April 12, 2015 Sunday of Divine Mercy Pastor: Rev. Paul Treacy Parochial Vicar: Rev. Michael Barsness Deacon: Larry Lawinger PARISH OFFICE 9100 93rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Phone: (763) 425-2210 Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon-Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Thur-Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Evening—5:00 pm Sunday— Daily Masses Monday through Friday—8:00 am Holy Day Masses As announced CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday—7:30 am Saturday—3:30-4:15 pm Or call the parish office at (763) 4252210 to schedule an appointment. EDUCATION CENTER 9050 93rd Avenue North Brooklyn Park, MN 55445-1406 School Office: (763) 425-3970 Email: [email protected] Principal: Kathleen O’Hara Thank You to Our Volunteers By: Molly Schorr, Director of Parish Life “Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to the one who has nothing. Nor is it small to God if we have given what we could.” ~St. Gregory Nazianzen St. Vincent de Paul is so appreciative of all the gifts of service you have provided this year. Whether in teaching Faith Formation, bringing food for the funeral lunches, praying at Adoration, distributing communion at the Maple Grove hospital, lectoring at Mass, or any of the other volunteer opportunities, your gifts of time and talent have been appreciated! That is why we would like to invite ALL volunteers to the annual Volunteer Appreciation Night on Saturday May 2nd. This night will be a great time for the staff at St. Vincent to thank you for all of the work that you do! Again, please know that all volunteers of the parish are invited, kids and adults! Your generosity allows St. Vincent to be the vibrant, welcoming, prayerful parish that it is! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! Volunteer Appreciation Night Saturday, May 2 nd 6-8 pm in Regan Hall (Please consider joining us for the 5 pm Mass.) We will be offering a wide variety of Appetizers and Desserts (No one will go away hungry!) Please RSVP by April 24 th online at www.saintvdp.org or to the Parish Office at 763-425-2210. Questions, contact Molly Schorr at 763-762-7374 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Know and celebrate our Catholic Faith, Love God and our neighbor, www.saintvdp.org Serve as disciples of Jesus Christ. page 2 From the Pastor’s Desk PASTOR Rev. Paul Treacy Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 Email: f r pa u lt r e acy @s ai nt vdp .o r g PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Michael Barsness ( 763) 4 25 - 2 210 Email: f r m ic h ae l bar s ne s s @s a i nt vdp .o rg DEACON Deacon Larry Lawinger ( 763) 4 25 - 2 210 Email: dc n lar r y la wi n ge r @s a i nt vdp .o rg The Kentucky Derby is THIS WEEK ! Purchase your tickets and order your $20,000 CASH raffle tickets at saintvdp.org. Welcome to the Family of God Thank you for supporting the more than 1,400 students who receive their Faith Formation in our Parish. Baptized on March 15, 2015 McKayla Rae, daughter of Rayandre Brooks & See you there! Kristin McKelvey Elliott James, son of Jonathan & Angela Downing Terryian Mae, daughter of Ryan & Laura Harper M ARCH 2015 Chris & Rebecca Doege, Maple Grove Richard & Janet Okoneski, Brooklyn Park Elin Rose, Tate & Renae Herman, Plymouth daughter of Michael & Joelene Reak Jeremy & Dannella Crawford, Brooklyn Park Kurt & Bonnie Brunner, Brooklyn Park David Simonson, Osseo Alison Ockuly, Champlin Georgann Francisco, Brooklyn Center MATRIMONY: Joe & Mary Gruhn, Maple Grove Arrangements should be made one year in advance. Kathleen Michealson, Maple Grove Ken & Candy Alstadt, Champlin Kenneth Malone, Champlin Sherry Bias, Maple Grove Jennifer Kuzman, Maple Grove William Lorence, Maple Grove Liam John, son of John & Rachel Roggemann BAPTISMS: st Welcome, New Parishioners! rd 1 and 3 Sundays at 12:30 pm. Pre-Baptism Class is required. Call the Parish office to register. It is recommended that you attend the class before the birth of your child. www.saintvdp.org Call the parish office for more information at 763425-2210. Ashley Moe/ Corey Willmott, St. Michael Bargains and Beyond Spring Rummage Sale June 11th, 12th, and 13th We’re looking for your great bargains and unfound treasures! What a great way to start your spring cleaning! The sale of your donated items will raise funds to be used for BIZAA, St. Vincent’s International Outreach Program. BIZAA works for the elimination of child labor and child trafficking in Nigeria, one child