TOWN OF ALTONA Committee of the Whole Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, March 24th, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Present were: Mayor Melvin Klassen, Deputy Mayor Glen Robinson, Councillors: Donna Rosling-Wolters, Tim Fast, Terry Wiebe, Ann Kroeker and Al Friesen. Administration: CAO Dan Gagné, Manager of Finance Terry Fehr, Public Works Supervisor Steven Wiebe, Recreation Services Manager Ron Epp and Assistant CAO Delores Loewen. Regrets: Youth Representative Graham Schellenberg. 1. Call to order – Mayor Melvin Klassen called the meeting to order at the appointed time. 2. Review of the agenda 6.4 Addition to Morris MOU, Emerson-Franklin Municipality MOU 11.1 Correspondence from Ryan Penner 12. In Camera Terry Wiebe – Glen Robinson – moved to approve the agenda as circulated with the above noted additions. CARRIED. 3. Review of previous minutes 3.1 Minutes of March 10th, 2015 Terry Wiebe and Ann Kroeker – moved to approve the March 10th, 2015 minutes as circulated. CARRIED. 4. Business arising from the minutes – none. 5. Delegations – none. Page 1 of 9 6. CAO Report CAO Dan Gagné reported on the Reeves, Mayors, & CAOs meeting held on March 16th, 2015. At the meeting AMM reported that the Municipal Trading Company of Manitoba (MTCML) has rebated over $8 million to municipal members over the last 13 years and they expect this trend to grow. Two new directors will be elected for the AMM Central District at the annual district meeting in June hosted by the RM of Lorne. New provincial project regulations are in place, you must be COR certified. There is talk that all municipalities will eventually need to attain and maintain COR certification. Municipal insurance rates on facilities are expected to increase on average by 5%. There were some changes being made to the provincial infrastructure programs. The population thresholds are expected to be adjusted so that all municipalities are able to easily access additional funds. With the new recycling strategy, the province is expected to bring in new regulations that may force the re-classification of waste disposal sites. MPI has announced rate increases for Fire Departments responding to motor vehicle accidents. The rate has increased from $771 for a basic claim to $1,028 for complex claims. The Emergency Services College is resuming their building inspections course in September 2015. It is expected that in the near future all building inspectors will require certification to perform their duties on behalf of the municipality. AMM is working on a subdivision review technical advisory committee that is trying to streamline the subdivision approval process for all parties (province, municipalities and applicants). AMM continues to lobby the province to provide training and/or pay for training costs related to the newly announced by-law enforcement act. Lobbying efforts are also being focused on pushing for reform of the nation’s policing policy as policing costs continue to rise at an unsustainable level. There are also ongoing discussions about the costs and impacts to local police services for the requirement of police escorts under the Mental Health Act. AMM continues to have conversations with Conservation about its changes to the Dutch Elm Disease Program. The Community Places Program distributed $2.5 million in 2014/15 but no major changes in funding are expected moving forward. Manitoba Hydro has offered a Recreation Page 2 of 9 Centre Pilot Program providing incentives for the adoption and/or conversion to energy efficient equipment in public facilities. Joe Masi, Executive Director, facilitated an open discussion on AMM’s provincial election strategy. A Probe Research survey of approximately 1,500 Manitobans (500 from Winnipeg, 1,000 from outside Winnipeg) concluded that the key messages for the next election should be: • Infrastructure is the most important issue (31%) with crime and public safety coming in a distant second place at 13%; • Municipalities need to spend more on infrastructure (56%); • Infrastructure spending is an economic benefit to local communities (53%); • Municipal governments are in the best position to make decisions about infrastructure spending; • PST revenue should flow directly to municipalities (69%); • If tax increases are necessary, most people surveyed supported the idea of dedicating tax increases for specific purposes, such as infrastructure spending. A meeting was held between Diamond Municipal Solutions and