Small Business Program We keep you smiling ® Delta Dental Insurance Company Businesses of all sizes are big on value. Delta Dental Insurance Company’s (Delta Dental) small business program affords small businesses a wide variety of choices. Our PPO plans offer an attractive range of plan designs with different options for maximums and out-of-network claims reimbursement. Our prepaid plans offer a broad choice of covered procedures at reasonable copayment amounts to fit any budget. Together, these choices add up to one thing — the ability to select the best fit in premium levels and enrollee copayment/coinsurance amounts. You can rely on Delta Dental to provide cost management, comprehensive care and superior access to dentists. No matter which Delta Dental plan you choose, you can feel confident knowing that you’ve chosen a plan that protects your employees and offers your business big value. Delta Dental PPOSM Delta Dental’s small business plans offers PPO plan designs to meet the needs of employers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Nevada and Utah. In Texas, Delta Dental offers a Dental Provider Organization plan (DPO). The Delta Dental small business programs affords our clients and their employees access to the nationwide Delta Dental PPO and Premier networks, which are among the largest networks in the U.S. Three out of every four dentists in the United States are contracted Delta Dental dentists. PPO dentists agree to accept reduced fees for covered procedures when treating PPO patients. This means enrollees receive their best benefits when visiting a PPO dentist. DeltaCare® USA DeltaCare USA is our prepaid plan that features set copayments, no annual deductibles and no maximums for covered benefits. Enrollees must select a primary care dentist in the DeltaCare USA network from whom they receive treatment as in a traditional DHMO. With DeltaCare USA, businesses enjoy higher cost controls, while still providing employees with comprehensive dental benefits. DeltaCare USA delivers quality care for less cost than traditional fee-for-service plans. DeltaCare USA dentists undergo a comprehensive credentialing process to ensure they meet highquality standards. Most diagnostic and basic restorative services are covered at little or no cost to the enrollee. DeltaCare USA plans are available in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Texas. Table of Contents PPO Delta Dental PPO Plans 2 Delta Dental PPO Table of Allowance Plan 4 Delta Dental PPO Program Guidelines Getting To Know Delta Dental PPO 5-6 7 Limitations and Exclusions 13 Eligible/Ineligible Industries — Employer Paid 15 Eligible/Ineligible Industries — Voluntary 16 DeltaCare USA Sample Procedures of DeltaCare USA Plans 8-9 Getting To Know DeltaCare USA 10 DeltaCare USA Program Guidelines 11-12 Limitations and Exclusions 17-21 Eligible/Ineligible Industries 22 Delta Dental’s Value Proposition 23 Delta Dental’s Mission Statement 24 Delta Dental PPO Plans Sample of Benefits1 Program A Program B Program C In/Out-of-Network In/Out-of-Network In/Out-of-Network 50% to 100% 50% to 100% 50% to 100% Diagnostic and Preventive Services Oral examinations X-rays Prophylaxis (cleanings) Fluoride treatment 100% 100% 100% Basic Services Fillings Denture repair Sealants 80% 80% 100% Major Services Crowns, jackets and cast restorations Prosthodontic services (dentures and bridges) 50% 50% 50% Endodontics/Periodontics (covered under) Basic Major Major Oral Surgery (covered under) Basic Major Major Waiting Period None None None $50/$150 Yes $50/$150 Yes $25/$75 No $1,000 or $1,500 $1,000 or $1,500 $1,000 or $1,500 50% $1,000 or $1,5002 Not Applicable 50% $1,000 or $1,5002 Not Applicable 50% $1,000 or $1,5002 Not Applicable Employer Contributions Deductible – Waived for diagnostic and preventive services Annual Maximum (select one option) Child Orthodontic Benefit (Optional – if selected, choose maximum) Coverage level Lifetime ortho maximum – select one option Calendar year maximum Available Reimbursement (choose one) Available Rate Tier Options 1 2 3 4 2 PPO3 PPO3 PPO3 or or or PPO Plus Premier4 PPO Plus Premier4 PPO Plus Premier4 2, 3 or 4 tier 2,3 or 4 tier 2, 3 or 4 tier Subject to Limitations and Exclusions listed on page 13. $1,500 ortho maximum is available for employer contributions of 75% or more. Delta Dental’s benefit payment for a PPO provider will be based on the lesser of the submitted charge or the PPO provider allowed fee. Delta Dental’s benefit payment will be based on the lesser of the submitted charge or the contracted dentist’s provider allowed fee. Non-contracted dentists are paid the lessor of the submitted fee or the fee charged by dentists of similar training in the same geographical area. Delta Dental PPO Plans (continued) Program D5 Program E6 In/Out-of-Network In/Out-of-Network Hi Plan Low Plan In/Out-of-Network 5 6 7 8 Program VOL 1 Program VOL 2 In/Out-of-Network In/Out-of-Network 50% to 100% 50% to 100% 50% to 100% 50% to 100% 0% to 49.9% 0% to 49.9% 100% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 60% 80% 50% 80% 80% 50% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% Basic Basic Basic Basic Major Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Major Major None None None None 12 months7 12 months7 $50/$150 Yes $50/$150 Yes $75/$225 Yes $50/$150 Yes $50/$150 Yes $1,000 or $1,500 $1,000 or $1,500 $750 or $1,000 $1,000 or $1,500 $1,000 or $1,500 50% $1,000 or $1,5002 Not Applicable 50% $1,000 or $1,5002 Not Applicable 50% $750 or $1,0002 Not Applicable 50% $1,000 $3508 50% $1,000 $3508 PPO3 or PPO Plus Premier4 PPO3 or PPO Plus Premier4 PPO3 or PPO Plus Premier4 PPO3 or PPO Plus Premier4 2, 3 or 4 tier 2, 3 or 4 tier 2 or 3 tier 2 or 3 tier Available in Alabama, Florida, Nevada and Utah. The combined total of enrollees in both the Hi and Low plan must meet the minimum participation requirement of 5 primary enrollees. See participation requirement listed on page 5. Enrollees can switch between plans only during the group’s annual open enrollment. Applies to major and orthodontic services (if covered). Waiting period is waived for initial employees and their eligible dependents if covered under the group’s prior dental plan. Orthodontic maximum is included in annual maximum. Amounts applied towards orthodontic maximums are also applied to calendar year maximum. 3 Delta Dental PPO Table of Allowances Plan Florida only1 Sample of Benefits2 Procedure Code3 Family Plan (TF)4 Child-Only Plan (TC)4 Delta Dental Pays Diagnostic Bitewing x-ray – single film D0270 $11 $11 Bitewings x-rays – two films D0272 $18 $18 Bitewings x-rays – three films D0273 $23 $23 Bitewings x-rays – four films (1 series every 6-months) D0274 $27 $27 D1110 $34 $34 Prophylaxis cleaning child – to age 14 (1 per 6-month period) D1120 $26 $26 Sealant – per tooth (limited through age 8 on first molars, and through age 15 on second molars; the fee includes any necessary repair or replacement within two years) D1351 $20 $20 D2150 $38 $60 D2792 $78 $105 Endodontics Root canal – molar (excluding final restoration) D3330 $79 $106 Periodontics Periodontal scaling and root planing – one to three teeth per quadrant D4342 $10 $14 D5110 $101 $135 D5120 $101 $135 D7111 $16 $16 D8070 N/A N/A D8090 N/A N/A Calendar Year Deductible (per patient) $50 None Calendar Year Maximum (per patient) $500 $500 Preventive Prophylaxis cleaning – adult (1 per 6-month period) Restorative Amalgam – two surfaces, primary or permanent Crown – full cast noble metal Prosthodontics, Removable Complete denture – maxillary Complete denture – mandibular Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Coronal remnants – deciduous tooth Orthodontics Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the transitional dentition – child or adolescent to age 19 Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adult dentition – adults, including dependents and adult children covered from ages 19 1 Available only to employers headquartered in Florida. 2 Subject to Limitations and Exclusions listed on page 13. 3 2009 Current Dental Terminology codes under copyright by the American Dental Association (ADA). 4 See brochure insert for complete description of the PPO table of allowances. 