. North Port Shrine Club presents to Circus Chairman & PP Dale LaBell $1,000 from the sales of Circus pins. Manatee Shrine Club Team Captain Bob Rodd presents $6,600 from Hospital Day collections from Parrish, Florida. Clown Harold Bell presents $1,150 from Hospital Day collections. Nobles Don Gatell & Lowell McCarty of North Port Shrine Club presents $5,200 from Hospital Day collections to go to Sahib Transportation Fund. We can’t grow, if they don’t know! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 15 I want to be YOUR trusted Real Estate advisor ü ü ü ü ü 30 years of Residential and Commercial Experience Lifetime Sarasota resident Trust and Estate realty situations are my specialty Certified Commercial Invest Member designation (only 3% of Commercial Realtors are CCIM members) Using the latest marketing tools to help you achieve YOUR goals G. David Walters, CCIM Clover Realty, Inc. 1717 10th Way, Sarasota, 34236 (941) 747-9070 [email protected] A 3rd Generation RE Company Contact me for ALL of your Real Estate needs Your ad here? Bobbitt, Pittenger & Company, P.A. Certified Public Accountants 1605 Main Street, Suite 1010 Sarasota, FL 34236 David R. Hess Partner Telephone: 941-366-4450 Fax: 941-954-7508 We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 16 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Shriners Hospitals for Children Collection Canisters February 2015 Noble Location Ed Cramer Hungry-Palmetto KFC - Palmetto Hungry-Desoto Mall Hungry-59th & Cortez KFC-63 & 15th St. KFC-Parrish KFC-Rt 64 & I-75 Hungry- Ellenton Hillbilly Night Shrode Jewelry Crager’s Family Diner Leroy Hocking Dick Schmidt Chickie Eugene Kraus Jim Pinson Club/Unit MSC Amount 69.29 21.10 84.99 28.72 22.02 10.05 41.01 82.21 27.00 115.01 38.43 If you have a canister placed, and want your collections listed in this monthly report, provide the Sahib office with the information. Sherri will be providing the collection amounts each month for the Reporter. We still have quite a number of these canisters out, and no information on where they are. Please help Sherri get the current information. 6 Each month we have Reporters go A weekly email Webletter is sent to all subscribers of the Sahib Shriner’s Email List, it contains reminders and updates to content here in the Reporter and in the area Shrine and Masonic calendars, to subscribe or to update your email address, send email to: [email protected] Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! undelivered, because YOU don’t let us know when your mailing address changes! April 2015 December 2080 Robert & Ruth Riegel December 2056 Manatee Shrine Club December 2033 Sahib Golf Assoc. (In Memory of James Ericsson) (In Memory of John Lewellen) (In Memory of Bill Simon) Manatee Shrine Club (In Memory of Austin Pickering) (In Memory of Philip Staples) (In Memory of Arthur Monson) (In Memory of Oscar Cloutier, PP) April 2030 Charles S. Marston (In Memory of Anne M. Marston) May 2029 Desert Patrol August 2027 Fred & Marylou Ellis March 2025 John R. Holland (In memory of Carl E. Hohlt) February 2025 Eleanor Herman (In memory of Carl Herman) August 2024 S. & B. Carter December 2023 Jerrit & Melinda Clayton September 2023 Volkert and Helen Smith February 2023 North Port Shrine Club January 2023 Manatee Shrine Club (In Memory of Donald Chase, PPR) (In Memory of George Cumming) April 2022 Roy Winterbottom (In Memory of Ed Luff) December 2021 Don and Joan Patterson Dick and Jinny Warner (In Memory of Luther Bollman) May 2021 Burton Chandler Jack & Iris Kwitchoff March 2021 Dr. Lawrence G. Schaeferle (El Kahir-Iowa), North Port Shrine Club SAHIB REPORTER Page 17 April 2016 Col. M.G. Swindler March 2016 (Through month stated, μ = New or Renewed this month) Jerry & Joyce Goacher Dottie Pinkley October 2020 September 2018 (In Memory of John Pinkley) Dolores O’Neal In Memory of Don and Elayne Sims (In Memory of Loved Shriners) Dr George & Dorothy Robinson February 2016 Norris and Barbara Walker December 2017 Manatee Shrine Club December 2019 William & Maryann Adams (In Memory of Ed Luff) Everett & Evelyn Blount (In Memory of Christopher Weeks) September 2017 (In Memory of Dick Reese) Marion Podewitz Sandy Scribner November 2019 (In Memory of Bill Podewitz) January 2016 Margaret Lawrence Manatee Shrine Club Jim & Eileen Jensen (In Loving Memory of Donald Lawrence) (In Memory of Paul Tobias) December 2015 Sahib Golf Committee August 2017 Aides Office August 2019 Manatee Shrine Club (In Memory of Richard G. Morris) Peggy Cloutier (In Memory of Philip Mitchell, PP) Luke and Kathy Doyle (In Memory of Oscar Cloutier) June 2017 September 2015 Midge Jordan Manatee Shrine Club Manatee Shrine Club (In Memory of Doug Jordan May 2017 (In Memory of Richard G. Morris) David R. Magdalik Margaret Hayes August 2015 Kevin & Susan Sapio (In Memory of Barry Hayes) Chris & Peg Kellogg May 2019 Sahib Shrine Mariners Manatee Shrine Club Kenneth & Betty Terryberry April 2017 (In Memory of Kenneth Gerrard, Sr., PP) Dale & Donna LaBell Manatee Shrine Club (In Memory of Walter J. Kunkel) Harold & Mary Stuver (In Memory of Arthur Bieser) June 2015 March 2019 (In Memory of John Bohenkamp) Manatee Shrine Club Michael Clarke (In Memory of Larry Swanson) (In Memory of Michael A. Cipullo) February 2019 (In Memory of Earl Woodring) (In Memory of Irene Krakow) Manatee Shrine Club Roy’s Automotive May 2015 (In Memory of Robert Berlund) (In Memory of Gerald Netzley - Egypt Shrine) The Builders Lodge No. 376 (In Memory of Preston Sturdevant, Jr.) (In Memory of Danny O’Harold – Egypt Shrine) (In Memory of Irene Krakow) (In Memory of Earl Hadley) (In Memory of Austin Pickering - Sahib Shrine) Donald & Audrey Schmitt Laura Atz March 2017 Sahib Greeterettes (In Memory of Eugene Atz) Christopher Weeks & (In Memory of Evelyn Holland) December 2018 Barbara Hershey April 2015 Bud & Carole Glidden February 2017 Harold Bell Ann Lassig Charles & Mary Jane Hamilton John H. Brophy Nyla Temple #152 Daughters of the Nile January 2017 (In Memory of Catherine F. Brophy) November 2018 Charles & Suzanna Krueger James & Caroyl Dunlap Charles H. Burke Manatee Shrine Club November 2016 Nancy Holmes (In Memory of Fred Rye) Lindy & Sandy Nardone (In Loving Memory of George Holmes) (In Memory of Charles E. Slater) October 2016 August 2018 (In Memory of Fred W. Nason) Patricia A. McLain Jack & Marti Bryant (In Memory of Lowell L. Sutton) (In Memory of BG John H. McLain) April 2018 (In Memory of Joseph P. Kelley) August 2016 Ted & Anita Moltz Doug & Joan Patterson Giles Light (In Memory of Luther Bollman) February 2018 May 2016 Bill & Stacey Lee Zurlo Manatee Shrine Club Manatee Shrine Club (In Memory of Robert Everly) (In Memory of Al McKenzie, PP) Joe & Marion Mitchell (In Memory of John Pinkley) (In Memory of Phil Mitchell) (In Memory of Fordon Harris) January 2018 Evelyn Noe Charles & Pauline Baker (In Memory of Frank Noe) (In Memory of Betsy Baker) Clip and Mail Today Donation Application Form To: Editor Sahib Shriners 600 N. Beneva Road Sarasota, FL 34232 I want to be a “Reporter Booster” and help offset the increasing cost of our publication. Name or Organization: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: ______________ State: ____ Zip: ____________ Donations are only $10.00 per year, you may prepay for multiple years. Your name will be listed each month in the Reporter for the period you are supporting. For example: for a $10 donation in January 2015, you will be listed through January 2016. If you donated $50, you would be listed through January 2020. Donations for the longest periods will be listed first. You can also donate on the Sahib Shriners Website using a credit card at: http://sahibshrine.org/shop.htm We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 18 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 SHRINE UNIT NEWS Clown Corner by Harold “Ding-a-Ling” Bell, [email protected] A s you can see by the pictures, the clowns had a great time while not in face, working to provide funds to Sahib Shriners Transportation Fund. We had fun greeting parents and children with a smile and handshake and telling the children that we were Shrine Clowns. Then as we pointed to the clown poster on the tri-pod, they would say, “Where is your red nose?” It was a pleasure to talk with a mother whose son had a great medical experience at the Shriners Hospitals for Children – Tampa. She was certainly all smiles and very happy to slip her contribution in our little red collection container. The nine participating Clowns for this fundraising activity were very happy to present to Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi one thousand, one hundred thirty dollars and three cents ($1,130.03) for the Transportation Fund. If you happened to be at the temple on Monday evening, you would have witnessed many colorful balloons of all shapes on the table and in the Main Hall. Of course, the two most popular were the poodle and the hat. The Clowns have some gigs in progress at our local Home Depot on Cattlemen Road so if you are in the area on the first Saturday of the month, make sure you stop by or, even better, bring your grandkids for a great experience with tools and get a balloon sculpture. The Clowns will be the sponsor of the Birthday/ Anniversary Dinner Dance on May 12. Once again, the theme will be “Hawaii” and the Main Hall will be decorated accordingly. Like last year, our Chef Bob has selected great food. Of course, all you dancers and party people will dress with those bright colors of the Islands. If the Clowns can come up with the funding to secure them, I am sure that all of those coconut dancers will be available so you can stuff those dollars as they wiggle and do their dance. An added attraction this year will be the raffle of a selected “Booze Basket.” Remember, all of you having a May birthday or a May anniversary, be prepared to enter the competition so you can be selected. Talking about birthdays, the Clowns are always ready to help the young and the elderly celebrate their birthdays in their homes. Call a Sahib Clown and see what a small donation to the hospital “sneaker fund” will provide for your party. The Clowns will be looking for many of you nobles at the Palmetto/DeSoto Children’s Parade on Friday, April 3. Thanks for reading the Clown Corner and until we meet again, remember the children. 6 Concert Band by Jarrett Miller, PP T he Concert Band welcomes three new Shriners who joined us last month: Richard McIntyer, a baritone/ euphonium player, who has moved to Longboat Key; William Bauer a baritone and alto saxophone player who moved to Sarasota from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Clair Miller, a trombone player from Dayton, Ohio. The Concert Band holds rehearsals every Tuesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Sahib Shriners. We always welcome Shrine musicians who read music to join with us. We are now rehearsing new music for two Concerts scheduled in April. The first is the Shriners’ and Ladies’ Luncheon on Thursday, April 9 at 12:00 p.m. Nobles if your lady cannot attend we hope you will still attend the Luncheon. It seems we miss many of the faithful Thursday Luncheon nobles. Our second Concert will be at the Westminster Manor in Bradenton on Friday, April 10. Our host is Noble William Arbuckle and his Lady Bonni. It is just great having our snowbird musicians back with us. Last month’s Concerts at Pleasant Lake Park, hosted by Ill. Sir Ray Causton of Rameses Shriners and our Annual Concert at Freedom Village, Bradenton, were very well received. Many nobles were present at both Concerts. 