at a time. For more information on BIZAA, please visit www.BIZAA.org Unsold items will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul Society for local charitable outreach. Pre-Sale Drop Off Dates NEXT Saturday, Apr. 18th Saturday, May 16th Saturday, June 6th Sunday, June 7th Monday, June 8th 9 am –12 pm 9 am –12 pm 9 am – 2 pm 7 am –12 pm 9 am –6 pm Church West Door Church West Door Church West Door School Main Entrance School Main Entrance Just a reminder: Please make sure items are clean, unstained, and in good repair. Items that sell well and raise more funds include antiques, furniture, designer and home décor items. We CANNOT ACCEPT: Non-working electronics such as computers, microwave ovens, etc. Large exercise equipment Mattresses Tires Car Seats Cribs Christmas Trees over 2 ft. Encyclopedias Computer equipment older than 3 years. If you are handling an estate, consider donating items to the rummage sale. Arrangements can be made for pick up of items. Please contact Betty at 763-315-4158 or Kim at 763-498-7291. page 4 Worship DIR E C TOR O F W OR S H IP Stephen Barnhart LITURGICAL ROLES Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 414 Email: st e p he n bar n har t @s a i nt vdp .o rg DIR E C TOR O F M US I C Jacquie Okoh Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 416 Email: ja cq uie o ko h @s a i nt vdp .o r g READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 12, 2015: Sunday: Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5: 1-6/Jn 20:19-31 Monday: Acts 4:23-31/ Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37/ Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26/ Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7/Jn 6:16-21 Next Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Come let us adore our Risen Savior!! Adorers are needed for these times: Sunday: 3 am, 7 am, 3 pm, 5 pm Monday: 3 pm Tuesday: 6 am, 3 pm Wednesday: 1 pm Friday: 1 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, 5 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm Saturday: 3 pm, 9 pm, 10 pm We are looking for a hourly coordinator for 11 pm. This requires approximately 10 minutes of phoning a week. Please call JoAnne Newman at 763-420-4089 to sign up or to be a sub. MASS INTENTIONS FOR APRIL 13-19, 2015 Monday 8:00 am † Leo O’Hotto Tuesday 8:00 am † Rodney Evans Wednesday 8:00 am Cathy Deeney Thursday 8:00 am † Chuck Spartz Friday 8:00 am † Donna Youso Saturday 5:00 pm † Rev. Henry Boerboom Sunday 7:30 am Parishioners 9:00 am † Maynard King 11:00 am † Leo O’Hotto www.saintvdp.org SATURDAY, APR. 18 & SUNDAY, APR. 19 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Fr. Michael Barsness Fr. Paul Treacy Fr. Paul Treacy Fr. Michael Barsness PRESIDERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Kim Family Men’s Schola Mike Price & Friends Freedom MUSICIANS 5:00 pm Madison Schaeffer, Michael Watson, Peter Gartner 7:30 am Dmitri Shpak, Maggie Albers, Daniel Steeves 9:00 am Ben Weber, Sophia & Charlie Baker 11:00 am Eli Tietz, Andrew Quiram, Ryan Kielty SERVERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Tom Heltemes & Dawn Lewandowski Tom Hanson & Sara Messier Caroline Cotter & Dave Suman Pat Gleason & Leah Just LECTORS 5:00 pm Vicki Bilbro, Jim Buechler, Maureen Daehn, Sue Kiske, Bob & Susan McCaffrey, Lee Paulson, Reuben & Natalie Przybilla, Dave Quady, Ann Schlangen, Ruth Weber, Tom McMullen, Fred & Anna Glynn, Kay Commers 7:30 am Bob & Dorothy Andrews, Donna Anderson, Leslie Bender, Linda Berscheit, Jan Bierschbach, Donna & Carl Crimmins, Manuel Garcia, Anton Jochim, Joanne Newman, Nettie Phenow 9:00 am Chris Ayika, Katie Benik, John & Pam Baker, Claire Francis Baker, Wendy Carmon, Paula Dieterle, Tom & Sue Gorecki, Ann Fauteck, Kathy Freed, Jay & Judy Jacobi, Rebecca Keran, Brad Rosch, Joel Salzer 11:00 am Bart & Brenda Schultz, Margaret Schauer, Shirlann Biser, Kevin Landman, Theresa Della Paolera, Lorena Carter, Jinessa Tietz, Don Waletzko, Mary Ellen Kubic, Laura Zaldivar, Judy Randall, Jim Miller, Cindy Pikovsky, EUCHARISTIC Carol Hammer, Mary Jo Gagner MINISTERS 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Ursula Godin Carl & Donna Crimmins Joe Saunders Carol Gottschalk 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am Linda Zimpleman Donna Anderson & Donna Crimmins Geri Hankin & Pat Prasky David Morris WELCOME CENTER GIFT SHOP page 5 Outreach DIR . O F P AS T OR AL & S O CI AL O U TR EA C H Okey Anyanwu Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 417 Email: o ke y @s ai nt vdp .o