5th SUNDAY OF LENT SUNDAY MASS Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am and 10:30 am At St. Gabriel School Gym 197 Invermere Drive St Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Parish 316 Windermere Dr. Chestermere, AB T1X 0B9 Tel: (403) 455-0196 Fax :(403) 455-0335 www.saintgabrielparish.ca Twitter @ SGAChestermere Facebook: St Gabriel the Archangel Parish- Chestermere John 12:20-33 OFFICE HOURS Monday Closed Tuesday 8:30am – 4:30pm Wednesday 8:30am – 4:30pm Thursday 8:30am – 4:30pm Friday Closed M A R C H 21 & 22, 2 0 1 5 WEEKDAY MASS (subject to change) Tuesday 7:00pm -St. Gabriel School Library Wednesday 8:00am -St. Gabriel School Library Thursday 8:15am -Our Lady of Wisdom School 134 Rainbow Falls Drive Friday 9:00am -Rectory Chapel 316 Windermere Drive RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00pm - St. Gabriel School Library or by appointment “If the grain of wheat dies, it bears much fruit” Jesus used the illustration of the “grain of wheat” to show how God brings life from death and good fruit through patience and suffering. Seeds by themselves are worthless and lifeless. Only when the seed is destroyed by burying it in the ground, can it rise to new life and bear fruit. If we want to receive the abundant new life and the fruit of the Spirit which the Lord Jesus freely offers us, then the "outer shell" of our fallen sinful nature must first be broken and be put to death. There is a great paradox here. Death leads to life. When we "die" to ourselves - to our rebellious sinful nature and willful rejection of God's commandments - we receive God's forgiveness and the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit which frees us to love and serve others, and follow God faithfully. It is God's free gift of grace and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to live and serve joyfully as sons and daughters of God. Weekly Prayer: "Lord Jesus, let me be wheat sown in the earth, to be harvested for you. I want to follow wherever you lead me. Give me fresh hope and joy in serving you all the days of my life." www.dailyscripture.net -- Author Don Schwager © 2015 Servants of the Word PARISH TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION: MINISTRY CONTACT NAME EMAIL ADDRESS Pastor Secretary / Bookkeeper Parish Council - Chair Finance Council - Chair Altar Servers Baptism Preparation Catholic Women's League Children's Liturgy Choir - Saturday Choir - Sunday Eucharistic Ministers Hospitality Knights of Columbus Lectors Mothers’ Group Prayer Ministry Fr. John Nemanic Rena Maurer Perry Keller Greg Doucette Tricia Doucette Rena Maurer Corinne Watson Fiona Seguin Owen & Karen Wourms Kathie Zakresky Betty Ficaccio Annette Desrochers Daren Farnel Deanna Hoeschen Colleen Dreifke Anita Catellier [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Projector Coordinator Tom Rossiter [email protected] Rhonda Schroh [email protected] John Murray Maggie Piechotta Kym Vergara [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sacramental Prep (First Communion, Reconciliation & Confirmation) Ushers Volunteer Screening Youth Group Parish Donations MINISTRY SCHEDULE: PALM SUNDAY - March 28 & 29, 2015 Altar Servers Sat, th Mar 28 , 5PM Grace Riley Samara Sun, th Mar 29 , 9AM Liam Joshua Benjamin Sun, th Mar 29 , 10:30AM Mackenzie Guy Judith Lectors 1-Maureen 2-Erlinda N-Rhonda S1-Ryan 1-Julia 2-Sondra N-Greg S1-Gerry 1-Anita 2-Maria N-Deanna S1-Ronalyn ABR IEL PARISH NEWS Eucharistic Ministers Ushers Mass Coord. Projector Rick Rhonda ? Perry Lorraine Brian Mary John Andrew Connor Kathryn Emilian Jeanette Luis Andre Kathy Tom Collection Counters Mar 24: Betty Irene Susanne Mar 31: Sylvia Murray Milly Apr 7: ? Thank you for your generosity! Mar 9-15, 2015 General: Building Fund: Together in Act: Holy Childhood: Elizabeth House: Life & Family: Project Rachel: Attendance: # of Pre-Auth Participants: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3877 830 1310 41 50 0 50 435 32 S T. G A B R I E L P A R I S H N E W S UPCOMING EVENT SUMMARY Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar 21 24 26 28 29 29 & 23 – First Communion Registration – Choir Practice for Holy Week – A Quick Journey through the Bible – First Communion – 1st Class – Baptism Preparation – Angels on High - Committee Meeting Mar 30 – Chrism Mass (at St. Mary’s Cathedral) 7:30PM Apr 1 – Lenten Reconciliation & Adoration Apr 9 – Knights of Columbus Meeting Apr 15 – CWL Meeting May 9 – Knights Surf ‘n Turf Jun 6 – Angels on High Fundraising Dinner Weekday Mass Cancellation Weekday Masses will be cancelled from Tuesday, March 24 through Thursday, March 26, as well as the Wednesday, March 25 reconciliation and Eucharistic Adoration hour. St Gabriel Members Sponsor through Chalice Congratulations to our parish members who sponsored 27 children and seniors through Chalice last weekend. Thank you for your love in action! Chalice is a Catholic international sponsorship program which supports community