Orientation for New Team Members Checklists and Assessments Resource Booklet Volunteers and Students 2015 Copyright 2015 BaptistCare- NSW & ACT ABN 90 000 049 525 Published in Australia by BaptistCare for the sole use of its employees. Members of the public are not to place any reliance on this document and it is not intended for use outside of BaptistCare. Information contained in this document is the confidential information of BaptistCare Learning & Development, Norwest, NSW. Overview This Checklists and Assessments Resource Booklet is intended to guide your learning throughout the sessions and your practical experiences. It will ensure that you have the necessary information, resources and support from your Manager/Team Leader to effectively do your new role. Use these checklists and assessments to reinforce what you have learnt, identify any gaps and to discuss with your Manager/Team Leader additional information, resources or experiences you might need. Objectives This Checklists and Assessments Resource Booklet will enable you to: Reinforce the learning during Orientation for New Team Members sessions Guide your learning on the job with your buddy and Manager/Team Leader Identify any gaps in knowledge or information to discuss with your Manager/Team Leader Use these checklists and assessments as evidence for your probationary performance review, necessary to confirm your appointment at BaptistCare after 6 months Sessions/Topics Using the Checklists and Assessments ................................................................................. 3 The Orientation Manual ......................................................................................................... 4 Orientation Checklist ............................................................................................................. 5 Manager/Team Leader Review ........................................................................................... 21 Page 2 of 21 Using the Checklists and Assessments To be completed within 2 months of commencement of service. Name: Location: Manager: Program: Sessions Sessions are tailored to your service and your site. These are generally conducted within the first few days of your employment by an experienced Manager and/or Educator. You are provided with Resource Booklets for each of these sessions. You can refer to them and take notes during the sessions and/or use them later as a reference when you are onthe-job. Checklists and assessments can be completed for these sessions during or immediately following the implementation of these sessions. Use the session Resource Booklets as a guide to complete the relevant checklists and assessments. Your Manager It is your Manager’s responsibility to ensure you complete your 2 month Orientation. Take the opportunity when completing these checklists and assessments to discuss any additional information, resources or support you might require during this time. Your Manager signs off (initials in the OK column) your responses to the questions and completed activities. This ensures they know you have received the appropriate support, that BaptistCare has fulfilled its commitment to you and that necessary standards for providing care to our clients are maintained. Completion of the Checklists and Assessments This Checklists and Assessments Resource Booklet must be completed within the first 2 months of your service with BaptistCare. This is a condition of your service experience as a volunteer/student. It is recommended that you find time with your Manager/Team Leader to discuss and signoff sessions and workplace experiences (buddying) as you progress, rather than leave it all to the end. That way, you can make sure you are on the right track and fill any gaps as you go. Orientation checklist Please complete the following table as you work your way through Orientation. Once completed, a copy of this Booklet will be kept on your personnel file. Both you and your Team Leader/Manager will be required to initial and date each section. In addition to reading through and discussing each session, you will be asked to complete an Orientation Checklist and Assessment Resource Booklet to demonstrate your understanding. The Resource Booklet can be used as a refresher for these assessments, and the completed booklet will be kept on your personnel file, along with this completed checklist. Page 3 of 21 Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessments/ The Orientation Manual Section 1. About BaptistCare 2. Our Client Focus 3. Communication 4. A Positive Work Environment 5. 6. Infection Prevention and Control Fire Safety 7. Security and Personal Safety 8. Work Health and Safety 9. Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics Team Member Initial & Date Team Leader/Manager Initial & Date What are the session checklists and assessments you need to complete? Page About BaptistCare 6 Our Client Focus 7 Communication 9 A Positive Work Environment 10 Infection Prevention and Control 11 Fire Safety 14 Security and Personal Safety 15 Work Health and Safety 16 Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics 17 Page 4 of 21 Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessments/ Orientation Checklist Orientation Checklist Local Orientation: Section 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. HR & WHS consultants 7. 8. Dress requirements/ protective apparel (if applicable) Safety & Security procedures 9. Sign on/off register 10. First aid process 11. Local work instructions 12. Call in sick procedure 13. Telephone use (log in and directories Computer log in and use 14. 