Attachment 3: Information for Svalbard student hostels Samskipnaden wishes to welcome you as a UNIS student and tenant at our student hostels. We are convinced that your stay on Svalbard will be one of the bright spots of your education. Office hours. Our office is situated at UNIS on the ground floor next to the cafeteria. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 09:00 pm to 11.30 am. Telephone no. +47 79 02 33 25 (9 to 11.30 am) Cell phone +47 952 94 323 (9 am to 2.45 pm) E-mail: [email protected] Web: Emergency situations. NOKAS SECURITY after opening hours and weekends: +47 975 30 006. Nybyen. Barrack 4, 9, 10, 11 and 13 are used for long term residents. 5-7 rooms share kitchen/TV-room, and 2 rooms share bathroom. Barrack 3 is mainly used for short term residents, where 12 persons share kitchen/TV-room and 3-4 persons share bathroom. The rooms are furnished and equipped with pillow and duvet, bring your own linen. Sjøskrenten The hostel is used for short term residents and is close to UNIS. It contains 88 single rooms – 24 with shared bathrooms and 64 with private bathrooms. The rooms are furnished and equipped with pillow and duvet, bring your own linen. Fully equipped common kitchens are shared by 28 – 30 residents. Moving in. Check-in time is 3 pm. The door to your room will be open on your arrival day. You will find the key inside your room. Norwegian law states that parts (the bolt) of the weapon and all ammunition must be kept in the safe. A fee of NOK. 800, - will be charged for losing safe keys, NOK 500,-. for losing room key. To receive your mail, you must register your address at the post office. Address: Your name, Postbox 394, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway. You will find your mail at the reception at UNIS. Moving out. Check out time: 11:00 am. Please leave the keys inside your room at your departure. Tenants shall clean and remove all their belongings at departure date. Samskipnaden takes no responsibility for items left behind. Such items will be removed at the tenant’s costs. Remember to change your address when you move out from the hostel. Cleaning. Tenants are responsible for cleaning their own room, bathroom, common kitchen, laundry room and storage room. Should this not be the case, Samskipnaden will have this done at the tenant’s expense (Min. NOK. 500,-). Cleaning of corridors, stairs and entrance hall is performed by Samskipnaden twice a week. Rent. The rent should be paid by the 15th of each month. If you move in after the 1st you will get the invoice the next month. Log in to My page to find your invoice. You may pay online or at the post office (Norwegian card or money only). If you wish to pay your rent via AvtaleGiro/eFaktura, you can arrange this via your own Norwegian online bank. As a tenant, it is your responsibility to obtain your invoice and ensure you pay it on time. Garbage. The tenants are obliged to be acquainted with the garbage system and the garbage disposal unit. Please read the information in the kitchen. Fire instructions. Stairways, corridors and all accommodations units are equipped with smoke or heat detectors. A fire hose is mounted in the corridor on each floor in Nybyen. In Sjøskrenten there is a sprinkler system. The tenant must be familiar with, and observe the building’s fire instructions. The tenant may be held liable for expenses incurred by the landlord if an emergency call or fire-brigade turnout is caused by negligent behavior on the part of the tenant. Removal or damage to the fire alarm system entails liability, and may in severe cases lead to termination of the lease. Escape routes and storage rooms shall at all times be free of objects. Do not store equipment or dry clothing in the hallway. Never put clothing or shoes on the heater to dry. Always turn off the TV-set manually. The stand by position is not allowed when no one is present, as this is known to have caused fires. It is not allowed to smoke inside; you will find an ashtray outside every barrack in Nybyen. Outside ashtray at Sjøskrenten is mounted on the outside store room building. It is forbidden to store gasoline or any inflammable liquids indoors; this should be kept in the container outside barrack 13 in Nybyen, and in container outside the Sjøskrenten building. Candles may be used in the shared kitchen/TV-room areas only. Please note that only candleholders made of glass, ceramics and metal (that give support for the candles) are allowed. NO BOTTLES, since they fall over easily. Visitor/sublease. Tenants can rent a room in the hostels as long as there are available rooms. NOK 160, - per day. Sublease or admission of other people into the household is not allowed. Various Practical information Electricity and use of washing machines and tumblers are included in the rent. Bulbs/tubes at the hostels will be replaced by Samskipnaden. Always make sure that you place your footwear on the shelves in the entrance area. Snow mobiles must be parked at least 10 meters from the student hostels. Skies and bicycles are not to be kept indoors other than the storage rooms. Sjøskrenten has a separate storage building on the premises. Skies, bicycles and other equipment which are found in the entrance or hallway will be removed immediately at the tenant’s expense. Slaughter meat is not allowed kept indoors. Pets are not allowed in the housing or in the surrounding of the houses. Do not disturb your neighbors unnecessary when listening to stereo, TV, music instruments etc. It should be quiet at 11 pm Monday-Friday and by midnight during weekends. Pipes can freeze when it`s cold, never turn off the radiators. The tenant must compensate for damage that is caused by him/her. The tenant is obliged to report to Samskipnaden immediately about any damage that must be repaired without delay. Report defects at “my page” at For internet problems, please contact [email protected] Unlocking room doors by Unis, fee is presently NOK 1.400 invoiced by Samskipnaden
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