4 PPO Program Guidelines Programs A, B, C, D, E, VOL 1 and VOL 2 Group size Groups with five to 299 eligible employees. Available to new groups only. Employer contribution The employer can contribute 0% to 49.9% or 50% to 100% of the primary employee premium. Separate rates are established according to the employer contribution level. Participation requirement Employee t 'PSFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUJPOTPGUPBNJOJNVNPGGJWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMM t 'PSFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUJPOTPGUPBNJOJNVNPGPSGJWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTXIJDIFWFSJTHSFBUFSNVTUFOSPMM t 'PSFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUJPOTPGUPBNJOJNVNPGPSGJWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTXIJDIFWFSJTHSFBUFSNVTUFOSPMM t 'PSFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUJPOBMMFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMMBOEUIFHSPVQNVTUNBJOUBJOBNJOJNVNFOSPMMNFOUPGGJWF eligible enrollees. Dependents t &NQMPZFFTXIPTFMFDUEFQFOEFOUDPWFSBHFNVTUFOSPMMBMMUIFJSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUT t *GFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUJPOJTFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMMFFBMMUIFJSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUT Employer is required to provide a copy of the group’s quarterly wage statement or, if unavailable, the group’s payroll listing to verify the number of eligible employees and to confirm compliance with the minimum participation requirement. Plan waiting period t t t IFSFJTOPXBJUJOHQFSJPEGPSQMBOTXIFSFUIFFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUFTPSNPSFPGUIFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTQSFNJVN 5 5IFSFJTBNPOUIXBJUJOHQFSJPEPONBKPSBOEPSUIPEPOUJDTFSWJDFTJGDPWFSFE GPSQMBOTXIFSFUIFFNQMPZFS contributes less than 50% of the primary employees premium. The waiting period may be waived for initial enrollees and eligible dependents, if covered under the group’s prior dental plan with no break in coverage. New hires, regardless of prior coverage, must satisfy the waiting period. %JTDPVOUQMBOTBOEJOEJWJEVBMQMBOTEPOPURVBMJGZBTBQSJPSHSPVQEFOUBMQMBO Eligible employees t "MMQFSNBOFOUGVMMUJNFFNQMPZFFTBTEFmOFECZUIFFNQMPZFS NBZCFFMJHJCMFUPSFDFJWFCFOFmUTGPMMPXJOHUIF employer’s eligibility requirement. t $POUSBDUFNQMPZFFTDBUFHPSZFNQMPZFFT BSFOPUFMJHJCMF Eligible dependents t t t t -FHBMTQPVTF ONBSSJFEEFQFOEFOUDIJMESFOBSFDPWFSFEUPUIFGPMMPXJOHBHFT"MBCBNB(FPSHJB/FWBEBo-PVJTJBOBo 6 Florida – to the end of the year the child turns 25; Texas – 25 and Utah – 26. 6ONBSSJFEEFQFOEFOUDIJMESFOXIPBSFGVMMUJNFTUVEFOUTBSFDPWFSFEUPBHFJOBMMTUBUFTFYDFQU(FPSHJBBOE6UBI where coverage is to age 26. Full-time students must be enrolled in an accredited school, college or university. %FQFOEFOUTJONJMJUBSZTFSWJDFBSFOPUFMJHJCMF Enrollment For 100% employer contribution: t &NQMPZFFTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEXJUIJOEBZTPGTBUJTGZJOHUIFFNQMPZFSTFMJHJCJMJUZSFRVJSFNFOU t %FQFOEFOUTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIFFNQMPZFFPSXJUIJOEBZTPGBRVBMJGZJOHFWFOU For less than 100% employer contribution: t &NQMPZFFTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEXJUIJOEBZTPGTBUJTGZJOHUIFFNQMPZFSTFMJHJCJMJUZSFRVJSFNFOU&NQMPZFFTOPU enrolled when eligible may enroll only during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. t %FQFOEFOUTDBOCFFOSPMMFEXIFOUIFFNQMPZFFCFDPNFTFMJHJCMF%FQFOEFOUTOPUFOSPMMFEXIFOFMJHJCMFNBZFOSPMM only during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Waive coverage Applies only to groups with less than 100% employer contribution. t &NQMPZFFBOEPSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUTXIPEFDMJOFEUPFOSPMMXIFOFMJHJCMFNBZFOSPMMPOMZEVSJOHUIFHSPVQTBOOVBM open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Termination t t Dual choice Available in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Texas. t *GUIFFNQMPZFSTFMFDUTB110QMBOXJUIB%FMUB$BSF64"QMBOFBDIQMBONVTUNFFUUIFNJOJNVNQBSUJDJQBUJPO requirement (as stated above) and a minimum enrollment of five primary employees in the PPO plan and three primary employees (two in Texas) in the DeltaCare USA plan. t &OSPMMFFTNBZPOMZTXJUDICFUXFFOQMBOTEVSJOHUIFHSPVQTBOOVBMPQFOFOSPMMNFOU t 110QMBOTBSFOPUWBMJEBTQBSUPGBEVBMDIPJDFPGGFSJOHXJUIBOPUIFSDBSSJFS t Services under the DeltaCare USA plan must be rendered in the state in which the contract is issued. Open enrollment t Employees and their eligible dependents may enroll, terminate or change coverage during the group’s annual open enrollment. Out-of-state employees t t Groups with five to 49 eligible employees: no more than 25% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed. Groups with 50 to 99 eligible employees: no more than 10% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed, unless all business locations are within situs state; then, up to 25% of eligible employes residing out-of-state are allowed. Groups with 100 to 299 eligible employees: no more than 10% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed. t %FOUBMDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEPOUIFMBTUEBZPGUIFNPOUIXIFOBOFNQMPZFFJTOPMPOHFSFMJHJCMFGPSDPWFSBHF %FQFOEFOUDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIFFNQMPZFFTPSXIFOUIFEFQFOEFOUJTOPMPOHFSFMJHJCMF 5 PPO Program Guidelines PPO Table of Allowances Plan — Florida only Family Plans (TF) Child-Only Plans (TC) Group size t(SPVQTIFBERVBSUFSFEJO'MPSJEBXJUImWFUPFMJHJCMFFNQMPZFFT tAvailable to new groups only.1 Employer contribution Employer can choose any level of contribution. Participation requirement t&OSPMMBOENBJOUBJOBNJOJNVNPGmWFQSJNBSZ enrollees for duration of contract. t*GFNQMPZFFTFMFDUTEFQFOEFOUDPWFSBHFBOEFNQMPZFS contribution is 100% of the dependent premium, then all eligible dependents must be enrolled. t&OSPMMBOENBJOUBJOBNJOJNVNPGmWFDIJMESFOGPS duration of contract. t*GFNQMPZFSTFMFDUTBOEQBZTPGQSFNJVNBMM eligible children must be enrolled. Plan waiting period No waiting periods. Eligible employees t"MMQFSNBOFOUGVMMUJNFFNQMPZFFTBTEFmOFECZUIF employer) may be eligible to receive benefits following the employer’s eligibility requirement. t$POUSBDUFNQMPZFFTDBUFHPSZFNQMPZFFT BSFOPU eligible. t$PWFSBHFJTQSPWJEFEGPSFMJHJCMFDIJMESFOPOMZBOEJTOPU provided for employees. Eligible dependents t-BXGVMTQPVTF t6ONBSSJFEDIJMESFOUPUIFFOEPGUIFZFBSJOXIJDI they turn 25. tDependents in military service are not eligible. t6ONBSSJFEDIJMESFOBSFFMJHJCMFUPUIFFOEPGUIFZFBSJO which they turn 25. t$IJMESFOPGDPOUSBDUFNQMPZFFTDBUFHPSZ employees) are not eligible. t$IJMESFOJONJMJUBSZTFSWJDFBSFOPUFMJHJCMF Enrollment t&NQMPZFFTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEXJUIJOEBZTPGTBUJTGZJOH the employer’s eligibility requirement. t%FQFOEFOUTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIF employee or within 30 days of a qualifying event. t6ONBSSJFEEFQFOEFOUDIJMESFONVTUCFFOSPMMFE within 30 days of satisfying the employer’s eligibility requirement or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Waive coverage Applies only to groups with less than 100% employer contribution. t&NQMPZFFBOEPSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUTXIPEFDMJOFE to enroll when eligible may enroll only during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Applies only to groups with less than 100% employer contribution. t&NQMPZFFTXIPEFDMJOFUPFOSPMMUIFJSDIJMESFOXIFO they become eligible may enroll during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Termination t%FOUBMDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEPOUIFMBTUEBZPGUIFNPOUI when an employee is no longer eligible. t%FQFOEFOUDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIF employee’s or when the dependent is no longer eligible. t$PWFSBHFXJMMFOEPOUIFMBTUEBZPGUIFNPOUIXIFO the employee is no longer eligible or when the enrolled child is no longer eligible. Dual choice Employer can select either the PPO family plan or the PPO child-only plan along with the DeltaCare USA family plan (M92) or the DeltaCare USA child-only plan (M93). t3FRVJSFTBNJOJNVNQBSUJDJQBUJPOSFRVJSFNFOUPGmWFQSJNBSZFOSPMMFFTGPSUIF110QMBOBOEUISFFQSJNBSZFOSPMMFFT for the DeltaCare USA plan. t&NQMPZFFTNBZOPUTXJUDICFUXFFOQMBOTFYDFQUEVSJOHUIFHSPVQTBOOVBMPQFOFOSPMMNFOU t4FSWJDFTVOEFSUIF%FMUB$BSF64"QMBONVTUCFSFOEFSFEJOUIFTUBUFJOXIJDIUIFDPOUSBDUJTJTTVFE Open enrollment t&NQMPZFFTBOEUIFJSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUTNBZFOSPMM terminate or change coverage during the group’s annual open enrollment. Out-of-state employees tGroups with five to 49 eligible employees: no more than 25% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed. tGroups with 50 to 99 eligible employees: no more than 10% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed. If all business locations are within the state of Florida, up to 25% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed. tGroups with 100 to 299 eligible employees: no more than 10% of eligible employees residing out-of-state are allowed. 1 Available only to employers headquartered in Florida. 