Issue 12 08 May 2015 Principal’s Note Welcome to this week’s newsle er. We had great news at the recent Rostrum Public Speaking Compe on held in Dysart. There were 4 heats amongst Central Highland Schools and Capella SHS won 3 of them. How good is that? Congratula ons and thank you to Mr G, teachers and parents who transported all of our students to Dysart and returned home late in the evening. Well done everyone! As I write this, Ms Burns is looking a er our Senior Ca le Club students who are compe ng in the Rockhampton Beef Expo. We wish them well. I should also men on that we will be entering the Educa on Qld Showcase Awards state‐wide compe on again this year with our agricultural grounds extension being another highlight of our successful program. Next week we have two significant events running. Yes it is NAPLAN week where our Year 7 and Year 9 students will be tested against the na on. The tes ng will provide significant informa on on your child’s progress especially in literacy and numeracy. We encourage all students to a empt the 5 tests from Tuesday to Thursday next week. The best thing you can do to assist your child is to help them have a good night’s rest the day before. The second event is the Mayoral Summit held at the Cultural Hall from 10.00am on Saturday. For the past 2 years we have had a community reference group that has given feedback to the council about Capella’s needs. Indeed Capella was the first reference group established for the council, hence Capella is hos ng all the community reference groups at the cultural hall on Saturday. Come along to see how you can have input into your town ma ers. Date Claimers MAY 6-8 Beef Week 11 CH 15y Union CH 15y Soccer CH 15y Basketball 12 6.30pm Capella 12-14 NAPLAN 20 CH 12+ Cross Country 22 Capella Show Holiday 25-27 Clermont Show 29-30 CongratulaƟons to Keely Coburn, Andre Joubert and Kyla Grimmond who won their events at Rostrum last week and to all the students who competed last week Thank you to Mrs Zoe Hall (Ac ng Capella HOC) who came up to our school this week to present primary school teacher planning methodology and literacy programs. We are thankful for the insigh ul and rich informa on that enables us to align our school curricula. Thank you to Mrs White who is u lising our bore water to keep our grounds between buildings fresh and green. Who knows, maybe soon we might be able to extend our bore water to the field beside the mul ‐purpose hall? Springsure Show Spotlight RIGHTS WITH RESPONSIBILITIES “THE DYNAMIC DUO” Special men ons: P&C Meeting I LEARN ALLOW OTHERS TO LEARN I DO NO HARM I FOLLOW THE LAW OF THE LAND I CELEBRATE I VALUE FUN AND LAUGHTER Have a great weekend Ray “All too frequently, anxiety crushes not only your spirit and your poten al, but your ability to take care of your mind and body.” Jonathan Davidson and Henry Dreher, The Anxiety Book: Developing Strength in the Face of Fear P&C MEETING 6.30pm 12 May 2015 CAPELLA SHS 35‐49 Gordon Street PO Box 195 CAPELLA QLD 4723 Telephone 07 4988 7333 Fax 07 4988 7300 E‐mail [email protected] Web h p:// JUNIOR SCHOOLING Reading and Radical Readers – Our CSHS Junior Home Reading Program Over the last two days, it has been a privilege to be part of an innovative cluster project aimed at working in with other schools in the Emerald area to increase consistency in the teaching of reading, and thus improve outcomes for students. BMA has committed over $250,000 across three years to the cluster of six schools to ensure that reading, the core driver of literacy development, is improved for all students. For us at Capella SHS, that means tightening our alignment in reading practices from classroom to classroom and building on the good work already being done by our teachers working in collaboration with our literacy coach, Mrs Donaldson to lift common expertise and consistency, and focus on core literacy skills. The timing couldn’t be better then, for students to focus on increasing the amount of reading being done and for the Year 8 / 9 students to begin our annual Radical Readers program. Radical Readers is a whole-school home reading program wherein students log, and gradually increase the amount of reading being done. It is at this time of year, when newer students are settled into high school routines, that they can take their foot off