Administration to assess the Town’s needs from the new accounting system. Administration is currently reviewing the final contract. The meeting between Bunge and the Town negotiating committee to review the Industrial Service Agreement is scheduled for March 31st, 2015. We have received another noise complaint regarding train noise during the night. In speaking with Fred at Bunge, CP is changing their schedule and will be returning to Winnipeg every day and is optimistic that this would resolve the train issues moving forward. CAO Dan Gagné recently met with Sun Valley Co-op CEO Brad Iverson to discuss details of a new grant program that Co-op is launching. The Co-op Community Spaces program is dedicating $1 million annually to fund up to 40 projects across Western Canada. Ron Epp noted that he will be working with the Elks to apply for a grant for their fundraising project for new children’s play equipment for in the MEC. Committee members Page 3 of 9 recommended to include the Mini Stick Hockey rink into the grant application. The 2015 MOS was held in Winnipeg and featured some interesting breakout sessions. Councillors: Terry Wiebe, Glen Robinson, Ann Kroeker and Al Friesen attended the conference. The Town of Altona has received the 2014 Annual Compliance Audit from the Office of Drinking Water. There were no incidences of noncompliance reported. There will be a resolution put forth at tonight’s Council meeting regarding the unsightly property at #123 1st Street SW setting the deadline to vacate the property by no later than May 7th, 2015. 6.2 Red River Basin – Threatened Infrastructure Conference Councillor Tim Fast will be attending. 6.3 Reassessment Impact Presentation for 2016 Manitoba Municipal Government Assessment Services will be providing Council with a presentation on the impact of the 2016 Reassessment on May 26th, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. 6.4 Requests from the RM of Morris and the Municipality of Emerson/Franklin – Mutual Aide Memorandum of Understanding CAO Dan Gagné reviewed requests from the RM of Morris and the Municipality of Emerson-Franklin regarding a Mutual Aide Memorandum of Understanding. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Ann Kroeker moved to approve the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Altona sign Memorandums of Understanding with the RM of Morris and the Municipality of Emerson/Franklin. CARRIED. Page 4 of 9 6.5 Annexation of Bunge Rail Line approval CAO Dan Gagné reported that the annexation application has been approved and the amendment to the Municipal Status and Boundaries regulation was registered as of February 13, 2015. Both the Municipality of Rhineland and Bunge Canada were notified. 7. Works & Operations – Chaired by Glen Robinson 7.1 Fire Chief Report - no report. 7.2 Public Works – no report. Public Works Supervisor Steven Wiebe reported that with the Pembina Valley Water Co-op (PVWC) servicing their plant in Letellier, some concerns have come to light. The Town did not receive sufficient notice of a prolonged shut-down. The Town’s reservoirs were at risk of falling to problematic levels but water began flowing into the reservoir this afternoon and normal levels should be restored soon. Steven has been in touch with the staff at the PVWC indicating that the next time they plan to service the Letellier station the Town requests that we be given fair warning as we may need to advise Bunge to be prepared to lower their usage during that time frame. 8. Community & Social Development – Chaired by Ann Kroeker 8.1 Recreation Service – monthly report. Recreation Services Manager Ron Epp reviewed the monthly report. The ice is out of the Sunflower Gardens, staff members are now busy repairing, refreshing, and re-painting the MEC. Gallery staff has been hired: Brenda Friesen, Imy Rempel and Bethany Gerbrandt. Ron recently met with the SEVEC students, their 2015 project is to paint a mural on one of the walls of the Field House at the Nature Park. 8.2 Aquatic Centre Pool rate comparison Recreation Services Manager reviewed the 2015 proposed pool rates. 2015 proposed rates are staying the same other than an increase to the Bronze from $130 to $135 and camping fee rates from $22 to $24. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Glen Robinson – moved to recommend the approval of the new 2015 Aquatic Centre and camping rates as reviewed and recommended by Committee of the Whole. CARRIED. Page 5 of 9 Ron Epp requested that the new camping rates be presented at tonight’s Council meeting as campsite bookings will begin shortly. 