initiatives at 48 mission sites in 15 developing countries around the world through the sponsorship of children and the elderly in need. For more information on Chalice, please visit their website: www.chalice.ca 2014 First Holy Communion Registration The 2015 First Holy Communion sacramental registration package with dates and details is now available on the parish website at: www.saintgabrielparish.ca/sacraments/eucharist/children/. Save the date: The Mandatory Parent/Child Meetings for First Holy Communion are Saturday, March 21 at 3:15pm –or- Monday, March 23 at 6:30pm in the St. Gabriel School Library. At least one parent must attend one of the meetings with their child in order to be registered in the program. Please bring copies of your child’s Birth Certificate and Baptism Certificate to the meeting (these must be attached to the registration form) as well as the Registration fee of $25. St Gabriel Holy Week Choir -- All Voices are Needed We are seeking voices and musicians who can assist us with any of our HOLY WEEK Masses. Everyone is welcome – no experience is necessary to sing! Practice will be held on Tuesday, March 24 at 7PM in the St Gabriel School Drama Room. For further information please email Kathie Zakresky at: [email protected] or contact the parish office. Lakeside Quilters Guild – Children’s Liturgy Banner Thank you to all of the Lakeside Quilters Guild who participated in creating, sewing and donating the lovely new banner for our Children’s Liturgy group. Thank you specifically to Teena Spanko for helping to organize this for us. Please stop by after Mass to take a look at it. Prayers for the Deceased Please pray for Albert Foulon who was buried this week. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Angels on High Committee Meeting We are still in need of some volunteers for our Angels on High sub-committees. If you are interested, please plan to attend our organizing meeting on Sunday, March 29 at 11:30AM, following the 10:30AM Mass, in the St Gabriel School Library. CWL’s Almsgiving -- “Easter with Dignity” The Catholic Women’s League will be collecting Gift Card donations for the Lenten season. These Gift Cards will be given to the Christmas with Dignity Program organized by the City of Chestermere. Please pickup your Easter Egg in the foyer with a suggested card and amount to donate. All donations need to be dropped off before and after Masses, or at the parish office, by Palm Sunday, March 29. Christmas With Dignity is an emergency fund that is available year round for families in Chestermere. If you wish more information, please contact the city’s Community Resource Coordinator at 403-207-7079. Ushers NEEDED, especially for Holy Week We are in need of some Ushers, specifically for the 5:00PM Mass on Saturdays, however more ushers are needed for all of our regular weekend and Holy Week Masses. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please contact Rena or Maggie at the Parish Office, or our Usher Coordinator, John Murray, at the email address noted on the front of this bulletin. If you are unable to help with this ministry, please pray that others will answer the call. Reconciliation During Lent In addition to the regular parish schedule, the sacrament of Reconciliation will be available at parishes throughout the Diocese of Calgary on all the Wednesdays of Lent from 7:30 – 8:30pm. Fr John welcomes anyone wishing to receive this sacrament to come to the Parish Rectory Chapel (316 Windermere Drive – basement) on Wednesday, April 1st at 7:00PM. During this hour the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for personal prayer. Please take some time during Lent to pray for the building of the future parish church. Holy Week Please mark the following dates / times for the upcoming Holy Week Masses: Palm Sunday – March 28/29 - regular weekend Mass times at St. Gabriel Chrism Mass – Monday, March 30 at St. Mary’s Cathedral – 7:30PM Holy Thursday – April 2 – 7:00PM Good Friday – April 3 – 3:00PM Easter Vigil – April 4 – 8:00PM (no Saturday 5:00pm Mass) Easter Sunday – April 5 – 9:00AM and 10:30AM (Please note correction from last weekend’s posting) Baptism Preparation The next classes for baptism preparation are set for Sunday, March 29 and Saturday, April 25. Baptism Request forms are available from the Welcome Table at Mass or by visiting the parish website at: www.saintgabrielparish.ca (under heading “Sacraments – Baptism”). Baptism Request forms must be submitted to the parish office prior to attending the class and your attendance confirmed through the office. Knights of Columbus - Surf ‘n Turf The Knights of Columbus will host the 6th annual Surf-n-Turf Lobster and Steak Dinner on Saturday, May 9 at the Chestermere Recreation Centre. Tickets are $75/person. Cocktails at 5:30PM; Dinner at 6:30PM. Prizes, raffles, silent auction, 50/50 draw and dance will follow. Tickets can be purchased after all the weekend Masses or by calling Patrick Watson at 403-923-0099. Angels