17. Access Code and security tag if required Mobile phone/ laptop/ Car keys etc. provided Parking Areas 18. Stationery location 19. Hazard and incident forms Location Issued with a copy of Team Member Handbook 15. 16. 20. Team Member Initial & Date Team Leader/Manager Initial & Date Tour of site and overview of service Emergency Exits and fire safety Introduction to other workers How to access policies and procedures Explanation of role 4. Requirement 21. Page 5 of 21 Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessments/ About BaptistCare About BaptistCare Question OK 1. Identify at least 3 services provided by BaptistCare to clients. 2. Identify the following people in your service: (a) General Manager (b) Manager or Team Leader: (c) Volunteer Coordinator (if not local Manager) 3. What is Our Purpose and Our Promise at BaptistCare? 4. Choose at least 1 of the BaptistCare values. In which ways can you demonstrate this value at work? Page 6 of 21 Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessments/ Our Client Focus Our Client Focus Question OK 1. What does RESPECT stand for? How can you ensure person-centred care for your clients? R E S P E C T 2. What is considered confidential information? 3. Where can you find the BaptistCare policies and procedures in your workplace? 4. What are professional boundaries? 5. List 3 ways that professional boundaries can be compromised. Page 7 of 21 Resource Booklet Checklist and Assessment Our Client Focus Our Client Focus (cont.) Question OK 6. What should you do if a relative makes a complaint to you about your service or centre? 7. How can you prevent a complaint? 8. Why does BaptistCare have a CI approach? 9. Give 2 examples of how Continuous Improvement is monitored at BaptistCare. Page 8 of 21 Resource Booklet Checklist and Assessment Communication Communication Question OK 1. What % of your message is communicated by: a) What your say (verbal), b) How you say it (voice), c) Your body language (non-verbal) a) b) c) 2. Give 3 examples of communication barriers that can occur in your workplace? 3. How do you actively listen? 4. List 3 tips for effective communication 5. What is your role in Mandatory Reporting (Residential Services Only)? Page 9 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessments A Positive Workplace A Positive Workplace OK Question 1. What are different types of harassment that can occur in the workplace? 2. Identify 5 bullying behaviours. 3. How can you deal with bullying behaviours? 4. Where can you find BaptistCare formal grievance handling flow chart to deal with discrimination, harassment or bullying grievances? Page 10 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessments Infection Prevention and Control Infection Prevention and Control OK Question 1. What are 3 necessary requirements for infections to spread? 2. What are the main routes of transmission? 3. How can the spread of infection be prevented or reduced? 4. What precautions can you take to reduce your risk? List 3 examples 5. Give 3 examples when you should wash your hands? Page 11 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Infection Prevention and Control Name of Employee being assessed: Location of Assessment: Assessor’s name: Assessor’s position: Hand Wash Skill is Satisfactory Date of assessment: ____________________________ Planning Yes No Alcohol Based Gel Skill is Satisfactory Yes No 1. Warm running water n/a n/a 2. Paper hand towel n/a n/a 3. Bin to dispose of towel n/a n/a 4. Identifies appropriate cleaning agent 5. Finger nails short 6. No artificial nails 7. Jewellery removed with the exception of one plain ring Yes No Implementation Yes No 8. Turn on taps n/a n/a 9. Adjust water temperature and flow rate n/a n/a n/a n/a 10. Wet hands and wrists 11. Apply adequate amount of cleaning agent into palm/s of hands 12. Rub /wash across all hand surfaces 13. Rub/wash palm to palm with fingers Interlaced 14. Rub/wash with right palm over back of left hand using circular motion 15. Rub/wash with left palm over back of right hand using circular motion 16. Make a fist of each hand & rub/wash backs of fingers onto palm of other hand 17. If a ring is worn it is moved aside and skin surface washed 18. Rub around thumbs of each hand 19. Rub tips of fingers and finger nails around each palm 20. Rub around wrists 21. Rub hands for a minimum of 20-30 seconds n/a n/a 22. Returns cleaning agent to correct storage n/a n/a 23. Wash hands for a minimum of 40-60 seconds n/a n/a 24. Rinse hands from fingertips to wrists with hands held forwards n/a n/a 25. Dry hands with paper towel n/a n/a 26. Dry surface under ring n/a n/a 27. Place used toweling in bin n/a n/a 28. Conventional taps turned off using clean piece of paper towel n/a n/a Satisfactory ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Unsatisfactory ☐ Result - Assessment of Skill Skills Assessment Hand Hygiene Assessment Please complete the following questions in writing Page 12 of 21 Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Infection Prevention and Control 1. Why is it important to wash your hands or clean your hands with alcohol-based gel? 2. Why is it necessary to remove jewellery and to have short nails? 3. List four (4) circumstances when you must wash your hands or use alcoholbased gel? 4. List three (2) circumstances when you may need to wash your hands instead of cleaning them with alcohol-based gel? 5. What must you do if you have a cut on your hands? 