r g P AS TOR AL M I NIS T ER Margaret Schauer Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 410 Email: m ar gar e t s c ha ue r @s a i nt vdp .o rg FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN (FMSC) The second collection for FMSC on the weekend of March 14th and 15th was $8,482 - a 5% increase from last year. Awesome, beautiful, simply amazing. These dollars will provide for 38,555 meals to God's hungry children someplace in the world. At the last judgment when Jesus asks if we fed his hungry children, we can confidently respond, "We did as you commanded us to do." Reminder - we pack the 3rd Friday of every month from 6 to 7:30 pm and from 9:30 to 11:30 am on the 4th Tuesday morning of every month. We always need new volunteers. We get about 100 volunteers per month but we always need more! We would love to have you join us. Duane Crosland / [email protected] / 763-441-8683. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Please pray for † Kathy Bluhm. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. PROJECT RACHEL: FOR MEN & WOMEN Men experience many of the same painful emotions as women after abortion, but they often mistakenly believe their feelings are unwarranted. Without an outlet, men may feel withdrawn, depressed or emotionally volatile. The pain of abortion affects all involved, both women and men. We can help. Contact Project Rachel for confidential individual referrals. 651-291-4515 or e-mail: [email protected]. “SEASONS OF HOPE” GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” — Matthew 5:4 Mourning the loss of a loved one is never easy, but there is hope. St. Vincent de Paul parish is offering “Seasons of Hope,” a unique support group for the bereaved. If you are in need of consolation after losing a loved one, we hope that you will prayerfully consider our invitation to attend. The group will meet beginning this Monday, Apr. 13th from 7-8:30 pm in the West Meeting Room. The group will continue to meet each Monday thereafter for 6 weeks (through May 18th). Be uplifted knowing that the Lord blesses those who mourn. If you have questions or are interested in attending, please contact Margaret Schauer in the parish office at 763 -227-4980 or e-mail her at [email protected]. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HITS THE ROAD… Our parish Outreach ministry started taking parishioners on the road since last month and schedules run through May 2015. This new program highlights the Eucharistic message of going into and beyond our immediate communities to become the “Jesus” we receive daily and weekly at Mass. When we hit the road these coming months, we will be visiting the following organizations and communities. Saturday, April 25th: Hmong American Farmers’ Association Tuesday, May 26th: East Side Neighborhood Development Co. Please, consider joining us for some or all of these local immersion trips, which are meant to affirm our presence not just as a church IN the community, but a church FOR and WITH the community in the spirit of our patron saint – St. Vincent de Paul. For more information, please contact Okey Anyanwu at the parish office: (763) 762-7417. or e-mail: [email protected] PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS: Danny Kroll, Darlene Gross, Darlene Loeffler, Veronica Smude, Bob Burks, Cole McDonough, Sylvia Ditter, Alfred Smith, Jerien Okoh-Tisch, Paul Costabilo, Steve Kane, Ed Kauffmann, & Mary Belter. To submit prayers or become a member of the Prayer Line, go to saintvdp.org, click on “Be Involved”, click on “Pray”, then choose “Prayer Line” from the menu on the left. www.saintvdp.org page 6 Formation & Education DIR E C TOR O F F AI T H F OR MA T IO N Chuck Pratt Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 407 Email: c har le s pr at t @s ai nt vdp .o r g S U ND AY S C H OO L CO OR DI N A TOR Kim Ordner Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 369 Email: k i mo r d ne r @s a i nt vdp .o r g EL E ME N T AR Y F A I TH F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Mary Ann Marschall Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 406 Email: m ar y a n n mar s ch al l @s a int vd p.o r g JR ./ S R . HI GH FA I TH F OR MA T IO N C OOR . Nichole Chang Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 370 Email: n ic ho le c ha ng @s a int v dp.o r g F AI T H FOR M AT I O N R ES O UR C E C OOR . Erika Novak Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 368 Email: e r i ka no va k @s a i n t vdp .o r g S CH O OL P R I NC IP AL Kathleen O’Hara Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 3 970 , e x t . 