the pedal when it comes to reading. This program is aimed at ensuring that students are applying the quality work done on Reading in classrooms to their own texts of choice. Students need to: Ensure they get a Radical Readers Activity Sheet and Radical Readers Tracking Sheet Read for 20 mins a day or night on at least four occasions during the week Complete one simple activity of their choice per week – the activity should take no longer than approximately 15 minutes. All activities have been designed to foster multiple, higher order thinking skills Have their Radical Readers Tracking Sheet initialled or signed by a parent when the reading is done Present their completed sheets and activity to their Skilling Teachers every Wednesday Incentives will be provided to students who have the most interesting and complete reading activities at the end of the term Students who fail to complete reading activities may be disciplined for their non-compliance NAPLAN Testing Next week (Tues May 12, Weds May 13 & Thurs May 14) sees students in Years 7 & 9 participate in the National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy. Please assist your children and our school by ensuring that students: Eat well Sleep well Have as little anxiety around the tests as possible – this can be supported by parents having open, reasonable discussions about the tests as if they were the same as any other school assessment Our school encourages full participation in NAPLAN, however, if you would like to discuss arrangements for your child’s specific needs, please contact either myself or Ray Clarke. Junior Camps Due to low numbers of responses, we have extended the deadline of the return of school forms for the Junior Camps, both to Airlie Beach and Camp Fairbairn, (just out of Emerald). Please ensure that forms are returned by Friday May 6th at the latest. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s Darran Stutz‐Grimmond, Head of Department, Junior Secondary learning or wellbeing, please contact me. SPORTS NEWS SPORTS NEWS Capella State High School WELCOME Welcome back to Capella High Sport for 2015. proudly presents CH & CAPVOLLEYBALL SPORT TRIALS of luck to Year Sydnie Gounder Trials Best will be listed on notices (which10 willstudent be read each day during form class).who this week heads to Toowoomba to represent Capricornia at the QLD Volleyball trials HIGH ON ARTS 2014 Students will then see me to collect a permission note. Notes should be returned ASAP to the office. EQUESTRIAN If a student fails to return the note, payment and transport form by the due date they will not be able to attend the trials. Congratulations to Year 10 student Lauren Hugo who defeated all Currently CH are still finalising some of the trial venues for sports,Lauren however,has currently the following details on trials: thesport completion in Collinsville last weekend. nowI have qualified “The Adventures of the Comic Book Artist” to attend the State Championships in Noosa in the next school holidays. COWBOYS CAMP This is the last reminder that notes need to be returned by Tuesday 12th May. If you have not returned your note and payment you will not be able to attend. Theatre restaurant and an evening showcasing the artistic and performing talents of local students the camp to go Currently there are not enough students on the list for ahead and a decision on this camp will be made after the cut-off date of Tuesday 12th May. CapellaCulturalCentre Adam Silva HPE Sports Co-ordinator Thursday 23 October 2014 Art Show 6:30pm Show 7:00pm Dinner & Show $20.00 Tickets available from Capella SHS Office from Monday, 7 October 2014 PLEASE SIGN ME UP TO RECEIVE THE CAPELLA SHS NEWSLETTER WEEKLY VIA EMAIL NAME:________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ Awesome Rostrum! JUNIOR SCHOOLING Prioritising To strengthen wellbeing and enhance the opportunities for success, it is important for students to learn to prioritise their time. How often does time disappear and you wonder what you have achieved in that time? This is called Nothing Time. Nothing time – is when you don’t plan what you are going to do and when you’re going to do it Something time – is when you plan what you are going to do and when you’re going to do it Prioritising is planning your time to convert Nothing time into Something