25 March 2015.pub - Brookfield State School

From The Principal - Bruce Robertson
Boscombe Road, Brookfield QLD 4069
Have you ever heard of the wellness wheel? It defines wellness and provides an overview of six health
(07) 3374 7333
(07) 3374 7300
(07) 3374 7360
This was an activity our staff completed this week and I am prepared to reveal that my wellness
(07) 3374 2107
wheel was not as balanced as I would have liked. For the record, wellness is defined as a complete
[email protected]
spheres: Physical; Emotional; Spiritual; Social; Occupational; and Intellectual. The idea of the wheel is
that you are able to answer a series of questions, colour the spheres on the wheel, which in turn provides you a visual representation of your ‘wellness’ and indicates whether it is balanced or a little lop-
state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. It came as no surprise to me that the health spheres
that would require me to be a little more selfish for some ‘me time’ were lacking.
I have listened to a number of experienced principals over past years talk about how they maintain a
reasonable state of health and work-life balance. To be honest, I’m not even sure there is such a
Fri 27
Bush Dance
thing. I’m married to a teacher, we have 5 children in various educational settings and I think work is
Tues 31
Cross Country
life so I’m grateful that I love my profession and in turn just enjoy living.
But when I look at my wellness wheel, it helps me to identify the areas I could focus on so that I have
Thurs 02
a more complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. The idea after all is that we are able
Whole School Assembly
to function more effectively when the wellness wheel is balanced. With holidays looming I will aim to
top up some of my deflated spheres. So if you see me running in a park, riding my bike or participating
Last day Term 1
Fri 03
Good Friday
Mon 20
1st Day Term 2
in a yoga class, please just wave a hand of encouragement and leave me to suffer alone knowing it is
for my own good.
On a more serious note, I am always so pleased to hear the various measures that our staff here at
school undertake to maintain a reasonable state of wellness. Being a teacher is an incredibly complex
and challenging profession at times and I feel very honoured to lead a team who are committed to
their work and realise the necessity for balance – both for themselves and for their students.
As parents you are able to support this, ensuring that your child has a healthy balance to help them
function as effectively as possible. I believe that Brookfield has a healthy balance with wonderful
Mon: 8 - 9am
opportunities through school programs and volunteer led activities to address each of the wellbeing
Uniform Shop Convenor
Susan Sansbury: 0449 115 888
2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Years
[email protected]
If you would like for your child to participate in these tests, a registration form is available from
your child’s teacher or from the office. Registration and payment must be received by this Friday 27
March in order to allow our administration staff enough time to process the nominations.
Wednesday, Thursday
(Both breaks)
Friday (1st break only)
Tuckshop Convenor
Susan Sansbury: 0449 115 888
ICAS is a skills development assessment program in key areas of learning for students in Years 2-12.
The assessments include Digital Technologies, English, Mathematics, Science, Spelling and Writing.
These are highly valued tests and results can be used for entry into scholarship, gifted and talented
and learning extension programs.
[email protected]
Order Online:http://
Help Desk: 1300 361 769
ICAS assessments are offered by the University of New South Wales and have taken place
annually for over thirty years in twenty countries. The assessments are conducted at school
through a supervised 30-60 minute test. Achievement certificates are awarded to all students
at a range of levels. For more information, please visit www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/icas/about
Thought for the Week
The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.
Vince Lombardi
Have a great week!
Curtis M
Jake Mc
Sahara T
Clayton R
Anay N
Charlie R
Ellie W
Ben T
Mia D
Belong - Strive - Succeed
[email protected]
From the Deputy – Katie Lewis
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parents are encouraged to book in for an interview with your child’s teacher. We conduct
these interviews to enable us to communicate with parents regarding student progress and plan
for the year ahead.
End or Term 1 or beginning of Term 2 (see below)
10-15 minute interviews
Individual Classrooms
Follow this link: http://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/
Term 1 Meetings = N84V5
Term 2 Meetings = 2KKKR
Bookings are CLOSED for Term 1 appointments and will remain open for Term 2 appointments
until Thursday 2 April.