6 t&NQMPZFFTNBZFOSPMMUFSNJOBUFPSDIBOHFDPWFSBHFGPS their children during the group’s annual open enrollment. Getting To Know Delta Dental PPO Free choice of dentists t7JTJUBOZMJDFOTFEEFOUJTUJOUIFXPSME t&OSPMMFFTNBZTFMFDUBEJGGFSFOUEFOUJTUGPSFBDINFNCFSPGUIFGBNJMZ t$IBOHFEFOUJTUTBUBOZUJNFXJUIPVUQSFBQQSPWBM t(PUPBOZEFOUBMTQFDJBMJTUXJUIPVUQSFBQQSPWBM Special advantages from Delta Dental PPO dentists Enrollees usually experience lower out-of-pocket expense when visiting a PPO dentist; however, if enrollees cannot visit a PPO dentist, the best alternative is to choose a dentist from the Delta Dental Premier® network. Delta Dental dentists agree to handle all claim forms and to charge no more than the fees allowed by Delta Dental. For a comparison of out-of-pocket costs that enrollees will incur when visiting either a PPO, Premier or non-Delta Dental dentist, please see the chart below. Dentist Chosen by the Enrollee Best Choice Next Best Choice Least Favorable Choice Delta Dental PPO Dentist Delta Dental Premier Dentist Non-Delta Dental Dentist Fee Arrangement with Dentist A PPO dentist agrees to accept Delta Dental’s determination of the PPO provider allowed fee as payment in full for services provided. A Premier dentist usually charges higher fees than a PPO dentist, but a Premier dentist agrees to accept their allowed fee as payment in full for services provided. No contract arrangement. Delta Dental Pays Delta Dental will pay the applicable benefit level (percentage or fixed dollar amount according to the group’s plan) of the PPO provider allowed fee, less any applicable deductible, patient copayment/ coinsurance and charges for noncovered services, up to the annual plan maximum. Delta Dental will pay the applicable benefit level (percentage or fixed dollar amount) of the PPO provider allowed fee or the Premier provider allowed fee (according to the group’s plan), less any applicable deductible, patient copayment/coinsurance and charges for non-covered services, up to the annual plan maximum. Delta Dental will reimburse the enrollee, or the non-contracted dentist (if benefits are assigned), the applicable benefit level (percentage or fixed dollar amount) of the fees charged by dentists of similar training in the same geographical area (according to the group’s plan), less any applicable deductible, patient copayment/coinsurance and charges for non-covered services, up to the annual plan maximum. Amounts the Enrollee Pays Enrollee potentially has the lowest cost when visiting a PPO dentist since the PPO dentist charges are usually lower than those charged by a Premier dentist or a non-contracted dentist. Enrollee may have a higher cost by visiting a Premier dentist but the cost is usually lower then visiting a noncontracted dentist. Premier dentists will not charge more than their Premier provider allowed fee. Enrollee generally has the highest cost when visiting a non-contracted dentist as there are no contract limitations preventing the dentist from charging any amount for services provided. The enrollee pays the difference between the PPO or Premier provider allowed fee (according to the group’s plan) and the amount paid by Delta Dental. The enrollee pays the difference between the non-contracted dentist’s submitted charges and the amount paid by Delta Dental. The dentist may request payment in full at the time of treatment and wait for reimbursement from Delta Dental. The enrollee pays the difference between the PPO provider allowed fee and the amount paid by Delta Dental. At the time of treatment, the dentist may require payment of the patient’s portion (applicable deductible, patient’s copayment/coinsurance, charges for non-covered services and any amount over the annual plan maximum). At the time of treatment, the dentist may require payment of the patient’s portion (applicable deductible, patient’s copayment/coinsurance, charges for non-covered services and any amount over the annual plan maximum). Locating a Delta Dental PPO dentist Enrollees may visit our national online directory at to find a Delta Dental PPO dentist anywhere nationwide. 7 Sample Procedures of DeltaCare USA Plan Benefits Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Texas Sample Procedure Description1 Sample Patient Copayments Procedure Code2 Plan 13A Plan 14B Plan 15B Plan 15C3 Diagnostic Services Intraoral – complete series (including bitewings) Office visit D0210 D9430 $0 $0 $0 $5 $0 $5 $0 $5 Preventive Services Prophylaxis (cleaning) – adult Prophylaxis (cleaning) – child Sealants – per tooth D1110 D1120 D1351 $0 $0 $10 $0 $0 $10 $5 $5 $15 $5 $5 $15 Restorative Services Amalgam – one surface, primary or permanent Resin-based composite – one surface, anterior Resin-based composite – one surface, posterior Crown – porcelain fused to high noble metal Crown – full cast high noble metal Crown – full cast noble metal Post and core in addition to crown, indirectly fabricated – includes canal preparation D2140 D2330 D2391 D2750 D2790 D2792 D2952 $0 $0 $45 $355 $355 $295 $95 $0 $5 $55 $380 $380 $320 $95 $8 $22 $65 $395 $395 $335 $110 $8 $22 $65 $395 $395 $335 $110 Endodontics Root canal – endodontic therapy – anterior tooth (excluding final restoration) Root canal – endodontic therapy – molar (excluding final restoration) D3310 D3330 $95 $335 $110 $350 $125 $365 $125 $365 D4260 $300 $345 $385 $385 D4341 $50 $55 $60 $60 D5110 D5211 $285 $245 $335 $295 $365 $325 $365 $325 D5213 $315 $365 $395 $395 D5750 $85 $90 $95 $95 D7140 D7210 $5 $45 $8 $50 $14 $55 $14 $55 D7240 $95 $110 $120 $120 Orthodontics Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the transitional dentition – child or adolescent to age 19 D8070 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 4 Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adult dentition – adults, including dependent adult children covered from age 19 D8090 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 4 None None None Periodontics – endodontic therapy – Osseous surgery (including flap entry and closure) – four or more contiguous teeth or bounded teeth spaces per quadrant Periodontal scaling and root planing – four or more teeth per quadrant Prosthodontics (Removable) Complete denture – maxillary Maxillary partial denture – resin base (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) Maxillary partial denture – cast metal framework with resin denture bases (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) Reline complete maxillary denture (laboratory) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Extraction, erupted tooth or exposed root (elevation and/or forceps removal) Surgical removal of erupted tooth requiring elevation of mucoperiosteal flap and removal of bone and/or section of tooth Removal of impacted tooth – completely bony Deductible/Annual Lifetime Maximums Available Rate Tier Options 1 2 3 4 5 None 2, 3 or 4 tier Subject to limitations and exclusions listed on pages 15, 17, 18 and 19. (2009) Current dental terminology codes under copyright by American Dental Association (ADA). When referable services are provided by a contract specialist, the enrollee pays 75% of the dentist’s allowed fee or 75% of the submitted fee, whichever is less. Enrollee pays 75% of the contract orthodontist’s allowed fee or 75% of the submitted fee, whichever is less. Not a covered benefit (child-only plan) 8 Sample Procedures of DeltaCare USA Benefits (continued) Plans M73 and M74 — available only in Alabama, Florida and Georgia Plans M92 and M93 — available only in Florida Sample Procedure Description1 Sample Patient Copayments Procedure Code2 Plan M733 Plan M743 Plan M92 Plan M93 (Child-only) Diagnostic Services Intraoral – complete series (including bitewings) Office visit D0210 D9430 $0 $10 $0 $5 $0 $45 $0 $5 Preventive Services Prophylaxis (cleaning) – adult Prophylaxis (cleaning) – child Sealants – per tooth D1110 D1120 D1351 $0 $0 $15 $0 $0 $0 $20 $20 $36 $0 $0 $10 Restorative Services Amalgam – one surface, primary or permanent Resin-based composite – one surface, anterior Resin-based composite – one surface, posterior Crown – porcelain fused to high noble metal Crown – full cast high noble metal Crown – full cast noble metal Post and core in addition to crown, indirectly fabricated – includes canal preparation D2140 D2330 D2391 D2750 D2790 D2792 D2952 $44 $40 $70 $485 $485 $465 $140 $0 $28 $65 $485 $485 $465 $85 $25 $37 $65 $560 $535 $510 $125 $3 $12 Endodontics Root canal – endodontic therapy – tooth anterior (excluding final restoration) Root canal – endodontic therapy – molar (excluding final restoration) D3310 D3330 $300 $470 $110 $245 $390 $570 5 5 D4260 $435 $360 $650 D4341 $78 $50 $138 D5110 D5211 $600 $440 $510 $535 $700 $650 5 5 D5213 $630 $610 $800 5 D5750 $145 $125 $225 5 D7140 $70 $18 $40 $7 D7210 $115 $30 $150 5 D7240 $160 $80 $260 5 D8070 4 $2,100 $2,200 $2,200 D8090 4 $2,250 $2,400 5 None None None Periodontics Osseous surgery (including flap entry and closure) – four or more contiguous teeth or bounded teeth spaces per quadrant Periodontal scaling and root planing – four or more teeth per quadrant Prosthodontics (Removable) Complete denture – maxillary Maxillary partial denture – resin base (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) Maxillary partial denture – cast metal framework with resin denture bases (including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth) Reline complete maxillary denture (laboratory) Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Extraction, erupted tooth or exposed root (elevation and/or forceps removal) Surgical removal of erupted tooth requiring elevation of mucoperiosteal flap and removal of bone and/or section of tooth Removal of impacted tooth – completely bony Orthodontics Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the transitional dentition – child or adolescent to age 19 Comprehensive orthodontic treatment of the adult dentition – adults, including dependent adult children covered from age 19 Deductible/Annual Lifetime Maximums None 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 Getting To Know DeltaCare USA The DeltaCare USA plans provide enrollees with quality dental benefits at an affordable cost. The plans are designed to encourage regular preventive dental visits in order to maintain good oral health. Enrollees must select a contract DeltaCare USA dentist for their dental care. DeltaCare USA dental facilities have been carefully screened for quality. Some services are covered at no cost, while others have copayments (the amount enrollees pay the DeltaCare USA dentist at the time of treatment) for certain services. See the Description of Benefits and Copayments inserts of the brochure for a list of benefits and the limitations and exclusions starting on page 17. The DeltaCare USA plans give enrollees quality, convenience and cost savings t/PEFEVDUJCMFTPSBOOVBMEPMMBSNBYJNVN t$MFBSMZTFUDPQBZNFOUT t/PSFTUSJDUJPOTPOQSFFYJTUJOHDPOEJUJPOTFYDFQUGPSXPSLJOQSPHSFTTBOEPSUIPEPOUJDTPOTPNFQMBOT t&BTZBDDFTTUPTQFDJBMUZDBSF1 t0VUPGBSFBEFOUBMFNFSHFODZCFOFGJUNJMFTNBYJNVNQFSFNFSHFODZQFSFOSPMMFF 5FYBTFOSPMMFFTNBZ be reimbursed for emergency services (refer to the group’s contract for complete details) t7FSZMPXUVSOPWFSPGDPOUSBDUEFOUJTUTTPFOSPMMFFTDBOFTUBCMJTIBMPOHUFSNSFMBUJPOTIJQXJUIUIFJSEFOUJTU t/PDMBJNGPSNTUPDPNQMFUF t5PMMGSFFDVTUPNFSTFSWJDFGSPNBNUPQN&BTUFSOUJNF.POEBZUISPVHI'SJEBZ How the DeltaCare USA plans work Employees in a DeltaCare USA plan will receive an enrollment packet with complete instruction on how to select a DeltaCare USA dentist. The selected DeltaCare USA dentist will take care of the enrollee’s dental care needs. If enrollees require treatment from a specialist, the DeltaCare USA dentist will handle the referral.1 Locating a DeltaCare USA dentist Enrollees may visit our online directory at to find a DeltaCare USA dentist. 