Club of Salisbury (SA) Inc WEEKLY BULLETIN RI President 2014 2015 Gary C.K. Huang District Governor 2014 - 2015 RI District 9500 John Campbell Assistant Governor Group 4 Elizabeth Adamson President Rick Henke President Elect Graham Purbrick Immediate Past President Colin Willington Secretary Keith Stuart Vice President Chris McDonald Membership & Service Director Christopher Moore Public Officer & Foundation Director Roger Dennis Club Administration Meeting 2577– 2nd March 2015 MARCH IS LITERACY MONTH Highlight successful literacy projects in your district or increase awareness of the area's literacy needs. World Rotaract Week 13 March Who was there celebrating the sponsors and supporters of our Australia Day Picnic - well, unfortunately we received no positive RSVPs from any of our ADay sponsors which reflects on their valuable contribution to our big day but shows they are sponsors that do not need public recognition for their support. So we thank them in absentia and hope to involve them again next year. But we did have some visitors who came along to share with us the joys and successes of ADay and they were Toni Anne Smallman with Andrew, Robert and Tamika, Jeff & Julie Stanley, Rick Taylor, Betty Goodall and 6 Rotaractors, all workers recognised for their efforts. In addition as visitors Alun Hughes, Paul Valente (Kidman Park RC), Alison, Mary, Chris and Gloria with 19 Rotarians made a full house for the evening. Club Announcements: PE Graham Purbrick reported that the Clean-Up- Australia Day team of Dennis, Christopher and Kerrie, Norm and Gabi (with Sophie), Roger and Graham managed the usual stint along the Little Para River but were agreeably surprised that the rubbish accumulated seemed to less than past years. Mary turned up at midday with a ‘Subway’ lunch for us all and Dennis provided the means by which we could toast March 1st as St David’s Day. (We accepted Rick’s excuse for not appearing on Sunday morning.) Graham also reported on the fun and games of the Quiz Night for Asher’s Congo Grace Charity and declared that the Rotary Table might have won the night had they been a bit cleverer. PP Colin Willington urged any member who requires a new Rotary shirt to contact Ellinor and place an order asap and reminded members of the 5th Monday in March visit to Ellinor’s Business in the Parafield Business area, including food! The next Northern Business Breakfast on March 23rd will have as guest speaker Tod Miller, an entrepreneur who has built up an amazing export business. NBB will be at The Club, Parafield Gardens Community Club. President Rick reminded our members of the Club’s involvement in the next Midnight Basketball Event on Saturday 21st March – a couple more helpers required with the catering. A roster sheet was circulated. Rotaractor Damien gave a good summary of Midnight Basketball for the uninitiated. The Group 4 Combined Meeting on 20th April will be available to book on-line. Former Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Stephen Yarwood, will be the guest speaker. Rick gave a brief report of the recent Board Meeting including the impending up-grade of the Club’s Web-site, the need to recruit some more Thursday helpers for Allsorts and the planned public schools Debating Contest between the 8 local High Schools into which $1000 has been given from the President’s Discretionary Fund. There will be some security aspectsS for the Club’s money/cash movements to be advised and Roger will now do the weekly banking. Rick gave some media feedback on ADay including 21000 Facebook and Twitter hits, Channel 9 News coverage, newspaper and Salisbury Aware exposure – all good! The remainder of the evening was taken up with table group responses to some questions that Rick had developed asking for ideas towards the next ADay – as a result there are now some ideas for the next ADay committee to consider. Chris Marks – President of Rotaract provided a brief summary of the progress and activities of their Club which indicates the Club is up and running very well with new ideas, directions and recruits. CONTACT PO Box 931 Salisbury SA 5108 Meet Mondays (except public holidays) 6.00pm for 6.30pm Old Spot Hotel Main North Rd Salisbury Heights Formed: 13th June 1963 Chartered: 4th November 1963 THEME FOR 