Teachers offering meetings in Term 1:
Mrs Michele Higgins
Prep A
Mrs Rachel Beitzel
Prep C
Mrs Melinda Kienzle
Prep D
Mrs Margie Dixon / Mrs Leah Cathcart
Mrs Bev Wilson / Mrs Robin Kerr
Miss Kristine Koerper
Mrs Fiona Ryan / Mrs Rebecca Moore
Ms Sally Woods / Mrs Teale Jooste
Mrs Tracy Findlay
Ms Wendy Woods / Mr Brad Hume
Ms Hilary Evans / Mrs Libby Wark
Teachers offering meetings in Term 2:
Ms Bernice Noonan
Mrs Kirsty Cunnington/ Mrs Lisa McKay
Mrs Steph Weigel
Mrs Vickie Craig
Ms Nola Culhane / Mrs Christine Gourlay
Ms Sally Woods/ Mrs Teale Jooste
Mrs Tracy Findlay
Mrs Jodie Drew/ Ms Britt Carseldine
Ms Wendy Woods/ Mr Brad Hume
Mr Kieron Skehan
Mrs Deb Minczanowski
Mrs Fiona Echberg
Please be sure to arrive a few minutes early to enable us to keep to our scheduled times on
the day, thank you.
If you experience any difficulties booking please contact the school either by phone or email.
Life Education – a Message from Harold and Michele
The Life Education van recently visited Brookfield State School. Harold and Michele thoroughly enjoyed their time at our school and reported that they were made to feel very welcome. “Harold and I found the students of Brookfield enthusiastic, attentive, well-mannered
and respectful. They are a credit to their parents and carers and the staff of the school.
The students in 3A and 4C were particularly impressive and received a letter from Harold.
Parents; in addition to the lessons in the van, all students and classroom teachers received
workbooks and resources to extend the lessons delivered in the Life Education classroom.
Parents and carers can find out what their children learned in the mobile classroom by going
to the parent section of the Life Education website http://www.lifeeducation.org.au/parents
Click on the relevant links to also check out the 'conversation starter' ideas so you can carry
on discussing the lessons at home. There are also some fun and engaging online and offline
activities you can do with your children as well as articles, tips and strategies on health and
safety issues (such as information on how to disable geo-tagging) and free apps to download.
Belong, Strive, Succeed – Art Competition WINNERS!
Thank you for all the wonderful entries for our Art Competition, judging was a difficult task!
The winners are:
Prep to Year 2:
First: Leyla
C (Prep C)
Second: Bella M (1C)
Third: Patrick P (1A)
Highly Commended: Chloe L (PB)
Year 3 and Year 4:
Kate M (4C)
Second: Georgia S (3B)
Third: Indy T (4B)
Highly Commended: Will P (4C);
Josh H (3C); Amy B (3B); Alliana S
(3B); Josh B (3B); Ben G (3B)
Year 5 and Year 6:
Brendan H (6A)
Second: Tehlia O (5A)
The winning art works will be framed
and displayed in the Meeting Room,
what a wonderful honour! Other entrants will receive their art work back
this week.
Values Vouchers
This term, we will promote the Values for Australian Schooling and our Brookfield State
School qualities of Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible through Values Vouchers.
Students will receive “Values Vouchers” when they display our values and qualities in their
playground behaviour and choices. Each week, Values Vouchers recipients will be drawn on
assembly and will receive a prize to acknowledge their quality choices.
Last week we focused on the values for Harmony Day and National Say No to Bullying Day.
Miss Noonan spoke about the importance of respecting each other and ensuring everyone has
a fair go at school and at home.
Our Values Vouchers winners for the week were Heidi (3A) and Finn-Leigh (3A) – well done!
Heidi and Finn-Leigh receive a voucher for an ice block from the tuckshop. The Most Respectful Class on assembly this week went to Year 2A. Students in Year 2A showed respect
by being on time to assembly, sitting with their legs crossed and paying attention to the
speakers, well done Mrs McKay and Year 2A students.
Have a wonderful week,
[email protected]
Young Leaders Day
National Young Leaders Day last Friday was the most inspiring thing I’ve ever done! We met
Bindi Irwin, the Australia’s Local Hero Award winner Juliette Wright and Mike Martin. We
have lots of ideas to make the school a better place, which we are now inspired to achieve!
The main thing that I learnt was that everyone can make the world a better place if you want
to and that everything that you do or say makes an impact on someone or something. You
don’t have to be in a leadership role to make the school a better place. I now wear the band
that says “Get Started” on it every day, and it keeps me motivated. Remember nothing significant, enduring or amazing ever began that way!