104 Email: k at h le e no har a @s ai nt vdp .o rg INSPIRING AND INFORMATIVE CATHOLIC CD’S Still only $3 each! A new shipment of CD’s has arrived, so look for new titles. One of the titles is: “The Eucharist, Our Very Life”. As a medical doctor and licensed psychotherapist, Deacon, Dr. Bob McDonald knows very well the deep hunger and inner needs of the human heart. He explains how the Holy Eucharist becomes the core and center of our lives since only Jesus can fill what is lacking within the Human Spirit that is bruised and broken. Discover the immensity of God’s love revealed by His Real Presence. Check out the display in the Gathering Space with 12 different titles. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adult/Teen: Do you feel that there are situations in people’s lives when they can withhold forgiveness from another? Child: Do you ever choose not to forgive someone? Please take some time today to discuss these questions or reflect on them in private prayer. —From Lectionary Link by Harcourt Publishers www.saintvdp.org Left to right: Ruby Bartlett, Greg Schweitzer, Douglas Anderson, Bruce Dahlman, William Lenmark, Carl Keeney, Allen Magori, Tom Benson, Tonia Gunderson, Steven Simenon, Courtney Simenson, Chuck Pratt WELCOME A warm welcome to our Church family for Douglas Anderson who received all three Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil, for William Lenmark and Steven Simenson, who were received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and for Allen Magori, who completed his Sacraments of Initiation. Tonia Gunderson, who has faithfully participated in the RCIA will be confirmed on May 9th with our parish group at the Basilica of St. Mary. Thank you to sponsors, family members, catechists, facilitators, and the entire St. Vincent de Paul community who supported our RCIA catechumen and candidates throughout their formation process. God bless you all. Please continue to make our newest members feel welcomed at St. Vincent de Paul. Formation & Education (continued) page 7 SCHOOL NEWS DAY OF PRAYER Our school has been blessed with MANY angels. Each month we honor our angels with a special day of prayer. Our families keep these angels in their daily prayers for that day. The recipient of our April Day of Prayer is Mr. Bob Smith. Thank you for your kindness, generosity and support. We are blessed to call you friend. LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS The Living Stations of the Cross were beautifully provided by the 8th grade students at SVDP on Friday, March 27th to students, staff, and families. 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT APPLICATIONS We are currently accepting enrollment applications for kindergarteners for the 2014-2015 school year. There are openings in several other grades as well. Our school offers a nationally accredited K-8 program. Call the school office at 763-425-3970 for more information or to schedule a school tour. www.saintvdp.org page 8 Parish Life DIR E C TOR O F P AR IS H L IF E Molly Schorr Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 374 Email: mo l ly s c ho r r @s a i n t vdp .o r g CO OR DI N A TOR O F YO U T H M I N IS TR Y Kelly Hayes Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 405 Email: ke lly h ay e s @s a int vdp .o r g CO MM U N IC A TI O NS C O OR D I NA T OR Molly Gewedik Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 325 Email: mo l ly ge we d i k@ s ai nt vdp .o r g ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HELPING MAKING ROSARIES? Join us as we make twine rosaries for VBS participants. We would love your help, whether that means making one rosary or fifty. Specific directions and materials will be provided. If you are interested please contact Kelly Hayes (Coordinator of Youth Ministry) or join us on Wednesday, April 15th from 6:15— 7:00 pm for a live tutorial and send off! 2015 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SENIOR LUNCH REMINDER June 15th-19th from 9:00 am -12:00 pm Our next senior lunch is coming up on Tuesday, April 21st. Lunch will be served at 12:00 pm for $7.00. Catholic Camp: Camping in God’s Creation Please RSVP to the parish office at 763-425-2210, this Monday through Friday only, April 13th through the 17th. KEYBOARDISTS— JOIN OUR MUSIC MINISTRY! The Group “Resound” is looking for a keyboardist for their group. This is an awesome, fun group to be a part of! Resound sings twice a month, alternating between the 5 pm and an occasional 7:30 am Mass. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact John Fritsch at [email protected] or Jacquie Okoh at [email protected] . ARMS OF HOPE MISCARRIAGE MINISTRY I NFORMATION K IOSK Nothing can prepare parents, family, and friends for a baby dying prior to birth. AVAILABLE IN THE During this difficult time, we encourage you to contact our pastoral staff. We are able to assist families as they journey through the many emotions that they will face. For families that have experienced miscarriages in the past, we encourage you to honor the memory of your baby by inscribing the child's name on the monument. Learn more about the ministry by picking up a brochure in the kiosk in the Gathering Area. www.saintvdp.org For children age 4 (by June 2015) through Grade 5 (by Fall of 2015). It will be an awesome week filled with stories by the campfire, crafts, camp games, snacks in the mess hall, and music and shout-outs. You won’t want to miss all the fun! Forms are available in the church office or print out forms at saintvdp.org. Turn in completed forms in the church office. The fee is $32 per child. On Thursday, June 18 at 5:30 pm we will be having a family Mass followed by dinner and a campfire. We still need volunteers Grade 6 (as of Fall 2015) through adults. Two reference forms are required for volunteers 17 years of age and younger. Adults (18 years of age or older) must be VIRTUS trained. Forms are available in the church office and at saintvdp.org. Questions? Please contact Erika Novak at 763-762-7368 or [email protected]. Thank you! CHILDREN’S STEWARDSHIP Here are a few of the “offerings” from the children’s envelopes received last Sunday: Connor—helped little neighbor boy on swing set Taylor—not fighting with my brother Jimmy—made a stick cross on Friday and destroyed it today Emily—helped clean the house Michael—helping my nana carry stuff in Lily—I put away the dishes twice page 9 Parish Life (continued) MONDAY MORNING BOOK CLUB — NEW BOOK! The Monday morning book club will be starting a new book on April 13th. They will be reading Into Your Hands, Father by Fr. Wilfred Stinissen. Books are available in the Parish Office. CCW CORNER We welcome all women to attend meetings, as all women over 18 are members of CCW—Council of Catholic Women. Current CCW officers Susan Keeney, President; Kathy Ouckley, Vice-President; Donna Anderson, Treasurer; and Pat Praskey, Secretary are pleased to announce the new slate of officers for 2015-2017 for Council of Catholic Women. They are Mary Cameron, President; Kathy Ouckley, VicePresident; Donna Anderson, Treasurer; and Susan E. Jones, Secretary. We are so excited that the new slate of officers have stepped forward to serve this great organization which is key to our parish GROWTH. We "act to support, empower, and educate all Catholic Women in spirituality and service. CCW programs respond with gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the modern world." Please join me in welcoming these great women as the leadership team of St. Vincent de Paul Council of Catholic Women. — Susan Keeney, President LEARN MORE ABOUT THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Must be a practicing Catholic and age 18 or older — these are the only requirements to join. Any man interested in learning more, please call: Bob Clark at 763-424-5509, Robert Moreland at 763-557-0874, or Tom Heltemes at 763-4252314. www.saintvdp.org/knights-of-columbus SAVE THE DATE FOR HARVEST FEST! The 2015 Harvest Festival will be August 8th & 9th. This fun parish event has great food, kids’ games, bingo, inflatables, and entertainment. This year, GB Leighton will be back on stage Saturday night! Mark the dates in your calendar now. NEEDED: 2 new Children’s Games Coordinators for the Harvest Festival. This is a three-year term with the first year working with the existing coordinators. If interested, or for more information, please contact Molly Schorr. YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY SUMMER EVENTS: Extreme Faith Camp: June 2024. Have an unforgettable and transformative week at camp. Enjoy games, music, celebration of the sacraments, classic camp activities, time with friends both old and new, and so much more! Camp is for current students in grades 6-8. Summer Stretch: July 20, 22, 27, 29, August 3, 5. Join other junior High students in this awesome summer experience, serve at a local organization helping those in need, then participate in a fun afternoon field trip. This event is for students currently