9. Finance & Administration – Chaired by Tim Fast 9.1 Planning 9.1.1 Planning Items – monthly report CAO Dan Gagné reviewed the Development and Planning report. 9.1.2 Public Hearing – RPGA – Rezoning for Altona CAO Dan Gagné noted that the hearing for an Altona rezoning application that has been forwarded to the RPGA will be held on Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. here in Altona. 9.2 Finance & Administration 9.2.1 Cheque listing - #047976 - #48045 - $283,993.23 Committee members reviewed the cheque listing. RECOMMENDAITON: Glen Robinson – Ann Kroeker – moved to recommend the approval of cheques #047976-#048045 in the amount of $283,993.23. CARRIED. 9.2.2 Payroll & Indemnities March 1st – March 14th $76,535.45 RECOMMENDATION: Donna Rosling-Wolters – Terry Wiebe – moved to recommend the approval of Payroll & Indemnities for March 1st – March 14th, 2015 in the amount of $76,535.45. CARRIED. 9.2.3 Approval of the 2015 Budget Finance Officer Terry Fehr reviewed the 2015 proposed budget noting a slight change from prior drafts. The Altona Police Service’s operating expenditures were slightly understated. An additional amount of $12,000 was approved by the Altona Police Board but was not carried forward onto the Town of Altona overall budget. Administration has adjusted the Added Taxes and Return on Investment revenue item amounts to offset the increase to the Altona Police Service budget. Page 6 of 9 RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Melvin Klassen – moved to recommend that the 2015 Financial Plan be approved with the above noted amendments as reviewed and recommended by Committee of the Whole. CARRIED. 9.2.4 Bylaw 1740/2015 - 2015 Imposition of Taxes RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Melvin Klassen – moved to recommend to approve Bylaw 1740/2015 the 2015 Imposition of Taxes be given first reading as reviewed and recommended by Committee of the Whole. CARRIED. 9.2.5 Donation request – Police & Peace Officers Memorial Ribbon Society Committee members agreed to donate the same amount as last year. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Ann Kroeker– moved to recommend the following resolution; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Altona approve a $300.00 grant to the Police & Peace Officers Memorial Ribbon Fund as reviewed and recommended by Committee of the Whole. CARRIED. 9.2.6 Altona & District Chamber of Commerce annual grant request Committee members reviewed the Chambers 2014 financial statement and request for 2015 funding. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Glen Robinson – moved to recommend following resolution that the Town of Altona approve the annual grant to the Altona & District Chamber of Commerce of $41,000; AND THAT the 2015 grant also include free rent for the office space. CARRIED. 10. New Business – Chaired by Mel Klassen 10.1 AMM – Municipalities and First Nations join forces For information only. 10.2 AMM – Manitoba Conservation & Water Stewardship For information only. Page 7 of 9 10.3 10.4 MPIC – Increase in Fire Fighting payments by MPI For information only. CRA – Sunbelt Group - GST For information only. 11. Correspondence 11.1 Ryan Penner – Correspondence For information only. 11.2 Friesens Corporation - new printing press Mayor Melvin Klassen noted that Friesens CEO Curwin Friesen has invited Council to the unveiling of their new press which is being held on June 16, 2015. 12. In Camera Motion: Tim Fast – Glen Robinson – moved that this meeting convenes to In-Camera at 4:35 p.m. CARRIED. Motion: Tim Fast – Glen Robinson – moved that this meeting reconvenes from In-Camera at 4:50 p.m. CARRIED. RECOMMENDATION: Terry Wiebe – Tim Fast – moved to recommend the following resolution; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Altona grant the Altona Curling Club $200 in recognition of the Junior Girls’ team winning the Provincial U18 Championship. CARREID. RECOMMENDATION: Glen Robinson – Al Friesen – moved to recommend the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Altona purchase 2 tickets at $200.00 each to attend the Junior Achievement 2015 Manitoba Business Hall of Fame Gala. CARRIED. Page 8 of 9 13. Adjournment MOTION: Donna Rosling-Wolters – Glen Robinson moved to adjourn at 5:05 p.m. CARRIED. Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Page 9 of 9
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