Adam C
School Captain 2015
Brookfield State School, were fortunate
enough to visit the Brisbane Convention
and Entertainment Centre where we got to
listen to many people tell us what it was
like to be a leader. We listened to Mike
Martin, the Director of the Halogen Foundation; Juliette Wright, the founder of
the website ‘Give It’; Bindi Irwin, the
daughter of the famous Steve Irwin; Coen
Ashton, who is an advocate of Organ donation; and James Norton, who was the inspiration behind the movie ‘Paper Planes’.
We were joined by 3500 other year 6
students from schools all over Brisbane
and northern New South Wales.
The main thing that I took away from
their speeches was that leadership is
about influence. You need to stay focused on your vision and trust that you will succeed, to
be passionate and to believe in yourself. To stay true to yourself and even though you are
only one person you can make a difference. Always keep positive and keep believing, no matter what. Lastly, you should be brave and confident and don’t let people hold you back. Instead of being shy and afraid, be bold and different. I really enjoyed listening to their
speeches because it taught me what leadership is about.
Sarah L-W
School Captain 2015
Music News
All of our Senior Music Groups (ie Senior Band, Senior Choir, Senior Strings) will require a
performance uniform this year for both in school and out of hours performances. It consists
of long black pants and a white short sleeved, button up blouse, both available from the uniform shop. Black shoes and black socks are also worn. We distribute neck ties and cummerbunds at each event, and collect these after the performance. All of our Senior groups will
require this uniform by our school ANZAC ceremony on April 23. The Uniform Shop is putting in an order and should have stock in all sizes by next week. Please ensure that your child
has these items in time for the ceremony as we are keen to look as good as we sound. If you
have any queries about the uniform, please don’t hesitate to contact Melissa McMillan either
by email ([email protected]) or at school on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
Next Tuesday, Senior Choir rehearsals will go on as usual before the Cross Country. We have
a competition fast approaching and need all the practise time that we can get! House Captains who are required to help set up for the Cross Country can miss this rehearsal and meet
Mrs Wark on the oval at the required time.
Melissa McMillan
Classroom Music Teacher
String News
Next Tuesday, March 31st, there will still be a rehearsal for the INTERMEDIATE STRINGS
at 8am before the cross country, but unfortunately, there is a clash with the lessons in the 1st
session, so I will ask the students to leave their instruments here overnight Tuesday and I will
slot them in somewhere on Wednesday.
Thank you
Jennifer Hemmings
Resource Centre News
Competitions give students the opportunity to practice their skills and be recognised and rewarded for their talents. Here is a wonderful competition for our school-full of writers and
readers to enthusiastically participate!
Students should see Mrs Allison in the Resource Centre to submit their work and fill in the
entry forms. Good luck!
Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards 2015
Individual, Class and group poems on any subject are accepted
• Limits: up to 3 poems per student; poems no longer than 80 lines; no illustrations, graphics or
decorations included
Winner: $300, trophy and prize pack
Runner-up: $150 and prize pack
YEARS 4 ,5, 6
Winner: $400, trophy and prize pack
Runner-up: $200 and prize pack
Winner: $400, trophy and prize pack
Runner-up: $200 and prize pack
Entries to be submitted by the teacher, only students on IEP or STLA
programs or with English as a second language are eligible to enter.
The competition closes on Friday 30 June 2015.
Readers Cup Inter-House Competition for Year 5 & 6 students
Readers Cup is a literature competition each year where schools compete against each other in
teams of 5 in June. Team members read 5 books and are asked questions about their knowledge
and understanding of the events and characters in the 5 books.
We are holding an inter-house competition in Week 6 next term with teams of 5 per house competing against each other!. Unfortunately Readers Cup 2014 team members cannot enter again
this year. The teams will be decided next week so students should see Mrs Allison to register
their names. The competition books include: Forests of Silence, Red Dog, Matty Forever, The
Peasant Prince ( picture book) and Holes. Team members do not have to read every book. A
team will be chosen from these participating students to represent the school in the Corinda
District Inter-school competition. It will certainly be a battle to watch!
Fiona Allison
Teacher Librarian
Lone Pine
3A 3B And 3C's Trip To Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Last Tuesday, all the Grade 3 classes
went to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. At Lone Pine we watched the Bird of Prey show and the
Sheep Dog show, plus the Koala show. 3A, 3B and 3C all fed and patted the kangaroos. We
looked at the platypuses and the koalas and the beautiful birds. We all saw a crocodile bathing
in the sun. We saw every animal at Lone Pine!