6 beashrinernow.com beashrinernow.com continues to attract quality candidates. To date, more than 1,200 men have inquired about Freemasonry or becoming a Shriner. While the numbers of those interested are impressive, we really need more mentors to ensure candidates receive the attention they need and deserve. Consider joining the more than 1,150 Shriners who are already virtual mentors. As a virtual mentor, you will be paired with a candidate in your area who has similar interests. Communicating by phone, email or in person, you will have the opportunity to share your knowledge and enthusiasm about Masonry and about being a Shriner. You will answer questions or concerns, help find the Lodge best suited to the candidate’s interests, and help him with his journey to become a Shriner. You will also have the opportunity to make a new friend. Learn more and sign up at: https://www.shrinersvillage.com/Membership/VirtualMentor.aspx Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! beashrinernow.com April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 19 Sahib Shriners SunCoast Florida Freemasonry Florida Shrine Association http://sahibshrine.org http://www.trowel.com/flamason http://fla-shrine.org/ We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 20 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Kentucky Colonels by Col. Robert L. (Bob) Rodd, President, [email protected] T he members and guests that have been attending the Kentucky Colonels monthly get-togethers at Tara Golf and Country Club seem to have much praise for the cuisine and the great speakers and entertainers we have had. Including Country Western Singer Sharon Rhyno; Sheryl Schleicher showing and sharing ideas of making quality quilts; Bill Deighton and his mighty fiddle, etc. along with the great camaraderie and stories shared to the delight of those attending. Are you a Kentucky Colonel? Do you have a Commission from the Kentucky Colonels in Kentucky? If you do and are not yet involved with the Sahib Shriners Kentucky Colonel Unit we invite you to come and see how our unit operates. If you are a member of Sahib Shriners and you wish to become a Kentucky Colonel, we can arrange for you to obtain a Kentucky Colonel Commission of your very own. Please come and check us out. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month and in April and May we will be meeting again at the Tara Golf and Country Club. Plan to arrive between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to socialize. Our program for the evening starts at 6:00 p.m. with dinner being served at 6:15 p.m. where socializing continues. After dinner, our speaker or entertainer is introduced and we all sit back and enjoy the program. Then a few tidbits are taken care of including singing to those having a birthday or anniversary during the current month. Give one of our officers a call and see how easy it is to visit and/or join: President Colonel Robert L. (Bob) Rodd, (Kathy), (941) 776-0937 Vice President Colonel James (Jim) Fleming, (Donna), (414) 350-6061 Secretary Colonel Charles (Bud) Glidden, (Carole), (941) 358-2285 Treasurer Colonel Donald (Don) Clements, (Mary), (941) 755-3655 If transportation is a problem, let us know and we will try to remedy that, if possible. If you have any questions or need more information, please call or email me or call any of the above officers. Come and enjoy a great evening. 6 Don Vos Sprinkler Company 1410 Commerce Blvd., Unit N Sarasota, FL 34243 Full Service Irrigation Company Installations Service Service Contracts Licensed & Insured 20 years experience in Sarasota & Manatee Counties 941-359-8808 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 21 King Pins by Del Rawlinson, [email protected] Good morning, breakfast lovers! Wake up and smell those (all-you-can-eat) pancakes smothered in butter, scrambled eggs, sausage and piping hot coffee. Oh yeah, don’t forget the cold orange juice. Please note the April 5th Pancake Breakfast has been cancelled since Sahib Shriners will have an Easter Brunch from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Come join us on the first Sunday of every month. We serve from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. I promise you won’t go home hungry. Volunteers are always appreciated. See me if you are interested in lending a hand. We look forward to serving you. Until then, be kind to one another. 6 Mariners by Lacey Cross, Commodore, [email protected] T he Mariners have a very busy April, beginning with our meeting on Wednesday, April 8, at Sahib Shriners. Bridge will meet at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by our membership meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Mariners and their mates are urged to attend. Our April Rendezvous will be April 18 at the Sarasota Kennel Club, (Dog Track). Buffet dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. in the Miss Whirl Club. We will have Hospital Days on April 11 at Sam’s Club. We do need volunteers to help. The FSA is May 7, 8 and 9. Please mark this important event on your calendars. If you are not a member of the Mariners, we encourage you to join this fun unit. You do not need to own a boat. But, you will enjoy riding on our boat at the many parades. 6 Thursday, April 9, 11:30 a.m. Prime rib (lunch-cut), Parsley potatoes, Vegetable medley & Dessert $14.00 per person (incl. tax & tip). Tickets may be purchased in advance on Thursdays at Sahib Shrine. Reservations by April 3. You may get tickets at door. Dress is smart casual & ladies dress or pantsuit. Proceeds are for benefit of Sahib Shriners not tax deductible We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 22 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Oriental Band by Jim Austin, [email protected] T he Oriental Band had a visit from Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi back in February. While we discussed many subjects that evening, we asked for and got permission from him to march in the Bradenton Parade on Saturday, April 25. This news was welcomed, as it is our favorite of the parades we attend in the area. Bigger crowds, many more floats and marching bands, and just more fun for us as the crowds have always cheered us mightily. We understand that this particular parade is rated No. 2 in the state for attendance and length. We have not performed since the Potentate’s Ball so we welcome this opportunity to warm up for the Florida Shrine Association Convention that is being held in Sarasota during May 7, 8 and 9. That is all of our news except for our bandsman of the month, who is none other than Bill Caraker. Bill was born in 1932 in Hadon Heights, New Jersey, which is just across the river from Philadelphia. He started his working life in a sheet metal shop as an apprentice, and then joined the Seabees when he was 21. He was stationed in Little Creek, Virginia working on fabricating steel most of the time while in the military. He married Dee in January of 1994 and our fearless little group in 1995. Started on a conga drum, went to the cymbals and when he had some back problems played the blocks. Just now he is on injured reserve, but he will be back soon, we hope. 6 Past Masters by Al Dahlberg, President, [email protected] T he Past Masters Unit of the Sahib Shriners presented their annual Rusty Mason Night on Thursday evening, January 29, 2015. The purpose of the Rusty Mason Night is to assist Master Masons who have not attended Stated Meetings at their Masonic Lodges for some time and have the need to “refresh” their Masonic rituals, signs, tokens and passwords. In addition, those who attend the Order of the Rusty Nail Degree receive a complimentary pass card that will allow them to visit any Masonic Lodge in District 27 without being investigated; however, they will need to present their paid up dues card prior to their admission to a Lodge meeting. This has been especially helpful to those out-of-state Masons who have been a little reluctant to attend Masonic Lodge meetings in Florida. In all, 81 Master Masons attended the Order of the Rusty Nail Degree of which five were from Masonic Lodges in other states or Canada. As in past years, the feedback from those who attended was very favorable. The participants who performed the Order of the Rusty Nail Degree were all members of the Past Masters Unit and they presented yet another outstanding program. The Brothers who served as candidates for the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason Degrees respectively included W:.Edgar Coles, Florida; W:.John Steiner, Florida and W:.Denis Doome, Florida. The degree team and program were guided and instructed by R:.W:.Frank Albinson and R:.W:.Gerald Goacher. Degree Team of Past Masters Worshipful Master, R:.W:.Allen Sorbie, Scotland Marshall, W:.Fred Ellis, Florida Senior Warden, W:.Kenneth Latham, Mass. Junior Warden, W:.Les Ruggiero, Florida Chaplain, W:.James Koehler, New York Senior Deacon, R:.W:.Gerald Goacher, Florida Junior Deacon, W:.James Benjamin, Florida Senior Steward, W:.Joseph Goggin, Florida Junior Steward, W:.Edward Maier, West Virginia Tylers W:.Albert Dahlberg, New York/Florida W:.Robert Davis, Georgia W:.Joseph Goggin, Florida W:.Kenneth Latham, Massachusetts W:.Gene Marinelli, Florida W:.Henry Nofsker, Pennsylvania W:.Jeff Pick, Florida W:.Derl Smith, Florida The Past Masters who presented the lecturers for the three degrees included W:.Edward Maier, West Virginia, for the Entered Apprentice Degree; W:.Ken Latham, Massachusetts, for the Fellow Craft Degree; W:.David Huaraney, Canada, for the Master Mason Degree. The Closing Charge was given by R:.W:.Allen Sorbie, District Deputy Grand Master, Scotland. The meeting culminated with the introduction of our honored guest speaker the M:.W:.James W. Ford, Grand Master of Florida Masons by R:.W:.Allen Sorbie, District Deputy Grand Master. M:.W:.Ford’s presentation focused on the history of Freemasonry with respect to morality, fellowship, friendship and brotherly love. He also addressed the financial needs for the Masonic Home, the need for some less active Lodges to consolidate with others to create more active Lodges, and the First Lady’s Wheelchair Van Fundraiser. He was pleased to report that enough money had been raised to purchase a new wheelchair van for the Masonic Home, and that it will be dedicated at 10:00 a.m. on March 21, the day