2014/2015 CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LIGHT UP ROTARY VIDEO Officer District 9500 Conference Rosaline Braima Public Image Director All the Australia Day photos were on display showing us all the things we didn’t see while we worked! Colin Willington Treasurer Anthea Walker Bulletin is produced after each meeting. Due date for bulletin inclusions: 6.30pm on the night of the meeting (emailed to [email protected] preferred or clear concise handwritten information on the night). Edmond won the Charlesworth Nuts Raffle (it pays to be a little late, sometimes) and Richard P won the H & T. “Light up Lincoln” Port Lincoln 26th – 29th March 2015 Details: Click Here WHAT’S COMING UP IN CLUB MEETINGS? Apologies, Make-ups and Guests to Peter Salamon, PLEASE WHO HAS A REASON TO CELEBRATE IN MARCH? BIRTHDAYS 6th Nyiel Jok 16th Ron Hann 23th Barbara Willington Chair 16/3/2015 #2578 Team Meeting 6.00pm for 6:30pm 23/3/2015 #2579 Club Forum 6.00pm for 6:30pm N/R President Rick Speaker Topic Furniture Colin Willington Roger Attendance Desk Meal and visit to ‘Uniforms Plus’ Business premises of Rotarian Ellinor Caruso. Lawrence Hargrave Way, Parafield INDUCTIONS Peter Salamon 1/03/1995 13/4/2015 #2581 Team Meeting 6.00pm for 6:30pm Team Meeting ANNIVERSARIES 4th 1972 Keith & Alison 26th Celian Kidega and Chance 30/3/2015 #2580 (5th Monday) Off-site 6.00pm for 6.30pm Eric & Gabby Eric & Gabby George Gabarretta George Gabarretta Norm Waldowski 5/03/2012 Sergeant Team leaders Community Graham International Christopher & Rosaline Moore ALLSORTS ROSTER Thursday Sales 05/3/2015 12/3/2015 19/3/2015 Roger, Gloria & John Graham, Mary, Jeff & Julie Keith, Dennis with Rosaline & Annie 07/3/2015 14/3/2015 21/3/2015 28/3/2015 Ron, Julie W, Asha/Amel Colin, Barbara & Kaye Norm, George & Betty G Richard, Cathy & Donna Youth Services Rick Vocational Ron / Colin Aust Day Chris MacDonald Saturday Sales 26/3/2015 The Rotary Foundation is now accepting applications for the Rotary Peace Fellowship Over the past 11 years, The Rotary Foundation has provided nearly 900 future peace leaders with peace and conflict resolution education at Rotary Peace Centers around the world. Each year up to 100 fellows are selected to receive full funding to earn either a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies or a master’s degree in a range of disciplines related to peace and security at one of our 7 partnering universities. Each Rotary Peace Center offers a unique curriculum and field-based learning opportunities that examine peace and conflict theory through various frameworks. Visit the Rotary Peace Centers website for more information: 2016-17 academic term deadline is 31 May 2015. OTHER STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT If you would like an event included in this schedule, advise [email protected] When EVERY Thursday & Saturday 9am until 5pm Fourth Wednesday each month, 7.00am—8.45am Additional Information Event Where Container of Hope Donations in Kind, off Taranaki Rd, Edinburgh Parks Business Breakfast Grand Central 0r The Club at Parafield Gardens Any help will be appreciated. Free BBQ for all those that come to help, or visit $15 for a cooked breakfast Contact Who should attend? Sharka on 0400 695 090 or SHARKATAX@bigp Everyone and anyone Bookings and info Click here Everyone and anyone MARCH Sunday 1st Clean Up Australia Day 9.30am Old Sport Carpark Wednesday 4th International Women’s Day Breakfast National Wine Centre Saturday 21st Midnight Basketball Catering 26th to 29th District 9500 Conference Tuesday 31st RYDA Port Lincoln Twelve/25 Work then lunch Rick 6 People Graham Still available places and beds Roger help required Salisbury Institute APRIL Monday 20th Group 4 Combined meeting Old Spot Hotel MAY Monday 11th In-House Partners’ Tea At the home of Kerrie Moore Apologies to Mary Monday 25th Vocational Achievement meeting OSH Voc. C’tee All members PRESIDENT’S SPOT Bulletin Editor Donna Holloway Phone: 0457 861 794 [email protected] Roger Dennis – sub-ed. Catering, Make-ups, Apologies, Guests Peter Salamon Phone: 8287 0532 by midday Sunday for catering purposes Business Breakfast Colin Willington [email protected] Australia Day Thank you. Hopefully every one enjoyed our Australia Day thank you evening. The