Flood Brook School 91 VT Route 11, Londonderry, VT 05148 http://www.floodbrook.org The Roaring Tiger Newsletter May 22, 2015 Volume XLIX No.16 Calendar May Mon., May 25 - Memorial Day - No School Tues., May 26 - Fri., May 29 - BOGO Book Fair Tues., May 26 - Second Grade and 8th Grade Art ! elective to Clark Art Museum Tues., May 26, 1:00-6:00 p.m. - Red Cross Blood Drive Wed., May 27, 5:30-7:30 p.m. - A Sweet Night for the ! Arts Thurs., May 28 - Wed., June 3 - Ida Mae Specker ! residency Thurs., May 28, 10:30 a.m. - 7th Grade Poetry Slam Fri., May 29 - 3rd Grade to Anjali Farm Fri., May 29 - Sat., May 30 - Collab Middle School ! All-Nighter Sat., May 30, 12:00-4:00 p.m. - Playdate at the ! Playhouse June Mon., June 1 - 7th Grade to VT State House Tues., June 2 - 1:00 Dismissal - Faculty Meeting Wed., June 3, 7:00 p.m. - FBAA Meeting Thurs., June 4 - Fri., June 5 - 5th Grade to Hildene Mon., June 8, 6:30 p.m. - MTR Board Meeting Tues., June 9 - No Strings Marionettes in 2nd Grade Tues., June 9, 1:30 p.m. - Talent Show Tues., June 9, 4:30-7:00 p.m. - Collab Ice Cream Social Thurs., June 11 - Fri., June 12 - 8th Grade to Montreal Thurs., June 11 & Fri., June 12 - Middle School to ! Anjali Farm Thurs., June 11 & Fri., June 12 - Kindergarten ! Community Days Mon., June 15 - 3rd & 4th Grades to Weston Rec Tues., June 16 - 1st & 2nd Grades to Weston Rec Respect, Responsibility, Memorial Day, an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer. Check out this short video from the History Channel for a brief history of Memorial Day: http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/ memorial-day-history Last Day of School for 2014-2015 is Friday, June 19 1:00 dismissal 1 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety Red Cross Blood Drive Tuesday, May 26 1:00-6:00 pm Flood Brook School Gymnasium Salaam! As they continue their fantasy trip to French speaking Morocco, the Fourth Graders had a visit from BBA’s French Teacher Michelle Emery as well as two of her students. Madame Emery has just returned from her second school trip to the West African country and has brought back many authentic artifacts. Among them were special scarves worn by people in the desert, as protection from the hot sun and the sand during sand storms. Flood Brook students were delighted to wear them and quickly learned that putting them on is quite an intricate process! Mme Bowen Respect, Responsibility, 2 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety Sweet Night for the Arts $10 for 4 Dessert tickets! F U N D R A IS E R Auction: We will be auctioning off beautiful student art and delicious desser ts! DATE : Wednesday, May 27 , 2015 W H ER E: Flood Br oo k School TI M E: 5:30 treats , book fa ir, music 6:30 Auction Funds will go towards next year’s circus residency for the who le school! Respect, Responsibility, 3 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety Come to our BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE BOOK FAIR * Stock up for summer reading! Dates / Times / Place Tuesday May 26 - Friday May 27 Open Daily - 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LATE HOURS Wed. 5/27 until 7pm FBS Library Media Center Questions? Contact [email protected] or 824-6811 ext 109 Credit cards accepted at participating schools. *All free items must be of equal or lesser value than the ones you buy. Titles vary by Book Fair. All items at your Book Fair are available while supplies last! Permission to reproduce this item is granted by Scholastic Book Fairs®. Respect, Responsibility, © 2015 Scholastic Inc. 11908 • 150702 4 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety Weston Playhouse Theatre Company presents: PlaYDaTe aT tHe pLaYHoUse! Fun for the Whole Family! Saturday May 30th, 12-4pm At the Weston Playhouse, on the Village Green, Weston, Vermont featuring performances by area students Cavendish Town Elementary School 3rd grade Windham Elementary 3 rd– 6th grade Flood Brook Union School 4th grade Free$MainStage$Performance:$ Free$Activities$on$the$Village$Green:$ 2pm$ 12–$1:30pm$ (doors$open$at$1:55)$ (in$playhouse$in$case$of$rain)$ Cavendish$ Windham$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Flood$Brook$ THEATRE$GAMES,$ACTIVITIES$AND$MORE!