By Ava W 3C
Did you know 3C had a great time on their excursion to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary? We saw lots
of native Australian animals like a kangaroo, crocodile, emu, possum, dingo, sheep, birds, dingo,
snake, koala, turtle, frog, platypus and lots more. We learnt so much from this brilliant day, like
how to tell between a girl koala and a boy koala. The boy koala has a grey dot on its belly and a
girl koala does not. We saw about four shows. The first show was a lesson where we got to pat
different animals including a koala and a snake. The second show was the Birds of Prey. We got
to see them fly and eat mice. The third was the sheep dog show. It was the best! But there’s
more. The fourth show was watching a man shave a sheep [WOW].
By Erica M 3C
Jake H-R competed at State Little Athletics at QSAC Nathan over the
weekend and placed 2nd in the U10 Discus with a throw of 34.32.
Well done Jake!
Brookfield School Tennis Championships
We had nearly 60 kids participate in our annual School Tennis Championships over the past two
There was some wonderful tennis played and great sportsmanship shown across all
three competitions. Congratulations to everyone who participated. Below are the results:
Red Ball
Girls Winner: Libby O
Ava K
Boys winner: Daniel H
Sam H
Orange Ball
Girls Winner: Evie W
Georgia N
Boys Winner: Daniel LW
Jason LW
Green Ball
Girls Winner: Sarah LW
Annalise B
Boys Winner: Jorgen F
Noah B
Happy Bush Dance Week !!
You’ve had a week to recover from “Frozen” ... it’s now time to dust off your boots ready for the
bush dance – it is going to be a great family fun night – it seems everyone is really looking forward
to it! Just a few things this week ... We really are very fortunate here in our Brookfield community; last week we had the opportunity to give to others in real need through donating our excess
stockpile of second hand uniforms to victims of the Vanuatu disaster. A big thank you to Chris
Steel, Susan Sansbury and Megan Armstrong for making this happen.
Thank you also, to Tamara Hamilton who has agreed to take on the Flexischools Coordinator role
leaving only one more P&C role to fill (P&C Sub-Committee - employment related matters). Here
is a brief outline of what is involved – A P&C Representative who along with the President and
Treasurer is responsible for employment related matters for paid convenor role/s. Would suit
someone with a background in Human Resources.
For any further information about P&C activities or the vacant role, please contact me – Victoria
Brown, P&C President on 0429 475 625 or [email protected]
Victoria Brown
P & C President
What's that Skip? The Bush Dance is finally here!!
That's right.
The Bush Dance is on this Friday 27 March starting at 5.30 pm in the school
hall. Early Bird Tickets close Thursday 3.50 pm. After this cut off date tickets can only be purchased at the door on the night.
There are fantastic prizes for the night. So bring your dancing shoes and have some fun!
Colouring-in Competition - Mrs Lewis judging Wed 25 March
Winners shall be announced and presented with their prize and certificates during assembly this
week. Thank you to all the children who entered.
Natalie Murray
Do you love The Great British Bake Off?
Do you have aspirations of finally nailing those “Women’s Weekly” cupcakes?
Maybe Betty Crocker is more your style?
Either way, we need YOU!
The School Cross Country Carnival is next Tuesday, 31 March 2015. As with previous years, we will
be selling cupcakes and muffins throughout the morning as a fundraising initiative. We kindly ask
that you bake some cupcakes or muffins for the stall and deliver them to the tuckshop on the
morning of the cross country or otherwise bring them down to the stall.
We will also have a coffee van on site from 8:30am to ensure all your caffeine needs are fulfilled.
Make sure you have your fix as a portion of sales will be donated back to the school.
If you’re available to help out on the stall during the morning, please come and see us. We’d be
especially grateful to volunteers during the Grade 1 event so that we can cheer on our girls!
Just another reminder to have your Hot Cross Bun orders into the School Office by this Thurs-
day, 26 March 2015 for delivery on 1 April 2015. Bakers Delight have been very generous in
offering $2.00 from every six pack sold so we’d love to see everyone take advantage of that
great offer. It’s the same price as in store, a quality product and, I’m sure we’ve mentioned it
before, delicious!
Just a quick note to say thank you to:
• Elizabeth Mortensen for assisting us at the Dessert & Snack Bar at Brooky Bite Nite
last Friday night. We are very appreciative of your help!