wine and drinks were compliments of the club. The feedback forms will be collated and the results put in a future bulletin. Images from Australia day are available via our website at but we have included a few in this month’s bulletin. Clean Up Australia. Thanks to Graham and Mary for the support and everyone who helped out on the day (especially Sophie!) Northern Business Breakfast March Breakfast will see Todd Martin, a true export genius speak. For the first time we will also see the Connector expand and also a optional post breakfast workshop on “Linkedin” AllSorts [email protected] Details and bookings at BBQ Trailer Richard Pailthorpe Phone: 0409 093 360 [email protected] Group 4 event. Please, Please, Please make sure that Monday April 20th is marked in your diary for this huge event. I am hoping that all members, partners, honorary members, Rotaractor’s and friends will join us on this very important event. Booking details out shortly. Public Officer Roger Dennis Phone: 0403 313 927 Web Master Damien Walker [email protected] Programs Peter Salamon Phone: 8287 0532 Attendance recording Gabby Jones Meeting cashier Norm Waldowski Bank account details BSB 035-047 a/c 384347 Volunteer effort. I think the Rotary Club of Salisbury is really kicking some big goals at the moment – but it is very reliant on volunteer effort. Many people are donating their time at (or beyond) their ideal amount. Thank you to everyone who is making a difference – whether it be with Container of Hope project, Bunnings BBQs, Allsorts, the Business Breakfast or administration roles (program officer, bulletin editor, webmaster, board members, allsorts committee, etc) and project delivery. You are all valuable and you are helping make our community a better place. If anyone knows of a person who would be willing to work at Allsorts on Thursdays (every couple of weeks) we are keen to recruit a few extra friends of Rotary particularly to assist in this role. Skills needed include – able to work the cash register and eftpos (after some training) and have good customer service attitude, good ability to move around and stock shelves or general tidy up / dust, ability to embrace the principals of Rotary. Yours in Rotary Service Rick Henke President 2014 / 2015 Rotary Club of Salisbury (SA) ROTARY CLUB OF SALISBURY WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE PLUSH GROUP AS THE VENUE FOR OUR MEETINGS ~ Friendly Staff ~ ~ Great Atmosphere ~ ~ Modern gaming lounge ~ ~ Meals and functions ~ Phone 82582096 or ADDITIONAL CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS Christopher Moore International minute: WORK TEAM: Rotary Club of Salisbury, through PP Piotr Salamon, is looking for expressions of interest from Club members & friends interested in undertaking a work project to Vanuatu this Rotary year. Thanks Piotr. CONTAINER OF HOPE <>GIVING Pickups: Truck of clothes 5 carloads of uniforms/clothes/household 2 Trailer loads of household goods Thanks: Sharka, Celian, Piotr, Shane & Gabby 2/3/15 MEMBERSHIP MINUTE: Christopher Moore 0413279753 [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> FOUR WAY TEST - of the things we think, say or do. Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all Concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? ROTARY ON THE MOVE Please click HERE to view - download the “Rotary On The Move” Newsletter for March 2015. Service Minute: SERVICE THRU FELLOWSHIP Christopher Moore: 0413279753 [email protected] OUR PURPOSE Service thru Fellowship & SAS: Service Above Self: OBJECT OF ROTARY The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. ARTICLE IN DISTRICT NEWSLETTER: REVIEW YOUR SERVICE PROJECTS AT OUR NEXT TEAM MEETING Are they inspiring and enjoyable for everyone involved? Does your club have an exciting signature service project that all members are involved in? Does your club invite non‐members (friends, family, colleagues, Rotary alumni, Rotaractors, and other community members) to participate in your service projects and learn more about your club? Do your service projects address a current need in your community, as well as suit the interests of your members? Do your club members meet the people that benefit from their service?
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