1 Specialty care provisions are not available in the child-only plan; however, there is a provision for pediatric referral, subject to the plans limitations and exclusions. 10 DeltaCare USA Program Guidelines For plans 13A, 14B, 15B, 15C, M731, and M741 Group size t *O"MBCBNB'MPSJEBBOE(FPSHJBHSPVQTXJUIUISFFFMJHJCMFFNQMPZFFT t *O5FYBTHSPVQTXJUIUXPFMJHJCMFFNQMPZFFT t Available to new groups only. Eligible industries See page 22 for a complete list of eligible/ineligible industries Employer contribution The employer can contribute 0% to 49.9% or 50% to 100% of the eligible employee’s premium. For plan M73 — 100% employer contribution for eligible employees and dependent is required in Jefferson County, Alabama. Participation requirement Employee t "NJOJNVNFOSPMMNFOUPGUISFFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTJTSFRVJSFEJO"MBCBNB'MPSJEBBOE(FPSHJBBOE two primary employees in Texas. DeltaCare USA plans are not available in Louisiana, Nevada or Utah. Dependent t *GFNQMPZFSDPOUSJCVUJPOJTFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMMBMMUIFJSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUT Employer is required to provide a copy of the group’s quarterly wage statement, or if unavailable, the group’s payroll listing to verify the number of primary employees and to confirm compliance with the minimum participation requirement. Plan waiting period t 5IFSFJTOPXBJUJOHQFSJPE Eligible employees t "MMQFSNBOFOUGVMMUJNFFNQMPZFFTBTEFmOFECZUIFFNQMPZFS NBZCFFMJHJCMFUPSFDFJWF benefits following the employer’s eligibility requirement. t $POUSBDUFNQMPZFFTDBUFHPSZFNQMPZFFT BSFOPUFMJHJCMF Eligible dependents t t t t -FHBMTQPVTF 6ONBSSJFEEFQFOEFOUDIJMESFOBSFDPWFSFEUPUIFGPMMPXJOHBHFT"MBCBNBBOE(FPSHJBo Florida – end of the year in which child turns 25 and Texas – 25. 6ONBSSJFEEFQFOEFOUDIJMESFOXIPBSFGVMMUJNFTUVEFOUTBSFDPWFSFEUPBHFJO Georgia). Full-time students must be enrolled in an accredited school, college or university. %FQFOEFOUTJONJMJUBSZTFSWJDFBSFOPUFMJHJCMF Enrollment For 100% employer contribution: t &NQMPZFFTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEXJUIJOEBZTPGTBUJTGZJOHUIFFNQMPZFSTFMJHJCJMJUZSFRVJSFNFOU t %FQFOEFOUTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIFFNQMPZFFPSXJUIJOEBZTPGB qualifying event. For less than 100% employer contribution: t &NQMPZFFTNVTUCFFOSPMMFEXJUIJOEBZTPGTBUJTGZJOHUIFFNQMPZFSTFMJHJCJMJUZSFRVJSFNFOU Employees not enrolled when eligible may enroll only during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. t %FQFOEFOUTDBOCFFOSPMMFEXIFOUIFFNQMPZFFCFDPNFTFMJHJCMF%FQFOEFOUTOPUFOSPMMFE when eligible may enroll only during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Waive coverage Applies only to groups with less than 100% employer contribution. t &NQMPZFFBOEPSFMJHJCMFEFQFOEFOUTXIPEFDMJOFEUPFOSPMMXIFOFMJHJCMFNBZFOSPMMPOMZ during the group’s annual open enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Termination t %FOUBMDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEPOUIFMBTUEBZPGUIFNPOUIXIFOBOFNQMPZFFJTOPMPOHFSFMJHJCMF for coverage. t %FQFOEFOUDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIFFNQMPZFFPSXIFOUIFEFQFOEFOUJTOP longer eligible. Dual choice Available in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Texas only. t *GFNQMPZFSTFMFDUTB110QMBOXJUIB%FMUB$BSF64"QMBOFBDIQMBONVTUNFFUUIFNJOJNN participation requirements as follows: PPO plan: t UPFNQMPZFSQBJEBNJOJNVNPGmWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMM t UPFNQMPZFSQBJEPSmWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTXIJDIFWFSJTHSFBUFSNVTUFOSPMM t UPFNQMPZFSQBJEPSmWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFTXIJDIFWFSJTHSFBUFSNVTU enroll. DeltaCare USA plan: t "NJOJNVNPGUISFFUXPJO5FYBT FMJHJCMFFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMM If 100% employer paid, all eligible employees and dependents must be enrolled in either the PPO plan or the DeltaCare USA plan. t &OSPMMFFTNBZTXJUDICFUXFFOQMBOTPOMZEVSJOHUIFHSPVQTBOOVBMPQFOFOSPMMNFOU t %FMUB$BSF64"QMBOTBSFOPUBWBJMBCMFBTQBSUPGBEVBMDIPJDFPGGFSJOHXJUIBOPUIFSDBSSJFS t 4FSWJDFTVOEFSUIF%FMUB$BSF64"QMBONVTUCFSFOEFSFEJOUIFTUBUFJOXIJDIUIFDPOUSBDUJTJTTVFE Open enrollment Employers may enroll, terminate or change coverage during the group’s annual open enrollment. Out-of-state employees Out-of-state employees are covered provided services are rendered in the state where the contract is issued. 1 Plans M73 and M74 are not available in Texas. 11 DeltaCare USA Program Guidelines For plans M92 and M93 — Florida only Family Plans (M92) Child-Only Plans (M93) Group size t(SPVQTIFBERVBSUFSFEJO'MPSJEBXJUIUISFFUPFMJHJCMFFNQMPZFFT t"WBJMBCMFUPOFXHSPVQTPOMZ Employer contribution Employer can choose any level of contribution. Participation requirement t&OSPMMBOENBJOUBJOBNJOJNVNPGUISFFQSJNBSZ employees for duration of contract. Plan waiting period t/PXBJUJOHQFSJPET Primary employees t"MMQFSNBOFOUGVMMUJNFFNQMPZFFTBTEFmOFECZUIF employer) are eligible to receive benefits following the employer’s eligibility requirement. t$POUSBDUFNQMPZFFTDBUFHPSZFNQMPZFFT BSFOPU eligible. Coverage is provided for eligible children only and is not provided for employees. Eligible dependents t4QPVTFVOMFTTMFHBMMZTFQBSBUFEPSEJWPSDFE t6ONBSSJFEDIJMESFOUPUIFFOEPGUIFZFBSJOXIJDI they turn 25. t%FQFOEFOUTJOBDUJWFNJMJUBSZTFSWJDFBSFOPUFMJHJCMF t6ONBSSJFEDIJMESFOBSFFMJHJCMFUPUIFFOEPGUIFZFBS in which they turn 25. t$IJMESFOPGDPOUSBDUFNQMPZFFTDBUFHPSZ employees) are not eligible. t$IJMESFOJOBDUJWFNJMJUBSZTFSWJDFBSFOPUFMJHJCMF Enrollment t&NQMPZFFTBSFTVCKFDUUPBPOFZFBSNJOJNVN enrollment period. t/FXFNQMPZFFTNVTUFOSPMMXJUIJOEBZTPG becoming eligible. t%FQFOEFOUTNVTUFOSPMMXJUIJOEBZTPGCFDPNJOH eligible or during an open enrollment. t$IJMESFOBSFSFRVJSFEUPFOSPMMGPSBNJOJNVNPGPOF year. t$IJMESFONVTUCFFOSPMMFEXJUIJOEBZTPGCFDPNJOH eligible or during an open enrollment. Waive coverage t&NQMPZFFTPSEFQFOEFOUTXIPEFDMJOFUPFOSPMMXIFO t&NQMPZFFTXIPEFDMJOFUPFOSPMMUIFJSDIJMESFOXIFO they become eligible may enroll at any open enrollment they become eligible may enroll them at any open or within 30 days of a qualifying event. enrollment or within 30 days of a qualifying event. Termination t*GDPWFSBHFJTUFSNJOBUFEEVSJOHBOPQFOFOSPMMNFOU period, employee or dependents are eligible to re-enroll during any open enrollment period. t*GDPWFSBHFJTUFSNJOBUFECFUXFFOPQFOFOSPMMNFOU periods and employee or dependent subsequently desires to re-enroll, all premium must be paid retroactive to date of cancellation (not to exceed 12 months) prior to being reinstated. t$PWFSBHFXJMMFOEPOUIFMBTUEBZPGUIFNPOUIXIFO the employee is no longer eligible. t%FQFOEFOUDPWFSBHFXJMMFOEBUUIFTBNFUJNFBTUIF employee’s or when the dependent is no longer eligible. Dual choice Employer can select the PPO table of allowances family plan or child-only plan along with the DeltaCare USA family plan (M92) or the DeltaCare USA child-only plan (M93). Each plan must meet the minimum participation requirement. t110QMBOSFRVJSFTBNJOJNVNPGmWFQSJNBSZFNQMPZFFT%FMUB$BSF64"SFRVJSFTBNJOJNVNFOSPMMNFOUPG three primary employees in Alabama, Florida and Georgia and two in Texas. t&OSPMMFFTNBZOPUTXJUDICFUXFFOQMBOTFYDFQUEVSJOHUIFHSPVQTBOOVBMPQFOFOSPMMNFOU t4FSWJDFTVOEFSUIF%FMUB$BSF64"QMBONVTUCFSFOEFSFEJOUIFTUBUFJOXIJDIUIFDPOUSBDUJTJTTVFE Open enrollment Employees and their eligible dependents may enroll, terminate or change coverage during the group’s annual open enrollment. Employees may enroll, terminate or change coverage for their children during the group’s annual open enrollment. Out-of-state employees All services must be rendered in the state of Florida. All services must be rendered in the state of Florida. 