on High Fundraiser 2015 In preparation to build a Catholic church in Chestermere, St Gabriel the Archangel Parish is once again hosting an adventure called Angels on High. This campaign begins its third trek after two very successful efforts. In 2013 twelve (12) brave souls climbed Mt Temple, the second highest mountain in Banff National Park, which helped raise $56,000. In 2014 our Angels on High climbers took on the Centennial Ridge in Kananaskis and between the pledges raised and the fundraising dinner we were able to collect $81,000 to put towards the new church. Our Angels on High 2015 journey begins with a fundraising dinner, dance and silent auction on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at the Chestermere Recreation Centre. Former NHLer and current Sportsnet Flames broadcaster Charlie Simmer will be the evening’s emcee. The keynote address will be delivered by Rev. Fred Monk, the founder of Mission Mexico, which has raised over $1million to help serve the poorest of the poor in southern Mexico. On Saturday, August 8 several climbers will ascend Castle Mountain, which is approximately half-way between Banff and Lake Louise, in Banff National Park. This will be an impressive hike extending 28km, with a 1400m elevation gain and will take the climbers approximately 12 hours to complete. How can you get involved?: · · Attend the dinner and/or become a climber. · Camp with the climbers. There will be group camping available the weekend of August 7-9, 2015, which can be reserved on a first-come first-served basis. · · · · · Join the silent-auction, decorating and camping committees. If you are interested in volunteering for any sub-committees, please plan to attend our organizing meeting on Sunday, March 29 at 11:30AM, in the St Gabriel School Library. Use points in customer loyalty programs like Air Miles, Aeroplan, Petro Points, Optimum Points, HBC reward points for silent auction items. Ask your family, employers, friends or acquaintances to donate prizes for the silent auction. Contact a company that may want to become an Angels on High sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities can be found at www.saintgabrielparish.ca/angelsonhigh/sponsor. Contact the office for letters & information. Pledge our climbers – show them how much you support their efforts to help us build a church! Purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win one of the many prizes available: Bodo® Massage Chair, Mexico trip & travel voucher, an Instant Wine Cellar or a Beer Mountain! Angels on High 2015 – Sponsors to Date We would like to thank the companies who have donated to our Angels on High campaign as sponsors: Truman Development Inc, CIR Realty – Corinne Watson, Desjardins Financial Security, MaXfield Inc., Chestermere Knights of Columbus, Mountain View Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home, Fit on the Lake, McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes, The Chestermere Anchor City News, and B & R Signs. Together in Action 2014 Lent begins the diocesan annual fundraising campaign Together in Action (TIA). Parishes raise $2 million to support more than 35 local, national and international agencies to fund charitable projects and programs that improve the lives of the most vulnerable in society. Last year, St Gabriel’s goal for TIA was $3,500 and we raised $6,905 from a number of individuals and corporations. The diocese allows parishes to use their excess campaign funds for their own needs. Last year’s surplus went to paying down the parish's debt. The 2015 parish goal is $7,000 and should we have a surplus, this year it will go towards the Building Fund for our new church. If you have not given to Together in Action before, please consider a gift this year and see if your company will match your contribution. To date we have raised: $2,712.00. Together we (the Calgary Diocese) helped the St. Dismas Prison Ministry Society through their Let’s Journey Together program. This program provides inmates that wish to change their attitudes and actions in life with the support and services required to have a successful reintegration into the community and become contributing members of society. As the inmate grows and begins to change their outlook and approach to life, a purpose and vision for their life is developed. Together, the inmate, with the assistance of chaplains, institutional staff and family, develop a life changing plan and goals. A mentor is introduced before release to build a relationship. Upon release the mentor will introduce the individual to community members who will journey with and support them. St. Dimas brings together the many faith, community and governmental groups and their specific programs and services required for successful reintegration. They are looking for a 90% success rate of prisoners working in our programs to reintegrate into the community successfully and not reoffend or return to prison. At this time, the program