$ 3H4pm$ MORE$ACTIVITIES$PLUS$RAFFLE$and$PRIZES!$ $ Songs and skits based on: Junie B. Jones Book and Lyrics by Marcy Heisler Music by Zina Goldrich Adapted from the Junie B. Jones series of books by Barbara Park $ FOR ALL PERFORMERS: FREE ICE CREAM CONES Courtesy of the WESTON VILLAGE STORE FREE TICKETS to Weston Playhouse Young Company Production of Junie B. Jones June 25-July 12 Special$note$to$performers:$$ $ There will be rehearsals for all schools on the Playhouse MainStage prior to the performance, at times listed below. Please plan on arriving in Playhouse living room (off lobby)10 minutes prior to scheduled rehearsal time: Cavendish:$12:30>1:00$ Windham:$1:00>1:20$ Flood$Brook:$1:20>1:50$ Weston Playhouse’s 2015 Early Stages program is made possible by a grant from the Phillip S. Harper Foundation. Respect, Responsibility, 5 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety of needy children that need your caring in order to have a safe and special summertime experience away from the crowded, hot and sometimes dangerous streets.. First-time visitors are 6 to 12 years old. Host families may select the gender and approximate age of their visitor. Trips are scheduled to this area on July 1 through July 8 and a two week trip July 30 through August 14. For more information about the program, please call Martha Thompson at 802-362-3473 or Pat Meulemans at 803-297-9886 or check out the Fresh Air Fund website @www.freshair.org. Kids Art at Custer Sharp On Friday June 5th there will be an opening celebration of our annual student art show in Londonderry. We have lots of wonderful work that will be on display at the historic CusterSharp house on Middletown Road. The show will continue through the weekend, so be sure to visit before or after a trip to the Farmer's Market as it is right nearby. Wonderful work in a lovely setting..what could be better? Fresh Air Fund Request WEST RIVER SPORTS FALL SOCCER SIGN UPS NOW AVAILABLE ON LINE The Fresh Air Fund is looking for caring families in our area to open their homes to an inner-city child for one week this summer. If you have a spare bed and an open heart , then you have what it takes to host a Fresh Air child. The children who visit are from the inner-city and most have never experienced the joy of running barefoot in the grass, seeing the clear night sky, catching a firefly or even swimming on a hot summer day. Your daily routine will take on a novelty when you see it through the eyes of a youngster who has seen little beyond city life. www.westriversports.org Questions? Contact Jennie Freeman at [email protected] Since 1877 the Fresh Air Fund has provided free summer vacations to more than 1.8 million New York City children. There are hundreds Respect, Responsibility, 6 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety Wilder Memorial Library Story Time Every Wednesday @ 11:00 AM Story Time & Crafts Every Saturday @ 11:00 AM Want more info? Call (802) 824-4307 or Visit www.wildermemoriallibrary.org Respect, Responsibility, 7 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety Breathing Techniques for Optimal Health Gloria Dawson to Retire as Executive Director of Neighborhood Connections Londonderry, VT…..Susan McNulty, a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in Ludlow, will present a workshop on Breathing for Health at The Meeting Place @ Neighborhood Connections on Thursday, May 28th from 1:30 – 2:30. As a healer, McNulty practices many forms of Body/Mind medicine which promote well-being and longevity. ! Learn several ancient breathing techniques including the Relaxation Breath, the Energizing Breath and the Bellows Breath – each targeted to improve particular aspects of our health. Check out her web-site at www.susanmcnultyacupuncture.com. ! Space is limited, so call 824-4343 to make a reservation to attend. Neighborhood Connections is a community-based non-profit social services agency serving individuals and families in the area mountain towns of south-central Vermont. With particular emphasis on those most vulnerable, we respond to communityidentified needs with a