in grades 6-8. Steubenville Conference: July 10-12. This Conference is a weekend where thousands of teens gather from all over the country to have a life- changing, faith-filled weekend with other young Catholics. Live Music, great speakers, time with friends, and more. This event is for students currently in grades 8-12. Christpower Mission Trip: July 20-25. This is a week-long mission trip where Sr. High students get to work, pray, and play in the heart of North Minneapolis. Come be transformed by serving others and growing as a community. This trip is for students currently in grades 9-12. For pictures and more information on any of these events please visit the St. Vincent de Paul website. EDGE (Grades 7-8) Youth Group: LIFE Night (Grades 9-12) Youth Group: 5-6 pm in the East Mtg Rm on Wednesdays 7:30-9 pm in the East Mtg Rm on Wednesdays Come enjoy an evening of games, fun with friends, and pizza! Just bring $3.00 for Pizza. Come join other high school students for a night filled with time with friends, games, and tons o’ snacks! www.saintvdp.org page 10 Finance & Administration BUSINESS MA NAGER FACILITIES CALENDAR Norm Olafson Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 411 Email: no r mo laf s o n @s ai nt vdp .o r g BOOKKEEPER/CEMETERY COOR. Tess Eiden Ph on e: ( 7 63) 7 62 - 7 412 Email: t e s s e ide n @s ai nt v dp.o r g OFFIC E MANAGER Gloria Krynski Ph on e: ( 7 63) 4 25 - 2 210 Email: glo r ia kr y ns k i @s a int v dp.o r g CEMETERY SPRING CLEANUP LOVE yard work? Want to meet new people who share the same interest? Please join us to Spring Clean our cemetery. Saturday, April 25th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm BYOS (bring your own supplies) If you have questions or wish to sign up, call Tess Eiden at the church office at (763) 762-7412. Cookies and water will be supplied. We can’t do this without your help — many hands make light work. See you all there! T HE DEADLINE FOR S UBMISSIONS FOR THE IS M ONDAY AT N OON . B ULLETIN Easter Sunday Collection Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving General Adult Donations Children/Youth Total Support Major Repair & Replacement Fund—Collection Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving Total Support for Major Repair Fund Holy Thursday Collection Good Friday Collection www.saintvdp.org SUNDAY 8:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm , APRIL 12 Auction for Education Breakfast/Gym Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr Baptisms/Sanctuary FF Jr. & Sr. High Classes/Education Ctr FF Jr. & Sr. High Classes/Education Ctr MONDAY, APRIL 13 8:30 am Book Study Group/W Mtg Rm 7:00 pm CCW Meeting/E Mtg Rm 7:00 pm Seasons of Hope Grief Support Group/ W Mtg Rm 7:00 pm Resound Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary TUESDA 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Y , APRIL 14 Sowers of Justice Meeting/E Mtg Rm Elementary FF Classes/Education Ctr Stewardship Mtg/W Mtg Rm KC Rosary/Cry Room Wedding Ceremony Workshop/Sm Mtg Rm 2 Cemetery Committee Mtg/Parish Off Mtg Rm Elementary FF Parent Mtg/Regan Hall School Advisory Mtg/Edu Ctr Faculty Lounge Bell Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary Back WEDNES 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm D A Y , APRIL 15 Edge Jr. High Youth Group/E Mtg Rm Elementary FF Classes/Education Ctr Elementary FF Parent Mtg/Regan Hall Harvest Festival Mtg/W Mtg Rm Freedom Choir Rehearsal/Church Elementary FF Classes/Education Ctr Elementary FF Parent Mtg/Regan Hall Devotion Choir Rehearsal/Church Life Night Sr. High Youth Group/E Mtg Rm APRIL 5, 2015 (WEEK 40) THURSDAY, APRIL 16 4:15 pm Auction for Education Setup/Regan Hall 7:00 pm Singcerely His Choir Rehearsal/Sanctuary Current $45,595.20 FRIDAY, APRIL 17 1:30 pm Auction for Education Setup/Regan Hall Year-to-Date $1,496,023.14 $12,551.73 $3,420.00 $62.00 $61,628.93 $2,084.41 $1,498,107.55 $838.50 $295.00 $1,133.50 $1,421.34 $2,378.65 $38,624.75 SATU 9:00 3:30 5:00 R D A Y , A P R I L 1 8 am Bargains & Beyond Drop Off/Church W Door pm Confessions/Adoration Chapel pm Auction for Education/Gym & Regan Hall SUNDAY 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm , APRIL 19 Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr Sunday Pre-School/Education Ctr Baptisms/Sanctuary KC Rosary: There is a rosary prayed every Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the cry room, led by the Knights of Columbus. Plan to attend whenever you can.
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