12 t&OSPMMBOENBJOUBJOBNJOJNVNPGUISFFDIJMESFOGPS duration of the contract. t*GDPWFSBHFJTUFSNJOBUFEEVSJOHBOPQFOFOSPMMNFOU period, children are eligible to be re-enrolled at any open enrollment period by the employee. t*GDPWFSBHFJTUFSNJOBUFECFUXFFOPQFOFOSPMMNFOU periods and the employee subsequently desires to reenroll children, all premium must be paid retroactive to date of cancellation (not to exceed 12 months) prior to being reinstated. t$PWFSBHFXJMMFOEPOUIFMBTUEBZPGUIFNPOUIXIFO the employee is no longer eligible or when the child is no longer eligible. Delta Dental PPO Limitations and Exclusions Limitations on Diagnostic and Preventive Benefits: t%FMUB%FOUBMXJMMOPUQBZGPSNPSFUIBOUXPPSBMFYBNT and cleanings, including periodontal cleaning, done in any calendar year that the enrollee is covered by any Delta Dental program. t'VMMNPVUIYSBZTPSQBOPHSBQIJDYSBZTXJMMCFQSPWJEFE when required by the dentist, but no more than once each five years will be paid by Delta Dental. t#JUFXJOHYSBZTBSFMJNJUFEUPUXJDFJOBOZDBMFOEBSZFBS when provided to dependent child enrollees and once in any calendar year for primary enrollees and dependent spouse enrollees. t5IFPCMJHBUJPOPG%FMUB%FOUBMUPNBLFQFSJPEJDQBZNFOUT for orthodontic treatment will terminate on the payment due-date next following the date the dependent or primary enrollee loses coverage, or upon termination of the contract, whichever occures first. t%FMUB%FOUBMXJMMOPUNBLFBOZQBZNFOUGPSSFQBJSPS replacement of an orthodontic appliance furnished, in whole or in part, while enrolled under this program. t0SUIPEPOUJDCFOFGJUTBSFMJNJUFEUPEFQFOEFOUDIJME enrollees. t9SBZTPSFYUSBDUJPOTBSFOPUTVCKFDUUPUIFPSUIPEPOUJD maximum. t%FMUB%FOUBMXJMMOPUQBZGPSUPQJDBMBQQMJDBUJPOPGGMVPSJEF for an enrollee 19 years or older. t4VSHJDBMQSPDFEVSFTBSFOPUTVCKFDUUPUIFPSUIPEPOUJD maximum. Sealant Benefit Limitations: Optional Services t4FBMBOUCFOFGJUTBSFBWBJMBCMFPOMZUPEFQFOEFOUFOSPMMFFT through age 15. If an eligible person selects a more expensive plan of treatment than is customarily provided, or chooses specialized techniques rather than standard procedures, Delta Dental will pay benefits for the least costly procedure. The enrollee is responsible for the remainder of the dentist’s fee. (Examples: electing a crown where an amalgam filling would restore the tooth; a precision denture where a standard denture would suffice; a composite restoration instead of an amalgam restoration on posterior teeth.) t4FBMBOUTBSFMJNJUFEUPBQQMJDBUJPOUPQFSNBOFOUNPMBSTXJUI no caries (decay), without restorations and with the occlusal surface intact. t4FBMBOUCFOFGJUTEPOPUJODMVEFUIFSFQBJSPSSFQMBDFNFOU of a sealant on any tooth within two years of its application. Limitations on Crowns, Jackets and Cast Restorations: Exclusions: t Delta Dental will not pay to replace any crown, jacket or cast restoration which the patient received in the previous five years. Delta Dental does not pay benefits for: Limitations on Prosthodontic Benefits: t Delta Dental will not pay to replace prosthodontic appliances including, but not limited to, fixed bridges and partial or complete dentures, until five years have elapsed following any prior provision of such appliance under any Delta Dental program or dental care program provided by the employer, unless there is such extensive loss of remaining teeth or change in supporting tissues that the existing appliance cannot be made satisfactory. t Replacement of a prosthodontic appliance not covered under a Delta Dental or any dental care program provided by the employer shall be covered only if the appliance is unsatisfactory and cannot be made satisfactory. t Delta Dental limits benefits for dentures to a standard partial or complete denture. A “standard” partial or complete denture means a removable appliance to replace missing natural, permanent teeth that is made from acceptable materials by conventional means. Limitations on Orthodontic Benefits; if covered: t5IFNBYJNVNBNPVOUQBZBCMFGPSFBDIFOSPMMFFEVSJOHUIF enrollee’s lifetime is shown on the Group Highlights page. t"MMQBZNFOUTXJMMCFPOBNPOUIMZCBTJT5IFPCMJHBUJPOPG Delta Dental to make periodic payments for an orthodontic treatment plan begun prior to the date the patient becomes covered will commence with the first payment due following the date the patient’s coverage is effective. t4FSWJDFTGPSJOKVSJFTPSDPOEJUJPOTXIJDIBSFDPNQFOTBCMF under Workers’ Compensation or Employers’ Liability Laws; services which are provided to the eligible person by any federal or state government agency or are provided without cost to the eligible person by any municipality, county or other political subdivision, except as exclusion may be prohibited by law. t4FSWJDFTXJUISFTQFDUUPDPOHFOJUBMIFSFEJUBSZ PS developmental (following birth) malformations or cosmetic surgery or dentistry for purely cosmetic reasons, including but not limited to cleft palate (unless services for cleft palate are provided to a covered child under age 18), maxillary and mandibular (upper and lower jaw) malformations, enamel hypoplasia (lack of development), fluorosis (a type of discoloration of the teeth), and anodontia (congenitally missing teeth). This does not exclude services provided to newborn children for congenital defects or birth abnormalities or those services provided under the orthodontic benefits, if covered. t4FSWJDFTGPSSFTUPSJOHUPPUITUSVDUVSFMPTUGSPNXFBSFSPTJPO or abrasion, for rebuilding or maintaining chewing surfaces due to teeth out of alignment or occlusion, or for stabilizing the teeth. Such services include but are not limited to equilibration, occlusal adjustment and periodontal splinting. t"OZTJOHMFQSPDFEVSFTUBSUFEQSJPSUPUIFEBUFUIFFOSPMMFF became eligible for such services under the contract. t1SFTDSJCFEESVHTNFEJDBUJPOPSBOBMHFTJB t&YQFSJNFOUBMQSPDFEVSFT 13 Exclusions (continued) t$IBSHFTCZBOZIPTQJUBMPSPUIFSTVSHJDBMPSUSFBUNFOUGBDJMJUZ and any additional fees charged by the dentist for treatment in any such facility. t$IBSHFTGPSBOFTUIFTJBPUIFSUIBOHFOFSBMBOFTUIFTJB administered by a licensed dentist in connection with covered oral surgery services. t&YUSBPSBMHSBGUTHSBGUJOHPGUJTTVFTGSPNPVUTJEFUIFNPVUI to oral tissues). t%JBHOPTJTPSUSFBUNFOUPGBOZDPOEJUJPOSFMBUFEUPUIF temporomandibular (jaw) joint or associated musculature, nerves and other tissues (MPD-TMJ). t4FSWJDFTQFSGPSNFECZBOZQFSTPOPUIFSUIBOBEFOUJTU%%4 DMD) or auxiliary personnel legally authorized to perform services under the supervision of a dentist. t0SUIPEPOUJDTFSWJDFT t*NQMBOUTQSPTUIFUJDBQQMJBODFTQMBDFEJOUPPSPOUIF bone of the upper or lower jaw to retain or support dental prosthesis), their removal or other associated procedures. t6OEFSUIF1105BCMFPG"MMPXBODFTQMBO%FMUB%FOUBM will not pay for services not included on the PPO table of allowances. 14 PPO Program Eligible/Ineligible Industries — Employer Paid Level One Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing (except seasonal employees) Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction Construction Contractors Manufacturing (except Jewelry Manufacturing) Transportation Communication (Radio, Telephone, TV/ Radio Broadcasting) Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade (Bldg. Materials, Hardware, Mobile Homes) Retail (Apparel, Accessories, Home Furnishings) Miscellaneous Retail Public Administration (Cities, Counties, Police) Level Two Auto Dealerships (New & Used) and Service Stations Restaurants Finance (Banks, Securities, Credit Agencies) Insurance Carriers/Brokers Real Estate Hotels Laundry/Garment Services Photographic Studios Beauty & Barber Shops Shoe Repair Shops Funeral Services & Crematories Tax Return Preparation Services/ Misc. Personal Services Advertising Advertising, Misc. not classified Collection Agencies & Credit Reporting Services Direct Mailing, Reproductions, Secretarial Services SIC Code 0100-0999 1000-1499 1500-1799 2000-3999 4000-4799 4800-4899 4900-4999 5000-5199 5200-5499 5600-5799 5912-5999 9000-9999 SIC Code 5511-5599 5800-5899 6000-6299 6300-6499 6500-6799 7000-7099 7211-7219 7221 7231-7241 7251 7261 7291-7299 7311-7313 7319 7322-7323 Level Two (Continued) SIC Code Disinfecting & Pest Control Services Building Maintenance/Equipment Rental Computer Programming & Related Services Misc. Computer Services Security Systems, Detectives, Armored Cars News Syndicates Photofinishing Labs Misc. Business Services Auto Rental Agencies Automobile Parking Services Independent Auto Repair & Services Electrical Repair (Radio, TV, A/C, Refrigerator) Watch, Clock & Jewelry Repair Furniture Repair/Reupholstery Misc. Repair Shops Repair Services, not elsewhere classified Motion Picture Production, Distribution and Services Medical Groups/Offices (except 8021 – Dental Offices) Educational Services/Schools/Libraries Nursing and Personal Care Facilities/Hospitals/ Outpatient Care (except 8072 – Dental Labs) Engineering & Management Services 7342 7349-7359 7370-7378 7379 7381-7382 7383 7384 7389 7513-7519 7521 7532-7549 7622-7629 7631 7641 7692-7694 7699 Ineligible Industries SIC Code Employment Agencies/Employee Leasing Firms Amusement, Recreation & Entertainment Dentist offices Dental Labs Legal Community Service Organizations Associations, Membership Organizations and Trusts 7361-7363 7900-7999 8021 8072 8100-8199 8300-8499 7800-7841 8011-8049 8200-8299 8050-8099 8700-8799 8600-8699 7331-7338 15 PPO Program Eligible/Ineligible Industries — Voluntary Delta Dental PPO Eligible Industries Level One Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing (except seasonal employees) Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction Construction Contractors Manufacturing (except Jewelry Manufacturing) Transportation Communication (Radio, Telephone, TV/Radio