serves 50 male inmates each year and is staffed by volunteers. If you would like more information about TIA’s other recipients please visit the Diocesan website at: http://www.calgarydiocese.ca/tia-home.html Children’s Collection From January 1 – June 30, 2015 the children’s collection will go towards the Holy Childhood Association. The Holy Childhood Association was founded in France in 1843 by Bishop Charles de Forbin Jansen. The French children took up this great work and from then on the work of missionary children has spread across the world. Under its banner “children helping children”, monies raised are directed towards self-help programs involving the building of schools, the provision of health and nutrition programs and medications, school fees, and teaching and learning resources. For more information please go to: www.missionsocieties.ca/about-us/history/holychildhood-association-hca/. To date, you have helped the parish collect: $592.16. Donation Envelopes for 2015 & Automatic Withdrawals Donation envelopes can be prepared at any time during the year – please contact the office if you wish to receive some. Please recycle any unused 2014 envelopes, as your new 2015 box may have a different box number. St Gabriel now provides the option of donating to our parish by automatic debit from your chequing account or by crediting your VISA, Mastercard, or American Express. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please complete an Authorization Form available in the foyer and return it to the Parish Office, marked “Confidential”. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Rena at the parish office. We currently have 32 families donating regularly through Automatic Withdrawal – thank you! Bulletin Advertising In order to assist the parish in covering the costs of preparation and printing of the weekly bulletins, we are providing anyone in the community the opportunity to receive colour advertising in our Parish Bulletin. In addition to the paper version, the bulletin is also placed on our parish website, so advertisers will also receive the benefit of FREE online advertising. If you are interested in advertising your business, please call the Parish Office or send an email to Rena at: [email protected]. Commuter CD’s Would you like to enrich your faith-life with great and practical presentations from some of the best Catholic speakers in the world. Lighthouse Catholic Media (LCM) offers a practical and effective program to help Catholics know, keep and share their Faith. In the gathering area is an LCM display of 16 CD titles. The suggested offering for each CD is $5 that is deposited into the kiosk display stand. Consider purchasing a CD for your commute to and from work each week. When you are finished with the CD please pass it on. Some titles available include: Answering Atheism - by Ken Hensley Green Sex: The Case for Natural Family Planning – by Jason Evert Discerning God's Will – by Fr. Larry Richards Science, the Origin of the Universe, and God – by Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. Angels Explained What You Should Know About the Nine Choirs- by Dr. Mark Miravalle The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?- by Dr. Steven Smith For children: The Mass Comes Alive Episodes 1 & 2- by Cat Chat Catholic Organization for Life and Family It’s difficult to grasp some of the challenging moral issues we Catholics are faced with daily. How do we do the good and avoid the evil as we live out our call to love God and neighbour? The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) provides many resources on life and family issues. It was co-founded in 1994 by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus. COLF’s mission is to build a culture of life and a civilization of love by promoting respect for human life and dignity and the essential role of the family. Each month the bulletin will include an insert on various life and family issues. March’s is entitled “Stem Cells: Astonishing promises … but at what cost?”. It’s available as a free electronic download at http://www.colf.ca/index.php/en/publications/item/82-stem-cellsastonishing-promises-but-at-what-cost. For more information or to read other brochures on-line, go to: www.colf.ca Marriages at St. Gabriel’s Parish Though the parish has no proper church building, parishioners can still get married and have Fr John celebrate the wedding at any church the engaged couple chooses. To prepare for the wedding, please contact the parish office at least 6 months before the intended date. Prayer Ministry Prayer is the cornerstone for our Christian lives and all the activities in the parish. If you have a prayer request please email [email protected]. If you would like to become part of the ministry also email [email protected] or contact Anita Catellier at (403) 313-0660. Her prayer team will pray for your intentions. Weekly Bulletin Available On-Line For those who are interested, you may now subscribe