• Claire Mason who also offered to help; and to
• Elizabeth Mortensen (again) and Beata O’Dwyer for taking on the role of Brookfield
Show Stall Coordinators. We are very excited to have you both as members of the
fundraising team.
Louisa Wijacha & Aneta Zielinski
[email protected] or [email protected]
Hi everyone!
My name is Ashleigh and I’m the assistant coordinator at Brookfield PCYC. I am filling in for
Kristy for a few weeks as she is temporarily filling another role outside of the service. I am
looking forward to seeing you all
We are excited to be fast approaching to the school holidays and are looking forward to seeing
some new faces. Our vacation care program is out and it has been attached for you to look at.
We are very affordable and we have lots of fun. To get your customised quote please contact
us on 3374 2107 or via email at [email protected] We would love to see lots of new
A new week means a new menu. Please see below for this week’s menu of healthy and fun food.
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit
Cereal or Por-
Cereal or Por-
Cereal or Por-
Cereal or Por-
Cereal or Por-
Toast with
Toast with
Toast with
Toast with
Toast with
Cinnamon Toast-
Bacon & Eggs-
Mango Smooth-
Child Input
Child Input
ies- Child Input
Chid Input
Group Discussion
Child Input
Fresh fruit and
Fresh fruit and
Fresh fruit and
Fresh fruit and
Fresh fruit and
Yoghurt- Child
Healthy Choco-
Healthy Pizzas-
Healthy Cookies-
Jelly- Child
Input (Mia)
late Cake- Child
Child Input
Child Input
Input (Brielle)
Input Group
If you wish to take a tour of the service or have any queries about enrolling your child, please
do not hesitate to talk to Ash at the centre or on 3374 2107 or via email [email protected]
Have a great week!
Kristy Nuttall
OSHC Coordinator
UNIFORM SHOP - Winter Uniforms 2015
The purchase of winter uniforms is by ORDER ONLY and is to be placed either using the online FlexiSchools system OR if you are
unable to order online, paper order forms are available from the office and attached to today’s banter email. Due to limited space
we only keep a small stock of winter uniforms for new families arriving at the school. So please think about your requirements and
complete an order to avoid missing out.
Our winter uniform items include long bottle green track pants and a matching bottle green jumper or jacket available in either
fleece or microfibre. Bottle green bootleg pants and knitted tights are available for girls. Please refer to the items detailed below.
Uniforms are available in sizes 4 to 16, even sizes only eg. 4, 6, 8 etc.
Microfibre Track Pants
Polyester/cotton lining & ankle zip cuffs. $28
Fleecy Track Pants
Low-pill fleece with double knee pad. $22
Girls Bootleg Pants
Cotton Spandex, in bottle green. $29
Girls Tights
Cotton/Nylon/Spandex, in bottle green. $15
Microfibre Zip Jacket
Side Pockets and school logo, in microfibre. $36
(this item matches the Microfibre Track Pants)
Fleecy Zip Jacket
Side Pockets and school logo; in 310g low-pill fleece. $24
Fleecy Sweatshirt
Crew Neck and school logo; in 310g low-pill fleece. $19
Please visit the Uniform Shop on Monday from 8am – 9am if you wish to see the items & sizes before ordering.
Please complete flexischools/online orders by Sunday 29th March 2015.
Paper order forms must be returned to the Office by Friday 27th March 2015 in an envelope marked ‘Winter Uniform Order’.
Please include full payment by Credit Card or Cheque, no cash will be accepted.
We anticipate orders will be distributed to your child’s classroom by the second week of Term 2.
Susan Sansbury - Uniform Shop Convenor
0449115888 or [email protected]
New Playgroup at Kenmore District Kindy
Kenmore District Kindergarten is pleased to be offering the Centre as a new Playgroup venue, commencing in term 2.
Kenmore District Playgroup will run every second week, 9:30am - 11:30am, commencing Wednesday 22nd April.
Playgroup members will have access to the large outdoor play area, including climbing fort and sandpits; plus craft activities, play
dough, books and puzzles. The centre will provide a safe and stimulating venue for children to socialise and play, and for the parents
to connect with other parents of young children.
Members will not be required to join Playgroup Qld, but will be fully insured under the Centre's insurance policy.
It will cost $20 per term. Interested members can contact [email protected] or phone Ali on 0408 882 661.
Kenmore District Kindergarten
1076 Moggill Rd
Kenmore 4069
Phone: 07-3378 2068
email: [email protected]