Broadcasting) Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade (Bldg. Materials, Hardware, Mobile Homes) Retail (Apparel, Accessories, Home Furnishings) Miscellaneous Retail Public Administration (Cities, Counties, Police) SIC Code 0100-0999 1000-1499 1500-1799 2000-3999 4000-4799 4800-4899 4900-4999 5000-5199 5200-5499 5600-5799 5912-5999 9000-9999 Level Two SIC Code Finance (Banks, Securities, Credit Agencies) Insurance Carriers/Brokers Real Estate Hotels Laundry/Garment Services Photographic Studios Beauty & Barber Shops Shoe Repair Shops Funeral Services & Crematories Tax Return Preparation Services/Misc. Personal Services Advertising Advertising, Misc. not classified Collection Agencies & Credit Reporting Services Direct Mailing, Reproductions, Secretarial Services Disinfecting & Pest Control Services Building Maintenance/Equipment Rental Computer Programming & Related Services Misc. Computer Services 6000-6299 6300-6499 6500-6799 7000-7099 7211-7219 7221 7231-7241 7251 7261 16 7291-7299 7311-7313 7319 7322-7323 7331-7338 7342 7349-7359 7370-7378 7379 Level Two (Continued) SIC Code Security Systems, Detectives, Armored Cars News Syndicates Photofinishing Labs Misc. Business Services Auto Rental Agencies Automobile Parking Services Independent Auto Repair & Services Electrical Repair (Radio, TV, A/C, Refrigerator) Watch, Clock & Jewelry Repair Furniture Repair/Reupholstery Misc. Repair Shops Repair Services, not elsewhere classified Motion Picture Production, Distribution and Services Medical Groups/Offices (except 8021 Dental Offices) Educational Services/Schools/Libraries Engineering & Management Services 7381-7382 7383 7384 7389 7513-7519 7521 7532-7549 7622-7629 7631 7641 7692-7694 7699 Level Three SIC Code Nursing and Personal Care Facilities/Hospitals/ Outpatient Care (except 8072 – Dental Labs) 8050-8099 Level Four SIC Code Auto Dealerships (New & Used) and Service Stations Restaurants 5511-5599 5800-5899 Ineligible Industries SIC Code Employment Agencies/Employee Leasing Firms Amusement, Recreation & Entertainment Dentist Offices Dental Labs Legal Community Service Organizations Associations, Membership Organizations and Trusts 7361-7363 7900-7999 8021 8072 8100-8199 8300-8499 7800-7841 8011-8049 8200-8299 8700-8799 8600-8699 DeltaCare USA Limitations and Exclusions — Plans 13A, 14B, 15B and 15C Limitations Exclusions (Plans available only in Florida, Georgia and Texas) Any procedure not specifically listed in the “Description Of Benefits and Copayments.” THIS IS ONLY A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE PLAN. The group dental service contract must be consulted to determine the exact terms and conditions of coverage. Benefits, limitations and exclusions may vary by state. An evidence of coverage booklet will be sent upon enrollment. 1. The frequency of certain benefits is limited. All frequency limitations are listed in the “description of benefits and copayments.” (Frequency limitations do not apply in Texas when services are needed more frequently due to medical necessity as determined by the contracting dentist.) 2. If the enrollee accepts a treatment plan from the general dentist that includes any combination of more than six crowns, bridge pontics and/or bridge retainers, the enrollee may be charged an additional $100.00 above the listed copayment for each of these services after the sixth unit has been provided. 3. General anesthesia and/or intravenous sedation/analgesia is limited to treatment by a contracted oral surgeon and in conjunction with an approved referral for the removal of one or more partial or full bony impactions, (procedures D7230, D7240, and D7241). 4. Benefits under plan 13A, 14B or 15B provided by a pediatric dentist are limited to children through age seven following an attempt by the assigned contracting dentist to treat the child and upon authorization by the Administrator, less applicable copayments. Exceptions for medical conditions, regardless of age limitation, will be considered on an individual basis. 5. Benefits under plan 15C provided by a contract pediatric dentist are available at 75 percent of the contract specialist’s filed fees. Referral by the assigned contracting dentist is required before services are rendered. 5. The cost to an enrollee receiving orthodontic treatment whose coverage is cancelled or terminated for any reason will be based on the contract orthodontist’s usual fee for the treatment plan. The contract orthodontist will prorate the amount for the number of months remaining to complete treatment. The enrollee makes payment directly to the contract orthodontist as arranged. 6. Orthodontic treatment in progress is limited to new enrollees who, at the time of their original effective date, are in active treatment started under their previous employer sponsored dental plan as long as they continue to be eligible under the DeltaCare USA program. Active treatment means tooth movement has begun. Enrollees are responsible for all copayments and fees subject to the provisions of their prior dental plan. The administrator is financially responsible only for amounts unpaid by the prior dental plan for qualifying orthodontic cases. 1. Any procedure that in the professional opinion of the contracting dentist: a. has poor prognosis for a successful result and reasonable longevity based on the condition of the tooth or teeth and/or surrounding structures 1. b. is inconsistent with generally accepted standards for dentistry. 2. Services solely for cosmetic purposes, with the exception of procedure D9972, external bleaching, per arch, or for conditions that are a result of hereditary or developmental defects, such as cleft palate, upper and lower jaw malformations, congenitally missing teeth and teeth that are discolored or lacking enamel, except for treatment of newborn children with congenital defects or birth abnormalities. 3. Porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal, cast metal or resin with metal type crowns and fixed partial dentures (bridges) for children under age 16. 4. Lost or stolen appliances including, but not limited to, full or partial dentures, space maintainers and crowns and fixed partial dentures (bridges). 5. Procedures, appliances or restoration to change vertical dimension, or to diagnose or treat abnormal conditions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). 6. Precious metal for removable appliances, metallic or permanent soft bases for complete dentures, porcelain denture teeth, precision abutments for removable partials or fixed partial dentures (overlays, implants, and appliances associated therewith) personalization and characterization of complete and partial dentures. 7. Implant-supported dental appliances and attachments, implant placement, maintenance, removal and all other services associated with a dental implant. 8. Under plans 13A, 14B and 15B, dental services received from any dental facility other than the assigned contracting dentist, a authorized dental specialist, or a contract orthodontist are excluded, except for Emergency Services as described in the contract and/or evidence of coverage (EOC). 9. Under plan 15C, dental services received from any dental facility other than the assigned contracting dentist, including the services of an out-of-network dentist who provides specialized services are excluded unless expressly authorized by the administrator, or as covered under emergency services as described in the contract and/or evidence of coverage (EOC). 9. Consultations for non-covered benefits. 17 Exclusions (continued) 10. All related fees for admission, use, or stays in a hospital, out-patient surgery center, extended care facility, or other similar care facility. 11. Prescription drugs. 12. Dental expenses incurred in connection with any dental or orthodontic procedure started before the enrollee’s eligibility with the DeltaCare USA program. Examples include - teeth prepared for crowns, root canals in progress, full or partial dentures for which an impression has been taken and orthodontics, unless qualified for the orthodontic treatment in progress provision. 13. Lost, stolen or broken orthodontic appliances. 14. Changes in orthodontic treatment necessitated by accident of any kind. 15. Myofunctional or parafunctional appliances and/or therapies. 16. Composite or ceramic brackets, lingual adaptation of orthodontic bands and other specialized or cosmetic alternatives to standard fixed and removable orthodontic appliances. 17. Treatment or appliances that are provided by a dentist whose practice specializes in prosthodontic services. 18 DeltaCare USA Limitations and Exclusions — Plans M73 and M74 Limitations hereditary or developmental defects, such as cleft palate, upper and lower jaw malformations, congenitally missing teeth and teeth that are discolored or lacking enamel, except for the treatment of newborn children with congenital defects or birth abnormalities; (Plans available only in Florida) THIS IS ONLY A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE PLAN. The group dental service contract must be consulted to determine the exact terms and conditions of coverage. Benefits, limitations and exclusions may vary by state. An evidence of coverage booklet will be sent upon enrollment. 