time. a Musts vs Options organiser to complete a list of what you want to do and when you want to do them Use Musts are things you are committed to – e.g. chores, school, homework, part-time jobs. Options are things like: Facebook, TV/Videos, gaming, phone calls for social reasons, socialising Look at your Options as things to reward yourself with when the Musts get done Try Good luck :) listing all tasks whether Options or Musts in order of importance. ANZAC Parade By the time most people come to read this, our school will have commemorated ANZAC day with a special parade on Friday April 24th. Thanks to all students who took on extra responsibility to either participate in our own remembrance, or by partici pating in events on the Saturday. Thank you; your efforts are valued and appreciated. Goal Setting English Teachers are currently working with all students to set Independent Learning Goals (ILGs) for this term. Maths and are required to set a realistic goal with their teachers; then to demonstrate their effort with evidence of work toAll students wards their goal. Achieving goals will gain students access to a reward day in the final week of term. Last term’s reward was Capella SHS took eleven courageous public speakers to the Dysart Heat of the 2015 Rostrum Queensland Voice of to enjoy popcorn and drinks and the movie, Big Hero 6. ILGs are scheduled to be emailed to parents by the end of week 4 Youth Compe on last Thursday. this term. Capella SHS won three of the four heats up for grabs. Those three winning students will progress through to the Junior Camps Rockhampton Heat on May 30th. Our whole school off campus week takes place from August 10th – 14th. Our Year 7 students will be attending Fairbairn Dam Speaking on topics including ‘The Price of Progress’, ‘A lucky escape’, ‘On history’s page’ and ‘A bridge over troubled whilst the Year 8 and 9 students will visit Airlie Beach. The focus for both camps is on the development of teamwork and waters’, six junior and five senior students represented Capella at an incredibly high level. leadership skills; and developing personal responsibility. Exact costs are unknown at this stage and will depend on numbers “I had a lot of fun and although I was scared beforehand, I’ll definitely do it again next year,” said Jacinta, in Year but the Year 7 trip is expected to cost $100 - $150, whilst the Airlie Beach trip may cost $400 – $500. We ask that you pro10. Some students, such as Alex, in year 9, told of personal stories. Alex moved the judges with the harrowing tale vide deposits to secure your child’s spot on camp. We require er their boat overturned off Yeppoon. Others related theirs a $50 for Year 7 students and a $100 deposit for Year 8 and 9 of his five hours in the freezing ocean with his family a students. Payment can be accepted by cash, or electronic funds transfer. Please complete the slip; which was sent out with to important issues in society, and all students used a range of excellent examples. Students had been preparing for students on March 11th and write EFT if paying that way. up to six weeks prior to the event. Thanks to Dysart SHS for hos ng the event; and to BMA (BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance) whose sponsorship of the Should you have any enquiries about your child’s learning or wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Dysart heat allowed it to go ahead, and provided food for the students and their families. Darran Stutz-Grimmond, Head of Department, Junior Secondary Darran Stutz‐Grimmond Student’s name: _____________________________________________________________ Student’s Year Level: Year 7 / Camp deposit a ached: Year 7 (Fairbairn) Year 8 / / Year 9 (please circle) Year 8/9 (Airlie Beach) (please circle) Deposit amount included: $_______ PLEASE PROVIDE DEPOSIT BY MAY 1ST AT THE LATEST. By including this deposit, I commit to my student a ending the Junior Camp, 2015 on August 10th – 14th. Signed: __________________________________________ Date: __________ PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR DEPOSIT IS ENCLOSED IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON IT. Thank you :) SPORTS NEWS THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Capella State High School Welcome back to Capella High Sport for 2015. WELCOME proudly