6. What is the importance of using moisturising hand cream? Satisfactory ☐ Result - Assessment of Understanding RESULT - OVERALL ASSESSMENT: Not Satisfactory ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐ If result is unsatisfactory – specify date scheduled for retraining and further skill assessment: Comments: / / Signature of employee being assessed: Signature of assessor: Date: Data entered into the Training Register Entered by: Page 13 of 21 Date entered Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Fire Safety Fire Safety OK Question 1. What is your role in fire safety? 2. What are the 3 elements that must be present for a fire to burn? 3. What does R.A.C.E stand for? 4. In the event of a fire, should you (circle the correct response) (a) Close windows and doors to contain the fire? – T/F (b) Re-enter a burning room to rescue a client? – T/F (c) Use a fire extinguisher to put out the flames? – T/F Page 14 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Security and Personal Safety Security and Personal Safety OK Question 1. What alarm system is in place at your centre? 2. What are the emergency procedures in your program or site? 3. List at least 3 things you should do if you feel your personal safety is at risk or you are faced with a client’s catastrophic reaction? Page 15 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Work Health and Safety Work Health and Safety Question OK 1. As a BaptistCare team member, what are your work health and safety responsibilities? 2. What are the three steps in risk management? 3. Identify 3 hazards in your workplace? 4. How do you report an incident/accident for a team member? What timeframe do you need to report an incident/accident? Page 16 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics OK Question 1. What is a Manual Task? (circle the correct response) a) b) c) d) e) Lifting a box Using a mouse Rolling a resident Pushing a trolley All of the above 2. What is the definition of a Hazardous Manual Task? 3. Name 5 contributory risk factors for Hazardous Manual Tasks. 4. Can shoulder injuries only occur suddenly? True/False 5. Which of the following principles in is important in keeping us safe? (circle the correct response) a) b) c) d) Keeping the load close to our body Using larger muscles e.g. legs Changing position frequently All of the above 6. What are the 4 P, s? 7. What needs to be checked on equipment? 8. What is the team lift movement command? 9. What should you do if the load it too heavy, awkward or bulky? Page 17 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics 10. Why is it important to sit correctly? (circle the correct response/s) a) Your muscles and ligaments and discs have to work harder b) Using awkward postures for long times can cause injury c) Maintains core muscles 11. Why is exercise important? Page 18 of 21 Resource Booklet/ Checklist and Assessment Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics Skills Assessment Team Member’s Name Assessor’s Name Team Member’s Signature Assessor’s Signature Date of Observation Team Member was observed applying the following principles on a consistent basis during Yes observation period: Plans the lift No • Think before you act • Check environment, object, load and equipment Posture Position Perform Team Lift Maintain natural curves • Hold head upright • Stable base of support • Secure grip • Load close • Face direction of movement • No twisting • Uses controlled movements • Brace • Communicate Task not required by Team Member Plans the lift – nominate a leader Gives clear instructions Pathway cleared of obstructions Direction of travel communicated Movement command used Ready Brace Act Page 19 of 21 • Safe technique Achieved Yes No Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessment Hazardous Manual Tasks – The Basics Task not required by Team Member Semi Squat to lift and transfer object Plan the lift Prepares the environment, checks area, weight and clears space Maintains natural curves Wide base of support – feet apart Secure grip Bend knees and keeps back straight Lifts load close to body and stands up straight Turns feet and transfers load to required location (no twisting) Pushing Wheeled Objects Task not required by Team Member Safe technique Achieved Yes No Plan the movement Keep load close Checks wheels in good repair/tyres full of air Brakes off Ensure the load weight is suited for the trolley Moves load forward by lunging through the legs Pushing the trolley from behind keeping load close to body Turns corner by moving feet, keeping back straight and load directly in front of trunk Page 20 of 21 Safe technique Achieved Yes No Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessment Manager/Team Leader Review Manager/Team Leader Review What additional follow-up is required? To be completed by the Manager/Team Leader and new Team Member, then a copy forwarded to the Manager for review. Agreed Actions Time Frame Completion Date When is the Orientation complete? Once all the sessions and on-the-job buddying checklists and assessments are completed (after 2 months), the New Team Member and Manager/Team Leader sign off that the Orientation is complete. A copy is retained for the new Team Member’s personnel file. Signature Page 21 of 21 Team Member’s Signature Date Manager’s/Team Leader’s Signature Date Resource Booklet/Checklist and Assessments
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