1. The frequency of certain Benefits is limited. All frequency limitations are listed in the Description of Benefits and Copayments; 2. If the enrollee accepts a treatment plan from the contract dentist that includes any combination of more than six crowns, bridge pontics and/or bridge retainers, the enrollee may be charged an additional $75.00 above the listed copayment for each of these services after the sixth unit has been provided; 3. General anesthesia and/or intravenous sedation/ analgesia is limited to treatment by a contract oral surgeon and in conjunction with an approved referral for the removal of one or more partial or full bony impactions, (Procedures D7230, D7240, D7241); 4. Benefits provided by a contract pediatric dentist are available at 75 percent of the contract specialist’s “filed fees.” Referral by the assigned contract dentist is required before services are rendered. 5. 6. The cost to an enrollee receiving orthodontic treatment whose coverage is cancelled or terminated for any reason will be based on the contract orthodontist’s usual fee for the treatment plan. The contract orthodontist will prorate the amount for the number of months remaining to complete treatment. The enrollee makes payment directly to the contract orthodontist as arranged. Orthodontic treatment in progress is limited to new DeltaCare USA enrollees who, at the time of their original effective date, are in active treatment started under their previous employer sponsored dental plan, as long as they continue to be eligible under the DeltaCare USA program. Active treatment means tooth movement has begun. Enrollees are responsible for all copayments and fees subject to the provisions of their prior dental plan. Delta Dental is financially responsible only for amounts unpaid by the prior dental plan for qualifying orthodontic cases. 4. Porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal, cast metal or resin with metal type crowns and fixed partial dentures (bridges) for children under 16 years of age; 5. Lost or stolen appliances including, but not limited to, full or partial dentures, space maintainers and crowns and fixed partial dentures (bridges); 6. Procedures, appliances or restoration if the purpose is to change vertical dimension, or to diagnose or treat abnormal conditions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ); 7. Precious metal for removable appliances, metallic or permanent soft bases for complete dentures, porcelain denture teeth, precision abutments for removable partials or fixed partial dentures (overlays, implants, and appliances associated therewith) and personalization and characterization of complete and partial dentures; 8. Implant-supported dental appliances and attachments, implant placement, maintenance, removal and all other services associated with a dental implant; 9. Consultations for non-covered benefits; 10. Dental services received from any dental facility other than the assigned contracting dentist, including the services of an out-of-network dentist who provides specialized services are excluded unless expressly authorized by the administrator, or as covered under emergency services as described in the contract and/or certificate of coverage (EOC); 11. All related fees for admission, use, or stays in a hospital, out-patient surgery center, extended care facility, or other similar care facility; 12. Prescription drugs; 13. Dental expenses incurred in connection with any dental or orthodontic procedure started before the enrollee’s eligibility with the DeltaCare USA program. Examples include: teeth prepared for crowns, root canals in progress, full or partial dentures for which an impression has been taken and orthodontics unless qualified for the orthodontic treatment in progress provision. 14. Lost, stolen or broken orthodontic appliances; 15. Changes in orthodontic treatment necessitated by accident of any kind; 16. Myofunctional and parafunctional appliances and/or therapies; 17. Composite or ceramic brackets, lingual adaptation of orthodontic bands and other specialized or cosmetic alternatives to standard fixed and removable orthodontic appliances; 18. Treatment or appliances that are provided by a dentist whose practice specializes in prosthodontic services. Exclusions 1. Any procedure that is not specifically listed under the Description of Benefits and Copayments; 2. Any procedure that in the professional opinion of the contract dentist: a. has poor prognosis for a successful result and reasonable longevity based on the condition of the tooth or teeth and/or surrounding structures, or b. is inconsistent with generally accepted standards for dentistry; 3. Services solely for cosmetic purposes, with the exception of procedure D9972, External bleaching, per arch, or for conditions that are a result of 19 DeltaCare USA Limitations and Exclusions — Plan M92 Limitations 4. Porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal, cast metal or resin with metal type crowns and fixed partial dentures (bridges) for children under 16 years of age; 5. Lost or stolen appliances including, but not limited to, full or partial dentures, space maintainers and crowns and fixed partial dentures (bridges); 6. Procedures, appliances or restoration if the purpose is to change vertical dimension, or to diagnose or treat abnormal conditions of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ); 7. Precious metal for removable appliances, metallic or permanent soft bases for complete dentures, porcelain denture teeth, precision abutments for removable partials or fixed partial dentures (overlays, implants, and appliances associated therewith) and personalization and characterization of complete and partial dentures; 8. Implant-supported dental appliances and attachments, implant placement, maintenance, removal and all other services associated with a dental implant; Benefits provided by a pediatric dentist are limited to children through age seven following an attempt by the assigned contract dentist to treat the child and upon authorization by Delta Dental, less applicable copayments. Exceptions for medical conditions, regardless of age limitation, will be considered on an individual basis; 9. Consultations for non-covered benefits; 10. Dental services received from any dental facility other than the assigned contract dentist, an authorized dental specialist, or a contract orthodontist except for emergency services as described in the contract and/or certificate of coverage; The cost to an enrollee receiving orthodontic treatment whose coverage is cancelled or terminated for any reason will be based on the contract orthodontist’s usual fee for the treatment plan. The contract orthodontist will prorate the amount for the number of months remaining to complete treatment. The enrollee makes payment directly to the contract orthodontist as arranged. 11. All related fees for admission, use, or stays in a hospital, out-patient surgery center, extended care facility, or other similar care facility; 12. Prescription drugs; 13. Dental expenses incurred in connection with any dental or orthodontic procedure started before the enrollee’s eligibility with the DeltaCare USA program. Examples include: teeth prepared for crowns, root canals in progress, full or partial dentures for which an impression has been taken and orthodontics; 14. Lost, stolen or broken orthodontic appliances; 15. Changes in orthodontic treatment necessitated by accident of any kind; 16. Myofunctional and parafunctional appliances and/or therapies; 17. Composite or ceramic brackets, lingual adaptation of orthodontic bands and other specialized or cosmetic alternatives to standard fixed and removable orthodontic appliances; 18. Treatment or appliances that are provided by a dentist whose practice specializes in prosthodontic services. (Plan available only in Florida) THIS IS ONLY A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE PLAN. The group dental service contract must be consulted to determine the exact terms and conditions of coverage. Benefits, limitations and exclusions may vary by state. An evidence of coverage booklet will be sent upon enrollment. 1. The frequency of certain Benefits is limited. All frequency limitations are listed in the Description of Benefits and Copayments; 2. If the enrollee accepts a treatment plan from the contract dentist that includes any combination of more than six crowns, bridge pontics and/or bridge retainers, the enrollee may be charged an additional $125.00 above the listed copayment for each of these services after the sixth unit has been provided; 3. 4. 5. General anesthesia and/or intravenous sedation/ analgesia is limited to treatment by a contract oral surgeon and in conjunction with an approved referral for the removal of one or more partial or full bony impactions, (Procedures D7230, D7240, D7241); Exclusions 1. Any procedure that is not specifically listed under the Description of Benefits and Copayments; 2. Any procedure that in the professional opinion of the contract dentist: a. has poor prognosis for a successful result and reasonable longevity based on the condition of the tooth or teeth and/or surrounding structures, or b. is inconsistent with generally accepted standards for dentistry; 3. 