presents CH & CAP SPORT TRIALS Trials willCapella be listed on noticesHigh (whichSchool will be readwould each day during form like class).to thank the following community businesses State sincerely forwill their outstanding Students then see me to collect asupport permissionand note. assistance in taking part in the 2015 Year 12 Mock Interviews HIGH ON ARTS 2014 Notes should be returned ASAP to the office. If a student fails to return the note, payment and transport form by the due date they will not be able to attend the trials. Currently CH sport are still finalising some of the trial venues for sports, however, currently I have the following details on trials: “The Adventures of the Stacey Coburn Comic Book Artist” Glencore Oaky Creek Coal Sally Board Theatre restaurant and an evening showcasing the Glencore Oaky Creek Coal artistic and performing talents of local students Fiona Eyles CH Regional Council CapellaCulturalCentre Mark Tasker Thursday 23CMFOctober 2014 ArtAileen ShowO’Brien 6:30pm Busy at Work Show 7:00pm Dooley$20.00 DinnerPat & Show Dooley’s Tavern Tickets available from Capella SHS Office from Monday, 7 October 2014 Trish Burgess Quinique THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! DATE CLAIMERS JUNE 1 CH 12yUnion CHECK IT OUT for the : Latest Newsletter 2015 Calendar CAP 12+ Cross Country Rock Tuckshop Menu 1‐3 Emerald Show Assessment Calendar 8 QUEENS BIRTHDAY Snr & Jnr Semester Overview 9 P&C Mee ng 6.30pm School Forms 10 Capella Prospectus 19 Celebra on Assembly Handbook of Studies 22‐23 QCS Prac ce Test 24 CSHS Athle c T&F 26 Last Day of term 1 End of SEM 1 29 June ‐ 10 July School Holidays JULY 13 Commence Term 3 SEM 2 14 P&C Mee ng 6.30pm Ca‐ pella 20 CH 12y Athle cs CH 13y+ Athle cs 21 Parent/ Teacher Interviews 20‐24 Year 10 Work Experience Tuckshop Menu 2015 Convenor: Louise Foley Contact: 49887323 VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME!! Green Menu Amber Menu Burgers Pizza Rounda ......................................................... $3.00 S/S Chicken burger with salad $6.00 S/S chicken burger lettuce and mayo $5.00 Hamburger and Salad $5.00 Cheeseburger, bbq sauce $4.00 Southern style chicken breast ......................... $3.50 Chicken and Gravy roll ........................................ $4.50 Garlic bread .......................................................... $2.00 Chicken goujons (6) ............................................. $3.00 Travellers meat pie beef………………………………….$3.50 Fresh wraps Pizza singles ham cheese / ham pine................$2.50 Chicken tender + mayo & salad $5.00 Sweet Chilli tender, s/c sauce, salad $5.00 Chicken Caesar wrap $5.00 Sausage Roll .......................................................... $3.00 Mini Chicken wrap $4.00 Wedges .................................................................. $4.50 Lasagne....................................................................$4.50 ( chicken tender, lettuce and mayo) Add cheese......................................... 50c Ham/Chicken salad wrap Bacon ........................................... $1.00 $5.00 Gravy.................................................... 50c Drinks Toasted Wraps Nu Springwater 600ml ....................................... $1.00 Sweet chilli tender, s/c sauce, cheese Flavoured Milk Small………………………………………...$2.50 $4.00 Large……………………………………...$4.00 Chicken tender, bbq sauce, cheese Juice, premium apple or orange ........................ $4.00 $4.00 Lols .......................................................................... $3.00 Poppers ................................................................... $2.00 Sandwiches/Toasties add 20c Ham and Cheese $3.30 Ham cheese tomato $3.50 Chicken cheese $3.50 Egg and Lettuce $3.50 Curried Egg $3.30 Mixed Sandwiches (3) $5.00 Chicken/Ham salad sandwiches $4.50 Ice tea.................................................................... $4.00 Salad Bowls Green salad bowl $4.00 Lettuce, carrot, tomato, beetroot, egg cheese Add: Chicken tender $1.30 Southern style chicken $3.50 Chicken Caesar Bowl $6.00 (Chicken, bacon, lettuce, cheese, caesar dressing) Over the Counter Range of ice creams, frozen yoghurts and chips Please feel free to arrange a time to come in and discuss any food/drink allergies.
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