of the Annual Pilgrimage to the Masonic Home. In closing, he mentioned his proposed resolution that a new system for the nomination of Lodge Officers be established whereby the qualifications of a Brother could be openly discussed outside the Lodge room and thus the best-qualified Brethren can be nominated for specific offices within the Lodge. M:.W:.Ford ended his remarks by saying that he was pleased to be a part of our Rusty Mason Night and he would be available to Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! . . .continued on page 35 April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 23 High Priest & Prophet’s notes by Dorè Patlian, [email protected] T his is the month when some of our friends leave us to return north; this year we may get their company a bit longer with the blizzard conditions in much of the north. Personally, I am happy to see them stay longer, wish we had them all year. Golf at Bobby Jones leads off our month on Saturday, April 4. Check with Assistant Rabban Bill Balkwill to see if there is a spot open or reservations available for dinner. It is the last minute but you never know. I will see you at dinner; you do not want to see me swing a club! The big push all year, but particularly this month, is membership. I will be visiting as many Lodges in District 27 as I can, making Shrine presentations to the Craft at each Lodge. I will be emphasizing that the Blue Lodge is the root and trunk of Masonry and that the Shrine is its largest and perhaps most important branch. The Shrine is the public, happy face of Freemasonry and that is vitally important to us and to all Masonic bodies. Everyone loves a Shriner but what most people do not realize is that we do what we do for children in our 22, soon to be 23, hospitals because of our Masonic obligation that teaches us tolerance, charity, harmony and brotherhood. We do what we do because first and foremost we are good men and Masons. We owe much to the Craft, may we all sit in Lodge often and never forget that before we were Shriners, we were made Masons. If we wish to have the Lodges support the Shrine with membership and goodwill, then we must support the Lodges by sitting in Lodge as often as we can, being as active as time allows and keeping Masonry in our hearts. 6 New Procedure for Divan’s Birthday Wish Nobles your birthday will now be listed in the Reporter. The Divan will provide you a birthday well drink or beer in the lounge any time during your birth month or within 10 days from the end of your birth month. Present your ID and receive your birthday card wish from your Divan. After you have read your card please return it while in the lounge for our records of redeemed wishes. April April 1 Haab, Albert Rawlinson, Del Kunkle, Paul Conway, Sid Gabriel, Richard Behmer, Lloyd April 2 O’Diam, Clarence Park, Edward Kinzly, Richard !PRIL Yoder, John Pegoraro, Joseph Schroeder, Gary Regan, Charles Hankinson, John April 4 Godshall, James Chandler, Burton April 5 Pulford, Dorwin Carter, Samuel Munson, Robert Potocki, Don Lebson, Evan April 6 Max, Martin !PRIL Bond, William Goodman, Donald McCall, John April 8 Manuel, Robert Meschelle, Todd Wolfe, Edward Jones, Lee !PRIL Pedigo, Donald Toney, William Campbell, Gerald April 10 Burns, Leroy April 11 Brown, John Pante, Paul Sapio, Kevin Howay, Leonard April 12 Girdwood, Eugene !PRIL Williamson, Warren Campbell, William Davidson, Richard Knop, Thomas April 14 Castel, Frank Dewey, David April 15 Cobb, Alfred Lane, James Johnson, Charles Livani, Dr. Asdollah Ramieh, Robert April 16 Simek, Joseph !PRIL McCaw, Douglas Donald, John Guest, James Silverman, Sanford April 18 Poirier, Neal Stetson, Kenneth Squier, Guy Swindler, Murray Snyder, Jack Hobaugh, Ronald Kroll, Geoffrey We can’t grow, if they don’t know! !PRIL Allen, Robert Libby, Willard Badger, Thomas Pinson, James April 20 Ivins, John McDonald, James Fowler, William Herpel, Douglas April 22 Yahraus, Roy Gremp, Edward !PRIL Bennett, Hugh Blakely, Robert April 25 Scott, James Pullman, Bryan King, Roger Van Valkenburg, George April 26 Gibson, Francis Gardner, John Jr !PRIL Dittmer, Peter Stella, Joseph Beichler, William Loos, Cornelis White, Donald April 28 Randolph, Frank !PRIL Foster, Robert Small, Gilbert !PRIL Davis, Kenneth Horne, Leo Cox, John Page 24 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Past Masters Unit Motor Corps members Steve Hilin, Scott Steelman and Dave Bell with Lady Deanie Jacobi drawing winning ticket for Booze Wagon. Motor Corps President Dave Bell & his Lady Rita, Harriet Pearson (winner of quilt) and John Hubbard. Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 25 Page 26 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Contributions to the Sahib Shriners Building Fund Since last Reporter Shaddai Potentate R. Chapel & Lady Barb $100.00 Sahib Shriners Building Fund T he Sahib Shrine Building Fund is for the improvement, replacement and expansion of equipment, furnishings and upkeep of the building and grounds. How can you help? We need funds for the above Do you know? We can’t do any of these improvements until we have money! Do we need these improvements? Look at our Shrine building. The answer is YES! Please send your contribution to the Sahib Shrine Building Fund NOW! Those of you who have contributed, we thank you and hope you will continue to do your part for this worthy cause. —From TBA, Building Fund Chairman BUILDING FUND DONATION FORM Yes, I (We) want to have my (our) name (names) on the Brass Plate on the Building Fund Board in the lobby of Sahib Shrine, showing the desire to have a part in the great work of the temple. Please check the proper box: Here is my check in the amount of $ ________ to start the ball rolling, and I will give more as I am able on as nearly a regular basis as I can. Here is my check in the amount of $ ________. Please have the Brass Plate letters as follows: (Please Print) Samples for lettering: 1. John F. Doe 2. John F. Doe and Lady Mary 3. Mary F. Doe in memory of John Date: __________ Signature: __________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ___ Zip: _________ Send and make checks payable to: Sahib Shriners (Building Fund), 600 N. Beneva Road, Sarasota, FL 34232 Anyone that has contributed to the building fund, check the board in the foyer, if plaque is incorrect see the Recorder in the Sahib office. Sahib Shrine Building Fund Plate Descriptions $ 100 $ 500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 – – – – – A Brass Plate A Silver Plate A Red Plate A Blue Plate A Green Plate $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 – – – – – A Purple Plate A Gold Plate An Orange Plate A Black Plate A White Plate Wouldn’t you like to see your name in one of these plates in the lobby of Sahib Shrine? Donate today, to the BUILDING FUND and help our temple grow into the future. Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 27 Sahib Shrine Trust Fund “The Permanent Building Fund” Million Dollar Recognition Wall Fund Pledge Card Q Q Q $ _______________ Cash, Check, or Money Order $500 Cash, Check, or Money Order $500 Cash, Check, or Money order. Minimum ten payments over a one year period. Q $2,500 Lump Sum Cash, Check, or Money order Other tangible items over a 5 year period. Q $5,000 Lump Sum Cash, Check, or Money Order Other tangible items over a 5 year period. Q $7,500 Lump Sum Cash, Check, or Money Order Other tangible items over a 5 year period. Q $10,000 Lump Sum Cash, Check, or Money Order Other tangible items over a 5 year period. Q Larger Amounts designated by Board of Trustees with wishes of donor considered. Living Tree of Our Future Sahib Shrine Trust Fund Donor Recognition We wish to thank the following who have given up to this point and those who qualifying will be engraved on the “Tree” in the appropriate manner. Signature of Donor: _________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Inscription to read: __________________________________ __________________________________________________ Proceeds are for the Benefit of Sahib Shriners, Payments are not Deductible as Charitable Contributions. We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 28 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Contributions to the 100 Million Dollar Club Since last Reporter APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP 100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children It’s simple... Just indicate your desire to leave $100 (or more) in your will to this wonderful cause, or give $100 (or more) dollars now. I have previously made a will leaving a bequest to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. I have added a provision in my will leaving a bequest to the hospitals. I prefer to make a cash contribution at this time of at least $100, which is tax deductible. Please return application to: Recorder’s Office Sahib Shriners 600 N. Beneva Road Sarasota, FL 34232 Make your check payable to: SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN I am a member of ___________________________ Shriners. Signed __________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City _________________ State ______ ZIP __________ Please have the certificate read: _________________________________________________ (Please print full name) For More Information Call: (941) 366-4449 Model “T’s” and Classic Cars of Sahib Shriners THE LEGION OF HONOR 1st WEDNESDAY – 1900 HRS. – CRA Legionettes meet same time in Sahara Room Meetings Are Held 2nd MONDAY of the Month 7:00 P.M. “AT SAHIB SHRINE” Malcolm H. VanDyke II, Commander (941) 356-4614 Email: [email protected] For Model Ts contact: Ron LeVene (941) 753-3769 For Classic Cars contact: Ron Shrum (941) 961-0871 We Welcome Veterans! WE RIDE SO THAT CHILDREN CAN WALK Kentucky Colonels Under the Jurisdiction of Sahib Temple Sahib Mariners Do You Enjoy Boating? SARASOTA, FLORIDA Join us 2nd Wednesday – 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Meeting We meet 4th Tuesday September - May at Tara Golf & Country Club. Ladies are always included. Col. Robert L. (Bob) Rodd, President AT SAHIB SHRINE Lacey Cross Commodore Email: [email protected] Phone: 377-9491 Phone: 776-0937 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! Email: [email protected] April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 29 SAHIB SHRINERS SPEAKER BUREAU NEEDS YOU TO HELP US TELL THE STORY 1. Schedule your clubs and organizations so we may educate more of the public about the Shriners Hospitals for Children. 