20 Services solely for cosmetic purposes, with the exception of procedure D9972, External bleaching, per arch, or for conditions that are a result of hereditary or developmental defects, such as cleft palate, upper and lower jaw malformations, congenitally missing teeth and teeth that are discolored or lacking enamel, except for the treatment of newborn children with congenital defects or birth abnormalities; DeltaCare USA Limitations and Exclusions — Plan M93 (Child-Only Plan) Limitations (Plan available only in Florida) 5. Prescription drugs; THIS IS ONLY A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE PLAN. The group dental service contract must be consulted to determine the exact terms and conditions of coverage. Benefits, limitations and exclusions may vary by state. An evidence of coverage booklet will be sent upon enrollment. 6. Restorations placed solely due to cosmetics, abrasions, attrition, erosion, restoring or altering vertical dimension, congenital or developmental malformation of teeth; 7. Appliances or restorations necessary to increase vertical dimension, replace or stabilize tooth structure loss by attrition, realignment of teeth, periodontal splinting, gnathologic recordings, equilibration or treatment of disturbances of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ); 8. Extraction of teeth, when teeth are asymptomatic/ non-pathologic (no signs or symptoms of pathology or infection), including but not limited to the removal of third molars and orthodontic extractions; 9. Treatment or extraction of primary teeth when exfoliation (normal shedding and loss) is imminent; 10. Any procedure that in the professional opinion of the contract dentist: a) has poor prognosis for a successful result and reasonable longevity based on the condition of the tooth or teeth and/or surrounding structures, or b) is inconsistent with generally accepted standards for dentistry; 11. Dental services received from any dental facility other than the assigned contract dentist or authorized pediatric dentist except for emergency services as described in the contract and/or certificate of coverage; 12. Dental expenses incurred in connection with any dental or orthodontic procedure started before the enrollee’s eligibility with the DeltaCare USA program; 13. Lost, stolen or broken orthodontic appliances; 14. Changes in orthodontic treatment necessitated by accident of any kind; 15. Myofunctional and parafunctional appliances and/or therapies; 16. Composite or ceramic brackets, lingual adaptation of orthodontic bands and other specialized or cosmetic alternatives to standard fixed and removable orthodontic appliances. 1. The frequency of certain Benefits is limited. All frequency limitations are listed in the Description of Benefits and Copayments; 2. Benefits for sealants include the application of sealants only to the permanent first and second molars with no decay, with no restorations and with the occlusal surface intact and do not include the repair or replacement of a sealant on any tooth within three years of its application; 3. Amalgams and composites are benefits for the removal of decay, for minor repairs of tooth structure or to replace a lost or failing restoration. 4. A therapeutic pulpotomy on a permanent tooth is limited to palliative treatment when the contract dentist is not performing root canal therapy; 5. Benefits provided by a pediatric dentist are limited to children through age seven following an attempt by the assigned contract dentist to treat the child and upon authorization by Delta Dental, less applicable copayments. Exceptions for medical conditions, regardless of age limitation, will be considered on an individual basis; 6. The cost to an enrollee receiving orthodontic treatment whose coverage is cancelled or terminated for any reason will be based on the contract orthodontist’s usual fee for the treatment plan. The contract orthodontist will prorate the amount for the number of months remaining to complete treatment. The enrollee makes payment directly to the contract orthodontist as arranged. Exclusions 1. Any procedure that is not specifically listed under the Description of Benefits and Copayments; 2. All related fees for admission, use, or stays in a hospital, out-patient surgery center, extended care facility, or other similar care facility; 3. Dental expenses incurred in connection with any dental procedures started after terminations of eligibility for coverage; 4. Congenital malformations (e.g. congenitally missing teeth, supernumeray teeth, enamel and dentinal dysplasias, etc.), except for the treatment of newborn children with congenital defects or birth abnormalities; 21 DeltaCare USA Eligible/Ineligible Industries Eligible Industries All except for those identified as ineligible below. Ineligible Industries Employment agencies/Employee leasing firms Amusement, Recreation & Entertainment Dentist Offices Dental Labs Legal Educational Services/Schools/Libraries Community Service Organizations Associations, Membership Organizations and Trusts 22 SIC Code 7361 - 7363 7900 - 7999 8021 8072 8100 - 8199 8200 - 8299 8300 - 8499 8600 - 8699 We Keep You Smiling® Why do 54 million enrollees trust their smiles to Delta Dental?1 Most of our enrollees stay with us year after year2, and it’s no wonder. Delta Dental sets the industry standard by doing whatever it takes and then some. We deliver: More savings. The Delta Dental Difference® saves clients and enrollees billions of dollars a year.3 Because Delta Dental dentists agree to our determination of fees, clients enjoy extensive cost controls, and enrollees pay less out-of-pocket. More dentists. Three out of four dentists nationwide are contracted Delta Dental dentists, giving enrollees convenient access and quality assurance through the nation’s largest dentist network. More satisfaction. Clients and enrollees rate Delta Dental more favorably on reputation, value, quality of care and customer service than any other brand.4 We deliver an exceptional customer experience with our fast and accurate claims processing, ease of use and administration, and personalized service. 1 Delta Dental of California, Delta Dental of Pennsylvania and Delta Dental Insurance Company, together with our affiliate companies and Delta Dental of New York, form one of the nation’s largest dental benefits delivery systems, covering 24 million enrollees. All of our companies are members, or affiliates of members, of the Delta Dental Plans Association, a network of 39 Delta Dental companies that together provide dental coverage to more than 54 million people in the U.S. 2 Delta Dental retained 97 percent of our enrollees in 2008. 3 Savings due to reduction of premiums or claims liability and patient out-of-pocket costs, as reported by the Delta Dental Plans Association. 4 Based on a nationwide survey “Brand Awareness and Perception Survey” by The Long Group for Delta Dental Plans Association (2008). 23 Delta Dental’s Mission Statement To advance dental health and access through exceptional dental benefits service, technology and professional support. 24 Call your broker, participating general agent or one of these Delta Dental sales offices: Main Office and Regional Sales Office Delta Dental Insurance Company (Alabama, Georgia) 1130 Sanctuary Parkway, Suite 600 Alpharetta, GA 30022 888-858-5252 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Sales Office (Texas, Louisiana) Delta Dental Insurance Company 700 Parker Square, Suite 150 Flower Mound, TX 75028 800-775-0523 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Sales Office (Nevada) Delta Dental Insurance Company 5920 South Rainbow, Suite 10 Las Vegas, NV 89118 800-791-5653 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Sales Office (Utah) Delta Dental Insurance Company 257 East 200 South, Suite 375 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 800-453-5577 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Sales Office (Florida) Delta Dental Insurance Company 258 Southhall Lane, Suite 350 Maitland, FL 32751 800-662-9034 E-mail: [email protected] Visit Delta Dental’s web site at Delta Dental PPO is underwritten by Delta Dental Insurance Company in AL, DC, FL, GA, LA, NV and UT. In Texas, Delta Dental provides a Dental Provider Organization (DPO) plan. Product administration DeltaCare USA is underwritten in these states by these entities: AL — Alpha Dental of Alabama, Inc.; AZ — Alpha Dental of Arizona, Inc.; CA — Delta Dental of California; AR, CO, IA, ME, MI, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, WA, WI, WY — Dentegra Insurance Company; NH and VT — Dentegra Insurance Company of New England; AK, CT, DE, FL, GA, KS, LA, MS, MT, TN, WV and Washington, D.C. — Delta Dental Insurance Company; HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, MD, MO, NJ, OH, TX — Alpha Dental Programs, Inc.; NV — Alpha Dental of Nevada, Inc.; UT — Alpha Dental of Utah, Inc.; NM — Alpha Dental of New Mexico, Inc.; NY — Delta Dental of New York; PA — Delta Dental of Pennsylvania. Delta Dental Insurance Company acts as the DeltaCare USA administrator in all these states, except CA. These companies are financially responsible for their own products. © Delta Dental Insurance Company E DDIC #57131 (rev. 12/09)
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