to receive our weekly bulletin automatically online, through MailChimp. Go to our website and where indicated, enter your email address. You will receive an email asking you to confirm that you wish to be added to our list of subscribers. You may opt out at any time by contacting the parish office, or clicking on the “unsubscribe” message on your email. Thank you for helping us save paper. PARISH MINISTRY & PROGRAM INFORMATION Catholic Women’s League The next CWL meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7:00PM in the St. Gabriel School Library. All ladies, regardless of denomination, are welcome to attend and share in this "sisterhood of faith, fun and fulfillment". Children’s Liturgy - Leaders & Assistants Children’s Liturgy of the Word is available during both the Sunday 9am and 10:30am Masses. It provides children aged 4-10 an opportunity to experience the Sunday scripture readings in an age appropriate way. If anyone is interested in helping at either session, please contact Fiona at [email protected] or (403) 686-2375. Prepared lessons are provided for the leaders. Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month with the next meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 9 at 7:00PM in the St Gabriel School library. New members are always welcome and registered members are encouraged to attend. Mothers’ Group If you are looking for a place to connect with other Catholic moms, our Mother’s Group meets weekly on Wednesday mornings from 10:30AM - 12:00PM in the rectory basement (316 Windermere Drive). Mothers’ Group focuses on spiritual enrichment and friendship. Free child care is provided. For more information please contact Colleen at (403) 510-9463 or [email protected]. Mother’s Group – Children’s Caregivers Our Mother’s Group is in need of some more loving Caregivers to look after the children during their weekly meetings. Commitment is only once or twice a month for 1.5 hrs. If you would be willing to share your time, love and talents – please contact the office or Colleen Dreifke at (403) 510-9463 or [email protected]. Music Ministry Volunteers Needed All of the weekend choirs are looking for leaders, instrumentalists and singers to assist them in their important work of leading our community in our worship of God. If you are willing to share your musical talent, please either visit the choirs before or after the respective weekend Mass or contact Fr John. And if you aren’t able to share your talents, please pray that more people will respond to God’s grace and share their musical gifts and talents. Youth Group – the “J-Walkers” The J-Walkers Youth Group generally gathers after the Sunday 10:30AM Mass (unless otherwise noted), with the upcoming sessions listed below. Youth Group combines our love of God with fellowship, music and other fun activities. If you are in Grade 8-12 and wish to join our youth group, please email: [email protected] or speak to one of our Youth Group leaders. Schedule of a next upcoming sessions and events: Session: Sunday, March 22 Calaway Park Year End Party: Sunday, May 31, after the 9 am Mass. Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for March 22nd 2015. Fifth Sunday of Lent Social Justice Ministry 32nd Annual Outdoor Way of the Cross: Join thousands as we walk the city of Calgary to celebrate the death of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in the Stations of the Cross: April 3rd, Good Friday, 9:30-12:30pm, in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral. Syrian crisis: It has been four years since war started in Syria with no sign that the conflict will end soon. Read the statement at the Development & Peace website; consider signing the petition calling upon our Government to help bring about peace and security in the region. And please keep the people of the region in your prayers: See http://www.devp.org/en/emergencies/syria/petition for more information, stories, and video. Office of Liturgy Chrism Mass 2015. Monday March 30, 7:30 pm, St. Mary's Cathedral. Doors open at 6:30pm. During this Mass, the Bishop blesses the oil of catechumens and the oil of the sick. He also prepares and consecrates the oil of chrism that is used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and holy orders. As the Bishop is the only minister who can consecrate the oil of chrism, this liturgy ritualises his presence through the chrism that will be used for baptisms by priests and deacons throughout the diocese all year. Stewardship Office 2015 Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference (WCCSC) will take place at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre on June 12 – 14, 2015. The theme of the conference is “Stewards – Radiating The Joy of the Gospel”. The theme was inspired by Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, which means “Joy of the Gospel”. The conference keynote speakers are Bishop Robert Morneau, considered to be the U.S. Catholic Church’s premier speaker on