2. Schedule your Masonic groups so we may speak about the Shrine, its hospitals and the importance of keeping our Masonic families united and growing. Contact Chairman: Harold Eady Phone: 351-7860 ü Email: [email protected] SPEAKER BUREAU MEMBERS Hugh Quigley; Edmund Campbell, Jr.; Bob Somerville; Anthony Vignocchi RECORDER’S REPORT by Ed Firquin – Recorder In Memoriam FEBRUARY 2015 Membership Status: Membership Reported to Imperial – January 2015 Gains: Affiliated Restored Associates Creations Reversal Losses: Demits Expired AMD Suspended Resigned 1,194 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 BLACK CAMEL Our beloved Brethren live on in a new and more glorious life and service. We carry their influence in our lives and their memories in our hearts. They are not forgotten. Gerald Cavanaugh Ernest Ovitz Stanley Matable Olindo Nardone Carl Fillmore Robert Manuel 1,188 We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 30 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 SAHIB SHRINERS THURSDAY LUNCHEONS April Master of Ceremony Every Thursday at Sahib Shrine • 11:00 a.m. Camel’s Milk • 12 Noon Lunch Interesting Speakers Weekly Invocations ....................... Organ Music .....................Gus Spurr Dell Hyland Oriental Guide April 2 TBA April 9 Shriners & Ladies Luncheon April 16 TBA April 23 TBA April 30 TBA Contact Program Chairman: Harold Eady <[email protected]> with questions or program suggestions. (Programs are subject to speaker changes.) Villa Grande at Sarasota 4 Maggie Lane (Corner of Fruitville & Beneva) Sarasota, FL 34232 (941) 366-2200 Office “Live Life... at Villa Grande at Sarasota A new concept in senior living.” 3% Discount to All Shriners Plus a No Interest Finance Plan for your Roofing Needs www.VillaGrandeatSarasota.com At Sahib Shrine same day and time as our Sunday Pancake Breakfasts. January March May September November 2301 Ringling Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34237 Agents for Sahib Shriners and Araba Shriners Phone: 941-366-7070 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! Fax: 941-953-4901 April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 31 We Care Manatee Shrine Club Your Ad President: Jim Fletcher 108 72nd Street Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Phone: 807-2838 Email: [email protected] Here? Meets at the Peridia Golf & Country Club 0ERIDA"LVD"RADENTION 1st Friday each month - 11:00 a.m. 3OCIAL%VENTSTOBE!NNOUNCED Under The Jurisdiction of SAHIB SHRINERS – Sarasota, Florida Tired of the commotion and long waits to be served at your business lunches? Give the Sahib Shrine Restaurant a try! http://twitter.com/sahibshriners Or Look for this icon on the Sahib Shriners Web Home page and click on it! Follow via Mobile Web using a Mobile Browser http://mobile.twitter.com Search for “sahibshrine” Follow Sahib and others on your own Twitter Account. https://support.twitter.com/ Go to Twitter Basics You’ll want to follow: sahibshrine shriners shrinershosp Shrine Game flashrine FLMasonicDist27 Reasonable prices, Free Wi-Fi, no crowds, quiet atmosphere for serious business discussions to help you make that sale. Clients are often impressed that you are connected with the Shrine philanthropies, and they may be impressed with our rental banquet facilities. We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 32 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Masonic Digest Cortez High Twelve Club by Rob Rodd, Past State President, [email protected] A s another season is ending, we look over our past several months and see how our light has shined since November 2014. We will be entering darkness at the end of this month, but what has taken place for Cortez High Twelve Club, will be remembered for a long time. The buffet we thrived on for these past several months at Duff’s Original Buffet in Bradenton. The speakers and entertainers we got to enjoy. The wonderful setting we had to hold our weekly get-togethers in along with the memories made. The camaraderie that developed among all of us. The great stories and anecdotes shared and the monthly auctions all have contributed to having a great year for Cortez Hi-12 Club and I hope you can say, “I was part of that experience.” For the past two years, our club has held the honor of being the No. 1 contributor in our zone, which includes Florida, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina to Hi-12’s main philanthropy, The Wolcott Foundation. The Wolcott Foundation is for post-graduate students attending George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and if they are accepted into the Fellowship Program and graduate and then spend at least 4 years in government service, be it local, national or international they do not have to repay. Currently the grant costs about $60,000 per student. As you can imagine, being accepted into the program is not an easy task but well worth it for those that make it. The Wolcott Foundation has their own trustees who spend many hours reviewing the many applications for this very prestigious Fellowship. To learn more about this program please contact me. Our guest speakers and entertainers helped make the year unforgettable including but not limited to 90 year-old Chuck Estano who just lit up the room with his broad smile and his wonderful approach to life. He is a historian and shared his knowledge about the Civil War, especially the Battle of Gettysburg and the stories of many Freemasons during that time. Sharon Rhyno, from Canada, a Country Western singer, shared her love of music and her dedication to the Shriners Hospitals for Children with outstanding performances for all of us to enjoy. She also shared her passions at one of Sahib’s Thursday Luncheons and for the Kentucky Colonels. Some of our others were Cheryl Fekete about nutrition, Phil Billard about collecting coins and Jim Hegemier bringing us up to date about the local real estate market. . . .continued on page 35 Scottish Rite by Casey A. Fletcher, KCCH, [email protected] R eligion is an important element of Masonic life. Our ritual and ceremonies are replete with prayers and passages from religious texts. Our founding legend is derived from events in the Hebrew Bible and many of our degrees call upon the Volume of Sacred Law to teach valuable lessons and messages. However, we go to some lengths to inform the profane, and to remind ourselves, that Freemasonry is not a religion. It professes no particular doctrine, has no sacraments, offers no theology; neither does it recommend any pathway to salvation. The fraternity may appear to be religious in its pursuits and methodology, but it makes no claims of religious truth or to the relative merits of one belief system compared to any other. So what is a religion? The plethora of possible answers demonstrates the complexity of what appears, at face value, to be a simple question. Rudolf Otto defined religion as that which helps us find the Holy in our lives. The philosopher Alfred North Whitehead described religion as that which an individual does in his solitariness. Emil Durkheim, on the other hand, described it as a social, communal activity. Immanuel Kant characterized religion as the recognition that our duties are divine commands. Paul Tillich said religion comprised those practices and thoughts that address matters of “ultimate concerns” and the meaning of life. Even Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx weighed in with definitions, though theirs were not so benign. Religion has been described as a way of life, organized around experiences and convictions, that is concerned with divine power. It has been described as a vehicle for transmitting traditions and symbolism, a social expression of identity, a spiritual doctrine embedded in ritual and myth; it has been described as a system of modes for moral behavior, and even as a mystical endeavor. What is a religion? Freemasonry offers no answer, but only reflects on religious ideas, customs and writings to teach its lessons. The four degrees in the Chapter of Rose Croix of the Scottish Rite are referred to as the “historical and religious” degrees. The 15th Degree, Knight of the East, and the 16th Degree, Prince of Jerusalem, refer to the building of the second Temple in their narrative. The 17th Degree, Knight of the East and West leaves both Temples behind, without historical comment, and weaves its lessons from the teachings of the Essenes early in the Common Era. The 18th Degree, Knight Rose Croix, speaks of a new law, a law common to all religions and belief systems, a law within us. . . .continued on page 35 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 33 Cortez High Twelve Club Country Western singer and guitarist Sharon Rhyno. Historian Chuck Estano speaking on the Battle of Gettysburg and the role of Freemasons. We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 34 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Nyla Temple No. 152 by Katherine A. Rodd, Queen, [email protected] H as a year already gone by? It just seems like yesterday that I was installed as Queen. This year has had many challenges, happy moments and very sad good-byes to dear ladies in our Order in both our temple and my associates. We sure enjoyed each month celebrating birthdays with each birthday lady receiving a mini-crown and corsage to wear. The luncheons were themed by a specific holiday that month. It was fun celebrating Mother’s Day with a meal that we did not have to prepare. We even brown bagged our lunch for a fun time. Working at the Pancake Breakfast selling our handmade items and due to some creative minds, we were able to add to our treasury money needed for purchasing supplies to make items for the children and also to donate money and toys to the hospital. How wonderful to see the twinkle in the eyes of the children as they selected their toys. Being the ambassador for Nyla Temple and representing all of you at functions, the East/West Shrine games, sportsmen show and the list goes on. It was a pleasure to be introduced at the Potentate’s Ball. Wow! This has not been done in over 25 years. Thank you Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi. I cannot express the joy it was to initiate a candidate in a nursing home. She is now an active member in our Order. Our Supreme Queen’s visit was so nice in that we all got to know personally the bubbly woman representing our Order on a national level. In closing, I wish to thank my officers for your support and all that you have done this year to make it a successful one. To the members of Nyla Temple I want to thank you for your confidence and support throughout my term in office. Working together, we shared a great year. There were some challenges but we worked together and found the solutions. This month is our election of officers. I want to wish the new slate of officers a great year and one full of many beautiful memories working for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. 