range of social services and health-related programs, working closely with public and private resources at federal, state and local levels. Check out our website at www.neighborhoodconnectionsvt.org. The Meeting Place is located in The Mountain Marketplace, next to the Londonderry Post Office. Londonderry, VT… Gloria Dawson, Executive Director of Neighborhood Connections, is retiring her position with the grass-roots agency she helped establish with Dr. Delores Barbeau six years ago. And along with her goes Bosco, her cairn terrier who has served as the agency’s official mascot, prowling the halls and offices every day. ! On Tuesday May 26th, from 4-7pm, an Open House will be held at The Meeting Place @ Neighborhood Connections. Come by and wish them well. Appetizers will be served. Neighborhood Connections is a community-based non-profit social services agency serving individuals and families in the area mountain towns of south-central Vermont. With particular emphasis on those most vulnerable, we respond to communityidentified needs with a range of social services and health-related programs, working closely with public and private resources at federal, state and local levels. Check out our website at www.neighborhoodconnectionsvt.org. The Meeting Place is located in The Mountain Marketplace, next to the Londonderry Post Office. Respect, Responsibility, 8 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety with public and private resources at federal, state and local levels. Check out our website at www.neighborhoodconnectionsvt.org. The Meeting Place is located in The Mountain Marketplace, next to the Londonderry Post Office. Four Weeks to Better Health at Neighborhood Connections Londonderry, VT……Elizabeth Harrison, a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, will lead a four week series designed as a “blueprint for health” beginning Wednesday, June 3rd from 1:30pm – 2:30pm at The Meeting Place @ Neighborhood Connections. SPAGHETTI DINNER TO BENEFIT NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTIONS ! On June 3rd, Harrison will screen Fed Up, a movie that unearths a dirty secret of the American food industry – far more of us get sick from what we eat than anyone has previously realized. According to the reviewer for the Sundance Film Festival, “filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig and TV journalist Katie Couric lead this potent exposé that uncovers why-despite media attention, the public's fascination with appearance, and government policies to combat childhood obesitygenerations of American children will now live shorter lives than their parents did.” Londonderry, VT. Now in its 4th year, the annual Spaghetti Dinner, hosted by Jake’s Restaurant and Tavern, to benefit Neighborhood Connections, is scheduled for Wednesday, June 10th between the hours of 4-9pm. Come in and feast on tossed salad, spaghetti with Jake’s signature spaghetti sauce, your choice of meatballs or sausage, Italian bread and homemade brownies. The cost is $15 per adult ad $7 for children 12 and under. Beverages are not included. ! On the following Wednesday, Harrison will discuss the basic principles of good nutrition; on June 17th, she will talk about shopping for and cooking healthy foods, and on the last Wednesday- exercise, digestion, sleep and vitamins. Last year, at the 3rd annual Spaghetti Dinner, Tad Kinsley, owner of Jake’s, served 121 people. “That was a record we’d like to break this year.” says Tad. “Neighborhood Connections helps a lot of people in our community and we want to support them.” Jake’s Restaurant and Tavern is located in Londonderry’s The Mountain Marketplace. ! This series is offered at no charge. Please call 824-4343 to sign up today. Neighborhood Connections is a community-based non-profit social services agency serving individuals and families in the area mountain towns of south-central Vermont. With particular emphasis on those most vulnerable, we respond to communityidentified needs with a range of social services and health-related programs, working closely Respect, Responsibility, 9 Cooperation, Honesty & Safety
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