stewardship and Cardinal Thomas Collins, who published a Pastoral Letter: Stewardship: “Well done, good and faithful servant” in 2004 when he was the Archbishop of Edmonton. Register online at www.wccsc.ca for the conference now and save on the early bird registration fee of $195.00 per person until April 30, 2015. On May 1, 2015 the conference regular registration fee is $235.00 per person. With questions, contact [email protected] or Eden D’Souza, Stewardship Coordinator at 403-218-5520. Religious Education Secretariat Religious Education Workshop: “Vatican II: Rediscovering Our Apostolic Roots” Celebrating more than fifty years of Vatican II provides a unique occasion to reassess the importance of the Council in the life of the Church today. It is a time of rediscovering our apostolic roots through Liturgy, Sacraments and a renewed study and look at the retrieved practices and understanding of the early Church. Following the Second Vatican Council there was a renewal grounded in the apostolic tradition of the Church. The workshop presenter is Agnes de Dreuzy PhD. The workshop will be held on Saturday, March 28, 2015 at St. Cecilia’s Parish from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm. There is no cost but please register by contacting Alicia at 403-218-5501 or by e-mail [email protected] Life & Family Resource Centre (LFRC) Any separated or divorced parent raising children can benefit from Effective Co-Parenting: Putting Children First a five week program that gives information about the needs of parents, children and families. The LFRC is offering this program on 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings from April 15 – May 13. There is still time to register for the program. To register and for information please call 403-218-5505. Alberta March for Life 2015: Join us on Thursday May 14th for Alberta March for Life at the Alberta Legislature in Edmonton. St. Bonaventure Parish will provide transportation and lunch in support of the event. For bus reservation contact St. Bonaventure parish at 403-278-7556. Likewise, the National March for Life will be held on Thursday, May 14 in Ottawa. For more information, contact www.marchforlife.ca or call 1-800-730-5358. Canadian Federation of Catholic Physicians Societies. Upcoming Event: Love One Another: The Importance of Christian Love in Healthcare. June 11-14, 2015 at The Fairmont Palliser, Calgary. To register, contact www.canadiancatholicphysicians.com. For you or someone you know, Project Rachel is a ministry of reconciliation and healing for those who suffer distress from a past abortion experience. For more information call our confidential line at 403-218-5506. Or call toll free 1-877-59-PEACE (1-877-597-3223). Marriage Preparation Course at Catholic Family Service. Please join us: Mar. 27- 29, April 1719, April 24-26, and May 22-24. For registration/information call CFS at 403- 233-2360 or visit the website at www.cfs-ab.org. Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs “The Catholic Church in Dialogue with the Modern World: A Workshop” Hear Dr. Agnes De Dreuzy (Catholic University of America), Dr. Peter Baltutis (St. Mary’s University), and Deacon Adrian Martens speak on the anniversary of the Decree on Non-Christian Religions, and how we can promote dialogue and closeness with Christ in a world that so desperately needs him. May 2nd, 10:30am-4:00pm, at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120-17th Ave SW. RSVP by April 30th to Deacon Adrian, 403-218-5519, or [email protected]. Pay by cheque or cash ($40.00 lunch and snacks included) made out to the RC Diocese of Calgary. “Alberta 100th Anniversary Remembrance Service of the Armenian Genocide” Join Archbishop Hovakimian (Armenian Orthodox Bishop of Canada), Fr. Agathon Shayb (Coptic Orthodox), and other Catholic and government leaders as we remember, with our Orthodox brothers and sisters, the great travesty of the first modern Christian genocide. Pray, learn, and remember those who died for the name of Christ: May 9th 5:00pm at St. Boniface Church, Calgary, 1923 Broadview Rd NW. Reception to follow. Sisters of Our Merciful Jesus, Calgary Day of Reflection with Sisters of Our Merciful Jesus, Saturday April 25, starting with 11:30am Mass and ending at 5:00pm, at the Divine Mercy Centre, 15206 Township Road 262 Calgary, AB T3P 1A7. An event for single young women (18-35). Donations will be accepted. Please RSVP by Saturday April 18th, 2015 by calling Sr. Katrina Le at 587-755-1019 or email: [email protected]. For more information about this publication email [email protected] or contact Carol Hollywood or Jane-Rose Ediau, Library & Archives, 403-218-5510; Fax: 403-264-0526 Address: Catholic Pastoral Centre, 120 - 17 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2S 2T2 You can advertise here. Call the Parish office at 403-455-0196 or email: [email protected] for pricing or any additional information.
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