6 Sar-I Court No. 79 - LOSNA by Mary Nell Fletcher, High Priestess, [email protected] M arch was hectic with visitations at other courts around Florida for Installations and Sar-I Court’s Installation on March 21 at the Scottish Rite Building. We have many plans for the New Year starting with the Shriners and Ladies Luncheon on April 9 and then the “West Coast Courts Get-Together” with a program on Rituals and Traditions on April 18 at Masonic Lodge No. 147. We will be having a Ceremonial to take in new members, Saturday, May 2, 2015 at the Scottish Rite Building. Any ladies interested in learning about Ladies Oriental Shrine and our work for Shriners Hospitals for Children, plus all the fun we have doing it, please contact me at (941) 807-4011 or the above email. We have fun units for two kinds of dancing, singers, skits, clowns, precision marching and greeters. We sew clothes, sew and paint quilts, collect pull-tabs and have fundraisers for the hospitals. Our meeting is at Sahib Temple on the second Friday of the month at 11:00 a.m. for lunch followed by our meeting. You can ask any of the LOSNA ladies for a petition. They all should have one in their purse. If there is an interest, we are considering starting an LOSNA Club at night for ladies that are working or unable to attend a meeting during the weekday. You would be a member of Sar-I Court and we would have several dual meetings a year. I am looking forward to being the High Priestess this year and know that you will enjoy working with us for the children. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 6 Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 35 Ô . . .continued from page 7 Assistant Rabban’s notes Ô . . .continued from page 22 Past Masters Ô . . .continued from page 32 Scottish Rite The Golf Tournament winners will be announced in the June Reporter. Thank you to everyone who helped and golfed. Do not forget to support Past Potentate Dale LaBell in selling the Ringmaster and Clown pins. We will also need help in selling ads for the Circus magazine. Also, take a moment to thank him for all the work he does on the Circus year-afteryear. One thing all of us have learned is that we have the best Box Office Manager, Lady Marylou Ellis, aka LOSNA. Make sure you tell her how much you appreciate all that she does for the Shrine! Finally, I want to thank all the nobles for helping me in all the projects we are doing. Your dedication to Sahib Shriners makes us the best Shrine. Do not forget that Monday night Bar Bingo and Wednesday night Queen of Hearts has started up again. Remember to support your Shrine and keep a child in your heart. 6 talk with the Brethren after the meeting. Twenty-seven of the Brethren who registered for the Order of the Rusty Mason Degree indicated that this was their first time to attend a Rusty Mason Night at the temple. Seventeen of those Master Masons also indicated that they are not currently Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi, Potentate of the Sahib Shriners, gave those Brethren a warm welcome and encouraged them to submit their petitions to become nobles of the Sahib Shriners. 6 None of these four degrees teaches history or “preaches” religion, but they do keep our minds focused on matters, concepts and ideas of great importance. Freemasonry is not a religion and it does not even define what religion is. Nevertheless, Freemasonry suggests that religiosity is of great consequence. The Scottish Rite’s Degrees will next be conferred on April 11 and 18. Petitions are available at http://tampascottishrite.org. The Valley of Tampa regularly meets at its Center in Tampa on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m., preceded by a 5:45 p.m. dinner. On April 13, after dinner and before the meeting, a program will be presented investigating the Masonic symbolism found in Raphael’s painting the “School of Athens.” During the Consistory meeting, Illustrious Patrick Palmer, 33˚, will present a program on the symbolism of the 32nd Degree, Master of the Royal Secret. Casey Fletcher is Past Master of Tuscan Lodge No. 6 in Bartow, Florida. He often considers what different religions have in common. 6 Granddaughter Luna. Ô . . .continued from page 10 North Port Shrine Club what well-known entertainer said, “To succeed in life you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone?” The first non-member correctly identifying this QN and responding to the above email or calling (941) 426-0743 will receive a breakfast for two as guests of the North Port Shrine Club. 6 Ô . . .continued from page 32 Cortez High Twelve Club We lost four of our Brothers these past few months and they will be remembered for the many fond moments they brought to us. Robert Armstrong, Jim Jensen, Robert Manual and Lindy Nardone. May they stay in our thoughts and prayers. In March, many of us enjoyed a day at Emerson Point in Palmetto for a lovely picnic by the river with an excellent selection of dishes provided by all that participated. A special thank you goes to Sylvia Gardner and her team for heading up this annual get-together. A very special thank you goes to our Assistant Secretary Jean Campbell for her outstanding devotion in taking minutes, making up appreciation certificates, etc. for our club. Hi-12 is a man’s Masonic organization but at our club, we always include the ladies and they are an integral part of our overall success. One group I have not mentioned is our group of High Twelve Club Officers who gave of their time and energy to make sure our club was a very successful one and for which we all thank them. There are still a few Mondays left in April for you to break bread with us in the event you have not done so. Put it on your schedule and remember to bring your lady. We are still at Duff’s Original Buffet at 6010 14th Street, (Route 41) in Bradenton. If you have any questions or need information please give me a call at (941) 776-0937. 6 We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Bingo Help Wanted Be a part of the team! Workers wanted each Tuesday. No experience necessary— just a sincere desire to help keep our Bingo program successful. We can always use more workers to allow flexible scheduling/split shifts, and for standby workers especially during the summer months. Units or clubs are encouraged to provide volunteer workers one week out of each month. Contact the following ahead of time for details. Bingo Office at 366-4449 Ext. 214 for: Substitute Bingo caller Bingo sheet (card) sellers Ink Dauber sales Floor workers Pull tab sales Charlie Titus at 896-8426 for: Kitchen help in sandwich/coffee preparation (Two people 8-9 a.m. and one person 8-1:30 p.m.) Serving of sandwiches/snacks/ cashier (Three people 8-1:30 p.m.) (Either singles or couples are welcome) Page 36 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 Sahib Shriners Ladies Night Dinner Dance Birthday & Anniversary Winners March Birthday Winner Lady Bobbie Bruce March Anniversary Winners Outer Guard Herb Mueller and Lady Joanne Photos courtesy of Noble Bud Glidden Hillbilly Hoedown Lady Gail Balkwill and Assistant Rabban Bill Balkwill. Hillbilly Shrine Club President and Possum King Roger King. Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 37 SAHIB SHRINERS 2015 POTENTATE CONNIE JACOBI RECEIVES “THE LEWIS JEWEL” Conferred by Meridian Lodge No. 2, St. Louis, Missouri/Grand Lodge of Missouri Ill. Sir Connie Jacobi, Lady Deanie Jacobi and David Jacobi brother of Potentate. The symbolism of the Lewis Jewel A Lewis is a simple but ingenious device employed by Operative Masons to raise heavy blocks of stone into place. It consists of three metal parts: two wedge shaped sidepieces and a straight centerpiece that fit together. A dovetailed recess is cut into the top of the stone block (mortise). The two outer pieces are inserted first and then spread by the insertion of the centerpiece. The three parts are then bolted together, a metal ring or shackle is attached and the block is hoisted by hook, rope and pulley. By this means, the block is gripped securely. Once set in its place in the structure, the Lewis is removed leaving the upper surface smooth with no clamp or chains on the outside to interfere with the laying of the next course of stones. A Lewis is the son of a Mason. Lewis denotes strength and is depicted by a lifting tool for heavy stones used by Operative Masons to construct a building. It is his duty to bear the burden in the heat of the day that his father may rest in his old age, thus rendering the evening of his life peaceful and happy. The Lewis Jewel may be worn by a Master Mason, if at the time of his initiation his father was a Mason in good standing. The initiate of a deceased father, in good standing at the time of his death, would also qualify. The Lewis Jewel is suspended from two chains, with two or more bars. The upper bar contains the name of the oldest father (Grandfather Louis Jacobi) and date of his initiation (March 15, 1921). The middle bar contains the father’s name (Louis C. Jacobi) and date of his initiation (December 8, 1949). The lower bar contains the son’s name (Conrad H. Jacobi) and date of his initiation (April 18, 1968). We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 38 SAHIB REPORTER Potentate Connie Jacobi and Lady Deanie Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 39 Englewood Shrine Club The Friendly Club Meets First Tuesday of each Month at Englewood Elk’s Lodge All Shriners Welcome Monthly Meeting 2nd Thursday 10:00 a.m. Contact: Ron Enger, President 918-8713 President: Danny Holloway Phone: 859-699-1652 Email: [email protected] Sahib Shriners Pancake Breakfast By the Famous King Pins FIRST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH e and m o C t! Get I 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Juice & Coffee $6.00 per Person – Ages 7 & Over $2.00 per Person – Ages 3-7 Children Under Age 3 FREE Please Come – Bring Your Friends & Neighbors We Always Use Our Best Dishes & Silverware Proceeds are for the Benefit of Sahib King Pin Activities, Payments are not Deductible as Charitable Contributions. Sahib Shrine - Every Tuesday 10:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Early Bird Game – 10:45 a.m. Friendly Atmosphere Jackpot – All Paper Bingo Electronic Verifiers Door Prizes - Annual Reward Program Instant Bingo (Pull Tabs) 25¢ 50¢ & $1.00 Free Coffee! Sandwiches & Snacks for Sale Pay Double with Bingo in 5 Numbers or Less Complimentary 9-On for Your Birthday (Registration or Photo ID Required) Get a Free 6-On When You Bring a New Player Come Play Bingo with the Shriners Every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. and See For Yourself “The Most Unique Bingo in All of Florida” (Proceeds for the Benefit of Sahib Shrine) We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 40 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 GULF SHRINE CLUB MEETS 2ND TUESDAY 11:00 A.M. at American Legion Post 24 2000 75th St. W., Bradenton, Florida (except during June, July and August) LADIES NIGHT DINNER 3rd Wednesday at IMG & Academy Golf Club For Information Call: Robert Dewart (941) 479-4483 Sahib Motor Corps Shrine Club The Sahib Shriners Pipes and Drums Shriners International Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Sahib Shrine - 7:00 p.m. President David Bell 2:00 p.m. Every Thursday Sahib Shrine Call John “Jack” McCall 941-460-8604 Phone: (941) 755-1437 Email: [email protected] Join the Prestige Unit Compliments of the SAHIB AIDES UNIT GREETERS of Sahib Shriners Phone – 366-4449 DEDICATED TO MAKING SAHIB THE BEST IN ALL OF SHRINEDOM Compliments of NATIONAL SOJOURNERS INC. SARASOTA CHAPTER 533 NORTH PORT SHRINE CLUB Monthly, contact Secretary for monthly schedule. President: Howard House Phone: (941) 924-3823 Email: None Secretary: Chuck Barrett Phone: (941) 922-5514 Email: [email protected] Meets every Tuesday morning at The Olde World Restaurant Breakfast served at 8:00 a.m. All Nobles and Masons Cordially Invited Masonic Military Officers and Senior NCOs Contact Robert Somerville, President – 429-6433 JOIN THE FUN UNIT! Sahib CONTACT: 7:00 p.m. Wed. Nites at Sahib Shrine Floyd LaDue, President (941) 725-0555 Sahib Shriners Mission Statement To encourage and promote fun and fellowship for our Units and Clubs and provide the essential leadership that will guide them to accomplish the same. Our prime focus at all times will be our philanthropic mission to support Shriners Hospitals for Children, a world-class network of specialty hospitals. Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 41 Remembering Bill Winslow of Sahib Shriners Banjo Band When Bill Winslow joined Sahib Shriners in 2000, he was scheduled for his swearing in, but ended up in the hospital. He told Bev, his wife, that he just needed to go to the temple for about an hour and he promised her he would promptly return. Some argument followed but Bev took him and they returned to the hospital where the nurse was looking for Bill and asked, “Where have you been?” Bill said that he needed a little air and they took a walk but the doctor, who just arrived, replied, “If a patient can make decisions like that you have no need for me!” Such was Bill’s great need to become a Shriner. Shortly thereafter, Bill saw his calling and he became the Business Manager for the Sahib Shriners Banjo Band. It was the next phase of Bill’s service in life, and one that he cherished with the pride of Shrinedom. William Harlan Winslow, born July 14, 1932, the first of five children, grew up in Dayton, Ohio, as his Mom and Dad plied careers and he and brothers, Bob and Joe, followed by sisters Anne and Susan, led the family in challenges. We will skip the trip Bill took under the bakery wagon horse after challenging his brothers to “go first.” Bill was too focused on being busy and working at an early age. After newspaper delivery, then retail merchandise delivery, he became involved with the local parcel delivery company through high school, pretty much running the operation. He graduated from Fairview High School in 1950 and went on to Miami University of Ohio but was drafted after his first year due to the Korean Conflict and chose to join the US Air Force. After basic training and advanced school, he ended up a tail gunner on a B-29, stationed in Okinawa, but as aviation advanced, he moved on and cross-trained as a “boom operator” on a KC-97 Air Refueling Tanker. He finished his term, after discharge in 1955 went back to Dayton, bought the Retail Merchandise Delivery and built it up to 30-trucks before parlaying his management/operator skills into a moving company. Along the way, he met a lovely Kentucky girl, Beverly, who was a wellrespected nurse at Miami Valley Hospital and they cemented their vows for 57 years while raising two daughters, Cindy (Manges) and Patricia (Robles) who expanded the family with 3-grandchildren. By now Bill and Bev were a working team, Bev kept the family base stable with her nursing skills and Bill moved on to acquire a 12-acre picnic grounds, pool, mini-golf, baseball and tennis facility. This project finalized their ultimate retirement plans. After several trips to Florida to scout the areas, they bought on the West Coast We can’t grow, if they don’t know! in preparation for full retirement. However, Bill did not stop his love for travel and often chartered buses for holiday trips, often driving the run to Branson, Missouri, with full narration. Fellow Shriners who accompanied Bill and Bev on these trips remember how the entertainers at Branson got to know Bill so well they frequently gave special perks to the group. The Sahib Shriners Banjo Band worked like a well-oiled machine with Bill in the wings booking the jobs (seventeen plus for January March) coordinating the band trailer and sound system and managing the collections at the shows. Our annual show at Sahib was always a sellout and the band generously returned much of the income to support Sahib Shriners and Shriners Hospitals for Children. Audiences generously responded to the need. On Thursday, February 12, 2015, the remaining officers of the Banjo Band finally yielded to the overwhelming tide of time and donated the final book balance of the Band to the Sahib Shriners Operating Fund in the name of William H. Winslow, in grateful recognition of Bill’s dedication to Sahib and the Banjo Band. A plaque will be dedicated to Bill’s wife Bev in his name. 6 Page 42 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 SAHIB SHRINE LADIES CALENDAR Shriners Hospitals for Children Collection Boxes APRIL 1 What are they? A plastic cube with a slot in the top. What are the boxes for? To help collect donations, money for our Shriners Hospitals for Children to help relieve the pressure from the Hospital Days Fund Drive. Where are the boxes to be? In any store or business, preferably near a cash register. Within eyesight of customers making it easy for them to put their change in the box. When are the boxes to be used? All year round, so our friends can donate small amounts of cash at any time. As most of you know, many businesses have some kind of collection boxes on their counters, so why not one of ours? 3 5 6 7:00pm 7:00pm 10:00am 8:00am 11:00am 11:30am 11:30am 11:00am 7 8 9 11:00am 10 11:15am 14 1:00pm 6:00pm 15 11:00am 17 10:00am 20 12:01pm 7:30pm 21 10:30am 28 LOS-Greeters Legionettes – SL LOS – Songbirds Pancake Breakfast - CANCELLED Easter Brunch Jewels of Service LOS Tigress Class-SL Pirate Class – SL LOS – Swingers Greeter – Ettes-SL Sar-I Court MH NYLA Temple at Manatee Lodge #31 Birthday/Anniversary Dinner Dance LOS – Orphan Annies – SL Oriental Dancers Diamonds in the Sky Clown Dolls – SL LOS – Merrie Makers - SL LOS – Precious Pandas Call the Sahib Office at 366-4449 if you can arrange a placement. Pull Tabs for Shriner’s Hospitals The Ladies of Sar-I Court started in 1992 collecting and donating aluminum pull-tabs to the “Wheel Chair Repair Fund.” As of March 31, 2015, they have collected 104,007 lbs., for a total of $54,753.66 for the Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on PULL TABS 1. Why not collect the whole can? Collecting complete cans would require a great deal more storage space. You should go ahead and recycle the rest of the can in the normal way, in the dumpster behind Sahib. 2. How many tabs in a pound? 1,267. 3. How many tabs will a gallon milk jug hold? About 5 pounds worth. 4. How does it work and where does the money go? The tabs are delivered to the Sahib office (or almost any Sahib club/unit location) and then taken to the recycling center. The money netted from recycling goes directly into the “Wheel Chair Repair Fund” at the Tampa Shriners Hospital for Children. Call: Laura Burgess Marylou Ellis Chickie Johnson Connie Lawson (941) 758-9196 or (941) 484-0089 or (941) 966-2678 or (941) 758-8274 or Help us collect TABS! It’s easy and it’s fun! Put out a milk jug at every picnic or party! Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! MAY 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 14 15 15 18 19 20 26 8:00am Pancake Breakfast 8:00am Blood Mobile 11:30am Jewels of Service 11:30am LOS Tigress Class-SL 11:00am Pirate Class – SL 7:00pm LOS-Greeters 7:00pm Legionettes – SL 10:00am LOS – Songbirds 11:15am Sar-I Court MH 1:00pm NYLA Temple at Manatee Lodge #31 6:00pm Birthday/Anniversary Dinner Dance 11:00am Greeter-Ettes - SL 11:00am LOS – Orphan Annies – SL 10:00am Oriental Dancers 11:00am Klassy Kickers 12:01pm Diamonds in the Sky 7:30pm Clown Dolls – SL 10:30am LOS – Merrie Makers - SL 11:00am LOS - Orphan Annies - SL LOS – Precious Pandas April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Your ad here? VENICE SHRINE CLUB ALL MASONS AND NOBLES WELCOME! Meets 3rd Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. at the Left Coast Seafood Co. US Hwy 41 Bypass Intersection of Albee Farm Road & US-41 N Contact: Jim Fahey President 223-6533 We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 43 Page 44 SAHIB REPORTER April 2015 SAHIB SHRINE Officers and Appointees DIVAN Potentate .................................................... Connie Jacobi Chief Rabban .......................................... Carroll Scribner Assistant Rabban ............................................ Bill Balkwill High Priest & Prophet ..................................... Dorè Patlian Oriental Guide .................................................. Dell Hyland Treasurer .........................................................Ken Shipley Recorder............................................................ Ed Firquin IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Connie Jacobi, Potentate Bill Batten, Recorder Emeritus Glenn Walters, PP, Emeritus Carroll Scribner, Chief Rabban W. Bruce Steube, III, PP, Emeritus PAST POTENTATES 1981-82 * Howard Noble 1983 Glenn “Buck” Walters, ITL 1984 * Tom Bing 1985 * Theodore S. “Ted” Barton 1986 * Paul N. Jaworowski 1987 W. Bruce Steube, III, 33° 1988 Wallace “Bubba” Tervin 1989 Walter Lander, KCCH 1990 Lee E. Stewart 1991 * William “Bill” Magill 1992 * Al “Spuds” McKenzie 1993 * Les Taylor 1994 * Ralph E. Kaye 1995 * James Arendall 1996 * Philip Mitchell, KCCH 1997 Al “Bear” Robinson 1998 Ken Terryberry 1999 Curtis Toale 2000 Louis H. Ortt, 33° 2001 * Kenneth R. Gerrard, Sr. 2002 * Patrick E. Baessler 2003 Ed Phillips 2004 * Bob Goldenberg 2004 * Philip Mitchell, KCCH 2005 Dwain Jones 2006 Homer Cranmer 2007 Dale LaBell 2008 John N. Mitchell 2009 * Oscar Cloutier 2010 Don Vos 2011 Tom Millaway 2012 Charles Levan, 33° 2013 William H. “Bill” Zurlo 2014 Gary “Rocky” Kearney * Deceased APPOINTED DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ..............................................Del Rawlinson 2nd Ceremonial Master................................................Jules Simon Director of the Arch ..................................................... David Bruce Director of Ritual ................................................ Barry D. Hart, 33° Marshal ......................................................................... Ron Enger Captain of the Guard ................................................... Bud Glidden Outer Guard ............................................................... Herb Mueller SAHIB TRUST FUND Chairman ...................................................................Ken Pedersen Trustees...........................................Jules Simon, Charles Hamilton OFFICE STAFF Administrative Assistant .............................................Sherri Cliburn Financial Assistant ..................................................... Barbara Hays Event Coordinator ............................................... Linda Glendinning Food & Beverage Manager ............................................. Ed Shauan Executive Chef ........................................................ Robert McClain CHAPLAINS Chief Chaplain ............................................................. David Bruce Chaplain ............................................................... Rev. Bill Carter Chaplain ............................................................Rev. Dorè Patlian Chaplain ..........................................................Elder Bill Arbuckle HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS Donor Relations Chairman ...........................................Robert Rodd Hospital Benefit Month Chairmen ................................Jules Simon Plaque Program Chairman ....................................... Robert L. Rodd Business Collection Buckets ....................................Dorwin Pulford Hospital Chairman ..........................................................Ken Clark Asst. Hospital Chairman .......................................... Dick Schmidt FUNDRAISING APPOINTMENTS 100 Million Dollar Club Chairman ........................................... TBD Bingo Chairman .............................................................. Jack Ivins Circus Chairman .....................................................Dale LaBell, PP County Fair Chairman ................................................. Dorè Patlian County Fair Co-Chairman ...................................................... TBD Dog Track Chairman ............................................................... TBD Fez & Clothes Sales ........................................................ Aides Unit Jewelry Sales Co-Chairman ........................Tom Willeman, Jim Yeo Jewelry Sales Asst. Chairmen .....................................Ron Shrum Picnic Committee (Spring)............................................. Units - TBD Picnic Committee (Fall) ......................................Club Council - TBD Spaghetti Dinner ........ Motor Corps, 1st & 2nd Ceremonial Masters GENERAL APPOINTMENTS Audio-Visual Unit Chair .................................................. Ed Shauan Audio-Visual Unit Members ............................................ Ed Shauan Blood Bank Co-Chairmen ................................. Fred & Marylou Ellis Building Maintenance Co-Chairman ....... Ken Pederson, Ed Wallace Building Maintenance Committee .......................... Del Rawlinson Church Service Chairman .................................... Lou Ortt, 33°, PP Director of Clubs ...................................................... Del Rawlinson Director of Security .................................................... Bruce Porter Finance Committee (Elected) Chairman ....................Dale LaBell, PP Finance Committee (Elected) .....................................Bill McKown Anthony Vignocchi Golf Chairman ................................................... Tom Cunningham, Golf Committee .........................................................John Sholtis Legal Counsel ................................................. William B. Padelford Librarian ................................................................................ TBD Masonic Relations Chairman ................................ Lou Ortt, PP, 33° Masonic Relations Youth Groups ........................... Lou Ortt, PP, 33° Membership Chairman .............. High Priest & Prophet Dore Patlian Parliamentarian ....................................................................... TBD Program Committee Chairman ..................................... Harold Eady Program Committee Co-Chairman ......................................... TBD Protocol Advisor ............................................................. Bill Batten Provost Marshal ..............................................................Ron Enger Public Relations Director .............................................. Harold Eady Public Relations Committee........................ Jim Lontz, Jim Smith, Anthony Vignocchi, Jeff Young Reporter Editor................................................................ Ed Firquin Speakers Bureau ......................................................... Harold Eady Sunshine Committee Chairman ................................... Bud Glidden Ticket Sales .........................................LOSNA - Marylou Ellis, PHP Unit Council Chairman ............................................................. TBD Unit Council Vice-Chairman ................................................... TBD Unit Council Secretary ..................................................Ron LeVene Webmaster ..................................................... Gary Schweinshaupt AIDES Chief Aide ....................................................................Jim Smith, II Assistant Chief Aide ......................................................Dave Joly Assistant Chief Aide ......................................................Don Sims Assistant Chief Aide ..................................................... Jim Smith Personal Aide .................................................................Fred Ellis Personal Aide ............................................................. Tom Hardin Personal Aide ..........................................................Ken Pedersen Personal Aide Special Duties .........................................Ray Perez Event Photographer .......................................................Bob Rodd Chief Aide Emeritus ................................................. Joe Pegoraro Executive Aide........................................... Bill Athas, Jack Bryant Aides ................................................Bob Bordner, Cub Dickerson, Ron Shrum, Charlie Titus, Tom Willeman, Fritz Wise, Jim Yeo 2015 DIVAN ADDRESSES, PHONES AND EMAIL POTENTATE Conrad “Connie” Jacobi (Deanie) 6333 Stone River Rd. Bradenton, FL 34203-7895 (941) 727-0150 [email protected] ORIENTAL GUIDE Dell Hyland (Sandra) 4611 Hollingsworth Ave. Sarasota, FL 34233 (504) 296-9187 [email protected] CHIEF RABBAN Carroll“Scrib”Scribner (Sandy) 155 Grand Oak Circle Venice, FL 34292-2434 (941) 488-4363 [email protected] TREASURER Kenneth M. Shipley (Beatty) 2909 Concord Street Sarasota, FL 34231 (941) 921-3684 [email protected] ASSISTANT RABBAN Bill Balkwill (Gail) 2151 Riviera Dr. Sarasota, FL 34232-3517 (941) 923-1168 [email protected] RECORDER Ed Firquin (Wanda) 5417 Creeping Hammock Dr. Sarasota, FL 34231 (941) 922-1981 [email protected] HIGH PRIEST PROPHET Dore Patlian (Susan) 8118 Villa Grande Ct. Sarasota, FL 34243 (941) 320-8291 [email protected] Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! AMBASSADORS Chief Ambassador .................................................................... TBD Asst. Chief Ambassador...........Robert “Bob” Pedersen (Lodge 99) Ambassadors-at-Large ......................Barry Hart 33° (Lodge 301,) William Merritt (Lodge 147,) Dave Mills (Lodge 147,) Ray Perez (Lodge 99), Dorwin Pulford (Lodge 31,) Omer Quesnel (Lodge 346), Ed Shauan (Lodge 301), John Stafford 33° UNIT HEADS Unit Council ............................................................................ TBD Aides .........................................................Jim Smith II (907-0746) Band ............................................... C. Jarrett Miller, PP (756-1471) Banjo Band ...............................George Van Valkenburg (215-7086) Clowns ........................................................Rick Taylor (918-1175) Directors Staff............................................David Bruce (924-5157) Greeters...........................................Warren Williamson (524-5860) Kentucky Colonels ............... Col. Robert L. (Bob) Rodd (776-0937) King Pins ............................................... Del Rawlinson (951-0033) Legion of Honor ......................... Malcolm H. VanDyke II (356-4614) Mariners ....................................................Lacey Cross (377-9491) Marshal’s Staff............................................ Ron Enger (918-8713) Model T’s .................................................. Ron LeVene (753-3769) Oriental Band ........................................... Floyd LaDue (725-0555) Past Masters ....................................... Albert Dahlberg (371-7924) Pipes & Drums ..............................John “Jack” McCall (460-8604) Provost Guard ............................................. Ron Enger (918-8713) Rituals ............................................. Barry D. Hart 33° (379-9147) Roadrunners ................................................ Ken Clark (313-9905) Temple Guards....................................... Bud Glidden, Herb Mueller TEMPLE EMERITUS NOBLES Don Albertson ....................................................Program Chairman Bill Athas ...................................................... County Fair Chairman Bill Batten .........................................................................Recorder Ray Bell .............................................................. Event Coordinator Cliff Bloodsworth ................................................Hospital Chairman Ben Blount .................................................. Hospital Transportation Charlie Burke .............Membership Chairman, Bloodbank Chairman Ed Firquin ........................................................ Ceremonial Director Gerald Goacher, KCCH ............................................................Ritual Art Littman......................................................Chairman Trust Fund Herb Mueller ................................................... Captain of the Guard Joe Pegoraro ................................................................. Chief Aide Harold Schatschneider ................................................. Outer Guard Gary Schweinshaupt, ...............................................Reporter Editor W. Bruce Steube, III 33°, PP ...................................................Ritual Lee Stewart, PP ..................................................................Director Bud Stuver..........................................................................Director COMMITTEE / UNIT / CLUB EMERITUS NOBLES Mike Ash.................................................................................Band Bill Athas .......................................Finance Officer, Legion of Honor Mario Bojsiuk......................................................... Legion of Honor Jack Bryant (Chief Pilot) ............................................. Flying Fezzes J.D. Copher.................................................. North Port Shrine Club Selwyn Damron .......................................................Director’s Staff William F. Dokes ....................................Secretary, Gulf Shrine Club Raymond Drury, Sr. ........................ Secretary, Manatee Shrine Club Harry Falck ................................................................Oriental Band Ed Gremp ...............................................................................Band Darwin Heinzman ............................................................ King Pins Earl Huntzinger ......................................Gulf Shrine Club Treasurer Jim Macdonald ............................................ North Port Shrine Club Otis Manchester .......................................... North Port Shrine Club Willis “Bill” Mather ........................................................... King Pins William McKown .........................................................Past Masters Jarrett Miller, PP .....................................................................Band George Mitchell, KCCH ...................................................... Hillbillies Herbert Mueller...................................................... Legion of Honor Gary Schweinshaupt, KCCH ........................................Desert Patrol P.W. Towsley ................................................ North Port Shrine Club Sam Upton (Flight Director) ........................................ Flying Fezzes Clint Van Tassell ........................................... North Port Shrine Club Ed Wallace ...............................................................Camel Herders Alf Weidner .................................................................Desert Patrol April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER Page 45 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS AND SAHIB SHRINE INFORMATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW Jack Wm. Windt ...................................... 19 FINANCIAL SERVICES Hart & Hart Financial Svs, Barry Hart ....... 16 POOLS Galaxy Pools .......................................... 33 BANKS Iberia Bank, Jules Simon, VP ....................19 FUNERAL HOMES Toale Brothers Funeral Homes ............... 43 CPAs Terry L. Armentrout, CPA, PA ................... 16 Bobbitt, Pittenger & Company, P.A. .......... 15 Cavanaugh & Co. LLP ............................. 20 Albert A. Haab, CPA, EA ............................. 9 FURNITURE - SALES Sleep King Inc., Bedroom Furniture ........ 19 REAL ESTATE Robbins Assoc., G. David Walters ............ 15 Michael Saunders, Omer Quesnel ........... 31 COMPUTER REPAIR CTS - Karl Krausse.................................. 19 CONTRACTORS - ELECTRICAL Electricity of Sarasota, Inc. ..................... 26 CONTRACTORS - GENERAL D.R. Coffman Construction Co. . .............. 16 CONTRACTORS - HEATING & A/C Jim McDonald Heating & Cooling ............ 26 CONTRACTORS - IRRIGATION Don Vos Sprinkler Company ................. 20 CONTRACTORS - REMODELING D.R. Coffman Construction Co.. ............... 16 CONTRACTORS - ROOFING Conway Roofing Co., Sid Conway ........... 30 DENTISTS Michael K. McRoyan, DDS ........................ 9 DOCTORS Dr. Kimberly Walters, DC Sarasota Chiropractic Centre .................. 21 GOLF Peridia Golf & Country Club ..................... 43 HOME INSPECTION Independent Home Insp. Srvs.................. 19 INSURANCE Purmort & Martin. ................................... 30 JEWELRY Diamond Vault, Ali Chokr.. ........................ 2 MARINE PRODUCTS Rhodan Marine/GPS Anchor .....................14 MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS National Sojourners ................................ 40 OPTICIANS Optical Service ...................................... 30 ORGANIZATIONS Q Club, Teocalli 183 ................................ 16 ORTHOPEDIC MEDICINE Advanced SportsMedicine Center............ 19 PAINTING CONTRACTORS Eric’s Painting & Decorating ................... 19 PLUMBERS & A/C Aqua Services, Inc., Plumbing ................ 19 RESTAURANTS Sahib Shriners Restaurant .................... 31 Terrace on the Green Restaurant ............. 43 SENIOR LIVING & CARE Comfort Keepers ..................................... 29 Villa Grande of Sarasota .......................... 30 WATER TREATMENT Aqua-Soft, Roger King............................. 30 WELLNESS & BEAUTY L’Ural Spa ............................................... 21 SHRINE CLUBS Englewood Shrine Club .......................... 39 Gulf Shrine Club ..................................... 40 Hillbilly Shrine Club .................................. 9 Manatee Shrine Club ............................. 31 Motor Corps Shrine Club ......................... 40 North Port Shrine Club ........................... 40 Venice Shrine Club ................................. 43 SHRINE SUPPORTERS Purmort & Martin .................................... 30 SAHIB SHRINE INFORMATION Birthday/Anniversary Dinner/Dance........... 6 Hospital Transportation Report ................ 6 Masonic Digest ....................................... 32 Million Dollar Club................................... 28 Officers (Elected & Appointed) ................. 44 Recorder’s Report .................................. 29 Reporter Advertising Rates ........................ 9 Sahib Bingo ............................................ 39 Sahib Building Fund ................................ 26 Sahib Raffle ............................................ 27 Sahib Unit leaders (w/ phone numbers) ... 52 Sahib Unit News ..................................... 18 Shrine Club Directory ............................... 8 Shrine Club News ..................................... 8 Shriners Hospital Contributions ............... 6 Stated Meetings .................................... 6 Thursday Luncheons .............................. 30 Trust Fund .............................................. 27 SAHIB UNITS Aides ...................................................... 40 Clowns ................................................... 40 Greeters.................................................. 40 Kentucky Colonels ................................. 28 King Pins – Pancake Breakfast ............... 39 Legion of Honor ...................................... 28 Mariners ................................................ 28 Model Ts / Classic Cars ........................... 28 Oriental Band .......................................... 40 Pipes and Drums .................................... 40 Provost Guard ......................................... 39 NEW ADVERTISERS IN APRIL Want to be a Reporter Booster? – See Page 17 Now become a Booster on the Web, go to http://sahibshrine.org/shop.htm NEW MEMBERS ARE VITAL to SHRINEDOM’S very existence! New Nobles bring to SAHIB SHRINE New ABILITIES New LOYALTY New FINANCES New DEVOTION New SINCERITY New MANPOWER New ENTHUSIASM We can’t grow, if they don’t know! New Members Mean Much More than a Gain in Numbers or a Percentage Increase – THEY ARE SAHIB SHRINE’S CONTINUED LIFE AND ACTION Page 46 SAHIB REPORTER Sun Mon Tue April 5 Pancake Breakfast cancelled Wed April 2015 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:00pm LOH-CRA 7:30pm Oriental Band REPORTER DEADLINE For May Issue 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 5:00pm Tea Dance 5:00pm Good Friday Fish Fry 8:00am Sahib Golf Outing Bobby Jones 1:00pm Golf Tournament Party 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pancake Breakfast Cancelled 11:00am Easter Brunch 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:30pm Clowns 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30pm Mariners 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:30pm Oriental Band 10:30am Greeters 11:30am Shriners and Ladies Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 11:30am Scottish Rite Luncheon 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner 6:30am Scottish Rite Reunion 1 Tampa April 12 19 SCOTTISH RITE REUNION 1 - TAMPA 13 14 15 16 17 18 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:30pm Clowns 7:30pm Model T’s 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 6:00pm Birthday/Anniversary Dinner Dance 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:00pm Motor Corps 7:30pm Oriental Band 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 5:00pm Tea Dance 10:00am Palmetto Children’s Parade 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner 7:30am Scottish Rite Reunion 2 Tampa 21 22 23 24 25 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:30pm Oriental Band 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner Marzuq Potentate’s Ball 20 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:30pm Clowns SCOTTISH RITE REUNION 2 - TAMPA HILLBILLY DAYS - PIKEVILLE, KY POTENTATE’S GETAWAY - PUNTA CANA 26 27 28 29 30 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:00pm Past Masters 7:30pm Clowns 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 4:00pm Divan Finance Committee Meeting 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:30pm Oriental Band 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner POTENTATE’S GETAWAY - PUNTA CANA Reporter Deadline Always the First Day of the Month 1 2 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner 10:00am Club/Unit Head Mtg REPORTER DEADLINE For June Issue 3 4 5 6 7 8 8:00am Pancake Breakfast 8:00am Blood Mobile 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:30pm Clowns 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:00pm LOH-CRA 7:30pm Oriental Band 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 11:30am Scottish Rite Luncheon 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner 9 FSA CONVENTION - SARASOTA May 10 17 24 FLORIDA GRAND 31 11 12 13 14 15 16 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:30pm Clowns 7:30pm Model Ts 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 6:00pm Birthday/Anniversary Dinner Dance 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30pm Mariners 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:30pm Oriental Band 7:30pm Stated Meeting 10:30am Greeters 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 11:30am Scottish Rite Luncheon 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner 8:00pm Widow Sons Event 18 19 20 21 22 23 4:00pm Divan Finance Committee Meeting 7:00pm Bar Bingo 7:30 pm Clowns 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:00pm Motor Corps 7:30pm Oriental Band 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner 25 26 27 28 29 30 MEMORIAL DAY - CLOSED 11:00am BINGO-MH 2:00pm Band 5:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Drawing Queen of Hearts 7:30pm Oriental Band 12:00pm Mens Luncheon 5:00pm Hillbilly Dinner 5:00pm Friday Night Dinner Hadji Potentate’s Ball Mahi Potentate’s Ball FLORIDA GRAND LODGE - ORLANDO Change is inevitable, Growth is optional! April 2015 SAHIB REPORTER We can’t grow, if they don’t know! Page 47 Sahib Shriners 600 N. Beneva Road Sarasota, FL 34232 NON-PROFIT U.S. Postage PAID -ANASOTA&, 0ERMIT.O
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